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Master’s Degree Course Study Exams - Amazon S3 what Christ meant when he said, “In my Father’s House there are many mansions”. 2 8. The experience of what level of the mind

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Master’s Degree Course Study Exams

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University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

The Metaphysical Psychology of Consciousness � Part I

1. What are the age-old questions that Metaphysics seeks to answer?

2. What fields since the middle 1960’s have added credibility to Metaphysics?

3. How is the role of Metaphysics changing? Discuss.

4. Who will probably go down in history as the greatest psychologist of this century? Explain why this is the case.

5. What did Jung say about what the East knows about the human mind, as compared to Western Psychology?

6. With whom, and with what movement, did Metaphysics have its strongest beginnings in the United States?

7. Along what line of thinking were Mary Baker Eddy’s interpretations of Christ’s teachings? Discuss.


8. How would you describe the source of the teachings of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore?

9. What was the difference between Holmes’ teaching of Religious Science in comparison to Unity and Christian Science?

10. How did meditation suddenly become so popular in the 1960’s? Discuss.

11. What combination of practices is used in Silva Mind Control?

12. What was Werner Erhard’s contribution to the Metaphysical field?

13. Who brought Metaphysics on a mass scale to the African American community?

14. Why did the Founder of the National Metaphysics Institute and the University of Metaphysics place so much emphasis on large-scale advertising in the Los Angeles area? Explain the process and its impact and results.


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

Conscious Spiritual Self-Realization for Success � Part II 1. Describe the basic truth that underscores all Metaphysical teachings?

2. “One Great Mind” is referred to by what other terms?

3. What are some names given to the innermost nature of the mind?

4. What is the real meaning of being Born Again? Explain.

5. Explain what is meant by the “Kingdom of Heaven” according to Metaphysics?

6. Discuss Christ’s central teachings.

7. Explain what Christ meant when he said, “In my Father’s House there are many mansions”.


8. The experience of what level of the mind has the greatest life-transforming power?

9. What description best fits the experience of the innermost mind?

10. In classical Western Psychology, what constitutes a definition of “neurotic”?

11. What is happening to the “libido” in neurosis?

12. Discuss why people withdraw into themselves during neurosis?

13. Why do neurotic people setup defense mechanisms?

14. What is Western Psychology’s traditional answer to coping with the problem of neurosis?

15. What is the fallacy in Western Psychology’s traditional approach to curing neurosis?

16. What alternative does Metaphysics offer to “temporary oneness” or “temporary identity”?


17. Discuss and describe what all who have experienced “Cosmic Consciousness” seem to agree on?

18. What length of time is the average Universal Oneness experience?

19. How long will the “after effect” of Cosmic Consciousness last, and what is its effect on how ones identity functions?

20. How does one adjust to time-space changes after experiencing Metaphysical Awareness of Universal Oneness?

21. What effect does a Consciousness of Universal Oneness have on one’s neurotic walls? Describe.

22. Compare and discuss the view of Metaphysics versus Traditional Psychology in regard to the Consciousness of Universal Oneness. Relate this to the impact of Metaphysics.


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

The Metaphysical Psychology of Consciousness � Part III 1. According to Jung, at what level of the mind does transformation of the personality take

place? Discuss its contribution to Metaphysics.

2. What is meant by Archetypes of the Unconscious?

3. Discuss Archetypes in terms of the Conscious Mind and Controlling Archetypes.

4. How do religious symbols seen in visions relate to the Collective Unconscious?

5. Explain and describe how the concept of Archetypes relates to Metaphysics and a Ruling Intelligence?

6. According to Metaphysicians, how does ESP affect people in their daily lives?

7. What are psychic researchers find regarding ESP?


8. How does the subconscious memory bank of the mind relate to the psychic level of the mind?

9. Discuss the operation of the psychic level of the mind in terms of energy frequencies. Describe and explain; relate to thoughts.

10. How does the above work in one’s daily life? Explain.

11. Discuss the term “Like attracts like,” and how it relates to psychic levels.

12. How are thoughts like magnets? Illustrate.

13. Describe the Personal Subconscious Mind.

14. Discuss what is meant by “thought accumulation” and relate to what the majority of one’s conscious reactions are based upon.

15. Discuss how people are conditioned to react when they have accumulated failure experiences, and what can be done to clear them.

16. What is an affirmation in Metaphysics?


17. Why is the word “already” used in Metaphysical affirmations?

18. How may such affirmations be thought of or practiced?

19. Discuss how self-hypnosis can benefit the mind.

20. What percentage of illnesses is mental in origin?

21. What is the relationship between the personal subconscious and body chemistry? Discuss.

22. Discuss what is meant when humans are referred to as psycho-physical units.

23. Explain what Metaphysics teaches that must be done to the personal subconscious to achieve maximum health.

24. Discuss the role of conscious mind in relation to good mental and physical health.

25. Discuss the two influences exerted on the conscious mind and how metaphysical practices can have an impact.


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

The Metaphysical Psychology of Consciousness � Part IV 1. What is the origin of most Western metaphysics?

2. Name the major branches of classical yoga.

3. What is Hatha Yoga? Discuss.

4. Name the psychic centers or chakras.

5. Explain what each psychic center relates to in terms of self-growth?

6. How is knowledge of the psychic centers gained?

7. Explain what happens in the three stages of internal psychic vision?

8. What is Kundalini, and discuss its role in activation of the psychic centers?


9. Are all of the psychic centers activated at one time? Discuss.

10. What is said to be the relationship between the Wheel of Birth ad total activation of all psychic centers?

11. Discuss the Root Chakra, its location, and its energy in relation to awakening.

12. Discuss the Navel Chakra, its location, and its energy in relation to awakening.

13. What ability does the activation of the Spleen Chakra bring? Discuss.

14. With what is the activation of the Heart Chakra usually associated? Describe and discuss.

15. What happens during activation of the Heart Chakra that is different from other chakras in terms of psychical perception?

16. What is gained through activation of the Throat Chakra? Discuss.

17. To what is the Forehead Chakra sometimes referred?


18. Discuss the function of the Forehead Chakra.

19. What is the benefit of activation of the Crown Chakra?

20. Summarize the function and benefits of the Chakras.

21. Describe and discuss Bhakti Yoga.

22. Describe and discuss Karma Yoga.

23. Which of the five major branches of yoga is most adaptable to the active Westerner? Explain why.

24. What is Jnana Yoga and how does it work?

25. How does one practice Raja Yoga?

26. Is Raja Yoga likely to be practiced by most Westerners? Explain your answer.


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examinations

Psychic-Mystical Aspects of Metaphysics � Part I 1. Empirical Science is based upon what facts? Discuss.

2. On what is the Science of Metaphysician based?

3. Explain and discuss the intent of this lesson.

4. Compare and contrast the approaches of Psychism and Mysticism.

5. What did Christ advise his disciples in regard to physical knowledge?

6. Summarize the difference between Psychism and Mysticism.

7. Does Psychism guarantee self-growth? Explain and discuss.


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examinations

Psychic-Mystical Aspects of Metaphysics � Part II 1. Compare what Metaphysics, as opposed to Traditional Religion, tells people to do regarding

life-after-death beliefs.

2. How does “knowledge” of life-after-death come to the Metaphysician? Explain.

3. Can the average person gain first-hand knowledge regarding the existence of life-after-death? Explain.

4. Explain the relationship between deep, unconscious levels of the mind, and the astral, after-death world.

5. What happens to the outer energy factor of one’s senses as death approaches? Explain and discuss.

6. Do most psychics and mystics believe that there is more than one astral dimension? Discuss.

7. How does the emotional energy factor affect what one sees psychically in the astral world?


8. Explain and describe what determines what astral plane a person will end up in at the time of death. Include what is meant by carrying out own heaven or hell within us.

9. Explain what the above statements are based on.

10. Where is the astral body located during physical life?

11. What is astral body projection?

12. Under what emotional condition is astral projection more likely to occur?

13. Is there a detrimental side to students concentrating their time on astral projection? Explain the significance of this point.


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

Psychic-Mystical Aspects of Metaphysics � Part III 1. How much of the world’s population believe in reincarnation, and what affects this


2. Did Christ make any statement indicating a belief in reincarnation? Explain.

3. Discuss how a Metaphysical person gains direct knowledge of reincarnation.

4. Summarize the concept of reincarnation as mystics view it.

5. What is the personal karmic reason for a person reincarnating? Explain the process.

6. What is the role of a soul that breaks the need to reincarnate? Discuss.

7. Discuss how much time is spent in the astral world by less-evolved and more-evolved souls.


8. Explain why a highly-evolved soul would reincarnate if the soul did not have to do so.

9. Does one always reincarnate back to this particular planet?

10. What happens between lifetimes in the astral world?

11. Is a reincarnating soul drawn to certain parents? Discuss.

12. Explain and discuss the relationship between karma and reincarnation.

13. Discuss what practice, in addition to meditation, has given researchers knowledge of reincarnation.

14. Explain and discuss the value and significance of the reincarnation philosophy.


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

Pastoral Psychology � Part I 1. What gives an individual the legal right to counsel people?

2. Does a doctoral degree in itself give one the legal right to counsel others?

3. How does the psychologist differ from the metaphysician in terms of counseling?

4. Explain why metaphysical counselors should never present themselves as psychologists.

5. What areas of metaphysical counseling require one to take extra care in terms of legalities?

6. Describe what should be done to legally protect oneself if doing considerable counseling in the above areas.

7. Describe the guidelines that should be followed when receiving phone requests for counseling from someone you don’t know.


8. Discuss the factors involved in scheduling consultations.

9. What type of form should be used for seeing people on an initial consultation, and what should it include?

10. Discuss the purpose of a coded file.

11. What are the five points to take into consideration in an initial appointment?

12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a tape recorder in counseling?

13. Discuss the best length of time for a consultation and why this should be followed closely.

14. What should the counselor do in the final ten minutes of a consultation, and why?

15. How can the counselor gracefully end a consultation in the final moments?

16. How should a metaphysical consultation begin, in order to distinguish it from a psychotherapeutic consultation?


17. Discuss the nine points to be considered in creating a counseling office atmosphere.

18. Describe the seven components that may be used in a consultation.

19. What three factors should be considered before recommending reading material between consultations?

20. Describe and discuss what should be considered, and why, when counseling highly esoteric or occult students.


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

Pastoral Psychology � Part II 1. What types of counselors encounter transference and why is it significant?

2. Describe what the counselor becomes and represents to the person seeking counseling.

3. Describe and discuss the hypothetical example of what occurs in transference.

4. Describe what symbol the counselor can become to the client due to the spiritual nature of the counseling.

5. What factors enable the counselor to sense a transference build-up in the client?

6. What creates the need for closeness in the client’s mind when transference is occurring?

7. What is the “critical stage” of transference?

8. Describe what is meant by counter-transference on the part of the counselor.


9. Describe the eight suggestions the counselor should follow to deal with transference and counter-transference.

10. Explain why the counselor changes from a Christ-Symbol to a Devil-Symbol in the client’s mind.

11. What damage might a client, who now views the counselor as a Devil-Symbol, inflict?

12. Explain what happens to your ability as a counselor to help the person, should you yield to counter-transference.

13. What did Jung say in regard to transference?

14. Should an inexperienced counselor run the risk of transference?

15. Now that you are aware of the possibility of transference and counter-transference, what should you ask yourself as a counselor?

16. What is your duty as a counselor, and how would counter-transference affect it?


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

The Practitioner’s Metaphysical Healing Practice

1. What is a Metaphysical Practitioner?

2. Which metaphysical movement started the concept of a practitioner?

3. What is meant by the term Absent Healing?

4. How does Absent Healing work?

5. What does the practitioner do to practice Absent Healing?

6. At what time of day should an Absent Healing treatment be given?

7. Why is it important for a practitioner to follow the specific guidelines given in the lesson?

8. Why should a practitioner never attempt to diagnose a physical condition?


9. Should a practitioner ever prescribe medication? Explain your answer.

10. Explain why caution should be used in the laying on of hands.

11. What care should be taken as a practitioner if using equipment of any kind in treatments?

12. Explain what added precaution should be taken as a practitioner if intending to do a great deal of healing work.

13. Explain how long it takes for treatments to be successful.

14. Why, in some cases, would one’s condition worsen in early stages of treatment?

15. Describe the four parts of a basic practitioner’s treatment.

16. Discuss why the practitioner’s attitude is all-important in regard to the client.

17. What is meant by the term Argumentative Method?


18. Describe the three steps Dr. Masters employs in practitioners’ treatments.

19. Describe and discuss what takes place between the practitioner and the client that allows the practitioner’s treatments to work.

20. What happens when a practitioner contacts Universal Consciousness within themselves?

21. Explain and illustrate what happens in the client’s mind after the practitioner has contacted Universal Consciousness in their own mind.

22. How should the methods used by individual practitioners be chosen?

23. Discuss what fees a practitioner should charge for services.

24. Explain the practitioner’s moral responsibility in treatments.

25. What is the meaning of the term Prana, and what are some terms by which the Western mind can refer to it?


26. Name the three basic techniques used in the Prana Method, and state the purpose of each one.

27. What distinguishes the directing techniques?

28. Name the four directing techniques and state the purpose of each one.

29. For how long have the laying on of hands techniques been practiced?

30. Describe how to prepare one’s hands before applying the laying on of hands techniques.

31. What is the main benefit of the stroking technique?

32. What are the three ways to apply the kneading technique?

33. Name the three methods of applying the percussion technique, and state the purpose for each one.

34. What is the benefit of the vibrational technique?


35. What are the points to remember while applying the techniques?

36. What is the main reason for learning to breathe rhythmically?

37. Discuss the difference between regular breathing and breathing in Prana energy.

38. Describe the technique of breathing to eliminate pain.

39. What breathing technique works well for thawing cold toes, and why does it work?

40. What are the primary benefits for using the breath of fire technique?

41. Explain why caution must be used with the breath of fire technique.

42. What is the primary purpose of the general breathing treatment?


University of Metaphysics Bachelor’s Degree/Minister’s, Practitioner’s Diplomas - Exams

Professionalism: Your Doctoral Image and Dealings with the Public

1. Discuss how people may judge a person who moves from the role of student to that of a professional, and the importance of following the lesson’s guidelines.

2. How is it recommended that a doctoral professional dress?

3. Which do students tend to respond to in regard to dress – the casual or formal look?

4. Explain how it is advisable for the doctoral professional to dress when not teaching, counseling or ministering.

5. Explain what generally occurs when doctoral professionals drop their professional distance with their students.

6. What did Christ say in regard to Guru Worshipping, and what did he mean?

7. What generally happens when a doctoral professional socializes with students?


8. Discuss what the doctoral professional should take into consideration when selecting coworkers.

9. Should doctoral professionals give their home phone number to clients? Explain your answer.

10. Explain what is meant by “chronic phone neurotics” and how to handle them.

11. What is one demonstration of love when handling problems with phone calls?

12. How can doctoral professionals safeguard themselves regarding transference, if operating out of a combination residence-center?

13. If not operating out of a residence, should doctoral professionals keep their home address private? Explain your answer.

14. What is the advantage of using voicemail or a telephone answering machine?

15. Discuss the doctoral professional’s manner in public.

16. In conclusion, what are two main points to remember?


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

Dream Interpretation: It’s Role in Metaphysics 1. What is a key way that knowledge of metaphysical dream interpretation can help students?

2. Describe the four most significant areas in which metaphysical dream interpretation can provide help.

3. What are the five main aspects of students’ lives that can be improved by understanding dreams?

4. Describe the two-fold role of the metaphysical doctor regarding dreams.

5. Explain and discuss what is meant by REM Time.

6. What is a valid and frequent complaint of students in regard to their dreams?

7. What generally happens when students take an interest in their dreams?


8. Explain what creates dreams in the first place.

9. How is the subconscious affected by the phenomenon discussed in the answer to the previous question?

10. Describe the two methods that can be used to stimulate dream recall.

11. Describe researchers’ findings when subjects were awakened during their dreams.

12. Explain the significance of the above findings.

13. Discuss the metaphysical implication of the above findings.

14. Discuss the meaning of the term Higher Intelligence as used in this lesson.


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

Meditation and Its Significance in Metaphysical Practice 1. Why is the practice of meditation so important in regard to metaphysical teachings?

2. Describe what creates the philosophy, psychology, and concepts of metaphysics.

3. Explain and discuss the meditational experience, and its significance to a Doctor of Metaphysics.

4. Discuss beginning (Western) versus more advanced (Eastern) meditation, and when they should be taught by a Doctor of Metaphysics.

5. Discuss when and why lighter practices of Meditation should be suggested to a person who has been practicing deeper Meditation.

6. What has attracted the average person without metaphysical interests to Meditation?

7. When is it appropriate to stress deeper metaphysical aspects of Meditation?


8. Discuss the advantages and considerations of teaching meditation privately on a one-on-one basis.

9. Discuss the advantages and considerations of teaching meditation in a class atmosphere.

10. What are some encouraging motivations for having a career in the metaphysical area?


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

Self-Hypnosis and Its Relation to Metaphysical Practice 1. Discuss why most ministers engage in the practice of hypnosis in a quiet manner.

2. Discuss why the Doctor of Metaphysics should be confined to teaching self-hypnosis.

3. Explain and illustrate the similarities between Meditational and Self-Hypnotic practices.

4. How does being a student of Self-Hypnosis affect one’s ability to practice Meditation? Explain your answer.

5. What are the standard goals of Self-Hypnosis?

6. How do the above goals differ from the metaphysical goals of Self-Hypnosis? Explain.

7. How do the goals of Western Meditation relate to the objectives of Self-Hypnosis? Discuss.


8. How does Self-Hypnosis relate to Metaphysical Practice?

9. Discuss the goal of Eastern Meditation and its “byproducts.”

10. Discuss what is meant by using Self-Hypnosis metaphysically as a Release Mechanism.

11. Discuss the advantages of teaching Self-Hypnosis in a class atmosphere and/or privately.

12. If you wish to practice Self-Hypnosis by name, what points in regard to legalities should you consider?


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

The Bible and Metaphysics

1. Discuss what is truly necessary in order to interpret the Bible. Explain your answer.

2. What should you, as a Doctor of Metaphysics, understand about the Bible? Explain.

3. What do traditional theologians tend to do in regard to interpreting the Bible?

4. When interpreting Matthew: Chapter 6, Verse 6, what is Jesus’ actual instruction? Compare this with traditional interpretation.

5. When interpreting Matthew: Chapter 6, Verse 22, how does Jesus gain his knowledge? Discuss.

6. Why can Luke: Chapter 17, Verse 20-21 be taken literally?

7. What is the thrust of all metaphysical religious teachings, and how does that compare with Christ’s teachings?


8. Why should you never doubt your own Ministerial authority? Discuss.


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

Yoga: Its Adaptation to Western Thinking

1. Discuss what a doctoral professional of metaphysics can do to make Yoga more acceptable to the Western mind.

2. What was the original purpose of Hatha Yoga?

3. How can Hatha Yoga open the door to deeper Metaphysical teachings?

4. What are the main points to be gained from the author’s example from his own experience?

5. What is the intention of Bhakti Yoga and where would it be most acceptable?

6. What type of person should consider Jnana Yoga in their doctoral career? Explain.

7. What is the author’s experience in relation to Jnana Yoga illustrating?


8. What does Karma mean?

9. Why is Karma Yoga adaptable to Western thinking? Discuss.

10. What, in essence, is Raja Yoga?

11. What type of personality would find Raja Yoga appealing?


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

Metaphysical Semantics and Doctoral Communication

1. Discuss why understanding the application of Semantics is so important to you as a Doctor of Metaphysics.

2. What are some reasons that the word “God” is unacceptable to some people?

3. What three points should you, as a Doctor of Metaphysics, consider if giving a lecture?

4. What are some terms that may be used instead of “God” in a lecture?

5. At what time during a lecture is it best to inject the word “God”? Explain your answer.

6. How else might the above principle be applied?

7. What is an advisable way to communicate to an audience that has no metaphysical background?

8. What is some good professional advice in the context of this lesson, and how might this be accomplished?


University of Metaphysics Master’s Degree Examination

Your Choice of Metaphysical Operation: Teaching, Counseling Center, or Church

1. Regarding what type of operation to choose, what are some factors to consider?

2. From a legal standpoint, what type of operation is best?

3. Based on your geographic location, what two factors should be weighed carefully?

4. If you choose to specialize in education and counseling, discuss what you should do to cover yourself legally.

5. What factors should be considered when choosing legal counsel? Discuss.

6. If finances are limited, how should one start an operation? Explain.

7. Explain what is meant by Proportional Spending.


8. What is an inexpensive way that furnishings might be secured for your operation?

9. What is more advisable – an office or store-front operation? Why?

10. Is it advisable to rent or lease when starting an operation? Explain.

11. What features must be considered in regard to your facility?

12. If zoning ordinances permit you working at home, what points must you consider?

13. Can success be achieved if you must start out operating from your home? Explain.