Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    Mattole Restoration



    U.s. POsTAGePAID

    PeRMIT nO. 5



    Mattol Rtoratio Coucil

    P.O. Box 160Ptrolia, Calioria 95558

    w I n T e R / s P R I n G 2 0 0 9 I s s U e # 3 1

    In this issue...

    Page 3: Puttig th U Back i CoucilPage 4: Fort Practic Program, PTeIRPage 5: Mattol Turbidity studyPage 6: Lampry of th MattolPage 7: Mattolia Uit i wd CotrolPages 8 & 9: nativ Gralad

    ehacmtPage 11: Commuity Clbrat

    RtoratioPage 13: Dilmma i Lat sptmbrPage 14: staff ad Board UpdatPage 15: Movig to Ptrolia & Goig

    HomPage 16: Mattol salmo Group n

    The Future of Restoratio new Tools ad Big DreamsBy Joel Moschke

    O o th mai goal that ipird th oudig o thMRC a to rtor local almoid populatio through a atr-

    hd-id approach to rtorig atural ytm. so, ho do gt thr? Amid thi political climat o hop ad alarmith thtat iacial crii rzig om o our ork ill hav to

    tay o th cuttig dg o plaig, implmtatio, ad moi-torig tchiqu i at to cotiu garrig upport iiacially tough tim.

    Plaig ha b part o th MRC ork ic our 1989catalog o roio ourc, elmt o Rcovry, ad th currtdvlopmt o Mattol watrhd Pla 2.0 tak that proc to

    th xt lvl. Hovr, our ort to achiv thi goal ca all bbrok do ito th implt, yt mot diicult qutio o all:what ar th largt limitig actor that thrat almoid popu-

    latio ad ho do trat tho problm?I do ot claim to hav a ar to thi diicult qutio,

    but may b abl to or om iightat lat a ar a di-

    mt i cocrd. I hav a backgroud i gology ad hydrol-ogy, ad hav o-th-groud coditio acro much o th

    atrhd. I may o th hadatr crk, th trambakad hilllop ar tabilizig, a igiicat portio o th dimtourc hav b tratd, ad hydrologic proc appar tob uctioig aturally. whil crtai compotlik abu-

    dat larg oodmay till b lackig, improvd hydrology alloor rgroth o th riparia caopy ad th ormatio o pool.Hovr, i rct yar, may o th tributari ar urig

    rom a ailmt: th pottially catatrophic lack o lat um-mr lo, pcially prvalt i drought yar lik th ummr

    o2008. sactuary Fort i takig th lad o thi iu a it ta

    dvlop a hydrologic modl ad groudatr maagmt plato hlp provid a ramork or utur projct.

    Although lo ummr lo cotribut to poor habitatcoditio i th lor rivr, th prc o xciv dimt

    compoud th problm. sdimtatio caud by th gratlood o 1955 ad 1964, ad aggravatd by poor loggig prac-

    tic ad dvlopmt, ha b luhd out o th uppr tribu-tari. Thi dimt prit i lor-gradit rach throughoutth atrhd ad rak havoc o atural hydrologic proc.

    I tur, th ih ur, pcially i th tuary hr halloatr ad a lack o riparia caopy ot lad to lo urvival ith ummr moth. sigiicat ork ha b do to improv

    tuary coditio, ith th Mattol salmo Group itallighabitat ad trambak tabilizatio tructur. Mor it-pciic

    ork i chduld, but to rach idal coditio, a much broadr,atrhd-id rtoratio approach i cary. Idd, thicomprhiv approach i alrady udray ith uplop di-

    mt rductio projct throughout th atrhd.Hovr, may qutio ari h try to viioth projct a part o a atrhd-id program o rcovry.

    For xampl: ho do a trambak tabilizatio projct i opart o th atrhd act th tuary? Ho at i dimtmovig through th ytm? whr ca rtoratio activiti hav

    th mot ct? Ho log ill it tak or coditio to improv?Itrigud by th qutio, hav bgu to dvlop a

    dimt-modlig projct. Thi modlig tool ill itrprt th

    proc that hap tram chal ad ladorm throughout

    We dream of a restored watershed that may one day provide for

    salmon and steelhead runs in the Mattole that are abundant

    enough to support sustainable subsistence harvests. The shermen

    above caught these sh in the Mattole River early in the 20thcentury.Photo courtesy of Laura Cooskey, Mattole Valley Historical Society

    New Tools and Big Dreams- cotiud o pag 10

    what ar th largt limitig

    actor that thrat almoid

    populatio, ad ho do

    trat tho problm?

  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    Mattol Rtorationlttr

    Published twice yearly by:

    Th Mattol Rtoratio Coucil

    Headquarters OfficeP.O. Box 160 Petrolia, CA 95558

    Phone: (707) 629-3514Fax: (707) 629-3577

    email: [email protected]

    Upriver OfficeP.O. Box 223 whitethorn, CA 95589

    Pho: (707) 986-1078

    email: [email protected]

    mattole restoration councilVision

    w look orard to a tim i th Mattol atrhd h

    rtoratio ill o logr b dd to addr th ct

    o our lad-u practic, ad th atrhd ad it huma

    commuiti ar halthy ad l-utaiig. w k toducat ourlv rgardig th atural proc at ork

    ivolvig th lora, aua, gology, ad tram o th

    Mattol; to lar about bt lad maagmt practic;

    ad to har ith our ighbor hat lar. w hop that

    ovr tim, a commo udrtadig o th actor ill hlp

    to hap broadly hld commuity tadard that ill utai

    th atural domt o thi plac or utur gratio.

    Proc o rcovry ar alrady at ork i th Mattol. w

    ill apply hat lar by udrtakig cooprativ projcti atrhd rtoratio to hac tho proc, halig

    th ladcap a hal our rlatio ith o aothr.

    BoarDof Directors

    Marcia ehrlich sally Frch Frma Hou

    Dav Kaha Michl Palazzo

    Gary FihPtro Cai Pill Clair Tror

    Hartll wlh Rob Yoha K Youg


    F. Jrmy whlr excutiv Dirctor

    Clair Tror Bookkpr

    stv Lovtt Cotract Dirctor

    Pamla Co Cotract Maagr

    nacy smith Oic Maagr

    Jica wygal Oic Aitat

    wild ad workig Lad

    sth Zuckrma Matt Cockig Ali FrdludMik Gordo Hugh McG Adr nah

    Moica scholy

    Good Road, Clar Crk

    Jol Mochk Jica DKlvr Agi Frrich

    Jaa Pigl

    ecological educatio: C. Mo Thra Vallotto

    GIs/IT Dpartmt: Kimi Fur stphai Cpllo

    watrhd Plar: stph Umbrti

    Rourc Ctr & Dvlopmt: Laur Luboicki

    Outrach Aociat: Flora Brai

    Moitorig Coordiator: natha Qur

    Amricorp Mtor: Bla Bopa

    Amricorp watrhd stard Projct Mmbr:

    David Bloch Lidy Bari

    neWsletter ProDuctioneditor

    Flora Brai Amada Malachky sth Zuckrma

    Layout ad Dig

    Flora Brai

    Cotr ibutor :

    Arami Adr Kayd Blair Flora Brai

    Kat Cci Dakota Cox stphai CplloIral Dllama Ali Frdlud Mik Gordo

    J Hay Laur Luboicki Hugh McG

    Jol Mochk C. Mo Adr nah Tylr

    Pitila natha Qur skylr strag Iaac wtJrmy whlr Jacob York sth Zuckrma

    Ad a pcial Thak You to our upportr...Blla Vita Foudatio Burau o Lad MaagmtCalioria Dpartmt o Fih ad Gam Calioria

    Fir sa Coucil Cru Fud Couty o HumboldtDa wittr Foudatio Humboldt Ara Foudatio

    McLa Foudatio Moutair Foudatio natioalFih ad wildli Foudatio natioal Ocaic ad

    Atmophric Admiitratio Patagoia, Ic. Ray adMari Raphal Rourc Lgacy Fud Foudatio

    Ro Foudatio sav th Rdood Lagu statCoatal Corvacy stat watr Rourc Cotrol

    Board Tr Foudatio Us eviromtal ProtctioAgcy Us Fih ad wildli srvic Us Fort srvic

    UsDA Rural Dvlopmt ad MRC Mmbr adFrid o th Mattol.

    On Dangers, Opportunities, and Change

    To thouad ight, right do to it vry lat day, a

    a yar illd ith accomplihmt, xcitmt, chag,pril ad rik. MRC Good Road, Clar Crk program

    compltd aothr highly uccul cotructio ao,

    tabilizig 106,832 cubic yard o dimt that hadthratd to tr th rivr ad it tributari. Our wild

    ad workig Lad program platd out 31,050 ativtr ad gra tart, may o hich raid rom di our burgoig ativ plat urry i Ptrolia. Th

    Tlgraph Ridg ir brak compltd th y-plaig roadid ort improvmtrom Hoyd clar to th atrhd boudary at ettrburg Juctio. Th clolyatchd Paciic Lumbr bakruptcy dd i a idly praid rolutio that put th

    maagmt o 18,000 acr o cologically critical Mattol timbrlad i th hado a compay ith a ar bttr viromtal track rcord tha it prdcor othat lad, th Maxxam Corporatio. w lcom Humboldt Rdood Compay ad

    look orard to utur collaboratio toard our mutual goal o atrhd hath adutaid productivity.

    Amid th ad othr accomplihmt too umrou to mtio hr, aro lcouragig circumtac. w lot our log tim rtoratio matro ad ir-a

    viioary JJ Hall. Th Mattol Rivr potd it lot lo i 58 yar o rcord-kpig. wh th rai ially did com, thy aild to produc th high atr thatould provid th almo ull paag to thir hadatr paig gravl, ad

    may pad i ub-optimal locatio lo i th rivr.

    Ad i th lat day o th yar, th stat o Calioriaour igl largt udr

    aoucd to u (ad hudrd o othr orgaizatio acro th tat) that it auabl to ll it bod o th op markt ad ould o logr pay or cotractdork, tartig ytrday (happy holiday!). sur ough, th global iacial

    mltdo had oud it ay to our littl corr o th orld. Fortuatly, MRCiac ar divriid ough that thi bod udig rz ill ot hut u do. Itdo hovr hav th pottial to vrly impact our ogoig projct ad ability

    to dlivr o our rtoratio miio. It all dpd o th duratio o th rz,hich i tur dpd o our lgilator ability to balac th tat budgt ad arback th trut o global ivtor.

    I thi cotxt o ucrtaity ad rik, look orard ith rd rolv. Thr i

    alay opportuity to b oud ithi challg, ad do hav cau or optimima look toard th comig yar. Our orgaizatio ad our partr hav ivtd

    much i dvlopig trogr collaborativ ramork. early i 2009 ill publihour xt itratio o th Mattol watrhd Pla, prtig a collctiv viio or thxt t yar o plac-bad rtoratio. I additio, ill ializ our xt iv-yar stratgic Pla, idtiyig MRC particular rol i th largr Mattol atrhd

    rtoratio ort.

    w lcom Pridt Obama ida or jump-tartig th coomy through public

    iratructur projct. w ill cotiu to promot atrhd rtoratio a atial public iratructur, vry much orthy o public ivtmt. Ad look orard to orkig ith you, our mmbr ad rid, i all o th ork ahad.

    w ar cotatly rmidd o th valu o commuity ivolvmt i th ork oatrhd rtoratio. Th challgig tim oly mphaiz it importac. Toprovid your iput, drop a li to our lttr to th ditor atur, or imply

    addr your thought to m, ad I ill thy ar ditributd amog our dirctor

    ad oicr. w look orard to harig rom you!

    2 wInTeR/sPRInG 2009 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn news

    From th excutiv Dirctor

    Th cott o thi documt do ot carily rlct th vi ad polici o our udr,

    or do mtio o trad am or commrcial product cotitut dormt or

    rcommdatio or u.

    Lttr to th editor Policy

    Do you hav thought o th atural proc at ork i th Mattol? Do you havqutio or ida to har about thir rtoratio? wd lik to har thm. startig i thxt iu, Mattol Rtoratio n ill hav a ddicatd pac or lttr to th ditor.

    Pla mail your lttr to th ditor 300 ord or r to [email protected] or mailthm to MR n editor, PO Box 160 Ptrolia, CA 95558. Lttr hould iclud your ullam ad plac o ridc. w may dit or pac ad clarity.

    w ill cotiu to promot atrhdrtoratio a a tial public iratructur,

    vry much orthy o public ivtmt.

  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    wInTeR/sPRInG 2009 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn news 3

    Puttig the U Back i CoucilBy Laure Lubowicki

    O a uy, July atroo i 1983, ovr 30 ridt at

    udr th hady protctio o th orld largt madro trgagd i a dicuio o th halth o thir atrhd ad itct o dimiihig almo ru. By th d o th mtig, th

    Mattol Rtoratio Coucil a ormd, ith to baic prmi:

    1) a atrhd-id ocu o rtoratio a dd i ordr tocrat th habitat coditio cary or almo to thriv; ad

    2) th popl bt uitd to do thi ork o rtoratio r thidividual ho livd hr.

    Th importac o activ, idividual participatio i r-toratio activiti caud th Coucil to icorporat i 1986 a

    a mmbrhip orgaizatio. Thi tructur allod th Coucil

    ad Mattolia to rly o o aothr or mutual upport: thCoucil rvd a a rourc or iormatio, orkr, projct

    coordiatio, ad ud or lador itrtd i rtorigthir pic o th atrhd. Lador ad ridt providdth itimat koldg o plac that ould b cary to com-

    plt a goal a loty a th rvitalizatio o a tir atrhd.Idividual mmbr r th hart o th Coucil, a ll a thtir rtoratio ort.

    Fat orard to today. Th icrad udrtadig oth importac o atrhd-id halth i ihri rtoratiold to a icra i th amout o ud availabl to complt

    rtoratio activiti. Thi orcd th Coucil to bcom mortructurd i it daily opratio i ordr to hadl th icradorgaizatioal dmad o grat ad cotract. Thi groth

    ad mor ormalizd rol o th Coucil ithi th commuitychagd ho may ridt, ad v mmbr, lt about thorgaizatio. Accordig to co-oudr Frma Hou, I th

    pat, th ditictio o big a MRC ta mmbr a almoto-xitt. Th rlatiohip a mor lik ighbor kockigo door ad akig or prmiio to complt projct, ot a

    ormal ta mmbr o o o th largr ititutio i th atr-hd orkig or a pciic program. Th ormalizig o th rolo ta ad th icra i th iz o th MRC ha chagd that

    otalgic rlatiohip that may popl dir.Thi groth purt, hovr, mad loty rtoratio goal

    mor attaiabl, a th cop o projct icrad ad allod

    may idividual to actually ar a l ivig by rtorig thi plac.Today, ar tratig a largr prctag o th atrhd tha hav i our hitory, ad ar o o o th largt mployr

    i th Mattol. Dpit thi poitiv chag or th halth o thiplac ad th utur o our ihri, may atrhd ridthav com to qutio th importac o thir idividual mm-

    brhip ithi a orgaizatio that ha bcom comparativlylarg ic it icptio. Th iroic rality o th ituatio i thathil tim hav chagd ad th orgaizatio ha volvd,

    mmbr ar till th liblood o th Coucil ad th tir rto-ratio ort.

    with 80% o th atrhd i privat orhip, activ

    ivolvmt o th part o atrhd ridt ad ladori critical to th ucc o rtoratio ort. without partici-

    patio rom you, thr ouldquit litrallyb o plac tortor. each lador ad ridt i a xprt o hi/hr pic

    o lad. Th Coucil dpd o thi koldg ad iorma-tio xchag to idtiy it that could b improvd by dirctrtoratio ort, ad to udrtad ho ach pic o lad ha

    chagd through tim.I additio to hlpig guid o-th-groud rtoratio

    projct, mmbr play a igiicat rol i guidig th ovrall

    tratgic dirctio o th Coucil. Th Coucil Board o Dirctorultimatly guid th cur-rt ad utur dirctio

    o th orgaizatio, adit i mmbr ithi thatrhd ho dcid

    ho ill ill th at.Mmbr hav th oppor-tuity to omiat thm-

    lv ad othr to rui our board lctio, all a cat thir vot or

    hom thy ould likto i thi poitio. It

    i pcially importatthat our mmbr adBoard o Dirctor airly

    rprt th divrity oopiio that xit ithiour atrhd. Middl

    Mattol rachr ad Coucil board mmbr sally Frch trdth importac o havig th rachig prpctiv rprtdithi th Coucil: Rachr o th largt ctio o propr-

    ty i th Mattol atrhd; hatvr thy do i importat to all.

    expadig our mmbrhip i thi dirctio i importat...hoblog to a orgaizatio ultimatly cotrol th dirctio that

    orgaizatio tak o iu importat to all o u.O th iacial lvl, mmbrhip dollar provid th

    Coucil ith tady ud that may b ud i ara o gratt

    d. A a atrhd commuity, udrtad that rtorigth Mattol i bt do by th popl ho liv hr, but hat dot ot coidr i th rlativ itability o rlyig o outid

    ourc to ud thi ork. Thi i appart o mor tha vr, aour largt udr aoucd i th lat k o Dcmbr thatit bod-udd cotract ar o hold idiitly. A importat

    ay to combat thi itability i ith upport rom all ctor oour atrhd populatio ho hav a itrt i rturig thMattol to a halthy ad productiv commuity or all ihabit-


    At thi tim, ivit you to r-gag ith th Coucil

    ad lt your voic b hard o all thig atrhd-rlatd. I thpirit o maitaiig a activ, committd, ad gagd mmbr-

    hip, hav r-itroducd a lttr to th ditor colum to pro-vid a orum or dicuio about rtoratio i th Mattol. whop to op up livly dicuio, providig a pac or paio-at ida that ill propl u ll ito th utur. s pag 2 or

    pciic guidli, ad tay tud to our bit i th comigmoth or a oli vrio. Our mothly board mtig ar

    alo op to th public. I you ould lik to attd a board mt-ig ithr to obrv or dicu a iu, pla cotact nacy atour Ptrolia oic. w look orard to harig rom you, a it ill

    tak all o u i thi atrhd, orkig togthr ad paratly,to tak o th goal that r laid out o that July day i 1983.

    To become a member of the Council, please fill out and

    return the enclosed envelope.

    whil tim hav chagd ad

    th orgaizatio ha volvd,

    mmbr ar till th

    liblood o th Coucil.

    Participants at the 1999 Mattole Restoration Council

    membership meeting. Photo: MRC Archives

  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    4 wInTeR/sPRInG 2009 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn news

    Th evolvig story o th Fort Practic ProgramBy Ali Frdlud

    Oc upo a ra, i a atrhd o th trmotcoat o our cotital crut, thr lourihd youg boudig

    hill illd ith torig tr that prad out i vry dirctioxcpt i th domai o atr ad gra. Thi i th bgiig oa tory about th Mattol atrhd ad ho huma trpri

    i th ort chagd th dyamic o thi plac.sic it icptio, th Mattol Rtoratio Coucil ha

    b a voic or th almo ad th atrhd. Th Fort

    Practic Program, o o th Coucil oldt program, rgularlycommtd o propod Timbr Harvt Pla ( THP), akig oradditioal protctio to ur o urthr impact to almo

    habitat or th itgrity o th atrhd, hich icludd thrttio o ay rmaiig old grothmor tha 90 prct

    o hich a cut i th Mattol rom 1947 to 1988. I additio, amaitay o th program a to courag atrhd ridtto gt ivolvd i th public commt proc ad advocat or

    thir plac.A th coordiator o th program or ovr 12 yar, I ca

    attt that thi ork a compltd i crii mod. w got th

    ord out to actd ighbor, prpard our tchical rviad attdd rvi mtig. A tim uccdd i gai-ig major chag to th pla, omtim mior chag r

    icorporatd, but, mot ot, th activiti t ahad rgard-l.

    Ovr th pat iv yar, th prioriti o th program hav

    hitd rom crii maagmt toard viioig ho caupport ort maagmt ito th utur. Thi major hit hab i rpo to vral thig: a vr drop i th log mar-

    kt ad thu actual harvt pla to rvi, a ivolvmtith Humboldt Rdood Compay lad (ormrly Paciic LumbrCompay or PL), ad a pattr o orkig ortlad big ub-

    dividdom iappropriatlyito rural ridtial proprti.

    Participatig i PL atrhd aalyi i th Mattol tookm out i th ild to th prad o th lad, ially. Atr adcad o rviig oly paprork, I a imprd ith th

    vitality that rmaid thr, th ild. Ad o, th o-r, Humboldt Rdood Compay, hav pldgd both a d to

    clarcut ad old-groth loggigto o our biggt cocr.Durig PL bakruptcy, th largt thrat, hovr, a that thirholdig ould b brok up ito mallr parcl.

    A lad gt ubdividd, ort gt ragmtd ad

    dgradd: prciou atr i divrtd, mor road ad ladig arbuilt, xotic lora ad aua compt ith ativ pci, ad iom ca toxi ar itroducd. It i high tim to upport ork-

    ig ort, both at th idutrial lvl ad at th privat rid-tial lvl, i ordr to kp ladcap itact.

    Thror it a a atural to b akd ad agr to rv

    o th trig committ or th PTeIR ( rlatd articlblo). I additio, th Fort Practic Program i participat-ig i th Bucky Fort Projct, xamiig ay to rduc

    cot or mall ortlad or ho kp thir orkig orthalthy ad productiv, ad thu l likly to b ubdividd. OFbruary 11 ad 12, th Projct i covig Fort Futur II, a

    to-day corc i Frdal that ill xplor ay to athrth dotur i our ood product markt o both a privat adrgioal cal. I you at mor iormatio cotact Ali at 822-

    4477 or [email protected]. To rgitr call UC Cooprativ extioat 445-7351.

    Though ca vr rtur to th umarrd ladcap

    at th bgiig o th tory, ca, xcitdly, ith orthoughtthi tim, viio a Mattol ad a couty hr orkig ortprovid or both huma ad crittr i a durig ad vital ay.

    Th PTeIR Ich AlogBy sth Zuckrma

    sic it a oudd i 1983, th Coucil miio ha i-cludd a ocu o utaiabl harvt o atur git, alogid itqut or cological rcovry. Through th MRC Program Timbr-lad eviromtal Impact Rport (PTeIR), th Coucil i i-tu-ig a approach that ill mak it air or lador to harvtlctivly i th Mattol cod-groth ort.

    sta ad board mmbr o th Coucil hav dlibratdat lgth about th kid o timbr harvt ould lik to abl.Dcidig hat kid o loggig do upport, rathr thamrly idtiyig th apcto loggig oppo, i part oth viioig proc that AliFrdlud dcrib abov.

    I loggig udr thpla, lador ho chooto participat ill commit totr clar o tram ad utabl trrai, orgo th u o hrbi-cid, ad b rtrictd to a miimal xtt o road a part othir loggig opratio. All old-groth tr ill b o-limit, ad

    tractor loggig ill b allod oly o gtl trrai. I xchag, xpct lador ill av roughly hal th cot o th platypically thirty to orty thouad dollar or a rgular THP.

    I thi joury, hav had th hlp o a broad-badi-mmbr trig committ, a tam o ortr rom th Ar-cata irm BBw Aociat, ad rgular coultatio ith local vi-romtal activit ad th iv agci that rgulat timbr har-vt i Calioria, to crat a tmplat that could b ud ayhri th Mattol. For itac, i rpo to th Mattol gologicitiviti, dvlopd a lo-chart that ill hlp ortridtiy itiv ara that d pcial tratmt or hould bavoidd altogthr o a ot to triggr ladlid through loggigor road cotructio. Th lo-chart dra upo mappd ita-

    biliti ad viibl idicator o lidig, uch a carp ad jack-trad tr, to hlp ortr pot problm ara ad giv thma id brth.

    w bliv th aguard ill ur that loggig udrth aupic o th PTeIR ill cau o igiicat harm to ih orothr ildli. I th comig moth, our ortry tam ill tt

    that bli ith citiic data ad aalyi. I cary, illtight th loggig tadard mbodid i th PTeIR to prvt

    udu impact rom occurrig.Throughout our aalyi, illb midul that th altrativto PTeIR-tyl loggig it aladcap roz i tim. I light-touch loggig i iaibl, omlador may id it impo-ibl to mak d mt ithoutubdividig thir holdig; oth-

    r may choo to log mor itivly, uig a rgular THP.whil th pac o th projct may m glacial at tim,

    bliv that th moth v tak to bld th idom o tho

    hov tak a itrt i th projct ill prov to hav b llpt. early thi yar, xpct to ubmit a admiitrativ dratto CalFir. By ummrtim, hop to hav publihd th oicialdrat eviromtal Impact Rportalthough th rz i bodudig ( excutiv Dirctor lttr, pag 2) may lo th pro-c i it prit much byod pr tim.

    nor ill thi b th d o th rvi or PTeIR harvt. I-dividual pla ill till b rvid ad publihd bor approvalby CalFir, ith a opportuity or th public to commt. ThCoucil ill b atchig, too, to mak ur that th pla ild u-dr th PTeIR ar a boa id implmtatio o th pla itt.stay tud to or urthr updat.

    Th altrativ to PTeIR-tyl

    loggig it a ladcap

    roz i tim.

  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    wInTeR/sPRInG 2009 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn news 5

    Ho Turbid i Murky? Mattol Turbidity study Aim to Fid OutBy natha Qur

    Drivig aroud th Mattol olloig a itr torm, itay to that om tram ru muddy log atr othr hav

    clard up. Chroic turbidityth lgth o tim hich tramrmai cloudy atr a raiall vtvari aturally, ad i ilu-cd by a umbr o actor, icludig oil ad gology, drai-

    ag iz, ad topography. studi i othr atrhd i orthrCalioria hav alo ho that chroic turbidity ca b vryitiv to chag i lad u that iluc roio. Thi itr,

    th MRC i bgiig a tudy to dtrmi th dgr to hichdimt rductio ork through th Good Road, Clar Crkprogram iluc chroic turbidity i t Ptrolia ara tributar-

    i.Grally, oly th mallt o dimt particl that a

    tram carriclay ad iltar updd i th atr col-

    um. Largr particl, lik gravl ad cobbl that ar movdby a tram i larg lo vt, grally roll or lid alog thtram bd. sdimt updd i th atr colum i ko

    a th updd load, ad th largr particl movig alogth tram bd ar calld th bdload. I youv vr tood by

    a tp, rothig moutai tram ruig at lood tag youvprobably hard th click ad clattr o to kippig alog thbd o th crk. what your harig i th dimt th trami movig a bdload. I th crk alo look dirty ad you cat

    ito th atr, it alo carryig a ubtatial updddimt load.

    Th vat majority o a tram total aual dimt

    loadcoitig o both bdload ad updd dimtitraportd i jut a big torm vt. Liki, ovr a logrtim pa, th amout o dimt carrid i o big torm yar

    ca dar th amout carrid i dcad. A a xampl, durig a day o th 1964 lood, th arby Va Duz Rivr mobilizda amout o bdload qual to that hich ormally mov out

    o th bai i a ctury. Th poit i that dimt load varixpotially ith tramlo, ad it tak a rally big lo vtto mov much bdload. with a uccio o rlativly mild i-

    tr, thr may ot b ay dicribl chag i a tram phyi-cal atur uch a pool, v i dimt ourc ar gratlydimiihd. Maurig pool dpth or rqucy a a idicator o

    atrhd rcovry ca b oild by mild itrad by lga-cy dimt tord i th chal rom pat lood vt or ladu, ad rmobilizd. supdd dimtad thror turbid-

    ityi much mor immdiatly rpoiv to chag i lad u.

    so, hat do thi hav to do ith ih? ev modrat

    lvl o itram turbidity ca itrr ith juvil almoidability to dit hard to catch a mayly ymph h you cat it. I ih cat d, thy dot gro. I thy cat d or dayat a tim durig th itr, h thy had out ito th big id

    oca thyr goig to b kiy littl rut, much mor likly todi or b chompd by a hugry prdator. Th iz ad coditioi hich juvil almoid lav rh atr may b a impor-

    tat, i ot mor importat, to th umbr o adult that rturtha th hr umbr o juvil hich had out ito thoca. Chroic turbidity i th itrtim ca gratly impair juv-

    il almoid ability to gro to a iz hich ill icra thirchac o urvival i th oca ad thir liklihood to rtur aadult.

    May turbidity tudi hav targtd amplig at th

    hight o torm, tryig to ampl h tram lo ad tur-bidity lvl pak. Thi i ot our ittor o rao, thpak ar vry hard to aticipat ad captur ithout xpiv

    automatd amplig quipmt (ad, accordig to a ourc hoha do thi amplig, thy alay occur at thr i th morigh th amplr ha a bad cold). For aothr rao, th abo-

    lut hight turbidity valu might ot actually hav much ilu-c o ihturbidity pak ot lat o logr tha a hour,

    ad ih ca ot id a hltrd ook to ait out th ort othm.

    Itad, ill ivtigat th duratio o high turbid-ity lvl. Through th itr torm ao ill tak turbid-

    ity ampl olloig larg torm, maurig tramlo at tham tim. sic turbidity (ad updd dimt) ca varyo much ith th magitud o th torm vt, koig ho

    much atr a tram i carryig at th tim o takig th ampli tial. with uicit ampl, ca cotruct a turbidi-graph, plottig turbidity a a uctio o tramlo. w ar p-

    cially itrtd i th lor-boud li o th turbidigraph, aturbidity diagotic dvlopd by Arcata hydrologit Rady Kli.

    A lor-boud li ith a tpr lop idicat that a tram

    maitai highr turbidity coctratio or a giv lo.w cho tudy tram hich ar imilar i draiag ara,

    ith varyig dgr o dimt rductio ork chduld tooccur uptram, icludig thr cotrol tram, hr o di-mt rductio ork i chduld to tak plac. w aticipat

    that turbidity lvl i th tratmt tram hr dimtrductio ork tak plac thi ummr may b lightly highrth olloig yar, but th drop igiicatly thratr. May

    thak ar du to th lador ho graciou coopratio haallod thi tudy to mov orard.

    I th lat dcad, atrhd rtoratioit, privat

    lador, ad public agci i northr Calioria havmbarkd o a uprcdtd ort to rduc th amout odimt trig tram chal. Udrtadably, popl at

    to ko: ar ig bit rom thi ork hr it rallycout i improvd itram habitat or almo ad tlhad?w hop thi tudy ill allo u to or a iormd ar to

    that qutio, ad improv our udrtadig o th ay ihich atrhd rtoratio iluc itram coditio.

    I fh cat d or day at a

    tim durig th itr,

    h thy had out ito th

    oca thyr goig to b

    kiy littl rut,

    much mor likly to di

    or b chompd by a

    hugry prdator...

    Hydrologist Randy Klein demonstrates turbidity sample collection

    in lower Mill Creek.Photo by Gary Fish Peterson

  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    wInTeR/sPRInG 2009 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn news 7

    Idpdtly-midd Mattolia Uit Ovr wd CotrolBy Mike Gordo

    I th Mattol, hr o much o th atrhd i maagd

    pic by pic o idividual orhip, thr i o ay to kohat out thr ul you ak. Rctly, a umbr o tori havoudd a couragig thm: that thr ar umrou idp-

    dt tard out thr orkig to kp our lad halthy ad r

    o d.

    INDEPENDENT INITIATIVEFor xampl, o lador o wildr Ridg ha b

    quitly cotrollig a mall patch o Malta star Thitl or th pat

    4 yar. Malta star Thitl (Ctaura mliti), a coui o thiamou Yllo star Thitl (Ctaura oltitiali), ha imilarpiy lor had ad prodigiou d productio that allo it

    to domiat raglad hr it i accidtally itroducd. Toxii th tm ad lav giv it a trog uplaat lavor to cattlad ca cau chig dia i hor. Mattol raglad ad

    gralad ar a traur i part bcau o th abc o tarthitl, hich hav tak ovr at lat 15 millio acr throughoutth tat.


    Thi pat yar, koig o oly to othr locatio o tar

    thitl i th atrhd, MRC took a irt tab at cotrollig thplat. Latr lat ummr, a itr hod b a part o that yarnick Itr program dicovrd a patch o th thitl ar out o

    spaih Flat hil o a aual backpackig trip ith Lot CoatCamp. whil th dicovry a diappoitig i that it mat had mor acr o thi d tha ralizd, it a couragig

    to that ducatio ad outrach had hlpd gro our dtctiotork.

    sa Jam ha livd i Ptrolia or 6 yar, hlpigativ almo ad tlhad rcovr om o thir ormrhalth ad vigor a a biologit ith th Mattol salmo Group.Havig rctly bought proprty o hich to build hi hom,sa dicovrd a vi blaktig th groud ad climbigaggrivly ito th caopy o vral tr. Th vi, Dlairaodorata or Cap Ivy, i ratd a o o th mot aggriv ivadri Calioria. It ca mothr plat o th groud ad toppl trby addig xtra ight i torm. Fort ivadd by Cap Ivy,a ll a eglih Ivy, ovr tim bcom ivy drt hr

    othr pci ca urviv. Though it provid xtrmly thoroughgroudcovr, ivy ca actually udrmi bak tability bcauit root ar ot a dp a th matur tr that it dtroy. Tholiag i moit ad toxic, makig it uburabl ad ugrazabl(goat ill rluctatly at it). Cap Ivy ca rprout rom ragmto tm or root lt i cotact ith oil.

    sa hod m a bag o plat matrial h had pulldk arlir hr a hoot had mrgd ad a bgiig tocrp aay rom it coi. A lookd at th black platictryig i vai to quarati th pott ivaiv plat, sarcalld ho th it o th ivy patch had prviouly b uda a dump. Prhap omo l out thr had b battligthir o patch o Cap Ivy ad dcidd th xtra coupl milto th couty dump a jut too ar to go. A coidrd thi

    xplaatio o th ivy origi, thr loomd a ri lig thataothr patch a out thr i om uko locatio

    sa rcogizd that Cap Ivy i a bad thig or th almoh ork ith (Cap Ivy cotai toxic pyrrolidizi alkaloidhich, abov a crtai coctratio thrhold, ca kill ih), all a or th vi rom hi hou. w ould lik to rcogizsa i thi lttr or hi vigilac ad ddicatio to thhalth o th atrhd. By catchig thi plat ivadr arly,sa a abl to kp hi hom it cla ad alo to par hiighbor rom a aty d. O bhal o all th bautiul parto th atrhd that rmai uditurbd by ivaiv Ivy, THAnKYOU, seAn!


    Aothr lador ha b payig broom pullr ithgroud b rom co that grazd i th vry patur bigrtord. Th broom-b-cu hav b joyabl ork parti

    that upport th local bartr coomy ad th cau o viro-

    mtal rtoratio. w hop to poor mor lik thm.


    At a dirt Ptrolia rach, o ridt ha mad u ohi tractor mor dck to limiat acr o matur broom plat.

    H i udrtakig a proal rarch projct to id jut th rightcombiatio o timd moig, burig, ad pottially grazig hipatur to cotrol th dautig dbak that had accumulatd

    bor h acquird th parcl.



    I th middl o th vally, I th broom alog th c-li that I atchd gt tallr ad tallr ovr th tur o th ao

    bcau did ot hav moy to tak o ay mor projcto day pulld ad pild. Ad uptram, a rachr coduct ayarly pa ovr a rivr bak that ha rctly bgu proutig

    ith broom dlig, pullig thm i commo pirit. It m thatvryhr, lad tardho may act quitly ad aloaruitig through th hard atiactio o ivaiv d cotrol.

    Ad h popl joi orc ithout v ralizig it, h a com-mo goal brig ulikly parti togthr, thr i cau or grathop. I thi ca, I am ipird ad hopul that th Mattol ill

    tay ild ad bautiul bcau all tak prid i kpig it o.

    Lador stard K.O. Cap IvyBy Mike Gordo

    If you have Cape or English Ivy on your property, fall and

    winter are the best times to pull it out or at least cut the climbers

    to prevent it from setting seed. If you need help or have ANY

    questions, you can go to

    species_of_concern.htm or call Mike at the MRC: 629-3514.

    Photo by Mike Gordon

  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009



    Last spring and summer, the native grasslands crew combed milesand miles of grasslands in the King Range to identify and collectseed from native grass populations. This past year the grasslandscrew collected 53 pounds of native grass seed, for a total of

    nearly 80 pounds over the past two seasons. Seed was collectedfrom Idaho fescue, California fescue, blue wildrye, Californiabrome, leafy reedgrass, junegrass, tufted hairgrass, Californiaoniongrass, California oatgrass, and big squirelltail. Some of thisseed was planted on grassland and GRCC projects this fall, and the

    remainder will be used to start our next batch of native grasses atthe MRC native plant nursery in Petrolia.

    A Year of Native Grassland Enhancementby Hugh McGee

    It all starts with:

    Native Grass Seed Collection

    Over the past year, we raised approximately12,000 native grass plugs of California brome,Idaho fescue, leafy reedgrass, junegrass, andtufted hairgrass. These plugs were planted onProsper Ridge, Paradise Ridge, Spanish Flat, and

    on a private working lands site.

    Native Grass Propagation

    Last October, the native grasslands crew re-vegetatednearly 3 acres of bulldozer lines that were cut duringthe Paradise Fire this summer. With hopes of re-estab-lishing native grass populations and stabilizing thesebulldozer lines, we distributed over 100 pounds of bluewildrye and California brome and nearly 50 pounds ofblue blossom and manzanita. All sites were raked, fertil-ized, and mulched. These sites will be monitored forsurvival and growth over the next couple of years.

    Paradise Ridge Fire

    Native Grass Rehabilitation

    Last fall, an MRC thinning crew removed nearly 3 acres of Douglas-rthat was encroaching on Prosper Prairie. Sites were cleared of thinnedmaterials and seeded with California brome and blue wildrye. One-year-old plugs of California brome and Idaho fescue were also planted onsome sites. Some sites were mulched with native grass straw collectedon site. These sites will be monitored for survival and growth and main-tained by community members in the Prosper Ridge neighborhood.

    Prosper Prairie Grassland ReclamationSpanish Flat Fire Native Grass RehabLast November, seven daring native grass ends hiked into the Lost Coast to attemptto establish native grass populations on Spanish Flat. This area burned in the sum-mer of 2007 and was seeded with blue wildrye and California brome in November of2007. The area was planted with over 10,000 plugs of leafy reedgrass, junegrass, andtufted hairgrass. These sites will be monitored for sur vival and growth over the nextcouple of years.

    Working Lands Native Grassland Enhancement

    MRC Native Plant Nursery Expansion

    and Future ProjectsIn the coming months, our native plant nursery will be expanding its operations by con-structing another hoop house/shade house and increasing production to 25,000 nativegrass plugs of blue wildrye, California oniongrass, California oatgrass, junegrass, Californiafescue, Idaho fescue, leafy reed grass, and tufted hairgrass. These plugs will be planted inthe fall of 2009 on grasslands enhancement sites on Paradise Ridge, Prosper Ridge, JohnnyJack Ridge, Spanish ridge, private lands, and invasive plant removal and riparian restoration

    sites throughout the watershed. The nursery will also be growing nearly 6,000 riparian trees,shrubs and grasses for riparian restoration eorts. The MRC will continue to collect seed fromboth grassland and riparian species for future revegetation projects.

    If you are interested in volunteering on collection, propagation, or planting projects or if you are interested in planting native grasses on your land, please contac t Hugh at 629-3514 or [email protected].

    Thanks to the landowners, sta, and volunteers who participated in this project, and to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Resources Legacy Fund Foundation, Bella Vista Foundation, and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for funding these projects.

    Native Grasses Now Available For Order!

    Blue wildrye: Elymus glaucusA beautiful, blue-green perennial bunchgrass that is good forstabilizing slopes. Prefers full sun.

    Idaho fescue: Festuca idahoensisA small 7 to 12, hardy and drought tolerant perennial bunchgrass.

    Leafy reedgrass: Calamagrostis foliosaA 2to 4 tall, rare perennial bunchgrass is tolerant of re, droughtand poor soils.

    Tufted hairgrass: Dechampsia cespitosaTufted hairgrass grows about 1tall and is drought and re tolerant.

    Call the Mattole Restoration Council at 629-3514 or [email protected] with questions or to place an order.Minimum order of 98 plugs. 10% down payment is required.

    In December, the MRC partnered with a locallandowner to establish native grass patches onprivate land. A 1/10th of an acre site was burned,disked, seeded with blue wildrye and plantedwith 100 plugs of Idaho fescue. Not only will thiscreate a local seed collection site for grasslandscrews, but it will provide native grass straw forthe landowner. The native straw will be used foragricultural purposes as well as local restorationprojects. This site will be maintained and moni-tored by MRC staff and the landowner.

  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    wInTeR/sPRInG 2001 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn newsLe TTeR

    10 wInTeR/sPRInG 2009 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn news

    th atrhd ad prt th iormatio i a viual ormat.

    I othr ord, it ill hlp u udrtad hr th dimt icomig rom ad hr it i goig, ad hlp u ho at it imovig acro th tir atrhd.

    Thak to advac i computr ad mappig tchology,thi oc ar-tchd ida could o b ithi rach. Hovr,

    a o local xprt advid, a modl i oly a good a th iputdata. Thu th importat qutio: Do ko ough aboutth proc at ork i th atrhd to cotruct a modl that

    ill actually b uul to u? wr ot ur, but thik thr agood chac that do, ad i th modl do ork, it ill grat-ly icra th ctiv o our ort. It i my hop that th

    modl ill play a big rol i prioritizig rtoratio projct ad iutur atrhd plaig.

    Lt look at om pciic. It i commoly accptd that

    th tuary i ull o dimt, but thr i littl cou o holog it may tak to luh out. Th dimt modl could hlp umak thi timatio by aalyzig ad itgratig thr impor-

    tat actor: 1) Ho much dimt i currtly i th tuary; 2)Ho at i th rivr capabl o movig dimt out o th tu-ary; ad 3) Ho much dimt i comig ito th tuary. Th

    qutio ar diicult ough to ar alo, lt alo htak togthr. Th mathmatical por o a computr bcomcritical h o ythiz th qutio ovr a log tim

    priod ad acro th tir atrhd. I had v a gralida o th tim ram ad dimt volum ivolvd, ouldb i a much bttr poitio to pla utur ork.

    spciically applyig thi ida to o-th-groud rtora-tio tchiqu, th modl could giv u a ballpark igur orho much dimt ould hav to b tak out o th ytm

    pr yar to mak a dirc i tuary hydrology. I ar ri-ou about halig th tuary, dimt xtractio coupld ith

    loodplai ad trambak tabilizatio i th lor rivr could bth bt hop. extiv rarch ad plaig ill b rquirdor ay dimt xtractio ad bak tabilizatio bcau th

    rgy ad hydraulic o th lor Mattol ar much mor po-

    rul tha th orc at ork i uptram tributari. A o thmot critical qutio ill b: whr hould dimt xtrac-tio tak plac? Ho much dimt hould b rmovd? Ad,

    hr hould th xtractd matrial b placd? Local u o thxtractd gravl ad cobbl or road upgradomthig th

    couty ha do i th pati a pcially itrtig topic toxplor i th comig yar. Thi could poibly hlp ot thhug cot o importig rock ad larg ood or tabilizatio ad

    habitat projct. Combiig th lor rivr projct ith coti-ud dimt rductio ork uprivr could hat th rtur oa hydrologically-uctioal rivr ytm. Th modl could hlp u

    prdict ho oo rcovry ould occur, dpdig o th rat ortoratio activiti ad othr actor. Throughout othr rgioo th atrhd, th modl could b coupld ith othr typ o

    ih habitat data, icludig almoid prc, larg ood, um-mr lo, tc., to pipoit ara hr tram rach hav thhight pottial or rcovry. It could hlp prioritiz tratmt

    locatio ad prdict ho rtoratio projct ill act lorportio o th atrhd ovr tim. w ill hav a mchaimor gaugig ad moitorig chal rcovry throughout th

    atrhd ad trackig tho chag.Dvlopmt o a orkig dimt modl ill abl u

    to prt pciic projct i a atrhd ad tim-cal co-

    txt. Mor importatly, it ill urthr our o koldg aboutatrhd proc ad hlp to prioritiz utur projct. spciicort acro th board ill b cary to rtor hitoric al-

    moid ru, icludig projct to improv atr corvatio/maagmt ad to or viabl ortry optio that ill allviatth prur o ubdiviio ad dvlopmt. A broad our

    itractio ith th -porul Mothr natur, it i abolutly crit-ical that triv to urthr udrtad hr ir orkig. Oly

    through icrad koldg ca cotiu to mak ducatdrtoratio dciio.

    new Tools ad Big Dreams - cotiud rom pag 1

    Aerial views of the lower two and a half miles of the Mattole River, from February 15, 1942 (left), and March 31, 2000 (right). North is to

    the right, and the Pacic Ocean is at top of photos. Despite differing river levels, notice the change from 1942s predominantly single-thread

    stream to braided channel in 2000. Notice also the migration of the lowest mile of river (left side of photos) from the South bank to the North,

    the subsequent colonization of willow and alder forest visible along the South bank, and the extensive revegetation apparent along the north

    bank of the furthest-upstream section of river (in the lower right area of photos).Photos courtesy MRC Archives

  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    O novmbr 8th, 2008 th Mattol RtoratioCoucil hld it aual mmbrhip mtig, ollodby a dir party clbratig th logvity o local atr-hd rtoratio ork. Th vt a hld at th MattolGrag ad a a grat ucc du to may cotribu-tio rom th commuity. Particularly ipirig a thturout: rom oudig athr ad mothr o th almortoratio movmt, rom hippi to local rachr ithgraddaughtr i to, rom agcy rprtativ too-proit partr, to th impriv cadr o ipirdtty- ad thirty-omthig ruig or th MRC Board,rom popl hov gro up i th Mattol to tho jutpaig through, popl cam togthr to clbrat thmulti-actd ork that b do o bhal o thi a-trhd.

    excutiv Dirctor Jrmy whlr bga thatroo by lcomig about 50 commuity mmbrto th MRC mmbrhip gathrig i th mai Grag

    Hall. MRC rtoratio program r dicud, ollodby cadidat tatmt rom th may omi or thBoard o Dirctor ad a dicuio o Coucil activiti.

    Th vt th commmoratd thr dcad ortoratio ork i th Mattol Rivr atrhd ith ahort documtary calld Voic o Rtoratio. Thmovi hod itrvi ith ovr a doz local rtoratioitovr th pat 25 yar, om o thm prrrig to b idtiidimply a ridt. Hc th thm o th ilm: atrhd rto-ratio i a commuity ort that i bt, i ot oly, accomplihdthrough th participatio o a id gmt o local ocity. Lo-cal ar th hart o thi ork.

    Ad that hr th magic a: i th participatio oo may o th atrhd commuity mmbr. wll-attddmtig ad ilm crig aid, it a i th huma coc-tio takig plac i th dir li, th laughtr o th cook ith kitch, th harig o ood, th comig togthr o our com-muity to talk ad dac i th am o a hard dram, that thtru ucc o th vt ridd.

    Th vig rally hatd up ith th dacabl tu oth local bad Abyth Quitt. Lot o u a had by all. nrid r mad, old rid racquaitd ad all clbratd thmay yar o rtoratio ork i th Mattol ith a hop or a

    halthy rivr ad a thrivig vally ar ito th utur.Thak you to all th volutr, door, ad local bui-

    ho hlpd mak thi vt a ucc. spcial thak goout to Judy nah ad Tammy Piccoi, ho achord th kitchalog ith lot o othr volutr rom th commuity ad thMRC. May thak to both o thm or thir grou hard ork; could tat th lov!

    wInTeR/sPRInG 2009 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn news 11

    Freeman House kisses Bob Anderson during dinner. Photo: Kimi Feuer

    Local ar th hart

    o thi ork...

    Commuity Celebrates Restoratio of the MattoleBy Adrew nash

    I I oly had o ih it ould b to harth kid ig that darig og that th Ptrolia K-3 claag at th clbratio togthr o mor tim. w ca allagr thr i othig bttr tha youg voic clbratig25 yar o atrhd rtoratio ith gl. not oly did gt om grat igig, but alo a grat pom that thHoyd K-4 cla cotributd. It ould vr hav hap-pd ithout tachr lik Margart Frar ad Joh Good-ro ho took th tim out o th day to prompt th kid toxpr thir lov or th atrhd. Mor big thak go outto David simpo or ritig th og, ad to Ja Lapiror chorographig. Ad cat orgt to thak Tia dPro-

    pro or hlpig th kid ith th bautiul paitig thydid or MRC. It i th xpric that ill hlp our youthcoct ith thir atrhd, ad o mattr hr thi litak thm thy ill carry a littl pic o th Mattol i thiroul. Thak you to all ho mak thi happ.

    -Jica wygal

    If I only had one wish,

    Id plant a tree and save the fish.

    Then there would be a world for me

    when I turn twenty-three.

    Wishes make the world go round

    especially when theyre environmentally sound!

    To the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

    No sh remained in the Grange Hall kitchen nor dining room after

    this well-attended, celebratory, and delicious meal.Photo: Kimi Feuer

  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    wInTeR/sPRInG 2001 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn newsLe TTeR

    Lamprey for Dier, Ayoe?- cotiud rom pag 6


    Accordig to th UC Davi Cooprativ extio

    Calioria Fih bit, th Mattol Rivr i hom to thr lam-pry pci: Paciic Lampry, Lamptra tridtata, Rivr Lampry,Lamptra ayri, ad wtr Brook Lampry, Lamptra richard-

    oi. Dirtiatio bt th thr i diicult at th juviltag, ad v h thy hav rachd adult orm, poitividtiicatio ca till b challgig. Paciic lampry ar th

    largt, ith adult rachig up to 30 ich i lgth (yt dardo xit ithi th pci). wh adult Paciic lampry hav jutmtamorphod rom juvil to adult, thy ar ilvry i color,

    turig to a dark grih-black durig paig. Rivr lampry,

    ho adult rach up to about 12 ich (30 cm), ar lightlylargr that th wtr brook, ho adult orm may rach 18

    cm. Both Rivr ad wtr brook lampry hav imilar darkback ad lightr ilvr or hit to yllo blli.

    sa Jam o th Mattol salmo Group coirm th

    prc o Paciic lampry i th Mattol, havig caught adultlargr tha 12 ich vry yar rom 2005 util th prt i thMsG dotram migrat trap (t up to cout do-migratig

    juvil almoid.) Gary Fih Ptro, ho ra th trap rom1985 util 2003, a ad idtiid to wtr brook lampry,i additio to th may uual Paciic lampry, durig hi tim

    o th trap. Th prc o Rivr lampry i th Mattol couldot b coirmd, though Ptr Moyl rport that Rivr lampryappar to b rgular par i salmo Crk ad i tributar-

    i to th lor Ruia Rivr, ad h ho thir rag icluivo th Mattol (Moyl, 2002).

    Maur Roch, ho rgularly div or th salmo Group

    to cout juvil almoid, rport a dratic dcra i thoccurrc o lampry rdd ic h bga i 1990. Today, htimat that lampry rdd ar jut 15% o hat h ud to .

    I th 2008 dotram migrat trap ao, our adult lampryr caught, alog ith 435 ammocot. It mut b mphaizd,hovr, that lampry populatio data caot b ctivly

    ad uig almoid-bad moitorig tchiqu, du to di-rc i migratio tim ad othr lampry bhavior (Mor,

    2003). Thu do ot rally ko th tatu o our local lamprypci.


    A dcli i lampry abudac i th Mattol ould ot

    b urpriig, giv corgioal trd. Th loly-adig euro-Amrica prcptio o lampry a ptdu i larg part toth ll-publicizd tory o o-ativ lampry big rlad i

    Lak Michiga ad th aociatd diatrou rult or lak troutha poibly playd a larg part i th lack o lampry rarchad lack o cocr or thir corvatioutil rctly. I 2002,

    a group o lv corvatio group ptitiod Us Fih adwildli srvic to lit Paciic, wtr Brook, ad Rivr Lamprya Thratd or edagrd. To yar latr, UsFws dtrmid

    a lack o vidc or litig, but th i 2007 tartd th Paciic

    Lampry Corvatio Iitiativ.A grat dcli i abudac o Paciic Lampry i th

    Columbia bai ha alo parkd cocr amog tribal mm-br, ho hav traditioally ud Paciic Lampry a a culturally

    valuabl ood ad mdici. Traditioally drid or roatd, lam-pry mat i importat i th dit o tribal popl o th mid-Columbia platau. Oil collctd i th dryig proc i applid

    to ki or ailig body part i cojuctio ith a puriyigat bath. Lampry oil a alo hitorically ud to coditiohair ad to cur ar ach (Clo, 2002).


    Lik mot livig thig i thir ativ habitat, lampry

    probably play importat ad complx itractiv rol i thirlocal viromt. Rarch uggt that lampry, i thir hy-day, may hav b a importat ourc o mari utrit i

    utrit-poor atrhd. what mor, coho almo hav boud to at mrgt larval lampry. Prhap mot aciat-ig i hat l d o lampry, or rathr, hat d o lam-

    pry itad o atig almo. Amid cotrovry ovr atrbirdprdatio o almo molt i th Columbia Rivr tuary, orarchr oud that lampry comprid 71% by volum o th

    dit o Calioria, rigbill, ad tr gull ad Fotr tri th maitm ColumbiaRivr durig May (Mrrll,1959).

    Lampry a alo oud i thdit o orthr pikmioad chal catih i th mai-

    tm sak Rivr. why mightth prdator choo to di

    o lampry ovr, ay, Chiookalmo? Coidr o th adult

    ih, ad look at it rom a a lio poit o vi: lampry, hichvr tray ar rom th mouth o thir hom rivr, ar lor

    ad air to catch tha almo, ad hav rmarkably highr atcott ad caloric valu. Rarch by Ro ad Mat (1984) harvald that th mot abudat ditary itm i a lio ad

    al a Paciic lampry. noaday, a lio ad al prdatioo almo may b hightd du to dcli i lampry popula-tio. still, o odr i all tho a lio hagig out at th

    mouth o th Mattol, hom jalouly cur or atig almo,ar actually atig o lampry.

    12 wInTeR/sPRInG 2009 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn news

    A dcli i lampry

    abudac ha parkd

    cocr amog tribal

    mmbr, or hom

    lampry i a culturally

    valuabl ood admdici.

    Clo, David. ecological ad Cultural Importac o a spci at Rik o

    extictio, Paciic Lampry, Projct no. 1994-02600, 9 lctroic pag, (BPA RportDOe/BP-00005455-4).

    McGii, samul M. 2006. Fild Guid to Frhatr Fih o Calioria.Uivrity o Calioria Pr, Brkly. 539 p p.

    Mrrll, T.R. 1959. Gull ood habit o th Columbia Rivr. Fih Commiio oOrgo Rarch Bri (7)1:82.

    Mor, Mary, ad David Clo, Aig Paciic Lampry statu i thColumbia Rivr Bai, Projct no. 194-02600, 10 lctroic pag, (BPA Rport DOe/BP-

    00005455-5).Moyl, Ptr B. Ilad Fih o Calioria, Rvid ad expadd. Brkly :

    Uivrity o Calioria Pr, 2002.Ro, T.J., ad B.R. Mat. 1984 Abudac ad dig habit o piipd i

    th Rogu Rivr, Orgo. Joural o wildli Maagmt 48(4):1262-1274.

  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    wInTeR/sPRInG 2009 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn news 13

    what w sa I Lat sptmbr

    whal Gulch 4th-6th gradr rot th olloig rpo atr

    a sptmbr 25th ild trip to th uppr Mattol Rivr, hich abaically drid up at that poit.

    wh I a th rivr I a vry hockd. I a ih ad all ort o

    aimal i mall ad dirty pod o atr. I rmmbr h I irtmovd hr ad th rivr a ull. But o thr ar oly podo th rivr.

    --Jacob York, 5th grad

    Rivr too lo!!! sorry ad ad ad agry. Uair or ih. Fih arad ad coud.--Iaac wt, 4th grad

    shockd! Bor my y a hr a rivr ud to lo ith ih

    ad thir parkly glo. no bor m tad othig mor thaa puddl illd ith bug, ih, ad atr. sombody hlp thih bor thy di i th murky atr!--Tylr Pitila, 6th grad

    A rivr. no o to hlp. Fih ar dad. Go. Coud.Uortuat.

    --Iral Dllama, 4th grad

    Today at th rivr a may horribl thig. Th rivr a lo.

    Th ih r i 2 ich dp ad about 20 ich log atr. Ita a harroig ight.--Dakota Cox, 5th grad

    Th atr i rally lo. I l lot o ih ar dyig. Thr i o bigpod. Th ih ar tradd i th littl pod.

    --Arami Adr, 4th grad

    Today at th rivr, thr a vry, vry lo atr that a pa-

    ratd ito pod. I l orry, ad, ad dprd or th rivr admacroivrtbrat.--skylr strag, 6th grad

    Oc got to th rivr, thr r a hol buch o rock admuch atr. Thr r lot o tuck ih i littl puddl. w

    lookd at th ih. Thy r vry mall i th pool, ad ltorry or thm.

    --Kayd Blair, 5th grad

    DilmmaBy C. Moss

    whr all th atr?!whrd th rivr go?!sptmbr 25th. eight tudt rom whal Gulch chool,

    thir tachr, ad I r tadig jut blo th o-la bridgby Lot Rivr, i th upprmot Mattol. w tood atop gravl that

    hould hav b udr atr, but lookig uptram ad do,all a a mor xpod gravl ad a mall dicoctdpool, although callig thm puddl i mor accurat.

    wd com o a ild trip to do photo poit moitorig oth rivr durig it lo-lo ao, ad look or aquatic macroi-vrtbrat bioidicator. Oc th kid a th diappard rivr,hovr, th ild trip tir ocu chagd.

    Thy appd thir photo poit, took compa barig,th chargd a o mid oto th rivr xpod ctral cha-l, lookig or puddl ad pool ad hatvr livig craturr till aliv i th pitiul rug.

    Hy! Thr till om ih i thi pool! o kid xclaimd.Th othr tudt tor ovr to th tagatig, 2-3 ich dppuddl ad corrd. A largr black pool lay urthr uptram. R-

    cooitrig by a coupl o tudt uig crud maurig tickcoirmd that thi largr pool a about thr or mor t dpat it ctr. It a alo th largt, albit till dicoctd poolo thi trtch o th rivr.

    w hav to rcu th ih, o tudt olmly a-oucd.

    stop! Hold o thr! Rcuig th ih ould hav b ill-gal. w didt hav prmit. w didt hav quipmt. w rtproprly traid. Fih rcuig a ot omthig could ra-oably do.

    so hat hould hav do? what do cocrd citizdo i ituatio lik thi? should hav calld th gam ardor a tat agcy lik Dpartmt o Fih ad Gam? should

    hav t up a wbCam to i it a a hro, grt, ak or ottrthat ould ag th lat ih i tho pool?Thr r thratd pci i tho puddl, ith

    pciic la ad madat i plac o bhal o th ih. what ith mot importat ad/or right cour o actio? should poplobrv th lttr o th la or th pirit o th la, koig thatmovig ih ould b illgal? Do lt atur tak it cour?what i th atural cour o th Mattol coidrig th cumula-tiv ct o 100 yar o trog huma impact? Arguably, aturhat had a much impact o th rivr ad ih a huma ad ourroad, loggig practic, ad pump itak uckig atr durigv th lot-lo ao.

    w r jut o mall group. Brakig th la ad mov-ig a hadul o ih ould hav maily b a ymbolic actio,

    ad ouldt hav mad much dirc i th rivr ovrall al-moid populatio. Th biggr-impact iu o drought, climatchag, ad ogoig huma prc ould till rmai.

    so hat ould you hav do?

    Lt u ko hat you ould hav doi th abov circumtac - drop u a li.

    submit a lttr to th ditor by mailig it to [email protected] ail mailig it to MR n editor, PO Box 160, CA 95558.

    Lttr hould b 300 ord or r, ad iclud your ull amad plac o ridc. w may dit or pac ad clarity.

    BLM Kig Rag natioal Corvatio

    Ara, whitthor elmtary school,

    ad Mattol Rtoratio Coucil ear

    2008 Had o th Lad Aard or

    Commuity Collaboratio!

    Had o th Lad, a atioal tork o ild claroomlikig tudt, tachr, ad part to thir public lad adatray, gav it 2008 aard to th orgaizatio or LotCoat Lilab, a atr-chool program or 5th to 7th gradr. Thiprogram coct tachr ad tudt ith th viromtby alloig thm to collct phytoplakto, aalyz th amplad tr thir idig ito a atioal databa. It ha givth local commuity a rd o rpoibility to thviromt.

  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    staf ad Board Updat

    14 wInTeR/sPRInG 2009 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn news

    Ddicatd, Motivatd schlppig: GIs Tch ear Crtiicatio

    Steph Cepellos travld to sa Fracico or a total o 12kd thi yar to ar hr Gographic Iormatio sytmCrtiicat rom sa Fracico stat Uivrity. why sa Fracico?wll, o othr quivalt program i ord i Humboldt Coutyor a raoabl a cot (y, icludig traportatio) ad ithth am kd chdulig. For o mtr, our tchihad to tak th bu to hr kd cla util h a ablto purcha a car. Ad that cam jut i tim or th codmtr, hich a a brutal, yt quick, 6 k o commutigvry kd. But all th chlppig paid o! sh ha alradyb abl to tart uig may o hr kill to ork martr iurthrig habitat rtoratio through mappig ad patial dataaalyi. Cograt, stph, ad happy mappig!

    Monica Scholeyoicially joid th MRC ta thi itr,ad i agr to cotiu orkig or th atrhd a th nativPlat nurry Maagr. Moica itrt i ativ plat bga

    hil xplorig th ort, rivr ad du o coatal Orgohr h gr up. Latr h gaid a dpr udrtadig obotay ad ativ plat commuiti hil tudyig evirom-tal scic at th Uivrity o Orgo. whil i chool, Moicaxplord th orld o plat ith lmtary childr a a ildguid ad radicatd ivaiv plat or th Licol Couty soilad watr Corvatio Ditrict. For th pat to yar i thAmricorp watrhd stard Projct, h orkd o th Ca-par Crk watrhd study, raid ativ plat or JughadlFarm ad natur Ctr ad propagatd, collctd ad platdativ plat i th Mattol.

    Moica ha all i lov ith th Mattol ad i xcitdto tay hr ad ork toard th halth o thi icrdibl plac.

    sh ha big dram or th ativ plat urry ad ould lik to it provid ativ gra, tr ad drought-tolrat plat toPtrolia ridt, a ll a upply th rvgtatio projct oth Mattol Rtoratio Coucil.

    I th pirit that pad th rtoratio movmt i thMattol, h ould lik to ivolv a may commuity mmbra poibl i th urry. Alrady tudt rom Mattol elm-tary ad commuity volutr hav hlpd pot-up tr adhrub ad ativ buchgra. wh akd about th utur oth urry, Moica aid I thik th urry ha a lot o pottial. Ialo ko that thr ar may koldgabl popl i thi vallyho hav b groig ativ Mattol plat or yar. Th morivolvmt ad iput that I gt rom tho popl th bttr thurry ill b, o top by aytim ad hat groig.

    David Bloch com to th Mattol atr pdig thr o thlat our yar armig i Orgo willamtt Vally. Hi yaro a pt at Johua Tr natioal Park, hr h orkdo drt rtoratio projct. Prior to that, Dav rcivd abachlor dgr i viromtal tudi at naropa Uivrityi Bouldr, Colorado. som o hi itrt iclud utaiabllivig ad dig, local ood curity, ad xplorig th ood. wlcom Dav o board a a Amricorp itr.

    w lcom Lindsey Baris,ho joi th MRC a a Amricorpitr. Origially rom st. Loui, MO, Lidy pt th lat 6 yari Olympia, wA attdig th evrgr stat Collg hr hgraduatd ith a B.s. i viromtal tudi. I wahigto,h oud grat itrt i ort cology ad corvatio all a utaiabl livig ad orgaic armig. Atr a trip to nZalad to tudy altrativ ay o livig, h oud hrl livigi ad lovig Ptrolia. Atr alrady rvig a o-yar trm oAmricorp ith th natur Corvacy i Olympia, h i radyto gt back ito th orld o corvatio ith th MRC.

    Blovd Itr Tak th Hlm at nativ

    Plat nurry!

    MRC ih Jen Hayes, our ddicatd Amricorp wsP itr o

    th lat to yar, a od arll ad ar vr glad h otgoig too ar aay! Cogratulatio to J a h tak o th jobo Oic Maagr or our partr th Mattol salmo Group. Forth lat to yar, J ha mad hrl a valuabl part o th MRCtam, orkig o vrythig rom cological ducatio projctith local tudt to gralad rtoratio to rdigig ourbit. w ar pcially gratul or th proioalim, thu-iam, ad thoughtul ith hich J approachd hr ork.Rad mor about hr xpric i th Commuity Colum. wlov you, J!

    wtlad ecologit Joi MRC Board o DirctorAtr a lctio that a i cadidat compt or iv at,all our icumbt ruig r r-lctd, alog ith o mmbr. w lcom Cassie Pinnell to th 2009 MRC Board.Cai brig xtiv xpric i tlad corvatio,ad look orard to ocuig mor o hr atttio o hr

    hom atrhd. I my ork throughout th tat I am yt tocoutr a commuity that i a dply committd ad ivolvdi prrvig it cologic ytm a th Mattol commuity, ayCai.

    w lcom Caiad lcom backSally French, DaveKahan, Michele Palazzo, ad Rob Yoshato aothrproductiv yar i th halig o th Mattol. Thak you to all hora i thi lctio ad to all ho votd.


  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    wInTeR/sPRInG 2009 MATTOLe ResTORATIOn news 15

    Commuity Colum

    Movig to Ptrolia, ad Comig HomBy J Hay

    Lik may AmriCorp watrhd stard Programitr ho hav pad through th vally, I irt arrivd ith Mattol to ork ith th Mattol Rtoratio Coucil.

    Comig rom Arcata i th all o 2006, I a o agr to gtout o to ad ito th coutry. I atd to ork outidad com hom to a cabi ith a ood tov, outhou, ad

    li o th grid. I got hat I akd or ad mor! My dram olivig ad orkig i Ptrolia omho lt lik it a uiqu,ad hil big hr, Iv dicovrd that my arrival a th

    compltio o a circl tartd log ago.At irt, chooig to mov to th Mattol a om-

    thig I thought I atd all o my o, a a autoomou

    youg adult idig my o origial utur. It md aatural path to ollo atr graduatig i natural Rourc

    rom Humboldt stat ad tryig to id a rardig job. Forto yar I orkd a a wsP itr or th MRC ad lard

    had-o atrhd rtoratio. whil orkig, I ot or-got about ay amily coctio I hav to th Mattol, adt o lik mot othr itr do, orkig hard ad aborb-ig iormatio. Ovr tho to yar, I loly cam to that

    thr a o much mor to my dciio tha my autoomou lhad m bliv. It at util I got ivolvd i th Mattol VallyHitorical socity ad bga orkig cloly ith Laura Cooky

    that I ralizd th rol my amily had playd i Ptrolia ad thMattol.

    My gradma, Lly Lyo, rmmbr comig out to

    Ptrolia h h a our or iv yar old. Hr Mothr, AlicLulla Cripp, a bor i Ptrolia, ad trac hr root all thay back to om o irt europa to ttl i th Mattol Vally,

    th Go ad Cripp. sh odly rmmbr catchig ry or

    brakat hil viitig ith hr Aut Maud. Aut Maud Lagdoa th pot matr ad pho oprator, rol h had ihritd

    rom hr athr, Charl Go.Thi pat ummr my gradma cam to viit, ith hop

    that could do om hitorical diggig ad plac om o hr

    mmori. with graciou hlp rom Laura Cooky, r ablto pic togthr a amily tr ad id locatio o may origialamily homtad.

    My gradma odly rmmbr lidig o a pic o card-board do a hill to go viit hr Aut Maud at th Pot Oic. A

    r alkig ovr to th MRC oic to ho o hr I had

    b orkig, h a rmiicig o thi ad toppd dad ihr track, proclaimig, Thi i it, I jut ko it i! w coirmdlatr that i act Aut Maud had livd right hr th Mattol

    Vally Commuity Ctr i today, though hr hou ha icburd do. sh rmmbrd comig to th hou yar atrit had burd, ad oud th back door lock amidt hudrd o

    ucalyptu tr vry tim I alk pat th ucalyptu tr ad up

    th tair to th MRC oic, I top or a momt. not oly hav

    I com back to th to ad vally hr om o my amily

    ttld, but I hav com back to hr thy had lat livd, righthr my gradma lt o.

    Th Mattol ha b a ipirig plac to b a part o thrtoratio movmt. Gttig to ko tho ho hlpd tartup th movmt i th Mattol, ad orkig alogid tho

    ho ar carryig it o, ha ord m uch a alth o kol-dg. I am gratul to vryo ivolvd. Havig th opportuityto ork i plac hr my amily ha livd ad orkd giv m

    a o coctio to th lad gratr tha vr bor, adprovok i m a o odr ad a.

    Benefits of Membership

    Becoming a member of the MRC is one of the easiest ways to becomea part of the Mattole restoration movement. Your membership dues areextremely important to us, allowing us to pursue important work that mayotherwise fall through the cracks of our grants and contracts.

    Additional Benefits:

    * Subscription to our twice-yearly newsletter.

    * 20% discount on custom mapping services (applies to labor costs only).

    * Members who are also residents or landowners in the Mattole watershed are

    eligible to vote in our board elections.

    Name (or two names for family membership)________________________



    City, State, Zip___________________________________________


    E-mail Address__________________________________________

    Payment type (circle): MC VISA CHECK MONEY ORDER

    Card Number _______ - _______ - _______ - _______

    Expiration Date: _____________________

    BecomeamemBerofthemattole restoration council!

    1) I/ liv or o proprty i th Mattol atrhd: ___Y ___no

    2) Thi paymt i or: __n Mmbrhip __Ral __Jut doatig (kip to #4)

    3) Pla lct mmbrhip lvl: __Idividual $25 __Family $40 (to vot)

    __Lo Icom $15

    4) __Yes! I ould lik to mak a additioal tax-dductibl doatio.

    Amout $_______

    5) Mattol watrhd war: (to photo o th product, viit our bit at

    Thikig Lik a watrhd (VHs Vido) $20 ach Qty:____

    Totm salmo (paprback) $15 ach Qty:____

    MRC Pit Gla $ 5 ach Qty: ____

    MRC Apro $20 ach Qty:____

    MRC T-hirt s M L XL XXL $15 ach Qty: ____

    MRC sathirt s M L XL XXL $25 ach Qty: ____

    Ribbd MRC tak top s M L XL XXL $15 ach Qty:____

    Mattol atrhd color rli map (11 x 17) $ 5 ach Qty: ____

    6) Total amout clod (#3 + #4 + #5) $___________

    7) ____Pla cotact m about additioal ay to giv to th MRC, icludig doatio o

    tock, proprty, ad plad givig.

    Thak You!

    Leslyn Lyons at five years old, circa 1936, near Petrolia, on her way to

    catch some fry in the Mattole River. Photo courtesy of Leslyn Lyons.

  • 8/14/2019 Mattole Restoration Newsletter #31 Winter-Spring 2009


    Mattol salmo Group n

    Ladi ad Gtlm, w Ar no i Th RdBy Kat Cci

    Ho did thig gt o bad out thr? h akd.

    I didt ko hr to bgi. I a back i oy, bittrly

    cold northr Michiga dicuig currt iu ith my dad,a alay itrtig ad trtaiig covratio. H o cour

    a rrrig to th almo ituatio i Calioria, hich hap-p to b th ocal poit o my currt ork.

    so I trid a bt I could to xplai to Dad a vry compli-

    catd ubjct. I told him o th itiv loggig practic o th1950 ad 60, th tp lop o vr-rodig moutai ia ara aturally pro to arthquak ad ladlid, ad m-

    tiod a coupl o hudrd-yar lood, jut or u. It ouddtrribl, lik a battl that cat b o. Add to all o that th tr-riyig rality o global armig, populatio xpaio, ad th

    gativ huma impact that act oc-priti rivr, lik thMattol, ad it almot m too lat.


    salmo ar armarkabl ih. I, a lla othr i th citiic

    rtoratio ild, blivthy ca lourih i givth opportuity. Tak

    Butt Crk, a tributary toth sacramto Rivr, orxampl. Th crk xpri-

    c prig-ru Chiookalmo, ad i 1987, thrr a mr 14 rturig

    adult. I tark cotrat, ovr th pat t yar, Butt Crk ha a avrag o 10,000 rturig adult. Thi icra i motly

    du to major rtoratio davor (ovr $30 millio orth) icth arly 1990 that hav icludd th rmoval o vral malldam ad ort to icra atr lo. whil ac dirt

    obtacl ad coditio hr o th Mattol, Butt Crk camot importatly b ud a a xampl o ho, giv th oppor-tuity, almo ca ru th hom trtch or mor appropriatly,

    im th ial lap ad thriv a a utaiabl dirt hr? what kpig coho, Chiook,

    ad tlhad rom thrivig i our Mattol atr? Th to thig

    ko ar dimt ad tmpratur. w got our am o thboard ith tho th Mattol Rivr i litd a a 303(d) atrbody by th Calioria stat watr Rourc Cotrol Board (a

    diviio o th CA eviromtal Protctio Agcy). Thi i ot a

    good am-o-th-board; baically that a lttr ad a um-br that ma, accordig to th Cla watr Act, that th Mattol

    i pollutd.Hr th millio-dollar qutio: wh ad hr, pci-

    ically, do dimt ad tmpratur hav th mot ct o al-

    moid pci i th Mattol? I th rtoratio idutry, callth paramtr limitig actor to almo rcovry. Th limit-ig actor could hold th ky to th door o utaiabl almo


    Th tak o dtrmiig th actor it o ay, partly

    bcau thr i much that till rmai a mytry h it com

    to almo. Th Mattol, hovr, may b ahad o th gamh compard to othr northr Calioria rivr. Th Mattol

    salmo Group (MsG) ha b itivly moitorig almoditributio or arly thr dcad. Currtly, th MsG i tak-ig tp to bcom o o a atrhd i th tat ocud

    o complt li-cycl moitorig, ttig th Mattol up a aLi Cycl Moitorig watrhd. Thi ill hlp u dicovr morabout th almo pci i th Mattol, ad hat, h, ad

    hr thy ar mot impactd by currt coditio.A I aid bor, omtim it l lik a loig battl.

    whil both Chiook ad coho ar claiid a Thratd, ad

    i dagr o xtictio, by th Fdral Govrmt, Chiook ararig lightly bttr tha coho i th Mattol, but th thrat o

    loig both pci all togthr i vry

    ral ad vry urgt. To borro omjargo rom th Fd that ill urlyall udrtad, ar o i th rd

    th thrat i immit.To gt th Mattol back ito th

    gr, or at lat th yllo or orag,

    th MsG i cotiuig it almoidpopulatio moitorig program,

    atr quality moitorig program,ad itram habitat hacmtort (i.. larg-ood tructur).

    Alo i th ork i urthr dvlop-ig a Coho Rcovry stratgy, hich ill iclud Fdral rcom-mdatio or ocu ara ad rtoratio ort. Th natioal

    Mari Fihri srvic (a diviio o th natioal Ocaic adAtmophric Admiitratio) i alo currtly dratig rcovrypla or Chiook almo ad tlhad trout, i additio to coho,

    or th Mattol atrhd. Th pla ill map out th carytp to avig th pci ad acilitatig th rtur o utai-abl populatio.

    wv all hard th ayig, A go Calioria, o go thnatio. I thr i ay truth to thi adag, th ar at a vrycrucial tippig poit. w ca do othig (or almot or, ot

    ough), ad lo pci by th doz, lo old groth, loatr, lo atr quality, lo th vry habitat i hich all liv,ad atch th atio ollo uit. Or ca act locally to bttr

    our viromt hich alo bttr th huma coditio.

    w hav a opportuity to mak th Mattol a prototypor ho a aturally uctioig atrhd ca b, vtually

    big a modl or th rt o Calioria to ollo, ad all ko,A go Calioria... Thi dot oly jut ivolv th Mattolsalmo Group or othr rtoratio group i th atrhd, but it

    ivolv all o u a popl, a citiz, cartakr, ad tard oth lad i hich liv. w ach hav th ability to mak ort,grat ad mall, to prrv ad improv our atural orld.

    Chiook ar arig lightlybttr tha coho i th Mattol,

    but th thrat o loig both

    pci altogthr i vry ral

    ad vry urgt...

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