May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14 Enduring Witnessstrength of the stone that the builder rejected, the stone that became the cor nerstone. And that cornerstone is what holds up the whole of

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Page 1: May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14 Enduring Witnessstrength of the stone that the builder rejected, the stone that became the cor nerstone. And that cornerstone is what holds up the whole of


May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14

Enduring Witness Mother's Day

Dialogue with our Jewish, Muslim, and Eastern Orthodox neighbors, as well of those of other faiths, is a cornerstone of our understanding of what it means to be a part of the United Church of Christ. These dialogues often look ill<e ordinary conversations between a few people, tal<ing place over a couple of hours or days. After the dialogue is over, all the participants return to the rou­tines and rituals of their home communities.

One of the flabbergasting critiques of interfaith dialogue is that it's "just words," that doesn't solve the whole problem, that it is too small an effort to have an impact. Of course, conversations like these don't solve the whole problem of interfaith conflict and understanding, but that doesn't mean that they have no use. Far from it. Small encounters like organized interfaith dia­logues, are the individual building blocks from which the structures of peace are built.

Jesus' words in today's scripture passage are part of what is sometimes called his Farewell Discourse. They started out as "just words," quiet conversations with friends which were later written down as comfort to the early Christian community. It's sometimes hard to remember the very real fear of the early Christian community. Those who first wrote down Jesus' words were not mainline Christians. They were not mainline anything. There were just a few of them, oppressed by the forces of Rome on one side and the temple authorities on the other.

But over time, the movement Jesus began with just words would scatter all over the world. But these are the l<ind of words that have the unexpected strength of the stone that the builder rejected, the stone that became the cor­nerstone. And that cornerstone is what holds up the whole of God's house.

Building God's house is slow work and can seem painstal<ing. At times, there can seem to be no progress. But brick by brick, word by word, dialogue by dia­logue, the house of God is built. God's house is vast, it has many rooms. The conversation you begin with an interfaith neighbor is only one brick among many. But look around you and you will notice that there are many bricks connected with yours. In order to stand tall, you need them as much as they need you. One by one, we are building up this house of many rooms.



8,a" x 14" UCC SUNDAY BULLETIN SERVICE Bulletin artwork and back page stories copyright© 2020 United Church of Christ

Page 2: May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14 Enduring Witnessstrength of the stone that the builder rejected, the stone that became the cor nerstone. And that cornerstone is what holds up the whole of


1 Hovey Street • Oxford, MI 48371 www. icucc. org • 248-628-1610

May 10, 2020 • 11:00 a.m.

Welcome to worship at Immanuel United Church of Christi God is Still Speaking,

Thank You for taking the time to turn off your cell phone during the worship service.

Prelude *Bringing In the Light of Christ (* denotes those who are able may stand.)

Ringing of the Bell

Welcome Pastor Liz Wilson

Children's Message "Enduring Witness" Pastor Liz WIison

*Call to Worship Ken Martin, Liturgist One: The God of heaven and earth calls us together. We come to explore matter of the

Spirit. Many: There is so much we do not know or understand. So much of God is

unknown to us. One: Let us look carefully at the objects of our worship. Our attention Is easily diverted

from God. Many: We want to worship the One who gives us breath. We reach for the Reality

beyond our knowing. One: In God we live and move and have our being. All that we have and are comes from

God. Many: God is not limited to shrines made by us. God is everywhere present in the

whole universe.

Invocation Pastor Liz Wilson Let the sound of praising you be heard among us today, and in all the places of your dominion, O God. We believe you are present with us even when we cannot feel or see or hear you as we would like. We thank you for the times when you have caught our attention. We ask for one of those times today. Shake us out of our complacency and our cherished Iniquities. Hold us in your steadfast love and call forth within us an awareness of all your blessings. Stimulate among us an eagerness to live as you intend. Amen.

*Hymn: "Awake My Soul" Page 2 (Please remain standing for the Prayer of Confession)

Unison Prayer of Confession: Pastor Liz Wilson 0 God, we confess that we have loved our own way more than we love you. The Spirit of truth does not abide in us, for our actions belie the words of praise we utter in worship. We neglect the spiritual disciplines that would draw us dose to you and the caring outreach that would link us with sisters and brothers who need to know of your love. We have not witnessed to our faith in ways powerful enough to evoke opposition or cause us to suffer.

Page 1 0 God, it is hard to follow Jesus! Forgive us, teach us, help us. Amen.


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i\ r,•. A /t'.•,:11' U,•,i1i,1· fr.,•sif.T, ,' I)/!? Page 6 i

Page 3: May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14 Enduring Witnessstrength of the stone that the builder rejected, the stone that became the cor nerstone. And that cornerstone is what holds up the whole of

Prayer of Dedication of Gifts and Self Pastor Liz Wilson May all that we give today be used to express your love among us and beyond us. God of all people. We are thankful for your gift to us in Christ Jesus, who was so committed to sharing your love that he risked rejection and death. We are grateful that even though his suffering resulted In death In the flesh you made him alive in the spirit. May Christ live today in us, in our caring, in our giving, in our speaking, In our doing. We rededicate ourselves to your service. Amen.

* Hymn: "Give Me a Clean Heart" Page 6 *The Light of Christ goes Into the world

*Blessing: Pastor Liz Wilson One: God has listened to our prayers and abides with us. God's blessing rests on us as we

scatter to serve. Many: The Spirit lives within us and among us. We seek to live as resurrection

people. One: Dally God will add to your understanding if you ask. Do not fear to seek after the truth

God will reveal. Many: Every day can be an adventure in faith. All our encounters can link us more

closely with God. One: Our Creator draws us Into community. Our spiritual journey is linked to others' stories. Many: Together we will seek to know Go more fully. We will remember one

another in prayer. Amen: Amen.

*Postlude We scatter to serve****************************************************************

loin together for refreshments in Fellowship Immanuel Open and Affirming Statement:

We welcome and affirm all people in celebrating diversity. We welcome to our faith family people of every race, age, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, mental or physical

ability and those who have doubts or questions.

In Worship and Service Today Church Officers & Staff Ministry Message: Pastor Liz Wilson Moderator: Justin Wlllcock Liturgist: Ken Martin Vice Moderator: Ken Martin Choir Director: Ken Martin Treasurer: Art Nagasaki Accompanist: Ann McKinley Council Secretary: Janet Caporale Our Tech team: Tammy & Ken Martin, Eric Schuette, Clerk: Suzanne Spiker

Larry Douglas, and David Ollie-Ray Church Secretary & Custodian: Sue Molczyk Floral Arrangements: A gift created by Amy Wilson Building and Grounds Chair: Paul Good Ministers: All the Immanuel Church faith community Maintenance: Paul Good Christian Ed Director: Danielle Willcock Sunday School: Amy Wilson

For Pastoral Needs call: Pastor Elizabeth WIison Cell 1-248-379-3521

Treasury notice will be eliminated for few weeks until there's something to report($). Please remember to send tithe even though we are all sitting at home. (Support your church!) Thank you to those who sent their envelopes! Please remember us as we go thru this difficult time. Call each other! Send notes! Send a prayer. Send jokes. Let's stay In close communication. And be Safe! Love you all! Pastor Liz

Page 5 1

Avvake, I\!ly Pl11li11 DwM.t·ldw· t 1102 .. /75 i'}; r1/J,

wake, my !>oul, i,tn~-lt;,'h 2 A cloud of wit - nes.t~ 3 For God's nil - lln \ 4 0 Sav - ior, •,bown lhl'.

press whb Vig or or,; A YO!I i,11 l'uH ::.m· - \'t~y; For <:nils llli to the l'tH'C:

have 1ny l'aCL1 be gun;

nnd an lm - mor-tr1J Cn)~\•lf,

und Oti-V/M<l urge your way, with 1wv - er end" ing ,gn1ce, I'll lay my hon- or:; down,

TIJ/1· ,'1ymn ,'s om· u/111,,11,· rhlw ,HJ() 11-1/r1cn by fl Co.11,c,'rl!>,il!J/,mm' 1ni11l1h .. 1 r1- PltUip Lloddrhfgr:.\ •1.:,,u n1.u1,;• ,1f lh(!JN wat,,. p1d,UJlu:'1 hJ lib.,- nr1c·!hUL'.. l'r<:.','1'.~hlg Vr1 iu du· J

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lw,wen 5-J'(/[ 0

God':;, crmvned

aml and with l'H


491 ) Tim. 4:1-8,- l'hU. :J:J2-l,1

ev - c,ry t)(~'l'V(: I i\!ld fH' ,.,,, a - l'UUtlti holds

mat. - it1g vokc. ::.Iii I way b,/ you, l

ly rncc i.k .. mtm,.b your z.zal, lhe steps ul " ,._;~nd - y !rod,

OW'l.l hand sii.11 _giV('.:<, the prize ,vith vic-tory. al your k·cl

nn im mor .. t.al cmvm, on ,vnnl mge your Wily',

tlt~V - (:l' - l:!t:ii:i-ing g,,acc. lay 1ny houi ·· on; down,

Tu,w: Cl-HWi:n.1M; C.M, (f, F l!andt{, l728

Page 2:

Page 4: May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14 Enduring Witnessstrength of the stone that the builder rejected, the stone that became the cor nerstone. And that cornerstone is what holds up the whole of

Words of Assurance You are not left to struggle alone. You have an Advocate who is always with you. You are not rejected. God hears your prayers and offers you steadfast love in all circumstances. Do not be afraid to hope, and to share that hope with others around you. Claim God's gifts of reverence and gentleness as you testify to the resurrection. Who will harm you if you are eager to do what Is good?

The Congregation Prays Sharing of Joys and Concerns Ken Martin, Liturgist Congregational Response: "lord hear our prayers," (Response after each Prayer request) Silent Meditation

The lord's Prayer: (use words most comfortable for you) Ken Martin, Liturgist Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Scripture Readings: Acts 7:55-60 1 Peter 2:2-10 John 14:1-14

Ken Martin, Liturgist Page 126 New Testament Page 233 New Testament

Pages 108 & 109 New Testament

Pastoral Prayer Pastor Liz Wilson Abiding God, who does not leave us orphaned, reclaim us now as we experience the Scriptures, that we might renew our commitment and be empowered for faithful service. Use our hands to do the work you have called us to do. Use our caring to build community. Use our witness to overcome ignorance of your way of love for all people. Amen.

Sermon: "Enduring Witness"

*Hymn: "Your Ways Are Not Our Own"

Stewardship Message Announcements

(Be sure to read about up-coming events in the back of the bulletin.) Offering:

Offertory *Doxology: (The tune Is found on page 356 of your red hymnal.)


Page 3 !

Pastor Liz Wilson

Page 4

Your 'Na.ys I'\Jo t Our C},.vn

Your V,',1tys, ttrc not our 0Wil1, 0 grn-d,;)lis OoL1 H!Oi;t high, 2 Chdst. tcm:h-•0s m to b!Gs:-.: llw fl!le!l who c1.1n;c ,md himn, J 'let, \Vt~ c.;m not i~ X - CllSC H brn,t.:. in an a )/ fonn, 4 How· -~h,1.H Vr'C ~fo)w your love, your pm- don w be - lievc}

" For - givi:,nt.:S$ is lJlH' joy, l'~ - c-dv-ing, "iv . ing. too. ,.,' .i:,

Ycl Wf!. wm1ld r,)I .. knv in your paths Hnd on ym1r tove r~ - ly, To tum the olh - (1:f chci:k \Vhcn !\trnck, a( - t1ick-c:n, In din .:inn,

For ,IH r-1J'e ,:; hll - .rJrcn of your CIH'C,. :md love tHusl i'.J';: our ,norm. You bid LHi .-;Jmrc, u'· ,, \VC are bkft.l>i:d a11d give ns we re - ~~(';j\.' ('. ..

Ke.ep llil from jmlg-rmmts hfU'd and

l..o'l'Oll JJayr'e( luN .~~) ~1ed on {lit! Jlituoi',•, C orvi~r~'.r~~:{· ,t.11n:.~f(!{ !ht~

LhJi'(,'!d Ch,·~.• i..'h ,.,,r Cltrh·,· ht1,;.0rnhJ8 tn 11}'/'~\ SfH'! nr-:1i111ab1J>tJ

_l(~Uhf1.1l ptf,'{'i'f'-·i: r~r 1•1·ruing W(Jl:thlp nr.ru1,i,ri,•111:,· us parr. of h<'r dait'y .s.1.1hfuu1! d1'.\ci'r;ilu1(:' ou.~J ha&· prtidh:l-1,:1.,t .\,:;'V\3.'raJ l'u:,1ok:,- ,·.:f'/t:.wurtjt1.1.

r;rucl, tbat we may Liw-eJJ wl1b you,

'Tttn~: SCI lUM1\NN S .M. C,1J1ti<:11 tnL,(fo,

LowtN /dfi'.'i',:>t1 ,fi'Ud (;_ J, Vli:bb. }._f'IO

Page 4:

Page 5: May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14 Enduring Witnessstrength of the stone that the builder rejected, the stone that became the cor nerstone. And that cornerstone is what holds up the whole of

Words of Assurance You are not left to struggle alone. You have an Advocate who is always with you. You are not rejected. God hears your prayers and offers you steadfast love in all circumstances. Do not be afraid to hope, and to share that hope with others around you. Claim God's gifts of reverence and gentleness as you testify to the resurrection. Who will harm you if you are eager to do what Is good?

The Congregation Prays Sharing of Joys and Concerns Ken Martin, Liturgist Congregational Response: "Lord hear our prayers." (Response after each Prayer request) Silent Meditation

The Lord's Prayer: (use words most comfortable for you) Ken Martin, Liturgist Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Scripture Readings: Acts 7:55-60 1 Peter 2:2-10 John 14:1-14

Ken Martin, Liturgist Page 126 New Testament Page 233 New Testament

Pages 108 & 109 New Testament

Pastoral Prayer Pastor Liz Wilson Abiding God, who does not leave us orphaned, reclaim us now as we experience the Scriptures, that we might renew our commitment and be empowered for faithful service. Use our hands to do the work you have called us to do. Use our caring to build community. Use our witness to overcome ignorance of your way of love for all people. Amen.

Sermon: "Enduring Witness"

*Hymn: "Your Ways Are Not Our Own"

Stewardship Message Announcements

(Be sure to read about up-coming events in the back of the bulletin.) Offering:

Offertory *Doxology: (The tune Is found on page 356 of your red hymnal.)


Page 3 !

Pastor Liz Wilson

Page 4

YourWa.ys I'-J ot C)ur ()vvn '.?O

Your vv.i~J1s. w:c not our O'IVifl, 0 grn-di;)l»s Goel ,nost high. 2 Chdst [(~a,;:b•·CS '!1$ lo bklrl:, tlw 'O!lt!Y •,vho curse itml htirm, J 'let, \Ve cwn - not i~;, - Cl1:'iC H bui;i; in Clll ., y fonn, 4 HO'.\>' -~hnll '\!,!\) ~.hmv yolH' love, your pnr - don \1,1 be - !ii;vc:} 5 h1r - givi:-ne~s i'-' ,, ~llll' jny, l'C - cdv-ing., giv - i11.g,. too,

Yet ,w!. 'rVimld l'ol .. knv in your paths tind on yaur toV(: re - ly, To turn tht1 0111 - r::r i.!hci.:k \',•'hen !\trm:k, ~M - 11~ck-a::; hi din • .:mn, For ,1,H Me thil - tilrcn of your cun~. :md love tm1,t b,,: our 11on)1.

You bid m; .:;Jmrc, u:,; we me bk~:;i.:d and give ns we re - 1icivr .. Keep us from j11dg-1mmts hard and cruel, tbat ,ve may liw,elJ v,oilb yun,

Lo'l·on Jhrder lutl .~,:?> t-ed ,·11t ~lw JUJuo-1,., c~·onl~•r4,'rl('t• ,1;i•n•lf'ofth-t~ lln,'red c;i,'Hl:h ,_.,,ft_'li1·H·,· l.1,';;1f;.i'hnh~f.t lfl / 1}?.fJ, ~'ln .. ·>n-:1i11u~i,1J.:tJ j(,!Uhful ptfi'f·th:i..· r~{ 1•1·rlt'J'lrg wot:thlp JHfU,-,iriols us part of h{'f doit'y J.oi,·!'1-.,Ml th'b,·.'i'rN'u1-::· fHt,~l imN prth/ldu:.~,t .\ePt·n,J l1~JokH t:fl L:s,utr{'t1.1.

Tt111e: SU 'IUlvl1\NN S.l\,L C11nlk11 Lai:th,,

Lot,•di /dr1N9t1 ,:anf (i. J, P/1'.:bb . .lS50

i Page 4:

Page 6: May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14 Enduring Witnessstrength of the stone that the builder rejected, the stone that became the cor nerstone. And that cornerstone is what holds up the whole of

Prayer of Dedication of Gifts and Self Pastor Liz Wilson May all that we give today be used to express your love among us and beyond us. God of all people. We are thankful for your gift to us in Christ Jesus, who was so committed to sharing your love that he risked rejection and death. We are grateful that even though his suffering resulted in death In the flesh you made him alive in the spirit. May Christ live today in us, in our caring, in our giving, in our speaking, In our doing. We rededicate ourselves to your service. Amen.

*Hymn: "Give Me a Clean Heart" Page 6 *The Light of Christ goes Into the world

*Blessing: Pastor Liz Wilson One: God has listened to our prayers and abides with us. God's blessing rests on us as we

scatter to serve. Many: The Spirit lives within us and among us. We seek to live as resurrection

people. One: Daily God will add to your understanding if you ask. Do not fear to seek after the truth

God will reveal. Many: Every day can be an adventure in faith. All our encounters can link us more

closely with God. One: Our Creator draws us into community. Our spiritual journey is linked to others' stories. Many: Together we will seek to know Go more fully. We will remember one

another in prayer. Amen: Amen.

*Postlude We scatter to serve****************************************************************

Join together for refreshments in fellowship Immanuel Open and Affirming Statement:

We welcome and affirm all people in celebrating diversity. We welcome to our faith family people of every race, age, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, mental or physical

ability and those who have doubts or questions.

In Worship and Service Today Church Officers & Staff Ministry Message: Pastor Liz Wilson Moderator: Justin Wlllcock Liturgist: Ken Martin Vice Moderator: Ken Martin Choir Director: Ken Martin Treasurer: Art Nagasaki Accompanist: Ann McKinley Council Secretary: Janet Caporale Our Tech team: Tammy & Ken Martin, Eric Schuette, Clerk: Suzanne Spiker

Larry Douglas, and David Ollie-Ray Church Secretary & Custodian: Sue Molczyk Floral Arrangements: A gift created by Amy WIison Building and Grounds Chair: Paul Good Ministers: All the Immanuel Church faith community Maintenance: Paul Good Christian Ed Director: Danielle Willcock Sunday School: Amy Wilson

for Pastoral Needs call: Pastor Elizabeth Wilson Cell 1-248-379-3521

Treasury notice will be eliminated for few weeks until there's something to report{$). Please remember to send tithe even though we are all sitting at home. (Support your church!) Thank you to those who sent their envelopes! Please remember us as we go thru this difficult time. Call each other! Send notes! Send a pr~yer. Send jokes. Let's stay In close communication. And be Safe! Love you all! Pastor Liz

Page 5 !

A 1Arake, IVly Stretch Every Nerve 491

A wake, my soul, Sll'~ld1 ·, "' A doud of Yiil - iH!.~~~

3 Fm Gnd's .\111 - rm 4 0 8av - !or, ~.bown

prcsswhb Vig or 011; A YO!I i.n l'uH :sm· - vey; For <:alls Uii lo thr..~ race: have my l'i.4CL1 be gun:

nnd an lm " mor-HIJ Cl'l)l\'ll,

nnd (ltl-\VJH.I urgt your way, with 1wv - er end" ing ,grnce, I'll tay my hon- ors down,

'tY,is 1'1r1i·u1· is 011t· :...f>nort• rl11t1r ,100 H·Jitu·n tiv a CoJoh'lY>Y~llioua,' 1nini1f~'r~ PltJUp JJoddrhf.t:(:.', .'.;,ilr n~uw ,.tf 1,'w>,:( w,m·:' ,;;dJl;'.\ht:d hJ lliJ f.:fr!hut:. l 1n.•.,·.~h1g -:.1rJ iu li'u•· h('t.1 l'l'.iJlt r,,.n:· ('in o't1:·1n,-· i'(_,,,~ttfi in it11,rral J\'t~w ·r,L~11JtJ.111:,11 l>u.t~1i.i:,:H... ·

heav<::11 ~,ct C,

God'~. crmvmxl

an<l and with l' JI


-! Tim. 4;?-8; .l'hU, ::l:l2--N

ev - (ll)'' n<.~1'V(:, and c:;. H - t'l)(H){l lmlds

rmll. - ing 'r'Oir:.L•. ::;ti! I you, [

ly rnre dL\ •· mlm,h; your ?cnl, lhe z;teps ul " r{!nd - y trod,

nw·r.1 hand still giVCci the prize ·with vk-tory. al your l'-t'cl

H!I im mur., t.al crovm, on ward mge your W,\y,

nev - l~l' - l:'t:11:i-ing g,racc. lay ltiy hou ·· ors dmvn.

'J'w1u: (::IHHST\1,<\S C.M, (f, 1'~ Uaud,:•(, l 728

Page 2:

Page 7: May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14 Enduring Witnessstrength of the stone that the builder rejected, the stone that became the cor nerstone. And that cornerstone is what holds up the whole of


1 Hovey Street • Oxford, MI 48371 www. icucc. org • 248-628-1610

May 10, 2020 • 11:00 a.m.

Welcome to worship at Immanuel United Church of Christi God Is Still Speaking,

Thank You for taking the time to turn off your cell phone during the worship service.

Prelude *Bringing In the Light of Christ (* denotes those who are able may stand.)

Ringing of the Bell


Children's Message "Enduring Witness"

Pastor Liz Wilson

Pastor Liz Wilson

*Call to Worship Ken Martin, Liturgist One: The God of heaven and earth calls us together. We come to explore matter of the

Spirit. Many: There is so much we do not know or understand. So much of God is

unknown to us. One: Let us look carefully at the objects of our worship. Our attention is easily diverted

from God. Many: We want to worship the One who gives us breath. We reach for the Reality

beyond our knowing. One: In God we live and move and have our being. All that we have and are comes from

God. Many: God is not limited to shrines made by us. God is everywhere present in the

whole universe.

Invocation Pastor Liz Wilson Let the sound of praising you be heard among us today, and in all the places of your dominion, O God. We believe you are present with us even when we cannot feel or see or hear you as we would like. We thank you for the times when you have caught our attention. We ask for one of those times today. Shake us out of our complacency and our cherished Iniquities. Hold us in your steadfast love and call forth within us an awareness of all your blessings. Stimulate among us an eagerness to live as you intend. Amen.

*Hymn: "Awake My Soul" Page 2 (Please remain standing for the Prayer of Confession)

Unison Prayer of Confession: Pastor Liz Wilson O God, we confess that we have loved our own way more than we love you. The Spirit of truth does not abide in us, for our actions belie the words of praise we utter in worship. We neglect the spiritual disciplines that would draw us close to you and the caring outreach that would link us with sisters and brothers who need to know of your love. We have not witnessed to our faith in ways powerful enough to evoke opposition or cause us to suffer.

Page 1 0 God, it is hard to follow Jesus! Forgive us, teach us, help us. Amen.

!v1e a r1 I-Ieart


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For I'm not •,vor lily

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la1t>Wfl 1•:.:.f.t(1.: i~1l(1' for ((!l.i' g1up1.•t .'.i''i'lil!, ,1 1hi1:h IW!Y ,l'<1fffl'it't'ri. f;iy It'ngcf .laJne:, C'l-1:\'"t-111.ah'd, A,..i,n,1i·,~ l!i:.•.1· rib'.,,'!,· po;10/e,11 ,~'-•'Nf:!.-'i }f.--,n1d in ( .. :h11JJ',i.'i1' ltymJ1id,\ 1\ ~'C]od l:·i .,../,::it L-•ct.ui+ 1'

Tur,,,: nn1 :'ROUX I0 .. 12.10.10. M,•Jrga,•,1.1/ .l. l>tHVnnr, l9'/0

/i rl'. A lbr.'li l)l!Hl~· 'i' ~1.)'S}c,1·, ,' l)b? Page 6

Page 8: May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14 Enduring Witnessstrength of the stone that the builder rejected, the stone that became the cor nerstone. And that cornerstone is what holds up the whole of


May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14

Enduring Witness Mother's Day

Dialogue with our Jewish, Muslim, and Eastern Orthodox neighbors, as well of those of other faiths, is a cornerstone of our understanding of what it means to be a part of the United Church of Christ. These dialogues often look like ordinary conversations between a few people, taking place over a couple of hours or days. After the dialogue is over, all the participants return to the rou­tines and rituals of their home communities.

One of the flabbergasting critiques of interfaith dialogue is that it's "just words," that doesn't solve the whole problem, that it is too small an effort to have an impact. Of course, conversations like these don't solve the whole problem of interfaith conflict and understanding, but that doesn't mean that they have no use. Far from it. Small encounters like organized interfaith dia­logues, are the individual building blocks from which the structures of peace are built.

Jesus' words in today's scripture passage are part of what is sometimes called his Farewell Discourse. They started out as "just words," quiet conversations with friends which were later written down as comfort to the early Christian community. It's sometimes hard to remember the very real fear of the early Christian community. Those who first wrote down Jesus' words were not mainline Christians. They were not mainline anything. There were just a few of them, oppressed by the forces of Rome on one side and the temple authorities on the other.

But over time, the movement Jesus began with just words would scatter all over the world. But these are the kind of words that have the unexpected strength of the stone that the builder rejected, the stone that became the cor­nerstone. And that cornerstone is what holds up the whole of God's house.

Building God's house is slow work and can seem painstaldng. At times, there can seem to be no progress. But brick by brick, word byword, dialogue by dia­logue, the house of God is built. God's house is vast, it has many rooms. The conversation you begin with an interfaith neighbor is only one brick among many. But look around you and you will notice that there are many bricks connected with yours. In order to stand tall, you need them as much as they need you. One by one, we are building up this house of many rooms.



8,n" x 14" UCC SUNDAY BULLETIN SERVICE Bulletin arhvork and backpagc stories copyright© 2020 United Church of Christ

Page 9: May 10, 2020 John 14:1-14 Enduring Witnessstrength of the stone that the builder rejected, the stone that became the cor nerstone. And that cornerstone is what holds up the whole of



MAY 10, 2020

Acts 7:55-60 As Stephen is martyred for his faith, he looks up to heaven, and, filled with the Holy Spirit, he has a vision of Christ seated at the right hand of God.

1 Peter 2:2-10 An early Christian congregation is told, ''you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a people who are God's own possession. You have become this people so that you may speak of the wonderful acts of the one who called you out of darkness into his amazing light."

John 14:1-14 Jesus reassures his anxious disciples telling them not only that "whoever has seen me has seen the Father, but also that they will do even greater works than these.,,

We have all listened to and read the wonders of Jesus' healing. So, did that healing die on the cross? What happened to it? That implies that what Jesus did was a magic show, a three year adventure in godly healing. We seem to have lost it. We didn't.

When a hopeless addict is amazingly free of the addiction, that is not a mystery. Let me tell a true story. There was a young couple, much in love with three lovely children. But, slowly, the husband sank into addiction. Job lost, money gone, children hungry. Same old story. Finally, the wife disparately stood u in church and begged the congregation for prayers. In love and faith, the congregation bowed their heads. Suddenly the husband appeared, shuffled down the aisle blinked in confusion and then left. The next Sunday, the wife asked again and the now intrigued gathered prayed even more earnestly. The recently cleaned up husband again came in and walked down the center aisle. This time he dropped to his knees and cried. He prayed and was joyously received into the fellowship, this newly healed young man.

Stephen was he first disciple killed in the name of Christ. He was stoned to death, in fact. One suicide (Judas), crucified on an X shaped cross (Andrew), beaten and then crucified (Bartholemew), James, stoned; James son of Zebedee, stoned. There were few efficient ways to be killed in those days, which is why these deaths were so violent and horrible.

The formation and growth is beautiful and ferocious. lovely and hair-raising just like us. Each time it is reborn, it is closer to purity-just like us.