90 Parkway Drive | Trussville, Alabama 35173 Parish Office: (205) 655-7668 | holycrosstrussville.org The Rt. Rev. Kee Sloan, Bishop of Alabama The Rt. Rev. Santosh K. Marray, Assistant Bishop The Rev. Dr. Stephen W. DeGweck, Interim Rector Justin R. Finch, Organist & Director of Music Heather Johnson, Sr. Warden | Mac McQueen, Jr. Warden Music reprinted here with permission. OneLicense.net no. A-723629. SERVING TODAY OPENING PRAYERS.......................................................................................... Joseph Adamson LECTORS............................................................................ Nick Bramblette, Sydney Bodnar USHERS........................................................................................ Evan Morse, Stuart Turner EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS..................................................... Anne Amick, Jennifer Bodnar MUSICIANS ............................................................................... Sydney Bodnar, Emma Percy CRUCIFER ..................................................................................................... Mary Virginia Mize TORCH BEARERS................................................................................. Piper Powers, Will Mize NURSERY......................................................................................................................Holly Drew ALTAR GUILD ........................................ Charlotte Scarborough, Joan Brooks, Jo Grove FLOWER GUILD ......................................................................................................Julie Barnard VESTRY PERSONS OF THE MONTH .................................................... Roy Wood, Johnny Cole IN OUR PRAYERS For all who suffer in mind, body, or spirit, especially for: OUR PARISH FAMILY : Karen Bain, Evelyn Glass, Dave Southwick, Karen Glass, Betty Thompson, Nell Bell, Greg Wynn, Regina Lewis, Jean Barron, James McKaig, Jane Kerr, Joan DaLee. OUR EXTENDED PARISH FAMILY : Kristen Lawler (Camille Turner’s niece), Kathy Hedden (Karen Bain’s friend), Virginia McCary (Alyce, Fran, and Stephané Daniel’s cousin), Howard & Diane McCormick (Gloria Smith’s friends), Airyona Sizemore (Karen Mann’s granddaughter), Georgia Hodsdon (Karen Bain’s friend), Jordan Mahafey (Cindy Cole’s friend), Pat Shaffer (Susan Finch’s uncle), Nancy Linnell (Susan Finch’s aunt), Susan Sicola (Jack & Louise Wood’s friend), Roy Smith (Anne Mayo’s friend), Stephen Smith (Jimmy Sandford’s friend), Dawn Shoults (June McKaig’s friend), Dale Sheehan and Janet Clark (Donna Madison’s friends), Sean Boyd (Karen Mann’s great nephew), Olivia & Gene Weingarten & family (Alyce Daniel’s friends), Judy Snowden (Sean O’Donnell’s mother), Susie Ronilo (Susan Caraway’s mother), Conner Wilson (Jeannine Sizemore’s friend), Logan Keating (Mary Allen’s grandson), Diana Clark (Regina Lewis’s mother), Krystal Torcivia (June McKaig’s granddaughter), Kevin Bradford, Kerri Bradford, and Jerrell Sanders (Stephané Daniel’s friends), Bill & Connie Smith (Karen Glass’s relatives). The altar flowers are given by Anne Amick to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for the Holy Cross Episcopal Young People. Congratulations to Lee & Katie Amberson on the birth of their son, Hawkins Lee Amberson, born on May 11 th . Our condolences and prayers go to Holly Drew & Matt Shafer at the death of Matt’s father, Thomas Shafer. PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Vacation Bible School : It's almost time for Vacation Bible School! Our theme this year is Cave Quest. VBS is for ages 4 to 12 and will be held from June 20 th -23 rd . We will meet nightly from 5:30-8:00pm. We are so excited to share the light of the world, Jesus, with our kids! There will be an organizational meeting for volunteers next Sunday, May 22 nd immediately following the 10:30 service. We'd love to have you as a volunteer! Calling all Cursillistas: This month’s Ultreya will be held next Sunday, May 22 nd . We will meet at 5:00pm in the Genesis Room. Please bring your favorite covered dish and break bread with your fellow Cursillistas. Help Needed : We are in need of hosts or hostesses for each Sunday’s coffee held after the 10:30 services. Please consider signing up in the Genesis Room. Donations for TEAM : ECW plans to make up Father’s Day Goodie Bags to deliver to TEAM. We would like to include socks, after-shave, razors the usual travel-size items one can find in CVS or Wal-Mart. Also, please remember donations for children, who are soon to be out of school for the summer: Cereals, dry milk, Pop Tarts, raisins, breakfast bars, and other ready to eat foods. Please place donations in the baskets in the Narthex. Healing Eucharist: Due to Fr. Steve's absence during a substantial number of weekdays during May, the Tuesday service of Healing and Holy Eucharist (11:30) will NOT be held during the month of May. We will resume this weekly service on the first Tuesday of June. ECW News : The Mary & Martha of Bethany Guild of the ECW will have its next meeting on Wednesday, May 25 th at 11:45am in the Genesis Room. All ladies of the church are invited to attend to help plan activities and business for the rest of the year and beyond. The forthcoming rummage sale (to be held in September) will be discussed as well as other important matters. Bring a sandwich--drinks and other items will be furnished. Ladies’ Night Out: We will meet on Thursday, May 26 th at 6:30pm at Sherry’s Café in Trussville. A sign-up sheet is in the Genesis Room. Quilt Raffle : A raffle is being held to benefit the Holy Cross Garden Ministries. We have a beautiful, hand-sewn, stained glass pattern quilt that is currently on display in the narthex. The drawing will be held Sunday, July 31 st . Tickets will be $10.00 for one, $15.00 for two, and three for $20.00. Tickets may be obtained from Donna Madison. Please support our Holy Cross Garden! Camp McDowell in the Summer: Diocesan Homecoming (June 10-12, 2016) is the best summer vacation opportunity around! Formerly known as "Camp Day", Diocesan Homecoming is the evolution of Family Camp. It is open to all ages and we encourage you to bring your family and friends. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. There will be lots of Camp Activities and lodging will be in the new Bethany Village. Activities include the Ropes Course, swimming, boating, arts & crafts, and a visit to Camp McDowell's farm. Please register at www.campmcdowell.com . THIS WEEK AT HOLY CROSS TODAY 8:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite I May 15 9:15 am Sunday School for Children & Adults 10:30 am Youth Sunday 2:15 pm Girl Scout Meeting TUESDAY 10:00 am Tuesday Morning Bible Study May 17 NO EUCHARIST & HEALING SERVICE 1:00 pm Farmers’ Market 6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal FRIDAY 6:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study May 20 11:00 am BULLETIN FOLDERS : Inga Strickland, Charlotte Scarborough SATURDAY 8:00 am Farmers’ Market May 21 YOUTH SUNDAY THE DAY OF PENTECOST May 15, 2016 Welcome to Holy Cross! We hope that you feel at home here. Our worship service today is the Eucharist, from the Greek word for “giving thanks.” This is not our table but the table of our Lord; therefore baptized Christians of all denominations are invited and encouraged to join us in receiving Communion. Today is Youth Sunday! This is a reminder that, while it is true that the children are the church of our future, they’re also the church right now. The Youth of Holy Cross will be leading us in our worship today. We will use the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) as well as the Alleluia III songbook and this service leaflet to assist us with today’s service. Thank you for joining us today! THE HOLY EUCHARIST: RITE II, 10:30 am PLEASE NOTE: All of today’s hymns are found in the Alleluia III songbook. Please stand. HYMN A111 Lord of the DanceSydney Carter The Liturgy of the Word Joseph Adamson Alleluia! Christ is risen. People The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! HYMN A108 “Light the Fire” Bill Maxwell COLLECT FOR THE DAY Joe The Lord be with you. People And also with you. Joe Let us pray. Almighty God, on this day you opened the way of eternal life to every race and nation by the promised gift of your Holy Spirit: Shed abroad this gift throughout the world by the preaching of the Gospel, that it may reach to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Please be seated. A READING FROM THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES read by Nick Bramblette When the day of Pentecost had come, the disciples were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.

May 15, 2016 - Amazon S3s3.amazonaws.com/.../May_15__2016_Rite_II_Bulletin.pdf · May 15, 2016 Welcome to Holy Cross! We hope that you feel at home here. Our worship service today

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Page 1: May 15, 2016 - Amazon S3s3.amazonaws.com/.../May_15__2016_Rite_II_Bulletin.pdf · May 15, 2016 Welcome to Holy Cross! We hope that you feel at home here. Our worship service today

90 Parkway Drive | Trussville, Alabama 35173 Parish Office: (205) 655-7668 | holycrosstrussville.org The Rt. Rev. Kee Sloan, Bishop of Alabama The Rt. Rev. Santosh K. Marray, Assistant Bishop The Rev. Dr. Stephen W. DeGweck, Interim Rector Justin R. Finch, Organist & Director of Music Heather Johnson, Sr. Warden | Mac McQueen, Jr. Warden Music reprinted here with permission. OneLicense.net no. A-723629.


OPENING PRAYERS .......................................................................................... Joseph Adamson

LECTORS............................................................................ Nick Bramblette, Sydney Bodnar

USHERS ........................................................................................ Evan Morse, Stuart Turner

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS..................................................... Anne Amick, Jennifer Bodnar

MUSICIANS ............................................................................... Sydney Bodnar, Emma Percy

CRUCIFER ..................................................................................................... Mary Virginia Mize

TORCH BEARERS ................................................................................. Piper Powers, Will Mize

NURSERY ...................................................................................................................... Holly Drew

ALTAR GUILD ........................................ Charlotte Scarborough, Joan Brooks, Jo Grove

FLOWER GUILD ...................................................................................................... Julie Barnard

VESTRY PERSONS OF THE MONTH .................................................... Roy Wood, Johnny Cole

IN OUR PRAYERS For all who suffer in mind, body, or spirit, especially for:

OUR PARISH FAMILY: Karen Bain, Evelyn Glass, Dave Southwick, Karen

Glass, Betty Thompson, Nell Bell, Greg Wynn, Regina Lewis, Jean

Barron, James McKaig, Jane Kerr, Joan DaLee.

OUR EXTENDED PARISH FAMILY: Kristen Lawler (Camille Turner’s niece), Kathy

Hedden (Karen Bain’s friend), Virginia McCary (Alyce, Fran, and Stephané Daniel’s cousin), Howard & Diane McCormick (Gloria Smith’s friends), Airyona Sizemore (Karen Mann’s granddaughter), Georgia Hodsdon (Karen Bain’s friend), Jordan Mahafey (Cindy Cole’s friend), Pat Shaffer (Susan Finch’s uncle), Nancy Linnell (Susan Finch’s aunt), Susan Sicola (Jack & Louise Wood’s friend), Roy Smith (Anne Mayo’s friend), Stephen Smith

(Jimmy Sandford’s friend), Dawn Shoults (June McKaig’s friend), Dale

Sheehan and Janet Clark (Donna Madison’s friends), Sean Boyd (Karen Mann’s great nephew), Olivia & Gene Weingarten & family (Alyce Daniel’s friends), Judy Snowden (Sean O’Donnell’s mother), Susie Ronilo (Susan Caraway’s mother), Conner Wilson (Jeannine Sizemore’s friend), Logan

Keating (Mary Allen’s grandson), Diana Clark (Regina Lewis’s mother),

Krystal Torcivia (June McKaig’s granddaughter), Kevin Bradford, Kerri Bradford, and Jerrell Sanders (Stephané Daniel’s friends), Bill & Connie

Smith (Karen Glass’s relatives).

The altar flowers are given by Anne Amick to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for the Holy Cross Episcopal Young People.

Congratulations to Lee & Katie Amberson on the birth of their son, Hawkins Lee Amberson, born on May 11th.

Our condolences and prayers go to Holly Drew & Matt Shafer at the death of Matt’s father, Thomas Shafer.


Vacation Bible School: It's almost time for Vacation Bible School! Our

theme this year is Cave Quest. VBS is for ages 4 to 12 and will be held

from June 20th-23rd. We will meet nightly from 5:30-8:00pm. We are so

excited to share the light of the world, Jesus, with our kids! There will be

an organizational meeting for volunteers next Sunday, May 22nd

immediately following the 10:30 service. We'd love to have you as a


Calling all Cursillistas: This month’s Ultreya will be held next Sunday, May

22nd. We will meet at 5:00pm in the Genesis Room. Please bring your

favorite covered dish and break bread with your fellow Cursillistas. Help Needed: We are in need of hosts or hostesses for each Sunday’s

coffee held after the 10:30 services. Please consider signing up in the

Genesis Room.

Donations for TEAM: ECW plans to make up Father’s Day Goodie Bags to

deliver to TEAM. We would like to include socks, after-shave, razors – the

usual travel-size items one can find in CVS or Wal-Mart. Also, please

remember donations for children, who are soon to be out of school for the

summer: Cereals, dry milk, Pop Tarts, raisins, breakfast bars, and other

ready to eat foods. Please place donations in the baskets in the Narthex.

Healing Eucharist: Due to Fr. Steve's absence during a substantial number

of weekdays during May, the Tuesday service of Healing and Holy Eucharist

(11:30) will NOT be held during the month of May. We will resume this

weekly service on the first Tuesday of June. ECW News: The Mary & Martha of Bethany Guild of the ECW will have its

next meeting on Wednesday, May 25th at 11:45am in the Genesis Room. All

ladies of the church are invited to attend to help plan activities and

business for the rest of the year and beyond. The forthcoming rummage

sale (to be held in September) will be discussed as well as other important

matters. Bring a sandwich--drinks and other items will be furnished.

Ladies’ Night Out: We will meet on Thursday, May 26th at 6:30pm at

Sherry’s Café in Trussville. A sign-up sheet is in the Genesis Room.

Quilt Raffle: A raffle is being held to benefit the Holy Cross Garden

Ministries. We have a beautiful, hand-sewn, stained glass pattern quilt that

is currently on display in the narthex. The drawing will be held Sunday,

July 31st. Tickets will be $10.00 for one, $15.00 for two, and three for

$20.00. Tickets may be obtained from Donna Madison. Please support our

Holy Cross Garden!

Camp McDowell in the Summer: Diocesan Homecoming (June 10-12, 2016)

is the best summer vacation opportunity around! Formerly known as "Camp

Day", Diocesan Homecoming is the evolution of Family Camp. It is open to

all ages and we encourage you to bring your family and friends. Children

under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. There will be lots of Camp

Activities and lodging will be in the new Bethany Village. Activities include

the Ropes Course, swimming, boating, arts & crafts, and a visit to Camp

McDowell's farm. Please register at www.campmcdowell.com.


TODAY 8:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite I

May 15 9:15 am Sunday School for Children & Adults

10:30 am Youth Sunday

2:15 pm Girl Scout Meeting

TUESDAY 10:00 am Tuesday Morning Bible Study


1:00 pm Farmers’ Market

6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

FRIDAY 6:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study

May 20 11:00 am BULLETIN FOLDERS:

Inga Strickland, Charlotte Scarborough

SATURDAY 8:00 am Farmers’ Market

May 21




May 15, 2016

Welcome to Holy Cross! We hope that you feel at home here. Our worship

service today is the Eucharist, from the Greek word for “giving thanks.” This is

not our table but the table of our Lord; therefore baptized Christians of all

denominations are invited and encouraged to join us in receiving Communion.

Today is Youth Sunday! This is a reminder that, while it is true that the

children are the church of our future, they’re also the church right now. The

Youth of Holy Cross will be leading us in our worship today. We will use the

Book of Common Prayer (BCP) as well as the Alleluia III songbook and this

service leaflet to assist us with today’s service. Thank you for joining us today!


PLEASE NOTE: All of today’s hymns are found in the Alleluia III songbook.

Please stand.

HYMN A111 “Lord of the Dance” Sydney Carter

The Liturgy of the Word

Joseph Adamson Alleluia! Christ is risen. People The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

HYMN A108 “Light the Fire” Bill Maxwell

COLLECT FOR THE DAY Joe The Lord be with you.

People And also with you.

Joe Let us pray. Almighty God, on this day you opened the way of eternal life

to every race and nation by the promised gift of your Holy Spirit: Shed abroad this

gift throughout the world by the preaching of the Gospel, that it may reach to the

ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in

the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Please be seated.

A READING FROM THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES read by Nick Bramblette When the day of Pentecost had come, the disciples were all together in one place.

And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it

filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared

among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the

Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.

Page 2: May 15, 2016 - Amazon S3s3.amazonaws.com/.../May_15__2016_Rite_II_Bulletin.pdf · May 15, 2016 Welcome to Holy Cross! We hope that you feel at home here. Our worship service today

Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem.

And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard

them speaking in the native language of each. Amazed and astonished, they asked,

"Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us,

in our own native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia,

Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of

Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans

and Arabs-- in our own languages we hear them speaking about God's deeds of power."

All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, "What does this mean?" But

others sneered and said, "They are filled with new wine."

But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them, "Men of

Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say.

Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o'clock in the morning.

No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: “In the last days it will be, God

declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your

daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall

dream dreams. Even upon my slaves, both men and women, in those days I will pour out

my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. And I will show portents in the heaven above and

signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and smoky mist. The sun shall be turned to

darkness and the moon to blood, before the coming of the Lord's great and glorious

day. Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.'” (2:1-21)

Nick The Word of the Lord.

People Thanks be to God.

PSALM 104:25-35, 37 spoken in unison led by Sydney Bodnar

25 O Lord, how manifold are your works! *

in wisdom you have made them all;

the earth is full of your creatures.

26 Yonder is the great and wide sea

with its living things too many to number, *

creatures both small and great.

27 There move the ships,

and there is that Leviathan, *

which you have made for the sport of it.

28 All of them look to you *

to give them their food in due season.

29 You give it to them; they gather it; *

you open your hand, and they are filled with good things.

30 You hide your face, and they are terrified; *

you take away their breath,

and they die and return to their dust.

31 You send forth your Spirit, and they are created; *

and so you renew the face of the earth.

32 May the glory of the Lord endure for ever; *

may the Lord rejoice in all his works.

33 He looks at the earth and it trembles; *

he touches the mountains and they smoke.

34 I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; *

I will praise my God while I have my being.

35 May these words of mine please him; *

I will rejoice in the Lord.

37 Bless the Lord, O my soul. *


A READING FROM PAUL’S LETTER TO THE ROMANS read by Sydney Bodnar All who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a

spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption.

When we cry, "Abba! Father!" it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that

we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with

Christ--if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.

Sydney The Word of the Lord. (8:14-17)

People Thanks be to God.

Please stand.

HYMN A229 “Halle, Halle, Halle” Trad. Caribbean

THE HOLY GOSPEL Fr. Steve The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. John.

People Glory to you, Lord Christ.

Philip said to Jesus, "Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied." Jesus

said to him, "Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me?

Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, `Show us the Father'?

Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that

I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his

works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if you do not,

then believe me because of the works themselves. Very truly, I tell you, the one who

believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works

than these, because I am going to the Father. I will do whatever you ask in my name,

so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for

anything, I will do it.

"If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and

he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth,

whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know

him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you."

"I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the

Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and

remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to

you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and

do not let them be afraid." (14:8-17, 25-27)

Fr. Steve The Gospel of the Lord.

People Praise to you, Lord Christ.

As the Gospel Procession returns to the chancel, we will repeat Hymn A229. Please be seated at the invitation of the preacher.

SERMON: “Let the Fire Burn ” The Rev. Stephen W. DeGweck

Please stand.


Please kneel or remain standing.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE (written by the youth) Youth Come, Holy Spirit,

People Receive our Prayer.

Please stand for the Peace, and then remain standing for the Offertory Hymn.


The Liturgy of the Table


HYMN A96 “Peace Give I to Thee” Vic Houser


HYMN A230 “Sanctus” David Dubay After the Sanctus, you may kneel or remain standing.


FRACTION ANTHEM: Eat this Bread Taizé

THE COMMUNION OF THE PEOPLE All Baptized Christians are welcome to receive Communion.

If you do not wish to receive Communion or if you are not baptized but would like to receive a blessing at the altar, please simply fold your arms across your chest.

HYMN A138 “Sanctuary” Thompson/Scruggs HYMN A155 “Surely the Presence” Lanny Wolfe

Please kneel or stand.


HYMN A114 “An Irish Blessing” Nikoma Clark

Please be seated.


Please stand.

CONCLUDING COLLECTS Let us pray. Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your

Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a rector for this parish,

that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us

for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

God our Father, you see your children growing up in an unsteady and confusing world: Show them that your ways give more life than the ways of the world, and that following you is better than chasing after selfish goals. Help them to take failure, not as a measure of self worth, but as a chance for a new start. Give them strength to hold their faith in you, and to keep alive their joy in your creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

HYMN “Sing a New Church” Nettleton

THE DISMISSAL People Thanks be to God! Alleluia, alleluia!

Please join us for fellowship and coffee in the Genesis Room following the service!