measure NCSL INTERNATIONAL The Journal of Measurement Science Vol. 2 No. 4 • December 2007 In This Issue: Application of Simulation Software to Coordinate Measurement Uncertainty Evaluations NIST Primary Frequency Standards and the Realization of the SI Second Leakage Effects in Microwave Power Measurements Electromagentic Metrology Challenges in the U.S. DOD and the Global War on Terrorism

Master Pages Final5 - Physical Measurement …8]Figure1 showstheRieflerclock on display in the NIST museum in Gaithersburg, MD, where a Shortt pen - Figure1. TheRieflerpendulumclock,

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The Journal of Measurement Science Vol. 2 No. 4 • December 2007















In This Issue:

Application of Simulation Softwareto Coordinate MeasurementUncertainty Evaluations

NIST Primary Frequency Standardsand the Realization of the SI Second

Leakage Effects in MicrowavePower Measurements

Electromagentic MetrologyChallenges in the U.S. DODand the Global War on Terrorism

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1. IntroductionIt is hard to overestimate the impact that atomic timekeepinghas had on modern society. Many “everyday” technologies thatwe often take for granted, such as cellular telephones, GlobalPositioning System (GPS) satellite receivers, and the electricpower grid, rely upon the accuracy of atomic clocks. This makesit easy to forget that the era of atomic timekeeping began rela-tively recently; less than an average lifetime ago. The currentyear (2007) marks the 40th anniversary of the redefinition of the

International System of Units (SI) second based on cesium(1967). [1] Prior to 1967, the definition of the second hadalways been based on astronomical time scales. The year 2008marks the 50th anniversary of the first publication (1958) of thedefinition of the atomic second, defined as 9,192,631,770periods of the radiation of the ground state hyperfine transitionin cesium. [2] The year 2008 also marks the 60th anniversary ofthe first prototype of an atomic clock, an ammonia maser thatwas first demonstrated at the National Bureau of Standards(NBS), later known as the National Institute of Standards andTechnology (NIST) in 1948. [3, 4] With these dates in mind,let’s begin with a brief look at some fundamental concepts andearly standards, and then move on to explore present-dayatomic oscillators.

NIST Primary Frequency Standardsand the Realization of the SI Second1

Michael A. Lombardi, Thomas P. Heavner and Steven R. Jefferts

Abstract: As the base unit of time interval, the second holds a place of preeminence in the world of metrology. Timeinterval, and its reciprocal, frequency, can be measured with more resolution and less uncertainty than any of the otherphysical quantities. The precise realization of the second was made possible by the development of frequency standardsbased on the energy transitions of atoms, an event that not only revolutionized the science of timekeeping, but alsoforever changed many other areas of metrology. The definitions of other units in the international system (SI), includ-ing the meter, candela, ampere, and volt, now depend upon the definition of the second. In the approximate half centurysince atomic frequency standards were first introduced, the progress in time and frequency metrology has been rapidand relentless. Today, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), maintains the world’s most accurateprimary frequency standard, a laser-cooled cesium fountain known as NIST-F1. Since its completion in 1998, NIST-F1has been continuously improved and is currently accurate to within 4 × 10-16. NIST-F2, a second-generation atomicfountain standard now being built, promises even better accuracy. This paper explores both the history and the tech-nology of NIST primary frequency standards, beginning in the pre-atomic era and continuing through the present day.

Michael A. Lombardi

Thomas P. Heavner

Steven R. Jefferts

Time and Frequency DivisionNational Institute of Standards and Technology325 BroadwayBoulder, CO 80305-3328 USAEmail: [email protected]

1 This paper is a contribution of the United States government and isnot subject to copyright. Commercial products are mentioned only forthe sake of technical and historical completeness, and this does notimply endorsement by NIST.

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2. Fundamentals of Frequencyand Time

All time and frequency standards are ref-erenced to a periodic event that repeatsat a nearly constant rate. The periodicevent is produced by a device called aresonator. The resonator is driven by anenergy source, and taken together, theenergy source and resonator form anoscillator. The oscillator runs at a ratecalled the resonance frequency. The fre-quency, f, is the reciprocal of the periodof oscillation, T; therefore f = 1/T. Con-versely, the period, measured in units oftime interval, is the reciprocal of the fre-quency: T = 1/f.

To illustrate this, consider the simpleexample of a grandfather clock, where apendulum (and its energy source) servesas the oscillator. The pendulum has a res-onance frequency (f) of 1 Hz, and aperiod (T) of 1 s. Thus, it is easy to seethe close relationship between time inter-val and frequency. All clocks are refer-enced to an oscillator, and anyuncertainty or change in the frequency ofthe oscillator will result in a correspon-ding uncertainty or change in the time-keeping accuracy of the clock.

Throughout this paper, we expressoscillator performance as ∆f / f, where ∆fis the combined uncertainty of the fre-quency with respect to its nominal value,and f is the nominal value of the fre-quency. The quantity ∆f includes anyoffset of the frequency from its nominalvalue, as well as any variation in the fre-quency over time. Please note that whenprimary cesium frequency standards arediscussed, we quote their performance interms of accuracy, rather than uncer-tainty. This is because cesium oscillatorsare intrinsic standards, and the second,the base unit of time interval, is definedbased on the cesium resonance (seeSection 7). Therefore, by definition,primary cesium frequency standardsserve as the ultimate measurement refer-ences for time interval and frequency,and are inherently accurate. Their sys-tematic frequency biases (Type B uncer-tainties) are periodically evaluated andcorrections are applied. The accuracy ofa primary cesium standard is limited bythe uncertainties associated with thesecorrections. For purposes of interna-tional comparison, these uncertainty esti-

mates have historically been reported byNIST and other national metrology insti-tutes with a coverage factor of one, sok = 1 should be assumed while readingthis paper.

3. Early StandardsThe quest to improve timekeeping is oneof mankind’s oldest pursuits, and hasessentially been a search to find betteroscillators. The best oscillators have aperiod that is well characterized, noteasily perturbed, and as stable as possi-ble. Early astronomers quickly noted thatthe Earth’s rotation on its axis served asa natural oscillator, and the second waslong defined as a fraction (1/86 400) ofthe length of the solar day. Later, becausethe length of the day fluctuates by a largeamount seasonally, the second was moreaccurately defined as a fraction of theaverage length of the solar day (known asthe mean solar second). To create a morestable unit of time interval, astronomerslater chose the period of the orbitalmotion of Earth about the Sun (nomi-nally 1 year) as the basis for the defini-tion of the second. In 1956, theephemeris second (1/31 556 925.9747of the tropical year 1900) was formallyadopted by the General Conference ofWeights and Measures (CGPM) as the SIsecond. While the ephemeris second wasindeed more stable than the mean solarsecond, it was impractical to measure,and it was never available or used inmetrology laboratories or as a generaltimekeeping standard. Its few applica-tions were limited to the world of astron-omy. [5]

In the pre-atomic era, mechanical andelectrical oscillators served as the labora-tory standards for time interval and fre-quency measurements. At NIST (thenknown as NBS, or the National Bureau ofStandards), pendulum clocks originallyserved as the standards of time interval,while tuned circuits and later quartzoscillators served as the standards of fre-quency. Pendulum clocks were based onthe principles first outlined by GalileoGalilei between 1637 and 1639. Galileohad observed that a given pendulum tookthe same amount of time to swing com-pletely through a wide arc as it did asmall arc, and recognized that thisnatural periodicity could be applied to

time measurement. Shortly after hisdeath in 1642, reliable mechanisms weredesigned to keep the pendulum inmotion, thus making it possible to buildpendulum clocks. [6, 7] For nearly 300years after Galileo’s discovery, pendulumclocks dominated the world of high accu-racy timekeeping. Their practical per-formance limit was reached in the 1920swhen W. H. Shortt designed and manu-factured a clock with two pendulums,one a slave and the other a master. Theslave pendulum moved the clock’s hands,and freed the master pendulum of tasksthat would disturb its regularity. TheShortt pendulum clock kept time towithin a few seconds per year (≈1 × 10–7).NBS used a pendulum clock manufac-tured by Clemens Riefler of Munich,Germany as the national time intervalstandard from about 1904 to 1929, whenit was replaced by a Shortt pendu-lum. [8] Figure 1 shows the Riefler clockon display in the NIST museum inGaithersburg, MD, where a Shortt pen-

Figure 1. The Riefler pendulum clock,which was the primary standard for timeinterval measurements from 1904 to 1929,is now on display at the NIST museum inGaithersburg, MD.

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dulum also is on display. Figure 2 show a 1928 advertisementfor the Shortt pendulum, which was billed by its makers as “ThePerfect Clock.”

The first frequency standards at NBS were developed begin-ning in about 1911 to calibrate wavemeters and to support theburgeoning radio industry. Frequency was obtained by calculat-ing the resonance of an inductance-capacitance (LC) circuit.The frequency uncertainty of these tuned circuits was eventuallyreduced to less than 0.1 %. [8, 9] Quartz crystal oscillators,based on the phenomenon of piezoelectricity discovered by P.Curie in 1880, worked much better, resonating at a nearly con-stant frequency when an electric current was applied. Credit fordeveloping the first quartz oscillator is generally given to WalterCady of Wesleyan University, who built laboratory prototypesshortly after the end of World War I [10], and patented a piezo-electric resonator designed as a frequency standard in 1923.Quartz oscillators first appeared at NBS and other metrologylaboratories in the early 1920s, and were soon used to controlradio transmission frequencies. [11] By 1929, the NBS fre-quency standard was a group of four 100-kHz quartz oscillatorsthat had been developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories (Fig.3), with a frequency uncertainty of 1 × 10-7. [12] By 1950,quartz standards reduced this uncertainty by a factor of 100;

producing frequency within 1 × 10-9. [13] During this period ofrapid advancement in oscillator technology, quartz oscillatorsreplaced pendulum clocks as the NBS standard for time inter-val. [14] Thus, for the first time, the NBS reference signals formeasurements of both time interval and frequency could beobtained from the same primary standard.

Quartz oscillators are now used for an almost limitlessnumber of applications. Billions of quartz oscillators are man-ufactured annually for use inside clocks, watches, cell phones,computers, radios, and nearly every type of electronic circuit.Even so, quartz oscillators are not ideal frequency standards.Their resonance frequency depends on the size and shape of thecrystal; and no two crystals can be exactly alike or produceexactly the same frequency. In addition, the frequency of aquartz oscillator changes slowly over time due to aging, and canchange more rapidly due to the effects of environmental factors,such as temperature, humidity, pressure, and vibration. [7]These limitations make them unsuitable for some applications,and the quest for better accuracy led to the development ofatomic oscillators.

4. Fundamentals of Atomic OscillatorsOscillators derived from resonant transitions in atoms or mol-ecules had several advantages over the oscillators that precededthem. An unperturbed atomic transition is identical from atomto atom, so that, unlike a group of quartz oscillators, a group ofatomic oscillators should all generate the same frequency. Also,unlike all electrical or mechanical resonators, atoms do not wearout. Additionally, at least as far as we know, atoms do notchange their properties over time. [15] These features wereappreciated by Lord Kelvin, who suggested using transitions insodium and hydrogen atoms as timekeeping oscillators in 1879.[16] However, it wasn’t until the mid-20th century that technol-ogy made his idea possible.

Atomic oscillators use the quantized energy levels in atomsand molecules as the source of their resonance frequency. Thelaws of quantum mechanics dictate that the energies of a boundsystem, such as an atom, have certain discrete values. An elec-tromagnetic field at a particular frequency can boost an atomfrom one energy level to a higher one. Or, an atom at a highenergy level can drop to a lower level by emitting energy. Theresonance frequency (fo) of an atomic oscillator is the differencebetween the two energy levels, E1 and E2, divided by Planck’sconstant, h:


The basic principle of the atomic oscillator is simple: Since allatoms of a specific element are identical, they should producethe exact same frequency when they absorb energy or releaseenergy. [17, 18]

Atomic oscillators provided a major breakthrough in bothaccuracy and stability, easily surpassing the performance of allprevious standards. In theory, the atom is a perfect pendulumwhose oscillations can be used as a standard of frequency, orcounted to measure time interval. However, there are still somefundamental, as well as practical, factors that can limit the sta-bility and accuracy of atomic oscillators. Atoms absorb or emit

fo = .E2 − E1


Figure 2. A 1928 advertisement for a dual-pendulum Shortt clock.

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energy over a small frequency range sur-rounding fo, not at fo alone. All otherparameters being equal, the stability ofan atomic oscillator is proportional to foand inversely proportional to the smallspread ∆fa of absorption frequencies sur-rounding fo. This spread of frequencies isknown as the resonance width, orlinewidth. The ratio of the resonance fre-quency to the resonance width is knownas the quality factor, Q, where:


Oscillators with higher Q’s are poten-tially more stable and accurate, so it isdesirable to increaseQ, either by using anatomic transition where fo is as high aspossible, or by making ∆fa as narrow aspossible. [17] In practice, of course, fo isan inherent property of the atom used ina given device (it is the same for allcesium oscillators, for example) andcannot be changed. However, it is possi-ble to narrow the resonance width byincreasing the observation time of theatoms. To illustrate this concept, considerthat most atomic oscillators work by fre-quency-locking an external oscillator(usually quartz) to the resonance fre-quency of the atomic transition. Theexternal oscillator emits electromagneticradiation that illuminates the atoms andcauses them to change their energy state.The challenge then, is to tune the fre-quency of the external oscillator so that itmatches fo. The uncertainty of this tuning

process is usually reduced if the atoms arekept in the radiation field for a longerperiod of time. Mathematically, the reso-nance width, ∆fa, is set by the period, τd,that the atoms spend interacting with theexternal oscillator. The fractional widthof the resonance is given by:


From this equation, it can be seen thatthe optimum performance is obtained bymaking the interaction period, τd, as longas possible in order to narrow the reso-nance.

There are many other effects that canlimit the stability and accuracy of atomicoscillators. The motion of the atomsintroduces uncertainty by causing appar-ent shifts in the resonance frequencies(the Doppler effect). Similarly, collisionsbetween atoms can broaden the reso-nance or cause the frequency to shift.Stray electromagnetic fields (includingthe ever-present thermal, or blackbodyradiation) can perturb the resonance fre-quency and introduce potential errors.[18, 19] Therefore, while atoms are“perfect pendulums” in theory, there aremany design features that must be imple-mented before an atomic oscillator canachieve the lowest possible uncertainties.

5. First Atomic OscillatorsThe first atomic oscillator experimentsbegan about sixty years after LordKelvin’s original suggestion, during the

explosion of advances in quantummechanics and microwave electronicsthat took place before, during, andshortly after the World War II. [17] Mostof the basic concepts of atomic oscilla-tors were developed by Isidor Rabi andhis colleagues at Columbia University inthe 1930’s and 40’s. [20, 21] Rabi hadinformally discussed applying the molec-ular beam magnetic resonance techniqueas a time and frequency standard withNBS scientists in 1939. However, theresearch was mostly halted during WorldWar II, and he publicly discussed thepossibility of atomic clocks for the firsttime in a lecture given to the AmericanPhysical Society and the American Asso-ciation of Physics Teachers on January20, 1945, [22] and in a story publishedin the New York Times (Fig. 4) the fol-

∝ .1τd fo


Q = .fo


Figure 3. This group of 100 kHz quartz crystal oscillators served as the U.S. nationalprimary frequency standard in 1929.

Figure 4. The first public suggestion of anatomic clock, New York Times, January 21,1945.

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lowing day. [23] It seems likely that Rabiexpected the atomic transition in cesium(133Cs) to be the resonator for the firstatomic oscillator. [24] The first experi-ments to measure the frequency ofcesium resonance had been performed in1940 by Rabi’s colleagues at ColumbiaUniversity, who estimated the frequencyof the hyperfine transition in cesium as9 191.4 megacycles. [25]

As fate would have it, however, theworld’s first working atomic oscillatorwas not based on cesium atoms, butinstead used the 23.8 GHz inversiontransition in the ammonia molecule as itssource of resonance. The ammoniadevice was developed at NBS by HaroldLyons and his associates. It consisted ofa quartz crystal oscillator, electronicallystabilized by the ammonia absorption

line, and frequency dividers that pro-duced a 50 Hz signal from the stabilizedquartz oscillator. Developed for use as afrequency standard, the device (Fig. 5)was first operated on August 12, 1948,although it was not publicly demon-strated until January 1949. The heart ofthe system, an eight meter long wave-guide absorption cell filled withammonia, is shown wrapped around theanalog clock mounted on top of theequipment cabinets. The analog clockitself was there only for cosmetic pur-poses. Two versions of the NBS ammoniastandard were built, with estimated fre-quency uncertainties of 1 × 10-7 and2 × 10-8. Work on a third version washalted when it became apparent thatatomic beam techniques offered morepromise for frequency standard develop-

ment. [3, 4, 24, 26] Although theammonia oscillator actually failed to out-perform the best quartz standards of itstime, it provided a glimpse of what thefuture would bring, and was widely pub-licized. Lyons was given a five-minuteinterview by Edward R. Murrow over theCBS Network on January 14, 1949 [27]and features also appeared in Time,Newsweek, Business Week, and else-where. [24] Lyons was even mentionedin a popular cartoon feature a few yearslater (Fig. 6), although the drawing wasnot of the ammonia device, but rather ofthe cesium standard that would laterbecome known as NBS-1 (see Section 9).

During the same year (1949) whenLyons introduced the ammonia fre-quency standard, Norman Ramsey ofHarvard University provided a criticalimprovement that has since been utilizedby all modern primary frequency stan-dards. In the early work of Rabi, theatomic resonance was interrogated withone long microwave pulse. This providedthe needed long interaction time betweenthe atom and microwave field, but sub-jected the output frequency of the stan-dard to Doppler shifts and otheruncertainties. Ramsey greatly reducedthese problems by inventing the sepa-rated oscillatory field method. Thismethod interrogates the atoms with twoshort microwave pulses, separated bysome distance along the beam path.Applying the oscillating field in two stepshad many benefits, and made it possibleto build much more stable and accuratestandards. It narrows the resonancewidth, reduces the sensitivity tomicrowave power fluctuations and mag-netic fields by factors of 10 to 100 ormore, and essentially eliminates theDoppler effect. [17, 21, 28, 29, 30]

6. First Cesium OscillatorsWhen the ephemeris second (see Section3) became the SI second in 1957, workon atomic frequency standards hadalready been progressing for more than adecade. By the early 1950’s, work hadbegun in several national laboratories,notably the National Physical Laboratory(NPL) in England and at NBS in theUnited States, to build atomic frequencystandards based on cesium.

Cesium has several properties that

Figure 5. The first atomic frequency standard, based on the ammonia molecule (1949).Inventor Harold Lyons is on the right; Edward Condon, then the director of NBS, is on the left.

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made it a good choice as the source ofatomic resonance for a primary fre-quency standard. Somewhat similar tomercury, cesium is a soft, silvery-whiteductile metal. It becomes a liquid at about28.4 °C (slightly higher than room tem-perature). Cesium atoms are relativelyheavy (133 amu), and, as a result, theymove at a relatively slow speed of about130 m/s at room temperature. Thisallows cesium atoms to stay in the inter-action zone longer than hydrogen atoms,for example, which travel at a speed ofabout 1600 m/s at room temperature.Cesium also has a relatively high hyper-fine frequency (~9.2 GHz) when com-pared to atoms used in other atomicoscillators, such as rubidium (~6.8 GHz)and hydrogen (~1.4 GHz). [30]

By 1950, while work on the ammoniastandard was still ongoing, NBS hadbegun building its first cesium frequencystandard. [31] The NBS group, led byHarold Lyons and Jesse Sherwood, con-structed a machine using Rabi’s magneticresonance technique, and Sherwoodreported the first successful observationof the cesium microwave transition at the1952 meeting of the American PhysicalSociety. [32] Shortly afterwards, thedevice was modified to use the Ramseytechnique of separated oscillating fields,which reduced the resonance width to

just 300 Hz. Based on these results,Lyons predicted an eventual accuracycapability of 1 × 10-10. [26, 33]

Unfortunately, the program at NBS todevelop a cesium frequency standard wasinterrupted in 1953 for several years,partially due to budget issues and par-tially due to decisions made to focus onother areas. Sherwood left NBS in 1953and Lyons followed in 1955. [8, 27, 34]The cesium standard was completely dis-assembled and moved from Washington,DC to the new NBS laboratories inBoulder, Colorado in 1954. [27] Thedevice was eventually reassembled withmany new components and improvedelectronics, but it was not until the1958–1959 period that this originalcesium beam frequency standard wasused to routinely calibrate the frequen-cies of the working standards andbecame known as NBS-1 (see Section 8).[26, 35]

Meanwhile, Louis Essen and his asso-ciates at the National Physical Labora-tory (NPL) in Teddington, England, hadplaced a similar cesium beam apparatuswith a resonance width of 340 Hz and anaccuracy of 1 × 10-9 into operation inJune 1955. [36] The NPL device becamethe world’s first cesium standard to beused on a regular basis for the calibrationof secondary working frequency stan-

dards. [26] And, as we shall see in thenext section, it was used to help redefinethe SI second.

7. Atomic SecondEphemeris time was determined bymeasuring the position of the Moon withrespect to several surrounding stars.The best observations of the Moon hadbeen recorded by the United StatesNaval Observatory (USNO), where asophisticated dual-rate Moon camerahad been designed and put into opera-tion in 1952 by William Markowitz. [37]Moon observations were a tedious prac-tice, and it was immediately noted by SirEdward Bullard, the director of NPL,that observations of the Moon over aperiod of four years would be required todetermine ephemeris time with the sameprecision as was achieved in a matter ofminutes by their new cesium standard.[38] In June 1955, due in part to the factthat there were no reliable atomic oscil-lators then operating in the UnitedStates, NPL and the USNO began coop-erating in a joint program whose goalwas to determine the frequency ofcesium with respect to the ephemerissecond. [2, 37, 39] Cesium wouldprovide a “physical” second that could berealized in laboratories and used forother measurements.

For a period of almost three years,beginning in mid-1955 and lastingthrough early 1958, frequency compar-isons were made between the USNO andNPL standards. The USNO standard wasa quartz oscillator steered to ephemeristime by applying corrections obtainedwith the Moon camera; the NPL stan-dard was their cesium oscillator, thenaccurate to less than 5 × 10-10. [39] Thecomparisons were made based oncommon-view observations of signalsfrom several time signal broadcast sta-tions, including NBS radio station WWV,then located in Beltsville, MD, and theBritish stations MSF and GBR. [37, 39]After averaging and analyzing the resultsof these comparisons, it was determinedthat the transition frequency of cesiumwas 9 192 631 770 Hz, with an uncer-tainty of ±20 Hz. The uncertainty waslimited not by the cesium standard, butrather by the difficulty of measuringephemeris time. The calculation of the

Figure 6. A 1953 cartoon featuring the NBS atomic clock.

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cesium frequency was published byMarkowitz and Essen and their col-leagues in August 1958. It applied tocesium in a zero magnetic field, and toephemeris time in a given tropical year(1957). [2]

The publication of the cesium fre-quency made the fate of astronomicaltime seem certain, but almost a decadepassed before the definition of thesecond was changed. In 1967, the SIsecond was redefined by the GeneralConference of Weights and Measures(CGPM) as:

“the duration of 9 192 631 770periods of the radiation corre-sponding to the transitionbetween the two hyperfinelevels of the ground state of thecaesium 133 atom.“ [1]

The definition ushered in the new era ofatomic time. For the first time in history,the second was no longer related to thelength of the day or the movement of theplanets, but instead to the intrinsic prop-erty of an atom. This had an immediateeffect on timekeeping. Ephemeris timesoon faded into obscurity, but other astro-nomical time scales were still used, and itwas decided that atomic time and astro-nomical time should remain in relativeagreement. To keep the new atomic timescale, known as Coordinated UniversalTime (UTC), within ±0.9 s of an astro-nomical time scale (UT1) based on themean solar second, the concept of leapseconds was introduced. [37] From1972–2007, 24 leap seconds have beenadded to the UTC time scale. The additionof a leap second essentially stops UTC forone second so that UT1 can catch up.

As of 2007, the definition of the SIsecond remains the same, except for aslight amendment made in 1997. Calcu-lations made by Wayne Itano of NBS inthe early 1980s [40] revealed that black-body radiation can cause noticeable fre-quency shifts in cesium standards, andhis work eventually resulted in an adden-dum to the definition. The Comite Inter-national des Poids et Mesures (CIPM)affirmed in 1997 that the definitionrefers to “a cesium atom at rest at a ther-modynamic temperature of 0 K.” Thus, a“perfect” realization of the SI second

would require the cesium atom to be in azero magnetic field in an environmentwhere the temperature is absolute zeroand where the atom has no residualvelocity. Therefore, as will be discussedin Section 10, obtaining the best possiblerealization of the SI second requiresmeasuring and estimating a number ofparameters, and then using the resultingdata to apply corrections to the output ofa primary frequency standard.

8. Commercial CesiumFrequency Standards

Somewhat surprisingly, the world’s firstcommercial cesium frequency standardwas introduced in October 1956, justslightly more than one year after theintroduction of the NPL standard. Thecommercial standard was manufacturedby the National Company of Malden, MAand developed by a team led by JerroldZacharias of the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology (MIT) [24], who had pre-viously collaborated on early molecularbeam experiments with Rabi. [20] Thedevice was called the Atomichron, and atleast 50 were sold between 1956–1960.Nearly all of these units were sold to theUnited States military [24], but at leasttwo were in operation at NBS in1958–1959, where they were comparedto the NBS standard to within parts in1010. [35]

Cesium frequency standards enteredcalibration and metrology laboratories inthe 1960s, primarily through the efforts

of the Hewlett-Packard (HP) Company,who introduced their model 5060 stan-dard in 1964. Much smaller than previ-ous devices, such as the Atomichron, itfit in a standard equipment rack. Thelength of the Ramsey cavity was just12.4 cm, and the device weighed lessthan 30 kg. [41] By 1966, the HP 5060had a specified accuracy of 1 × 10-11. [26].

The HP 5060 was followed by the HP5061, which was manufactured from1967 until the early 1990s, and by theHP 5071, which was introduced in 1991.The HP 5071 was microprocessor based,and its internal firmware monitored andcontrolled many of the parameters thatcould change its frequency. This micro-processor control, coupled with animproved cesium beam tube, made itmore stable and accurate than it prede-cessors. [42] The HP 5071 was latermanufactured by Agilent and is now(2007) manufactured by Symmetricom,Inc. It has a specified accuracy (with thehigh performance beam tube) of 2 × 10-13,and serves as a primary standard of fre-quency at many national and privatemetrology laboratories worldwide.

Figure 7 provides a simplifiedschematic of a cesium beam frequencystandard. This design can be traced backto the seminal work of Rabi and Ramsey.Note that the design details of a cesiumbeam standard can vary significantlyfrom model to model, but nearly all com-mercial cesium oscillators employ basicdesign principles similar to those

Figure 7. Diagram of a cesium-beam frequency standard using magnetic state-selectionand detection. The form of interrogation involves a U-shaped microwave cavity (theRamsey cavity) where the microwave interrogation fields are spatially separated.

Vacuum Cavity

State Selection Magnets





1 pps5 MHz

9 192 631 770 Hz





State Detection Magnets

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described here, as did all NBS/NISTcesium primary frequency standards untilthe 1990s.

Cesium is a complicated atom withF = 3 and F = 4 ground states (see Fig. 8).Each atomic state is characterized notonly by the quantum number F, but alsoby a second quantum number, mF, whichcan have integer values between –F and+F. Therefore, there are 16 possible mag-netic states of cesium, but only the tran-sition between the |4,0⟩ and |3,0⟩ states isuseful for a primary frequency standard,because this transition is, to first order,insensitive to magnetic fields. This |4,0⟩

↔ |3,0⟩ hyperfine transition produces thefrequency used to define the SI second.

As shown on the left side of Fig. 7,133Cs atoms are heated to a gaseous statein an oven. A beam of atoms emergesfrom the oven at a temperature near100 °C and travels through a magneticfield, where the beam is split into twobeams of atoms with different magneticstates. One beam is absorbed by thegetter and is of no further interest, butthe other beam is deflected into themicrowave interrogation cavity (com-monly known as the Ramsey cavity).

While inside the Ramsey cavity, the

cesium beam is exposed to a microwavefrequency from a quartz-based frequencysynthesizer. If this frequency is tuned toprecisely match the cesium resonance fre-quency (9 192 631 770 Hz), some of theatoms will change their magnetic state.After leaving the Ramsey cavity, theatoms pass through a second magneticfield. These magnets direct only theatoms that changed state to the detector;the other atoms are directed to a getterand absorbed. In essence, the magnetslocated on both sides of the Ramseycavity serve as a “gate” that only allowsatoms that undergo the desired |4,0⟩ ↔|3,0⟩ energy transition to pass throughand reach the detector. The detectorsends a feedback signal to a servo circuitthat continually tunes the quartz oscilla-tor so that the maximum number ofatoms reach the detector, thereby increas-ing the signal strength. This process isanalogous to carefully tuning a radio dialuntil the loudest and clearest signal isheard, and keeps the quartz oscillator fre-quency locked as tightly as possible tocesium resonance. [17, 18, 19, 30] Stan-dard output frequencies, such as 1 Hz, 5MHz, and 10 MHz, are then derived fromthe locked quartz oscillator and used inthe laboratory as reference signals.

9. Cesium Beam PrimaryFrequency Standards atNBS/NIST

Seven different cesium beam devicesserved as U.S. national primary fre-quency standards (NPFS) at NBS/NISTover an approximate 40 year period(1959–1998). The standards were allthermal cesium beam devices that oper-ated by directing a beam of 133Cs atomsthrough a microwave cavity. They wereknown as NBS-1 through NBS-6, andNIST-7 (the agency’s name was changedfrom NBS to NIST in 1988), and dozensof scientists, engineers, and researcherscontributed to their development. Somekey figures include Richard Mockler,who oversaw the development of the firstthree standards, Dave Glaze, who con-tributed to six different standards (NBS-2through NIST-7), and Bob Drullinger,who led the development of NIST-7. Thissection briefly describes each of thecesium beam standards, and Table 1 pro-vides a summary of their characteristics.

Figure 8. Schematic diagram of the cesium clock transition.


F = 3

F = 4

mF = 0

9,192,631,770 Hz

mF = 0

mFmF = 4mF = 3

mF = 2mF = 1

mF = –1

mF = –2

mF = –3mF = –4

mF = 1mF = 2

mF = 3

mF = –3

mF = –2mF = –1

Table 1. Summary of NIST cesium beam primary frequency standards, including the bestpublished accuracy number.* NA indicates that NBS-4 was used in conjunction with NBS-5 and NBS-6, but was never offi-cially designated as a standalone NPFS.


Lifetime asExperimental


Years ofOperation as


Length ofRamseyCavity


NBS–1 1952–1962 1959–1960 300 Hz 55 cm 1 × 10-11 [44]

NBS–2 1959–1965 1960–1963 110 Hz 164 cm 8 × 10-12 [44]

NBS–3 1959–1970 1963–1970 48 Hz 366 cm 5 × 10-13 [45]

NBS–4 1965–1990s NA * 130 Hz 52.4 cm 3 × 10-13 [46]

NBS–5 1966–1974 1972–1974 45 Hz 374 cm 2 × 10-13 [46]

NBS–6 1974–1993 1975–1993 26 Hz 374 cm 8 × 10-14 [48]

NIST–7 1988–2001 1993–1998 62 Hz 155 cm 5 × 10-15 [51]

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NBS-1 (Fig. 9) was the original cesium beam primary fre-quency standard at NBS, previously described in Section 6. Thelength of its Ramsey cavity was 55 cm and its linewidth wasabout 300 Hz. [43] After being moved to Boulder, CO in 1954,it was redesigned and eventually designated as the national stan-dard for frequency in the spring of 1959, when its accuracy wasreported as 8.5 × 10-11. [35] On January 1, 1960, it was replacedby NBS-2 as the NPFS, although it continued to be compared toNBS-2 as a secondary standard until 1962, when it had areported accuracy of 1 × 10-11. Later that year it was convertedto an experimental thallium beam standard. [27, 44]

NBS-2 (Fig. 10) was designed to be much larger than NBS-1,

and the length of the Ramsey cavity was increased by a factor ofthree, to 164 cm. As a result, the linewidth was narrowed toabout 110 Hz, and the accuracy was improved to 8 × 10-12. [44]It was replaced by NBS-3 as the NPFS in September 1963, butcontinued to be compared to NBS-3 until October 1965. Like itspredecessor NBS-1, it was converted to an experimental thalliumbeam standard after being removed from service. [45]

Work on NBS-3 (Fig. 11) began in 1959. The length of theRamsey cavity was increased to 366 cm, more than twice as longas NBS-2, and the linewidth was narrowed to just 48 Hz, result-ing in a Q factor of 2 × 10-8, which was considered phenome-nal for that era. [27] Its originally published accuracy was 5 ×10-12, but a series of modifications improved the accuracy by anorder of magnitude, reaching 5 × 10-13 by 1969. [45] NBS-3continued to serve as the NPFS until 1970, when it was com-pletely dismantled. Parts of its vacuum system were later used inNBS-5. [46] During the period from 1970 to 1972 no primarystandard was operational at NBS, and commercial cesium stan-dards served as the NPFS while work on NBS-4 and NBS-5 wasunderway.

NBS-4 (Fig. 12) was the smallest of the NBS/NIST primaryfrequency standards, and had the longest operating life. Origi-nally known as NBS-X4, it was built as part of a joint effortbetween NBS and the Hewlett-Packard Company, and was notoriginally intended to be used as a primary frequency standard.

Figure 9. NBS-1.

Figure 10. NBS-2.

Figure 12. NBS-4.

Figure 11. NBS-3.

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Work on this project began in late 1965, but NBS-4 was notoperational until early 1973. [46] NBS-4 was never officiallyannounced as the standalone NPFS. Instead, its role was toserve in conjunction with NBS-5, and later NBS-6, either as acomparison standard or as the primary standard when thosedevices were not operational. Unlike the other primary standards,which typically ran during the calibrations of secondary standardsonly, NBS-4 often ran continuously for long periods of time. It hada linewidth of about 130 Hz, the length of its Ramsey cavity was52.4 cm [47], and its reported accuracy was about 3 × 10-13. [46]NBS-4 remained operational until the early 1990s, and its beamtube is now on display in the NIST museum in Boulder, CO.

The next two standards, NBS-5 and NBS-6 (Figs. 13 and 14),

served as the NPFS for a combined total of more than 20 years.They were really the same standard; NBS-5 became known asNBS-6 after some extensive modifications. Work on NBS-5 beganin 1966, and it became the NPFS in January 1973, more thantwo years after NBS-3 was dismantled. It was a huge machine;the Ramsey cavity was 374 cm in length, and the length of theentire device was about 6 m. The reported accuracy was 1.8 ×10-13. [46] Significant modifications to NBS-5 began in March1974, and the linewidth was narrowed from 45 Hz to 26 Hz.The improvement was a direct result of more effective filteringof high velocity atoms, the reduced scattering of low velocityatoms, and the reduced velocity of the atomic beam. Theredesigned standard was renamed NBS-6, and became opera-tional in March 1975. [47] NBS-6 eventually reached an accu-racy of 8 × 10-14 [48], and served as the NPFS until it wasreplaced by NIST-7 in 1993. [49]

NIST-7 (Fig. 15) was the last thermal beam frequency stan-dard developed at NIST, and was very different from its prede-cessors. It used the newly available narrow linewidth lasers forstate selection and detection, thus replacing the magnets anddetectors (see Fig. 7) found in the earlier standards. Using lightinstead of magnets had many advantages. Unlike magneticselection, which merely filtered out atoms in the wrong energystate, the lasers optically pumped as many atoms as possibleinto the desired energy state. This produced far more atoms andgenerated a much stronger signal. [17] Work on NIST-7 began

Figure 14. NBS-6.

Figure 13. NBS-5.

Figure 15. NIST-7.

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in 1988. The original goal was to build a standard that couldprovide 1 × 10-14 accuracy [50], or timekeeping accuracy ofabout 1 nanosecond per day. This goal was exceeded by a factorof two, with the standard eventually reaching an accuracy of5 × 10-15. The use of optical state detection enabled NIST-7 tobe nearly 20 times more accurate than NBS-6, in spite of the factthat the length of the Ramsey cavity was just 155 cm, and theresonance width was limited to 62 Hz. [19, 51] NIST-7 wasreplaced as the NPFS in late 1998 by NIST-F1 (see Section 10),but remained operational for a few years afterwards. It nowresides in the NIST museum in Boulder, CO.

10. Cesium Fountain Primary Frequency StandardsNIST-7 and other optically pumped thermal beam standardswere far more accurate than their predecessors, but their per-formance was still fundamentally limited by the high velocity ofthe cesium atoms and the resulting short interaction time. Foun-tain standards were designed specifically to increase the inter-action time. The concept of a cesium fountain was firstintroduced by Zacharias in the 1950’s, shortly before he becameinvolved in the development of the commercial Atomichronstandard. [21, 22, 24] His idea was simply to build a verticalcesium beam standard with one Ramsey interaction zone. Thiswould allow slow atoms from the cesium oven to pass throughthe interaction zone while traveling upward, to stop and reversetheir direction under the influence of gravity, and to passthrough the same interaction zone while traveling downward.The two interactions with the microwaves reproduced Ramsey’stwo-pulse interaction scheme, and a ballistic flight travelingonly a meter upwards would increase the interaction time tonearly 1 s, instead of the 10 ms interaction that was typical ofcesium beam devices. Unfortunately, Zacharias’ idea was pre-mature. Because of collisions between the cesium atoms in thebeam, no signal was ever seen in his device. Essentially, all of theslow atoms in the beam were scattered out of the beam by thefast atoms that overtook them. [30, 52]

Zacharias’ idea was resurrected in the late 1980’s by StevenChu and his colleagues at Stanford University, who built theworld’s first working fountain standard. Chu’s group first builtfountains using sodium atoms [53] and later using cesium [54],although neither device was used as a primary frequency stan-dard. Researchers at the Bureau National de Métrologie – Sys-tèmes de Référence Temps Espace (BNM-SYRTE) in Paris,France later built the first primary frequency standard based onZacharias’ fountain concept. [55] Since then, many otherresearchers at metrology laboratories around the world havebuilt, or are building, laser cooled cesium fountain standards.

The laser cooling of atoms [56] is the key to making a cesiumfountain work successfully. Laser cooling was proposed in 1975[57], and first demonstrated by Dave Wineland and his col-leagues at NBS in 1978. [58] It can be thought of as refrigera-tion; the laser beam is a “sink” at very low entropy that interactswith a sample with much higher entropy (the atomic sample).Entropy is transferred from the atoms to the light field, viaoptical interactions between the atom and the light field. Theentropy of the light field is raised (the atom scatters manyphotons out of the laser beam with random direction and

phase), while the entropy of the atomic sample is lowered.There are numerous laser cooling techniques, but cesium foun-

tains generally implement a scheme known as optical molasses.This technique exerts a damping force on the atoms by usingthree pairs of identical oppositely directed lasers (Fig. 16). Thelasers are tuned to a frequency slightly below the optical reso-nance of the atoms. Atoms at the intersection of the six laserbeams are cooled to a temperature of 1 µK or below in a fewhundred milliseconds. As if they were moving through thickmolasses, the cold cesium atoms slow down to about 1 cm/s, asopposed to their ~100 m/s velocity at room temperature. Thisallows a large sample or “ball” of atoms to be gathered togetherand confined in one place. As an alternative to the thermody-namic view presented earlier, this type of laser cooling can alsobe thought of as the mechanical effect of light on the atom. Ifthe laser is tuned slightly lower in frequency than the optical res-onance, the atom will preferentially absorb photons from thelaser beam toward which it is moving, as a result of the Dopplereffect. Each photon absorbed by the atom carries momentum inthe opposite direction of the atomic motion. The atom reemitsthis photon in a random direction and, because the laser istuned below resonance, the atom reemits slightly more energythan it absorbed (the atom reemits at the resonance frequency).This cycle of absorbing a photon of slightly lower energy thanthe reemitted photon is repeated many times per second (~ 107)and provides the basic laser-cooling cycle.

After less than three years of development, a cesium fountain

Figure 16. Simplified schematic diagram of a cesium fountain thatuses laser cooling.

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called NIST-F1 became the NIST primary frequency standard inlate 1998. [59] Designed by a team led by Steve Jefferts, NIST-F1 (Fig. 17) was the first operational primary frequency stan-dard at NIST to use the fountain technique and also the first touse laser cooling, although an earlier experimental laser-cooledfountain [60] had been built at NIST. Laser cooling made it pos-sible for NIST-F1 to observe or measure atoms for a muchlonger interval than cesium beam standards, and as a result, toquickly surpass their accuracy.

The basic operation of NIST-F1 proceeds in a sequence ofsteps: First, a sample of ∼ 108 cesium atoms with a volume ofapproximately 1 cm3 are laser cooled at the intersection of the sixlaser beams (see Fig. 16). The temperature of this sample ofatoms is reduced to about 0.5 µK in a few hundred milliseconds.The atoms are then “launched” upwards at approximately 4 m/sby detuning the frequency of the up and down laser beams tomake a moving optical molasses. The laser light is then extin-guished by shutters so that no laser light interacts with the cesiumatoms along their ballistic flight path. The cloud of launchedcesium atoms, about 1 cm in diameter, is typically in the F = 4ground state, but all mF levels are populated. The “ball” of cesiumatoms is next state-selected with a short microwave pulse thatdrives the |4,0⟩ atoms into |3,0⟩ and leaves the other F = 4 atomsunperturbed. The remaining F = 4 atoms are removed from thecloud with a short optical blast. At this point the remainingcesium atoms, all in the |3,0⟩ state, enter the microwave cavity(Fig. 16) with a velocity of around 3 m/s. The passage through thecavity on the way up provides the first pulse of the two-pulse(Ramsey) microwave interrogation sequence. The atoms reachapogee about 1 m above the microwave cavity and begin to falldue to gravity. On the way down, the atoms pass through thecavity a second time, about 1 s after their first passage (otherfountains have interaction times near 0.5 s). The atoms aredetected optically with a laser tuned to the F = 4 r F’ = 5 opticaltransition, similar to the detection process used in an opticallypumped beam standard such as NIST-7. [30]

The increased interaction time allows fountain-based fre-quency standards to be more accurate than cesium beam stan-dards. The fountain arrangement of NIST-F1 results in alinewidth, ∆fa, of ~ 1 Hz, much narrower than that of any pre-vious NPFS. The Q factor is about 1010. Several evaluations ofthe accuracy of NIST-F1 have been published [59, 61, 62], andits present accuracy is ≈ 4 × 10-16. Evaluations of other fountainfrequency standards have reported nearly equivalent perform-ance. [63-65]

When frequency standards reach accuracies measured inparts in 1016, the limiting factors become fundamental innature. The accuracy of NIST-F1 is limited by two distincteffects, a blackbody shift [62] and a density shift [61]. Theblackbody shift is simply the result of the cesium atoms inter-acting with the thermal radiation emitted by the walls of the300 K vacuum enclosure. The magnitude of this shift is large(~2 × 10-14), but it can be corrected in the NIST–F1 design withan uncertainty as small as 2.6 × 10-16, a figure that correspondsto an uncertainty of 1 K in the temperature of the thermal radi-ation. Removing this limit will require either a great deal of the-oretical calculation to develop an improved theory of

understanding the blackbody shift, or developing a cryogenicvacuum system to reduce the magnitude of the effect. Thesecond possibility is now being pursued at NIST.

The density shift is caused by collisions between the cesium

Figure 17. The cesium fountain standard NIST–F1.

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atoms in the launched sample, and isquite large, as much as 4.0 × 10-16 inNIST-F1, with an uncertainty in the cor-rection of 1.0 × 10-16. There are manyproposals for lowering the uncertainty ofthe density shift correction, but itremains a problem in the present gener-ation of cesium fountains.

Another fundamental limit is pre-sented by the gravitational redshift, aneffect that shifts the cesium frequencywith respect to its elevation above sealevel (by approximately 10–16 per meter).A frequency correction for the gravita-tional redshift is applied to NIST-F1. Theuncertainty of this correction, which is

about 3 × 10-17, is now insignificant, butwill be of more concern as future stan-dards become more accurate. [66]

11. Second GenerationCesium Fountain

A new cesium fountain, called NIST-F2,is now under construction at NIST.NIST-F2 is being designed to minimizethe uncertainties of both the blackbodyshift and the density shift. The blackbodyfrequency shift [40] has lately been thesource of some controversy, with differ-ent groups calculating different fre-quency biases for the shift. [67, 68, 69,70] Even if one of these competingresults is shown to be correct, the uncer-tainty of the correction for the blackbodyfrequency shift will still be limited toabout 1 × 10-16. In NIST-F2, a cryogenic(T = 77 K) vacuum structure is beingbuilt that includes the microwave cavi-ties and flight tube above them. Thiscryogenic vacuum system is expected toreduce the magnitude of the blackbodyshift by a factor of about 250, from about2 × 10-14 to about 8 × 10-17. Thus, theblackbody frequency shift will no longerbe a major source of uncertainty.

The density shift in NIST-F2 will besignificantly reduced by the use of aclever idea theoretically developed at theIstituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica(INRM) in Italy and experimentallydemonstrated at NIST. [71, 72] Multipleballs of laser-cooled cesium atoms, asmany as 10 in NIST-F2, are launched inquick succession (see Fig. 18) with thefirst ball of cesium atoms having thehighest apogee, while the second ball hasan apogee just below the first, etc., sothat the trajectories of all the balls inter-sect in the detection region. This reducesthe average cesium density by about afactor of 10, but the signal to noise ratiois preserved, as the same number ofatoms is finally detected. This techniqueshould reduce the uncertainty of thedensity shift by slightly more than afactor of three, to approximately 3 × 10-17.

As a result of these design improve-ments, NIST-F2 is expected to eventuallyreach an accuracy of < 1 × 10-16, limitedby effects due to the microwave fre-quency of the oscillator. It appears likelythat NIST-F2 will be the last of thecesium primary frequency standards at

Figure 18. The multiple ball (in this case 10) toss scheme. The horizontal axis in thediagram is the time axis, while the vertical axis is the height above the launch region.

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

t [s]







Figure 19. The uncertainty of cesium primary frequency standards developed at NIST as afunction of the year they were introduced.

1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020




















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NIST, and that, in the future, better per-formance will be achieved with opticalfrequency standards.

Figure 19 shows the frequency uncer-tainty of all of the cesium primary fre-quency standards developed at NIST,from NBS-1 to the anticipated perform-ance of NIST-F2, plotted as a function ofthe year they were introduced. The slopeof the line represents a reduction inuncertainty of about one order of magni-tude per decade.

12. Role of NIST-F1 in theRealization of the SI Second

In addition to the primary standardNIST-F1, two other systems are neededto generate the SI second. The firstsystem is a continuously running timescale that generates pulses every secondin real-time. The second system employssatellite-based measurement techniquesto compare the NIST standards to theother standards of the world. The resultsof these comparisons are then submittedto the Bureau International des Poids etMesures (BIPM) in France, which usesthem to help compute a post-processed“paper” time scale known as Coordi-nated Universal Time (UTC).

The NIST time scale, or UTC(NIST),is an ensemble of about 10 oscillators(commercial hydrogen masers andcesium beam standards) that are contin-uously compared to each other. NIST-F1does not run continuously, but instead isperiodically used to measure and cali-brate the frequency of the ensemble.Although the hydrogen masers are notinherently accurate, they are very stable,and, once calibrated with NIST-F1, theycan maintain the accuracy of the timescale when NIST-F1 is not operational.The time scale output is steered based ona weighted averaged of all of the oscilla-tors in the ensemble, with the moststable oscillators receiving the mostweight. [73] The time scale continuouslygenerates and outputs both a 5 MHz sinewave frequency, and 1 pulse per secondtiming signal, which is a physical, real-time realization of the SI second.UTC(NIST) serves as the standard oftime interval, frequency, and time-of-dayfor the United States. It is distributed tothe public (at various levels of uncer-tainty) through radio stations WWV,

WWVH, and WWVB, through a varietyof computer time services, and also topaying customers who subscribe to NISTremote calibration services. [74]

The comparison data sent to the BIPMare collected from common-view obser-vations of the GPS satellites, or by usinga geostationary satellite as a relay station,a technique known as two-way satellitetime transfer. The BIPM uses the meas-urement results to compute two timescales, International Atomic Time (TAI),which is used internally by the BIPM anddoes not account for leap seconds, andUTC, which is simply TAI corrected forleap seconds. [5, 75]

The BIPM uses measurements fromprimary frequency standards to deter-mine the accuracy of UTC, and the meas-urements from the other standards(mostly commercial cesium beams andhydrogen masers) to determine the sta-bility of UTC. [76] As a primary stan-dard, NIST-F1 contributes to theaccuracy of UTC. Since its completion in1998, NIST-F1 has undergone about 20accuracy evaluations (calibrations) thathave been submitted to the BIPM. Anaccuracy evaluation usually requiresNIST-F1 to run continuously for about20 to 40 days. The actual length of thecalibration procedure is typically deter-mined by the noise of the satellite timetransfer process that is used to relay themeasurements to the BIPM.

Since 2004, five laboratories otherthan NIST have operated cesium primaryfrequency standards that have con-tributed to the accuracy of UTC. Theselaboratories include BNM-SYRTE,INRM, NPL, the Physikalisch-TechnischeBundesanstalt (PTB) in Germany, andthe National Metrology Institute of Japan(NMIJ). An additional group of about300 oscillators from more than 50national metrology institutes and astro-nomical observatories contribute to thefrequency stability (and reliability) ofTAI and UTC. This group of oscillatorsincludes the commercial standards in theNIST time scale. As is the case withUTC(NIST), a weighted average is used,and the most stable oscillators receivethe most weight. However, to keep themost stable oscillators from dominatingthe time scale, a maximum weight isassigned for every period of calculation.

The maximum weight assigned to an indi-vidual oscillator goes down as the numberof participating oscillators goes up.

As mentioned earlier, TAI and UTC arepost processed time scales, and thereforedo not produce any physical signals thatcan be used in a metrology laboratory.They are distributed only on paper,through a document called the Circular-T(published monthly by the BIPM andavailable at www.bipm.org/en/scien-tific/tai/). The results are presented inthe form of differences between localtime scales and UTC, for example asUTC(NIST) – UTC. The results reportedin the Circular-T verify that the measure-ments made at NIST and other partici-pating laboratories are traceable to UTCand to the SI second. [75]

13. Summary and ConclusionsThe history of atomic oscillators, fromthe late 1940’s to the present era, showsa steady improvement in accuracy: fromabout 1 × 10-10 in the 1950s to less than1 × 10-15 today (2007). The present stateof the art in cesium primary standards isdefined by the cesium fountain NIST-F1,which has achieved an accuracy of about4 × 10-16. The NIST-F2 fountain nowunder development will likely producebetter results, with an accuracy of lessthan 1 × 10-16 projected before the year2010.

Atomic oscillators, currently based onatomic microwave transitions, will even-tually be replaced by devices based onoptical transitions, and the SI second willlikely be redefined. Atomic oscillatorsusing optical transitions have a muchhigher resonance frequency (~1015 Hz)and are potentially accurate to less than1 × 10-17. Optical frequency standardsare being investigated in many laborato-ries worldwide with extremely promisingresults. [15, 18, 76, 77] However, theyare still some years away from replacingcesium devices as the world’s time andfrequency standards.

14. AcknowledgementsThe authors thank the Measure review-ers and NIST staff members Rich Fox,John Kitching, John Lowe, and DavidSmith for their helpful comments regard-ing this manuscript.

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