Maxwell's Demon: Implications for Evolution and Biogenesis Avshalom C. Elitzur Iyar, The Israeli Institute for Advanced Research Copyleft 2010

Maxwell's Demon: Implications for Evolution and Biogenesis

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Maxwell's Demon: Implications for Evolution and Biogenesis Avshalom C. Elitzur Iyar, The Israeli Institute for Advanced Research. Copyleft 2010. The Relevance of Thermodynamics to Life Sciences . Thermodynamics is a discipline that studies energy, entropy, and information. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Maxwell's Demon: Implications for Evolution and Biogenesis

Maxwell's Demon: Implications for Evolution and Biogenesis

Avshalom C. ElitzurIyar, The Israeli Institute for Advanced Research

Copyleft 2010

Page 2: Maxwell's Demon: Implications for Evolution and Biogenesis

The Relevance of Thermodynamicsto Life Sciences

1. Thermodynamics is a discipline that studies energy, entropy, and information

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Brillouin’s Information:Information=(Initial Uncertainty)–(Final Uncertainty)

For several equally possible states, P0

With information reducing the possible states to P1:

Ideally, for P1=1:

)ln(lnln 101



0ln PKI

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Shannon’s Information:Uncertainty = Entropy

Boltzmann’s Entropy

For all states being equiprobable:


Information of one English letter:

For a string of G letters:



ppkS 11 ln


111 ln





ppGkiGI 11 ln

WkS ln

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The Relevance of Thermodynamicsto Life Sciences

1. Thermodynamics is a discipline that studies energy, entropy, and information

2. Its jurisdiction is ubiquitous, regardless of the system’s chemical composition or type of energy

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Whence the entropy differencebetween animate and inanimate systems ?

The Common Textbook Answer:

“Living organisms are open systems”


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Open Systems:




Trash cans (!)


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The Thesis:

Adaptation = Information

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Maxwell’s Demon

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Attempts at Exorcizing

1. Kelvin: The devil is alive2. Von Smoluchowski: It’s intelligent3. Szilard, Brillouin: It uses information4. Bennett & Landauer: It erases information

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Information and Energy

Information Costs Energyergo

Information can Save Energy

With information, you can do work with less energy, applied at the right time and/or place

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“Less energy, at the right time/place”

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“Less energy, at the right time/place”:Comparison between two methods of kill

Considerable mechanical energy: Crushing the entire prey’s body

Minute chemical energy: Neurotoxin (cobrotoxin) moleculesreach the synapses with enormous precision

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Ek Et

Ec EtEe

The Demon Vs. the Living Organism: The Analogy

1) Life increases energy’s efficiency, up the thermodynamic scale2) It does that with the aid of information

Ec + Ee Ec'> Ec

Ec + Ee Ek

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The Demon Vs. the Living Organism: The Disanalogy 1) The real environment is never completely disordered but complex 2) The organism does not create order but complexity

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Ordered, Random, ComplexMeasures of Orderliness

1. Divergence from equiprobability (Gatlin) (Are there any digits in the sequence that are more common?)

2. Divergence from independence (Gatlin) (Is there any dependence between the digits?)

3. Redundancy (Chaitin) (Can the sequence be compressed into any shorter algorithm?)

a. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

b. 1860271194945955774038867706591873856869843786230090655440136901425331081581505348840600451256617983

c. 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789

d. 6180339887498948482045868343656381177203091798057628621354486227052604628189024497072072041893911374

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Sequence d is complex

Sequence d is highly informative

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Bennett’s Measure of Complexity

Given the shortest algorithm, how much computation is required to produce the sequence from it?

And conversely:

How much computation is required to encode a sequence into its shortest algorithm?

High order


Low order

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The Ski-Lift Pathway: Thermodynamically Unique, Biologically Ubiquitous

Goren Gordon & Avshalom C. Elitzur

High Order

Low Order



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Desired State

High Order

Low Order



Step 1:Use Ski-Lift,

get to the top

How do you get to some desired state?

Initial State

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High Order

Low Order



Step 1:Use Ski-Lift,

get to the top

How do you get to some desired state?

Desired State Initial State

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High Order

Low Order



Step 2:Ski down

Step 1:Use Ski-Lift,

get to the top

How do you get to some desired state?

Desired State Initial State

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The Ski-Lift Conjecture (Gordon & Elitzur, 2009):

Life approaches complexity “from above,” i.e., from the high-

order state, and not “from below,” from the low-order state.

Though the former route seems to require more energy, the latter

requires immeasurable information, hence unrealistic energy.

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Dynamical evolution of complex states

How to reach a complex state?

1. Direct path

1. Probabilistic

2. Deterministic

2. Ski-lift theorem

Initial state Final state



Direct path


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Perform a transformation on the initial state to arrive at the final state

Ti!f (???)

Initial state unknown

For each transformation only one initial state transforms to final state

Hilbert Space

Initial stateFinal state

Direct Path

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Perform a transformation on the initial state to arrive at the final state

Ti!f (???)

Initial state unknown

For each transformation only one initial state transforms to final state

Perform transformation once

Energy cost:E=

Probability of success:P=1/Ni

=e-S(i)¿ 1

Hilbert Space

Initial stateFinal state

Direct Path: Probabilistic

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Perform a transformation on the initial state to arrive at the final state

Ti!f (???)

Initial state unknown

For each transformation only one initial state transforms to final state

Repeat transformation until finalstate is reached

Probability of success:P=1

Average energy cost:E= eS(i)À 1

Direct Path: Deterministic

Hilbert Space

Initial stateFinal state

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Perform a transformation on the initial state to arrive at the final state

Ti!f If one has information about initial state

Ii=S(i)And information about final state (environment)


Then can perform the right transformation once

Probability of success:P=1

Energy cost:E=

Information required:I=S(i)+S(f)

Direct Path: Information

Hilbert Space

Initial stateFinal state

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Two stages path:

Stage 1: Increase orderS-i! order

Ends with a specific, known stateProbability of success: P1=1Energy cost: E1=S(i)

Ski-lift Path

Hilbert Space

Initial stateFinal state

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Two stages path:

Stage 1: Increase orderS-i! order

Ends with a specific, known stateProbability of success: P1=1Energy cost: E1=S(i)

Stage 2: Controlled transformationTorder!f

Ends with the specific, final stateProbability of success: P2=1Energy cost: E2=

Ski-lift Path

Hilbert Space

Initial stateFinal state

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Requires information on final state (environment), in order to apply the right transformation on ordered-state

Probability of success: P=1

Energy cost: Eski-lift=S(i)+

Information required:I=S(f)

Hilbert Space

Initial stateFinal state

Ski-lift Path: Information

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Comparison between pathsDirect Path

1. Probabilistic1. Low probability2. Low energy

2. Deterministic:1. High probability2. High energy

3. Information:1. Requires much information2. Low energy

Ski-lift• Deterministic• Controlled• Reproducible• Costs low energy• Requires only environmental information

Ski-lift uses ordered-state and environmental information to obtain controllability and reproducibility

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How does Complexity Emerge?And How is it Maintained?

Information/ComplexityOrder Disorder

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Bennett’s Measure of Complexity

Given the shortest algorithm, how much computation is required to produce the sequence from it?

And conversely:

How much computation is required to encode a sequence into its shortest algorithm?

High order


Low order

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Biological examples

• Cell formation• Apoptosis• Embryonic development• Ecological development

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The Morphotropic State as the Cellular Progenitor of Complexity

Minsky A, Shimoni E, Frenkiel-Krispin D. (2002) “Stress, order and survival.” Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. Jan;3(1):50-60.

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Order as the Ecological Progenitor of Complexity

Maintaining the complexity of civilization necessitateshuge reservoirs of order

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Schrödinger’s “What is life?” revisited

Hilbert Space

High orderRedundancy

High entropyHigh informationHigh complexity

(specific environment)

Requires energy

Requires information

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1. Leff, H. S., & Rex, A. F. (2003) Maxwell’s Demon 2: Entropy, Classical and Quantum Information, Computing. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing.

2. Dill, K.A. , & Bromberg, S. (2003) Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry and Biology. New York: Garland Science.

3. Di Cera, E., Ed. (2000) Thermodynamics in Biology” Oxford: Oxford University Press.

4. Gordon, G., & Elitzur, A. C. (2008) The Ski-Lift Pathway: Thermodynamically unique, biologically ubiquitous. http://www.a-c-elitzur.co.il/site/siteArticle.asp?ar=214