www.msbaptist.org May 15, 2019 VOL. 73 NO. 10 JOURNAL OF THE BAPTIST MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION OF MISSISSIPPI One Lord, One Faith, One Mission National Meeting Held in Rogers, Arkansas Bro. Jerry Kidd (center) leads is dedication prayerC missionaries at commissioning service The annual BMA of America meeting was held at the John Q. Hammons Convention Cen- ter in Rogers, Arkansas, May 6-8, 2019. The meeting was attended by a reported 644 individuals representing 218 churches. An additional 204 churches were represented by letter only. 466 messengers were registered with 178 visitors reported. The current officers were elected with the exception of Clerk James Ray Raines. Bro. Raines has served faithfully for 25 years and offered his resignation due to health is- sues. Bro. Randy Shepherd of Texarkana, Texas, was elected to fill that position. The format for this year's meeting was changed with only one business session sched- uled. This session was held on Wednesday morning begin- ning at 8:00 am. While this format made for a shortened reporting time for each depart- ment, it also left no time for reports from auxiliaries or other associated ministries. The theme of the 2019 meet- ing was "One Lord, One Faith, One Mission" and this was the topic of the President's mes- sage brought by Bro. Jeff Swart. The 2020 meeting will be held at Farley Street Baptist Church, Waxahachie, Texas, on April 27-29. This church has ample space for all facets of our meeting. The 2021 meet- ing will be held at Antioch Baptist Church, Conway, Ar- kansas, with the 2022 meet- ing going to Springfield, Mis- souri, on April 19-22, 2022. The 2020 annual message will be brought by Bro. Luis Ortega of Lifeword, with Dr. Gary O'Neal serving as the al- ternate. New Churches Four churches petitioned membership into the Associa- tion at the 2019 meeting, in- cluding two from Mississippi - Central Church, Southaven, Mississippi; Daystar Church, Sumrall, Mississippi; Graves Memorial, Little Rock, Arkan- sas; and Mosaic Church, Mem- phis, Tennessee. Highlights A 'town hall' was held on Tuesday afternoon after a mes- sage from Missions Director John David Smith earlier in the afternoon. The town hall was an oppor- tunity for messengers to ques- tion department directors. One area of discussion during the town hall concerned Southeastern College Holds Graduation Services Southeastern Baptist College held commencement exercises on Thursday, May 16. Central Baptist College (Conway, Arkan- sas) President Terry Kimbrow was the speaker. Four young men received degrees. Below (left to right) James McGhee, Heidelberg, Mississippi; Zechariah Rogers, Wiggins, Mississippi; Mark Lee, Vicksburg, Mississippi; and Jess Jack- son, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. continued on page 2 Mississippi Missions Apirl & May 2019 are Special Emphasis Months for BMA of Mississippi State Missions Your gifts help us build churches and reach our state for Christ Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. 9:7 House Democrats approve homosexual rights bill WASHINGTON (May 17, 2019) — Democrats in the House approved sweeping ho- mosexual rights legislation Friday. The protections would extend to employment, hous- ing, loan applications, educa- tion, public accommodations and other areas. Called the Equality Act, the bill is a top priority of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The vote was 236-173. The legislation's chief spon- sor, David Cicilline, who is homosexual, said it affirms fairness and equality as core American values. Most Republicans oppose the bill and call it another example of government over- reach. Several GOP lawmak- ers spoke against it Friday on the House floor. President Donald Trump is widely ex- pected to veto the legislation if it reaches his desk. At a news conference Thurs- day, the Republicans said the bill would jeopardize religious freedom by requiring accep- tance of a particular ideology about sexuality and sexual identity. Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-Mo., called the legislation "grossly misnamed" and said it is "any- thing but equalizing." ccontinued on page 4

May 15, 2019 OL O

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Page 1: May 15, 2019 OL O

www.msbaptist.orgMay 15, 2019 VOL. 73 NO. 10


One Lord, One Faith, One MissionNational Meeting Held in Rogers, Arkansas

Bro. Jerry Kidd (center) leads is dedication prayerC missionaries at commissioning service

The annual BMA of Americameeting was held at the JohnQ. Hammons Convention Cen-ter in Rogers, Arkansas, May6-8, 2019.

The meeting was attendedby a reported 644 individualsrepresenting 218 churches. Anadditional 204 churches wererepresented by letter only. 466messengers were registeredwith 178 visitors reported.

The current officers wereelected with the exception ofClerk James Ray Raines. Bro.Raines has served faithfullyfor 25 years and offered hisresignation due to health is-sues. Bro. Randy Shepherd ofTexarkana, Texas, was electedto fill that position.

The format for this year'smeeting was changed with onlyone business session sched-uled. This session was held onWednesday morning begin-ning at 8:00 am. While thisformat made for a shortened

reporting time for each depart-ment, it also left no time forreports from auxiliaries orother associated ministries.

The theme of the 2019 meet-ing was "One Lord, One Faith,One Mission" and this was thetopic of the President's mes-

sage brought by Bro. JeffSwart.

The 2020 meeting will beheld at Farley Street BaptistChurch, Waxahachie, Texas,on April 27-29. This churchhas ample space for all facetsof our meeting. The 2021 meet-

ing will be held at AntiochBaptist Church, Conway, Ar-kansas, with the 2022 meet-ing going to Springfield, Mis-souri, on April 19-22, 2022.

The 2020 annual messagewill be brought by Bro. LuisOrtega of Lifeword, with Dr.

Gary O'Neal serving as the al-ternate.

New ChurchesFour churches petitioned

membership into the Associa-tion at the 2019 meeting, in-cluding two from Mississippi -Central Church, Southaven,Mississippi; Daystar Church,Sumrall, Mississippi; GravesMemorial, Little Rock, Arkan-sas; and Mosaic Church, Mem-phis, Tennessee.

HighlightsA 'town hall' was held on

Tuesday afternoon after a mes-sage from Missions DirectorJohn David Smith earlier inthe afternoon.

The town hall was an oppor-tunity for messengers to ques-tion department directors. Onearea of discussion during thetown hall concerned

Southeastern CollegeHolds Graduation Services

Southeastern Baptist College held commencement exerciseson Thursday, May 16. Central Baptist College (Conway, Arkan-sas) President Terry Kimbrow was the speaker.

Four young men received degrees. Below (left to right) JamesMcGhee, Heidelberg, Mississippi; Zechariah Rogers, Wiggins,Mississippi; Mark Lee, Vicksburg, Mississippi; and Jess Jack-son, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.

continued on page 2

Mississippi MissionsApirl & May 2019 are Special Emphasis Months for BMA of Mississippi State Missions

Your gifts help us build churches and reach our state for Christ

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; notgrudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. 9:7 

House Democrats approve homosexual rights billWASHINGTON (May 17,2019) — Democrats in theHouse approved sweeping ho-mosexual rights legislationFriday. The protections wouldextend to employment, hous-ing, loan applications, educa-tion, public accommodationsand other areas.

Called the Equality Act, thebill is a top priority of HouseSpeaker Nancy Pelosi. The votewas 236-173.

The legislation's chief spon-sor, David Cicilline, who ishomosexual, said it affirmsfairness and equality as coreAmerican values.

Most Republicans opposethe bill and call it anotherexample of government over-reach. Several GOP lawmak-ers spoke against it Friday onthe House floor. PresidentDonald Trump is widely ex-pected to veto the legislation if

it reaches his desk.At a news conference Thurs-

day, the Republicans said thebill would jeopardize religiousfreedom by requiring accep-tance of a particular ideologyabout sexuality and sexualidentity.

Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-Mo.,called the legislation "grosslymisnamed" and said it is "any-thing but equalizing."

ccontinued on page 4

Page 2: May 15, 2019 OL O

2 May 15, 2019 • Mississippi Baptist

DiscipleGuide, its reorganization, andthe future of literature production. Dr.Charley Holmes is currently leadingthe effort to assume complete litera-ture production under the previous

name of Baptist Publishing House.The Fall 2019 quarter will see a

revamped Bible study curriculum andthe resumption of producing literaturefor all ages groups. In recent years theAssociation's children's literature pro-duction ceased and was offered viadownloads from other sources. Holmesshared the new format for literatureand how the leader's book and the

student's book were complimentary ofeach other and made teaching andstudying more student friendly. Ex-amples of the Fall 2019 literature wereavailable for review.

He stressed that the reduction ofsales with the Adult literature was tieddirectly to the dropping of producingour own children's literature. Dr.Holmes stressed that our literaturewould be faithful to Associational Bap-

National Meetingfrom page 1

tist principles.Dicipleguide Board Chairman Aaron

Middleton spoke concerning changesat the department. With Sunday Schoolliterature currently being produced bythe Seminary, at least in the interim,Daniel Springs Camp will stand on itsown and report to the DiscipleGuideBoard, Conferences and InformationServices will fall under the jurisdictionof BMA, LLC. Other departments willhelp fill the need of each of these min-istries.

LifewordLifeword Director Donny Parrish

gave a good report on Lifeword's world-wide outreach to over 120 countriesand broadcasting in 53 difference lan-guages. He shared that a new Lifewordapp is in the process of being devel-oped. This will greatly broaden theoutreach of this ministry.

Long time Lifeword employee RickRussell announced his retirement. Hehas been the voice of Lifeword for thepast 30 years.

MissionsDirector John David Smith shared

some interesting statistics during his

report. In 1985 giving to BMA missionswas around $8 million and in 2018 itwas only $5 million. This giving is doneby only 16% of the churches of theBMA. Smith also shared that the greatmajority of churches still give only that10% to missions (all areas) and thatmany of our churches are giving lessdue to smaller attendance numbers.

SeminaryPresident Dr. Charley Holmes, who

has served as president for the past 20years, reported on the financial andacademic progress of the school. Hehighlighted recent upgrades to thechapel and the entire roof system of thebuildings being completed with no debt.Holmes complemented the churches

BMA President Jeff Swart

Chaplaincy Driector Dr. Scott Carson pre-senting those chaplains present at thisyear's meeting

Luis Ortega recognizing Rick Russell andhis wife for Rick's 30 years of service

Clif Johnson brought annual message

Dr. Charley Holmes, BMA Seminary Presi-dent and current Director of Disciplguide

for rallying to the fiscal needs of theschool. He shared that the seminary isdebt free and current on all obliga-

tions.The seminary was named the most

affordable Christian college in 2018and has students from both 14 statesand 14 foreign countries.

Department ReportsEach department head created a

video of their annual report. These indepth reports may be found on theinternet at www.bmaamerica.org/2019-annual-reports.

BMA Seminary Dinner Well AttendedEach year the BMA Seminary holds a dinner for alumni and supporters. Below

is a photo of those alums who were present at this year's dinner.Special individuals were recognized during the event.

Bro. Wade Allen presents flowers to Mrs.Carol Shine (left) who serves as directorof the Alumni Association. Below WadeAllen awards a lifetime honorary mem-bership to long time Seminary supportersRoy & Donna Grimsley

Gospel singing

artist Russ Taft

presented a short

concert along

with a personal

testimony time

during this year's


Page 3: May 15, 2019 OL O

3May 15, 2019 • Mississippi Baptist

Dr. Scott CarsonPresident

4229 Highway 15 North, Laurel, Mississippi 39440, (601) 426-6346

Southeastern Baptist College Serving ChristWith A Biblical World ViewIn A Christian Atmosphere

"That ye may be blameless and harm-less, the sons of God, without rebuke,in the midst of a crooked and perversenation, among whom ye shine as lightsin the world; Holding forth the word oflife..." Philippians 2:15-16

The Lord's hand is on SoutheasternBaptist College! I believe His will forthis school is to continue to recover andexpand. It is to clear to me. If I wereconvinced otherwise, I would not behere. I am personally dedicated to re-maining in the center of God's will andfollowing His leading for the future ofSBC.

The Lord is bringing to our academicleadership strong Christians, who arehighly talented and who have caughtthe vision for a thriving campus ofstudents who seek the Lord. God hasbrought person after person, each pas-sionate and determined to instill Chris-tian values in our students.

In only the last two weeks, the Lordhas brought to us, a phenomenallytalented music teacher who is actively

recruiting a choir forthis fall semester. Wehave been without amusic ministry foryears. It is time tobring it back! Thechoir will be availableto sing at your churchand associationalevents. The choir willbe the SoutheasternBaptist College am-bassadors to our churches and commu-nities promoting the college, but muchmore than that, they will be sharingthe gospel through music. Can I havean "Amen"? God is good is He not?

In addition, the Lord has brought tous a Cheer coach! Yes, Cheerleadingwill return to the campus this fall!Some may ask why? Well, Cheerleadingadds excitement to sports activities,excitement brings in fans and fansbring with them, further growth andsupport for the college! But the cheerteam is much more than team and fan

support, they are additional souls whowill join our student body and furthertheir education in biblical doctrine andvalues, through our dedicated profes-sors. Can I have another "Amen"?

The Lord has also brought to us, newcoaches who are dedicated to JesusChrist and His kingdom values. Theyare actively recruiting athletes whowant to follow Jesus while sharingtheir sports talents. In just a shortamount of time, we scheduled tryoutsfor the Chargers basketball team andforty potential students turned out forthe first tryout! There are two moretryouts scheduled. By our adding CrossCountry and Golf in the fall semester,the interest and number of students issure to expand into our classrooms andthere, they will be introduced to bibli-cally conservative teaching. At a timewhen most secular colleges and uni-versities are hostile to the Bible andthe Lord's values, these students willlearn why God's Holy Word can bebelieved, trusted and how it can be

applied to their everyday lives. Whenthese Christian students leave SBC,they will become missionaries of God'sgrace wherever He leads them. Can Ihave a third "Amen"?

We are leveraging higher educationto lead the lost to the Lord and disciplestudents in the classrooms of an ac-credited college... our college! In thefinal chapel service of this semester, Ishared the gospel message and fourstudents responded to accepting Jesusas their Savior. Praise the Lord! Can Ihave a fourth "Amen" and maybe a"Hallelujah"?

I pray you are as excited as I am! Isee God's hands all over SoutheasternBaptist College! Now the work is noteasy! It is one of the most challengingmissions the Lord has ever asked of meand of the SBC staff! Pray for us! SBCis not only going to survive, but thrive!Can I have one last "Amen"?

“And Jesus said unto them, Becauseof your unbelief: for verily I say untoyou, If ye have faith as a grain ofmustard seed, ye shall say unto thismountain, Remove hence to yonderplace; and it shall remove; and nothingshall be impossible unto you.” Mat-thew 17:20

Equipping the Saints,Dr. Carson

Pastor Brandon Wilson of Pine RidgeBaptist Church, Laurel MS leads the stu-dents' Tuesday Night Talk and Supperwith an interactive exercise

40 local students recently tried out for thefall 2019 Chargers basketball season

Southeastern Baptist CollegeUpdate Needs

SBC has many infrastructure andequipment needs. We have recentlyacquired a substantial amount of floortile and now need it installed. If youpossess the talent for this and wouldlike to help, call us at 601-426-6346.

2019 Graduation ExerciseThis year’s graduation program is

scheduled for May 16, 2019 at 7:00p.m. in the college gymnasium. Ourguest speaker is Dr. Terry Kimbrow,the president of our sister BMA school,Central Baptist College in Conway,Arkansas. This is a free event and weencourage everyone to attend to showyour support for our graduating classin this important milestone event intheir lives.

Outdoor Lawn FurnitureNow that the weather is getting

better, our students enjoyfellowshipping in the warm air andsunshine. We are in need of outdoorfurniture for them. If you have anygood used backyard furniture that youcould donate to the school, give us acall at 601-426-6346

Summer Courses OfferedSBC is offering a full Summer Session

Schedule of both in-classroom and onlineclasses. Classes begin June 3, 2019 (4weeks inclusive). In addition, high schooljuniors and seniors can duel enroll forthese classes! Registration is open nowthrough May 20. Contact Admissions at601-426-6346 today!

On Campus:English Comp I & II

College AlgebraArt AppreciationDoctrinal Books (Meridian Extension)

Online:Intro to Computer AppBiology IMinor ProphetsNew Testament Survey

New Staff HoursBecause of an uptick in interest

in Southeastern Baptist College,our staff will be adding Mondays totheir work week. Work hours arenow Monday through Thursday,8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and theadministrative offices are closedduring national holidays.

Additional Sports OpportunitiesSBC is adding cross-country and golf

to its sports program this fall. If youknow of anyone interested, please havethem contact our coaches at 601-426-6346 for more information.

Chargers Basketball TryoutsNext dates for trying out for the SBC

Chargers basketball team are May 20and 28 at 5 p.m. Those interested mustregister. Cost is $15.

Chargers CheerleadersWe are excited to announce that we

will be having a Chargers Cheerleadingsquad this fall! Tryouts are May 23 at6:30 p.m. Cost is $15.

Southeastern Graduation Held

Pictured above (left to right) SBC Trustee Chairman Leon Carmical, CentralBaptist College President Terry Kimbrow, and SBC President Dr. Scott Carsonafter the 2019 graduation exer.

Page 4: May 15, 2019 OL O

4 May 15, 2019 • Mississippi Baptist

Don J. Brown, EditorE-Mail - [email protected] site www.msbaptist.org

USPS 353-960P.O. Box 8181

Laurel, Mississippi 39441-8000

Phone 601-426-3293

PRICE$20.00 Per Year by Mail

$15.00 Per Year by EmailCHURCH PLAN

$ 1.30 Per Month per Family

Published on the 1st and15th of each month by the Bap-tist Missionary Association ofMississippi. Periodical postagepaid at Hattiesburg, MS 39402.

Postmaster:Send address changes toMississippi Baptist Paper

P.O. Box 8181, Laurel, MS39441

Journal of the Baptist MissionaryAssociation of Mississippi

Don BrownEditor

Mill Creek, PicayuneMill Creek Baptist Church of Picayune, Missis-

sippi, is seeking a full-time Lead Pastor. We arepursuing a man who will be a wise shepherd forthe members of Mill Creek Baptist Church, anactive participant in Pearl River County Missis-sippi, and is committed to building a long-termministry. He must faithfully communicate thetimeless truth of God's Word with the aim ofleading his listeners to the redeeming quality ofJesus Christ.

The Lead Pastor is responsible for the spiritualoversight, leadership, and care of the churchbody. This includes training and equipping thesaints at Mill Creek Baptist Church for the work ofministry, visitation and counseling of churchmembers, participation in church activities, andprovides oversight of the day-to-day operationsof the church office. Consequently, he must meetthe Biblical standards of eldership as laid out in

The bill "hijacks" the 1964Civil Rights Act to create "abrave new world of 'discrimi-nation' based on undefinedterms of sexual orientation andgender identity," Hartzler said.The legislation threatenswomen's sports, shelters andschools, and could silence fe-male athletes, domestic abusesurvivors and other women,she said.

A similar bill in the Senatehas been co-sponsored by allbut one Senate Democrat, butfaces long odds in the Republi-can-controlled chamber.

A Trump administration of-ficial who asked not be identi-fied, because he was not au-thorized to speak publiclyabout the president's inten-tions, said the White House

"opposes discrimination of anykind and supports the equaltreatment of all. However, thisbill in its current form is filledwith poison pills that threatento undermine parental andconscience rights."

Some critics also said thebill could jeopardize Title IX,the law prohibiting sex dis-crimination in federally fundededucation programs. Formertennis star MartinaNavratilova co-wrote an opin-ion piece in The WashingtonPost urging lawmakers not to"make the unnecessary andironic mistake of sacrificing theenormously valuable socialgood that is female sports intheir effort to secure the rightsof transgender women andgirls."

House Democratsfrom page 1

Curches Seeking Pastors

1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.If you feel led to pursue this position, please

mail your resume to the following:Ronnie Spiers, 23399 Mitchell Rd., Picayune, MS39466 or email [email protected].

Greenwood, FultonGreenwood Missionary Baptist Church located

in Itawamba County, Mississippi, is seeking a full-time pastor. E-mail resumes [email protected] or mail to 1400Greenwood Church Rd., Fulton, MS 38843.

Campground, GulfportCampground Missionary Baptist Church located

in Harrison County, Mississippi, is seeking a fulltime pastor. If you feel led to pursue this oppor-tunity please Email resumes [email protected] or contact Alan Sullivanat 228-860-8740.

North Mississippi Senior Adult ConferenceThe Senior Adult Commission, led by Bro. Kenneth Flynt, held the 2019 North Mississippi

Senior Adult Conference recently at First Baptist Church of Mantachie.Good singing, good fellowship, door prizes, a catfish and chicken lunch and preaching

highlighted the day.Music was led by Matt Hudson, special music was presented by a quartet of ladies from the host

church and the morning message was brought by Don Brown, editor of the Mississipi Baptist.

The oldest attending this year'snorthern conference were 91 yearold Miriam Moore, of GreenwoodChurch (left) and 94 year old EarlBrown of Unity Church, Guntown.

At left - special

music brought

by a quartet

from First,


Editor Don Brown brought themorning message

Everyone in attendance enjoyed a catered lunch of catfish, chicken andall the trimmings. First Baptist Church was a gracious host and providedan abundance of homemade desserts.

Thoughts and Miscellaneous OpinionsNational Meeting - We had a good meeting in Arkansas and theattendance was a little better that recent years. Too many churchesleave the main business to too few churches. More participationlends itself to better understanding and support.Our 2020 meeting will be held in one of our churches in Texas. Thiswill save the Association some much needed funds. Meetingexpense continues to grow and funds received are not sufficient.

Abortion - The cry of our children over the past 60 years can beheard by those who are heartbroken over this pagan practice. Anumber of states have recently passed legislation severely limitingthe practice of abortion. Alabama is the latest and their actions havecreated a fire storm of reaction across our nation. This is good! Themore thought given to this subject the better, and the moreindividuals understand about abortion the more support we shouldhave to outlaw the killing of our children.

The New York state legislature, upon passing a liberal abortionlaw that allows the killing of viable children, stood and cheered atits passage. I can only think of the Roman coliseum and the criesof the crowd to 'kill the Christians'. We are becoming a pagansociety at an increasing speed.

Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism AndAmerican Decline - Former Supreme Court nominee Robert Borkwrote this book a number of years ago. It was a blunt treatise onthe downward trend of morality in our nation. The article on pageone of this issue concerning the bill recently passed by the U.S.House of Representatives is a stark reminder that Bork was right onin his concerns. This bill, which will soon head to the Senate, is adirect attack on the very morality of our nation.

The liberal leftists in our nation are trying to underminedcommon sense, common decency, and traditional and biblicalmorality. Christians will become criminals under this bill for living bybiblical principles given to us by our Creator.

We have too long stood by and let Satan's crowd win. We muststand and fight against this movement. Contact your senators andlet them know this is unacceptable.

Page 5: May 15, 2019 OL O

5May 15, 2019 • Mississippi Baptist

Mrs. Jeannette (Rocky)Goodwin passes away

Margaret Jeannette Goodwin, age80, of Warren, Arkansas, died Tues-day, May 14, 2019,at the BradleyCounty MedicalCenter. She wasborn March 14,1939, in Moulton,Alabama, a daugh-ter of the lateLester Cross andJuanita SparksCross. She was ahomemaker and amember of CalvaryBaptist Church.

She was preceded in death by broth-ers Bob and Ray, and sisters Sue andJoyce. Survivors are her husband Rev.Rocky Goodwin who she married June14, 1957. Two sons Ken (LaDonna)Goodwin of Warren, Arkansas, andMichael (Ann) Goodwin of Magnolia,Arkansas. One daughter Mitzi Goodwinof Warren, Arkansas; one brotherLester Dale Cross of Knoxville, Ten-nessee; six grandchildren and eigh-teen great-grandchildren. Funeral ser-vice were held Friday, May 17, at Cal-vary Baptist Church.

Memorials are requested to go toEvangelistic International Ministries,114 Bradley 23, Warren, AR, 71671.EIM is an international ministry be-gun by Bro. Rocky Goodwin and sharesthe Gospel around the world.

Jeannette Goodwin

September 20th-21st 2019 Camp Garaywa

Clinton, MississippiQuest Speaker- Lori Cline

More Information coming soon

For questions call Jessica Haden @ 662-251-0455

Or email @ [email protected]

Ladies Retreat

Missionaries cominghome on Leave

Danny and Rita Ballard, missionar-ies to the Philippines, will be home on

furlough from August through midOctober. Churches wishing them tocome by and share their ministry whilehome may schedule a visit may contactthem by email me [email protected].

Danny and Rita Ballard

East Central AssociationThe East Central Association Meet-

ing was held at Canaan Baptist Churchon May 9, 2019. After a welcome fromthe host church and a song and prayer,Bro. Scott Brosich brought a wonderfulmessage from ll Timothy 4: 6-8 titledThe Rose. Bro. I.L. Stinson presentedhim with the right hand of apprecia-tion. Association business was con-ducted in an orderly manner and weenjoyed a time of fellowship after themeeting. Our next meeting will beheld at Central Baptist Church inRichton.

Bro. Jason Howard, ModeratorBro. Jerry Overstreet, Reporter

Does the Bible Sanction Professionalism?by Paul Gauntt

Pastor of First, Palmer, Texasfrom Baptist Progress

Much emphasis has been placed onthe importance of professionalism inour culture today. One thing I recallabout being in the Navy was the abso-lute focus on professionalism. Every-one who excelled in his or her special-ized field of service must do so withextreme professionalism. The word wasthe predominant buzz word on the quar-terly reports of both enlisted and offic-ers.

While I would never disparage pro-fessionalism—after all, it does have itsplace in society, yet, scripture is not somuch interested in climbing the com-pany ladder with professional acco-lades as it is in stressing doing thingsfrom the heart with excellence, not forearthly rewards, but for God’s glory.Colossians 3:23 says “And whatsoeverye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, andnot unto men.” Paul tells us inEphesians 6 that our work isn’t to bedone “. . .with eyeservice, asmenpleasers, but as the servants ofChrist, doing the will of God from theheart..” Solomon admonishes us to lookto the work ethic of the ant, so as not tobe a “sluggard.” But even that truthdoesn’t guarantee us a place of highprominence in the company—or Bap-tist denomination. Working heartily as

unto the Lord and following someworldly steps which means human ex-cellence are not synonymous.

I’m so thankful God didn’t choose tocall me into the ministry after I hadjumped through several “professionalhoops” and gained human accoladesand medals of honor before He coulduse me. It’s great to know that Goddoes not toss preacher boys on theministerial ash heap because scholas-tic qualifications may not have beenstellar or because he may not have hadthe golden voice of George W. Truett,or measured up to the professionalprowess of John Maxwell. This so-calledladder of success in the corporate, edu-cational, or political is not to be a factorin the Lord’s work. In fact, I’m not toosure the illusive “ladder of success” issanctioned in scripture, and for sure itdoesn’t ascend very high in Baptistwork. I am 70 years old and if therewere a ladder of success in the ministryI’m still stuck on the bottom rung. I’msure Nimrod came to learn the perils ofclimbing such a ladder.

I believe the past few years haveproven how insignificant that profes-sional ladder of success is in the politi-cal world. There is quite a stir in ournation’s capital right now because wehave a president who is anything but acareer politician. Never mind the soar-ing economy, military victories acrossthe globe, and the resurgence of a boom-ing industry under his watch—the guysimply does not possess the profession-alism which has been demanded by theWashington elite. In their opinion, thenation is much better off with a falter-ing economy, giant cities with home-less living under bridges, and break-downs in safety, security, and morals,as long as there is a professional politi-cian in the White House.

What about the pastorate—some-thing with which I am familiar? WhileI am not by any means discounting theurgency of a minister preparing asmuch as possible, yet it seems strangethat there have been men with enoughdegrees to paper a large study whofailed to have the “success” that mostchurches expect from a professional

pastor. I know a pastor today, who willremain nameless, who only had a fewsermons under his belt prior to beingcalled to his first (and only) church. Ithink he would be the first to admitthat professionalism wasn’t in his vo-cabulary. But he moved into the com-munity—genuinely loved the people,and now, 26 years later, that churchproperty takes up virtually one fourthof the downtown area—their ministryreaches to the entire county. He hasbaptized hundreds of people. In fact,another church which may haveseemed more “prestigious” and thatenjoyed a long line of doctors in herpastoral history, extended an invita-tion to this pastor. But God gave himthe wisdom to realize he would not bein his element in such a congregation.

I had always heard that a preacher’sfirst pastorate is the most blessed. Iknow why now. When we went to ourfirst pastorate— Enon, Iola (Texas) in1975, the young, green pastor couldn’teven pronounce the words “Chloe” and“Gamaliel” correctly. In fact, I do notrecall doing much of anything withexcellence. But ironically, it is thosetypes of ministries that God seems tohonor—I think it’s because that the“still wet behind the ears,” inexperi-enced pastor realizes he has no otherrecourse but to be totally dependent onGod the Father. Professionalism iswoefully inadequate and feigning pro-fessionalism is absolutely foolish. Godreceives no glory when we lean on ourprofessionalism. Could that be whatSolomon was talking about in Proverbs3:5? “Trust in the Lord with all thineheart; and lean not unto thine ownunderstanding.”

The Apostle Paul concurred. Allthrough the first chapter of 1Corinthians he minimized ministerialprofessionalism. “Where is the wise?where is the scribe? where is the dis-puter of this world? hath not God made

foolish the wisdom of this world?” 1Corinthians 1:20. Then Paul drove thepoint home in 1 Corinthians 1:21 that“. . .it pleased God by the foolishness ofpreaching to save them that believe.”An omniscient God, who is perfect,chooses the foolishness of preaching.

While preparing this article, I re-ceived an e-mail from my boy, Derekwho said, “I just love what God doeswith the messes we make!”

So church member, if you have apastor who butchers the king’s Englishand doesn’t know a lick of Greek, butGod is overwhelmingly blessing yourchurch with salvation of soulsand relationships and fellowship get-ting right, and the people are respon-sive to the word, then I would adviseyou to stand down and permit God to doHis wonderful work through him.

Yes, scripture stresses the impor-tance of serving God with all our heartsand for His glory, but not for the pur-pose of lining our walls with medals,blue ribbons, and framed citations dis-playing corporate, political (or denomi-national) professionalism.

Faithful servants in the Lord’s vine-yard will receive those rewards at thejudgement seat of Christ. That givesgreat comfort and joy to an old preacherboy like me.

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Mississippi MissionsApirl & May 2019 are Special Emphasis Months for BMA of Mississippi State Missions

Your gifts help us build churches and reach our state for Christ

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give;not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. 9:7 

Scenes form the 2019 BMA of America Meeting

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166 Twin Creek Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452 - 601-947-60118

Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Shirlene Smith730 Hwy 533, Laurel, MS 39443 - 601-729-5638

GIRLS'S MISSIONARY AUXILIARYState GMA Director Jessica Haden795 Highway 532, Mt. Olive, MS 39119

601-797-4597 or 662-251-0455Email [email protected]

National WMA Chooses New Project for 2019-20When the National WMA met in

Rogers, Arkansas, we celebrated reach-ing our goal for last year’s project, WeAre FREE. The National WMA gave$60,000 to We Are FREE to furnish thefirst resident’ home (which houses 12).

There were two projects nominatedfor the 2019-2010 National WMAProject. They are the remodeling of theBaptist Missionary Association of thePhilippines printing building into atraining facility for national mission-aries, and the Missionary Care Minis-try led by Bro. Jerry Kidd. The ladieschose the Missionary Care Ministry forour new project.

The Project Promotion committee,as well as several national officers, metwith Bro. Jerry and Mrs. Sue Kiddregarding how we can help this year.Bro. Jerry shared what the MissionaryCare Ministry has been doing and whatthey would like to be able to do in thefuture for our American as well as ournational missionaries around the world.This ministry provides coaching and

counseling to missionaries on an ongo-ing basis in order to help them staylonger on the field. They also haveprovided conferences for the mission-aries so that they can meet one anotherand be trained further.

The group set a goal for this newyear of $85,000. All the national WMAOfficers, as well as the committee, arewilling to come and speak to your dis-trict or local group about this project.Bro. Jerry also stated he is willing tocome and talk about the project.

The video will soon be available onthe National WMA website(nationalwma.org) for you to downloadand show your group. There will alsobe a pdf file of the brochure availablesoon there as well.

If you have any questions, or youwould like someone to come and speak,please contact Kelly Williams, ProjectPromotion Chairman, [email protected] or 214-534-9875.

Contributions to the Mississippi State GMA ProjectApril 1, 2019 - by Mrs. Shirlene Smith

1. Hopewell Baptist Church, Laurel ....................................................... $ 143.002. Movella Baptist Church, Lucedale ........................................................ 100.003. Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Carriere .................................................... 100.004. Paramount Baptist Church, Wiggins .................................................... 159.005. Shiloh Baptist Church, Mt. Olive .......................................................... 165.006. Skyway Hills Baptist Church, Pearl ........................................................50.007. Temple Baptist Church, Lucedale ........................................................ 350.008. Activities at camp: Craft Sales ............................................................ 232.699. T-shirt Profit ....................................................................................... 271.0010.Snack Shop (1/2 profit) ..................................................................... 251.5011.Silent Auction ..................................................................................... 312.0012.Officer Competition ................................................................................7.38Total Received............................................................................ 2,41.57

Total Received for the GMA Project25% plus designated offerings for the General Fund ........................... $ 467.62 (Already added to the G.F. Balance)75% Missionary Carl Sookraj, Peru ....................................................... 1,73.95Total Received .......................................................................................2,41.57

The Mississippi State GMA project for 2019-2020 is 25 % General Fund; 75%divided equally between Cris and Alicia Samson, Philippines and Moral Action (Bro.John Adams). Please send all your Offerings to our new treasurer: Beth Caldwell;166 Twin Creek Rd.; Lucedale, MS 39452. Pray and give to these worthy causesduring this year. God bless you for your service to Him.

Dynamic Personalities at SOAR 2019SOAR 2019, to be held July 3-5, will be packed with loads of excitement and

learning for your church’s youth group! With a revamped SOAR Village, PrayerTeams, Church Time, and much more, your teens will grow closer to one anotherand to the Lord during the SOAR Conference week.

One of the most exciting parts about SOAR 2019 is all of the personalities thatwill be a part of this year’s conference!

First, Andy Comer will serve as the keynote speaker for the conference,talking about the missions-focused topic of “One Lost Sheep.” Andy is the leadpastor of Antioch Georgetown in Texas, and this will be his second time speakingat SOAR. His passion is to clearly communicate God’s Word to people in a waythat they can understand.

SOAR Collective willlead worship SOAR2019. Every member ofthe band comes fromvarious BMAchurches, and they allattended or currentlyattend Central BaptistCollege. SOAR is ex-cited to host this dy-namic group!

The concert for thisyear’s conference will be a band called CITIZEN WAY. They are known for songssuch as “When I’m With You,” “Bulletproof,” and “How Sweet the Sound.” Themembers of CITIZEN WAY consider themselves “musicianaries,” or musicianswith a missionary-like calling. 

Yukon, a Christian rapper based out of Memphis, Tennessee, will host anotherconcert in the SOAR Village. He is an active member at Central Church inSouthaven, Mississippi, and is looking forward to performing at SOAR 2019!

Finally, DJ TruStorey will perform throughout the conference, bringing hisexcitement and music to energize students. DJ TruStorey lives in Conway,Arkansas, with his wife Blayne, serves at his local church, Oasis Conway, anddaylights as a barista. His passions are music, Vine references, corgis, and hisrenovated church van.

If you and your group would like to register for SOAR and get the early birdrate, a free SOAR T-shirt, and a free Paradise Springs wate rpark pass, visitgosoar.com/register. The discount and free T-shirt are available until June 1.

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Children and Their RightsProverbs 13:4

Dr. Chuck Swindoll: “Sometimes Imeet parents who think that if theylove their children enough they willnever have to exercise corporal pun-ishment. Few things could be furtherfrom the truth. Proverbs 13:24 doesn’tcall that love: “Those who spare the rodof discipline hate their children.” Thatmay make us gag a little, but that’swhat God has said.

The simple fact is that fair, consis-tent, biblical discipline confirms yourlove for your child. Children don’tknow how to behave properly withoutthe security that discipline brings.Discipline is essential for learning self-control, but take note: correction anddiscipline should be given while up-holding your child’s dignity and value.Parents, and not the government, havethe primary responsibility for the edu-cation of their children. The late Presi-dent Ronald Reagan in an address tothe National Commission on Excel-lence in Education stated; “Parentalauthority is not a right conveyed by thestate.”

The following are radical ideas beingupheld by court decisions:

(1) Children have the right to di-vorce their parents and receive ali-mony.

(2) Children are eligible for mini-

MORAL ACTIONBaptist Missionary Association of America

Dr. John M. Adams,DirectorP.O. Box 305, Mantachie, MS 38855 - 662-231-3863

On The Web at www.macbma.net/Email - [email protected] John Adams

mum wages if they do household chores.(3) Children should be able to charge

their parents with child abuse if theyuse biblical disciplinary measures.

(4) Children have the right to suetheir parents for being forced to attendchurch or to avoid going places withthem.

(5) Children and teenagers shouldhave the right to decide whether tohave an abortion, quit school, or to hiretheir own attorney.

The liberation of children by par-ents’ slackness has been under way fornearly three decades – so graduallythat most parents are unaware of it.Christianity teaches that one of themost sacred of all rights and responsi-bilities of parents is to rear their ownchildren.

I. What Rights for Children Does theChild Rights Movement (World Fo-rum Foundation) Seek?

John Eidsmoe, author of “God andCaesar” answers this question in be-half of Child Righters:

A. Freedom from any kind of physi-cal punishment. Sweden already has alaw prohibiting spanking.

B. Freedom from any type religiousindoctrination. Parents should not beallowed to compel children to attend

Sunday School and church.C. The right to divorce one’s par-

ents, arguing that a child should nothave to live with his parents if hedoesn’t want to.

D. The right to birth control infor-mation and abortion without parentalknowledge.

E. The right to choose one’s ownsexual preference.

These so-called kiddie-libbers arecertainly not pro-family and it is uniquein that it is led entirely by adults. Theyhave been instrumental in that threedecades ago most states set the age ofindependence of 21, today’s legal com-ing of age occurs around 14.

II. What are the Pro-Parents,Pro-Family Policies?

A. Promotion of the traditional JudeoChristian values instilled in childrenby solid families and Bible teachings.

B. Advocating the restoring of par-ents to the overall educational processof children and teenagers.

C. Opposed the government’s role infacilitating and encouraging adoles-cent sexual activity.

Families, not government programs,are the best way to make our culturaland spiritual heritages perpetrated,and our values preserved. We must bestrong on the family unit.

III. What are God’s Guidelines thatInstill Strong Family Ties?

Some people may ask with sincerity,“What would be wrong with givingchildren every right of adults?” TheBiblical News Service publication an-

swers, “Attached to every right is aresponsibility! To give children alladult rights is to burden their imma-ture and inexperienced minds with theresponsibility of forming judgments andmaking life determining decisionswhich are difficult for even the mostmature adults. This is child abuse inone of its cruelest forms! Scriptures ofGod declare great truth:

Proverbs 1:8, 9 – “My son, hear theinstruction of thy father, and forsakenot the law of thy mother; for they shallbe an ornament of grace unto thy head,and chains about thy neck.”

Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child inthe way he should go, and when he isold, he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 23:13, 14 – “Withhold notcorrection from the child, for if thoubeatest him with the rod, he shall notdie. Thou shalt beat him with the rod,and shalt deliver his soul from hell.”

Proverbs 29:15 – “The rod and re-proof give wisdom, but a child left tohimself bringeth his mother to shame.”

Hebrews 12:11 – “Now no chasten-ing for the present seemeth to be joy-ous, but grievous; nevertheless after-ward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit ofrighteousness unto them which areexercised thereby.”

Ephesians 6:1-4 – “Children, obeyyour parents in the Lord for this isright. Honour thy father and motherwhich is the first commandment withpromise; that it may be well with thee,and thou mayest live long on the earth.And, ye fathers, provoke not your chil-dren to wrath, but bring them up in thenurture and admonition of the Lord.”

NOW The Sons Of Godby Grover Laird

"Beloved, now are we the sons ofGod, and it doth now yet appear whatwe shall be: but we know that, when heshall appear, we shall be like him; forwe shall see him as he is." (I John 3:2)

Blessed Truth! We that have beenborn of the Spirit, (John 3:8) and washedin Christ's blood, (Revelation 1:5) areNOW the sons of God. We are notworking on becoming one, nor hopingthat we might be God’s child some day.We are Now the sons of God. Thisblessed truth reminds us of severalother truths set forth in the Bible.Consider some of them with me.

Since we are NOW the sons of God,our going to Heaven does not dependupon our holding out faithful until theend. If our going to Heaven did dependupon our holding out faithful until theend, no one could be sure of Heavenuntil he gets there. If backsliding madeone lost again, the Apostle Peter couldhave been in Hell for all eternity if hehad died at the wrong time. (Mark14:71) Since Hell is dreadful and God'slove is so great, He has fixed a plan thatis more dependable than that. (John5:24; 6:35,37; 10:28) Our going toHeaven does not depend upon when we

die, but upon whether we have Jesusas our Savior (I John 5:11,12).

Jesus not only makes us right withGod, He keeps us that way. He everlives at the right hand of the Father tokeep us saved “to theuttermost.”(Hebrews 7:25) His deathbrings repentant, trusting sinners intoa peaceful relationship with God, andHis life keeps us that way. (Romans5:10; I John 2:1; 2:2)

Since we are NOW the sons of God,we can live our life with the rightpurpose in mind. The Bible teaches usthat we are created for God's glory andpleasure. (Colossians 1:16; Revelation4:11) What our Heavenly Father getsout of our lives is what counts; not whatwe get out of them. Paul taught that weshould do all that we do for God's glory.(I Corinthians 10:31) Since we arealready God's sons, we can cease livingright for our benefit, and start livingholy lives and serving God for Hisbenefit. There is a difference.

To say the least, serving the Lordwithout fear (Luke 1:74) is a happierway to live this life. We all do fail theLord every day we live. (I John 1:8-10)Yet our Heavenly Father chastens us.And he chastens us after the order our

earthly father chastened us.(Deuteronomy 8:5; Hebrews 12:7) Andthis means that God does not disown uswhen we sin, but rather chastens us.

Since we are NOW the sons of God,we can go on and rejoice in the fact thatwe will go to Heaven when we die.Many Scriptures tell us to rejoice inhope of the glory of God, or rejoice inthe assurance of our going to Heavenone day. (Romans 5:2) Since our hope,or expecting to go to Heaven, is basedupon the promise of God "that cannotlie." (Titus 1:2) we know that it issettled and we can go on and rejoice init. (I Peter 1:3-6; Hebrew 6:11,19)

Since we are NOW the sons of God,we should still have a strong desire tolive for the Lord. We have reason to beconcerned about a person's salvationthat seems to only live right in orderthat he would go to Heaven. Sinners donot delight in living by the Bible, butsaved people do. They "delight in thelaw of God after the inward man" (thepart of us that is born of God). (Romans7:22) After Paul had made it clear thatwe are justified "without the deeds ofthe law," he then said that salvationbeing by grace establishes it. (Romans3:28,31)

Praise the Lord, we are NOW thesons of God! Amen and Amen!