Ascentis 2014 Page 1 of 16 Turn Over Instructions Do not open this paper until you are told to do so Write your answers in the spaces provided in this assessment paper Answer all questions Stick your candidate label in the box provided Guidance You are advised to work through the paper steadily, dividing your time between the tasks If you have used any additional sheets, make sure your name is written on each sheet and they are included with your work There are 6 tasks to be completed For Examiners Use Only Task A Task B Task C Task D1 Task D2 Task E Reading and Writing Assessment Paper Time: 2 hours 30 minutes Ascentis ESOL International You must have: A pen black or blue ink Please stick your candidate label here 1 st March 2014 31 August 2015


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  • Ascentis 2014 Page 1 of 16

    Turn Over

    Instructions Do not open this paper until you are told to do so Write your answers in the spaces provided in this assessment paper Answer all questions Stick your candidate label in the box provided

    Guidance You are advised to work through the paper steadily, dividing your time between

    the tasks If you have used any additional sheets, make sure your name is written on each

    sheet and they are included with your work There are 6 tasks to be completed

    For Examiners Use Only Task A Task B Task C Task D1 Task D2 Task E

    Reading and Writing Assessment Paper

    Time: 2 hours 30 minutes

    Ascentis ESOL International

    You must have: A pen black or blue ink

    Please stick your candidate label here

    1st March 2014 31 August 2015

  • Page 2 of 16

    Task A (10 marks) Write ONE word only in each gap.

    1 Many people have been feeling the during

    the recession.

    2 By and the author is successful in her portrayal of male characters.

    3 Man first set on the moon in the twentieth century.

    4 The MP fought tooth and to get the bill through.

    5 Sorry Im late. I lost of time.

    6 Im sorry I said that; it was just a of the tongue.

    7 I managed to keep the cold at by drinking lots of warm lemon juice.

    8 Everyone fell when she told the joke.

    9 In Saturdays violent storm the new flood defences were put to the .

    10 Im hopeless at telling jokes because I can never remember the .

    Total marks

    Task A

  • Page 3 of 16

    Task B (15 marks) Write a new sentence which is as close to the meaning of the given sentence as possible, using the word or phrase given. You may not change the word or phrase in any way.

    1 The costume design was much better than expected.


    ................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................

    2 I wonder how likely he is to get the gold medal this year. (chances)

    ................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................

    3 When we examined it we saw the fault. (inspection)

    ................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................

    4 The boy got very wet although he wore cycling waterproofs. (wrapping up)

    ................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................

    5 Students usually sit their school leaving certificate at the age of sixteen. (taken)

    .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

  • Page 4 of 16 Turn Over

    6 She didnt think about how much the holiday was likely to cost.

    (consideration) .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 7 Dont get involved in this John, it has nothing to do with you.

    (keep) .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 8 A number of sporting events had to be cancelled owing to the bad weather.

    (led) .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

    9 Paula really should get someone to mend her door bell.

    (high) .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 10 Its so difficult to think of plans which will satisfy everyone.

    (come) .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

  • Page 5 of 16

    11 Carlo agreed to help me out even though he didnt have much warning.

    (short) .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 12 The profits are down this year so there may not be a pay rise for anyone.

    (count) .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 13 May I open the window?

    (objection) .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 14 I loved the scenery and lifestyle in Hong Kong but I hated the weather?

    (much) .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 15 She was forced to resign her position as chair of the committee

    (stand) .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................

    Total marks


  • Page 6 of 16

    Task C Reading (5 marks) There are fifteen headlines below and ten short news stories on the opposite page. In the answer grid below the headlines, match each story letter with the best headline number. There are five headlines you do not need.

    1 Weaker but still ferocious

    2 Chefs strike lucky

    3 Guildford strike in last minute

    4 British cinema takes Hollywood by storm

    5 Under water again

    6 Vandals strike in Surrey

    7 British actress wins US contract

    8 Travel disruption due to strike

    9 Battering finally blowing over

    10 Chef cooks up perfect storm

    11 Flood damage claims

    12 Tube strike misery

    13 Celebrity in coaching cheat storm

    14 Flood drills warning

    15 Talks to resume next week

    Write your answers here. Match the number of the headline to the letter of the article.

    A B C D E F G H I J

    Total marks

    Task C

  • Page 7 of 16

    H The storm that ravaged Britain yesterday

    from the West Country to the North Sea is

    forecast to be the last of the severe

    depressions that have hit Britain since

    before the New Year, a Met Office

    spokesman said yesterday. Milder air is

    expected to bring relief to storm damaged


  • Page 8 of 16

    Task D Part One (10 marks)

    Read this article about one response to the gun trade and answer Part One and Part Two

    From guns to gardening: ending the illegal arms trade

    The USA's lax gun laws are fuelling a massive illegal arms trade across its border into Mexico. According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, two out of three illegal firearms found in Mexico originate in the USA. Each year, over 253,000 guns purchased in the United States are smuggled south of the border.

    Why should this be cause for concern? The direct correlation between gun ownership in cities and gun violence is true regardless of location. However, the paramount issue that is specific to the U.S.-Mexico border is the link between illegal guns and the drug trade into the USA.

    Without firearms, the ability of gangs to acquire and smuggle drugs would be greatly weakened. For this reason, reducing the proliferation of illegal guns flowing across the border is a security issue that Capitol Hill cannot ignore.

    In the absence of effective methods to deal with U.S.-Mexico gun traffic, Pedro Reyes, a young Mexican artist, has achieved a milestone in combating the illegal trade of guns. He has broken Mexicos all-time record for the most guns that have been voluntarily surrendered. Born and raised in Mexico, he has witnessed the effects of gun violence in his country, and has decided to engage directly with the population that is most endangered by it.

    In 2007, Reyes project Shovels for Guns in Culiacn, Mexico made its debut by airing TV ads revealing the dangers posed by handguns. The commercials invited citizens to voluntarily surrender their guns in exchange for coupons that could be used in local stores - no questions asked.

    With support from local authorities and the Botanical Garden of Culiacn, Reyes melted and re-moulded 1,527 guns into gardening tools. Using the shovels he created, Reyes then organized public tree plantings to show how an object that can be used to destroy life could instead be employed to support it.

    A recent study released in 2013 found that the amount of gun violence in teen-marketed movies has more than tripled since 1985 in the USA. Video games that are known for their violence top the global sales charts. On social media, a surprising number of gun-lords have started bragging about their guns by posing for photos with them. Reyes does not underestimate the interconnectedness between art and political change: Film, television, and video games are a big advertisement for guns. Its very easy to be seduced by guns, and the sense of power thats tied to them, he said. Most recently, Reyes work of transforming guns into inspiring objects has taken on a new dimension. With a growing following, Reyes has since launched two new projects that transform firearms into musical instruments. Incorporating intricately crafted woodwind and percussive instruments, the project sounds as beautiful as it looks.

    The fight against gun trafficking and violence will be waged on both cultural and political stages. Reyes projects encapsulate the type of work that advocates are using to engage people in candid conversations about a controversial subject. Reyes believes that political artwork can bring about real change. Alone, however, it is not enough.

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    On the political stage, a tough road lies ahead for those who seek to curb gun trafficking. According to a 2012 study, nearly half of all U.S. firearms dealers depend on business with Mexico. Were illegal gun trafficking to stop, so would the cash flow of retailers. Gun lobbyists will do everything in their power to prevent this from happening.

    A new bipartisan bill introduced to Congress in 2013, presented a number of viable options to deal with this issue. Should it be passed, the bill would help both Mexico and the USA by supporting law enforcement officials to investigate and prosecute gun trafficking.

    During a speech earlier this year, Barak Obama said that U.S. gun policy reform can "save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States." If Pedro Reyes can gain more momentum in the upper echelons of the political sphere, he may be able to help solve a truly important international issue.

    Adapted from http://www.opendemocracy.net/transformation/marguerite-ward/from-guns-to-gardening-ending-illegal-arms-trade

    Replace these phrases or words with other phrases or words of your own so that the article still reads correctly, both grammatically and in the sense of what is said. The words or phrases are all underlined in the article so that you can find their context easily. One of them has been done for you as an example. There may be more than one way of answering; answer the way you think best.

    Example: Correlation

    1 Paramount

    2 Proliferation


  • Page 10 of 16

    3 Engage

    4 Made its debut

    5 Bragging

    6 Crafted

    7 Advocates

    8 Curb

    9 Viable

    10 Momentum

    Total marks Task D1

  • Page 11 of 16

    Task D Part Two (10 marks) Write a prcis of no more than 150 words showing how culture and guns are interlinked in the article. You may use the space below to make notes. These notes are for your own use and are not marked by the examiner. Write your finished prcis on the next page.

  • Page 12 of 16 Turn Over

    Write your prcis here:

  • Page 13 of 16

    Total marks Task D2

  • Page 14 of 16

    Task E (30 marks) Use your own ideas and, if you wish, the notes below and ideas from the article in Section D, to write a structured composition of between 300 and 350 words on the following topic: Should children be given guns as toys? attitudes and access to guns in different countries around the world

    violent crime and use of guns, including mass school shootings

    portrayal of guns in media

    childrens ability to distinguish fact and fantasy

    gender differences in toys and free play

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    Total marks

    Task E