Mass - fataonline.com – Grounds, Conf I/II ... the faith alive for others unless the Body of Christ makes ... common language of faith,

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Saturdays 5:00pm (C) Sundays 8:30am, 11:00am, 5:00pm (C) Children’s Liturgy of the Word 11:00 Mass Monday – Friday 9:00am (NC) First Saturdays Rosary 8:30am/Mass 9:00am (NC)

Reconciliation Saturdays 3:30-4:30pm (C) or by Appointment

Prayer & Healing Tuesdays following 9:00am Mass (All Year) First Saturdays following 9:00am Mass (Sept - June) First Sundays following 8:30am Mass (Sept - June) Prayer Request [email protected]

June 12, 2016

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Events/Meetings This Week

Monday, June 13, 2016 7:00-9:00pm Spirit Band Practice (C) 7:30-9:30pm Gala Meeting (Conf II)

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 6:30-8:00pm MD1412 Troop Meeting (PC) 7:30-9:30pm Adult Choir (C) 7:30-9:30pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (Conf I) 7:30-9:00pm HOPE Ministry Mtg (Conf II) 8:30-9:30pm AA Meeting (NH)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016 9:30-12:00pm Women’s Sharing Group (PC)

Thursday, June 16, 2016 7:00-8:30pm RCIA Inquiry (Conf I) 7:30-9:00pm Prayer Group (NC) 7:00-8:00pm Young Adult Bible Study (PCLL) 8:00-10:00pm Knights of Columbus (NH)

Friday, June 17, 2016 7:00-10:00pm Cursillo Ultreya Meeting (NC)

Saturday, June 18, 2016 7:00-8:30am Men’s Faith Group (APR) 6:00-9:00pm Knights of Columbus End of Year Party (PC)

Sunday, June 19, 2016 Father’s Day Blessing Coffee/Donuts (After AM Masses) (PC) 9:30-11:00am CIC (Conf I/II) 9:30-11:30am RCIA (NC) 3:30-5:00pm St. Paul Folk Group (C)

Legend: C – Church, APR – Church All Purpose Room,

SAC – Sacristy, PC - Parish Center (3 Sections/Lower Lobby), NC - Norris Chapel, NH- Norris Hall, NHK - NH Kitchen,

GR – Grounds, Conf I/II – Rectory Conference Rooms.

New Parishioners are Welcome! Please contact the Rectory or visit the Welcome Desk in the Narthex to register.

We’re Here to Serve You

Rev. Joseph Pierce, Pastor [email protected]

Deacon Ed Close [email protected]

Deacon John Finerty [email protected]

Deacon Maury Huguley [email protected]

Deacon David Terrar [email protected]

Patty Whitehouse, Parish Secretary

[email protected]

Sherrie Wade, Director/Social Concerns

[email protected]

Larry Caines, Director/Music, [email protected]

Lisa Nueslein, Director/Religious Education

[email protected]

Cathy McTighe, Director/Youth Ministry (MS & StPYG)

[email protected]

Patti Woods, Secretary/Religious Ed

[email protected]

Beth Harper, Accountant, [email protected]

Kathy Van Horn, [email protected]

Bulletin [email protected]

Calendar [email protected]

Mary of Nazareth Catholic School www.maryofnazareth.org

Prayer Request [email protected]

Rectory 301-253-2027 – FAX 301-391-6755

Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00am-5:00pm

Note: The Rectory will close at 4:00pm on Fridays

through the summer.

As we now come to the end of our look at the idea of confessing our faith, we have seen in the Scriptures, the teachings of the saints, and will now see in the Catechism the importance of this type of confession. Early on when I introduced this topic as an aspect of mercy, I admitted that:

For this and a host of other reasons, people are often not willing to talk about their faith. The bottom line is that they don’t want to be attacked on any level. It’s easier to keep ones faith to ones self. We simply go along to get along.

The point of all of this is that this type of thinking is contrary to what a living faith should be. Early on in the Catechism we read the following about confessing our faith: “the confession of faith finds its proper place in the celebration of worship. Grace, the fruit of the sacraments, is the irreplaceable condition for Christian living, just as participation in the Church’s Liturgy requires faith. If faith is not expressed in works, it is dead (cf. Jas 2:14–16) and cannot bear fruit unto eternal life.” No one is going to make the faith alive for others unless the Body of Christ makes this commitment. Long before the Catechism discusses sacramental confession of sins, the focus of discussion is confession as an aspect of living faith. “Those who belong to Christ through faith and Baptism must confess their baptismal faith before men.” Later in the discussion of the Creeds, the Catechism says the following: “Communion in faith needs a common language of faith, normative for all and uniting all in the same confession of faith. ” The point in all of this is to show that the two fold confession we make as believers is nothing new in the faith. How are we going to make our faith alive for others unless we actually do it. This is why our ability to speak about the faith is as important as our confession of those things that hinder us from living the life of faith. This type of language may sound new to many cradle Catholics. However, if one examines ones own heritage, most of us who consistently seek to live our faith will see in those that passed it on to us a commitment and resolve that expressed a living faith rooted in action that confessed faith in the ordinary things of life. The difference for us is that contemporary culture needs voices for the proclamation of the Gospel. The world around us today has changed. No longer do our homes have a consistent sense of Catholic or even Christian culture. The secular world permeates our beliefs with a host of ideas that have nothing to do with the Gospel. In fact, the shrill and loud voices of the common culture proclaim ideas that are part of a belief system that at its roots suggest anything can go because I say so. On this level of discussion, truth is in the eye of the beholder. People can believe this sort of thing but it has nothing to do with Christianity. In fact it may even be contrary to Christianity.

This is why our Confession of Faith needs to begin with truth not of human origin but of Divine revelation. For us that starts with confession of our sins, but also of the faith that empowers us to see something the secular world wants to deny. They want to deny the sovereignty of God. For people of faith though, this is not an option.

Mass Intentions

Prayers This Week Sat June 18 5:00pm Donna Rock

We pray in Hope that God’s healing power may

touch those who are sick especially: Michael Abretski, Edgar Adams, Babette Burke, Mary Chalkley, Wayne Conners, Rudy Forage, Debbie Hammert, Jacquelyn Hammond, Diane Kanne, Tony and Mary Leggieri, Helen Reyes, Peggy Sicotte and Patti Woods.

We pray for those in Nursing Homes especially:

Mary George, Michael George, Nella Giliotti, Mary Alice Jenkins, Dominic Naples,Usha Rani and Robert Wesley.

We pray in Trust that all who have died may be

welcomed into the peace of God’s Kingdom.

Please help keep our prayer list updated by calling the

office as changes are needed. Names will only be included if

submitted by a relative or by the person requesting prayers


Prayer & Healing Ministry

Whether it is spiritual, physical or emotional, we all have times we need to ask the Lord to bring us to wholeness. Under direction of our Pastor, Saint Paul’s has a trained and dedicated prayer team available to pray with parishioners seeking the Lord’s healing presence. Confidentiality is strictly maintained. For info or to schedule an appointment, please contact Pat Linn at 301-253-8647.

Please join us in praying for the following children who were brought into the Body of Christ in our parish via the sacrament of baptism: Garrett Tyler Otis, Christian Joseph Yankovich and Theodore Matthew Zapadka.

May the Lord continue to bless these children abundantly!

From the Pastor’s Desk

Religion Classes for K-5 and Middle School are now on summer break for June, July and August

Religious Education Registration - Registration for all of our children’s and youth religious education programs is underway for 2016-2017. Forms and FAQs are available via the parish website, the parish office, or from the welcome desk in the Narthex. We are also able to prepare children with special learning needs to receive the sacraments. Please call Lisa Nueslein, our program director, for assistance or questions. The Archdiocesan Religion Curriculum Guide may be viewed at http://adw.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/ReligiousEducationCurriculumGuide.pdf. Vacation Bible Camp (VBC) - VBC has been a tradition at St. Paul parish for many years. It takes many many volunteers to offer this week-long summer program (workers are not paid for giving their time for this week.) Unfortunately, we were not able to recruit the volunteer base that would be needed to offer a program this summer. So, Saint Paul parish will not be offering VBC this summer. However, the good news is that one of our parishioners has volunteered to coordinate VBC for the summer of 2017. And we are beginning the planning process now! Our first planning meeting will be coming up soon. Please join us if you are able to contribute time and talent to our VBC for the summer of 2017. You may contact Margaret Kenny to discuss how you might support this program (there is lots of pre work to do as well as work to do during the week of the event.) Margaret may be reached at [email protected]. Reminder for Families of Candidates being

confirmed Sept 11, 2016 - If your student still hasn’t fulfilled the requirements of our program, please see the website listed below to access a guide to completing all missed requirements. Over the summer students should be finishing their Social Justict Outreach Reflection and Acts of the Apostles self-directed bible study. ALSO: Now that your teen is a rising high school freshman, be sure to check out

our upcoming events for St Paul Youth Group this

summer and as the new school year begins in Sept.

Middle School Website: www.StPaulMiddleSchool.weebly.com


Summer Activities

for High School Students:


LOCK-IN JULY 23-24, 2016 - Noon to Noon - This year our guys lock in and girls lock in (two separate events) will be happening at the same time but held in different locations at St Paul’s with some shared activities. All rising freshman through 2016 high school graduates are welcome. What happens at our lock-ins? Answer: A LOT! We will be playing games, shopping for and making meals, recording a fun video project, watching movies, & more! PLUS: some spiritual

reflections and witness speakers. Why should I go? For the chance to grow in friendship & create some hilarious memories. Not sure about our youth group or feel like you just don't know everyone enough to feel comfortable coming during the year? Our summer lock-ins are the perfect opportunity to break the ice and get to know the youth groupians... you will definitely feel welcomed and leave

with a new group of friends! What does it cost & what

do i bring? The lock-ins cost $15. Just pack like you would for a sleepover, including a sleeping bag/blanket & pillow. We will feed you, but you are welcome to bring snacks to share! (If you have special dietary needs, bring the food you need or let Cathy know in advance so we can work

it out). Don't forget your FORM & PAYMENT. Register

Online at www.stpyg.weebly.com by clicking on “Summer!” under the events tab.

Quo Vadis Camp - Men’s vocations camp June 26-29 Where are you going? What is the Father's will for you?

Camp can help you answer these questions. A vocation

discernment camp for rising freshmen thru graduating

seniors at Mount St Mary's University in Emmitsburg.

Features prayer, talks, discussion, sports, and more. Visit

www.dcpriest.org sign up soon, space is limited.

Fiat Days - Women’s vocations camp July 17-20 - A vocation discernment camp for rising high school freshmen

thru rising seniors at Mount Saint Mary’s University in

Emmittsburg. Camp is for young women who want to model

their personal holiness on that of Mary to be better able to

discover their own vocation from our Lord, and make their

own “fiat” or “yes” to Him. Listen to great talks, receive

the Sacraments, find excitement in your life with God, meet

sisters and socialize with other young Catholic women.

Read more at www.bmorevocations.org and sign up soon!

Religious Education

Thank you to all who participate in the Memorial Day Blood drive. Officially 24 donors registered at the drive. Overall we were able to collect 20 units of blood from your donors, which has the potential to save the lives of 60 hospital patients in our area.

Health Care Ministry - As the temperatures rise during the Summer heat related illnesses can escalate rapidly. There are several heat related illnesses, including heat stroke (most severe), heat exhaustion and heat cramps. All age groups and pets are affected. To avoid problems occurring, stay ultra hydrated. Water is good but Gatorade is better to replace salt and retain fluid. Keep a watchful eye out for warning signs. Cramping, especially in the leg, is a sign the body is losing salt and electrolytes. cramping and light sweating leads to heavier, profuse sweating, lightheaded, maybe nausea. When this happens your body stops sweating and can no longer cool itself. This is a medical emergency, call 9-1-1. When the body loses excessive salt and water heat exhaustion happens. People who work outdoors and athletes are susceptible. Symptoms include severe thirst, fatigue, headache, nausea, dizziness, clammy skin. Uncontrolled heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke. Treat the victim quickly. Move them to shade or air conditioned area, give them water or a cool nonalcoholic drink, and apply wet towels or have them take a cool shower. Heat cramps are muscle spasms usually affecting the legs or abdominal muscles often after physical activity. Sit or lie down in the shade, drink cool water or a sports drink, stretch affected muscles, seek medical attention if you have heart problems or if the cramps do not get better in an hour. The best way to avoid heat related problems is to limit outdoor exposure during hot days. Air conditioning is the best way to cool off. Drink more liquids that you think you need, avoid alcohol, wear loose lightweight clothing and a hat, replace salt lost from sweating by drinking a fruit juice or sports drink, avoid the outdoors during the hottest part of the day, wear sunscreen, pace yourself when you run or exert your body. For more information see: www.nsc.org, cdc.org and www.nih.


Neighbor Helping Neighbor - Every year, people are killed or seriously injured by severe weather. What you can and should do during a severe summer storm to help those in your neighborhood who are disabled, homebound, elderly, or unable to assist themselves due to a medical condition: Check on neighbors with difficulties during power outages/extreme heat. Assist with yard clean-up. Offer to go replace food loss due to power outage for the elderly/homebound and less fortunate neighbors, assist with relocation to a safe place if needed. Our parish communities are measured by how they serve

“the least of these” in our parish and beyond its

boundaries - the hungry, the homeless, the sick, those in

prison , the stranger (cf. Mt 25:31).

Medicine for Honduras - The following over-the-counter medicines are needed for our trip to the St. Paul Clinic in July:

• Tylenol/Advil/Motrin/Ibuprofen (adult/children)

• Benadryl adult and children suspension

• Alcohol wipes

• 4X4 Gauze

• Q-tips

• Monistat anti-fungal

• Baby aspirin

• Adult, children’s and prenatal vitamins

• Vitamin A

• Vitamin D

• Vitamin E

• Omega 3

• Neosporin

• Hydrocortisone cream

• Allergy medicines

• Sunscreen

Please place in the collection bin in the Narthex

3rd Annual “Summer in the City” Campaign -

Please be sure to see the ushers and take a shopping

bag with you as you leave Mass today and return it

June 18/19 with as many of the listed items as you can. The John S. Mulholland Family Foundation, which serves the working poor of the District of Columbia will ensure that your gifts are distributed to those in need at St Thomas More, St. Francis Xavier, Holy Name of Jesus, and other pantries. Thank you for your generosity! Visit www.jsmff.org for more information.

Social Concerns

Father's Day Spiritual Bouquet Mass Cards for your father, father-in-law or anyone you would like to have remembered at Mass on Father’s Day are available in the Narthex.

Annual Parish Picnic

June 12 After 11:00am Mass

Young Adult Study - Grow in your faith this summer by joining St. Paul’s Young Adult Study! In this year of mercy, we will discuss what it means to have a personal relationship with God by studying Fr. Michael Gaitley's Consoling the Heart of Jesus retreat book, inspired by the teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Therese of Lisieux! We will meet every Thursday night, thru August 18th, from 7:00-8:00pm in the lower level of the Parish Center. Contact Natalie Dagher at [email protected] for more info. All young adults are welcome; invite your friends!

Evening of Prayer and Worship - Every Thursday in the Norris Chapel at 7:30pm. You do not need to RSVP - just come and enjoy an evening to pray and worship. Prayer Requests:

• Telephone: Ginny Clifford, 301-253-4910 or Carol Dutil, 301-253-1992

• E-mail: [email protected]

• Web: http://www.stpauldamascus.org/

• By Appointment – Call Pat Linn, 301-253-8647; or the Parish Secretary. When invited, a prayer team will join you in prayer for you or your loved ones in the hospital, nursing home, your home or the Norris Chapel.

Beach Ball Bingo At Mother Seton Parish - The Sodality of Mother Seton Parish, 19951 Fr. Hurley Blvd., Germantown is sponsoring a Beach Ball Bingo Friday, June 17 with prizes from Coach, Michael Kors and Kate Spade. Doors open at 5pm, Bingo starts at 7pm. Supper provided, featuring Lancaster County Dutch Market Chicken and sides. Admission is $35.00 (includes regular game cards, two special games, supper and door prize drawings). Don’t wait, pay in advance and reserve seats, our last Bingo SOLD OUT. Groups are welcome. For info, contact Kathleen Coughlin at [email protected] or call 301-972-4558 (evenings and weekends only).

Witness to Life Mass and Procession - “A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will

rise up throughout the world.” ~Pope St. John Paul II. With the construction of a new Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Northeast DC well underway, a great prayer for life is desperately needed in our nation’s capital. Please join us at 10:00am on Saturday, June 18

th at Holy Name Catholic Church (920 11th Street NE, DC) for a Mass and procession as we witness to the dignity of every human life. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Barry Knestout, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, with Msgr. Charles Pope as homilist. We will then process to the Planned Parenthood location while praying the rosary and pause at the site for additional prayers. In our efforts to promote the dignity of life and oppose abortion, we must answer Pope Francis’s call to share the Lord’s mercy by providing support for mothers in need. Please bring donations for the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center (diapers, onesies, baby blankets and sleepers). The Papal Fiat will be present to collect them before Mass (please arrive at 9:45am)! Sponsored by the archdiocese’s Department of Life Issues. See www.adw.org/witness-for-life for more details or contact [email protected] or (301) 853-4555.

Around the Community

Parish News

Mary of Nazareth Catholic School Visit www.maryofnazareth.org and follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@MoNCatholic_Sch).

Mother of God School Visit www.mogschool.com or call 301-990-2088. June 18 Honey Harvesting Workshop - Help harvest honey at the Franciscan Monastery on Saturday, June 18 (9:30 a.m.-noon or noon-2:30 p.m.). A $25 workshop fee includes a bottle of fresh monastery honey to take home. Space is limited; please pre-register at [email protected] or 202-374-0541. The workshops are held in the greenhouse behind the monastery, 1400 Quincy St. NE, Washington, DC 20017. (Frames will have been removed from the hives prior to the workshops.)

Garden Tours at the Franciscan Monastery - Get a tour of one of Washington’s “hidden gems”, the gardens at the historic Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land. Learn about the plants, architecture, history and shrines. Free tours every Saturday, 11 am and noon, led by guides from the Franciscan Monastery Garden Guild. Meet at the visitor center, 1400 Quincy St. NE, Washington, DC 20017; myfranciscan.org and fmgg.org; 202-526-6800. Call to arrange a group tour. MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR LIFE! If you have a heart for women and are a good listener, consider becoming a daytime volunteer counselor at the Shady Grove Pregnancy Center. Training consists of 8 classes held on Mon/Thurs from 7-10p.m. on July 28, Aug. 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22. For details, call Jackie Stippich, Exec. Director at 301-963-6223.

2016 Run for Vocations - Registration for the Marine Corps Marathon 10K is open. Time to get your running shoes out and your team together! For more information visit www.dcpriest.org or search "Run For Vocations" on Facebook.

Archdiocesan Prayer for

The Year of Mercy

Almighty God and Father, You have created all things and know

the desire of every heart. In this Year of Mercy, we reflect on your

great love for us, and

acknowledge our sinfulness and

need for your healing mercy. Trusting that you never tire of forgiving us,

we open our hearts to receive your

forgiveness and love. Having encountered you, Mercy itself,

and guided by the Holy Spirit, may we witness to the love

we have received by sharing it

with those most in need: the hungry,

the homeless, the afflicted, and the oppressed. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.


For events celebrating The Year of Mercy

Visit http://mercy.adw.org/

Deadline for Bulletin Submissions: Thursdays at

5pm the week before publication. Photos are welcome

for our cover, include a brief description. Please email to

[email protected].


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