Bunker Hill Community College Mathematics Department Graphing Calculator Activities MAT 099 Intermediate Algebra

MAT099 Graphing Calculator Activities

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how to use Ti83 graphing calculator for intermediate algebra, remedial.

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   Bunker  Hill  Community  College  Mathematics  Department  

Graphing  Calculator  Activities  MAT  099  Intermediate  Algebra  

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 1   Graphing  Calculator  Activities  

Instructor’s  Guide    

Chapter/Focus   Objective   Notes     Graphing  Calculator  Scavenger  Hunt  

• Students  will  become  familiar  with  various  functions  on  the  graphing  calculator.  

• Students  will  learn  how  to  graph  a  linear  equation  using  the  graphing  calculator.  


Ch.  10  Polynomials:  Operations    10.3  Introduction  to  Polynomials  

Using  the  Graph  to  Evaluate  X-­‐Values  • Using  the  graphing  calculator,  students  will  

learn  how  to  use  a  graph  of  a  function  to  find  a  y-­‐value  for  a  given  x.  


Ch.  11  Polynomials:  Factoring    11.7  Solving  Quadratic  Equations  by  Factoring  

What  is  the  Connection  between  Solving  by  Factoring  and  X-­‐intercepts?  

• Through  discovery,  students  will  make  connections  between  the  solution  of  a  quadratic  equation  by  factoring  and  the  x-­‐intercepts  or  zeroes  of  a  graph.  

• Students  will  learn  how  find  x-­‐intercepts    of  a  graph  using  a  graphing  calculator.  

**Students  should  have  learned  how  to  solve  quadratic  equations  by  factoring  before  doing  this  activity.  

Ch.  12  Polynomials:  Rational  Expressions  and  Equations    12.9  Direct  Variation  and  Inverse  Variation  

The  Golden  Ratio  • Students  will  explore  the  golden  ratio,  as  a  

constant  in  an  equation  of  direct  variation.  • Students  will  learn  how  to  create  a  linear  

regression  equation  using  the  graphing  calculator.  

**Each  team  will  need  a  tape  measure.  **The  instructor  will  need  to  help  students  make  a  connection  that  a  direct  variation  relationship,  such  as  in  this  case,  is  a  special  linear  function  with  y  intercept  0.  

Ch.  14  Radical  Expressions  and  Equations    14.5  Radical  Equations  

Solving  Radical  Equations  • Students  will  solve  radical  equations  by  

graphing  with  the  graphing  calculator.  • Students  will  discover  that  they  can  check  

solutions  that  were  solved  algebraically,  by  using  the  graphing  calculator.  

**Students  should  have  learned  how  to  solve  radical  equations  algebraically  before  doing  this  activity.  

Ch.  15  Quadratic  Equations    

Graphing  Quadratic  Equations.  • Through  discovery,  students  will  make  a  

connection  between  quadratic  equations  and  parts  of  a  parabola.  

• Students  will  learn  how  to  find  the  vertex  of  a  parabola  using  the  graphing  calculator.  

**Students  should  do  this  activity  before  the  instructor  teaches  Section  15.6.  


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TI-­‐83  Plus  




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Name: ______________________ Graphing  Calculator  Scavenger  Hunt  

1. Press 2nd, +, ENTER. What is the ID# of your calculator? ____________________ 2. For help, what website can you visit? _________________________________________ 3. Type the number 1234, then ENTER. You should see the same number in the display. Now type the number 9,876,543,210,987,654, then ENTER. Is the identical number displayed? ________ 4. What happens to the screen when you push 2nd, ▲ , 2nd, ▲ , 2nd, ▲ …. ________________________________________________________________________. Press 2nd and then hold down ▲ . Describe what happens: _______________________. 5. ^ is called the "caret" button, and is used to raise a number to a power. Find 65

= _____ To square a number press the number, x2 and ENTER. What is 562? _______ To cube a number, press the number, MATH, select option 3 and press ENTER. What is 363? ___________ Press 2, MATH and choose option 5, then press 1, 6 and ENTER. What did this option do? __________________________________________________ 6. Equations: y = 2x. Press Y=. Clear any equations that are present. Next we enter the equation by positioning the cursor beside “Y1=” and press 2, X,T,θ ,n. To create a table: Press 2nd, WINDOW (which takes you into the Table Set window). Set the TblStart = -2 and ▲Tbl = 1 (this adds 1 to the preceding x-value). To display the table, we press 2nd, GRAPH (which takes you the Table window).

What is the value of Y1, when X is 6? ________________

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To create a graph: Press Y=. Make sure that the Plot1, Plot2, Plot 3 at the top of the screen are not highlighted. If they are, move the cursor to the one that is highlighted and press ENTER. That will un-highlight it. Press ZOOM, 6 to select a standard viewing window and display the graph. Draw the graph:

7. Enter (-2)2

into the calculator, what answer did you get? ___________ Now enter –22

into the calculator, what answer did you get this time? ________ Why do you think you got two different answers? ______________________________  









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Chapter  10  Polynomials:  Operations    

Using  the  Graph  to  Evaluate  Y-­‐Values  

This  activity  corresponds  to  Section  10.3  in  the  textbook,  Calculator  Corner  p.  758.    To  evaluate  the  polynomial  –x2  –  3x  +  1,  when  x  =  -­‐4,  we  must  first  graph  y1=  –x2  –  3x  +  1  (See  previous  graphing  calculator  activity).    We  will  use  the  standard  window.    Then  press  2nd,  TRACE  (which  is  actually  the  CALC  function)  and  select  option  1.    This  will  prompt  you  to  enter  the  x  value  that  you  wish  to  evaluate.    Press  (-­‐),  4,  ENTER.    The  corresponding  y  value,  -­‐3  should  come  up.  

 Use  this  process  to  evaluate  each  polynomial  for  the  given  values  of  x.        Polynomial  Equation            y  =  -­‐x2  –  3x  +  1  

 x  =  -­‐2,  y  =  ________    

 x  =  -­‐0.5,  y  =  ________    

 x  =  4,  y  =  ________    

 y  =  3x2  –  5x  +  2    

 x  =  -­‐3,  y  =  ________    

 x  =  1,  y  =  ________    

 x  =  2.6,  y  =  ________    

 y  =  5  -­‐  x2      

 x  =  -­‐3,  y  =  ________    

 x  =  -­‐1,  y  =  ________    

 x  =  1.5,  y  =  ________    

 y  =  6x3    –  6x    

 x  =  -­‐1,  y  =  ________    

 x  =  -­‐0.5,  y  =  ________    

 x  =  1.1,  y  =  ________    








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Chapter  11  Polynomials:  Factoring    

What  is  the  connection  between  solving  by  factoring  and  x-­‐intercepts?    

This  activity  corresponds  to  Section  11.7  in  the  textbook,  Calculator  Corner  p.  880.      In  this  activity,  you  will:  

1. Solve  each  quadratic  equation  using  the  factoring  method  2. Graph  each  quadratic  function  using  the  graphing  calculator  (previous  graphing  calculator  

activity).    In  order  to  graph,  you  must  make  sure  each  equation  is  written  with  0  on  one  side.    For  example,  in  #2,  you  will  need  to  first  subtract  6x  and  add  9  to  both  sides  of  the  equation  before  you  can  enter  the  function  in  the  graphing  calculator.    When  graphing,  use  the  standard  window.  

3. Find  the  x-­‐intercepts  for  the  graph.    The  x-­‐intercepts  of  the  graph  are  also  known  as  the  zeroes.    After  you  graph  the  function,  we  use  the  ZERO  feature  from  the  CALC  menu  to  find  

the  x-­‐intercepts.    Press  2nd,  TRACE  (which  is  actually  the  CALC  function)  and  select  option  2:  zero.    The  prompt  “Left  Bound?”  appears.    We  use  the    <    or    >    key  to  move  the  cursor  

to  the  left  of  the  intercept  and  press  ENTER.    Now  the  prompt  “Right  Bound?”  appears.    

Then  we  move  the  cursor  to  the  right  of  the  intercept  and  press  ENTER  .    The  prompt  

“Guess?”  appears.    We  move  the  cursor  close  to  the  intercept  and  press  ENTER  again.    The  coordinates  of  the  x-­‐intercept  or  zeros  should  appear.    This  is  one  solution  of  the  equation.    We  can  repeat  this  procedure  to  find  the  other  x-­‐intercept.          

Solve  by  Factoring   Graph  the  original  function   What  are  the  x-­‐intercepts?  1. x2  -­‐  x  -­‐  6  =  0  



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Solve  by  Factoring   Graph  the  original  function   What  are  the  x-­‐intercepts?  2. x2  =  6x  –  9  




3. x2  -­‐  4x  =  0    



4. 9x2  =  16                        




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5. -­‐2x2  +  13x  -­‐  21  =  0    





Do  you  notice  any  connection  between  the  solutions  when  you  solve  by  factoring,  the  graph,  and  the  x-­‐intercepts?  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  












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Chapter  12  Rational  Expressions  and  Equations    

The  Golden  Ratio  

This  activity  corresponds  to  Section  12.9  in  the  textbook.    In  this  activity,  you  will  be  divided  up  into  pairs  and  each  of  you  will  help  your  partner  with  his/her  measurements.      

1. Measure  and  record  the  following.  



2. You  will  now  use  this  data  to  construct  a  line  of  best  fit,  using  the  graphing  calculator.        Entering  the  data:  

Press  STAT  and  choose  option  1:  Edit.    You  will  enter  your  data  in  this  screen.    Before  that,  you  must  clear  any  data  that  is  already  there.    Use  the  cursor  and  highlight  L1.    Press  

CLEAR,  ENTER.    Do  the  same  for  L2.      

Name   List  1     List  2    

Your  Height,  cm     Height  from  floor  to  naval,  cm    

Index  finger,  cm     Index  finger  tip  to  2nd  knuckle,  cm  


Length  of  leg,  cm     Leg  from  hip  to  knee,  cm    

Length  of  arm,  cm     Middle  finger  to  elbow,  cm    

Height  of  head,  chin  to  top,  cm     Chin  to  top  of  ear,  cm    

Top  of  head  to  pupil,  cm     Pupil  to  bottom  of  lower  lip,  cm    

Height  of  head,  chin  to  top,  cm     Width  of  head,  cm    

Tip  of  nose  to  chin,  cm     Top  of  nose  to  chin,  cm    

Tip  of  nose  to  chin,  cm     Pupil  to  tip  of  nose,  cm    

Width  of  nose,  cm     Tip  of  nose  to  upper  lip,  cm    

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Then  enter  your  measurements  from  List  1  in  column  L1.    Each  time  you  enter  a  number  you  

must  press  ENTER.    Next  enter  your  measurements  from  List  2  in  the  graphing  calculator  in  column  L2.  

Graphing  the  data:  

Press  2nd,    Y=    (which  is  the  STAT  PLOT  function)  and  select  1:Plot  1.    On  the  next  screen,  set  up  the  plot  as  shown.  


  To  view  in  the  appropriate  window,  press  ZOOM  and  choose  9:ZoomStat.      

Finding  a  linear  regression:  

In  order  to  calculate  the  regression  line,  you  must  be  in  the  home  screen  which  you  can  get  

to  by  pressing    2nd  ,  MODE.    Press  STAT  and  use  the  cursor  to  highlight  CALC.    Then  you  will  want  to  choose  option  4:LinReg  (ax+b).      


Next  press    2nd  ,      1    (which  will  actually  give  you  L1)  Then  press  in    ,  ,    2nd  ,      2        (which  will  actually  give  you  L2)  and      ENTER  .    This  will  give  you  the  linear  regression  equation  in  the  form  y  =  ax  +  b.  

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To  graph  the  regression  line:  

In  order  to  graph  the  regression  line,  press    Y=  ,(making  sure  you  clear  any  equations  that  

are  already  there).    Press    VARS  ,  select  5:Statistics,  use  your  cursor  to  highlight  EQ,  and  choose  1:RegEQ.    The  regression  equation  you  found  should  have  been  automatically  

entered  for  the  equation  Y1.    Press    GRAPH    and  the  regression  will  be  graphed  on  the  same  screen  as  your  scatter  plot.  


3. Please  sketch  your  scatter  plot  and  regression  line.    Also,  give  the  equation  for  your  regression  line.  











Regression  Line  Equation:  _____________________________________  

What  is  the  slope  &  y-­‐intercept  of  this  line?  



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 12   Graphing  Calculator  Activities  

Chapter  14  Radical  Expressions  and  Equations    

Solving  Radical  Equations  

This  activity  corresponds  to  Section  14.5  in  the  textbook,  Calculator  Corner  p.  1081.      Students  will  use  the  graphing  calculator  to  solve  or  check  solutions  to  radical  equations.      

Consider  the  equation    𝑥 − 5 = 𝑥 + 7.    First,  we  will  solve  it  algebraically,  using  the  methods  from  Section  14.5.  









Now  we  will  check  our  solutions  using  the  graphing  calculator.    We  first  graph  each  side  of  the  equation.    Enter  y1  =  x  –  5  and  y2  =   𝑥 + 7.      Instead  of  using  a  standard  window,  we  will  adjust  the  

window  so  we  can  see  the  solution  to  the  graph.    Press    WINDOW    and  use  the  window  [-­‐2,  12,  -­‐6,  6].  

Xmin  =  -­‐2  Xmax  =  12  Xscl  =  1  Ymin  =  -­‐6  Ymax  =  6  Yscl  =  1  Xres  =  1    

Then  press    GRAPH    to  see  the  graph  of  the  two  equations.  

In  order  to  find  the  point  of  intersection,  we  will  use  the  INTERSECT  feature.    Press    2nd  ,  TRACE,  (which  is  the  CALC  function)  and  select  5:intersect.    The  query  “First  curve?”  appears  on  the  screen.    

The  blinking  cursor  should  already  be  positioned  on  the  graph  of  y1.    We  press  ENTER  to  indicate  that  this  is  the  first  curve  involved  in  the  intersection.    Next,  the  query,  “Second  curve?”  appears  

and  the  blinking  cursor  should  be  positioned  on  the  graph  of  y2.    We  press  ENTER  to  indicate  that  

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this  is  the  second  curve.    Now  it  asks,  “Guess?”,  so  use  the    ←    or    →    keys  to  move  the  cursor  

close  to  the  point  of  intersection  and  press  ENTER    The  coordinates  of  the  point  of  intersection  should  appear  at  the  bottom  of  the  screen.    Thus  the  solution  of  the  equation  is  (9,  4).    Note  that  the  graph  shows  a  single  solution,  whereas  the  algebraic  solution  yields  two  possible  solutions,  9  and  2,  that  must  be  checked.    The  check  shows  that  9  is  the  only  solution.  

Solve  the  following  equations  first  algebraically,  then  with  the  graphing  calculator:  

1. Solve      𝑥 − 1 = 𝑥 + 5  









  Sketch  the  graph:  









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2. Solve      3 + 27 − 3𝑥 = 𝑥  








  Sketch  the  graph:  















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 15   Graphing  Calculator  Activities  

Chapter  15  Quadratic  Equations    

This  activity  corresponds  to  Section  15.6  in  the  textbook.      In  this  activity,  you  will  investigate  various  parts  of  a  parabola,  such  as  the  vertex  and  how  these  parts  relate  to  a  quadratic  equation  in  the  form,  = 𝑎𝑥! + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐  .  

For  each  equation,  first  identify  a,  b,  &  c.    Then  calculate  𝒙 = − 𝒃𝟐𝒂  and  substitute  back  into  the  

equation  to  find  y.  

Then  use  the  graphing  calculator  to  draw  a  sketch  of  the  graph  (we  learned  how  to  do  this  in  a  previous  activity).    Next  indicate  on  the  table  whether  the  graph  opens  up  or  down.  

Use  the  graphing  calculator  to  find  the  vertex  of  the  graph.    To  find  the  vertex,  you  must  first  determine  if  you  are  looking  for  a  maximum  or  minimum,  depending  on  whether  the  graph  opens  

up  or  down.    Press    2nd  ,  TRACE,  (which  is  the  CALC  function)  and  select  3:minimum  (if  the  graph  opens  up)  or  select  4:maximum  (if  the  graph  opens  down).    Then  the  calculator  will  give  a  prompt,  

“Left  Bound?”    Use  the    ←    or    →    keys  to  move  the  cursor  to  the  left  of  the  vertex  and  press  

ENTER.    The  calculator  will  give  a  prompt,  “Right  Bound?”    Use  the    ←    or    →    keys  to  move  the  

cursor  to  the  right  of  the  vertex  and  press  ENTER.    Now  it  asks,  “Guess?”,  so  use  the    ←    or    →    keys  to  move  the  cursor  close  to  the  point  of  intersection  and  press  ENTER  .    The  calculator  will  give  you  either  the  minimum  or  maximum,  which  is  the  vertex  of  the  parabola.  

Quadratic  Equation  𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥! + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐  

 1. What  is  a,  b,  and  c?  2. Find  𝒙 = − 𝒃


3. Use  the  x  value  you  found  to  find  the  y-­‐value,  by  substituting  in  the  equation.  

Graph   Opens  up  or  down?  

Vertex  from  the  graphing  calculator  

𝑦 = 𝑥! − 3  



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 16   Graphing  Calculator  Activities  

Quadratic  Equation  𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥! + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐  

 4. What  is  a,  b,  and  c?  5. Find  𝒙 = − 𝒃


6. Use  the  x  value  you  found  to  find  the  y-­‐value,  by  substituting  in  the  equation.  

Graph   Opens  up  or  down?  

Vertex  from  the  graphing  calculator  

𝑦 = −3𝑥! + 6𝑥  



𝑦 = 𝑥! − 4𝑥 + 4  



𝑦 = 5 − 𝑥 − 𝑥!  





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 17   Graphing  Calculator  Activities  

What  observations  or  connections  can  you  make  between  the  quadratic  equation,  its  graph,  vertex  

and  𝒙 = − 𝒃𝟐𝒂?  
