May 14 Materials 1 1

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  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    6a7#e o( Contents

    Consumers Le!a# 8eme%ies "ct 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 2

    Ca#5 ehic#e Co%e a%'ertisin! 3ro'isions 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

    Ca#5 Ci'i# Co%e :1;25555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 4.;

    "utomo7i#e Sa#es

  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1



    =hat is a consumer caseD Most o( the statutes re(erence% here ha'e in common that there must7e a Econsumer transactionF5 > wi## use that term as shorthan% (or the (o##owin!*

    G 6y3ica##y reHuires that an in%i'i%ua# enter into a transaction +3urchase, #oan, #ease, etc5-3rimari#y (orpersonal, family or householduse5

    G I$c#u%es transactions (or commercia# use

    G enera##y inc#u%es items that a consumer uses in conunction with her o7J car use% main#y to !o to an% (rom wor is a consumer 3urchaseJ uni(orm 3urchase% 7y em3#oyee is a consumer 3urchase

    I$am3#es*G Aoan wors (or a #an%sca3in! ser'ice an% 7uys a car to !et to an% (romwor5 >t is a consumer 3urchase

    G Aoan is the so#e 3ro3rietor o( AoanFs Lan%sca3in! Ser'ice an% 3urchases atruc 3rimari#y (or use in the 7usiness5 >t is @?6 a consumer 3urchase5

    Most o( the statutes re(erence% here a#so reHuire that the se##er #en%er 7e Ein the 7usinessF o(se##in! or #en%in! +chec each statute to see i( there are 3articu#ar numeric reHuirements-, so thattransactions 7etween 3ri'ate 3arties are not co'ere%5

    So when > re(er to a statute as co'erin! Econsumer transactionsF, un#ess otherwise s3eci(ie%, itmeans that*

    1- the in%i'i%ua# 7ou!ht +7orrowe%, #ease%, etc- (or 3ersona# as o33ose% to 7usiness use

    2- the other 3arty to the transaction was Ein the 7usinessF&

    - the other 3arty must 7e a 3ri'ate +non.!o'ernmenta#- 3arty


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    Consumers Le!a# 8eme%ies "ct, +CL8"- Ca#5 Ci'i# Co%e :1/0 et seq.

    G a33#ies to most Econsumer transactionsF (or !oo%s or ser'ices unc#ear whether the se##er must7e Ein the 7usinessF

    G e$c#u%es rea# 3ro3erty sa#e an% construction contracts

    G enumerates 2 3rohi7ite% 3ractices at Ca#5 Ci'i# Co%e :1//0+a-+1.2-5 6he most !enera##ya33#ica7#e common#y use% o( which are 3rohi7itions on*

    N re3resentin! that !oo%s or ser'ices ha'e 5 55characteristics 55OorP5 7ene(its 55 55Huantitieswhich they %o not ha'e 5 5 55 +a-+-

    N a%'ertisin! !oo%s or ser'ices with intent not to se## them as a%'ertise% +a-+9-

    N re3resentin! that a transaction con(ers or in'o#'es ri!hts, reme%ies, or o7#i!ations whichit %oes not ha'e or in'o#'e, or which are 3rohi7ite% 7y #aw5 +a-+14-

    CL8" 8eme%ies

    Ci'i# Co%e :1/0+a- 3ro'i%es (or*

    G actua# %ama!esNG inuncti'e re#ie(G restitution +an% 3resuma7#y rescission-G 3uniti'e %ama!esNG a 3ena#ty o( u3 to Q,000 i( the 'ictim was a senior citiRen or %isa7#e% 3erson u3on a

    (in%in! o( one o( more a!!ra'atin! (actors s3eci(ie% in Ca#5 CC :4+7-G e((ecti'e#y one.way attorney (ees 3ro'ision (or consumer

    N in or%er to 7e e#i!i7#e (or a %ama!es awar%, the consumer +or her attorney- must sen% the se##era #etter %escri7in! the a##e!e% 'io#ations an% %eman%in! recti(ication5 6he se##er has thirty %ays(rom recei3t o( the #etter to mae recti(ication, a(ter which the consumer can institute an action(or %ama!es

    Ci'i# Co%e :1/1 s3eci(ica##y authoriRes c#ass actions


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    LI"L >SSIS "8>S>@ CLI 68"@S"C6>?@S+7ut not necessari#y #imite% to 'ehic#e transactions-


    S3eci(ic to motor 'ehic#e sa#es*

    Ca#5 ehic#e Co%e ::11/1.11/151 contain e$tensi'e re!u#ation o( auto %ea#era%'ertisin!5 6he most he#3(u# 3ro'isions are*

    :11/151+e-, which 3ro'i%es that a%'ertise% 'ehic#es sha## 7e so#% at or 7e#ow thea%'ertise% tota# 3rice 555 re!ar%#ess o( whether the 3urchaser has now#e%!e o( the a%'ertise% tota#3rice

    :11/1+a-, which 3ro'i%es 7roa% 3rohi7itions a!ainst any ty3e o( untrue o( mis#ea%in!a%'ertisin!

    G :11/1+-, which 3rohi7its mis#ea%in! Eno %own 3aymentF a%'ertisin!

    G :11/151+i-, which 3rohi7its a%'ertisin! 'ehic#es with the intent not to su33#y reasona7#ye$3ecta7#e %eman%, un#ess the a%'ertisement %isc#ose the num7er o( 'ehic#e in stoc at thea%'ertise% 3rice

    G :11/151+H-, which 3rohi7its se##in! 'ehic#es o'er the MS8), un#ess the %ea#er a((i$es asu33#ementa# 3rice sticer in com3#iance with the reHuirements o( that su7section

    Since Au#y 1, 200;, Ca#5 ehic#e Co%e :11/151 has 3rohi7ite% %ea#ers (rom usin! the termcerti(ie% with res3ect to a use% car un%er a num7er o( circumstances inc#u%in! 7ut not #imite% tothat the %ea#er nows or shou#% now that*

    G the 'ehic#e is so#% E"S >SF or the %ea#er %isc#aims any warranties o( merchanta7i#ityG the o%ometer is not accurateG the 'ehic#e is a #emon #aw 7uy.7acG the tit#e has 7een 7ran%e% as Esa#'a!e%F, E(#oo%F, etc5G the 'ehic#e has (rame %ama!e

    @ot s3eci(ic to motor 'ehic#e sa#es*

    Ca#5 Ci'i# Co%e :1//0+a-+9- 3rohi7its a%'ertisin! !oo%s or ser'ices with intent not to se## themas a%'ertise%5

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    Ca#5 Ci'i# Co%e :1;2

    "33#ies to the (o##owin! ty3es o( Econsumer transactionsF*

    G retai# insta##ment sa#es o( !oo%s or ser'ices to consumers 7y retai# se##ersG transactions co'ere% 7y the "utomo7i#e Sa#es ( the consumer 3ro'i%es hisher own trans#ator, the ne!otiations wi## ha'e 7een %eeme%to ha'e taen 3#ace in In!#ish

    N minor trans#ator e$ce3tion +CC :1;2+h--N incom3etent trans#ator e$ce3tion +CC :1;2+h--

    6he 3rimary o7#i!ation tri!!ere% 7y 1;2 is the reHuirement that the consumer 7e !i'en atrans#ation in hisher #an!ua!eprior toe$ecutin! the In!#ish #an!ua!e contract5

    G timin! is crucia#, 7ut trans#ation 3ro'i%e% a(ter si!nin! 3resents 3roo( 3ro7#ems

    G issue re!ar%in! E"cnow#e%!ement o( 8ecei3tF


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    G )oor#y written S3anish te$t on "cnow#e%!ement rea%s* =ith antece%ence o(the si!nature o( the co3y in In!#ish that was com3#ete#y (i##e% out 7e(ore ourcontract or a!reement, the c#ient acnow#e%!es the recei3t o( this contract o(a!reement trans#ate% to the S3anish #an!ua!e, as reHuire% 7y #aw5 6here(ore, acnow#e%!ement shou#% not 7e treate% as %eterminati'e o( the issue5

    =hat %ocuments must 7e 3ro'i%e% to the consumerD

    G the statute states the %ocument creatin! the ri!hts an% o7#i!ations o( the 3arties an%inc#u%es any su7seHuent %ocument main! su7stantia# chan!es in the ri!hts an% o7#i!ations o( the3arties5 See Ci'i# Co%e :1;2+!-

    G sa#es s#i3s, month#y 7i##in! statements, etc5 are e$3ress#y excluded

    G a rare case inter3retin! CC :1;2 he#% that a @otice o( >ntent to is3ose o( Motorehic#e +see 7e#ow- is a ty3e o( %ocument (or which a trans#ation must 7e 3ro'i%e%5 8eyes '5Su3erior Court, 1 Ca#5"335% 19 +191-5

    G (or use% cars, a BuyerFs ui%e is 3art o( the contract, an% there(ore a trans#ation shou#%a#so 7e 3ro'i%e% +too see a BuyerFs ui%e !o here*htt3*a!o5mo5!o'ConsumerCornerencyc#o3e%iaim!!.!ui%e5!i(

    oes a trans#ation o( a (orm contract with the 3rices, interest rates, an% other sa#e.s3eci(ic terms#e(t 7#an satis(y the reHuirements o( the "ctD

    G i( the contract was consummate% on or a(ter Au#y 1, 2004, the answer is 3retty c#ear#yEnoF . statute amen%e% to reHuire a trans#ation o( e'ery term an% con%ition in thatcontract or a!reement5 :1;2+i- re!ar%in! EretentionF o( numera#s was a#so a%%e%5

    G (or contracts consummate% 3rior to Au#y 1, 2004, itFs more o( a c#ose ca##, 7ut sti## a'ia7#e case

    6here is an a%%itiona# reHuirement (or the (o##owin! su7set o( 1;2 transactions*

    G retai# insta##ment sa#es o( !oo%s or ser'ices to consumers 7y retai# se##ersG transactions co'ere% 7y the "utomo7i#e Sa#es

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    G 8escission +CC :1;2+--G >( the contract 3ro'i%es (or attorneys (ees (or the en(orcement o( the contract +as is thecase in motor 'ehic#e contracts-, attorneys (ees wi## 7e a'ai#a7#e un%er CC :1/1/

    G 6hese cases are !enera##y a33ea#in! to 3ri'ate consumer attorneys


    Automobile Sales Finance Act +E"S@6I8IS6

    G that the consumer ha'e 3ai% a si!ni(icant +Q2000 or so- %own 3ayment SILLG that the 3rimary %ri'er has an acce3ta7#e 6Icre%it score C?@68"C6

    G that the consumer ha'e an income "6 "LL su((icient to mae the month#y 3ayments C?S6S

    Ci'i# Co%e :29159* the ?ne ocument 8u#e

    I'ery con%itiona# sa#e contract su7ect to this cha3ter sha## 5 5 5 contain in a sin!#e%ocument a## o( the a!reements o( the 7uyer an% se##er with res3ect to the tota#cost an% the terms o( 3ayment (or the motor 'ehic#e, inc#u%in! any 3romissorynotes or any other e'i%ences o( in%e7te%ness5

    6his ru#e is most common#y 'io#ate% when the 3arties mae a!reements +which may or may not 7ere(#ecte% in se3arate %ocuments- which contra%ict the terms o( the 3urchase contract5 6he two(orms o( Ee$tra.contractua#F a!reements most common#y (oun% are*

    G a!reements to a##ow the consumer to %e(er a## or 3art o( her %own 3ayment

    G a!reements to 'ehic#es with ne!ati'e eHuity


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    e(erre% own )ayment "!reements6here is nothin! >@I8I@6LU i##e!a# a7out %e(erre% %own 3ayment a!reements5 >n (act, theyare contem3#ate% 7y the "S

  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    same 3rice either way, a consumer is actua##y 3ena#iRe% when ne!ati'e eHuity is ro##e% into the3urchase 3rice5 6his is so 7ecause ta$es an% #icense (ees are not assesse% on ne!ati'e eHuity, 7utthey are 7oth assesse% on the (u## 3rice o( the 3urchase 'ehic#e5 6he 3ena#ty amounts to rou!h#y9.10V o( the amount o( the o'er a##owance which is ro##e% into the 3urchase 3rice5

    6his 3ractice 'io#ates the a7o' co%e sections, an% 3ossi7#y the one %ocument ru#e*CC :291595 6hom3son '5 10,000 8 Sa#es,>nc5, 10 Ca#5 "335 4th 90 +200-

    8eme%ies (or 'io#ations o( CC ::292+a-+1-+n%ustry re(ers to this E7onusF as a yie#% s3rea%3remium5 n%er new +/10;- #aw, these 3remiums are ca33e% at 25 3ercent (or contractsca##in! (or ;0 3ayments or #ess, an% are ca33e% at 250 3ercent (or contracts ca##in! (or more than;0 3ayments5 Ca#5 Ci'i# :2925105 >t is unc#ear how a consumer a%'ocate can 3ro'e that this3ro'ision was 'io#ate%5

    S3ot e#i'ery yo.yo sa#es6he stan%ar% (orm contract use% in Ca#i(ornia a##ows the %ea#er to mae the contract= sen(orcea7i#ity contin!ent u3on the %ea#er= s a7i#ity to (in% a thir% 3arty #en%er which wi## taeassi!nment o( the contact5 Such > contin!ent sa#es= are e$3ress#y 3ermitte% 7y the "utomo7i#eSa#es

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    7e#ie'es that it can (in% a thir% 3arty (inance com3any 7ut cannot %o so, the %ea#ershi3 acts withinits ri!hts i( it 3rom3t#y %eman%s the return o( the 'ehic#e, 3ro'i%e% that it com3#ies with Ca#i(orniaCi'i# Co%e '2925+%-+- +that is, 3ro'i%e% that the %ea#ershi3 ten%ers the consumer= s tra%e.inan%or %own3ayment 7ac to the consumer without %eman%-5 ?n the other han%, the contin!entnature o( the contract 3ro'i%es (o%%er (or a num7er o( un(air an% %ece3ti'e %ea#er 3ractices5

    >( the %ea#er re(uses to ten%er 7ac a## consi%eration the consumer has 3ro'i%e% when (inancin!cannot 7e o7taine%, the %ea#er 'io#ates Ci'i# Co%e '2925+%-+-5 @o reme%y is set (orth (or sucha 'io#ation un%er the "S

  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    A Brie Loo! at TILA"


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    " note a7out s3urious o3en.en% cre%it6here are two in%s o( %isc#osures contem3#ate% 7y 6>L"*

    G Ec#ose%.en% %isc#osuresF, %esi!ne% (or a sin!#e e$tension o( cre%it, such as a car#oanG Eo3en.en% %isc#osuresF, %esi!ne% (or a #ine o( cre%it which wi## 7e use% manytimes, such as a cre%it car% a!reement

    Some #en%ers wou#% 3re(er to !i'e o3en.en% %isc#osures in a transaction that is #ie#y aone.time e$tension o( cre%it5 n#ess the #en%er can Ereasona7#y contem3#ate% re3eate%transactionsF, such a Emis.%isc#osureF 'io#ates 6>L"

    6>L" 8eme%ies +see :1;40-G any actua# %ama!esG a statutory %ama!e amount, which is ca33e% at +an% ty3ica##y amounts to- Q1,000G one.way attorneys (eesG s3eci(ica##y 3ro'i%es (or c#ass actions


    B"CK 6? M?6?8 I>CLIS

    )ayment )acin!)ayment 3acin! is +or was- a so3histicate% (rau%u#ent scheme which is a#ways un#aw(u#,

    7ut is o(ten 'ery %i((icu#t to 3ro'e5 n (act, the items are actua##y much moree$3ensi'e than the Huote% 3rice, 7ut a consumer without a ca#cu#ator may not 7e a7#e to rea#iRethis (act5

    Xuotin! the consumer an in(#ate% month#y 3ayment (or the car without the Ee$trasF an%ormis#ea%in! the consumer a7out the month#y cost o( the Ee$traF 3ro%ucts wi## 'io#ate one or moreo( the (o##owin! sections o( the CL8"*

    G Ca#5 Ci'i# Co%e ::1//0+a-+, 9, 1, 14 & 1;-

    >t is not #ie#y that any %ea#er wou#% attem3t this 3ractice with res3ect to a contract consummate%on or a(ter Au#y 1, 200;5

    Re#ossessions an$ Deiciencies


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    Many consumers wi## come to see a%'ice re!ar%in! a car transaction on#y a(ter the'ehic#e has 7een re3ossesse%, (reHuent#y at the time when they ha'e 7een sue% (or a %e(iciency5I'ery as3ect o( the motor 'ehic#e transaction shou#% 7e e$amine% at this 3oint, since any %e(enseto the contract wi## 7e a %e(ense to the %e(iciency5 >n a%%ition to the 3otentia# c#aims an% %e(enses#iste% a7o'e, the consumer may ha'e c#aims an% %e(enses arisin! (rom the re3ossession an%orresa#e o( the 'ehic#e5

    6he 8e3o >tse#(=hi#e most re3ossessions occur in the mi%%#e o( the ni!ht with no 3ersona# contact an% no

    tres3ass, it is worth asin! the consumer re!ar%in! the e'ent5

    " secure% cre%itor may not 7reach the 3eace in e$ercisin! se#(.he#35 Ca#5 CC :9;09+7-+2-5 " 7reach o( the 3eace is not #imite% to a 3hysica# con(rontation5 >( any 3erson 'er7a##yo7ects to the re3ossession, it is a 7reach o( the 3eace (or the re3ossessor to !o (orwar%, un#essthe o7ection is with%rawn5 +See, e5!5 o##i7ush '5 565 Cor35 '5 "inwri!ht, 199 Ca#5"335% 1420 +19/--5

    " re#ati'e#y recent a33e##ate %ecision,Juarez v. Arcadia Financial, Ltd.,12 Ca#5"3354th 9+200/-, has set o(( a wa'e o( c#ass action #iti!ation5 6he court construe% Ca#5 Ci'i# Co%e

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    :2952+a-+2- to reHuire the secure% cre%itor to %isc#ose, in the @?>, the %ates an% amounts o(any #ate (ees or 3ayments that wou#% accrue %urin! the 3erio% 7etween the %ate the notice wassent an% the #ast %ay to re%eem reinstate5 >t is hi!h#y #ie#y that any @?> %ate% on or 7e(ore Au#y1, 200; is non.com3#iant5

    "s state% a7o'e, a Ca#i(ornia a33e##ate court has he#% that i( the sa#e was ne!otiate% in a #an!ua!eco'ere% 7y Ca#5 Ci'i# Co%e :1;2, the @?> must 7e in that #an!ua!e5 8eyes '5 Su3erior Court,1 Ca#5"335% 19 +191-5 Com3#iance with this reHuirement is Huite #ow5

    6he 8einstatement 8eHuirement6he @?> must %isc#ose that the consumer has the ri!ht to EreinstateF5 =hereas most

    consumers cannot a((or% to re%eem, many can a((or% to reinstate5 8einstatement mere#y reHuiresthat the consumer 3ay the 3ast %ue month#y 3ayments an% any costs associate% with there3ossession5 owe'er, a secure% cre%itor can %eny the ri!ht to reinstatement i(*

    G the consumer 3ro'i%e% (a#se in(ormation on the cre%it a33#ication

    G in or%er to a'oi% re3ossession, the 'ehic#e was concea#e% or remo'e% (rom the stateG the consumer has threatene% to %estroy the 'ehic#e, or a##owe% it to 7ecome su7stantia##y

    im3aire% in 'a#ueG the consumer has threatene% or assau#te% the re3o manG the consumer has use% the car to commit a crime, or a##owe% it to 7e use% (or crimina#

    3ur3osesG the 'ehic#e has 7een seiRe% un%er

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    e7t Co##ection e(enseMany consumers see a%'ice re!ar%in! %e7ts that they %o not %is3ute5 Banru3tcy is an o3tion,

    7ut Banru3tcy is 7eyon% the sco3e o( this trainin!, an% wi## 7e the su7ect o( a (uture trainin!5Many consumers nee% not (i#e (or Banru3tcy 7ecause they ha'e no assets that cou#% 7e #e!a##ytaen 7y a u%!ment cre%itor5 6hey are Eu%!ment.3roo(F %ue to e$em3tions 3ro'i%e% (or outsi%eo( Banru3tcy5 " com3#ete #ist o( the e$em3tions 3ro'i%e% (or 7y Ca#i(ornia an%

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    >( 3ai% semi.month#y Q4/159>( 3ai% month#y Q9415/

    NNis3osa7#e wa!es are those #e(t a(ter #e!a##y man%ate% %e%uctions

    T*ese are t*e only +ae-earners +*o are truly .u$ment-#roo5 Such a #ow.wa!e ty3ica##yin%icates 3art.time wor5 >( the 3erson mo'es to (u##.time wor, they #ie#y wi## no #on!er 7eEu%!ment.3roo(F5 6he same ?@* 6he (o##owin! e$em3tions ensure that the consumerFs home wi## not 7e so#%, 7ut!i'en that rea# 3ro3erty ten%s to a33reciate, a consumer may want to (i#e 7anru3tcy to 3rotectthemse#'es, e'en i( their eHuity is current#y Ee$em3tF5

    Ca#i(orniaFs homestea% e$em3tions 3ro'i%es (or the (o##owin! amounts o( e/uityto 7e 3rotecte%"

    G Q0,000 (or sin!#e 3ersons

    G Q/,000 (or marrie% 3ersons +one mem7er o( the (ami#y must not ha'e tit#e to the house-G Q10,000 (or %isa7#e% 3ersons an% 3ersons ; or o#%erG Q10,000 (or 3ersons or o#%er i( their income is #ess than Q20,000 +Q1,000 i( sin!#e-

    6he Ec#assicF u%!ment.3roo( 3ro(i#e is*G a 3erson not #ie#y to re.enter the wor(orce, %ue to a!e or %isa7i#ityG who rents +owns no rea# 3ro3erty-G whose 7an account, i( any, !ets %irect %e3osit (rom a source #iste% a7o'e, an% whose7a#ance is within the #imits state% a7o'e

    Such a 3erson has no nee% to (i#e (or Banru3tcy, an% can %ea# with harassment 7y cre%itors an%%e7t co##ectors 7y sen%in! one o( the Eu%!ment.3roo( no contactF #etters 7e#ow5

    e7t Co##ection "7use an% 8eme%iesStatutes*

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    Co'era!e*G Both statutes reHuires that the co##ector Ere!u#ar#yF co##ect %e7ts +Ca#5 Ci'i# Co%e :1/52+c- 15S5C5 :1;92a+;-5G Both statutes reHuire consensua# transactions Oe5!5 a##e!e% sho3#i(tin! %e7ts, a##e!e% sate##itesi!na# 3iracy %e7ts, etc @?6 co'ere%P

    6he (o##owin! charts show the co'era!e %i((erence 7etween the two statutes*6y3e o( co##ector?ri!ina# cre%itors

    ESer'icersF acHuirin! account 7e(ore %e(au#t


    8e3o men +en(orcers o( security interests-

    6hir% 3arty %e7t co##ectors %e7t 7uyers 3ost.


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    6y3e o( %e7t8eturne% +@S

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    action Osuch as #iti!ation or ne!ati'e cre%it re3ortin!P within a 3erio% o( #ess than0 %ays, 'io#ate this section 7y Eo'ersha%owin!contra%ictin!F the %isc#osure,un#ess the %e7t co##ector 3ro'i%es a%%itiona# in(ormation a7out the consumerFs!+7- ri!hts so that e'en the E#east so3histicate% consumerF wou#% not 7e con(use%a7out their ri!hts to %is3ute the %e7t an% cease co##ection acti'ity +see, e5!5Swanson '5 Southern ?re!on Cre%it Ser'5, ;9

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    G %iscussin! the (act that a consumer owes a %e7t with anyone other than the consumer orthe consumerFs s3ouse5 =hi#e %e7t co##ectors are 3ermitte% to contact thir% 3arties to #earn theconsumerFs resi%ence or wor3#ace contact in(ormation, they are not 3ermitte% to %iscussanythin! more with those 3ersons5 See 1 SC :: 1;92a+/-, 7, c+7-5

    G contactin! the consumer at wor a(ter the consumer has in%icate% it is incon'enient torecei'e ca##s at the wor3#ace, in 'io#ation o( :c+a-+1-

    G contactin! the consumer a(ter the consumer has sent a #etter %irectin! the co##ector tocease communications in 'io#ation o( :c+c-5

    J on "3ri# , 2009 a San Aose ury awar%e% Q00,000 to a cou3#e who recei'e% 90ca##s a(ter the cease communications #etter was sent to the %e7t co##ector5

    G (a#se threats o( #iti!ation in 'io#ation o( :e+-

    G %eman%s (or (ees not 3ro'i%e% (or 7y statute or contract :(+1-

    1RACTICE TI1S" Letters to $ebt collectors 2 +*et*er sent by attorneys or clients 2s*oul$ al+ays be sent by Certiie$ 'ail, Return Recei#t Re/ueste$ 3or by some ot*er orm#ro4in recei#t56 &*en #ro4i$in clients +it* 7no contact8 letters, also #ro4i$e t*em +it*collection los to $ocument 4iolations6 One suc* lo a##ears *ere" *tt#"99+++6$ebt-collector-#roblems6com9Collection-Communications-Lo6#$

    State isc#osure 8eHuirementCa#5 Ci'i# Co%e :1125/00 et seq.reHuires any thir% 3arty %e7t co##ector su7ect to the


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    G statutory %ama!es o( u3 to Q1,000 +re!ar%#ess o( the num7er o( 'io#ations-G e((ecti'e#y one.way attorneys (ees an% costsG c#ass action 3ro'isions

    8osentha# "ct 8eme%iesG any 'io#ation o( the

  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    historiesG users . the entities that o7tain consumer cre%it (i#es (rom the C8"s in or%er to mae a

    %ecision re!ar%in! the consumersF cre%it worthiness5

    ?7#i!ations 3#ace% on users@o cre%it re3ort may 7e E3u##e%F without a 3ermissi7#e 3ur3ose +see 1 5S5C5

    :1;17+a--5 6he most common 3ermissi7#e 3ur3oses are in connection with a consumer cre%it orem3#oyment a33#ications, or in connection with the co##ection o( a %e7t5

    sers must a#so 3ro'i%e consumers with in(ormation a7out the e$istence o( ne!ati'ein(ormation in their cre%it re3orts a(ter ha'in! taen an Ea%'erse actionF5 See :1;1m+a-5

    ?7#i!ations 3#ace% on (urnishers@umerous o7#i!ations to ensure the (urnishin! o( accurate in(ormation +see 1 5S5C5

    :1;1s.2-5 owe'er, a consumer on#y has a 3ri'ate ri!ht o( action un%er :1;1s.2+7-, whicharises when a (urnisher unreasona7#y 'eri(ies inaccurate in(ormation a(ter a consumer hassu7mitte% a %is3ute to a cre%it re3ortin! a!ency5

    ?7#i!ations 3#ace% on Cre%it 8e3ortin! "!enciesC8"s are reHuire% to a%a3t 3roce%ures to ensure ma$imum 3ossi7#e accuracy, e'en

    a7sent a %is3ute5 See :1;1e+7-5 owe'er, most #iti!ation a!ainst C8"s is 7ase% on theirunreasona7#e (ai#ure to %e#ete or mo%i(y ne!ati'e cre%it in(ormation in res3onse to a consumer%is3ute5 See :1;1i5

    8eme%ies un%er the

  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    in(ormation5 6he consumer shou#% ee3 a co3y o( a## corres3on%ence, an% may want to sen% the%is3ute #etter 7y certi(ie% mai#, return recei3t reHueste% so there is no %ou7t that the #etter isrecei'e%5 6he a%%resses o( the three cre%it re3ortin! a!encies are*

    I$3erian/01 I$3erian )arway)5?5 Bo$ 94"##en, 6W /01

    IHui(a$ >n(ormationSer'ices, LLC)5?5 Bo$ 101"t#anta, " 04

    6rans.nion Consumer 8e#ations1;1 I5 ?ran!ethor3e "'enue

  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    Sam K S3a%e12 Consumer StreetSan Aose, C" 911

    Aune 24, 200

    I$3erian/01 I$3erian )arway)5?5 Bo$ 94"##en, 6W /01

    Certi(ie% Mai#, 8eturn 8ecei3t 8eHueste%@o5/002 200 0000 ;0/ /;9

    IHui(a$)5?5 Bo$ /402;"t#anta, " 0/4

    Certi(ie% Mai#, 8eturn 8ecei3t 8eHueste%@o5/002 200 0000 ;0/ /;9;

    RE" Consumer" Sam >6 S#a$e, Social Security No6 ?@;--Furnis*er Account No6" Acme Ac/uisition Account C?@;

    Furnis*er Account No6" 'onoram Ban! o Georia Account ;@?

    ear Sirs or Ma%ams*

    > am writin! with res3ect to %ero!atory cre%it in(ormation su7mitte% 7y "cme "cHuisitionwhich is 7ein! re3orte% on my IHui(a$ an% I$3erian cre%it re3orts5 > ha'e a#rea%y %is3ute% thematter se'era# times, without success5

    " re'iew o( the enc#ose% %ocuments wi## %emonstrate that the in(ormation re3orte% on mycre%it re3ort is erroneous an% shou#% 7e remo'e%5 ?n Se3tem7er 1;, 2000, > 3urchase% a%iamon% rin! (rom Mont!omery =ar%s5 6he cost o( the rin! was Q1/5;45 > 3ai% (or the rin!

    with my "%'anta cre%it car%, as %emonstrate% on the enc#ose% recei3t5 > su7seHuent#y recei'e%the enc#ose% "%'anta month#y statement, which > 3rom3t#y 3ai%5 6he statement shows theQ1,/5;4 3urchase on Se3tem7er 1;, 20005

    recei'e% a month#y statement (rom Mono!ram Ban statin!that > ha% char!e% Q1,/5;4 on my Mont!omery =ar%s car% on Se3tem7er 1;, 20005 > %i% ha'ea =ar%s car% 7ut rare#y, i( e'er use% it5 > %i% not use it to 3urchase the %iamon% rin! onSe3tem7er 1;, 20005 "s state% a7o'e, > 3ai% (or the rin! with my "%'anta car%5

    > ha'e s3ent the #ast two 3#us years %is3utin! this %e7t throu!h numerous #etters an%3hone ca##s5 "(ter > re(use% to 3ay the erroneous char!e Mono!ram Ban re3orte% %ero!atorycre%it with res3ect5 =hen Mont!omery =ar%s (i#e% 7anru3tcy an% c#ose% its stores, Mono!ramBan con'erte% my =ar%s car% into a =a#mart car% without my authoriRation5 "cme"cHuisitions then 7e!an attem3ts to co##ect the erroneous char!e5 "cme "cHuisitions is nowre3ortin! %ero!atory cre%it as we##5

    ero!atory entries (rom 7oth Mono!ram Ban o( eor!ia an% "cme "cHuisitions ha'ea33eare% on my cre%it re3orts at 'arious times5 Current#y, on#y the "cme "cHuisition tra%e #inea33ears on my I$3erian an% IHui(a$ re3ort5


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    6his #etter reHuests that IHui(a$ an% I$3erian imme%iate#y %e#ete the ne!ati'e entry withres3ect to the "cme "cHuisition account an% to tae ste3s to ensure that neither the "cme"cHuisition nor the Mono!ram Ban o( eor!ia account rea33ear on my cre%it re3ort5

    > await your 3rom3t res3onse5


    Sam S3a%e12 Consumer StreetSan Aose, C" 911

    enc#osures*1- "%'anta Statement %ate% 101;002- Mono!ram=ar%s Statement with %ue %ate 111000- recei3t (or 3urchase o( %iamon% %ate% 91;004- iamon%emstone Certi(icate %ate% 91;00


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    Co-siner 1rotections+Ca#5 Ci'i# Co%e :1/99590 et seqan% 1; C5t is %esi!ne% to reHuire a warnin! notice to 3ersons who recei'e no 7ene(it (rom acontract they si!ne% +> wi## ca## such a 3erson a Enon.reci3ientF-5 >t is immateria# how the non.reci3ient is %esi!nate% on the contract +i5e5 as E!uarantorF, Eco.7uyerF or E7uyerF- so #on! as more

    than one consumer si!ns the contract5 >( the non.reci3ient is set u3 as the so#e Estraw 7uyerF theCa#i(ornia statute wi## not a33#y %irect#y, 7ut an ar!ument can 7e ma%e that the (the 3arties se#ect the #aw o( a state with a shorter #imitations 3erio%, that se#ection wi## 7e en(orce%

    7y the court5 Many cre%it car% com3anies are hea%Huartere% in e#aware an% reHuire consumersto e#ect e#aware #aw5 >n that case, the statute o( #imitations is ust three years5 See 8esur!ence'5 Cham7ers, +2009-+cite not a'ai#a7#e as o( 41409-5

    Bi##in! Irrors 6he

  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    @otice o( 8e#ease o( Lia7i#ity +@8L- to the M5 6he #ien.ho#%ers seemin!#y ne'er com3#y withCa#i(ornia #aw an% there(ore are not entit#e% to a %e(iciency5 Co##ection a!encies a#most a#ways7ac o(( when recei'in! a #etter (rom the Law Center 3ointin! out one or more o( the (o##owin!3ro7#ems with the co##ection a!encies c#aim*

    G no statutory 3ro'ision (or %e(iciency is 3ermitte% (or 'ehic#es 'a#ue% un%er Q00G i( the 3o#ice o((icer (ai#s to 3#ace a 'a#ue u3on or%erin! the tow, the #ien.ho#%er must

    3rom3t#y %o so Ca#5 eh5 Co%e :22;/0+7-G 6o the e$tent the consumer %e#i'ere% tit#e to a trans(eree 3rior to the tow, Ca#5 eh5Co%e :;02+a- maes c#ear that an @8L is unnecessary


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    1C?@SMI8 68"@S"C6>?@S =>6 S6"66?8UC?@68"C6 C"@CILL"6>?@ 8>6S

    January, $%%%10


    S)IC>C S6"66?8U C"@CILL"6>?@ 8>6S

    " num7er o( #aws !i'e consumers the ri!ht to cance# contracts in s3eci(ic transactions short#ya(ter the consumer si!ns the contract5 " #ist o( these transactions an% the 3erio%s a##owe% (orcance#in! them (o##ows5 @ote that some cance##ation 3erio%s are measure% in 7usiness %ays5

    " consumer.7uyer can cance# these contracts (or any reason +or (or no reason-5 >n or%er tocance#, the 7uyer must sen% the se##er written notice o( cance##ation within the 3erio% a##owe% 7ystatute5 +&ost cancellation periods be#in 'hen the consumer receives 'ritten notification of hisor her ri#ht to cancel5- 6he 7uyer must si!n an% %ate the cance##ation notice, an% it must statethat the 7uyer is cance#in! the contract5 6he 7uyer shou#% sen% the notice to the se##er 7y certi(ie%mai# return, recei3t reHueste%, at the a%%ress the se##er has !i'en in the sa#e %ocuments5 6he 7uyer

    shou#% ee3 a co3y o( the notice (or his or her own recor%s to 7e a7#e to 3ro'e that the notice was!i'en5

    enera##y, the 7uyerTs notice o( cance##ation is e((ecti'e when it is %e3osite% in the mai# with the3ro3er a%%ress an% 3osta!e5 6he 7uyer shou#% note the e$act %ate, time an% 3#ace o( mai#in! onthe retaine% co3y5

    " "utomo7i#e Sa#es an% Leases5 6here is no statutory cance##ation 3erio% (or automo7i#esa#es or #eases5 +But Caliornia +ill soon be t*e irst state in t*e nation to #ro4i$e astatutory cancellation #erio$ or some motor 4e*icle #urc*ases-

    C Cre%it 8e3air Ser'ices .. (i'e %ay cance##ation 3erio% +CC 1/951;-5

    ance Stu%io Ser'ices .. si$ month cance##ation 3erio%in$einite cancellation #erio$+it* #ro rata reun$ +CC 11254+7-+1--5

    atin! Ser'ices .. three 7usiness %ay cance##ation 3erio% +CC 1;9451-5See also CC ?6@3e5" i a contract $oes not com#ly +it* t*e 4ariousre/uirements o t*e Act, t*e buyer may cancel at any time6

    N N N

    iscount Buyin! Ser'ices .. three %ay cance##ation 3erio% +CC 112511-5 Sa#es .. three 7usiness %ay cance##ation 3erio% +CC 1;95-5

    I I#ectric Ser'ice Contract .. three 7usiness %ay cance##ation 3erio% +)C 9-5

    1 1I *a4e u#$ate$ some obsolete co$e section reerences an$ ma$e some a$$itions6C*anes mar!e$ in bol$6


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    Im3#oyment Counse#in! Ser'ices .. three 7usiness %ay cance##ation 3erio% +CC112511+a-+;--5

    T*e cite$ section also #ro4i$es t*at t*e buyer may cancel until t*e seller *as

    com#lie$ - t*ereore i t*e cancellation notice or contract is la+e$, t*e buyermay cancel at any time 3u# to t*e statute o limitations #erio$5

    In%#ess Chain Scheme ] in%e(inite cance##ation 3erio% when scheme is un#aw(u# un%er)C 2/ +CC 1;952-5


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    M Mai#6e#e3hone Sa#es +when or%er has not 7een (i##e%- .. 0 %ay cance##ation 3erio% +B&)1/+a-, 1; C( 7uyer 'isits site .. three 7usiness %ay cance##ation 3erio% +CC 11250-5>( 7uyer %oes not 'isit site .. 10 7usiness %ay cance##ation 3erio% +CC 112504-5

    See also CC ??@6;

  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    6imeshares ] three %ay cance##ation 3erio% +B&) 11024-5Cal6 Bus6 H 1ro6 Co$e ??@; i4es a se4en $ay ri*t to cancel selecte$

    times*are contract +*ic* are less t*an t*ree years in lent*6

    n#aw(u# etainer "ssistants .. one %ay cance##ation 3erio% +B&) ;410+e--5

    ocationa# Schoo# Courses .. (i'e 7usiness %ay cance##ation 3erio% +I%5 Co%e 94;/+a-+1-, 94;-5See K(ome Stu$y or Corres#on$ence Vocational Sc*ool Courses abo4e

    = =ater 6reatment e'ices .. three 7usiness %ay cance##ation 3erio% +B&) 1///5-5See 7Door to Door Sales8, abo4e

    =ei!ht.#oss Ser'ices .. three 7usiness %ay cance##ation 3erio% +CC 1;945;-5See also CC ?63e5" t*e buyer may cancel until t*e seller *as com#lie$ -t*ereore i t*e cancellation notice or contract is la+e$, t*e buyer maycancel at any time 3u# to t*e statute o limitations #erio$5

    6he consumer may a#so ha'e other cance##ation ri!hts5 "#most any consumer contract entere%into in a consumerTs home +or somewhere other than the se##erTs 3#ace o( 7usiness- can 7e cance#e%7y sen%in! a written notice o( cance##ation to the se##er 7y mi%ni!ht o( the thir% 7usiness %ay a(terthe consumer si!ne% the contract5 6he contract must 7e (or consumer !oo%s costin! Q2 or more5+CC :: 1;9.1;95125-

    " !enera# %iscussion o( other cance##ation ri!hts (o##ows5

    >>5I@I8"L C?@68"C6 C"@CILL"6>?@ 8>6S

    " 7uyer a#so may 7e a7#e to cance# a contract i( his or her consent to it was o7taine% 7y these##erTs (rau% or misre3resentation, or i( the 7ar!ain (ai#s in some maor res3ect throu!h no (au#t o(the 7uyer5 6he 7uyer shou#% contact an attorney or other e$3ert i( the 7uyer thins that he or shemay ha'e one o( these !roun%s (or cance#in! a contract5

    J 8escission (or n(#uence, Breach, >##e!a#ity

    +1- >( the 7uyerTs consent to a contract was in%uce% 7y the se##erTs (rau%, or was !i'en 7y mistae,or un%er %uress, menace or un%ue in(#uence, the 7uyer can e#ect to rescin% the contract +CC1;9+7--5

    +2- " 7uyer has a ri!ht to rescin% a contract when the e$chan!e that the 7uyer antici3ate%recei'in! (rom the se##er \(ai#s, in who#e or in 3art, throu!h the (au#t\ o( the se##er +CC 1;9+7-+2--5

    +- 6he 7uyer has a ri!ht to rescin% a contract when the e$chan!e the se##er 3romise% to the 7uyer\7e.comes entire#y 'oi% (rom any cause\ +CC 1;9+7-+--5

    +4- 6he 7uyer has a ri!ht to rescin% a contract when the e$chan!e which the 7uyer 7ar!aine% torecei'e (rom the se##er \(ai#s in a materia# res3ect (rom any cause\ 7e(ore it is ren%ere% to the


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    7uyer +CC 1;9+7-+4--5

    +- 6he 7uyer has a ri!ht to rescin% a contract when the contract \is un#aw(u# (or causes which %onot a33ear in its terms or con%itions, an% the 3arties are not eHua##y at (au#t\ +CC 1;9+7-+--5

    +;- 6he 7uyer has a ri!ht to rescin% a contract i( \the 3u7#ic interest wi## 7e 3reu%ice% 7y3ermittin! the contract to stan%\ +CC 1;9+7-+;--5

    +/- " 3roce%ure (or e$ercisin! the ri!ht to rescin% +which inc#u%es a notice o( rescission to

    the other 3arty- is esta7#ishe% 7y #aw +CC 1;91.1;9-5

    +- 6he 3ro'isions on rescission, at CC 1;9. 1;9, a#so a33#y when the ri!ht to rescin% iscon(erre% un%er another statute +CC 1;9+7-+/--5

    N N N N N N

    6his 3u7#ication is a'ai#a7#e on the >nternet5 See the e3artment o( Consumer "((airsT home3a!eat www5%ca5ca5!o'5

    6his %ocument may 7e co3ie%, i( a## o( the (o##owin! con%itions are met* the meanin! o( theco3ie% te$t is not chan!e%N cre%it is !i'en to the e3artment o( Consumer "((airs an% a## co3iesare %istri7ute% (ree o( char!e5

    Aanuary, 1999

    N My a3o#o!ies to the C"* see (ootnote 1


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    1 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[





    RE" Acct

    6o =hom it May Concern*

    > am writin! to reHuest that you cease a## contact with me 3ursuant to Ca#i(ornia Ci'i# Co%e:1/51/ an%or 1 SC :1;92c+c-, which reHuire you to cease a## contact with a consumerwhen you recei'e a written reHuest to %o so5

    > %o not conce%e that > owe any %e7t to you5 I'en i( > %i%, > cou#% not a((or% to 3ay you56here(ore, > wi## not mae "@U (urther 3ayments on the a7o' account5 > ha'e

    consu#te% with an attorney an% > ha'e 7een in(orme% that > am u%!ment.3roo(5 Uou may sueme i( you wish, 7ut you wi## not 7e a7#e to co##ect any money (rom me 7ecause > ha'e no assets orincome that can 7e attache% with a u%!ment5

    > reco!niRe that you may choose to re(er this account to a co##ection a!ency, or some other entity5Shou#% you choose to %o so, U? MS6 >@CLI " C?)U ?< 6>S LI66I8 >@ MULI, "@ 6I "CC?@6 MS6 BI @?6"6I 6"6 > ? @?6 =>S 6? BIC?@6"C6I >@ "@ "66IM)6 6? C?LLIC6 " IB65 >( you (ai# to com3#y with thisreHuest, > wi## consi%er it an intentiona# attem3t to circum'ent Ca#i(orniaFs

  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1









    6o =hom it May Concern*

    > am writin! to reHuest that you cease a## contact with me 3ursuant to Ca#i(ornia Ci'i# Co%e:1/51/ an%or 1 SC :1;92c+c-, which reHuire you to cease a## contact with a consumerwhen you recei'e a written reHuest to %o so5

    > %o not conce%e that > owe any %e7t to you5 I'en i( > %i%, > cou#% not a((or% to 3ay you5

    6here(ore, > wi## not mae "@U (urther 3ayments on the a7o' account5 > ha'econsu#te% with an attorney an% > ha'e 7een in(orme% that > am u%!ment.3roo(5 Uou may sueme i( you wish, 7ut you wi## not 7e a7#e to co##ect any money (rom me 7ecause > ha'e no assets orincome that can 7e attache% with a u%!ment5

    > reco!niRe that you may choose to re(er this account to a co##ection a!ency, or some other entity5Shou#% you choose to %o so, U? MS6 >@CLI " C?)U ?< 6>S LI66I8 >@ MULI, "@ 6I "CC?@6 MS6 BI @?6"6I 6"6 > ? @?6 =>S 6? BIC?@6"C6I >@ "@ "66IM)6 6? C?LLIC6 " IB65 >( you (ai# to com3#y with thisreHuest, > wi## consi%er it an intentiona# attem3t to circum'ent Ca#i(orniaFs LL C"SI MI @@ICISS"8U S68ISS5



  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    1 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[





    RE" Acct

    6o =hom it May Concern,

    > am writin! to reHuest that you cease a## contact with me 3ursuant to Ca#i(ornia Ci'i# Co%e:1/51/ an%or 1 SC :1;92c+c-, which reHuire you to cease a## contact with a consumerwhen you recei'e a written reHuest to %o so5

    > %o not conce%e that > owe any %e7t to you5 I'en i( > %i%, > cou#% not a((or% to 3ay you56here(ore, > wi## not mae "@U (urther 3ayments on the a7o' account5 > ha'e

    consu#te% with an attorney an% > ha'e 7een in(orme% that > am u%!ment.3roo(5 Uou may sueme i( you wish, 7ut you wi## not 7e a7#e to co##ect any money (rom me 7ecause > ha'e no assets orincome that can 7e attache% with a u%!ment5

    > reco!niRe that you may choose to re(er this account to a co##ection a!ency, or some other entity5Shou#% you choose to %o so, U? MS6 >@CLI " C?)U ?< 6>S LI66I8 >@ MULI, "@ 6I "CC?@6 MS6 BI @?6"6I 6"6 > ? @?6 =>S 6? BIC?@6"C6I >@ "@ "66IM)6 6? C?LLIC6 " IB65 >( you (ai# to com3#y with thisreHuest, > wi## consi%er it an intentiona# attem3t to circum'ent Ca#i(orniaFs S"BLI "@ "@U

  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1






    RE" Acct

    6o =hom it May Concern,

    > am writin! to reHuest that you cease a## contact with me 3ursuant to Ca#i(ornia Ci'i# Co%e :1/51/an%or 1 SC :1;92c+c-, which reHuire you to cease a## contact with a consumer when you recei'e awritten reHuest to %o so5

    > %o not conce%e that > owe any %e7t to you5 I'en i( > %i%, > cou#% not a((or% to 3ay you5 6here(ore, >wi## not mae "@U (urther 3ayments on the a7o' account5 > ha'e consu#te% with an attorneyan% > ha'e 7een in(orme% that > am u%!ment.3roo(5 Uou may sue me i( you wish, 7ut you wi## not 7ea7#e to co##ect any money (rom me 7ecause > ha'e no assets or income that can 7e attache% with a


    > reco!niRe that you may choose to re(er this account to a co##ection a!ency, or some other entity5 Shou#%you choose to %o so, U? MS6 >@CLI " C?)U ?< 6>S LI66I8 >@ MU LI, "@ 6I"CC?@6 MS6 BI @?6"6I 6"6 > ? @?6 =>S 6? BI C?@6"C6I >@ "@ "66IM)66? C?LLIC6 " IB65 >( you (ai# to com3#y with this reHuest, > wi## consi%er it an intentiona# attem3t tocircum'ent Ca#i(orniaFs LL C"SI MI @@ICISS"8U S68ISS5



  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    March 0, 2014


    OCre%itor or e7t Co##ectorFs Corres3on%ence "%%ressP

    8e* 6onya C#ient

    "ccount _ * O>nc#u%e "ccount @um7er ereP

    6o =hom it May Concern,

    > am re3resentin! Ms C#ient with re!ar%s to the a7o' account, an% a## o( her%e7ts5 )#ease imme%iate#y note (or your recor%s that a## (urther communications re!ar%in! thisaccount are to 7e %irecte% to my o((ice5 S3eci(ica##y, you are %irecte% to chan!e the a%%ress an%3hone num7er in(ormation on the account to the a%%ress an% 3hone num7er #iste% a7o'e5

    Ms5 C#ient re!rets the (act that she wi## not 7e a7#e to mae any (urther 3ayments on this%e7t5 Ms5 C#ientFs on#y source o( income is Socia# Security 7ene(its, which are nee%e% to 3ay hernecessities o( #i(e5 She has no assets5 Ms5 C#ientFs (inancia# situation wi## not chan!e (or the7etter5 Ms5 C#ient has 7een %isa7#e% an% recei'in! %isa7i#ity 7ene(its since 19;5 She is ; yearso#%5

    > ha'e inter'iewe% Ms5 C#ient an% %etermine% that she is u%!ment.3roo(5 6here(ore itwi## not 7e necessary (or her to (i#e (or Banru3tcy5 )#ease %o not #ea'e messa!es with my o((iceseein! Banru3tcy in(ormation5 Such ca##s wi## not 7e returne% 7ecause there wi## 7e no suchin(ormation to re3ort5 n%er the circumstances, > wou#% reHuest that your com3any char!e o((

    Ms5 C#ientFs %e7t5 Ms5 C#ient re!rets that such a reHuest must 7e ma%e, 7ut she sim3#y has no3ros3ects o( re3ayin! the %e7t5

    My c#ient is a#rea%y aware that non.3ayment wi## resu#t in cance##ation o( any cre%it3ri'i#e!es an% the re3ortin! o( ne!ati'e cre%it in(ormation, there(ore you nee% not contact me tore3ort such in(ormation5 Ms5 C#ient is a#so aware that you may choose to (i#e suit on this %e7t5@e'erthe#ess, she has %eci%e% to acce3t the conseHuences on non.3ayment, an% has authoriRe% me


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    to reect any an% a## sett#ement o((ers (rom your com3any which wou#% reHuire her to mae any(urther 3ayments5 6here(ore, %o not contact me with any sett#ement o((ers5

    > am a#so aware that you may choose to re(er this account to a co##ection a!ency5 Shou#%you choose to %o so, you must in%icate that a## contacts are to 7e %irecte% to my o((ice5 MS5C#ientFS 8IS>I@6>"L "8ISS "@ 6ILI)?@I @MBI8 "8I @?6 6? BI

    68"@SM>66I, "S > "M 8I)8ISI@6>@ I8 =>6 8IS)IC6 6? 6>S M"66I85Shou#% you trans(er this account to a co##ection a!ency without in%icatin! that > am re3resentin!Ms5 C#ient, > wi## ha'e no choice 7ut to recommen% to my c#ient that she (i#e suit a!ainst yourcom3any (or attem3tin! to e'a%e the 3ro'isions o( Ca#i(orniaFs 8osentha# "ct5

    )#ease 7e a%'ise% that my c#ient is e#%er#y an% %isa7#e%, there(ore main! him es3ecia##ysusce3ti7#e to emotiona# %istress5 T*ereore it is o t*e utmost im#ortance t*at you notcontact *er $irectly6 Ca#i(orniaFs 8osentha# "ct reHuires that you cease communication with aconsumer when you are aware that the consumer is re3resente% 7y an attorney5 6he "ct 3ro'i%es(or statutory 3ena#ties5 Ca#5 Ci'i# Co%e ::1/51/ 1/505 wi## a%'ise her to (i#e suit a!ainst yourcom3any, seein! tre7#e 3ena#ties 3ursuant to the a7o' statutes5

    )ursuant to Ca#i(ornia Ci'i# Co%e :1/514+c-, 3#ease %irect a## (urther inHuiries re!ar%in!this matter to me at the a%%ress #iste% a7o'e5 > than you in a%'ance (or your antici3ate%coo3eration in this matter5


    Scott Maurer

    cc* 6onya C#ient

  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    "u!ust 1, 2004

    >" CI

    Ca3ito# ?neCustomer 8e#ations

    )5?5 Bo$ 01

    8ichmon%, " 22.01

    ha'e enc#ose% an "uthoriRation to 8e#ease >n(ormation si!ne% 7yMs5 C#ient5

    )#ease note (or your recor%s that our c#ient %is3utes the a##e!e% %e7t5 6here(ore, you are %irecte%not to re3ort any ne!ati'e cre%it in(ormation re!ar%in! this account to any cre%it re3ortin! a!ency

    without a#so re3ortin! that the account is %is3ute%, as reHuire% 7y Ca#i(ornia Ci'i# Co%e Section1/52+c-5

    6han you in a%'ance (or your attention to this matter5


    8eu7en Casti##o, Le!a# "ssistant

    n%er the su3er'ision o( attorney

    Scott Maurer

    Inc# +as state%-

    cc* M5 C#ient


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    Sen%erFs* [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

    "%%ress [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

    ate* [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[


    8eci3ientFs* [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

    "%%ress [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[


    8e5 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

    "cct5 @o5 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

    6o =hom it May Concern*

    > am writin! to reHuest that you cease a## contact with me 3ursuant to 1 5S5C : 1;92c+c- o( theSLI66I8 >@ MU LI, "@ 6I "CC?@6 MS6 BI @?6"6I 6"6 > ? @?6=>S 6? BI C?@6"C6I >@ "@ "66IM)6 6? C?LLIC6 6I IB65 >( you (ai# to

    com3#y with this reHuest, > wi## consi%er it an intentiona# attem3t to circum'ent the reHuirementso( the

  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    March 0, 2014


    @C? nc5)5?5 Bo$ 4141/

    e3t5 99

    )hi#a%e#3hia, )" 19101

    8e* wou#% #ie remin% you to cease a## communication with my c#ient 3ursuant to 15S5C5 :1;92c+a-+2- an% Ca#5 Ci'5 Co%e :1/514+c-5 > a#so remin% you that my c#ient is asenior citiRen an% es3ecia##y susce3ti7#e to emotiona# %istress stemmin! (rom unnecessary %e7t

    co##ection contacts5 )#ease %irect a## (uture inHuiries to this o((ice at the a%%ress #iste% a7o'e5 =e#oo (orwar% to your 3rom3t res3onse5


    Scott Maurer


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


  • 8/12/2019 May 14 Materials 1 1


    that Ca#i(5 Ci'5 Co%e :1/959+7-+;- 3ro'i%es (or statutory %ama!es o( u3 to thirty thousan%%o##ars a!ainst a c#aimant that (ai#s to %i#i!ent#y in'esti!ate the 'ictimFs noti(ication o( a 3ossi7#ei%entity the(t an% continues to 3ursue its c#aim5

    > trust this in(ormation an% the enc#ose% 3o#ice re3ort wi## satis(y you that my c#ient is not the3erson you are seein!5 >( you ha'e any Huestions, 3#ease %o not hesitate to contact this o((ice atthe num7er #iste% a7o'e5


    [[[ M[[[[[,

    Law Stu%ent un%er the su3er'ision o(

    "ttorney Scott Maurer

    Inc#s* "s state% a7o'e
