Freedom Riders Monday, May 16, 9pm PAGE 3 The Member Magazine First-ever pledge- free radio stream PAGE 2 Witness the making of an opera PAGE 4 At the mic with KQED Radio’s Scott Shafer PAGE 6 MAY2011 The Guide is available in a printer-friendly format at kqed.org/theguide. Online only: A–Z television program list. PUBLIC TELEVISION PUBLIC RADIO KQED.ORG KQED EDUCATION

May 2011 KQED Guide

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KQED's monthly member magazine with radio and televsion schedules, special features, news and information.

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Page 1: May 2011 KQED Guide

Freedom RidersMonday, May 16, 9pmPage 3

The Member Magazine

First-ever pledge-free radio stream Page 2

Witness the making of an operaPage 4

At the mic with KQED Radio’s Scott ShaferPage 6


The Guide is available in a printer-friendly format at kqed.org/theguide. Online only: a–Z television program list.



K Q E D . O R G


Page 2: May 2011 KQED Guide


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Managing ediTor

Allyson Quibell

ediTor Sandra Hudson

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Joan D. Saunders

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Zaldy Serrano

KQed Public Television PrograM scheduling

Scott Dwyer

KQed Public radio PrograM scheduling Jo Anne Wallace

volume 58, number 5 © 2011Guide (usPs 010-356, issn 1547-8874) is published monthly by KQed inc, 2601 Mariposa st., san Francisco, ca 94110-1426; 415.864.2000. © KQed. Periodicals Postage Paid at san Francisco, california, and at additional mailing offices. KQed and The California Report are federally registered trademarks of KQed inc.

Postmaster: send address changes to Guide address changes Member services department, KQed2601 Mariposa st. san Francisco, ca 94110-1426

Connect with KQED2601 Mariposa st.san Francisco, ca 94110-1426 Automated Program Info Line415.354.8000. recorded program schedules and updates for KQed channel 9, KQed digital channels, and KQed 88.5 FM.KQED Public Television [email protected]; 415.553.2135live assistance 9am-5pm, Mon–Fri. after hours, recorded information.KQED Public Television Comments415.553.2100. record a statement about KQed Public Tv programs. KQED Public [email protected] FM san Francisco 415.553.212989.3 FM sacramento 916.570.0215live assistance and audio and transcript information 9am-5pm, Mon–Fri. after hours, recorded information.Audience Services [email protected]. send your programming questions anytime. responses are usually sent within one to two business days.Member Services [email protected]; 415.553.21509am-5pm, Mon–Fri. after hours, please leave a message.Other KQED Information415.864.2000, 9am-5pm, Mon–FriLatest Updates on KQED Public Television Schedule Changeskqed.org/tvchangesBoard MeetingsKQed board and committee meetings are always open to the public. For more information, call 415.553.2260.

do you love to collect pennies? Just love the way hundreds of pennies feel in your wallet or look in jars around your house? We do. KQed is collecting as many pennies as we can, and you can help us out by donating your spare change.

round up the change on every transaction you make with your credit or debit card and donate it to KQed through swipegood. you can even set limits on your monthly donations. give it a try—it’s a great way to share some common cents! swipegood.com/charity/kqed

Spare Some Change?

The bay area’s premier contemporary and modern art fair takes place May 19–22 at san Francisco’s concourse exhibition center (south of Market at 7th and brannan streets). showcasing artwork from 65 worldwide galleries, artMrKT creates an ideal context for the discovery, exploration, and acquisition of art. For more information, visit art-mrkt.com. KQED and KTEH members: Show your Membercard and receive $5 off $20 admission, or enter promotional coupon code “KQed” when purchasing advance tickets online and pay just $12.

your favorite station, we suspect, is KQed radio. your favorite program? Probably not the one that starts with “We need your support! give!” This month, KQed is rolling out a history-making alternative to the classic pledge drive. The new pledge-free radio stream is the first of its kind, the first attempt by any public radio station to offer listeners the satisfaction of giving without pledge break interruptions.

donate $45 between april 21 and May 4, and you will receive special access to the pledge-free stream that will enable you to listen to KQed on your computer or mobile device without interruption for the duration of the spring fund-raiser. you must visit kqed.org/donate to sign up.

A New Twist for the Spring Fund-Raiser

get the latest news and updates from KQed news on your mobile phone. Text KQEDNEWS to 90999 and sign up for KQED News mobile alerts. you’ll receive the latest breaking stories up to five times a week, from our in-depth reporting on local, state, and national issues.

KQed news mobile news alerts are part of our continuing effort to offer news and information the way you want it. Free sMs service is available from most carriers. standard/other text rates may apply. reply sToP to unsubscribe. For more information, please visit mgive.com/a.

Text Alerts from KQED News

Don’t turn off KQED—there’s a better way!

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Freedom Riders

Freedom Riders Screening and Panel Discussion Wednesday, May 11, 20116:15-8:30pm oakland MuseumFree

Won’t you join us? KQed is screening the full-length documentary followed by a panel discussion with local leaders, educators, and civil rights activists. kqed.org/events

ever wonder how the folks at American Experience decide on a season of films?Find out, plus get more behind-the-scenes tidbits in an interview with executive producer Mark samels. online only. kqed.org/theguide-exclusives

From May 6 through 16, 40 college students will join original Freedom riders in retracing the 1961 rides. Follow their journey online.pbs.org/freedomriders

In 1961, segregation seemed to have an overwhelming grip on American society. Many states violently enforced the policy, and the federal government, under the Kennedy administration, remained indifferent, preoccupied with matters abroad. Then, an integrated band of college students—many of whom were the first in their families to attend a university—decided, en masse,

to risk everything and buy a ticket on a Greyhound bus bound for the Deep South. They called themselves the Freedom Riders, and they managed to bring the president and the entire American public face-to-face with the challenge of correcting civil rights inequities that plagued the nation. From May until November, more than 400 black and white Americans risked their lives—and many endured savage beatings and imprisonment—for simply traveling together on buses and trains. Deliberately violating Jim Crow laws, the Freedom Riders’ belief in nonviolent activism was sorely tested as mob violence and bitter racism greeted them along the way. Veteran filmmaker Stanley Nelson’s inspirational documentary is the first feature-length film about this courageous band of civil rights activists. Freedom Riders features testimony from a fascinating cast of central characters: the Riders themselves, state and federal government officials, and journalists who witnessed the rides firsthand. It chronicles a chapter of American history that stands as an astonishing testament to the accomplishment of youth and what can result from the incredible combination of personal conviction and the courage to organize against all odds. “Freedom Riders tells the story of an overlooked piece of not only civil rights history but American history,” says Mark Samels, executive producer of American Experience. “It’s a story that we knew had to be told. The film touches and inspires everyone who sees it, and it’s an honor to be presenting it.”

The powerful, harrowing, and truly inspirational story of six months in 1961 that changed america forever.

Freedom Riders premieres on the PBS series American Experience,Monday, May 16, at 9pm.

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Journey of the Bonesetter’s Daughter

Alfredo Pedroza


san Francisco


director of california local government relations, Wells Fargo

KQED in the Communitynew face joins community advisory Panel

Witness the creation of the San Francisco Opera’s celebrated 2008 production of The Bonesetter’s Daughter, composed by Stewart Wallace with a libretto by Amy Tan and based on her best-selling book of the same name. An ambitious, cross-cultural tour de force that brings together artists from China and the United States, the opera tells a deeply moving story about the difficult, but unbreakable bond between mothers and daughters inspired by Tan’s own family history. The making-of-the-opera film chronicles the extraordinary challenges of creating such a new work of art. Tan’s libretto draws heavily on the tragic suicide of her maternal grandmother and explores the impact of the trauma on successive generations. “My grandmother was somebody who was forced into a subservient position,” Tan says. “She was raped, and the only way she could gain her power was to kill herself.”

The documentary follows Tan as she explores her past, traveling with her half-sisters to the home in China where her grandmother lived and died. As the opera production is mounted, she grapples with how best to capture the emotional truth of her family story in the drama unfolding on stage. The film also provides an intimate look at the creative and technical challenges of mounting a production with high emotional and artistic stakes. Tan and Chinese opera director Chen Shi-Zheng struggle to reconcile their divergent stylistic interpretations of her autobiographical story. The Chinese and Western musicians collaborate despite their vastly different musical training. Tensions rise during daily rehearsals involving hundreds of singers, orchestra musicians, and backstage personnel as changes are made until moments before the curtain rises. Ultimately, Journey of the Bonesetter’s Daughter shows the power of art to engage, inspire, and transform.

Why is Alfredo Pedroza passionate about KQED? Find out here, in the final Q&A with a new member of KQED’s Community Advisory Panel (CAP).

Why did you want to be part of CAP?Growing up in San Francisco’s Mission District, KQED was an integral part of my childhood. Joining CAP for me was twofold. One, to give back to an organization that’s provided a lifetime of quality family programming to millions of Americans and two, to connect more people from my communities to the innovative content KQED creates.

What special qualities/skills/ideas do you bring to the group?I am understanding of community and that access to information and quality media is essential to the development of those communities.

What public media program(s) do you try not to miss? I especially like PBS NewsHour and Nightly Business Report, simply because it’s so hard to find credible unsensationalized media reporting anywhere else! I also enjoy Check, Please! Bay Area, and, I have to admit, I still watch and enjoy Sesame Street.

Who is your favorite Muppet? Kermit the Frog, because it’s not easy being green, and Elmo—I love that he speaks in the third person.

Finish the sentence: “KQED is . . .”As much a part of the fabric of San Francisco as is the Golden Gate Bridge and Coit Tower and, in many ways, even more so because you have the opportunity to interact with KQED many more times a day!

Journey of the Bonesetters Daughter premieres on KQED 9 Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8, 2011, at 10pm.

Find a complete list of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month programs at kqed.org/heritage.

composer stewart Wallace, librettist amy Tan, and stage director chen shi-Zheng.

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This Is KQED

kqed.org kteh.org

public radio89.3 FM sacramento

KQEDnews.orgDigital 9.3

Comcast 190

Channel 9Comcast HD 709

Channel 54 Comcast 10

Digital 54.3 Comast 189

Digital 54.4 Comcast 192

Channel 25 - Monterey

QUEST goes national. Thanks to a generous grant from the corporation for Public broadcasting, QUEST will be working closely to pilot a variety of science and environment stories on television, radio, and the Web with: WcPn and WviZ cleveland, neT-nebraska, unc-Tv north carolina, Whyy-Philadelphia, KcTs seattle, and WPT and WPr Wisconsin.

Dive into a fifth television season of QUEST, KQED’s Emmy Award–winning multimedia science and environment series. On Wednesday, May 4, tag along as QUEST hits a beach filled with two-ton elephant seals at Año Nuevo State Reserve and talks with scientists tagging the massive marine mammals, which were once hunted almost to extinction. Then, join in the search for life on Mars with scientists at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View who are preparing to launch the next generation of Mars rovers later this year. Other episodes in May investigate the science of cheese making and how redwoods are adapting to climate change.

Also from the QUEST team, watch new videos from the Web-only series Science on the SPOT—learn about albino redwoods, the Bay Area Fungus Fair, the science of sourdough, banana slugs, and more. Follow continuing radio reports on renewable energy and urban environ-mental issues and, for educators, get free standards-based digital media resources to help bring classroom curricula to life!

QUEST Radio Mondays, 6:30 & 8:30am, KQed 88.5 FMQUEST TV Wednesdays, 7:30pm, KQed 9QUEST WebPodcasts, education materials, science blog, and e-newsletter at kqed.org/quest.

During World War II, a group of young Polish women, some barely out of their teens, outfoxed the Nazis and rescued thousands of Jewish children from certain death. More than half a century later, 95-year-old Irena Sendler tells the true story, long suppressed in Communist Poland, of this daring conspiracy of

women who risked their lives in the name of Warsaw’s Jewish mothers. We found Sendler’s nonchalant recounting of her life and works both humbling and inspiring. See if you agree. The KQED presentation Irena Sendler: In the Name of Their Mothers premieres on National Holocaust Remembrance Day, Sunday, May 1, at 10pm.

QUEST: New Adventures in Science

Now Their Story Can Be Told

Page 6: May 2011 KQED Guide

KQed Public radio’s 24-hour international, national, regional, and local news and information service is available on frequencies 88.5 FM in san Francisco, 89.3 FM in sacramento (KQei), 88.3 FM in santa rosa, and 88.1 FM in Martinez. it is also available on comcast digital cable channel 960 and live online at kqed.org.


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The California Report newsmagazine can be heard Fridays at 4:30, 6:30, and 11pm on KQed Public radio 88.5 FM. in sacramento, listen on KQei 89.3 FM. listen online at kqed.org/californiareport.

How does your experience in government inform your reporting now?Working in government was the best education I could get for covering government and politics. I worked in several campaigns, then as press secretary for San Francisco mayor Art Agnos and later Gray Davis. I was in the room when policy decisions were debated and decided. I was there when campaign strategies were devised and executed. I participated in damage control, crisis communications (I was deputy press secretary during the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989), and everyday management of the press. Now that I’m on the outside looking in, I have a much keener sense of what’s probably happening inside government and campaigns. I understand how decisions get made and the kinds of trade-offs involved. I think it just makes me a better journalist.

What’s it been like reporting on Prop. 8 —an issue that’s stirred such emotional reactions around the country?In general I feel honored to be a journalist, because it means that people share their stories with me. I try to be respectful of that in my coverage. With Prop. 8, there’s a lot of emotion and strong feelings on both sides. During the Prop. 8 campaign, I interviewed religious leaders, civil rights advocates, gay and lesbian couples with kids, and couples who hoped to get married one day. I try to respect all those opinions and points of view in my reporting.

Scott Shafer is a trusted voice of the news on KQED Radio. He provides insightful analysis and in-depth coverage of important issues as host and reporter for weekly newsmagazine The California Report, a KQED News production that is broadcast on more than 35 stations statewide. But Scott hasn’t always been a radio host. Before coming to KQED, Scott worked for some of the top government officials in the Bay Area and California, including a mayor of San Francisco. He recently answered a few questions about his career in the halls of power as well as important stories he has worked on for KQED News.

Some people say that journalists have a liberal bias. I don’t know if that’s true, but I think everyone has a “bias” because we all have opinions. I try my best to keep my opinions private, even (or maybe especially) when covering something as emotional and polarizing as gay marriage. The Prop. 8 campaign and ongoing legal battles are a part of history. I’m really glad to have a front row seat.

If a listener had the opportunity to talk with you in person, what might he or she be surprised to learn?That’s hard to say. People tend to form images of what people they hear on the radio look like, so anything that contradicts that impression might be surprising. I guess they might be surprised to learn that I play water polo. Didn’t play in high school or college, just picked it up 10 years ago. At the moment I’m the oldest guy on my team, but I think it helps keep me young!

From City Hall to KQED

learn about scott’s path to radio and what his most memorable story has been as host of The California Report magazine. read the full interview online. kqed.org/theguide-exclusives

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday saturday sunday

midall Things considered all Things considered all Things


1:00cambridge Forum

latino usabbc World service

This Week in norcal snap Judgment


2:00Marketplace Money it’s your World city arts &

lecturesevening lectures/ specials

evening lectures/ specials

common-wealth club To the best

of our Knowledge


KQED Public Radio 88.5 FM San Francisco and 89.3 FM Sacramento

Programs are subject to change. Please visit kqed.org/radio for the latest information.

all of KQed Public radio’s programs are streamed live at kqed.org.

Morning Edition(Mon–Fri, 3-9am)

KQED NewsWeekdays 6:04, 7:04, 7:33, & 8:04am Tue–Thu 6:33 & 8:33am

QUEST Radio ReportMondays 6:33 & 8:33am

The Do listFridays 6:33 & 8:33am

Washington Wk.

inside europe

4:00 it’s your World living on earth (new time)


Weekend edition




9:00 Forum (live call-in line: 866.733.6786) KQed news: 9:04 & 10:04am10:00 car Talk

11:00 Talk of the nation (live call-in line: 800.989.8255)

KQed news: 11:04am & 12:04pm

Talk of the nation science Friday

Wait Wait… don’t Tell Me! a Prairie

home companion

noonThis american life

1:00Fresh airKQed news: 1:04pm specials city arts &


2:00 The World soundprint on the Media

3:00Pbs newshourKQed news: 3:57, 6:04, repeats at 11:04pm

bbc World service


all Things considered KQed news: 4:33 (except Fri), 5:04, 5:30, & 6:04pm


living on earth says you

5:00 all Things considered

6:00 a Prairie home companion

latino usa

cambridge Forum

7:00 Fresh air To the best of our Knowledge

8:00 it’s your World city arts & lectures

evening lectures/ specials

evening lectures/ specials

commonwealth club

selected shorts

9:00 bbc World service studio 360 † Marketplace Money

10:00 Forum (a repeat of one hour of the morning broadcast) This american life Tech nation

11:00all Things considered KQed news: 11:04pm & 12:30am

Wait Wait… don’t Tell Me!

on the Media

† Saturdays, 9pm, The Keeping score series. our spring radio fund-raising drive is May 5 to 20. see page 2 for a new way to listen to KQed.

california report

california report

california report

Intelligence Squared U.S.—America’s House DividedDon’t Give Us Your Poor, Your Tired, Your Huddled Masses*saturday, May 14, 1pm For the motion: Tom Tancredo. against

the motion: Mayor Julián castro and Tamar Jacoby. * Motion language and panelists subject to change.

America AbroadTehran Rising: Persian Power in an Unstable RegionWednesday, May 18, 8pm With the sands of the Middle east shifting,

concerns over a Persian power play are mounting.

Forum in SacramentoMonday, May 23, 9-11am

Climate One—From the Commonwealth Club Energy Policy: What’s Next?Wednesday, May 25, 8pm Hearing VoicesFor the Fallen saturday, May 28, 1pm For Memorial day, the voices of veterans

remembering their comrades.

A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor saturdays, 6pm and sundays, 11am

Selected Shortssaturdays, 8pm 5/7 Stories That Surprise: “Jesus is Waiting,”

by amy hempel, read by Mary stuart Master-son; “no other country,” by sean Tan, read by campbell scott; “swimmers,” by daniela Maristany, read by Mary stuart Masterson; “number 10,” by edna o’brien, read by Mar-ian seldes. 5/14 Rebel Yiddish Writers: “My First love,” by Moishe nadir, read by John shea; “a Quiet garden spot,” by sholem asch, read by laura esterman; “Job’s Jobs,” by aimee bender, read by anjelica huston. 5/21 Adventures in London and the Wild West: “The road home,” by rose Tremain, read by Paul hecht; “cary grant’s suit,” by Todd Mc ewen, read by James cromwell. 5/28 The Heart of the Matter: “The Tell Tale heart,” by edgar allen Poe, read by Terrence Mann; “gimpel the Fool,” by isaac bashevis singer, read by isaiah sheffer; “The Paring Knife,” by Michael oppenheimer, read by steven gilborn.

City Arts & Lecturessundays, 1pm, Tuesdays, 8pm, andWednesdays, 2am 5/1, 5/3, & 5/4 “on artisan Food.” 5/8,

5/10, & 5/11 sean b. caroll, howard hughes Medical institute investigator at the university of Wisconsin–Madison. 5/15, 5/17, & 5/18 isabel Wilkerson, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and author of The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration. 5/22, 5/24, & 5/25 david brooks, political and cultural commentator. 5/29, 5/31, & 6/1 Joshua Foer, freelance journalist.

The Keeping Score Series: 13 Days When Music Changed Foreversaturdays, 9pm (through June 25) hosted by suzanne vega, the san Francisco

symphony’s radio project is about the composers, compositions, and musical movements that changed the way people heard, or thought about, music.

Crossing EastExclusion and Resistancesaturday, May 7 at 1pm Post ’65 GenerationWednesday, May 11 at 8pm

Radiolab Desperately Seeking Symmetrysaturday, april 30, 1pm and Wednesday, May 4, 8pm

Panetta Institute 14th Annual LectureSeries: Protecting the American Dream for Our ChildrenThursdays, May 5-26, 8pm Featured speakers erskine bowles, alan simpson, Jack o’connell, charles reed, stephen hadley, Jim Jones, and evan bayh.

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For expanded program descriptions, visit kqed.org/theguide and click on Radio Specials & Grid.

Page 8: May 2011 KQED Guide

The KQED Public Television programs listed here are available over the air on Channels 9.1, 54.2, and 25.1; via most cable systems on Channel 9; on Comcast Channel 709; and via satellite on DirecTV (local and HD Channel 9) and DISH network (local Channel 8226 in SD only).

ProgrammIng SymbolS

q This program is a KQED production or presentation.

H This program (or episode) is airing on KQED for the first time.

R This program will be repeated on the date/s noted.

RR This program is a repeat. See noted date and time of original broadcast for program description.

D Descriptive video information for the sight-impaired is available on televisions with stereo capability.

HD This program is broadcast in high definition.

Programs are subject to change after press deadlines. For the latest program information, visit kqed.org/tvchanges or call our automated pro-gram information line at 415.354.8000. If you are recording, allow five minutes for early starts and late finishes.

Sunday 1early

mid Roadtrip Nation | q | #209. | R 5/28 7:30am

12:30am Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #209 Doña Thomas, Amber India, Scala’s Bistro. | HD |

1:00 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD || R 5/1 5:15am & 4:30pm, 5/2 7:30pm, 5/3 1:30am

1:30 ImageMakers | q | When Sparks Fly. | HD |

2:00 Doctor Zhivago (1965) | HD |

5:15 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | R 5/1 4:30pm, 5/2 7:30pm, 5/3 1:30am

6:00am Clifford the Big Red Dog | D |

6:30 Sid the Science Kid | D | HD |

7:00 Raggs | q | D |

7:30 WordWorld | D | HD |

8:00 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot AboutThat! | q | D | HD | R 5/17 8:30am & 4:58pm

8:30 Curious George | HD | R 5/5 8am & 4:28pm, 5/18 8am & 4:28pm

9:00 Wild Kratts | HD | R 5/11 5:28pm

9:30 Caillou | R 5/2 7:30am

10:00 Dinosaur Train | D | HD |

10:30 The Electric Company | D | HD |

11:00 Nature Cloud: Challenge of the Stallions. The saga of the wild stallion focuses on cloud’s sons, bolder and Flint, in the mountains of Montana. | D | HD |


noon Great Performances at the Met | H | La Fanciulla del West. all-american diva deborah voigt stars in Puccini’s Wild West opera. nicola luisotti conducts. | HD |

2:30pm Forsaken Fields documents what hap-pened to the first and second generation of Japanese american farmers in califor-nia after the bombing of Pearl harbor in 1941.

3:00 Inside Washington | H |

3:30 The McLaughlin Group

4:00 This Week in Northern California | q | HD |

4:30 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | R 5/2 7:30pm, 5/3 1:30am

5:00 America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated An Austrian Supper. | HD |

5:30 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #508 El Metate, Creola Bistro, Benjarong. | HD |

6:00 Richard Bangs’ Adventures with Purpose Hong Kong: Quest for the Dragon. | HD |

7:00 Edward and Wallis, a Royal Love Story tells the real history of a man born to be king who refused to behave like one. instead, he believed he could use the power and majesty of the throne to pursue his obsession with his twice-divorced american mistress, Wallis simpson. | R 5/2 1am, 5/3 9pm, 5/4 3am


8:00pm Nature | H | Salmon: Running the Gauntlet investigates collapsing Pacific salmon populations and the experiments conducted to save them. | HD | R 5/2 2am, 5/8 11am

9:00 Masterpiece Classic | H | South Riding, Part 1 of 3. a lively heroine arrives in depression-era yorkshire to shake up education at a school for girls, sparking conflict with a stern landowner. anna Maxwell Martin stars in this three-part miniseries based on the beloved 1936 novel by Winifred holtby. | HD | R 5/2 3am

10:00 Irena Sendler: In the Name of Their Mothers | H | q | during World War ii, a group of Polish women outfoxed the nazis and rescued thousands of Jewish children. see page 5 for more informa-tion. | HD | R 5/2 4am

11:00 Prisoner of Her Past | H | a secret childhood trauma resurfaces 60 years later to unravel the life of a holocaust survivor. | HD | R 5/2 5am

Monday 2early

mid Austin City Limits Alejandro Escovedo/Trombone Shorty. | HD |

1-6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | R 5/3 1:30am

8:00 Antiques Roadshow | H | Biloxi, Hour 1 of 3. | HD | R 5/3 2am, 5/7 3pm

9:00 Pioneers of Television Westerns is an entertaining look at successful television westerns, including Bonanza, Gunsmoke, and Maverick. | HD | R 5/3 3am, 5/7 10:14pm, 5/8 4:14am & 2pm

10:00 POV The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Penta-gon Papers is a comprehensive look at the release of the Pentagon Papers in 1971 and the resultant political firestorm that may have sealed americans’ disenchantment with the war and that certainly sealed the fate of the nixon administration. | HD | R 5/3 4am

Tuesday 3early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Spark | q | Lu Yi, Diamano Coura West African Dance Company, Danny Kalan-duyan. | R 5/4 1:30am, 5/6 11:30pm, 5/7 5:30am

See page 15 for programs airing weekdays on KQED 9 between 6am and 7:30pm.

May 7 Unforgiven (1992) (pictured)

May 14 Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) Crossing Delancey (1988)

May 21 When Harry Met Sally (1989)

Weekend Movies

in celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Spark features stories this month about Asian American artists and performers. Tuesdays at 7:30pm.

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8:00 Black in Latin America | H | Brazil: A Racial Paradise? discover how this “rain-bow nation” is waking up to its legacy as the world’s largest slave economy. | D | | HD | R 5/4 2am

9:00 Edward and Wallis, a Royal Love Story | RR 5/1 7pm | R 5/4 3am

10:00 Frontline | H | TBA. | HD | R 5/4 4am

11:00 Lord Is Not on Trial Here Today | H | tells the compelling personal story behind one of the most important and landmark First amendment cases in u.s. supreme court history, the case that set the foundation for the separation of church and state in public schools. | R 5/4 5am

Wednesday 4early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm QUEST | H | q | Elephant Seals/Life on Mars. Meet scientists tracking elephant seals along san Mateo’s coast and search for life on Mars with the new nasa ames rover. | HD | R 5/5 1:30am, 5/6 1:30pm

8:00 Secrets of the Dead | H | China’s Terracotta Army reveals that the chinese may have had henry Ford beat by more than 2,000 years with their own assembly line used to produce 8,000 lavishly painted terracotta warriors. | D | HD | R 5/5 2am, 5/7 6pm

9:00 Nova Ghosts of Machu Picchu. archae-ologists probe the ruins of this “lost city of the incas” and unearth sacred burial grounds. | D | HD | R 5/5 3am, 5/8 7pm, 5/9 1am

10:00 Saving the Bay | q | Miracle Workers (1906–1959) explores the great earth-quake and fire of 1906 and california’s water redistribution projects. | HD | R 5/5 4am

11:00 Our Summer in Tehran | H | transports viewers into the seldom-seen realm of middle-class family life in iran, transcending overt politics in favor of subtle, human, and often humorous moments. | HD | R 5/5 5am

Thursday 5early

mid Charlie Rose | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #502 Pomelo, Deedee’s, Farina. | HD | R 5/6 1:30am, 5/7 1pm

8:00 Adolf Hitler: Colour of War german film footage and hitler’s diaries and let-ters tell his disturbing story. | D | R 5/6 2am, 5/8 6pm

8:53 Inside the Mind of Adolf Hitler | H | recounts the work of harvard psycho-analyst dr. Walter langer, who compiled the first-ever disciplined analysis of ad-olf hitler’s mental and emotional state, using a Freudian model of investigation. | R 5/6 2:53am, 5/8 11pm, 5/9 5am

9:44 Secret Files of the Inquisition The War on Ideas. in the face of the Protes-tant reformation, a fanatical monk sets out to exterminate the heresy. | HD | R 5/6 3:44am

10:42 Secret Files of the Inquisition The End of Inquisition. napoleon conquers italy, abolishes the inquisition, and orders its secret files sent to Paris. | HD | R 5/6 4:42am

Friday 6early

mid Charlie Rose | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm This Week in Northern California | H | q | HD | R 5/7 1:30am & 7am, 5/8 4pm

8:00 Washington Week | H | HD | R 5/7 2am & 6:30am

8:30 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #210 Pear Street Bistro, Sociale, Presidio Bowling Center Grill. | HD | R 5/7 2:30am & 9am, 5/8 12:30am

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9:00 The Story of India Beginnings.in this landmark series, historian and acclaimed writer Michael Wood embarks on a dazzling and exciting expedition through today’s india. in the first episode, archaeological dis-coveries, dna, climate science, and oral tales cast light on india’s deep past. | D | HD | R 5/7 3am

10:00 Need to Know | H | HD | R 5/7 4am

11:00 ImageMakers | q | Love and Philosophy. | HD | R 5/7 5am

11:30 Spark | q | Lu Yi, Diamano Coura West African Dance Company, Danny Kalanduyan. | R 5/7 5:30am

Saturday 7early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R 5/9 noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.

6:00am The McLaughlin Group | H | R 5/8 3:30pm

6:30 Washington Week | HD |

7:00 This Week in Northern California | q | HD | R 5/8 4pm

7:30 Roadtrip Nation | q | #206 includes interviews with a pop-music critic for the Chicago Sun-Times and a songwriter in nashville.

8:00 Travelscope | q | Fiji—Island Hopping. | D |

8:30 Pati’s Mexican Table | H | Convent Food. | HD |

9:00 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #210 Pear Street Bistro, Sociale, Presidio Bowling Center Grill. | HD | R 5/8 12:30am

9:30 Simply Ming | H | Lemongrass and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. | HD |

10:00 Martin Yan’s Hidden China Life in Shangri-La. | HD |

10:30 Jacques Pépin: More Fast Food My Way | q | Smooth Food. | D | HD |

11:00 America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated | H | Weeknight Workhorses. | HD |

11:30 Cook’s Country from America’s Test Kitchen Two Perfect Pies. | HD |


noon Joanne Weir’s Cooking Class | q | Golden Gazpacho and Chicken Breasts with Relish. | HD |

12:30pm Lidia’s Italy | H | The Delights of Braising.

1:00 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #502 Pomelo, Deedee’s, Farina. | HD |

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1:30 Ebert Presents At the Movies | H | HD | R 7pm & 11:14pm, 5/8 1am, 5:14am, & 4:30pm, 5/9 7:30pm, 5/10 1:30am

2:00 New Scandinavian Cooking | H | #201. | HD |

2:30 Nick Stellino Cooking with Friends | H | Family Favorites.

3:00 Antiques Roadshow Biloxi, Hour 1 of 3. | HD |

4:00 The New Yankee Workshop Old Pine Bar.

4:30 Hometime | H | Porch and Rail.

5:00 This Old House | H | Los Angeles Project, Part 3 of 10. | HD |

5:30 Ask This Old House | H | HD |

6:00 Secrets of the Dead China’s Terracotta Army. | D | HD | RR 5/4 8pm

7:00 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | | R 11:14pm, 5/8 1am, 5:14am, & 4:30pm, 5/9 7:30pm, 5/10 1:30am


7:30pm ImageMakers | H | q | My First Crush. | HD | R 5/8 1:30am

8:00 Unforgiven (1992) | H | a retired old West gunslinger (clint eastwood) reluc-tantly takes on one last job, with the help of his old partner and a young man. | R 5/8 2am

10:14 Pioneers of Television Westerns. | HD | RR 5/2 9pm | R 5/8 4:14am & 2pm

11:14 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | R 5/8 1am, 5:14am, & 4:30pm, 5/9 7:30pm, 5/10 1:30am

Sunday 8early

mid Roadtrip Nation | q | #210.

12:30am Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #210 Pear Street Bistro, Sociale, Presidio Bowling Center Grill. | HD |

1-6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6:00am Clifford the Big Red Dog | D |

6:30 Sid the Science Kid | D | HD | R 5/31 6:30am

7:00 Raggs | q | D |

7:30 WordWorld | D | HD |

8:00 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! | q | D | HD | R 5/25 8:30am & 4:58pm

8:30 Curious George | D |

9:00 Wild Kratts | HD |

9:30 Caillou | R 5/9 7:30am

10:00 Dinosaur Train | D | HD |

10:30 The Electric Company | D | HD |

11:00 Nature Salmon: Running the Gauntlet. | HD | RR 5/1 8pm


noon Thoroughbred | H | an equine enthusi-ast’s dream, this documentary is about horses and the people who breed them, sell them, race them, and love them. | HD |

1:30pm Mustang—Journey of Transforma-tion richard gere narrates the remark-able story of the restoration of a 15th- century Tibetan culture. | HD | R 5/9 11:30pm, 5/10 5:30am, 5/29 2:30pm

2:00 Pioneers of Television Westerns. | HD | RR 5/2 9pm

3:00 Inside Washington | H |

3:30 The McLaughlin Group

4:00 This Week in Northern California | q | HD |

4:30 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | | R 5/9 7:30pm, 5/10 1:30am

5:00 America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated Who Wants Pasta? | HD |

5:30 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #509 Addis, Woodhouse Fish Co., Panama Hotel & Restaurant. | HD |

6:00 Adolf Hitler: Colour of War | D | RR 5/5 8pm

7:00 Nova Ghosts of Machu Picchu. | D | HD| | RR 5/4 9pm | R 5/9 1am


8:00pm Nature | H | Bears of the Last Frontier: City of Bears. adventurer and bear bi-ologist chris Morgan takes a motorcycle odyssey deep into the wilds of alaska. in the first hour, Morgan sets up camp alongside the largest concentration of grizzlies in the world. | HD | R 5/9 2am, 5/15 11am

9:00 Masterpiece Classic | H | South Riding, Part 2 of 3. | HD | R 5/9 3am

10:00 Journey of the Bonesetter’s Daughter | H | q | go behind the scenes of the san Francisco opera’s 2008 production. see page 4 for more information. | HD | R 5/9 4am

11:00 Inside the Mind of Adolf Hitler | RR 5/5 8:53pm | R 5/9 5am

Monday 9early

mid Austin City Limits K’naan/Mos Def. | HD |

1-6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | | R 5/10 1:30am

8:00 Antiques Roadshow | H | Biloxi, Hour 2 of 3. | HD | R 5/10 2am, 5/14 3pm

9:00 The Magic of Audrey Film clips and interviews capture the unique allure and charisma of hollywood star audrey hepburn. | R 5/10 3am, 5/14 6pm, 5/15 10pm, 5/16 4am

10:00 Soundtrack for a Revolution: American Experience | H | The story of the american civil rights movement told through the freedom songs sung by protestors. | D | HD | R 5/10 4am

11:30 Mustang—Journey of Transforma-tion | HD | RR 5/8 1:30pm | R 5/10 5:30am, 5/29 2:30pm

Tuesday 10early

mid Charlie Rose | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Spark | q | Robert Bechtle, Hung Liu, Nathan Oliveira. | R 5/11 1:30am, 5/13 11:30pm, 5/14 5:30am

8:00 Black in Latin America | H | Mexico and Peru: A Hidden Race explores the culture created by descendants of slaves in vera cruz on the gulf of Mexico and in lima. | D | HD | R 5/11 2am

9:00 Frontline | H | TBA. | HD | R 5/11 3am

10:00 Independent Lens | H | Bhutto chroni-cles the life and untimely death of former Pakistani prime minister benazir bhutto. | HD | R 5/11 4am

Wednesday 11early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm QUEST | H | q | Bats in Our Midst/Geothermal Power. Meet the bats of the central valley and uncover sonoma’s geothermal energy. | HD | R 5/12 1:30am, 5/13 1:30pm

8:00 Secrets of the Dead Sinking Atlantis reveals the truth behind the reign and downfall of the Minoans, europe’s first great civilization. | D | HD | R 5/12 2am

9:00 Nova Secrets of Stonehenge. investiga-tions inside and around stonehenge have kicked off a new era of discovery and debate. | D | HD | R 5/12 3am

10:00 Saving the Bay | q | Bay in the Balance (1906–Present). The balance of the bay area as an urban center and a landscape becomes an issue after the postwar boom. | HD | R 5/12 4am

11:00 Global Voices China Blue. Teenage workers struggle in harsh working condi-tions in a blue jeans factory in southern china. | R 5/12 5am


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Thursday 12early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #503 Lahore Karahi, Patio Filipino, Sam’s Grill. | HD | R 5/13 1:30am, 5/14 1pm

8:00 Nature The Himalayas explores the diversity of wildlife and habitats of this mountain chain, home to the world’s tallest peaks. | D | HD | R 5/13 2am, 5/15 7pm, 5/16 1am

9:00 Secrets of Shangri-La Join archaeolo-gists as they climb into unexplored cave complexes in the high, remote himala-yas. | HD | R 5/13 3am, 5/15 6pm

10:00 In the Footsteps of Marco Polo equal parts travelogue, adventure story, history trek, and buddy movie, this illuminating epic follows two friends from Queens, n.y., as they complete Marco Polo’s leg-endary trek from venice, italy, to china. | HD | R 5/13 4am, 5/15 noon

11:30 Someone Else’s War | H | learn about the conditions that draw Filipino migrant workers to the volatile iraqi war zone. | R 5/13 5:30am

Friday 13early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm This Week in Northern California | H | q | HD | R 5/14 1:30am & 7am, 5/15 4pm

8:00 Washington Week | H | HD | R 5/14 2am & 6:30am

8:30 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #212 Jardiniere, Esperpento, Trattoria la Sicili-ana. | HD | R 5/14 2:30am & 9am, 5/15 12:30am

9:00 The Story of India The Power of Ideas explores the revolutionary years after 500 bc, the age of buddha, using archaeol-ogy and legend. | D | HD | R 5/14 3am

10:00 Need to Know | H | HD | R 5/14 4am

11:00 ImageMakers | q | My Precious Daughter. | HD | R 5/14 5am

11:30 Spark Robert Bechtle, Hung Liu, Nathan Oliveira. | R 5/14 5:30am

Saturday 14early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R 5/16 noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.

6:00am The McLaughlin Group | H | R 5/15 3:30pm

6:30 Washington Week | HD |

7:00 This Week in Northern California | q | | HD | R 5/15 4pm

7:30 Roadtrip Nation | q | #207 visits with an anchor at cnn en español and a couture designer turned yoga guru.

8:00 Travelscope | q | Papua New Guinea—Cultural Encounters in an Ancient World. | D | HD |

8:30 Pati’s Mexican Table | H | Hibiscus Flower. | HD |

9:00 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #212 Jardiniere, Esperpento, Trattoria la Sicili-ana. | HD | R 5/15 12:30am

9:30 Simply Ming | H | Thai Lime Leaves and Shallots. | HD |

10:00 Martin Yan’s Hidden China A Cultural Mosaic of Southwestern China. | HD |

10:30 Jacques Pépin: More Fast Food My Way | q | Game Day Pressure. | D | HD |

11:00 America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated | H | Thanksgiving Turkey. | HD |

11:30 Cook’s Country from America’s Test Kitchen Breakfast Show Stoppers. | HD |


noon Joanne Weir’s Cooking Class | q | Risotto. | HD |

12:30pm Lidia’s Italy Light But Luscious.

1:00 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #503 Lahore Karahi, Patio Filipino, Sam’s Grill. | HD |

1:30 Ebert Presents At the Movies | H | | HD | R 7pm, 5/15 1am & 4:30pm, 5/16 7:30pm, 5/17 1:30am

2:00 New Scandinavian Cooking | H | #202. | HD |

2:30 Nick Stellino Cooking with Friends | H | Ratatouille, Tomato Sauce, and Pasta.

3:00 Antiques Roadshow Biloxi, Hour 2 of 3. | HD |

4:00 The New Yankee Workshop Morris Chair.

4:30 Hometime | H | Circular Beds.

5:00 This Old House | H | Los Angeles Project, Part 4 of 10. | HD |

5:30 Ask This Old House | H | HD |

6:00 The Magic of Audrey | RR 5/9 9pm | R 5/15 10pm, 5/16 4am

7:00 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | R 5/15 1am & 4:30pm, 5/16 7:30pm, 5/17 1:30am


7:30pm ImageMakers | H | q | A Higher Power. | HD | R 5/15 1:30am & 11:30pm, 5/16 5:30am

8:00 Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) after a bitter divorce, an actor (robin Williams) dis-guises himself as a female housekeeper to secretly spend time with his children. | HD | R 5/15 2am

10:08 Crossing Delancey (1988) | H | a Manhattan single (amy irving) meets a man through her Jewish grandmother’s matchmaker. | HD | R 5/15 4:08am

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Sunday 15early

mid Roadtrip Nation | q | #211.

12:30am Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #212 Jardiniere, Esperpento, Trattoria la Siciliana. | HD |

1-6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6:00am Clifford the Big Red Dog | D |

6:30 Sid the Science Kid | D | HD |

7:00 Raggs | q | D |

7:30 WordWorld | D | HD |

8:00 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! | q | D | HD |

8:30 Curious George | D |

9:00 Wild Kratts | HD |

9:30 Caillou | R 5/16 7:30am

10:00 Dinosaur Train | D | HD |

10:30 The Electric Company | D | HD |

11:00 Nature Bears of the Last Frontier: City of Bears. | HD | RR 5/8 8pm


noon In the Footsteps of Marco Polo | RR 5/12 10pm

1:30pm Krakatoa The 1893 eruption that devastated the island is brought to life using dramatic re-creations and cgi. | HD | R 5/19 9pm, 5/20 3am

3:00 Inside Washington | H |

3:30 The McLaughlin Group

4:00 This Week in Northern California | q | HD |

4:30 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | R 5/16 7:30pm, 5/17 1:30am

5:00 America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving. | HD |

5:30 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #510 Sichuan Fortune House, Manor, L’ardoise Bistro. | HD |

6:00 Secrets of Shangri-La | HD | RR 5/12 9pm

7:00 Nature The Himalayas. | D | HD | RR 5/12 8pm | R 5/16 1am


8:00pm Nature | H | Bears of the Last Frontier: The Road North. chris Morgan explores the world of black bears caught in the crossroads of urban development in anchorage and the wilderness. | HD | R 5/16 2am, 5/22 11am

9:00 Masterpiece Classic | H | South Riding, Part 3 of 3. | HD | R 5/16 3am

10:00 The Magic of Audrey | RR 5/9 9pm | R 5/16 4am

11:00 In the Life | H | R 5/16 5am

11:30 ImageMakers A Higher Power. | HD | | R 5/16 5:30am

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Monday 16early

mid Austin City Limits John Legend & the Roots. | HD |

1-6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Ebert Presents At the Movies| HD | R 5/17 1:30am

8:00 Antiques Roadshow | H | Biloxi, Hour 3 of 3. | HD | R 5/17 2am, 5/21 3pm

9:00 Freedom Riders: American Experi-ence | H | This powerful documentary chronicles the journey of a courageous band of civil rights activists in the deep south in 1961. see page 3 for additional details. | D | HD | R 5/17 3am

11:00 Independent Lens A Dream in Doubt. in the aftermath of 9/11, a wave of hate crimes terrorized the sikh american community in Phoenix. | R 5/17 5am

Tuesday 17early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Spark | q | San Francisco Taiko Dojo, Zakir Hussain, Kid Beyond. | R 5/18 1:30am, 5/20 11:30pm, 5/21 5:30am

8:00 Secrets of the Dead | H | The World’s Biggest Bomb. in the 1950s, u.s. and soviet scientists began a dangerous race to build the world’s biggest bomb. | HD | | R 5/18 2am

9:00 Nazi Hunters | H | Death Camp Kom-mondant chronicles the capture of Franz stangl, who was put on trial for the deaths of nearly 1 million people. | HD | | R 5/18 3am

10:00 Frontline | H | TBA. | HD | R 5/18 4am

11:00 Independent Lens | H | Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo untangles the web of cultural and historical ties behind Japan’s deep fascination with insects. | HD | R 5/18 5am

Wednesday 18early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm QUEST | H | q | Science of Cheese/Emo-tions Revealed. discover the microbiol-ogy of cheese making and explore facial expressions with oakland psychologist Paul ekman. | HD | R 5/19 1:30am, 5/20 1:30pm

8:00 Secrets of the Dead The Silver Pharaoh. The royal tomb of Pharaoh Psusennes i is a spectacular and remark-able ancient egyptian treasure. | D | HD | | R 5/19 2am, 5/21 6pm

9:00 Nova Riddles of the Sphinx. a team in egypt works to reverse the destructive forces of man and nature to save the great sphinx. | D | HD | R 5/19 3am

10:00 Nova Building Pharaoh’s Ship. archae-ologists construct and launch a mysteri-ous vessel depicted on the wall of an egyptian temple. | D | HD | R 5/19 4am

11:00 Independent Lens Wings of Defeat. rare interviews with surviving Kami-kaze pilots retrace their journeys from teenagers to doomed pilots and reveals a complex history of brutal training and ambivalent sacrifice. | R 5/19 5am

Thursday 19early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #504 Memo’s Mexican Cuisine, Souls Res-taurant, Flea Street Café. | HD | R 5/20 1:30am, 5/21 1pm

8:00 Nature Kilauea: Mountain of Fire. Wit-ness the devastation and creation made by flowing lava from the world’s most active volcano. | HD | R 5/20 2am, 5/22 7pm, 5/23 1am

9:00 Krakatoa | HD | RR 5/15 1:30pm | R 5/20 3am

10:30 Bear Island veteran tracker vern beier explores brown bears in the dark forests of chichagof island, alaska. | R 5/20 4:30am

11:30 California’s National Parks: Rob on the Road | H | explore the magnificent beauty of yosemite, lassen, sequoia, and Kings canyon national parks. | HD | | R 5/20 5:30am

Friday 20early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm This Week in Northern California | H | q | HD | R 5/21 1:30am & 7am, 5/22 4pm

8:00 Washington Week | H | HD | R 5/21 2am & 6:30am

8:30 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #213 Sonoma-Meritage Martini Oyster Bar & Grill, Cajun Pacific Restaurant & Cater-ing, House of Prime Rib. | HD | R 5/21 2:30am & 9am, 5/22 12:30am

9:00 The Story of India Spice Routes and Silk Roads/The Growth of Civilization. discover the roman empire’s greatest trading port in india and the forgotten empire of the Kushans. | D | HD || R 5/21 3am

10:00 Need to Know | H | HD | R 5/21 4am

11:00 ImageMakers | q | Alone Again (Natu-rally). | HD | R 5/21 5am

11:30 Spark San Francisco Taiko Dojo, Zakir Hussain, Kid Beyond. | R 5/21 5:30am

Saturday 21early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R 5/23 noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.

6:00am The McLaughlin Group | H | R 5/22 3:30pm

6:30 Washington Week | HD |

7:00 This Week in Northern California | q | HD | R 5/22 4pm

7:30 Roadtrip Nation | q | #208. Meet the founder of Matchmaker.com.

8:00 Travelscope | q | Madhya Pradesh, India—The Heart of India. | D | HD |

8:30 Pati’s Mexican Table | H | Mexican Picnic. | HD |

9:00 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #213 Sonoma-Meritage Martini Oyster Bar & Grill, Cajun Pacific Restaurant & Cater-ing, House of Prime Rib. | HD | R 5/22 12:30am

9:30 Simply Ming | H | Star Anise and Oranges. | HD |

10:00 Martin Yan’s Hidden China Ancient Lijiang—A Journey Through Time. | HD |

10:30 Jacques Pépin: More Fast Food My Way | q | Light and Luscious. | D | HD |

11:00 America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated | H | Easier Italian Favorites. | HD |

11:30 Cook’s Country from America’s Test Kitchen Chicken Two Ways. | HD |


noon Joanne Weir’s Cooking Class | q | Sauce Camp No. 1.

12:30pm Lidia’s Italy Delicious Crumbs.

1:00 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #504 Memo’s Mexican Cuisine, Souls Restau-rant, Flea Street Café. | HD |

1:30 Ebert Presents At the Movies | H | | HD | R 7pm & 11:33pm, 5/22 1am, 5:33am, & 4:30pm

2:00 New Scandinavian Cooking | H | #203. | HD |

2:30 Nick Stellino Cooking with Friends | H | Steak, Salad, and Dessert.

3:00 Antiques Roadshow Biloxi, Hour 3 of 3. | HD |

4:00 The New Yankee Workshop Workshop Cupola.

4:30 Hometime | H | Stone Cottage—Lower Level.

5:00 This Old House | H | Los Angeles Project, Part 5 of 10. | HD |

5:30 Ask This Old House | H | HD |

6:00 Secrets of the Dead The Silver Pharaoh. | D | HD | RR 5/18 8pm

7:00 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD| | R 11:33pm, 5/22 1am, 5:33am, & 4:30pm

Attend a special Freedom Riders screening and panel discussion. See page 3 for more information.

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7:30pm ImageMakers | H | q | Boys and Their Pets. | HD | R 5/22 1:30am & 11:30pm, 5/23 5:30am

8:00 When Harry Met Sally (1989) | H | The romantic comedy written by nora ephron and directed by rob reiner stars billy crystal as harry and Meg ryan as sally. | HD | R 5/22 2am

9:38 You Don’t Know Jack Soo | H | tells the fascinating story of pioneering american entertainer Jack soo, an oakland native who became the first asian american to be cast in the lead role in a regular televi-sion series. | R 5/22 3:38am

10:06 American Masters Hollywood Chinese examines how chinese people have contributed to and been portrayed in an industry that was often ignorant and dismissive about race. | R 5/22 4:06am

11:33 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | R 5/22 1am, 5:33am, & 4:30pm

Sunday 22early

mid Roadtrip Nation | q | #212.

12:30am Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #213 Sonoma-Meritage Martini Oyster Bar & Grill, Cajun Pacific Restaurant & Cater-ing, House of Prime Rib. | HD |

1-6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6:00am Clifford the Big Red dog | D |

6:30 Sid the Science Kid | HD |

7:00 Raggs | q | D |

7:30 WordWorld | D | HD |

8:00 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! | q | D | HD |

8:30 Curious George | D |

9:00 Wild Kratts | HD |

9:30 Caillou | R 5/23 7:30am

10:00 Dinosaur Train | D | HD |

10:30 The Electric Company | D | HD |

11:00 Nature Bears of the Last Frontier: The Road North. | HD | RR 5/15 8pm


noon Sharks: Stewards of the Reef reveals the relationship between these top predators and the oceans and coral reef ecosystems. | D |

12:30pm Great Performances Chicago Symphony Orchestra: Pierre Boulez Conducts Mahler’s 7th. | HD |

2:00 From Mao to the Met with Hao Jiang Tian The successful china-born opera singer discusses his journey and performs a range of music. | HD |

3:00 Inside Washington | H |

3:30 The McLaughlin Group

4:00 This Week in Northern California | q | HD |

4:30 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD |

5:00 Asian Pacific American Celebration | H | q | nominated by the community, the accomplishments of local heroes are the centerpiece of KQed’s annual asian Pacific american heritage Month celebration. | HD | R 5/23 7:30pm, 5/24 1:30am

5:30 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #511 Pagolac, Della Santina, Zazie. | HD |

6:00 Truly CA: Our State, Our Stories | H | q | Miracle in a Box. Footage from the first berkeley student piano competi-tion is combined with the restoration of a steinway grand from the 1920s. | HD |

7:00 Nature Kilauea: Mountain of Fire. | HD | | RR 5/19 8pm | R 5/23 1am


8:00pm Nature | H | Bears of the Last Frontier: Arctic Wanderers travels to the far north of alaska, the tiny north slope town of Kaktovik. | HD | R 5/23 2am, 5/29 11am

9:00 Masterpiece Mystery! Poirot: Cat Among the Pigeons. The suave sleuth tackles a murder case involving interna-tional espionage and a missing princess. | D | HD | R 5/23 3am

10:30 David Suchet on the Orient Express: A Masterpiece Special david suchet takes an epic journey on an iconic train through romantic cities and stunning scenery. | D | HD | R 5/23 4:30am, 5/24 8pm, 5/25 2am, 5/28 8pm, 5/29 2am

11:30 ImageMakers | q | Boys and Their Pets. | HD | R 5/23 5:30am

Monday 23early

mid Austin City Limits Sarah McLachlan/Duffy. | HD |

1-6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Asian Pacific American Celebration | q | HD | RR 5/22 5pm | R 5/24 1:30am

8:00 Antiques Roadshow | H | Washington, D.C., Hour 1 of 3. | HD | R 5/24 2am, 5/28 3pm

9:00 Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer: American Experience is a complex and revealing portrait of the american scientist known as “The Father of the atomic bomb.” | D | HD | R 5/24 3am

11:00 Who Killed Chea Vichea? | H | Filmed over five years in cambodia, it is a highly charged murder mystery, a political thriller, and a documentary like no other. | R 5/24 5am


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Tuesday 24early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Spark | q | Roman Lorance, Li Huayi, Bill Dan, Gregory Gavin. | R 5/25 1:30am, 5/27 11:30pm, 5/28 5:30am

8:00 David Suchet on the Orient Express: A Masterpiece Special | D | HD | RR 5/22 10:30pm | R 5/25 2am, 5/28 8pm, 5/29 2am

9:00 Daylight: The Most Beautiful Train in the World crew members and passen-gers recall the famous train that ran be-tween los angeles and san Francisco. | R 5/25 3am, 5/28 6pm

10:00 Frontline | H | TBA. | HD | R 5/25 4am

11:00 Independent Lens | H | Welcome to Shelbyville. a small town grapples with rapidly changing demographics in the heart of america’s bible belt. | HD | R 5/25 5am

Wednesday 25early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm QUEST | H | q | Redwoods/Science of Chocolate. scientists climb a 320-foot redwood tree to study climate change: and discover the chemistry of chocolate making. | HD | R 5/26 1:30am, 5/27 1:30pm

8:00 Secrets of the Dead Lost Ships of Rome. Marine archaeologists discover the wrecks of five ancient roman ships near the island of ventotene. | HD | R 5/26 2am

9:00 Nova Secrets of the Parthenon examines the challenging and controversial resto-ration of one of the world’s best-known buildings. | D | HD | R 5/26 3am

10:00 The History Project Seven Wonders of Ancient Greece. explore how and why the seven wonders of ancient greece still retain the power to amaze the world. | D | R 5/26 4am

11:00 Global Voices Anatomy of a Spring-roll. a man searches for an ingredient to blend his traditional culture with his adopted american life. | R 5/26 5am

Thursday 26early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #505 Chez Spencer, Broken Record, Marnee Thai. | HD | R 5/27 1:30am, 5/28 1pm

KQED’s 2011 celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is made possible by Union Bank.

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8:00 Lost Cave Temples scaling cliffs in a remote corner of the himalaya, climb-ers uncover mysterious ancient cave temples. | HD | R 5/27 2am

9:00 The Buddha This documentary tells the story of the buddha’s life, a journey especially relevant in our own bewildering times of violent change and spiritual confusion. | D | HD | R 5/27 3am

11:00 Bhutan—Taking the Middle Path to Happiness The himalayan kingdom is committed to environmental and cultural preservation and honest governance. | R 5/27 5am

Friday 27early

mid Charlie Rose | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm This Week in Northern California | H | q | HD | R 5/28 1:30am & 7am, 5/29 4pm

8:00 Washington Week | H | HD | R 5/28 2am & 6:30am

8:30 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #214 Buckeye Roadhouse, Canto do Brasil, Udupi Palace. | HD | R 5/28 2:30am & 9am, 5/29 12:30am

9:00 The Story of India Ages of Gold. dis-cover amazing achievements of india’s golden age from ad 300 to 1000. | D | HD | R 5/28 3am

10:00 Need to Know | H | HD | R 5/28 4am

11:00 ImageMakers Lost and Found. | HD | R 5/28 5am

11:30 Spark | q | Roman Lorance, Li Huayi, Bill Dan, Gregory Gavin. | R 5/28 5:30am

Saturday 28early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R 5/30 noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.

6:00am The McLaughlin Group | H | R 5/29 3:30pm

6:30 Washington Week | HD |

7:00 This Week in Northern California | q | HD | R 5/29 4pm

7:30 Roadtrip Nation | q | #209.

8:00 Travelscope | q | Thailand—Rediscovering Bangkok. | D | HD |

8:30 Pati’s Mexican Table | H | Mexican Brunch. | HD |

9:00 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #214 Buckeye Roadhouse, Canto do Brasil, Udupi Palace. | HD | R 5/29 12:30am

9:30 Simply Ming | H | Sake and Black Pepper. | HD |

10:00 Martin Yan’s Hidden China Kunming—The Gateway to Eternal Spring. | HD |

10:30 Jacques Pépin: More Fast Food My Way | q | Dinner Party Special. | D | HD |

11:00 America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated | H | Steak Frites. | HD |

11:30 Cook’s Country from America’s Test Kitchen Ultimate Ham Dinner. | HD |


noon Joanne Weir’s Cooking Class | q |Soufflés. | HD |

12:30pm Lidia’s Italy To Cozze or Not to Cozze.

1:00 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #505 Chez Spencer, Broken Record, Marnee Thai. | HD |

1:30 Ebert Presents At the Movies | H || HD | R 7pm, 5/29 1am & 4:30pm, 5/30 7:30pm, 5/31 1:30am

2:00 New Scandinavian Cooking #204. | HD |

2:30 Nick Stellino Cooking with Friends Andy’s Pork Tenderloin.

3:00 Antiques Roadshow Washington, D.C., Hour 1 of 3. | HD |

4:00 The New Yankee Workshop Mesquite Bookcase.

4:30 Hometime | H | Stone Cottage—Storage.

5:00 This Old House | H | Los Angeles Project, Part 6 of 10. | HD |

5:30 Ask This Old House | H | HD |

6:00 Daylight: The Most Beautiful Train in the World | RR 5/24 9pm

7:00 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | R 5/29 1am & 4:30pm, 5/30 7:30pm, 5/31 1:30am


7:30pm ImageMakers | H | q | Living in Danger-ous Times. | HD | R 5/29 1:30am

8:00 David Suchet on the Orient Express: A Masterpiece Special | D | HD | RR 5/22 10:30pm | R 5/29 2am

9:00 American Masters Good Ol’ Charles Schulz tells the story of an unassuming man who redefined the comic art form, always with love and tolerance. | HD | R 5/29 3am

10:30 American Masters Garrison Keillor: The Man on the Radio in the Red Shoes. explore the imagination of the creator of A Prairie Home Companion. | HD | R 5/29 4:30am

Sunday 29early

mid Roadtrip Nation | q | #701. | HD |

12:30am Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #214 Buckeye Roadhouse, Canto do Brasil, Udupi Palace. | HD |



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1-6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.

6:00am Clifford the Big Red dog | D |

6:30 Sid the Science Kid | D | HD |

7:00 Raggs | q | D |

7:30 WordWorld | D | HD |

8:00 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! | q | D | HD |

8:30 Curious George | D |

9:00 Wild Kratts | HD |

9:30 Caillou | R 5/30 7:30am

10:00 Dinosaur Train | D | HD |

10:30 The Electric Company | D | HD |

11:00 Nature Bears of the Last Frontier: Arctic Wanderers. | HD | RR 5/22 8pm


noon Great Performances at the Met | H | Iphigenie en Tauride. susan graham and Plácido domingo reprise their starring roles in gluck’s elegant interpretation of the primal greek myth. | HD |

2:30pm Mustang—Journey of Transforma-tion | HD | RR 5/8 1:30pm

3:00 Inside Washington | H |

3:30 The McLaughlin Group

4:00 This Week in Northern California | q | | HD |

4:30 Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | | R 5/30 7:30pm, 5/31 1:30am

5:00 America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated Salmon—Indoors and Out. | HD |

5:30 Check, Please! Bay Area | q | #512 Tropisueño, Bobo’s, Pisces California. | HD |

6:00 Most Honorable Son explores the per-sonal odyssey of a nebraska-born nisei whose sense of loyalty to the united states drove him to enlist to fight the axis powers.

7:00 4TROOPS: Live from the Intrepid a group of iraq and afghanistan combat veterans performs uplifting songs. | HD | | R 5/30 1am


8:00pm National Memorial Day Concert 2011 | H | an all-star lineup of dignitar-ies, actors, and musicians perform with the national symphony orchestra. | HD | | R 9:30pm, 5/30 2am, 3:30am, & 1pm

9:30 National Memorial Day Concert 2011 | HD | RR 8pm | R 5/30 2am, 3:30am, & 1pm

Page 15: May 2011 KQED Guide


Weekday DaytimeSchedule on KQED 9Comcast 9 & 709, Digital 9.1, 25.1, & 54.2

Monday–Friday 6am-7:30pm

Morning6:00 Mon–Fri Clifford the Big Red Dog6:30 Mon–Fri Sid the Science Kid 7:00 Mon–Fri Raggs 7:30 Mon–Fri Caillou 8:00 Mon–Fri Curious George8:30 Mon–Fri The Cat in the Hat Knows

a Lot About That! 9:00 Mon–Fri Super Why! 9:30 Mon–Fri Dinosaur Train 10:00 Mon–Fri Sesame Street11:00 Mon–Fri WordWorld 11:30 Mon–Fri Caillou

aFTernoonnoon Mon–Fri Charlie Rose1:00 Mon–Thu America’s Test Kitchen

(except Mon 5/30 National Memorial Day Concert 2011)

Fri Check, Please! Bay Area 1:30 Mon–Thu Julia Child

(except Mon 5/30 National Memorial Day Concert 2011)

Fri QUEST 2:00 Mon–Fri Tavis Smiley

(except Mon 5/30 National Memorial Day Concert 2011)

2:30 Mon–Fri BBC World News America3:00 Mon–Fri PBS NewsHour4:00 Mon–Fri BBC World News America

– new time4:30 Mon–Fri Curious George – new time 5:00 Mon–Fri The Cat in the Hat Knows

a Lot About That! 5:30 Mon–Fri Wild Kratts – new time early evening6:00 Mon–Fri PBS NewsHour7:00 Mon–Fri Nightly Business Report

May 2011 K











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More Quality Programming

Comcast 10, Digital 9.2 brilliantly british comedies, mysteries, and dramas as well as local news and information programs from KTeh san Jose.

Midsomer Murders

Finally! a new season of the international hit Midsomer Murders begins on KTeh this month. The rural countryside of the fictional english county of Midsomer provides the backdrop for this crime series based on the novels of caroline graham. Quirky characters and ubiquitous red herrings recall classic british public television mysteries of the past. and at the center of the investigations: detective chief inspector Tom barnaby, played by actor John nettles (pictured).

Fridays at 9pm on KTEH. visit kteh.org/dtv for a complete KTeh broadcast schedule.

Automated Program Info Line 415.354.8000

KQED Public Television Info 415.553.2135

KQED Public Television Comments 415.553.2100

KQED Public Radio Info 88.5 FM san Francisco 415.553.2129 89.3 FM sacramento 916.570.0215

Member Services 415.553.2150

Other KQED Info 415.864.2000


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.Coming in JuneHimalaya with Michael Palin

The former Monty Python star packs his bags for his most challenging adventure yet—a 2,000-mile journey from the borders of afghanistan to south west china, across a region of might, majesty, and mystery. he’s never covered any of this ground before, let alone milked a yak, washed an elephant, or swum at 14,000 feet. encountering new extremes of wealth and poverty, intense heat and freezing cold, Palin brings his unique brand of wit and wisdom with him. you’re invited to join the adventure.

11:00 Hallowed Grounds travels to military cemeteries around the world where americans are buried. | HD | R 5/30 5am

Monday 30early

mid Austin City Limits Steve Martin/Sarah Jarosz. | HD |

1-6am Repeats the previous night’s 7pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Ebert Presents At the Movies | HD | R 5/31 1:30am

8:00 Antiques Roadshow | H | Washington, D.C., Hour 2 of 3. | HD | R 5/31 2am

9:00 POV The Way We Get By is an intimate look at senior citizens who’ve greeted nearly 800,000 american troops at a tiny airport. | HD | R 5/31 3am

10:30 War Letters: American Experience reveals newly uncovered personal cor-respondence, from the american revolu-tion to the gulf War. | D | R 5/31 4:30am

11:30 Next Mission | H | examines america’s preparation for the 2 million veterans of the wars in iraq and afghanistan. | D | R 5/31 5:30am

Tuesday 31early

mid Charlie Rose | H | R noon

1:00am Nightly Business Report | HD |

1:30-6amRepeats the previous night’s 7:30pm to midnight schedule.


7:30pm Spark | q | Christopher Brown, Binh Danh, Flo Oy Wong, Deborah Slater.

8:00 Lost Treasures of the Ancient World | H | Ancient China includes dazzling graphic re-creations of an ancient chinese village, the terracotta army, and beijing’s Forbidden city.

9:00 Great Performances | H | Carnegie Hall @ 120: An Anniversary Celebration. The new york Philharmonic, violinist gil shaham, cellist yo-yo Ma, and pianist emanuel ax perform. | HD |

10:30 Independent Lens | H | Pushing the Elephant. This story of forgiveness, hope, and the joy of family life captures a congolese woman’s mission for peace in her country beset by genocidal violence. | HD |

Page 16: May 2011 KQED Guide


2601 Mariposa streetsan Francisco, ca 94110

Photo: James beard award–winning chef Joanne Weir. Courtesy A La Carte Communications.

Comcast 190, Digital 9.3Thought-provoking television—public affairs, local and world events, nature, history,and science.



7:00 Best of World (Science, Nature, History, Public Affairs)

aFTernoon/evening1:00 BBC World News America (live) 1:30 Tavis Smiley2:00 (Mon–Thur) NHK Newsline (Fri) BBC Newsnight 2:30 Journal 3:00 BBC World News America (live) 3:30 Nightly Business Report (live) 4:00 PBS NewsHour (live) 5:00 BBC World News America5:30 PBS NewsHour 6:30 (Mon–Thur) NHK Newsline (Fri) BBC Newsnight 7:00 PBS NewsHour

PriMe-TiMe 8:00 Charlie Rose (live) 9:00 BBC World News 9:30 Tavis Smiley 10:00 PBS NewsHour 11:00 (Mon–Thur) NHK Newsline (Fri) BBC Newsnight 11:30 Nightly Business Report

The complete World channel schedule is available online. kqed.org/tv

Comcast 189, Digital 54.3 The very best of KQed prime-time programs as well as arts and entertainment, food, gardening, how-to, and travel.


Morning7:00 Power Yoga 7:30 Sit and Be Fit8:00 Classical Stretch8:30 Burt Wolf’s Travels & Traditions 9:00 Rick Steves’ Europe9:30 Smart Travels with Rudy Maxa10:00 Passport to Adventure 10:30 Travelscope11:00 California’s Gold11:30 Baking with Julia

aFTernoon/eveningnoon Tommy Tang’s Thai 12:30 Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen 1:00 Los Niños en Su Casa1:30 A Place of Our Own 2:00 Arts and Crafts (includes knitting, painting, and sewing programs) 3:00 Simply Ming 3:30 Delicious TV’s Totally Vegetarian4:00 Nick Stellino’s Family Table4:30 Lidia Bastianich5:00 Julia Child5:30 Jacques Pépin6:00 Joanne Weir 6:30 America’s Test Kitchen 7-11 (Mon) Performing Arts/Special Presentations (Tue–Fri) Repeats of KQED 9 Prime-Time Programming



7:00 Music Specials 8:00 Austin City Limits9:00 Masterpiece 10:30 ImageMakers11:00 Specials


evening7-11 Prime-Time Specials

The complete life channel schedule is available online. kqed.org/tv

Comcast 192, Digital 54.4Quality children’s programming that kids will love and parents and caregivers will appreciate.

every Morning5:00 The Electric Company5:30 Wild Kratts 6:00 Angelina Ballerina – new time6:30 Maya and Miguel 7:00 Curiosity Quest 7:30 The Electric Company 8:00 Angelina Ballerina 8:30 Anne of Green Gables—Animated Series9:00 Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman9:30 Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:00 Raggs10:30 Between the Lions11:00 Martha Speaks11:30 Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman

every aFTernoonnoon WordGirl 12:30 Arthur1:00 Clifford’s Puppy Days 1:30 Clifford the Big Red Dog 2:00 Martha Speaks 2:30 Between the Lions3:00 Wild Kratts 3:30 Arthur4:00 Anne of Green Gables—Animated Series4:30 Angelina Ballerina 5:00 WordGirl5:30 Cyberchase

every evening6:00 Curiosity Quest 6:30 The Electric Company 7:00 Wild Kratts 7:30 Martha Speaks8:00 Arthur8:30 Maya and Miguel9:00 WordGirl 9:30 Cyberchase10:00 Curiosity Quest 10:30 Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman11:00 The Electric Company11:30 Wild Kratts

The complete and overnight Kids channel schedules are available online. kqed.org/tv

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