Max Occr Char in Ip Str

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max occuring i/p in sentance

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#include #include #define NO_OF_CHARS 256int *getCharCountArray(char *);char getIndexOfMax(int *, int);/* Returns the maximum occurring character inthe input string */char getMaxOccuringChar(char *str){int *count = getCharCountArray(str);return getIndexOfMax(count, NO_OF_CHARS);}/* Returns an array of size 256 containg countof characters in the passed char array */int *getCharCountArray(char *str){int *count = (int *)calloc(NO_OF_CHARS, sizeof(int));int i;for (i = 0; *(str+i); i++)count[*(str+i)]++;return count;}char getIndexOfMax(int ar[], int ar_size){int i;int max_index = 0;for(i = 1; i < ar_size; i++)if(ar[i] > ar[max_index])max_index = i;/* free memory allocated to count */free(ar); ar = NULL;return max_index;}int main(){char str[] = "sample string";printf("%c", getMaxOccuringChar(str));getchar();return 0;}