MATTOON Land Use. 1. Existing Land Use Within the city of Mantoon: 2.2% Green Spaces 5.3% Industrial 8.2% Vacant 10% Transportation/ Utility 14.1% Commercial

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1. Existing Land Use

Within the city of Mantoon:

• 2.2% Green Spaces • 5.3% Industrial • 8.2% Vacant • 10% Transportation/ Utility • 14.1% Commercial • 15% Semi-Public/Public • 17.7% Agriculture • 27.6% Residentiall

2. Vision for Mattoon by the City CouncilIn 2028…

Mattoon as a center for local arts and culture, to host arts and theater events, and Downtown has become a gathering place for markets, concerts, and other community-based activities.

No growth boundary, however…

Mattoon’s current development pattern represents a clearly defined edge between the older areas of growth and surrounding agricultural lands.

• Though development has extended into peripheral areas in some portions of the community, this edge has remained intact.

• The surrounding landscape presents few barriers to new growth.

• However, the City must carefully consider the benefits of new growth versus the costs it would entail and the impacts on areas already in need of maintenance or redevelopment.

Planning for Inward Growth

Rather than allowing growth that extends services and removes investment in the community , development and

redevelopment has occurred in the City’s established neighborhoods and corridors to the extent practical.

The city has encouraged concentrated

growth around interchanges at

CR1000N, Route 16, and Route 45.

Productive farmland has been preserved

through the careful development around

the City’s edges.

3. Strategic Plan Residential

3. Strategic Plan Commercial

3. Strategic Plan Parks, Open Spaces, Natural features

4. Identifying suitable residential and commercial sites



4. Identifying suitable residential and commercial sites


