Congratulations to Matthew DelVecchio!!! Matthew is the recipient of the Bernard Curtis Brown II Memorial NASA Space Camp Scholarship. He will be attending the space camp this summer in Huntsville, a. Alabam The scholarship is funded by the Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) and includes round trip transportation, meals, lodging, and program materials. The Space Camp is a six day program that includes hands-on activities such as simulated space shuttle missions, training simulators, rocket building and launches, and scientific experiments. The Camp Scholarship is highly competitive, and Matthew was the only 8th grader in the US to receive it. Congratulations Matthew! We are proud of you! Jill DiGiampaolo & David A. Garcia – Editors Digiampaolo.j@ lacklandisd.net May 20, 2011 www.lacklandisd.net Admin Alley Upcoming Events: Monday May 23 End of Year Academic Assembly pm Tuesday May 24 EOC Geometry B6 EOC Geometry A4 Board Mtg. 6:00pm Wednesday May 25 EOC Algebra1 A2 EOC Algebra1 PAP A2 EOC Geometry A4 Athletic Banquet 6pm Thursday May 26 EOC Algebra1 B5 EOC Algebra2 B6 EOC Algebra2 B7 EOC Algebra1 B8 Retirement Reception 3:45 Lyon Center Friday May 27 EOC Algebra2 A1 Contents: Admin Alley 1 Upcoming Events 1 Career Day Region 20 2 Beautiful Butterflies 3 Stacey Profile 4 Partner Reading 5 Elementary Stuff 6 Quilts 7 Volunteer Appreciation 8 Extreme Makeover 9 Camp Mickey D’s 10 Camp Mickey D’s 11 SFA Goes Digital 12 Random Shots 13

May 20, 2011 eNews

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Page 1: May 20, 2011 eNews

Congratulations to Matthew DelVecchio!!!

Matthew is the recipient of the Bernard Curtis Brown II Memorial NASA Space Camp Scholarship. He will be attending the space camp this summer in Huntsville,



The scholarship is funded by the Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) and includes round trip

transportation, meals, lodging, and program materials.

The Space Camp is a six day program that includes hands-on activities such as

simulated space shuttle missions, training simulators, rocket building and launches, and

scientific experiments. The Camp Scholarship is highly competitive,

and Matthew was the only 8th grader in the US to receive it. Congratulations Matthew!

We are proud of you!

J i l l D iGiampaolo & Dav id A. Garc ia – Ed i tors

D ig iampaolo. j@ lack landisd.net

May 20, 2011

www.lack landisd.net Admin Alley

Upcoming Events: Monday May 23 End

of Year Academic Assembly pm

Tuesday May 24 EOC Geometry B6 EOC Geometry A4 Board Mtg. 6:00pm

Wednesday May 25 EOC Algebra1 A2 EOC Algebra1 PAP A2 EOC Geometry A4 Athletic Banquet 6pm

Thursday May 26 EOC Algebra1 B5 EOC Algebra2 B6 EOC Algebra2 B7 EOC Algebra1 B8 Retirement Reception 3:45 Lyon Center

Friday May 27 EOC Algebra2 A1


Admin Alley 1

Upcoming Events 1

Career Day Region 20 2

Beautiful Butterflies 3

Stacey Profile 4

Partner Reading 5

Elementary Stuff 6

Quilts 7

Volunteer Appreciation 8

Extreme Makeover 9

Camp Mickey D’s 10

Camp Mickey D’s 11

SFA Goes Digital 12

Random Shots 13

Page 2: May 20, 2011 eNews

Lackland ISD E-News www.lacklandisd.net

Page 2 of 13 May 20, 2011

Career Day at Region 20: Written by Meryl Belisario From video game graphic designers to air traffic controllers, countless eighth graders traveling

from many distances gathered at Region 20 for the first annual Explore Careers Day. Seeing many faces and meeting new people was just one part. The hands-on activities and fun trivia games

really caught our attention and was enjoyed by all. Although the weather was muddy and rainy it didn’t ruin our enthusiasm. The speakers were fun and interesting, yet got straight to the point.

All schools split into multiple groups, with each group learning more about known occupations and familiarizing themselves with new careers., I began to realize after hearing all of the speakers that it took much more than aspirations to make allot of money or to become famous. It included the importance of an education, having determination, and the ability to accept failure. It’s nice to think that these things are possible and help to inspire us for today and build for the future.

Career Day Region 20

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Beautiful Butterflies Lackland ISD E-News ww w.lacklandisd.net

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Ms Kay's 2nd grade class released 5 of its American Painted Lady Butterflies this week after learning about the butterfly life cycle. Students are learning all about life cycles of animals and how they interact with thier environments. They were

released in our garden. Three of them stayed around to drink some Lantana nectar before taking off into the sky.

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STACEY Profile: Devette Stepney By: Jaazmyne Stringer


1. What is the best part of being at Stacey? I cannot name just one thing I think is the best part of being at Stacey; it is a great place to be all around. 

2. What things do you do at your job? There are a lot of things that I do on the job, but just to name a few:  take in all of the new student information and make sure that we have all of the correct information, request records from the other schools, and send out records and transcripts.  Data entry is a big part of the job, as well as helping out where I am needed.    

3. Do you have any children? I have three girls: Jasmine who is 15, Myracle who is 9, and Rashae who is 8. 

4. What is your life-long dream? My life‐long dream is to own an RV and travel. 

5. What are you most proud of? I am most proud of my three daughters; they surprise me every day with a new accomplishment. 

6. What do you like to do in your spare time? I find myself spending most of my spare time doing homework, but if I am not doing homework, I enjoy riding around and seeing new places. 

7. Who are your heroes? I would have to say that my three older brothers and my parents are my heroes. 

8. What would you do if you won the lottery? If I won the lottery, I would probably end up giving it all away to take care of everyone else.  

9. What is your favorite childhood memory? My favorite childhood memory is when we moved from El Paso, TX back the Virginia Beach, VA.  We went to visit my family in California, Nevada, Arizona, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. 

10. What your favorite kind of music? My favorite kind of music is Gospel. 

Lackland ISD E-News Stacey Profile Page 4 of 13 www.lacklandisd.net May 20, 2011

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ATTENTION PARENTS! Please pick up any medications, prescribed or over-the-counter, from the nurses’ office by end of school day on Friday, June 3rd. Any medications left in the clinic, will be

disposed of.


Students in Mrs. Kendall’s science class read to first graders. The 9th and 10th graders created “biome” books and shared them with students in Mrs. Allen’s 

class. What a treat! Thank you! 


Lackland ISD E-News Partner Reading Page 5 of 13 www.lacklandisd.net May 20, 2011

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Kindergarten students pose as their classmates draw them in Mr. Garcia’s art class.

Lackland ISD E-News Elementary Stuff Page 6 of 13 www.lacklandisd.net May 20, 2011

Page 7: May 20, 2011 eNews

Quilts for Family and Protective Services The Family and Community Service students have been busy sewing quilts for the children’s shelter as part of the Bright Hopes project.

Mrs. Todd and the Greater San Antonio Quilt Guild provided the supplies needed in order for the students to complete the project.

Mrs. Duron’s students assembled the quilts by sewing the quilted top, batting, and backing together. They finished the quilts by hand tying all the layers together. These quilts will give comfort to children in

their time of need.

Lackland ISD E-News Quilts Page 7 of 13 www.lacklandisd.net May 20, 2011

Page 8: May 20, 2011 eNews

Friday, May 20th, Lackland Elementary School honored its volunteers with a Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast in the Media Center. Grade levels provided delicious food and

beverages. Certificates and pins were passed out to the volunteers after Mrs. Norton thanked them for their dedication and service. PTSO President Courtney Sundquist and Cindy Stauffer

and JoAnne Nance were on hand to represent those who could not join in the celebration. Our volunteers donate countless hours to help Lackland Elementary remain an outstanding

school. We LOVE our volunteers!

Lackland ISD E-News Volunteer Appreciation Page 8 of 13 www.lacklandisd.net May 20, 2011

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Lackland ISD E-News Extreme Makeover Page 9 of 13 www.lacklandisd.net May 20, 2011

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What: The Ultimate Summer

Experience When:

June 6-10th 8:00-12:00

Where: At McDonald’s

Who: Students who are 16

(or will turn 16 this summer) Why:

Learn valuable skills Receive cool prizes & meals

Meet new friends Sign Up NOW!!

It is FREE! See Mrs. Duron for details [email protected]

Lackland ISD E-News Camp Mickey D’s Page 10 of 13 www.lacklandisd.net May 20, 2011

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“Camp Mickey D’s” Enrollment Information

Camp Mickey D’s will be held June 6-10, 2011 8:00 a.m. until noon each day

STUDENT PERSONAL DATA Name _____________________________________Student ID# ________________________________

Address ___________________________________ Telephone Number _________________________ City _________________________ State _______________ Zip ___________________ Social Security # _____________________ Date of Birth

________________________________ School ___________________________________ T-Shirt Size S M L XL XXL

XXXL *T-shirt sizes are adult sizes

Parent/Guardian Name ___________________________ Telephone Number _____________________

Parent/Guardian Address _________________________ Work Telephone #

_____________________ City __________________________ State _______________

Zip ___________________ ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT Camp Mickey D student participants will receive school to career information that will be presented in a school based and work based format. This program is a partnership with the Career & Technology Education Department of Lackland Independent School District, and the Greater San Antonio McDonald’s Owner/Operators Association. All activities will be supervised by a certified Lackland ISD teacher. Students will be expected to adhere to District policies at all times during this camp. Your signature below gives permission for your student to participate in the Camp Mickey D’s activities during the week of June 6-10, 2011. This form will also give Lackland ISD your permission for photo release. Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________ Date:


Return to Mrs. Duron or Mail to Lackland ISD @ 2460 Kenly Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78236



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Lackland ISD E-News SFA goes Digital Page 12 of 13 www.lacklandisd.net May 20, 2011

SFA Book Reports Lackland Elementary students in the WINGS program of SFA (Success For All) Reading are required to complete and present two book reports per grading period. The book reports must reflect the student's reading comprehension level and abilities to critically and creatively reflect upon their reading. Book reports count 10% towards a student's overall SFA Reading grade each quarter and are a vital part of their continued growth as a successful lifelong reader. One of the many benefits of sharing books is the encouragement others receive to also read a particular novel or story or to explore a new genre of literature, thus expanding their enjoyment of the written word. Students are usually required to complete a written response of some sort along with a visual aid to accompany the report. However, some students are choosing to create digital book club reports to share with their peers using PowerPoint, Google Docs, VoiceThread, Glogster, or other exciting presentation software. Some recent examples come from Mrs. Davis’ SFA Reading class this week. Fourth graders, Brooke Horn and Joseph (Garrett) Sundquist, presented two outstanding digital biography book reports using PowerPoint and Google Docs. Their fellow classmates enjoyed learning more about the lives of Eleanor Roosevelt and Babe Ruth via these digital formats. Kudos to both Brooke and Garrett for showcasing outstanding reading comprehension abilities along with exciting 21st century presentation skills. 1

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Lackland ISD E-News Random Shots Page 13 of 13 www.lacklandisd.net May 20, 2011