Inside: Stories Poems Artwork Reviews Entertainment and much more!!! The Gordon Chronicles May 2012, Issue 6

May 2012, Issue 6 The Gordon - Chester County Intermediate ... · May 2012, Issue 6. Art, a poem ... then do you know what I think? ... one of my homies called me and asked if I wanted

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Inside:Stories Poems Artwork Reviews Entertainmentand much more!!!

The Gordon Chronicles

May 2012, Issue 6

Art, a poem

-Written by Donovan

Picasso to me was an ordinary

painter, a player who knows how

to put shapes together.

If his drawing of a face with

hexagons and triangles and dark

black lines with ovals and circles

was considered a masterpiece

then do you know what I think?

In the sixth grade when I

sculpted a man born out

of clay but rests in the sand.

A warrior of Africa somewhere

near Timbuktu had similar

features from me and you.

A Poem

Dedicated to the

invisible children in


Written by Donovan

Life did as it

always did, go on.

Yeah, the experiences

I had affected me


The pains that I felt are still



The hunger pangs

I had, they still hurt.

The gun shot blast

It’s still sore.

Life is selfish, he

doesn’t care. He keeps

moving on hurting people’s


Life doesn’t live, he

just dies. We are dying to


but living to die.

Advice Column

Advice Question

Dear Mandiee: It’s my senior year in High School and

I don’t have a date to the prom, which is two weeks

away. I want to ask a girl I’ve been crushing on for

awhile now, but I’m scared to get rejected. What

should I do?


If I was in your shoes, I would go for it and take the

chance. The worst thing that could happen is for her to

say no. I know that might be a little heart wrenching,

but at least you will know you have the confidence in

yourself. If you don’t ask her, you will keep wondering

what her response would be and never know if she

might feel the same about you. So I say, take the

chance and ask. If she says no, then go with plan b. A

girl, whether a friend or a cousin that you know you

will have a good time with. Hey! Who knows, you

might see your crush and be able to snatch a dance or

two! Have a ball; last year of High School.

My advice. Your decisions


We Shall

By Dillon

We shall all live in peace, not in war.

We shall live in love, not in hate.

We shall live in open minds, not in closed


We shall live in a democracy, not in a


We shall not end this poem like this, but

end it with you thinking

Candy Wars


39 people in the CCIU LC like this candy!

Jolly Ranchers

18 people in the CCIU LC like this candy!


By Evelyn

Aries- This is a fine time to get what you want in the way of a new job. Your determination pays off, your talents shine. So

rushing of any kind is not good for your health.

Taurus- Strive for a care free this evening, put your own emotions on the back burner; give someone else the attention they


Gemini- Your plans go along great for today someone who knows you, knows you’re worth something. Today may bring a big

opportunity you been hoping for.

Cancer- You may come to a decision about romance during a conversation this evening. What you’ve been searching for is

right in front of you.

Leo- Unclear directions can cause much drama; hold your temper if you are kept waiting unreasonably you may find yourself

wondering if you really want to maintain it.

Virgo- You have forgiven an untrustworthy friend once too often, It’s time to find companions you can trust as much as they can

trust you.

Libra- This morning is excellent for charitable deeds. Patience is your ally today and will help someone other for your point of


Scorpio- Try to clear an emotional dust by doing something you really enjoy. Head out with some of your friends today.

Sagittarius- Show your attentions to a deserving and loyal friend. Others have become very interested in thought and opinions.

Capicorn- You may be tired today and feel that people are intrusive and that your environment is too noisy.

Aquarius- Avoid new places and talking to strangers. What’s obvious to you looks like pure genius to someone else. Always

keep an eye out for a silver lining.

Pisces- Be aware about all your work today. Someone may be putting you through a test so don’t reject being observed.


By Robert

Alfonzo was working out when he got a call on his cellular device about him not being able

to play basketball for his school this year. He couldn’t play because of his grades. He was a

Sophmore student at West Chester East High School. He was a good kid, but just had

attendance issues and behavior problems. The teachers liked him, but still thought he needed

improvement as a student.

The reason he had been failing classes was because he had gotten caught up with girls. That

distracted him and ruined his basketball season. Alfonzo would not workout as much anymore.

He would just hangout with girls or play video games. When his mom told him to “ stop chasing

these girls and chase your dreams,” he tried to listen, but still struggled. He found a new

girlfriend, and everything began to turn around for him.

After he got his new girlfriend, he began to focus on his dream of getting a basketball

scholarship. He had a friend who he would always workout with. His name was Eugene. Eugene

was his best friend. The two boys stood by each other.

During his junior school year, he kept his grades up and his focus as well. Basketball season was

right around the corner; Alfonzo was more prepared than ever. Tryouts came. He was by far

the best and most fit player there. Halfway through the season, scholarship offers began

coming through the mail. Now scouts would talk to him after the games.

He went from an alternative student to a student with As and Bs. who played sports for school.

Getting a new girlfriend made everything better, it allowed him to concentrate on school his studies and athletics. His family was very proud of him for what had accomplished in the last

year. He was now headed in the night direction, and felt good about himself.


One Saturday night three friends, Poop, Shut-up and Manners decided to get together and watch a movie at Shut-up’s apartment. The movie had just begun. Not even 2 minutes into the movie, the three friends heard a commotion outside. Poop decided to look out the window,

not knowing it is broken.

The window gave way sending Poop falling to the side walk. As he crashed to the ground, his friend, Manners, rushed to his assistance. He fell two stories. When Manners reached him, Poop told him to call the police. Poop lay on the

sidewalk, semi-conscious. The police soon arrived.

The first thing the police did was go up to Shut-up’s apartment. They questioned him about the situation. They began by asking his name. The cop sat curiously waiting to learn.

Shut-up answered “Shut-up”, the cop looked at him funny. “Excuse me!?” the cop asked.

Shut-up answered again, “Shut-up”. The cop asked “ where’s your manners?”.

Shut-up answered “Picking up Poop, he just fell out of the window”. By this time the cop was really furious. He told Shut-up to come with him. The cop and Shut-up went back to the scene

where Poop had fallen.

By then, the medics had arrived and took him to the hospital with Manners. The cop took Shut-up to the hospital, where the cop could then question all three friends. Later that day, the

cop had found out the three friends names turned out to be weird, but true. The cop apologized to Shut-up and offered to take him and his buddies out to lunch ---his treat.


On Good Friday, one of my homies called me and asked if I wanted to go to Brazil.

I said, “ When y’all going there?”

Kite said, “Next Friday.”

I said, “It on!” On Wednesday, I started packing for the trip. Were going down there for a whole

week. Friday came around we were all getting on the plane heading for Brazil.

The plane ride was so long. We get there 12 hours later and all these beautiful women greeted us as we got

off the plane. A taxi pulled up. We got in, and it took us to our hotel. The hotel doorman took our bags up

to our room. We got up into our room.

It was like mini-house inside. We put all of our stuff away. We then headed out into the city. Everywhere we

went, we saw all this these beautiful women. Everywhere we went everybody was looking at us, smiling at

us, waving at us. We began to get hungry. We saw a seafood place and went inside.

The women who worked there came up to us and I asked for a table. She took us to our seat and asked

what would we like to eat. So, we picked our meals. As we sat eating, we saw these three beautiful women

walk up to our table.

They asked, “Can we sit here with you guys?” We all said yes at once. We asked each of the ladies if

they wanted to order. They said yes, then asked if we wanted to walk with them on a walking trail. We

agreed. An hour later, everybody finished eating their food. I paid for everyone, then we went on the trail.

First we had to get a van to the starting spot. We got there in 15min. When we got off the van and started walking, we heard people screaming. It sounded like they were crying. We looked for where it was coming from. We got where the sound was coming from. We ran to see what all the loud sound was about. It is just

a party!

Trip RoadBy Ben

Once there were two friends who were going to go on a vacation together.

Paco and Andrea decided to go to the beach. They were on the way to

their vacation on a sunny, hot day.

Paco and Andrea witnessed a car accident in the same lane. Paco pulled

over and Andrea ran out of the car and went to help the people that were

in the other car. Paco thought that they were injured.

Andrea ran to the car to see the people and to check to see if they were

injured. There was a lot of smoke in the car. When Paco got down the car,

he knew right away that they were ok. it ended up that they were good. It

was just the smoke from the motor that had hit a tree.

When Paco and Andrea looked in the car, they saw their friend Steisy. The

surprise showed on everyone’s face. It ended up that they knew each other

way back from school. Andrea and Paco got Steisy out the car. She was

just scared because the brakes didn’t work. Andrea asked her where she

was going. She said her destination was the same as theirs. Steisy decided

to go with Paco and Andrea on their vacation. After they left the scene of

the accident, they drove to their vacation beach. On the way, they talked

about what they were to do when they got to the beach, and how much fun

they were all going to have at the carnival.

Once they got there, they settled in. Then the three of them took off to

explore the town. They decided to go to the beach first, then, they would go to the carnival at night. This was going to be a good vacation after all!


By Tyler

Oh my god my car is gone! This was the first event in a series of unfortunate circumstances. When my brother and I walked outside to go to my friends house, we realized my roommate’s car wasn’t where we left it. My brother, Andrew, and I were driving

my father’s car for the longest time. He charges my brother and Me 10 cents a mile. So we really do not like driving that car, especially because we like to drive a lot. My brother and I were looking to invest in our own car. After looking at many cars, we

decided to choose the Chevy Cruise ECO. The Chevy Cruise ended up being a great choice; it was reliable and great on gas millage.

Unbeknownst to us, the car had been repossessed because we were short on one payment. This happened about six months after

we bought the car. The night of the repossession went like this. All during the day, my brother and I were at my friend’s house with my two cats because he was planning on getting a cat or two. When we got hungry we decided to grab the cats and go to

WAWA and got something to eat. After getting dinner, my brother and I went home so that I could take a shower, After my shower the plan was to go back to my friends house to watch television. As I was getting dressed, I heard my brother scream up to me, I

wasn’t sure what he had said but I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was in a panic. I hurried up and got dressed, then I ran downstairs and out to where my brother he was sitting on the curb with his head down. The car we had just gotten out of was

missing! At the time, we had no idea where it was or why it wasn’t there.

My brother and I eventually came to the conclusion that the car had been repossessed. After we called the dealership, we bought it from they explained to us that we were late on payments and our car was being held in South Philadelphia. We immediately tried

to explain that there were two cats in the car at the time of the repossession, as well as my laptop and Andrew’s wallet. I had no idea where to start to get my car back, and my possessions. After our alarm subsided, we tried to figure out what we could do. The

man told me that my car was in South Philadelphia, and that I could go there and pick up my belongings. He also gave me a number to call if I needed it. He said that until I pay what is owed, I can not get the car back. Andrew and I tried to together to try

and determine the best course of action. Our conclusion was to go to South Philadelphia and get our belongings back, but leave the car there. We owed too much on the car, and it was decided that we would just give up on the car and start new at a later date

when we are more financially stable. So that’s what we did.

While I was at school Andrew went to South Philadelphia to pick up the cats and the rest of our belongings’. By the time I got home from school, Andrew was home and he had everything that was in the car, but not the car. It was upsetting to accept that we

weren’t getting our car back, but it was a fact that couldn’t be changed. Since our car got taken, we had to start driving the Honda Accord again, and that means that I had to pay 10 cents a mile again and gas and repairs. Andrew and I needed a new car

desperately and we didn’t want my dad’s help because all he is trying to do is take our money.

Andrew and I started looking into cars on Cars.com. We saw a few that we were interested in, but one seemed to stick out more than the others. It was a Mitsubishi Eclipse 2003. It had 36,000 miles on it and the Sgt. that was selling it wanted only $2,700 for

it. The seller was a Sgt in the army which is why I trusted her. Andrew and I jumped right on that and started emailing this “Sgt. Hedman” to get more information on this Mitsubishi Eclipse. Andrew and I were so excited to get a new car that we didn’t want

any help from our dad or anyone, we just wanted this new car so that we didn’t have to pay so much just to drive down the street. Sgt. Hedman emailed back saying that she was stationed in Alaska, and she was to be sent back to Afghanistan for 2 years, so she

had no need for her car. That’s why she was selling it for so little. The bluebook value on the car was about double what she was selling it for. Andrew and I thought nothing of it, so we Western-Unioned $2,500 to this Sgt. Hedman and never heard anything

back. Since then Andrew and I have been struggling for money.

We welcome your questions. If you have any suggestions or

comments, contact Mrs. Cavalier in Room 1.

A special thanks to Michael S., Mr.

Nick, Mrs. Cavalier, Mr. Sanger, and the newspaper committee.

We also want to give a special thank you to Mrs. Lambert and her

wonderful English students. They

provided some outstanding essays for the Gordon Chronicles.