© 2010, OpenThink Labs. All Rights Reserved It's Alive Add life to your static pages --rev01-- Wildan Maulana [email protected]

Mastering PHP - it's alive (1)

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It's Alive

Add life to your static pages--rev01--

Wildan [email protected]

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HTML is static and boring

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PHP brings web pages to life

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Form help us capture the data

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Forms are made of HTML

HTML acts on the Client and ....

PHP acts on the SERVER

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Use PHP to Access the Form Data

$_POST['var_name'] ...... [1]$_GET_['var_name'] ...... [2]

1. http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.post.php2. http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.get.php

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PHP scripts must live on a server!

src: http://www.flickr.com/photos/keith324/185799373/

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Get your PHP scripts to the server

Copy the example scripts to the root directory of the server, or .....

You can setup a new virtual host

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The server turns PHP into HTML

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Deconstructing Owen's PHP scripts

//open : examples/ch01/final/aliens/report.php

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A few PHP rules to code by● PHP code always enclosed by <?php and ?>● Every PHP statement must end with semicolon (;)● If there is any PHP code in a web page, it's a

good idea to name the file on the web with .php not .html

● PHP variable must begin with a dollar sign ($)

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Finding the perfect variable name● The first character must be a dollar sign ($)● A variable name must be at least one character in length ● The first character after the dollar sign can be a letter or an

underscore (_), and characters after that can be a letter, an underscore, or a number

● Spaces and special character other than _ and $ are not allowed in any part of variable name

● (+) Use lowercase for variable name ● (+) Separate words in a multi-word variable name with

under score

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Variables are for storing script data● $where = “at home”● $_POST[“email”] = “[email protected]

//see : slide 6, for more information about $_POST and $_GET variable

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Sending Email with PHP

bool mail ( string $to , string $subject , string $message [, string $additional_headers [, string $additional_parameters ]] )

//see : http://id2.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php

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What have you learned already

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● #svnadmin create /home/svn/training

● #apt-get install libapache2-svn

● svn mkdir -m "created default directory structure" http://training.o2labs/svn/training/trunk http://training.o2labs/svn/training/tags http://training.o2labs/svn/training/branches

<Location /svn/training> DAV svn SVNPath /home/svn/training AuthType Basic AuthName "Training subversion repository" AuthUserFile /etc/subversion/passwd <LimitExcept GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT> Require valid-user </LimitExcept></Location>

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Creating Apache Alias

Alias /headfirst/ "/path/to/examples" <Directory "/path/to/examples"> Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None </Directory>

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Create Database● mysql> create database headfirst ;● mysql> grant all on headfirst.* to

'headfirst'@'localhost' identified by 'jagungbakar' ;● mysql> flush privileges ;

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Add New Connection on Power Architect

● Connection → Add Source Connection → New Connection

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Create new Table Schema

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Forward Engineer the Schema

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● DOM – Document Object Model● CSS : CSS selector

– #firstname {background-color:red;font-wight:bold}– .input → css class

● JavaScript - jQuery– $(“#firstname”).val() ;

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Thanks! ^_^