Our Mission: “Reaching, Teaching, Serving, and Sharing Christ” May 2020 “Voice of Faith” Voice of Faith Newsletter Faith Lutheran Church and Preschool 2012 Sullivan Trail, Easton PA 18040 610-253-1625 [email protected] Rev. Christopher Crume, Pastor

May 2020 - faithlcms.com...May 05, 2020  · Gaye Lowe no later than May 15th for inclu-sion in the June 2020 Voice of Faith NEWSLETTER FAITH CHURCH LEADERS Pastor Rev. Christopher

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  • Our Mission: “Reaching, Teaching, Serving, and Sharing Christ”

    May 2020 “Voice of Faith”

    Voice of Faith Newsletter Faith Lutheran Church and Preschool 2012 Sullivan Trail, Easton PA 18040 610-253-1625 [email protected] Rev. Christopher Crume, Pastor

  • Mark your calendars! Friday, May 15th

    !!!Thrivent Grants Needed!!!

    Seed money is needed to replace the damaged side door (rust & rotting frame) on the church garage. A second grant is needed to mulch and seed the lawn area. If you can help by directing your Action Team Grant(s) toward these projects, please let Craig VanPell know. Action Teams are ready and waiting to work. Thanks!

    Please submit articles, updates and notes to Gaye Lowe no later than May 15th for inclu-sion in the

    June 2020

    Voice of Faith NEWSLETTER


    Pastor Rev. Christopher Crume

    Director of Christian Education Intern Alex Lillis

    Office Administrator Jean Wehrle Office Hours: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Phone: 610-253-1625 Email: [email protected]

    Head Elder Gary Sandt Council President Eric Himmelwright Vice President Steve Baas Council Secretary Nancy Smith Financial Secretary Kyle Garon Treasurer Steve Fogt Worship Committee Gary Sandt

    At-Large Cong. Members Boards Preschool Co-Chairs Brooke Ippolito Megan Crume Education Elisabeth Brune Finance Steve Fogt Facilities/ Property Management Craig VanPell

    Ministries Children Youth Elizabeth Murray Adult, Fellowship & Social Assimilation & Stewardship Evangelism Choir Director Brenda Cavella Handbells Director Lori Brewer Organist Sue Tucker Ushers Sally Ueberroth Custodians Heather Brown Stephanie Altner Preschool Coordinator Mary Beth Buza Security Greg Pioppi Scouting Program Coor. Greg Pioppi Voice of Faith Gaye Lowe

    NOTE: Meeting dates, times and location may change.

    Please call the contact below to confirm.


    Eric & Becky Himmelwright


    3:00 PM 3rd



    Sally and Steve Baas







    PAIRS AND SPARES (Kay Cowen)

    Meets throughout the year in homes or different events.

    THRIVENT (Gloria Miller) ___ _____________

    CHOIR (Brenda Cavella) _____________________


    BELL CHOIRS (Lori Brewer)


    Beginners 6:30 PM Advanced 7:15 PM

    ALTAR GUILD ( Lynn Klein)


    WOMENS BIBLE STUDY (Karen Smith)

    2:30 PM 2nd

    and 4th


    QUEEN BEES (Judi Rabinsky)


    10:00 AM 1st and 3

    rd Tuesdays in FELLOWSHIP HALL

    LWML (Tracy Pioppi)


    Sunday at 9:15 in the Sanctuary

  • Greetings from Pastor Crume

    Christ is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed!! Alleluia!

    As the Hymn states: “The strife is over, the battle done; now is the victor’s triumph won; now be the song of praise begun Alleluia!” (LSB 464). Easter Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    My hope is that sometime this month, we will be able to once again open the church for Worship. Rest assured, we won’t open until it is safe and prudent to do so. In the meantime, please continue to pray for our country, healthcare workers, and those involved in supply chains, that we can continue to do what we can from home.

    We have been and will continue to do the right thing by staying closed. This is a voluntary move of compliance for the good of our members and our community. In addition, it is consistent with our Lutheran understanding of the ministry of the church in the world around us; especially since we can maintain contact with one another through other means. We will get through this, and by God’s grace, our ministry will continue to grow and flourish. The One we worship is victorious over sin, death, and all that they can throw at us! This has been a trying time for all of us, and I hope that the worst is over as we move deeper into spring.

    In the meantime, don’t forget to check our YouTube channel, your e-mail, and other venues for news and content from Faith Lutheran Church! Over the last month, we’ve been working through Philippians and 1 Peter, who offer some insight into the way the church can respond in times like these. Alex continues to post videos for children, confirmation classes continue, and we have a group of new members who are ready to formally join our family of Faith once we can meet together again! Praise God! Even in these days, the ministry of Faith continues!

    As we look forward into the future, we are blessed to call our DCE intern Alex, to be our full-time, official, DCE! Over the next month she will finish up her academic requirements, and then join us in this new capacity in ministry. Praise God! Also, please pray for our Vacation Bible School; that we will be able to prepare for and host it on schedule. We will need lots of volunteers to help in this wonderful opportunity to reach out to our community. We are currently scheduled to hold VBS the last week of July, so mark your calendars!

    Even in these times, we have so much to be thankful for! God continues to work in our midst, protecting, providing, and upholding us in His grace and mercy. Above all, we have the victory of the empty tomb! Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!

    I hope this newsletter finds you well.

    In Christ, Pastor

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCakCC7lzE9QIq85ltvvrm-Q In an ongoing effort to maintain connection in the midst of our social distancing we've begun to post some videos on the church YouTube channel. Some of those videos are worship services, and I've begun a study of the book 1Peter. Alex is posting videos for children, youth and confirmation classes. My goal is that each day we can upload a new video, and be fed by God's Word together. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions you have, and I will do my best to answer them. Thank you so much for being part of our community. I pray that God will continue to bless you and reveal His grace in amazing ways. Above is the link to our YouTube channel if you don't have it.


  • Alex Lillis, Director of Christian Education Intern ,

    Stewardship Note: The yellow “Special Mission Offering” envelopes in your 2020 offering envelope boxes will be dedicated for the Director of Christian Education program here at Faith. If you are giving on line through our e-giving program you may designate to do the same on line with your monthly special gift.

    Greetings and Blessings!

    We’ve made it a month and a half since this stay-at-home stuff started! How are you holding up? I miss seeing everyone at church and I pray for you all often. I pray for those of you staying at home with your children, for those who still go to work, for those working or doing school from home, for anyone struggling finan-cially, for those dealing with loneliness or anxiety, for anyone dealing with health problems, and for all of us, that we can stay connected to each other and get through this together. This is a difficult time for everybody. But no matter what, Jesus is still risen, and we can rejoice in the resurrection of our Savior.

    In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. -John 16:33

    These are Jesus’ words to His disciples. He doesn’t promise that life will be easy. In fact, He specifically says that it won’t be easy. But He promises to be with us. And we can take comfort in knowing that our God has overcome this world. He is stronger than anything that we will ever face. And He is for us.

    We have started various online ministries to help us stay engaged with God’s Word and with each other during this time when we are physically distant. Worship services are posted to our YouTube Channel every Sunday morning. Even though we can’t worship together in person, we can still worship together online. I encourage you to join us for worship each Sunday from wherever you are.

    In addition to worship services, you can also find some devotions from myself and Pastor on our YouTube channel. I have been posting a Kid’s Message with Alex every Tuesday and Thursday. These are short devotional videos with a Bible verse and an encouraging message. They are designed to be kid-friendly but can be enjoyed by all ages. I am also posting our Confirmation Classes to our YouTube channel each week. Feel free to check out the Confirmation lessons even if you’re not in Confirmation Class!

    We have also been having some online Bible studies through an online Bible resource called YouVersion. If you have not already, I strongly encourage you to check out this free resource. It has over 1,500 Bible translations, an au-dio feature that can read Scripture to you, and daily Bible reading plans and devotions on a wide range of topics. You can download the app at bible.com/app or if you prefer to use a computer, just go to bible.com and click on “sign up” in the top right corner. This resource gives us the ability to go through Bible devotions together as a group. We had three great online Bible studies during Holy Week. Keep an eye out for more online Bible studies coming soon!

    Youth Nights are still happening even though we can’t meet in person. We had 2 fun online youth nights together during the month of April. First, we had a Youth Netflix Party Night where we watched The Incredibles 2 together. We also had a fun game night where we played a trivia game online together. More online youth nights will be happen-ing in May. Youth, I hope you can join us!

    On April 19th, there was a Voter’s Meeting at which the congregation voted to extend a call to me to serve as a full-time Director of Christian Education (not just an intern) at Faith Lutheran Church. I am so happy to be staying here at Faith even after my internship ends in June. I am excited to continue in ministry here, to grow even more in relation-ship with each of you, and to see all that God will do here!

    Alex Lillis Director of Christian Education Intern

  • Youth Events: May 3rd, 6pm-8pm: Online Youth Night May 8th, 7pm-9pm: Youth Netflix Party Night May 17th, 6pm-8pm: Online Youth Night (Tentative) May 23rd: Children & Youth Ministry Launch Event May 29th, 6pm-9pm: Confirmation Dinner May 31st: Confirmation Sunday

  • JULY 27-31 2020




    Contact Deb Hartzell


  • Don’t forget your tithes and offerings while the church is closed. Give by mail or Realm Account.

    A Super Thanks ...to all of you who have made YouTube worship possible while we are waiting for quaranting to be lifted:

    Pastor Alex Lillis

    Ted Cheung Sue Tucker

    Brenda Cavella Jean Wehrle

    Even as life slowly returns to what we call normal:

    remember to wash your hands stay home if feeling ill wear a mask in public maintain social distance

    until we are sure that Covid-19 is in the past. Thank our heavenly Father for being with us during this trying time.


    Do you have access to a stand of bamboo? The Vacation Bible School program needs bamboo stalks that are dried and about 4 - 6 feet tall. Please cut the bamboo and dry it until it is needed for VBS in late July.

    Reply to: Deb Hartzell

    Or Alex Lillis

    Pastor Brand

    By request, the Wednesday evening Bible Study will begin a study of spiritual gifts when it resumes after the quarantine is lifted. We will distinguish between spiritual fruits and spiritual gifts, looking at each of them. As Paul tells us in Romans 12:6 and I Corinthians 12:7, each Christian has been given at least one

    spiritual gift to be used for the common good of all. Do you know what these spiritual gifts are? Do you know what your spiritual gift(s) is/are? Once we have studied the spiritual gifts that are listed in Romans 12, I Corinthians 12 and I Peter 4, participants will take a spiritual gifts inventory to determine what their spiritual gift(s) might be. Knowing what one’s gift(s) might be can guide an individual to know what kind of service to others they have been gifted by the Holy Spirit to do. Come join Pastor Brand on Wednesday evenings from 7-8 as we learn about spiritual gifts and discover what ours might be.



    Support Faith Lutheran Church with a one-time gift or set up convenient recurring gifts. It’s easy!

    Make your gift online or via text:

    • Visit Faith’s website and click on “Give”: https://www.faithlcms.com

    • Members of Faith can sign into Realm and click “Give” to process a on-time gift or to set up recurring gifts. Visit Realm online at: https://onrealm.org/FaithLutheranCh/

    • Text keyword “faithlcms” to 73256. Then follow instructions for giving via credit card or direct debit.l

    Lutheranism 101

    Are you or someone you know interested in becoming a member of Faith Lutheran Church? Do you want to know what we as Lutherans believe? Classes are forming periodically. Sally Baas or Pastor Crume to join the next Lutheranism 101 class.

  • Enduring the 2020 Pandemic

    We’ve been home bound for 6 weeks. Schools, churches, shops are closed. Many businesses and individuals are having financial problems. Curbside pickup is the way to shop. I relate to the Israelites wandering in the wilderness for 40 years living on bread (Manna), water and quail. They could not get out to shop for groceries and hungered for the spices and food they enjoyed as slaves in Egypt. Yup. Just realized my spices are really out of date. Gotta shop! About two weeks ago I bought enough groceries for 3 weeks at ShopRite. Free turkey was cooked and the mess cleaned up. Meat and gravy were placed in quart containers for 8 additional meals. Soup and Stew are in the freezer. Containers of rice pudding provided 8 desserts. Lasagna, 4 meals. Another lasagna will be made tomorrow using ground sausage from Tammy Brewer. Meatloaf, 3 meals. I have made white bread - yum with butter hot out of the oven. Will do that again. I was surprised that the frozen yeast was still viable. I usually have a full freezer and pantry. Up until now it seemed like overkill but obviously we are happy for all the canned goods and frozen food. Toilet paper? I have a case! I will shop again in another week. The list is growing so I will buy enough for 3 more weeks. It is hard to shop online as the parking places for shop from home are filled. I may have to wear a mask and gloves to shop in the store but I would rather not do that. When groceries are brought home I wipe packaged goods with disinfectant and put produce in soapy water. I plead guilty. I ordered 3 sausage and mushroom pizzas from Meza Luna, paid on line and had the employee put them in the back of the car. Two are frozen - one per week. Some things are really important. Of course I constantly wash my hands.

    We drive out just to make sure the cars are in good shape and see what the rest of the world is up to. Very few cars on the roads. Gas prices are very low but I don’t need gas. Mark walks down to the mailbox in the afternoon. Lately his walks have been longer but not around other people. He works in the yard planting grass seed and filling holes with topsoil. As I write, it is late April. The weather has been kind so the daffodils, forsythia and flowering trees have lasted longer for our enjoyment. Mark’s prostate biopsy has been rescheduled in June. I don’t let him shop since he needs to be healthy for the biopsy.

    We both do lots of reading. Mark enjoys YouTube. We watch church services and Bible study on YouTube. I Zoom with my knitting friends. We had a Zoom meeting with family on Easter set up by Greg. Of course I am knitting: 9 pairs of fingerless mitts for chemo patients with scrap sock yarn; two pair of socks. I am working on the Faith newsletter for May and sending out birthday cards using Jacquie Lawsons card program. Karen Smith usually sends the physical cards from the church but the office is closed so I volunteered. I am trying to organize my yarn and fleece. This means working on my studio in the attic for hours. Me organized! - Is the sky falling. I throw things out, have a box for donations, a box to share with friends. Books and magazines have been put back. I have discovered items I thought were long lost. Just like a treasure hunt. I enjoy my Hallmark channel mysteries and Father Brown on PBS. Mark is into Chief Inspector Morse and other shows on Brit box.

    We try not to focus on the negative. The news gives us the latest scores - infected and deaths. Pres. Trump and his advisors encourage us to stay home, wash hands, distance from others and wear masks while out in public. His advisors have the latest information on promising treatments and estimates as to the future of the general quarantine. Testing, testing, testing. Manufacture of respirators and masks. Graphs. State totals. And on and on.

    The positive is that God gave me a wonderful husband. We work as a team. Modern technology has enabled us to connect with our church, family and friends in a way that was not possible only a decade ago. The kids are finishing the school year online. Maddie graduates in May. Austin will hear about Medical school in May. Our family is healthy so far. Austin works in the ER at Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia. Erik is moving to Pennsylvania in a few weeks. Lisa and the kids are packing. Chuck enjoys his wood working while he looks for a new job. Vicki who works for inhome hospice sees patients and also works from home. Greg works from home and has had to let some sales staff go. Never fun. He and his friend Lisa are able to see one another while practicing social distancing.

    Our home is comfortable, trees are in leaf. My Ice Orchids are blooming once again with a beautiful array of colors. Blue Jays are building a nest in a tree by the side of the house. A flock of sheep grazes in the field across the road. Spring is here. We have celebrated Easter. We celebrate our 57th Anniversary and 80th birthdays in the fall. Where did the time go. Seems like yesterday we were newly weds with babies. Now our grandchildren are adults.

    We pray for a vaccine for the healthy and reliable treatments for those who are sick. We so appreciate police, fire, grocery store, restaurant and hospital personnel who put themselves at risk to serve us. We do our part by following the rules by staying at home, washing hands and shopping online. We call friends and family to encourage them.

    I wonder what the world will be like when we are no longer quarantined. What will be the new normal? God keeps His promises and will be with us in all that life brings our way.

    Gaye Lowe

  • Prayers are offered for ALL the families of Faith Lutheran Church and Preschool families. Please include the following families in your prayers this month.

    The families below will be remembered in a special way during our Sunday Worship.

    Faith Families 5/3 Eric & Becky Himmelwright Richard Hinkle

    5/10 Roger Hudak The Iacono Family 5/17 The Ippolito Family Bob & Ann Jordan 5/24 Betty Kavanagh The Kelson Family 5/31 Lynn Klein

    Our Military and their Families

    Tom Heller

    Spencer Muhlbach

    Brandon Read

    Sean Sargent

    Stephen Sargent

    Vincent Franchino

    Jef Spangler

    Brayan Cardozo

    John Pekol

    The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For over 77 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.

    The LWML is the leading group for LCMS women where each woman is welcomed and encouraged to use her unique God-given gifts as she supports global missions and serves the Lord with gladness.

    Mite Boxes and Stamp Deposit Box are available in the coat room.

    Contact Tracy Pioppi or Lori Brewer if you have any questions.

    Please email the church office with CURRENT information for the military families listed above:

    Names of their immediate family members

    Their connection with Faith Church

    Branch, Rank, and where they are currently serving (and an end date if known)

    Home and Deployed addresses

    Email, and Phone Numbers Let us know if your military family would like to receive cards or letters

    You are Invited to Join Us Every 3rd Sunday 9:15 am in the Sanctuary when the church reopens


    May 2020 (Tentative)

    May 3 8:00 am 10:30 am Officiant: Rev. Christopher Crume Rev. Christopher Crume Assistants: Greg Pioppi, Ted Cheung Steve Baas, Tom Zaro Readers: Ted Cheung Steve Baas Greeters: The Pioppi Family Mac and Kay Cowen Coffee Hour: Social Ministry Altar Guild: Sally Baas and Samantha Gilio Organist: Sue Tucker

    May 9 5:00 pm Officiant: Rev. Christopher Crume Assistants: Erik Wendt Altar Guild: Sally Baas and Samantha Gilio Organist: Sue Tucker

    May 10 8:00 am 10:30 am Officiant: Rev. Christopher Crume Rev. Christopher Crume Assistants: Greg Pioppi, Gary Schleicher Steve Baas, Ted Cheung Readers: Alex Lillis Alex Lillis Greeters: Jill Sassaman,Sally Ueberroth Mark and Gaye Lowe Coffee Hour: Cowen, Lowe Altar Guild: Sally Baas and Samantha Gilio Organist: Sue Tucker May 17 8:00 am 10:30 am Officiant: Rev. Christopher Crume Rev. Christopher Crume Assistants: Gary Sandt, John Bronico Steve Baas, Tom Zaro Readers: Gary Sandt Steve Baas Greeters: The Cameron Family Susan Sinko, Tracy Taddeo Coffee Hour: Fallos, Miller Altar Guild: Sally Baas and Samantha Gilio Organist: Sue Tucker

    May 23 5:00 pm Officiant: Rev. Christopher Crume Assistants: Erik Wendt Altar Guild: Sally Baas and Samantha Gilio Organist: Sue Tucker

    May 24 8:00 am 10:30 am Officiant: Rev. Christopher Crume Rev. Christopher Crume Assistants: Gary Schleicher, Gary Sandt Phil Baldo, Tom Zaro Readers: Sue Tucker Sue Tucker Greeters: The Sandt Family The Evancho Family Coffee Hour: Midgely, Crume Altar Guild: Sally Baas and Samantha Gilio Organist: Sue Tucker

    May 31 8:00 am 10:30 am Officiant: Rev. Christopher Crume Rev. Christopher Crume Assistants: Erik Wendt, Ted Cheung Steve Baas, Tom Zaro Readers: Ted Cheung Steve Baas Greeters: Lynn Klein The Crume Family Coffee Hour: Choir Altar Guild: Sally Baas and Samantha Gilio Organist: Sue Tucker

    Primary Election Day

    Bake and Soup Sale

    Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    Please bake some goodies:

    Cookies (pkg of 6), loaf breads, brownies, small cakes, desserts. (Donations Accepted) Bring them to the church Monday, 8:30-3, or Tuesday 6:30-8, or Sunday, and put into freezer

    Proceeds will help Social Ministry to stock Pricilla’s Pantry with fresh foods to provide emergency food for those in need during the present serious Coronavirus Epidemic.

    This election will be a big one, and many voters will be looking for our usual goodies and soups. Often folks come in just to get their favorite soups and treats, even if they vote elsewhere.

    Thrivent Financial will be helping an ACTION TEAM by providing funds for soup ingredients. Church members are asked to help set up, clean up, and ESPECIALLY, be at Faith to greet voters and to be a clerk at a sales table.