2005 The Paleontological Society. All rights reserved. 0094-8373/05/3102-0014/$1.00 Paleobiology, 31(2), 2005, pp. 192–210 Mass extinctions and macroevolution David Jablonski Abstract.—Mass extinctions are important to macroevolution not only because they involve a sharp increase in extinction intensity over ‘‘background’’ levels, but also because they bring a change in extinction selectivity, and these quantitative and qualitative shifts set the stage for evolutionary recoveries. The set of extinction intensities for all stratigraphic stages appears to fall into a single right-skewed distribution, but this apparent continuity may derive from failure to factor out the well-known secular trend in background extinction: high early Paleozoic rates fill in the gap be- tween later background extinction and the major mass extinctions. In any case, the failure of many organism-, species-, and clade-level traits to predict survivorship during mass extinctions is a more important challenge to the extrapolationist premise that all macroevolutionary processes are sim- ply smooth extensions of microevolution. Although a variety of factors have been found to correlate with taxon survivorship for particular extinction events, the most pervasive effect involves geo- graphic range at the clade level, an emergent property independent of the range sizes of constituent species. Such differential extinction would impose ‘‘nonconstructive selectivity,’’ in which survi- vorship is unrelated to many organismic traits but is not strictly random. It also implies that cor- relations among taxon attributes may obscure causation, and even the focal level of selection, in the survival of a trait or clade, for example when widespread taxa within a major group tend to have particular body sizes, trophic habits, or metabolic rates. Survivorship patterns will also be sensitive to the inexact correlations of taxonomic, morphological, and functional diversity, to phylogeneti- cally nonrandom extinction, and to the topology of evolutionary trees. Evolutionary recoveries may be as important as the extinction events themselves in shaping the long-term trajectories of indi- vidual clades and permitting once-marginal groups to diversify, but we know little about sorting processes during recovery intervals. However, both empirical extrapolationism (where outcomes can be predicted from observation of pre- or post-extinction patterns) and theoretical extrapola- tionism (where mechanisms reside exclusively at the level of organisms within populations) evi- dently fail during mass extinctions and their evolutionary aftermath. This does not mean that con- ventional natural selection was inoperative during mass extinctions, but that many features that promoted survivorship during background times were superseded as predictive factors by higher- level attributes. Many intriguing issues remain, including the generality of survivorship rules across extinction events; the potential for gradational changes in selectivity patterns with extinction intensity or the volatility of target clades; the heritability of clade-level traits; the macroevolution- ary consequences of the inexact correlations between taxonomic, morphological, and functional diversity; the factors governing the dynamics and outcome of recoveries; and the spatial fabric of extinctions and recoveries. The detection of general survivorship rules—including the disappear- ance of many patterns evident during background times—demonstrates that studies of mass ex- tinctions and recovery can contribute substantially to evolutionary theory. David Jablonski. Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, 5734 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637. E-mail: [email protected] Accepted: 31 August 2004 Introduction Mass extinctions and their causes have at- tracted enormous attention over the past two decades, but relatively few authors have fo- cused on these events from a macroevolution- ary standpoint. Steve Gould saw the major mass extinctions as a third evolutionary tier with its own ‘‘predominating causes and pat- terns.’’ The essential property of mass extinc- tions, he argued, is that these rare, intense events derail the evolutionary patterns shaped by organismic selection, speciation, and spe- cies sorting during times of background ex- tinction (operationally defined here simply as the intervals of lower extinction intensity be- tween the ‘‘Big Five’’ extinction peaks of the Phanerozoic). Mass extinctions would thus represent another challenge—among several presented by Gould (2002) and others—to ex- trapolationist, non-hierarchical approaches to evolutionary theory, in which large-scale pat- terns are understood strictly in terms of ‘‘ex- trapolating from evolutionary change over ecological time frames in local populations’’ (Sterelny and Griffiths 1999: p. 305).

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� 2005 The Paleontological Society. All rights reserved. 0094-8373/05/3102-0014/$1.00

Paleobiology, 31(2), 2005, pp. 192–210

Mass extinctions and macroevolution

David Jablonski

Abstract.—Mass extinctions are important to macroevolution not only because they involve a sharpincrease in extinction intensity over ‘‘background’’ levels, but also because they bring a change inextinction selectivity, and these quantitative and qualitative shifts set the stage for evolutionaryrecoveries. The set of extinction intensities for all stratigraphic stages appears to fall into a singleright-skewed distribution, but this apparent continuity may derive from failure to factor out thewell-known secular trend in background extinction: high early Paleozoic rates fill in the gap be-tween later background extinction and the major mass extinctions. In any case, the failure of manyorganism-, species-, and clade-level traits to predict survivorship during mass extinctions is a moreimportant challenge to the extrapolationist premise that all macroevolutionary processes are sim-ply smooth extensions of microevolution. Although a variety of factors have been found to correlatewith taxon survivorship for particular extinction events, the most pervasive effect involves geo-graphic range at the clade level, an emergent property independent of the range sizes of constituentspecies. Such differential extinction would impose ‘‘nonconstructive selectivity,’’ in which survi-vorship is unrelated to many organismic traits but is not strictly random. It also implies that cor-relations among taxon attributes may obscure causation, and even the focal level of selection, in thesurvival of a trait or clade, for example when widespread taxa within a major group tend to haveparticular body sizes, trophic habits, or metabolic rates. Survivorship patterns will also be sensitiveto the inexact correlations of taxonomic, morphological, and functional diversity, to phylogeneti-cally nonrandom extinction, and to the topology of evolutionary trees. Evolutionary recoveries maybe as important as the extinction events themselves in shaping the long-term trajectories of indi-vidual clades and permitting once-marginal groups to diversify, but we know little about sortingprocesses during recovery intervals. However, both empirical extrapolationism (where outcomescan be predicted from observation of pre- or post-extinction patterns) and theoretical extrapola-tionism (where mechanisms reside exclusively at the level of organisms within populations) evi-dently fail during mass extinctions and their evolutionary aftermath. This does not mean that con-ventional natural selection was inoperative during mass extinctions, but that many features thatpromoted survivorship during background times were superseded as predictive factors by higher-level attributes. Many intriguing issues remain, including the generality of survivorship rulesacross extinction events; the potential for gradational changes in selectivity patterns with extinctionintensity or the volatility of target clades; the heritability of clade-level traits; the macroevolution-ary consequences of the inexact correlations between taxonomic, morphological, and functionaldiversity; the factors governing the dynamics and outcome of recoveries; and the spatial fabric ofextinctions and recoveries. The detection of general survivorship rules—including the disappear-ance of many patterns evident during background times—demonstrates that studies of mass ex-tinctions and recovery can contribute substantially to evolutionary theory.

David Jablonski. Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, 5734 South Ellis Avenue,Chicago, Illinois 60637. E-mail: [email protected]

Accepted: 31 August 2004


Mass extinctions and their causes have at-tracted enormous attention over the past twodecades, but relatively few authors have fo-cused on these events from a macroevolution-ary standpoint. Steve Gould saw the majormass extinctions as a third evolutionary tierwith its own ‘‘predominating causes and pat-terns.’’ The essential property of mass extinc-tions, he argued, is that these rare, intenseevents derail the evolutionary patterns shapedby organismic selection, speciation, and spe-

cies sorting during times of background ex-tinction (operationally defined here simply asthe intervals of lower extinction intensity be-tween the ‘‘Big Five’’ extinction peaks of thePhanerozoic). Mass extinctions would thusrepresent another challenge—among severalpresented by Gould (2002) and others—to ex-trapolationist, non-hierarchical approaches toevolutionary theory, in which large-scale pat-terns are understood strictly in terms of ‘‘ex-trapolating from evolutionary change overecological time frames in local populations’’(Sterelny and Griffiths 1999: p. 305).

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Here I will discuss mass extinctions from anevolutionary perspective, drawing mainly onthe heavily studied end-Cretaceous (K/T)event but noting results from other extinctionswhere comparable analyses are available. Iwill argue that shifts in extinction selectivityare just as important as variations in intensity,and that the sorting of clades in post-extinc-tion recoveries is also crucial to our under-standing the evolutionary role of mass extinc-tions. I will conclude that simple extrapola-tionism fails at mass extinction events, wheth-er defined as empirical predictability frombackground to mass extinction, or in more de-manding terms as reducibility to exclusivelyorganism-level processes.


Mass extinctions are important episodes inthe history of life regardless of their broaderevolutionary implications, but they are diffi-cult to study rigorously. The absolute magni-tude and temporal fabric of extinctions andsubsequent recoveries are almost certainlydistorted by the incompleteness and bias ofthe stratigraphic record (see discussions ofSepkoski and Koch 1996; Kidwell and Holland2002; Foote 2003). Nevertheless, many lines ofevidence refute the extreme Darwin-Lyellclaim that the major extinctions are essentiallysampling artifacts. This evidence includes,most obviously, the permanent loss of abun-dant, well-sampled clades that persist untillate in the pre-extinction interval (such as am-monoids, rudist bivalves, and globotruncan-acean foraminifers at the K/T boundary),qualitative and long-standing shifts in bioticcomposition, and the temporal sharpening ofthe events with improved sampling and cor-relations (e.g., Sepkoski 1984, 1996; Jablonski1986a, 1995; Hallam and Wignall 1997; Droseret al. 2000; Erwin et al. 2002; Steuber et al.2002; Bambach et al. 2002; Benton and Twitch-ett 2003; Erwin 2003; see also the modeling re-sults of Foote 2003, 2005). Taxonomic stan-dardization tends to reduce the intensity ofmajor events relative to estimates from syn-optic databases (e.g., Smith and Jeffery 1998;Kiessling and Baron-Szabo 2004; for an excep-tion see Adrain and Westrop 2000), but suchrevisions rarely encompass the target clade’s

‘‘background’’ extinction patterns and so theboundary-focused revisions lack a quantita-tive context (as also noted by Fara [2000] andFoote [2003]).

Some authors have argued that the apparentcontinuum of extinction intensities from themost placid stratigraphic intervals to the BigFive events, yielding a right-skewed unimodaldistribution when all Phanerozoic stages areplotted as a single population (e.g., Raup1991a,b, 1996; MacLeod 2003a,b; Wang 2003),undermines any claim for a significant mac-roevolutionary role for mass extinctions (e.g.,Hoffman 1989; Lee and Doughty 2003;MacLeod 2003b). However, this seems anoversimplification, for several reasons.

Most importantly, the seemingly continu-ous distribution of extinction intensities mayarise from grouping heterogeneous data. Thehigh turnover rates of the early Paleozoic,which anchor the secular decline in back-ground extinction intensities documented byRaup and Sepkoski (1982; see also Van Valen1984; Gilinsky and Bambach 1987; Gilinsky1994; Sepkoski 1996; Newman and Eble 1999;MacLeod 2003a; Foote 2003), generate a set ofhigh-extinction intervals that bridge the gapbetween the bulk of background extinctionstages and the most extreme of the mass ex-tinctions. If the secular decline is factored out,by omitting the Cambrian–early Ordovicianstages and/or by scaling extinction intensitiesas residuals to a line fit to the Phanerozoic de-cline, then at least three of the major extinctionevents form a statistically significant mode inthe extinction-frequency distribution (Bam-bach and Knoll 2001; S. Peters personal com-munication 2002; Bambach et al. 2004). Theend-Permian, end-Cretaceous, and end-Or-dovician extinctions constitute that discretemode in the Bambach et al. analysis, the samethree events that emerged in Hubbard andGilinsky’s (1992) bootstrap analysis and inFoote’s (2003) models, an outcome that under-scores the peculiarity—at least in the synopticSepkoski databases—of the Late Devonianand end-Triassic extinctions. These two ex-tinctions seem especially difficult to separatefrom the effects of facies changes, although thenear-extirpation of ammonoids and other taxaand an apparently global upheaval of reef

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FIGURE 1. Epifaunal suspension-feeding bivalve genera(above) have significantly shorter genus durations thaninfaunal suspension-feeding bivalves (below) in the 140-Myr interval of background extinction leading up to theend-Cretaceous event (Mann-Whitney U-test: P � 0.01).As shown in Figure 2, this contrast disappears duringeach of the last three mass extinctions. (Data from theongoing revision and ecological characterization of thebivalve portion of Sepkoski 2002 by D. Jablonski, K. Roy,and J. W. Valentine.)

communities lend credibility to some kind ofexceptional biotic turnover in both the late De-vonian and latest Triassic (McGhee 1996; Page1996; Hallam and Wignall 1997; Balinski et al.2002; Copper 2002; Flugel 2002; Racki andHouse 2002; Stanley 2003). Some of the lesserextinction pulses in the Phanerozoic recordmay truly reflect variations in preservationrather than true extinction events (e.g., Smith2001; Peters and Foote 2001; Foote 2003, 2005;Erwin 2004), and removing such artifacts mayalso tend to set the mass extinctions apart, al-though this effect needs to be evaluated quan-titatively. The apparent continuity of Phaner-ozoic extinction intensities is therefore debat-able at best, and probably obscures moreabout extinction processes than it reveals.


More important than extinction intensityfrom a macroevolutionary standpoint is thequestion of selectivity. A slowly growing setof analyses has found that many traits corre-lated with extinction risk in today’s biota, andwith paleontological background extinction,tend to be poor predictors of survivorshipduring mass extinctions. Factors such as localabundance, reproductive mode, body size andinferred generation time, trophic strategy, lifehabit, geographic range at the species level,and species richness, which have all been hy-pothesized or shown to be significant under‘‘normal’’ extinction intensities, had little ef-fect on genus survivorship during the K/T ex-tinction and were unimportant in one or moreof the other mass extinctions as well (Jablonski1986a,b, 1989, 1995; Jablonski and Raup 1995;Smith and Jeffery 1998, 2000a; Lockwood2003). (The fact that many of the neontologicaland microevolutionary patterns are expressedat the species level, whereas most paleonto-logical data are drawn from genus-level data,is a concern only if a hierarchical view is al-ready preferred over an extrapolationist one;under an extrapolationist view patternsshould be damped but not qualitatively dif-ferent across the biological hierarchy.)

One example of this contrast can be seen inmarine bivalves, where epifaunal suspensionfeeders such as scallops have significantlyshorter genus durations than infaunal suspen-

sion feeders such as cockles in the 140-Myr in-terval between the end-Triassic extinction andthe K/T boundary (Fig. 1). Although this iswork in progress, the median durations differby 50% and the frequency distributions differsignificantly (P � 0.01), suggesting that thecontrast is fairly robust (see also Aberhan andBaumiller 2003, and McRoberts’ 2001 report ofa smaller but equally significant difference inextinction rates between infauna and epifaunaduring the Triassic, albeit with a curious re-versal in the Norian stage). These resultsshould still be viewed cautiously, because thetwo functional groups differ mineralogicallyand thus in preservation potential: infaunalbivalves form less stable, exclusively aragonit-ic shells whereas the epifauna includes cladeswith more stable calcitic components. Poor

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FIGURE 2. Genera of infaunal (Inf) and epifaunal (Epif)suspension-feeding bivalves do not differ significantlyin extinction intensity during each of three extinctions:the end-Permian (Jablonski et al. unpublished), end-Tri-assic (McRoberts 2001), and end-Cretaceous (Jablonskiand Raup 1995). (95% confidence intervals followingRaup 1991c.)

FIGURE 3. The interaction between species richness andgeographic range at the species level in promoting ge-nus survivorship, significant during (A) backgroundtimes for marine bivalves and gastropods, is not appar-ent for (B) the end-Cretaceous mass extinction in theGulf and Atlantic Coastal Plain. In A, values are mediandurations of genera; in B, values are extinction intensi-ties. Species-rich defined as having three or more spe-cies in the study area; widespread as having at least 50%of species with geographic ranges �500 km in the studyarea; see Jablonski 1986b for details.

preservation might impose lower taxonomicresolution on infauna and thus artificially in-flate their durations. However, the contrast be-tween mass extinction and background ex-tinction times suggests that preservational ef-fects do not overwhelm other factors (and seeKidwell 2005). The difference in durations dis-appears in the end-Permian, end-Triassic, andend-Cretaceous extinctions, where both func-tional groups suffer statistically indistin-guishable extinction intensities (Jablonski andRaup 1995; McRoberts 2001; and a very pre-liminary analysis of end-Permian bivalve ex-tinction) (Fig. 2).

A similar shift in genus survivorship pat-terns occurs in analyses of species richness,geographic range at the species level, and theinteraction of these properties. For example,Late Cretaceous marine bivalve and gastro-pod genera that contained many, mainlywidespread species tend to have significantlygreater durations than genera consisting offew, spatially restricted species, and the othercombinations tended to show intermediatevalues (Jablonski 1986a,b) (Fig. 3A). Thismakes intuitive sense and can readily be mod-eled in terms of clade demography (e.g., Raup1985). However, these differences do not pre-dict survivorship patterns during the end-Cretaceous extinction (Figs. 3B, 4) in the NorthAmerican Coastal Plain (Jablonski 1986a,b)and elsewhere (Jablonski 1989). A partial listof analyses for other groups and events where

species richness was not a buffer against ex-tinction is provided by Jablonski (1995).

Selectivity also shifts at the K/T boundaryfor developmental modes in marine inverte-brates. The Late Cretaceous saw the indepen-dent evolution of nonplanktotrophic larvae innumerous gastropod lineages (Jablonski1986c) and in five of the 14 orders of echinoidsacross a wide range of habitats and latitudes,presumably in response to pervasive changesin global climate or plankton communities(Jeffery 1997; Smith and Jeffery 2000a). How-ever, the end-Cretaceous mass extinction was

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FIGURE 4. A new analysis of gastropods across the K/T boundary in the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plain showsno significant difference between the median geograph-ic range of constituent species in victim and survivinggenera; Mann-Whitney U-test: P � 0.75 (Jablonski un-published).

TABLE 1. Extinction events and taxa in which broad geographic range at the genus level enhanced survivorship(updated from Jablonski 1995).

End-Ordovician bivalves Bretsky 1973End-Ordovician brachiopods Sheehan and Coorough 1990; Sheehan et al. 1996; Brenchley et al.

2001; Harper and Rong 2001End-Ordovician bryozoans Anstey 1986; Anstey et al. 2003End-Ordovician trilobites Robertson et al. 1991End-Ordovician marine invertebrates Foote 2003Late Devonian bivalves Bretsky 1973*End-Permian bivalves Bretsky 1973End-Permian gastropods Erwin 1989, 1993, 1996†End-Triassic bivalves Bretsky 1973; Hallam 1981; Hallam and Wignall 1997: p. 148‡End-Cretaceous bivalves and gastropods Jablonski 1986a,b, 1989; Jablonski and Raup 1995Exception: End-Cretaceous echinoids Smith and Jeffery 1998, 2000a,b

* Rode and Lieberman (2004) found broad geographic range to promote species survivorship in the Late Devonian but did not provide genus-levelanalyses.

† Contrary to Smith and Jeffery’s (2000b) misreading of these results.‡ McRoberts and Newton (1995) report no effect of species-level geographic range on species survivorship for European end-Triassic bivalves, con-

sistent with end-Cretaceous results, but they do not provide genus-level statistics.

nonselective with respect to larval types inboth mollusks (Jablonski 1986b,c; Valentineand Jablonski 1986) and echinoids (Smith andJeffery 1998, 2000a; Jeffery 2001). In this in-stance we can see that the selective regime op-erating immediately prior to the K/T eventwas inoperative across the boundary but re-

turned in its aftermath, judging by the earlyCenozoic evolution of nonplanktotrophy in adiverse set of gastropod lineages and in atleast three additional echinoid orders (Hansen1982; Jeffery 1997; Smith and Jeffery 1998,2000a). In contrast, trilobite genera inferred toundergo benthic development fared signifi-cantly better than those inferred to undergoplanktic development during the end-Ordo-vician extinction (Chatterton and Speyer1989), whereas Lerosey-Aubril and Feist(2003) suggested that planktic developmentfavored trilobite survivorship in the late De-vonian. This apparent inconsistency for trilo-bites at different extinction boundaries bearsinvestigation, perhaps including further eval-uation of the criteria for developmentalmodes.

Although these organism-, species-, andclade-level traits lose effectiveness as predic-tors of survivorship at mass extinction bound-aries, survivorship is not completely random.Each event seems to exhibit some form of se-lectivity, but one factor that promoted survivalfor most major groups at each of the mass ex-tinctions is broad geographic distribution atthe clade level, regardless of species-levelranges (Table 1). Extinction intensities are sig-nificantly elevated even for widespread gen-era during mass extinctions but the differen-tial between widespread and localized taxaremains (e.g., Jablonski and Raup 1995; Erwin1996; Foote 2003). This provides, among otherthings, another line of evidence that extinction

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events are not simply sampling artifacts in-volving the false disappearance of endemictaxa. It also suggests that McGhee’s (1996: p.125) statement that broad distribution had noeffect on survivorship in the Late Devonianextinction(s) should be viewed cautiously: hisonly evidence is the severe losses suffered bymajor groups that had widespread membersat the time, rather than a quantitative analysisof extinction intensities among geographic-range categories. On the other hand, Smithand Jeffery (1998, 2000a,b) failed to detect dif-ferential survivorship of K/T echinoid generaaccording to geographic range, an anomalousresult perhaps deriving from their approachto translating cladistic analyses into a taxo-nomic classification. A spatially explicit ver-sion of Sepkoski and Kendrick’s classic (1993)study is sorely needed, to explore how theprotocol used to derive taxonomic structurefrom phylogenetic trees affects not only tem-poral but also spatial diversity patterns (seealso Robeck et al. 2000).

Taken together, most analyses suggest thattaxonomic survivorship during the Big Fivemass extinctions approaches Raup’s (1984)paradigm of ‘‘nonconstructive selectivity’’:not strictly random, but determined in manyinstances by features that are not tightlylinked to traits honed during backgroundtimes, and thus unlikely to reinforce or pro-mote long-term adaptation of the biota (‘‘wan-ton extinction’’ in Raup 1991b; see also Eble1999; and Gould 2002: pp. 1035–1037, 1323–1324, and elsewhere). This injects what Gould(1985, 1989, 2002) would call a strong elementof contingency into macroevolution: evenwell-established clades and adaptations couldbe lost during these episodes, simply becausethey were not associated with the features thatenhanced survivorship during these unusualand geologically brief events. This removal ofincumbents and the subsequent diversifica-tion of formerly marginal taxa is an essentialelement of the evolutionary role of the majorextinctions (Jablonski 1986a,b,d, 2001; Benton1987, 1991; Jablonski and Sepkoski 1996; Eld-redge 1997, 2003; Erwin 1998, 2001, 2004;Gould 2002).

This emerging picture suggests that corre-lations may often masquerade as direct selec-

tivity. Because biological traits tend to covary,even across hierarchical levels, selection onone feature will tend to drag others along withit. For example, bryozoan taxa with complexcolonies are generally more resistant thansimple taxa to background levels of extinctionbut more extinction-prone during Paleozoicmass extinctions, an intriguing shift in appar-ent selectivity. However, colony complexity isalso inversely related to genus-level geo-graphic range, and so the actual basis for dif-ferential survival of bryozoan groups in theend-Ordovician extinction is unclear (see An-stey 1978, 1986; Anstey et al. 2003).

Even the often-cited claim for size-selectiv-ity has proven to be questionable in many cas-es, and the potential examples that remain arecomplicated by (often nonlinear) covariationof body size with other organism- and spe-cies-level traits, from metabolic rate to localabundance to effective population size to ge-netic population structure to geographicrange (Jablonski and Raup 1995; Jablonski1996; Fara 2000; see also Brown 1995; Gastonand Blackburn 2000; Gaston 2003). For thatmatter, Fara (2000) argued that body size, diet,habitat, population size, and geographic rangeall covary in tetrapods, undermining attemptsto pinpoint the key factor in taxonomic sur-vivorship: was it modest body size, detritus-based food webs, freshwater habit, large pop-ulation size, or broad geographic range?Large data sets that capture the full range ofseveral variables, and multifactorial ap-proaches that take into account polygonal andother nonlinear relationships, are requiredhere.

Such correlations, whether via chance link-ages or from well-tuned adaptive covariation,suggest that many selectivities apparent at theorganismal level should be treated as possibleindirect effects. For example, what was itabout the end-Ordovician extinction that se-lected against broad apertural sinuses insnails (Wagner 1996) and multiple stipes ingraptolites (Mitchell 1990; Melchen andMitchell 1991); what aspect or driver of theend-Cretaceous extinction selected againstschizodont hinges in bivalves, elongate rostrain echinoids, or complex sutures in cephalo-pods? All of these losses or severe declines

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more likely represent correlations rather thandirect causation, but they had long-term ef-fects on the morphological breadth—and thusthe future evolutionary raw material—of theirrespective clades, and additional examplesare plentiful. Perhaps these phenotypes rep-resent energy-intensive metabolisms (Vermeij1995; Bambach et al. 2002) or taxa with narrowgeographic ranges or physiological tolerances,but multifactorial analyses are needed to dis-sect cause from correlation. Novel methods fortesting causation in observational data, devel-oped mostly outside the biological sciencesbut with considerable potential wherever con-trolled experiments are impractical, shouldalso be explored (e.g., Shipley 2000).

Part of the difficulty in understanding therole of extinction in macroevolution is that tax-onomic extinction intensity need not mapclosely onto morphological or functional loss-es. Random species loss can leave consider-able phylogenetic or morphological diversity,because evolutionary trees or morphospaceswill tend to be thinned rather than truncated(e.g., Nee and May 1997; Foote 1993, 1996,1997; Roy and Foote 1997; Wills 2001). ThusSmith and Jeffery (2000a: p. 192), finding nosignificant changes in morphological dispari-ty of echinoids across the K/T boundary, ar-gued that the extinction was neutral with re-spect to morphology, and Lupia (1999) madethe same observation for angiosperm pollen.Of course, individual subclades may suffer se-lective extinction of certain morphologieseven as their large clades show little overallpattern (e.g., Eble 2000 on K/T echinoids;Smith and Roy 1999 on Neogene scallops). Ex-treme taxonomic bottlenecks will also con-strict morphospace occupation and functionalvariety, as in end-Paleozoic echinoderms(Foote 1999) and ammonoids (McGowan 2002,2004a,b), if only by sampling error (e.g., Foote1996, 1997; MacLeod 2002).

On the other hand, several analyses findstrong selectivity, in the sense that more mor-phology, functional diversity, or higher-taxo-nomic diversity is lost than expected frompurely random species removal in the fossilrecord (e.g., Roy 1996; McGhee 1999; Saunderset al. 1999; McGowan 2004a,b) and among en-dangered taxa today (Gaston and Blackburn

1995; Bennett and Owens 1997; McKinney1997; Jernvall and Wright 1998; Russell et al.1998; Purvis et al. 2000a,b; Cardillo and Brom-ham 2001; von Euler 2001; Lockwood et al.2002; Petchey and Gaston 2002; Zavaleta andHulvey 2004). These nonrandom patternsneed not correspond to conventional taxo-nomic or functional groupings. For example,Triassic ammonoid extinctions are not selec-tive with respect to the basic morphotypeswithin the clade, but they can leave survivorsnear the center or around the periphery of amultivariate morphospace, which is then filledin again during the evolutionary recoveryphase (McGowan 2004a,b). In attempting tounderstand losses in morphospace or amonghigher taxa, indirect correlations with otherselective targets such as geographic rangeagain need to be tested (see also Roy et al.2004). Such indirect selectivity can also arisevia strongly unbalanced phylogenetic trees, inwhich random extinction can remove entirespecies-poor subclades while only thinningthe more profuse ones (Heard and Mooers2000, 2002; Purvis et al. 2000b). This generalrole of phylogenetic topology in survivorshippatterns at mass extinctions, another form ofnonconstructive selectivity, has barely beenexplored.

‘‘Nonconstructive selectivity’’ implies sur-vivorship that is indifferent, rather than anti-thetical, to many of the factors that promotesuccess during background times. This indif-ference means that some ‘‘preadaptation,’’ ormore properly exaptation, should occur bychance, when adaptations shaped duringbackground times happen to improve a clade’schances of surviving the particular stressesthat triggered a given mass extinction. Statis-tically, selectivity patterns should not be en-tirely mutually exclusive during backgroundand mass extinctions. For example, Kitchell etal. (1986) attributed the preferential survivalof planktonic centric diatoms at the K/Tboundary to the presence of a benthic restingphase selected for during background timesby seasonal variations in light, nutrient levels,and other limiting factors (Griffis and Chap-man 1988; see also P. Chambers in MacLeod etal. 1997, although these new data are averagedover 20 Myr of late Cretaceous–early Tertiary

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time). Still needed is an analysis of diatom ge-nus or species survivorship during back-ground times relative to other planktongroups, and data on the relation of the restingspore habit to other aspects of diatom biology,including of course geographic range (for ex-ample, Barron [1995] noted that shelf speciesare more likely to have resting spores than areopen-ocean species). The fact that no modernresting spores have been shown to remain vi-able for more than a few years (Hargraves andFrench 1983; Peters 1996; but see Lewis et al.1999 for decadal viability) requires an espe-cially sharp and short-lived K/T perturbationfor this feature to have played a direct role intaxon survivorship (P. Chambers in MacLeodet al. 1997; see also Racki 1999: p. 113). On theother hand, early reports of preferential sur-vivorship of marine detritivores at the K/Tboundary, also thought to represent exapta-tion to an impact-driven productivity crash,have not been corroborated (see Hansen et al.1993; Jablonski and Raup 1995; Smith and Jef-fery 1998; Harries 1999; also Levinton’s 1996review of the coupling of marine planktic anddetrital food webs).

Chance exaptation to extinction drivers, re-tention of morphological and functionalbreadth when extinction is random at the spe-cies level, and the persistence of diffuse eco-logical interactions such as predation and tier-ing are just a few of the factors that might ex-plain why the evolutionary clock is not fullyreset by mass extinctions. Many large-scaletrends and higher taxa persist across the ma-jor boundaries, but pinpointing the reasonsfor that persistence or other aspects of cross-extinction evolutionary trajectories is difficult.For example, the setbacks suffered by manyevolutionary trends that cross extinctionboundaries (see Jablonski 2001) might be at-tributable to direct selectivity against the traitthat was being maximized under low extinc-tion intensities; to indirect selection owing tocorrelations with a disfavored trait such asnarrow geographic range; or to high extinc-tion intensities alone, with random extinc-tion—relative to the focal trait—clearing re-cently invaded and thus sparsely occupiedmorphospace.


The evolutionary role of mass extinctions isnot simply to knock the world into a new con-figuration. The extinction event does have itsvictims and survivors, and this raw materialis crucial in shaping the post-extinction biota.However, the evolutionary novelties and eco-logical restructuring that typify post-extinc-tion intervals, including the sorting of the sur-vivors into winners and losers, may be as im-portant as the extinction filter in determiningthe long-term trajectory of individual cladesand the nature of the post-extinction world.Recovery intervals generally appear to be sig-nificantly longer than the extinction eventsthat precede them (e.g., Erwin 1998, 2001,2004; and see Sepkoski 1984, 1991a), and ifthis is true then the greater duration enhancesthe potential for sorting and biased origina-tion to redirect evolutionary trajectories. Butwe still know little of the factors controllingrecovery dynamics or the evolutionary direc-tions they take.

The comparative study of recoveries is ham-pered by their notorious association with in-tervals of poor sampling and preservation. Afew evolutionary systems, such as planktic fo-raminifera after the end-Cretaceous event,lend themselves to detailed analysis, but thefine structure of recoveries and even the tim-ing of evolutionary pulses are generally diffi-cult to retrieve from more than a few localizedregions. As Erwin (2001) discussed, geochem-ical proxies and biomarkers can partially re-construct short-term ecosystem dynamics(e.g., D’Hondt et al. 1998; Joachimski et al.2002; and a host of stable-isotope studies), butin our present state of knowledge these toolsare vague regarding the behavior of singleclades.

Just as survivors of mass extinctions are dif-ficult to predict from pre-extinction successes,long-term post-extinction successes are diffi-cult to predict from the survivors of mass ex-tinctions. Recovery intervals are famously im-portant in opening opportunities for the di-versification of once-marginal groups, themammals and the dinosaurs being the classicexample, but not all survivors are winners.Recoveries need not involve an across-the-

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FIGURE 5. Geographic variation in the behavior of‘‘bloom taxa’’ after the end-Cretaceous mass extinction.The molluscan groups that abruptly diversify and de-cline immediately after the extinction in North Americashow significantly less volatile evolutionary behavior inthree other regions (North Africa, Pakistan-India, andnorthern Europe), as a proportion of species in each fau-na as shown here, and in raw numbers. (From Jablonski2003; for details and statistical confidence limits see Ja-blonski 1998.)

board expansion of a surviving clade in mor-phospace. They can instead involve only sub-regions of the occupied morphospace or bechanneled in specific directions (e.g., Dom-mergues et al. 1996, 2001; Lockwood 2004;McGowan 2004a); in extreme cases, taxa canweather a mass extinction only to disappear afew million years later, or fall into marginalroles (Jablonski 2002). We lack predictive in-sight into why different clades or subcladesfollow different trajectories during the recov-ery phase, however. A simple probabilisticmodel would treat post-extinction success as afunction of the severity of the clade’s bottle-neck at the boundary: the probability of avoid-ing stochastic extinction or marginalization inthe post-extinction world should be positivelyrelated to the number of surviving subtaxawithin the clade. However, the post-extinctionpersistence of the 182 Paleozoic marine inver-tebrate orders recognized by Benton (1993) isunrelated to the size of the bottleneck sufferedby each order, measured in terms of the num-ber of genera known or inferred to have sur-vived a given extinction (Jablonski 2002).Sampling remains a concern for such an anal-ysis, and of course direct or indirect selectiv-ity on the morphological or functional diver-sity of clades need not be closely tied to rawnumbers of survivors. Nonetheless, the datagive no support to a model where the successor failure of surviving clades is set by how theclades fared at the extinction event itself.Much more is going on during the recoveryphase.

Most analyses have been based on globalcompendia or local sections and single basins,but interregional comparisons have begun toexplore the spatial fabric of recoveries. For ex-ample, the molluscan recovery from the end-Cretaceous extinction unfolds differently inNorth America relative to the other regionsstudied by Jablonski (1998). The short-livedevolutionary burst of what Hansen (1988)termed ‘‘bloom taxa’’ in North America can-not be seen in northern Europe, north Africa,or India and Pakistan (Fig. 5), and the relativeroles of local diversification and invasion alsovaried among these regions (Jablonski 1998,2003; see also Heinberg 1999; Stilwell 2003: p.324; and see Wing 2004 for hints of spatial var-

iation in the plant recovery). These regionaldifferences open a host of new questions onthe ecological, biogeographic, and evolution-ary assembly of post-extinction biotas. Dis-secting the spatial fabric of recoveries, as Mill-er and colleagues (Miller 1997a, 1998; Millerand Mao 1995, 1998; Novack-Gottshall andMiller 2003) have done so effectively for theOrdovician radiations, is a research directionlikely to be full of surprises.

Net diversification rates accelerate for someclades after mass extinctions, providing ampleevidence for the macroevolutionary role of in-cumbency effects and their removal (Sepkoski1984; Van Valen 1985a; Benton 1987, 1991;Miller and Sepkoski 1988; Patzkowsky 1995;Jablonski and Sepkoski 1996; Erwin 1998,

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2001; Jablonski 2001; Foote 1997, 1999, 2003).The extent of the evolutionary opportunitiesopened by extinction events must depend atleast partly on the magnitude of the event(Sepkoski 1984, 1991a; Eldredge 1997, 2002;Sole et al. 2002), but this generalization de-rives mainly from end-member comparisonsand rather simple models. As discussedabove, the degree of phylogenetic, morpholog-ical, or functional clustering of losses shouldalso be important in giving survivors scopefor evolutionary diversification and innova-tion (e.g., Valentine 1980; Erwin et al. 1987,Valentine and Walker 1987; Brenchley et al.2001; Sheehan 2001). However, we lack a well-developed calculus for such analyses, and aliteral reading of patterns can be misleadingor at least open to multiple interpretations. Forexample, diversification pulses might also beartificially heightened or depressed andsmeared by sampling failure in post-extinc-tion intervals (Foote 2003); comparative, spa-tially explicit analyses of clades having differ-ent post-extinction dynamics and differentsampling regimens would help to evaluatethis effect. The provocative finding that bi-valves and mammals produce more new gen-era relative to estimated speciation rates dur-ing post-extinction recoveries than expectedfrom background times (Patzkowsky 1995)should be tested from this sampling stand-point, but it also suggests a much-needed hi-erarchical, genealogical approach to the dy-namics of morphospace occupation. Judgingby the few data available, larger divergencesor rates of apomorphy acquisition tend to bemore clearly concentrated in initial radiationsthan in recoveries, but other authors have re-ported post-extinction shifts in the averagemagnitude of morphological divergence perbranchpoint (Anstey and Pachut 1995; Wagner1995, 1997; Foote 1999, Eble 2000).


Mass extinctions do appear to disrupt ‘‘nor-mal’’ sorting processes, rendering life’s trajec-tory difficult to predict from the patterns thatprevail through the bulk of geologic time.Gould (1985, 2002) codified this view in termsof three evolutionary tiers; Raup (1984, 1991b;1994) and Jablonski (1986a–d, 1995) were less

formal but explored these effects along similarlines, all undermining a purely extrapolation-ist approach to macroevolutionary patterns.

Some of the debate about the limits of theextrapolationist paradigm probably stemsfrom the application of the term to two differ-ent concepts. Mass extinctions demonstrablychallenge empirical extrapolationism, i.e., thepredictability of long-term outcomes from ob-servations over ecological and short-term geo-logical timescales; mass extinctions so disruptevolutionary processes that the fates of taxacannot be predicted from the behavior of pop-ulations or species over 95% of geologic time.However, Sterelny and Griffiths (1999) dis-cussed a ‘‘fall-back’’ position that might res-cue another version of extrapolationism. If ex-trapolation simply requires that organism-lev-el selection of any kind—along with the othercanonical forces of microevolution—is theprime mover of evolution (a view that mightbe termed ‘‘theoretical extrapolationism,’’ asopposed to a hierarchical view of evolutionoperating on multiple levels simultaneously),then mass extinctions could still simply rep-resent a relatively brief and intense change inthe direction of selection. Under this fall-backposition, which goes beyond predictability ofoutcome to continuity of process in the broad-est sense, ‘‘Mass extinction by itself, howeverimportant, is no threat to the received view ofevolution. Mass extinction only undercuts it ifit provides crucial evidence for species selec-tion or some other high-level mechanism’’(Sterelny and Griffiths 1999: p. 306; see alsoGrantham 2004).

The most pervasive rule we have for massextinction selectivity, namely the preferentialsurvival of widespread genera, may be evi-dence for just such a high-level mechanismand thus support for the hierarchical view (Ja-blonski 1986a–d, 2000; Gould 2002). An extrap-olationist approach to genus-level geographicranges and survivorship would hold thatwidespread genera are simply collections ofwidespread, successful or ecologically gener-alized species, so that selectivity of genera ac-cording to their geographic ranges reflects thecapabilities of their component parts.

Several lines of evidence falsify this extrap-olation of organismic or species-level proper-

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FIGURE 6. In living eastern Pacific marine bivalves, thegeographic ranges of genera (in degrees latitude) cannotbe predicted by the median geographic ranges of theirconstituent species (n � 213 genera, Spearman’s r �0.17; not significant). The lower right corner of the graphrepresents a field of impossible combinations: speciescannot be more widespread than their genera (Jablon-ski, Roy, and Valentine, unpublished); statistical signif-icance was assessed by resampling the data, using10,000 repetitions where impossible combinations werediscarded with replacement.

ties to the genus (clade) level in this context.As noted above, Jablonski (1986a,b) showedthat molluscan genus survivorship at the K/Tboundary was unrelated to the geographicranges of the species within clades. That anal-ysis found no significant difference betweenthe frequency distributions of the geographicranges, or the median geographic ranges, forall of the species within the surviving generaand those species within the victims (Figs. 3B,4). The geographic ranges of species are sub-ject to serious sampling problems and the re-corded ranges are surely underestimates(Koch 1987; Jablonski 1987), but the nonpara-metric statistics used here, based on rank or-der among species ranges rather than absolutevalues, should be more robust to such sam-pling biases (Jablonski 1987; Jablonski andValentine 1990; Gaston et al. 1996; see alsoMarshall 1991; and recall that Spearman’s co-efficient gives greater weight to pairs of ranksthat are further apart and downplays the ef-fects of ranks that are close together—see So-kal and Rohlf 1995: p. 600). Indirect evidencein the same direction also comes from recentfindings that genus survivorship is unrelatedto abundance at the K/T boundary for plantsand marine bivalves (Hotton 2002; Lockwood2003; Wing 2004), given the significant rela-tion between species-level geographic rangeand abundance recorded for many extantgroups (Gaston and Blackburn 2000 and ref-erences therein). Nor is the basic extrapola-tionist premise supported for living marinebivalves. For the best-documented marinemolluscan biota in the world, on the easternPacific shelf from Point Barrow, Alaska, toCape Horn, Chile, we find no significant re-lation between the geographic range of generaand the median geographic ranges of theirconstituent species (Fig. 6) (such analyses ofnested taxa are not straightforward, owing tothe autocorrelation imposed by the inability ofspecies to be more widespread than their gen-era).

These paleontological data seem to be tell-ing us, more generally, that the geographicranges of genera are decoupled from the rang-es or tolerances of their constituent species. Areasonable expectation might be that wide-spread genera consist mainly of environmen-

tally tolerant, high-dispersal, ecologically suc-cessful or generalized species that also havebroad geographic ranges, so that selectivity ofgenera according to their geographic rangessimply occurs in the extrapolationist mode.But this does not appear to be the case: the pa-leontological evidence is not consistent withsuch an argument and a more direct analysisof present-day molluscan biogeography un-dermines the basic extrapolationist premise.

In this very concrete sense, geographicrange at the genus level is an emergent prop-erty. Selectivity during mass extinctions evi-dently operates directly on the geographicrange of the genus and is indifferent to theproperties of the component parts at lower hi-erarchical levels (here, the geographic rangesof species and all of the organismic and spe-cies-level features that set those ranges). Thisdifference across the hierarchy implies thatgeographic range can be an emergent prop-erty of clades, at least at the level traditionallyranked as genera, by the same criterion thatsuggests it can be an emergent property ofspecies (Jablonski 2000, drawing on such re-lated philosophical approaches as multiple-realizability, screening-off, and non-aggrega-tivity; see Brandon 1982, 1988; Brandon et al.1994; Wimsatt 2000). Such an argument raisesthe question: what actually determines geo-graphic range at the clade level? If it was sim-

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ply time since origination (Willis 1922; Gastonand Blackburn 1997; Miller 1997b), then wemight expect a simple positive relation be-tween taxon survivorship and taxon age rath-er than some form of Van Valen’s Law (see VanValen 1973, 1985b, 1987; Gilinsky 1994: p. 453).Dispersal ability and ecological strategies ofconstituent species must play some role, butinteractions with biogeographic context, cladehistory, and other factors serve to decouplegeographic range at the two levels. There aresimply too many ways for a genus to becomewidespread—each apparently equivalent at amass-extinction event, although this needsfurther exploration—for smooth extrapolationto apply.

None of these arguments require, or evensuggest, that natural selection at the organis-mal level becomes inoperative during massextinctions. Instead, they show that selectivityat a higher focal level yielded a predictable, co-herent pattern whereas processes at the lowerlevel often did not. Because geographic rangeat the clade level is probably not heritable asit is for species (Jablonski 1986b, 1987; Hunt etal. 2005—although the results and discussionof Miller and Foote [2003] could be taken toimply otherwise), mass extinctions may bestbe viewed as selective filters that are noncon-structive in part because they are noncumu-lative. Without heritability, clades will driftaway from the biogeographic and other attri-butes that got their survivors through themass extinction and thus become increasinglyvulnerable again over time (an argument con-sistent with Stanley’s [1990] ‘‘delayed recov-ery’’ hypothesis for extinction periodicity).

This is not to say that clade attributes relat-ed to extinction vulnerability cannot be stableover long intervals. One attractive explanationfor the Phanerozoic decline in background ex-tinction is that class- or order-level turnoverrates are set early in the history of each group,so that the overall trend reflects sorting ofhigher taxa as the most volatile clades dropout of the biota (Sepkoski 1984, 1991a,b, 1999;Valentine 1990, 1992; Gilinsky 1994). The dif-ferential sensitivity of high-turnover, Paleo-zoic-fauna classes and low-turnover, Modern-fauna classes to the major extinction events(Sepkoski 1984, 1991a, 1999; Raup and Boya-

jian 1988) is another, little-explored selectivitypattern that, as Valentine (1990, 1992) stated,probably bears little relation to ecologicaladaptedness but nonetheless reflects coherentmacroevolutionary processes. This leads to afascinating set of observations of discordantbehavior across hierarchical levels: (1) the rel-ative volatility of class-level taxa during back-ground times correlates with their respectivelosses during mass extinctions (Sepkoski1984); (2) subtracting the median extinctionrate for each class brings the mass extinctionintensities of each to similar magnitudes, sothat the most volatile classes do not actuallysuffer disproportionately, even though eachclass has a background extinction historymore distinct from the others than expectedby chance (Raup and Boyajian 1988); and (3)mass extinction selectivity within the classes isdifficult to predict from background survi-vorship patterns, so that the evolutionary pro-cess at the species and genus level is disruptedand rechanneled by the major extinctionevents.

Conclusion and Outlook

Mass extinctions have evolutionary effectsbeyond a simple surge in extinction intensity:survivorship is not strictly random, and selec-tivity patterns change, so that the rules of ex-tinction and survival are altered for a (geolog-ically) brief time. Because the most pervasiveselectivity pattern resides at the clade level,mass extinctions are a challenge to both em-pirical and theoretical extrapolationism. Evo-lutionary analyses of mass extinction there-fore require a hierarchical framework that in-corporates episodic shifts in the intensity anddirection of selection at multiple hierarchicallevels. Such an approach to the shaping of bi-ological diversity would engender a macro-evolutionary theory that is neither rigidly de-terministic nor purely stochastic, and wouldyield a richer understanding of the long-termprocesses that have shaped clades and biotas.

Plenty of problems remain, of course, andthese extend well beyond testing the general-ity of the patterns documented thus far. To listjust a few:

1. The comparison of background and mass

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extinction has very logically focused onsingle events and their immediately adja-cent time bins. However, we do not knowwhether a fuller analysis across extinctionevents of differing intensities (mindful ofthe secular trend in background extinctionmentioned earlier) would reveal a thresh-old effect for the shift in selectivity seen atmass extinction boundaries, or a moremixed or gradational change (see McKin-ney 1995 for a pioneering effort in this di-rection). Thresholds, if they exist, may beclade specific: volatile groups such as am-monoids might be pushed into a mass ex-tinction selectivity regime while morephlegmatic groups such as bivalves andechinoids are relatively unfazed. This sug-gests that second-order extinction events,say the Eocene/Oligocene or the mid-De-vonian extinctions, may prove to be a pre-dictable, quantitative mix of backgroundand mass extinction. Such an effect wouldnot undermine a hierarchical view, as thedifferences in species-level and clade-levelselectivity would still be a basic componentof the evolutionary process, but we wouldhave a deeper insight into how extinctionintensity per se scales to the shift in extinc-tion rules seen for the largest perturba-tions. Differences in survivorship betweenwidespread and endemic genera have beenrecorded in second-order extinction eventsand probably hold even during back-ground times (Jablonski 1995; Aberhan andBaumiller 2003). This suggests that the geo-graphic-range factor is always at work atthe clade level, but that it becomes most im-portant and clearcut as the array of factorsinfluencing genus duration during normaltimes dwindles in the face of heightenedextinction intensities. More intense extinc-tions may prove, as a general rule, to be lessselective (Jablonski 1986a,b,d, 1995; alsoBannerjee and Boyajian 1996; Aguirre et al.2000; Aberhan and Baumiller 2003), an ar-gument that may also explain the failure ofintrinsic factors to predict extinction risk inthe most heavily stressed elements of themodern biota, such as freshwater fishesand Australian marsupials (Duncan andLockwood 2001; Fisher et al. 2003).

2. The imperfect equivalency of taxonomic,morphologic, and functional diversities(see for example Foote 1996; Hulsey andWainwright 2002; Valentine et al. 2002; Royet al. 2001, 2004; Neige 2003) suggests thatwe have much to learn about the scope forindirect effects of extinction—i.e., the ter-mination of genealogical units—on the ar-ray of adaptations that are lost or persist tobe the springboard for the recovery pro-cess, and on the ecological impact of a giv-en extinction intensity (e.g., Ives and Car-dinale 2004; Solan et al. 2004; Wootton2004; Zavaleta and Hulvey 2004). A deeper,predictive understanding of when thesethree aspects of diversity tend to corre-spond and when they diverge (see Foote1996, 1997, 1999; Wills 2001, for a strongstart) and the consequences of selectivity inone aspect on the extinction and recoverydynamics of the other two would shedfresh light on the role of contingency inevolution (Gould 2002).

3. We have barely begun to decipher the rulesof successful recovery. As with the extinc-tions themselves, the emergence of winnersfrom among the survivors might be sto-chastic, or governed by a set of recovery-specific rules, or dominated by processesprevalent during background times. Theinordinate production of evolutionary nov-elties during recovery intervals suggeststhat post-extinction dynamics do not sim-ply involve an immediate return to busi-ness as usual. This probably represents anespecially fruitful area at the intersection ofmacroevolution and ecology (and see Foote1999 for reasons to keep developmental bi-ology in the mix). As with other diversifi-cations—most famously the Cambrian ex-plosion of metazoans—the cessation of therecovery phase, however defined (Erwin1998, 2001, 2004), is potentially as interest-ing an area of inquiry as its onset.

4. The spatial fabric of extinctions and recov-eries needs to be explored more rigorously,and in a comparative framework. If globalanalyses incorporate spatially explicit data,we will have a much better chance of dis-tinguishing facies effects and regional var-iation in sample quality or density from bi-

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otic pattern. Predictive models for the rel-ative roles of local diversification and bioticinterchange in the recovery of biodiversity(taxonomic, morphologic, and functional,as discussed above) may have more thanacademic interest as the present-day biotabuckles under human pressure (see Jablon-ski 2001). The ongoing debate on whetherLazarus taxa represent sampling failurewithin local assemblages or localized per-sistence elsewhere (e.g., Jablonski 1986a;Wignall and Benton 1999; Fara 2001; Smith2001; Twitchett 2001; Rickards and Wright2002) is just one facet of the spatial dynam-ics of extinction and recovery.

Despite all of these unknowns and chal-lenges, and I could list many more, the sharedsurvivorship patterns among mass extinctionssuggests that we are beginning to pinpointgeneral biological principles of survivorshipand recovery. The K/T and Permo-Triassicevents probably had different causes, but thesimilarities in biodiversity dynamics are allthe more intriguing and biologically impor-tant for that reason. And as Gould (2002)forcefully argued, rare but intense extinctionevents under the ‘‘different rules’’ regime, im-posed simultaneously on diverse clades, rep-resent distinctive mechanisms operating on adistinctive scale across hierarchical levels.Mass extinctions and recoveries are far frombeing the entire evolutionary show, but theyare vital as windows into the behavior ofclades and ecosystems under extreme pres-sure and its aftermath. A more complete andeffective understanding of the evolutionaryprocess must incorporate these major epi-sodes in the history of life.


I thank Niles Eldredge and Elizabeth Vrbafor inviting me to participate in this tribute toa sorely missed friend and colleague. M. J.Benton, M. Foote, T. A. Grantham, C. H. Jef-fery, J. D. Marshall, A. J. McGowan, and es-pecially S. M. Kidwell provided valuable re-views. Thanks also to R. K. Bambach and S. C.Wang, who provided information on theirthen unpublished work, to C. R. McRobertsfor his data on end-Triassic bivalve extinc-

tions, to C. E. Mitchell for advice on grapto-lites, and to T. Rothfus for performing the re-sampling analysis of Figure 6. Supported byNational Science Foundation grant EAR99-03030 and a Research Associateship at the Na-tional History Museum, London.

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