May 8, 2013 May 8, 2013

May 8, 2013

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May 8, 2013. Invocation Pledge of Allegiance. Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. Introductions. Trestle Board. Next Wednesday – 9:00 AM – PI 33 Square & Compasses Point Isabel 33 Stated Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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May 8, 2013May 8, 2013


Pledge of Pledge of AllegianceAllegiance

Honor the Texas flag; Honor the Texas flag;

I pledge allegiance to thee, I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas,Texas,

one state under God, one state under God,

one and indivisible.one and indivisible.


Trestle Board...Trestle Board...Next Wednesday – 9:00 AM – PI Next Wednesday – 9:00 AM – PI 3333Square & Compasses Square & Compasses

Point Isabel 33 Stated MeetingPoint Isabel 33 Stated Meeting44thth Thursday of May Thursday of MayMay 23, 2013, 7:30 PM May 23, 2013, 7:30 PM Two weeks from tomorrow Two weeks from tomorrow nightnightElection of OfficersElection of Officers

““At your leisure hours, At your leisure hours, that you may improve in that you may improve in Masonic knowledge, you Masonic knowledge, you are to converse with are to converse with well well informed brethreninformed brethren who who

will always be as ready to will always be as ready to give, as you will be to give, as you will be to receive, instruction.”receive, instruction.”


cowans and cowans and eavesdroppers...eavesdroppers...

eavesdropper does not equal cowaneavesdropper does not equal cowaneavesdropper – concealed listenereavesdropper – concealed listenercowan – only used in Masonrycowan – only used in Masonry

builds stone walls without mortarbuilds stone walls without mortaran untrained stone masonan untrained stone masona pretend Masona pretend Masonan Entered Apprentice or Fellowcraft an Entered Apprentice or Fellowcraft in a Master Mason's Lodgein a Master Mason's Lodge

strict trial... due strict trial... due examination...examination...

...not the same thing...not the same thingStrict trial – Strict trial – mattermatter not manner not manner

usually by committeeusually by committeesubject subject mattermatter satisfies the committee satisfies the committee

Due examination – Due examination – mannermanner not not mattermatter

Necessary preliminariesNecessary preliminariesProper cautionProper cautionGrand Lodge regulationsGrand Lodge regulations

duly..., due and ancient duly..., due and ancient form...form...

the correct mannerthe correct manner

that which is necessarythat which is necessary

all that is appropriateall that is appropriate

according to ancient customaccording to ancient custom

cable tow...cable tow...umbilical cordumbilical cordsymbol of restraintsymbol of restraintscope of reasonable abilityscope of reasonable ability

a half mile – unreasonable for a a half mile – unreasonable for a lame manlame mana hundred miles – easy for a a hundred miles – easy for a healthy man with a carhealthy man with a carnormal constraints are a factornormal constraints are a factor


...an old man in his “dotage”...an old man in his “dotage”

not any specific age (as in not any specific age (as in “nonage”)“nonage”)

refers to mental conditionrefers to mental condition


pilaster...pilaster......one thousand, four hundred and ...one thousand, four hundred and fifty-three columns and two fifty-three columns and two thousand, nine hundred and six thousand, nine hundred and six “pilasters”“pilasters”a slightly projecting column built a slightly projecting column built into or applied to the face of a into or applied to the face of a wallwallhave been supportivehave been supportivenow largely decorativenow largely decorative

hecatomb...hecatomb......forty-seventh problem of Euclid...forty-seventh problem of Euclid...Pythagoras – Pythagorean theorem...Pythagoras – Pythagorean theorem...upon the discovery of which he is ...upon the discovery of which he is said to have sacrificed a “hecatomb”said to have sacrificed a “hecatomb”literally – a hundred head of cattleliterally – a hundred head of cattle

unlikely – poor vegetarianunlikely – poor vegetariansymbolizes joy at discoverysymbolizes joy at discovery

AL vs AD & BC...AL vs AD & BC...

AL – Masonic CalendarAL – Masonic Calendar

AD & BC – Christian calendarAD & BC – Christian calendar

Mono-Theistic ReligionsMono-Theistic Religions

AL = Anno Lucis (After Light)AL = Anno Lucis (After Light)

Christian Calendar plus 4000Christian Calendar plus 4000
