Material Handling Presentation

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  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    Materials Handling

    Presenter :

    Tanveer Uz Zamaan


    Dr Yousaf n!ar

    11"10"1# 1

  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    What is Material Handling?

    Materials handling is the science

    and art both involving the moving,

    packing and storing of substance inany form, and includes the

    preparation, placing and positioning

    the material to facilitate their

    movement or storage.

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  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    11"10"1# 3

    What is Material Handling?

    (IMMS) International Materials Management

    Society defines the materials handling as:

    $Materials handling is an art andscience involving the materials,

    packaging, and storing of

    substances in any form ".

  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation



    asic function of materials handling is

    the movement of material.

    Industrial revolution in late !th

    andearly !#thcenturies, developed the need

    of materials handling from factory

    system. $he industries, supermarket,offices, construction pro%ects and the

    banks & all are engaged in moving

    things.11"10"1# *

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    11"10"1# #

    In early days man 'as physically handling

    the material, ho'ever, over a period of years,

    he has started applying mechanical principles

    like lever, 'heel, pulley etc.

    Materials handling generally adds significantelement of cost to a product.

    Materials handling generally costs bet'een

    to *+ of the cost of the product.

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    11"10"1# +

    Earlier, it was a general belief that most

    of this cost is inevitable and can not beeasily avoided.But now-a-days need for reduction in

    material handling costs through systemsapproach is being realized.Not only cost, majority of production timeis also consumed in handling materialbefore, during and after the manufacture.

  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    Objectives of a proper materialhandling system

    1. Reduced costs

    2. Increased capacity

    3. Improved working

    conditions. Improved customer service

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  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    1. Reduction in Cost:

    -educing material handling labor. Material handling 'ork should not be

    assigned to skilled or semi&skilled labor. -educing indirect labor epenses on

    activities connected 'ith storage,inspection, /uality control, repair, tool

    room, shipping etc. -educing damage of materials during



  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    11"10"1# .

    Better utilization of space.Reducing in process storage.ncreasing productivity.Reducing e!penditure onpac"aging and other protective


  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    2. Increase in Capacity :

    By better utilization of space.

    -acks or containers that stacks item

    upon each other making full use ofair space should be preferred. 0rom

    this point of vie', use of overhead

    cranes, conveyors, lift trucks etc. are

    very suitable.

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    11"10"1# 11

    By reducing travel space orecessive !astage of space.

    0or this purpose a study of flo' of

    materials bet'een operations shouldbe done considering the flo' paths,

    volume of material, timing etc. $his

    study may help in reducing travel

    time and space re/uirements.

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    11"10"1# 12

    By improving equipment utilization.

    $his can be achieved by ensuringregular supply and distribution of

    material. $his 'ill reduce the idling

    of machine.By faster loading or -unloading.

    $his can be achieved by employing

    conveyor system, cranes,

    loaders, rail road cars, tipping

    trucks etc.

  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    3. Improvement in Working


    "afety aspects : Safety of men, material and associated

    e/uipment not only prevents loss of money butalso enhances the moral of 'orkers.

    #asy !orking:

    y using proper handling e/uipment heavy%obs can be handled 'ith ease, faster speed andat a constant rate throughout the period ofproduction. $his enables high morale and

    lo'er 'orkers turnover.11"10"1# 13

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    Foolproof operation :

    #ue to absence of manual handling,

    there are no chances of confusionresulting in placing of material atwrong , location or disruption of


  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    4. Improved Customer Service :

    Customers service will be improved

    by following proper and improved

    material handling system which willenable regular and timely market

    supply by avoiding disruption in

    production schedule. These are themain sources of good customer


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    11"10"1# 1+

    a! material "# $%pplier "$&ransportation "' eceiving ('$toring "' Iss%e "#

    Man%fact%ring or fa)rication ('*ackaging "' $hipping "#+ealeror +istri)%tors !areho%se "'

    etailers "' C%stomer ( +isposal"# ecycling

  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    In any industry materials handling

    is of follo'ing three types:!. handling of individual part or unit by men,

    . handling in room, department, or plant*. handling of materials during the entire

    process of production and distribution, starting

    from ra' material source, going through the

    factory and distribution net'ork to the

    ultimate customer and beyond, to 'aste

    disposal and recycling. 1s sho'n belo'211"10"1# 1,

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    11"10"1# 1

    3andling and Storing Materials

    Involves diverse operations: Manual materialhandling

    Carrying )ags or materials ,npacking materials

    Material handling via machine



    -igging Stacking or storing drums, barrels, kegs,

    lumber, loose bricks or other materials

  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    Manual Handling

    Seek help:

    5hen a load is too bulky to

    properly grasp or lift

    5hen you can6t see around

    or over the load

    5hen you can6t safely handle the load 1ttach handles

    to loads to reduce the chances of getting fingers


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    $afe -ifting

    reak load into parts /et

    Help !ith heavy or )%lky

    items -ift !ith legs0 keep)ack straight0 do not t!ist

    ,se handling aids 1 s%ch

    as steps 0 trestles0 sho%lder pads0 handles0 and !heels

    void lifting a)ove sho%lder

    level.11"10"1# 20

  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    *ersonal *rotective 4%ipment

    /or loads !it sar or

    roug edges !ear gloves or

    oter and and forearmrotetion 4en loads are

    eav5 or 6ul75 !ear steel-

    toed safet5 soes to reventfoot in8uries if te load is


    11"10"1# 21

  • 7/24/2019 Material Handling Presentation


    Material handling principles

    Prinile 1 - *-55I5/ *I5CI*-:

    1ll material handling should be the result

    of a deliberate plan 'here theneeds, performance ob%ectives, and

    functional specification of the proposed

    methods are completely defined at theoutset

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    2.$&5++I6&l75 *I5CI*-:Material handling methods, e/uipment,

    controls, and soft'are should bestandardi7ed 'ithin the limits

    of achieving overall performanceob%ectives and 'ithout sacrificing needed

    fleibility modularity, and throughput

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