May 27 2010 Full Company Council Minutes

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  • 8/9/2019 May 27 2010 Full Company Council Minutes



    presentRepresenring SWTAn{V Pitf (Monoging Direcror - Choir)Andrew Welsby (HR Direcror)lcn .,lohnston (Cusicmer Service Dlrecior]Jon Choudhry (Operotions Director)Simon Gimson (Business lmprovement Director)Steve Bunce (Heod of Employee Relotions){of Hursj (Employee Communicotions Monoger)Christine Kernoghon (Heod of Finoncial ServilesiLibby Moore (Occuporionol Heolth)Stephonie Moskell {Secretory)

    Represenfing Sfoff Sideloin Anderson,TSSA Regionol Orgoniser.Groham Mori'is,ASLEF District Orgoniser.Employee RepreseniotivesDove ButlerMichoel CompbellRickey Goodmon RMT

    John Wolsh 1lon Heritoge ]TSSADove Henderson IKevin Smith - UniteShoun Seymour - ASLEF

    ITE'VI I BUSINESS UPDATEAndy Pitt gove o summory of SWT's current business position, covering the following keypoints:' Full yeor results better thon budget due to: revenue whilst poor not being qs bod osexpected, further cost soving, o"nd o substontioi fr"r Dff in respect of Smortcqrdticketing.o Foctors offecting income include cLE ond GDP both of which hove been negoiive formosi of the yeor, severe weother cousing opprox g5m revenue ross, pAyGintroduction in Jonuory with some 60%;f users migroiing to this product ondimplicorions of governmenr spending curs cousing irt oiaouli; [;;;;ssion.

    Following o question from Grohom Morris concerning fhe fronchise dispufe befweenstogecooch ond the Dff, Andy Piit exploined thot ttl"1os" hod now beln heord olthough theorbitrotors decision hod not yet been onnounced.fhoyn Seymour osked if it would be possible to combine oyster ond stoff trovel cords ondlon Johnston replied thot this moy be o future possibility but wos not o priority ot present.

  • 8/9/2019 May 27 2010 Full Company Council Minutes


    ITEM 2 ENGINEERING UPDATEAndy Pitt highlighted the following key developments within Engineering:

    . Wimbledon Depot - nery ponel commissioned on 22^d Moy. Closs 458 tonking modificotion now complete' ReGen broking - 458 triols o success with fitment plons being drown up. Testingcorried out on 450 units prior to in-service triolsr Won Silver Sponner Modern Roilwoys Aword. solisbury depot won Golden sponner for 3'd time in succession.loin Anderson osked if there ore plons to use ex Southern 460s qnd Andy pitt replied thot thismoy be o considerotion within HLOS.

    ITETVI 3 CUSTOMER SERVICE UPDATElon Johnston gove on updote covering:

    o Smortcord now live on 3 lines of roufe' PAYG live from Jonuory 20.lO (PAYG focility now used for 6O%of point to pointjourneys in London). Plons to further improve TVM functionolity' Chonging buying hobits - only 39% of soles now through ticket offices ond 5% ontrcin. Rernoinder being from TVMs, Customer Service Centre ond lnternet.' Securiiy & Crime Prevention (crime down 77o on lost yeor, CCW now instolled ot ollstotions)t Refurbishment to stoff occommodotion completed or underwoy ot o further I2locotions.

    Shoun Seymour expressed concerns of the poor stondord of occommodotion of some depotlocotions ond he osked if there ore ony plons for heovy-cleoning or redecorotion. lonJohnston exploined thot the Heod of Estqtes is looking io prioritise oreos of greotest needolthough resources ore very limited.lon Heritoge osked for on updote on the proposols io omend ticket office opening hoursunder Schedule I Z ond lon Johnsfon soid thot London Trovel Wotch ond possenger Focushod responded ond the motter wos with fhe Dff.lon Heritoge osked obout the current sifuotion ond fuiure plons for revenue protection ondwhether numbers of penolty fores ore up or down. He osked if there or" onf flon, toincreose reYenue proteclion stoffing numbers porticulorly on{roin. lon Johnsion replied thot otthe peok, the number of penolty fores issued stood oround 9,000 ond this hod reduced to2,000 since borrier gotes instollotion. He soid thot utilisotion of revenue protection stoff wosconstontly.chonging ond it wos o question of deploying stoff in the most effective woyolthough there ore no plons lo increose numbers, totolling some 400 ot present in oddition tosome 600 Commerciol Guords.


  • 8/9/2019 May 27 2010 Full Company Council Minutes


    loin Anderson osked if SWT intended to retoil Oyster cords ond lon Johnsfon soid there is nobusiness cose to do so ot preseni olthough the sqle of Oyster through TVMs moy be opossibility for the future.Michoel Compbell believed thot by not selling Oyster SWT wos neglecting it's customers. lonsoid thot there ore mony outlets where Oyster moy be purchosed both in london os well oson the lnternet.

    ITEM 4 PERFORflIANCE UPDATEJon choudhry gove the performonce updore highlighting the following:

    . Performonce hos improved ofter o difficult winter. Period I PPM at 96.9% {torget94.5%l with A AA ot 93%. Right Time or 82.1% (rorger 73%l with lvlAA ot 70.7%o Effects of Jonuory snowy conditions - 45O filter burn-uls ond ongoing workstreoms toimprove performonce ond customer informotion during disruptionDqvid Henderson osked obout the recent deloys ot Woterloo when the informotion boordswere giving incorrect informotion cousing confusion. Jon Choudhry replied thot the serviceproblems hod been reloted to the hot weother ond he outlined the plons underwoy to improvethe quolify of informotion during times of disruption.Grohom Morris osked if there wos on issue wifh Network Roil chonging controctors forprovislon of deicing ond leaf clecring troins. Jqn Chaudhry scid that 5Wf hod taken stepsto ensure thot Network Roil deliver the provision of these services occording to controctspecificotion.Michoel Compbell osked if considerotion hod been given to using energy through theconductor roil to provide heot when conditions ore icy. Jon Choudhry replied th]ot this hqdbeen looked ot but hod been discounted becouse of the huge omounL of energy needed.ITEM 5 HR UPDATEAndrew Welsby gove o summory of key HR octivities.

    . Response rotes by function with the overoll response aI 5s.4%. The oreos scoring highly ond those oreos requiring ottention. Next steps on oction plons with heodlines oppeoring in 'on Trock'Questions from employee representotives ond responses:Q: How con the return rote from lT be 1 18%?A: This would be where individuols hod shown the wrong code for their grouping.

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    Q: Will the results be published on-line?A: The intention is thot results, etc will be coscoded to employees through themonogement briefing system.Andrew outlined some octions from oreos scoring low in the survey including on increose inthe number of 'Meet the Director' sessions ond o new infronet - 'switch On;- being plonnedwith improved links in depots with occess ot home being o long tem ospirotion.Ride 2 Work SchemeAndrew gove detoils of the Ride 2 Work scheme being introduced including theorrongements for communicotions with employees.Questions from employee represenfotives ond responses:Q: Whot would hoppen if on individuol opted not to buy the bike ot the end of the hire.ogreement?A: Under the hire ogreement, SWT leose the bike to the employee for l2 monihs ondofter I2 months the employee will be given the option to puichose the bike from SWTqt o foir morket volue; typicolly 5% of the bike volue. lf on employee opts not topurchose, the bike would be returned to SWT.Q: Whot hoppens if the bike is stolen port-woy thought the hire ogreement?A: Under the hire ogreement, the hirer will still be required to coniinue with the hirepoyments.Pension VoluotionAndrew set out the iimetoble for the 20.l O voluotion of the SWT Section soying thot theinterim voluotion for 2009 will show o significont deficit. The lotest dote for olreeing onyrevised contribution schedule would be 3.|" Morch 2012.

    Other Mottersloin Anderson osked obout the meeting ogreed os port of the 2OO9 poy deol to discuss thetrode union ospirctions for retired stoff frovel focilities. Andrew confirrned thst o dste worldbe orronged.Grohom Morris roised on issue concerning the supply of poperwork for interviews held underthe Attendonce Procedure. He suggested thot this be discussed os o seporote item ot thesome meeting.


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    Emplovee WellbeinoLibby Moore from the Occupotionol Heolth teom gove on updote on the Wellbeing strotegycovering:

    . The Progromme of events throughout 2O1O/1.l wifh the strotegy focussing on heolthscreening/promotion, physicol fitness, lifestyle chonge inifiotives, heolth educotion,mentol well being, diseose monogement, sofety prevenlion ond employee benefits.. Relounch of the employee ossistonce scheme with PPC.Questions from employee representotives ond responses:Q: ls there on opportunity to screen for diobetes?A: This will be considered for the future olong with ony other heolth ospects thot peoplemoy find helpful.Q: Concerned ot the lock of heolthy food choices ovoiloble ot outlets on Woterloo stotionond ony influence SWT con hove will be beneficiol to stoff.A: ln reolity, Nefwork Roil the stotion owners will rent outlets to the most competitivebidder. A ronge of food opfions is provided on the stotion ond personol educotion onheolthy eoting is the key.ITEM 5 INTRODUCTION OF NEW PAYSTIPChristine- Kernoghcn briefed the meefing on the introduction of a revised poyslip o'*.rtlining ihereosons for the chonge, the need to issue new poy numbers to stoff, loyout of the revisedpoyslip ond timescoles. Christine exploined thot fhe chonge wos linked to the switch over too new computerised poyroll pockoge ond olso thot the chonge to 4-weekly poy ond 4-weeklypoyslips ogreed os port of the 2OO9 poy deol would hoppen ot the some time. lntroductionwos plonned for November 20.l0 ond there will be q communicotion with stoff.Shoun Seymour osked if it would be possible to link the new poyroll system with leoverecords with o messoge focility giving outstonding leove on poyslips. Christine soid thqt thisis on ospirotion but would not be possible ot present.

    ITEM 7 BUSINESS IMPROVETYIENTSimon Gimson gave on updote covering the Following pi-oiects:

    . HLOS - no decision os yet ond Government spending cuts could hove implicotions.. I0 Corr roilwoy - involving plotform lengthening. TfL extension of Eost London Line to Clophom - involving plotform modificotions otClophom Jct.