Regular Article LYMPHOID NEOPLASIA Mass cytometry of Hodgkin lymphoma reveals a CD4 1 regulatory T-cellrich and exhausted T-eector microenvironment Fathima Zumla Cader, 1 Ron C. J. Schackmann, 2 Xihao Hu, 3,4, * Kirsty Wienand, 1, * Robert Redd, 3,4, * Bjoern Chapuy, 1 Jing Ouyang, 1 Nicole Paul, 5 Evisa Gjini, 6 Mikel Lipschitz, 6 Philippe Armand, 1 David Wu, 7 Jonathan R. Fromm, 7 Donna Neuberg, 3,4 X. Shirley Liu, 3,4 Scott J. Rodig, 6 and Margaret A. Shipp 1 1 Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA; 2 Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 3 Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA; 4 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA; 5 Longwood Medical Area CyTOF Core Facility, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA; 6 Department of Pathology, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston, MA; and 7 Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA KEY POINTS l Newly diagnosed primary cHLs have a concomitant increase in CD4 1 Th1-polarized Tregs and differentiated Teffs. l Primary cHLs exhibit 2 major complementary bases of immunosuppression: likely exhausted PD-1 1 Th1 Teffs and active PD-1 2 Th1 Tregs. In classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL), the host antitumor immune response is ineffective. Hodgkin Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells have multifaceted mechanisms to evade the immune system, including 9p24.1/CD274(PD-L1)/PDCD1LG2(PD-L2) genetic alterations, over- expression of PD-1 ligands, and associated T-cell exhaustion and additional structural bases of aberrant antigen presentation. The clinical success of PD-1 blockade in cHL suggests that the tumor microenvironment (TME) contains reversibly exhausted T effector cells (Teffs). However, durable responses are observed in patients with b2-microglobulin/major his- tocompatibility complex (MHC) class I loss on HRS cells, raising the possibility of non-CD8 1 T cellmediated mechanisms of efcacy of PD-1 blockade. These observations highlight the need for a detailed analysis of the cHL TME. Using a customized time-of-ight mass cytometry panel, we simultaneously assessed cell suspensions from diagnostic cHL bi- opsies and control reactive lymph node/tonsil (RLNT) samples. Precise phenotyping of immune cell subsets revealed salient differences between cHLs and RLNTs. The TME in cHL is CD4 1 T-cell rich, with frequent loss of MHC class I expression on HRS cells. In cHLs, we found concomitant expansion of T helper 1 (Th1)-polarized Teffs and regulatory T cells (Tregs). The cHL Th1 Tregs expressed little or no PD-1, whereas the Th1 Teffs were PD-1 1 . The differential PD-1 expression and likely functional Th1-polarized CD4 1 Tregs and exhausted Teffs may represent complementary mechanisms of immunosuppression in cHL. (Blood. 2018;132(8):825-836) Introduction Classical Hodgkin lymphomas (cHLs) consist of rare malignant Hodgkin Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells embedded within an ex- tensive inammatory/immune cell inltrate. Despite the paucity of HRS cells and the brisk immune cell inltrate, there is little evidence of an effective antitumor immune response in cHL. HRS cells evade antitumor immunity by multiple mechanisms, including copy gain of chromosome 9p24.1/CD274(PD-L1)/ PDCD1LG2(PD-L2) and copy numberdependent increased ex- pression of the PD-1 ligands. 1-3 Recent clinical trials revealed the sensitivity of cHL to PD-1 blockade. 4-7 However, the mechanism of action of PD-1 blockade in this disease remains to be dened. In certain human solid tumors and additional murine models, the efcacy of PD-1 blockade has been linked to CD8 1 cytotoxic T-cell activation in the tumor microenvironment (TME). 3,8-11 CD8 1 cytotoxic T cells recognize tumor antigens presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules that are transported to the cell surface in association with b2-microglobulin (b2M). However, HRS cells frequently exhibit copy loss or inactivating mutations of B2M. 12 Consistent with these ndings, HRS cells often have absent or decreased cell surface expression of b2M and MHC class I, 3,12,13 calling into question the importance of CD8 1 effector cells for the activity of PD-1 blockade. In contrast, recent studies highlight the pos- sible role of MHC class IImediated antigen presentation to CD4 1 effector cells in antitumor immunity. 14-17 HRS cells frequently retain MHC class II expression, 3 likely as a result of their derivation from MHC class II 1 germinal center B cells. 18 Additionally, in the intact cHL microenvironment, PD-L1 1 HRS cells are signicantly more likely to be in physical proximity to PD-1 1 CD4 1 T cells than to PD-1 1 CD8 1 T cells. 19 © 2018 by The American Society of Hematology blood® 23 AUGUST 2018 | VOLUME 132, NUMBER 8 825 For personal use only. on August 24, 2018. by guest www.bloodjournal.org From

Mass cytometry of Hodgkin lymphoma reveals a CD4 ...shipplab.dfci.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/CaderZetalBlood2018-1.pdfMass cytometry of Hodgkin lymphoma reveals a CD41

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Regular Article


Mass cytometry of Hodgkin lymphoma reveals a CD41

regulatory T-cell–rich and exhausted T-effectormicroenvironmentFathima Zumla Cader,1 Ron C. J. Schackmann,2 Xihao Hu,3,4,* Kirsty Wienand,1,* Robert Redd,3,4,* Bjoern Chapuy,1 Jing Ouyang,1

Nicole Paul,5 Evisa Gjini,6 Mikel Lipschitz,6 Philippe Armand,1 David Wu,7 Jonathan R. Fromm,7 Donna Neuberg,3,4 X. Shirley Liu,3,4

Scott J. Rodig,6 and Margaret A. Shipp1

1Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA; 2Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 3Department ofBiostatistics and Computational Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA; 4Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA; 5LongwoodMedicalArea CyTOFCore Facility, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston,MA; 6Department of Pathology, Brigham andWomen’s Hospital, Boston, MA; and 7Department ofPathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA


l Newly diagnosedprimary cHLs have aconcomitant increasein CD41 Th1-polarizedTregs anddifferentiated Teffs.

l Primary cHLs exhibit 2major complementarybases ofimmunosuppression:likely exhausted PD-11

Th1 Teffs and activePD-12 Th1 Tregs.

In classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL), the host antitumor immune response is ineffective.Hodgkin Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells have multifaceted mechanisms to evade the immunesystem, including 9p24.1/CD274(PD-L1)/PDCD1LG2(PD-L2) genetic alterations, over-expression of PD-1 ligands, and associated T-cell exhaustion and additional structural basesof aberrant antigen presentation. The clinical success of PD-1 blockade in cHL suggests thatthe tumor microenvironment (TME) contains reversibly exhausted T effector cells (Teffs).However, durable responses are observed in patients with b2-microglobulin/major his-tocompatibility complex (MHC) class I loss on HRS cells, raising the possibility of non-CD81

T cell–mediated mechanisms of efficacy of PD-1 blockade. These observations highlightthe need for a detailed analysis of the cHL TME. Using a customized time-of-flight masscytometry panel, we simultaneously assessed cell suspensions from diagnostic cHL bi-opsies and control reactive lymph node/tonsil (RLNT) samples. Precise phenotyping ofimmune cell subsets revealed salient differences between cHLs and RLNTs. The TME in cHLis CD41 T-cell rich, with frequent loss of MHC class I expression on HRS cells. In cHLs, we

found concomitant expansion of T helper 1 (Th1)-polarized Teffs and regulatory T cells (Tregs). The cHL Th1 Tregsexpressed little or no PD-1, whereas the Th1 Teffs were PD-11. The differential PD-1 expression and likely functionalTh1-polarized CD41 Tregs and exhausted Teffs may represent complementary mechanisms of immunosuppressionin cHL. (Blood. 2018;132(8):825-836)

IntroductionClassical Hodgkin lymphomas (cHLs) consist of rare malignantHodgkin Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells embedded within an ex-tensive inflammatory/immune cell infiltrate. Despite the paucityof HRS cells and the brisk immune cell infiltrate, there is littleevidence of an effective antitumor immune response in cHL.

HRS cells evade antitumor immunity by multiple mechanisms,including copy gain of chromosome 9p24.1/CD274(PD-L1)/PDCD1LG2(PD-L2) and copy number–dependent increased ex-pression of the PD-1 ligands.1-3 Recent clinical trials revealed thesensitivity of cHL to PD-1 blockade.4-7 However, the mechanismof action of PD-1 blockade in this disease remains to be defined.

In certain human solid tumors and additional murine models, theefficacy of PD-1 blockade has been linked to CD81 cytotoxic

T-cell activation in the tumor microenvironment (TME).3,8-11

CD81 cytotoxic T cells recognize tumor antigens presentedby major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I moleculesthat are transported to the cell surface in association withb2-microglobulin (b2M). However, HRS cells frequently exhibitcopy loss or inactivating mutations of B2M.12 Consistent withthese findings, HRS cells often have absent or decreased cellsurface expression of b2M and MHC class I,3,12,13 calling intoquestion the importance of CD81 effector cells for the activityof PD-1 blockade. In contrast, recent studies highlight the pos-sible role ofMHC class II–mediated antigen presentation to CD41

effector cells in antitumor immunity.14-17 HRS cells frequently retainMHC class II expression,3 likely as a result of their derivation fromMHC class II1 germinal center B cells.18 Additionally, in the intactcHL microenvironment, PD-L11 HRS cells are significantly morelikely to be in physical proximity to PD-11 CD41 T cells than toPD-11 CD81 T cells.19

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Consistent with these observations, we recently found that HRScell expression of b2M and MHC class I was not predictive forcomplete remission or progression-free survival in patients withrelapsed/refractory cHL who were treated with PD-1 blockade(nivolumab).3 However, HRS cell expression of MHC class II waspredictive for complete remission and prolonged progression-free survival following PD-1 blockade in patients with fullyreconstituted immune systems,3 highlighting the potential roleof CD41 T cells in the cHL TME. For these reasons, we have per-formed a detailed analysis of CD41 T cells and the inflammatory/immune cell infiltrate in primary cHLs using a customized time-of-flight mass cytometry (CyTOF) panel.

Materials and methodsTissue samplesLymph node biopsies from 7 patients with newly diagnosed cHLand lymph node or tonsil specimens from 10 patients with re-active lymphoid hyperplasia, but no evidence of malignantdisease, were collected at the University of Washington. Pa-thology reports and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) status of the cHLcases are summarized in supplemental Table 1, available on theBloodWeb site. Institutional review board approval was obtainedfor analysis of these patient-derived samples. Viable lymph nodeor tonsil suspensions were prepared and cryopreserved aspreviously described.20

AntibodiesMass cytometry antibodies and reporter isotopes are included insupplemental Table 2 and are described in detail in supple-mental Methods.

CyTOF sample preparationSeparate cell surface and intracellular antibody master solutionswere freshly prepared for each CyTOF run. Every run included atechnical control of a peripheral blood mononuclear cell (75%)and cHL cell line, KMH2, (25%) admixture.

Each primary cHL or reactive lymph node/tonsil (RLNT) samplewas partially thawed at 37°C rapidly and resuspended in warmedRPMI 1640 supplemented with fetal bovine serum (1:1 volume/volume). Cells were centrifuged twice for 10minutes at 300g andpassed through a 50-mm filter between centrifugation steps. Thecell pellet was resuspended in 1 mL of RPMI 1640. Cells werestained for viability with 5 mM cisplatin for 2 minutes at roomtemperature and quenched with RPMI 1640 supplemented with10% fetal bovine serum (5:1 volume/volume).

Cells were washed once with cell-staining media (CSM; 500 mLof barium-free phosphate-buffered saline [Gibco], 2.5 g of bo-vine serum albumin [Sigma], 100 mg of sodium azide [Sigma],2 mL of 500 mM EDTA [Gibco]) and incubated for 10 minutes atroom temperature with human FcR Blocking Reagent (MiltenyiBiotec). Cells were stained with the surface antibody cocktail(supplemental Table 2) for 30 minutes and washed once withCSM. Thereafter, cells were permeabilized with FoxP3 Fix/PermBuffer (eBioscience) by gently shaking at room temperature inthe dark. Cells were washed twice with eBioscience Wash Buffer(800g for 5 minutes), incubated with the intracellular antibodycocktail (supplemental Table 2) for 45 minutes at room tem-perature, and washed again. Thereafter, cells were incubated

overnight at 4°C in 1 mL of 1:2000 Cell-ID Intercalator-Ir (Flu-idigm) diluted in phosphate-buffered saline with 1.6% para-formaldehyde and 0.3% saponin (Sigma).

Cells were then washed twice with CSM, once with water, andresuspended at a concentration of 1 million cells per mL indeionized water containing a 1:10 dilution of EQ Four ElementCalibration Beads (Fluidigm). Cells were filtered through a35-mm membrane prior to mass cytometry acquisition.

Mass cytometry data analysisCyTOF data acquisition is described in detail in supplementalMethods. The data were analyzed using the X-shift clusteringalgorithm, which was run as part of the VorteX clustering andvisualization environment (version VorteX 29-Jun-2017-rev2).21

The number of events to be sampled was set by the maximumavailable cell numbers in the smallest sample to avoid skewingthe data toward larger samples. These events were then com-bined into a single file prior to clustering to enable comparisonbetween samples.

The Cytobank platform was used to first manually gate andidentify the relevant populations to export. Two separate X-shiftanalyses were performed: all viable singlet cells, sampling15 000 events, and CD31 cells, sampling 7350 events. The CD31

population was downsampled to ensure that equal numbers ofevents were captured from all cases. All antibody channels wereused to perform the clustering in the viable singlet population. Forthe CD31 cell analysis, all antibody channels with the exception ofPAX5, CD163, CD14, and CD68 were used.

X-shift cluster visualizationThe identified clusters were visualized by randomly sampling aproportional number of events from each cluster and generatingforce-directed layouts (FDLs). Each cluster was labeled witha unique color based on hex color code generator software(http://www.color-hex.com).

Heat maps were used to visualize the protein expression pro-files of the identified clusters. For a given cluster, we chosethe median expression level across all sampled cells to be thecluster protein expression value. These values were collated toform an overall protein expression matrix and normalized intoz-scores, ranging from 24 to 14, using the “scale” function inR. Biclustering implemented in the “pheatmap” package thenordered similar columns and rows together in the expressionmatrix, according to the Pearson correlations for initial clusteringdistances and the complete distance for updated distances bythe “hclust” function.

Using the heat maps and raw abundance data from X-shift, wephenotypically labeled each cluster according to well-definedlineage, differentiation, and polarization markers. For clusterswith shared phenotypes, additional markers were used to furtherdefine differences. For inclusion in downstream analysis, weapplied a cutoff$ 5% of sampled events in each cluster. Clusterswithout a clearly defined subtype that met this criterion wereclassified as “other.” Every sample in the analysis contributes avarying number of cells to each cluster. To compare differencesbetween cHLs and RLNTs, we grouped them separately andtook the median of each group.

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Manual analysis of HRS cellsUsing the Cytobank platform, HRS cells were identified and gatedwithin the nonsinglet cluster. Histograms were generated to ex-amine expression of phenotypic markers of HRS cells.

The CD151CD301 population was exported to Excel for analysisof individual cells. Events were sorted into those that coex-pressed CD31 and those that had no expression of CD31. These2 groups were analyzed for expression of b2M and MHC class I,and the raw signal intensity of every HRS cell was plotted usingGraphPad Prism.

Statistical methodsThe distribution of cell counts between RLNT samples andcHL specimens was assessed using a Wilcoxon rank-sum test.Nominal P values were reported for exploratory or supplementalanalyses; P values, .05 were considered statistically significant.Statistical analyses were performed using R (version 3.3.2).

Mass cytometry antibodies, peripheral blood mononuclear cellisolation, in vitro activation of normal T cells, macrophage dif-ferentiation and polarization, cell lines, CyTOF data acquisition,EBV-encoded small RNA in situ hybridization, EBV polymerasechain reaction analysis, and immunohistochemistry are describedin supplemental Methods.

ResultsCyTOF panel for simultaneous assessment of HRScells and the TMEWe assembled a panel of 39 isotope-conjugated antibodies tocharacterize the HRS cells and the associated inflammatory/immune cell infiltrate at the single-cell level. Our panel includesvalidated commercial reagents that assess lineage, differentiation,

and polarization of certain T-cell subsets. To this, we added anti-bodies to identify other T-cell subtypes and capture additionalfunctional attributes of cytotoxicity, activation, and exhaustion(Figure 1; supplemental Table 2). We also included reagents tocharacterize HRS cells (CD15, CD30, and PAX5) and evaluate theirantigen presentation pathway components (b2M, pan–MHC class I,pan–MHC class II), PD-1 ligand expression, and JAK/STAT activity(phosphorylated STAT1 [pSTAT1]) (Figure 1). Lastly, we added an-tibodies to identify other cellular components of the immune system,such as B cells, macrophages, and natural killer (NK) cells (Figure 1).

The final panel (Figure 1; supplemental Table 2) was confirmedto function as predicted in CyTOF analyses of an admixture ofthe cHL cell line, KMH2, and normal donor peripheral bloodmononuclear cells. Nucleated cells were identified with natural191Iridium and 193Iridium (Ir191/193), a DNA cationic intercalatorthat binds to cellular nucleic acid. Multinucleated HRS cells havehigher Ir191/193 uptake and largely reside in the nonsinglet cellfraction (supplemental Figure 1). HRS cells are often encircled bya “rosette” of T cells, an additional reason why HRS cells residewithin the nonsinglet fraction (supplemental Figure 1).

CyTOF analyses of primary HRS cellsGiven the known scarcity of HRS cells in viable tumor suspensions,the presumptive HRS cell population was analyzed manually. Weidentified viable HRS cells in the nonsinglet fraction of eachprimary cHL cell suspension based on HRS cell coexpressionof CD301 and CD151 (Figure 2). The CD301/CD151 HRS cellpopulations were rare, representing ,1% of sampled events. Asexpected, manually gated CD41 T cells, CD81 T cells, and PAX51

B cells (from the singlet fraction) lacked CD30 and CD15 ex-pression (Figure 2B). The identified CD301/CD151 HRS cells alsoexpressed PAX5, PD-L1, and pSTAT1, characteristic features ofmalignant HRS cells1,2,22 (Figure 2B).

Viablehematopoietic cells

DNA intercalatorCisplatincPARPCD45






HRS cellsCD15CD30

NK cellsCD56CD16


B cellsPAX5


Granzyme B

Functional Status

PD-1 Tim3Exhaustion

MHC II CD57 IRF4Activation

FollicularT helperPD-1CXCR5




Non-classical Th1CD161/CCR4-




Pan T cellsCD3



CD4 CD8 Other*





Figure 1. CyTOF panel for the simultaneous assessment of HRS cells and infiltrating immune cells. The CyTOF panel identifies cells of T, B, NK, and macrophage lineages.CD41 and CD81 T cells can be further discriminated based on differentiation, polarization, and functional status. Malignant HRS cells are defined by their expression of CD301

and CD151, in addition to PAX5, PD-L1, PD-L2, and pSTAT1.


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Aberrant expression of MHC class I on HRS cellsdetected by CyTOFTo interrogate MHC class I expression on HRS cells, we tookadvantage of the fact that our cHL cell suspensions included“bare” HRS cells and HRS cells encircled by adherent T cells(T-cell rosettes). We used a gating strategy similar to that de-scribed in previous cHL flow cytometric analyses.20,23 First, wegated the nonsinglet cells on the basis of CD45 and CD3 ex-pression (Figure 3A, left panel). After confirming that the CD32

cells also lacked CD4 and CD8 expression, we positively gatedon the CD32 subset that coexpressed CD30 and CD15, the“bare” HRS cells (Figure 3A, middle and lower right panels). TheCD451/CD31 fraction also contained a subset of cells thatcoexpressed CD30 and CD15, rosetted HRS cells (Figure 3A,upper right panel). Thereafter, we confirmed that the posi-tively selected CD301/CD151HRS cell/T-cell rosettes were alsoCD31, whereas the bare HRS cells were CD32 (Figure 3B).

Using the rosetted T-cell expression of b2M andMHC class I as aframe of reference, we next compared b2M and MHC class Iexpression levels on bare HRS cells and HRS cell/T-cell rosettesfrom each primary cHL (Figure 3C-D, bare HRS cells, left and HRS

cell/T-cell rosettes, right). In 5 of the 7 primary cHLs, bare HRScells expressed significantly less b2M and MHC class I than didthe rosetted T cells (Figure 3C-D). In the 3 cases with availableformalin-fixed paraffin-embedded biopsy slides, we confirmedthe CyTOF findings by PAX5/MHC class I dual immunohisto-chemistry (Figure 3E). In cases 5 and 7, HRS cells had relativelydecreased cell surfaceMHC class I expression, whereas in case 2,HRS cells exhibited membranous MHC class I (Figure 3E).

Of interest, the 5 cHLs with relatively decreased b2M and MHCclass I expression on HRS cells (Figure 3C-D, 3-7) were all EBV2,whereas the 2 cHLs with intact b2M and MHC class I expressionon HRS cells (Figure 3C-D, 1 and 2) were EBV1. These findingsare consistent with prior studies in which EBV1 cHLs were morelikely to retain MHC class I expression compared with EBV2


CyTOF analyses of the inflammatory/immunecell infiltrateIdentification of discrete immune cell clusters After charac-terizing malignant HRS cells in the primary cHLs, we evaluatedthe inflammatory/immune cell infiltrates in these tumors. For

Case 5A


30 (l


CD15 (log)




0 1 2 3 4

HRS cells









B cells

0 High


Figure 2. Identification and characterization of HRS cells. (A) A representative cHL with CD151/CD301HRS cells identified by manual gating. (B) HRS cells from each analyzedprimary cHL (1-7). HRS cells express CD151 and CD301. CD41 T cells, CD81 T cells, or B cells from the same primary cHL samples lack CD151 and CD301 expression. PAX51 isexpressed by HRS cells and B cells. PD-L1 and pSTAT1 are expressed by HRS cells from all examined cHLs. These markers are absent or reduced in the other cell subsets.

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these studies, we focused on viable singlet cells from the7 primary cHLs and an additional 10 control RLNT samples.

From each of the malignant and control samples, 15 000 viablesingle cells were imported into the VorteX visualization envi-ronment and analyzed using the clustering algorithm, X-shift.21

The design of X-shift specifically allows every unique populationwithin a complex mixture to be identified. Each cluster was la-beled with a unique color based on the hex color code (sup-plemental Figure 2A). The identified clusters were visualized byrandomly sampling a proportional number of events from eachcluster and subsequently generating an FDL that included allcHL and RLNT samples (Figure 4A; supplemental Video 1).

The FDL revealed individual clusters arranged into larger groupsdefined by known cell subset markers: CD4, CD8, CD56, PAX5,and MHC class II (Figure 4B). The majority of viable singlet cellclusters were CD41 or CD81 T cells or PAX51/MHC class II1 B cells(Figure 4A-B). Smaller clusters of CD561 NK cells and CD31/CD42/CD82 cells were detected, and additional monocyte/macrophageclusters were defined by their expression of PD-L1, MHC class II,and CD68 (Figure 4; supplemental Figure 2).

To systematically assess each of the identified clusters, wegenerated a heat map reflecting the relative expression of eachof the CyTOF panel proteins. Clusters with .5% of sampledevents are shown in the heat map in Figure 4C; all clusters areincluded in the heat map in supplemental Figure 2B.

Analyses of T-cell differentiation The T-cell population wasinitially divided into CD41 and CD81 subsets and subsequentlycharacterized as naive, central memory (CM), effector memory(EM), or terminally differentiated effector memory (TEMRA)cells using a combination of CCR7 and CD45RO (Figure 4C).27,28

Within the CD41 population, regulatory T cells (Tregs) wereclassified as CD251 and FoxP31, and T follicular helper (TFH)cells were classified as PD-111 (high), CXCR51, and CCR72

(Figure 4C).29

B-cell clusters Several B-cell clusters were identified by thecoexpression of PAX5 and MHC class II, including CD731 memory-type cells30 and an additional Ki-671 subset31 (Figure 4C). Wealso detected a small PAX51/MHC class II1 singlet clusterthat coexpressed CD30 and had lower levels of b2M and MHCclass I (Figure 4A,C; Supplemental Figure 2B [ID: 8573]).

E Positive control Case 2 Case 5 Case 7

Non-singlet cellsRosetted HRS cells(n=806)

Bare HRS cells(n=187)






89Y C



d CD



d CD




170Er CD3

146Nd CD8 175Lu CD15

175Lu CD15


D2M ***p<0.0001

*** **** *** ***

**p<0.001 *p<0.05









n (Lo


2 3 4 5 6 7



MHC class I

*** ***** *** ***









n (Lo


2 3 4 5 6 7



RosettedHRS cells

BareHRS cells

170Er CD3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 3. Analysis of b2M andMHC class I expressionon HRS cells by CyTOF. (A) Rosetted HRS cells sepa-rated from bare HRS cells by sequential gates. Eventsfrom the nonsinglet population are split according toCD31 expression. Events within the CD32 gate are fur-ther gated to identify the CD42/CD82 population. TheCD32/CD42/CD82 subset was positively gated to selectcells that coexpressed CD30 and CD15, representingbare HRS cells. Within the CD31 population, CD151/CD301

coexpression identifies rosetted HRS cells. (B) CD31

expression on rosetted HRS cells (upper panels) andbare HRS cells (lower panels). b2M (C) and MHC class I(D) expression on bare HRS cells (cyan) and CD31 rosettedHRS cells (dark blue) in each of the primary cHLs (1-7).Significant differences were identified using the Wilcoxonrank-sum test. (E) Dual immunohistochemical analysis(PAX5 [red] and MHC class I [brown]) of primary cHLs(cases 2, 5, and 7) and a cHL with known HRS cell ex-pression of MHC class I (positive control [Pos.]); arrowsdenote HRS cell membranes.3


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NK cells and CD31/CD42/CD82 T cells Only 1 CD561 NK cellcluster represented .5% of sampled events (Figure 4); thesecells also expressed CD161, an additional marker of NK lineagecommitment (Figure 4C).32 The small subsets of CD31/CD42/CD82 T cells (.5% of sampled events) also expressed CD161(supplemental Figure 2; ID: 8550 and 8520). SuchCD1611/CD31/CD42/CD82 cellsmay represent g/d ormucosal-associated invariantT cells, which recognize non–MHC class I–presented antigens.33,34

Macrophages Myeloid cells and macrophages were under-represented in the analysis, potentially due to the fragility andadhesiveness of these cells. Among themacrophage populations,we detected a small MHC class II1/PD-L11/CD681/CD1632/IRF41 cluster (ID: 8514) and an additional MHC class II1/PD-L11/CD681/CD1631/IRF41 cluster (ID: 8543) (supplemental Figure 2B-C).

These 2 distinct clusters, which differ in their CD163 expression,may reflect M1 and M2 polarization.35,36

CD31 T cells To further define the distinct T-cell subsets, weperformed an additional X-shift analysis that was restricted tothe viable CD31 singlet population (Figure 5A). The FDL visu-alizes individual clusters arranged into larger groups of CD81

or CD41 cells and a smaller group of CD31/CD42/CD82 cells(Figure 5A-B; supplemental Figure 3A).

Identification of polarized Teffs and Tregs We next generatedheat maps for CD31 clusters (.5% of sampled events, Figure 5C;all CD31 clusters, supplemental Figure 3B) and assigned an initiallineage and differentiation phenotype to each cluster using theabove-mentioned criteria (Figure 4C). In addition, we used a

B cells





NK cells


T cells

CD4+ CD8+



B cell Ki-67+


































































B cell CD73+B cell CD73+B cell CD73+B cellB cellB cell

B cell otherB cellB cellCD8 CMCD8 CMCD8 naiveCD8 naiveCD8 Temra

CD4 Temra


CD4 CMCD4 TregCD4 Treg


CD4 CMCD4 Treg

CD4 TregCD4 TregCD4 TregCD4 naiveCD4 naiveCD4 CMCD4 CMCD4 CMCD4 CM

NK cells

B cell

CD56+ PD-L1+

Low High

B cellNK cell

T cell


T cells



CCR7+ CD45RO-CD4+ or CD8+


NaiveCentral memoryEffector memoryTemra






PD-1++ CXCR5+ CCR7-

CD25+ FoxP3+

PD-L1+ MHC II+ CD68+ CD163+/-

Phenotype Key


T cells

-4 40

Figure 4. CyTOF analyses of all viable cells. (A) FDLs generated from X-shift analysis within the VorteX visualization environment of all viable singlet cells from 7 primary cHLsand 10 RLNTs. A total of 15 000 events was collected from each sample, and the resulting 255 000 events were pooled together prior to clustering. The X-shift algorithm clustersevents according to similarities in expression of CyTOF panel proteins, grouping events with shared lineage, differentiation, and polarization within the pool. Every identifiedunique population is labeled with a specific color based on the hex color code. (B) Major lineages delineated by expression of key markers: T cells (CD41 and CD81), B cells(PAX51 and MHC class II1), NK cells (CD561), and macrophages (PD-L11, MHC class II1, and PAX52). (C) Heat map of relative expression of each CyTOF panel protein marker inclusters denoted by hex color code (y-axis). Relative expression defined by a z-score. Indicated clusters contain .5% of sampled events per case. Clusters are defined by theexpression of lineage and differentiation markers (left, x-axis; right, phenotype key).

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-1 3210






















































45 R








CD4 Th1 EM (1)

CD4 TFH (1)CD4 TFH (2)CD4 TFH (3)CD4 Non-classical Th1 EMCD4 Th1 EM (2)

CD4 Th1 Treg (2)NKT variant (1)Other Non T-cell (1)Other Non T-cell (2)CD4 Th2 Treg (1)CD4 Th2 Treg (2)CD4 Th17 TregCD8 Tc2 CM

CD4 Th17 CM (1)NKT variant (2)CD8 NaiveCD4 CD161+ CMCD4 Th0 CMCD4 Th17 CM (2)

CD4 NaiveCD4 Non-polarized Treg

CD4 Th1 CMOther CD8+ (1)Other CD4+CD8 Tc1 EM (1)CD8 Tc1 EM (2)CD8 Tc1 Temra (1)CD8 Tc1 Temra (2)Other CD8+ (2)CD8 Tc1 EM (3)CD8 Tc1 EM (4)

CD4 Th2 CM

CD4 Th1 Temra

CD4 Th1 Treg (1)


T-bet+ CCR5+/-

T-bet+ CC161+CCR4-Th1/Tc1

CD161+ CCR4+


Non-classical Th1Th17

NaiveCentral memoryEffector memoryTemraTFHTreg




PD-1++ CXCR5+ CCR7-

CD25+ FoxP3+

CCR4+ T-bet- CCR5- CD161-

Phenotype Key CD










NaiveTh1 CMTh1 EMTh1 TemraTh2 CMTh17CM





Low High

CD3+CD4-CD8- T cells


T cells


T cells

Figure 5. CyTOF analyses of CD31 cells. (A) FDLs generated from X-shift within VorteX visualization environment of CD31 cells from 7 primary cHLs and 10 RLNTs. A total of7350 events was collected from each sample, and the resulting 124 950 events were pooled together prior to clustering. The X-shift algorithm clusters events according tosimilarities in expression of CyTOF panel proteins, grouping events with shared lineage, differentiation, and polarization within the pool. Every identified unique population islabeled with a specific color based on the hex color code. (B) CD41, CD81, and CD31/CD42/CD82 T-cell clusters defined by the relative expression of CD41, CD81, or neithermarker. (C) Heat map of relative expression of the indicated CyTOF panel proteins in clusters denoted by hex color code (y-axis). Relative expression defined by a z-score.Indicated clusters contain .5% of sampled events per case. Clusters are defined by the expression of lineage, differentiation, polarization, and function markers (top, x-axis;bottom, phenotype key). (D) Graphical representation of relative PD-1 levels in CD41 cell subsets. The 3 TFH subsets express the highest levels of PD-1, and naive cells do notexpress PD-1. By comparison, Tregs are negative for PD-1, and Th1-polarized effector cells (EM cells and TEMRA cells) have increased PD-1 expression.


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combination of T-bet, CCR5, CCR4, and CD161 expression todefine nonpolarized and polarized effector subsets: CD81 Tc1cells, Tc2 cells, and CD41 T helper 1 (Th1), nonclassical Th1,Th17, and Th2 cells (Figure 5C). With these markers, we alsoidentified polarized Treg subsets (Th1, Th2, and Th17 Tregs), inaddition to their T effector (Teff) counterparts.37,38

PD-1 expression on polarized Teffs and Tregs After charac-terizing lineage, differentiation, and polarization, we assessedthe functional status of specific T-cell subsets using markers ofactivation and exhaustion, including PD-1 (Figure 5C-D; sup-plemental Figure 3B). As expected, CD41 TFH cells expressedthe highest levels of PD-1 (Figure 5C-D).29 The more differen-tiated and polarized CD41 Th1 EM and TEMRA cells alsoexpressed PD-1 (Figure 5C-D). In contrast, the less differentiatedand polarized CD41 Th1, Th2, and Th17 CM cells had lowerlevels of PD-1 expression, and CD41 naive cells were PD-12

(Figure 5C-D). Of interest, polarized CD41 Th1, Th2, and Th17Tregs had low or no PD-1 expression (Figure 5C-D).

NK T cells In the CD31 FDLs (Figure 5A; supplemental Figure 3A),we also identified 3 small CD42/CD82 clusters of likely NKT cells, including CD56dim/CD571/CD1612 cells (ID: 18847),CD56high/CD572/CD1611 cells (ID: 18848, ,5% of sampledevents), and CD56dim/CD572/CD1612 cells (ID: 18853) (sup-plemental Figure 3B). In such cells, the combination of low-level CD56 expression and CD57 positivity likely defines anactivated population (ID: 18847).39,40

Comparative analyses of the inflammatory/immunecell infiltrate in cHLs and RLNTsThe initial FDLs (Figures 4A, 5A) included events from primarycHLs and RLNTs. To distinguish cHL-associated immune changesfrom normal secondary lymphoid organ infiltrates, we sepa-rated the FDL of cHL samples from that of RLNTs (Figure 6). Inthese separated FDLs (all viable cells, Figure 6A; CD31 cells,

Figure 6B), events pertaining to the group of interest retain theirhex color code (supplemental Figures 2A, 3A), whereas eventsbelonging to the other group are represented in gray.

There were notable differences in the representation and abun-dance of specific singlet clusters in the RLNT and primary cHLcell suspensions (Figure 6). To quantify these differences, wedetermined the number of cells that each RLNT sample and cHLspecimen contributed to a given cluster and to shared categorieswith a common lineage, differentiation, and polarization status(as in Figure 5C). For each cluster and shared category, themedian RLNT and cHL cell counts were displayed as pie charts(Figure 7A, all viable cells; Figure 7B, CD31 cells). Additionaldistinguishing features were added to further characterize theidentified B-cell and CD31 clusters (Figure 7A-B, bottom). Aminority of clusters did not have a readily identifiable phenotypeand were classified as “other” (Figure 7A-B). For the individualclusters and the clusters with shared lineage, differentiation, andpolarization status, we performed a Wilcoxon rank-sum test toidentify significant differences in abundance in cHLs vs RLNTs(Figure 7; supplemental Figure 4).

Comparative analyses of all viable cell groups in cHLs andRLNTs The median numbers of total CD81 and CD41 T cells inthe RLNT and cHL samples were not significantly different(Figure 7A; supplemental Figure 4A). In both types of samples,CD41 cells were more than fivefold more abundant than CD81

cells (Figure 7A; supplemental Figure 4A). Although total B-cellnumbers were comparable in cHLs and controls, more specificallydefined B-cell clusters, such as CD731 memory B cells, were lessabundant in cHLs (P5 .002) (Figure 7A; supplemental Figure 4A).

Skewed T-cell differentiation in cHLs Although the percent-ages of total CD81 and CD41 T cells were comparable in cHLsand RLNTs, the cHL CD81 and CD41 T-cell infiltrates were signifi-cantly more differentiated. Primary cHLs included relatively fewer

Primary Hodgkin lymphomasReactive Lymph Nodes/Tonsils

B cells



NK cells


CD4+ T cells

CD8+ T cells



T cells


T cells


T cells

CD3+CD4-CD8- T cells



Figure 6. Separate FDLs of RLNTs and primary cHLs. All viable cell clusters (A) and CD31 T-cell clusters (B). In each FDL, the events pertaining to the group of interest retaintheir hex color code. Events belonging to the other group are represented in gray.

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-1 0 1 2 3

CD8+ Naïve

CD8+ CM *


CD8+ Temra *

* B-cell (3)B-cell other


* B-cell (2)


B-cell (1)

Tumor - cHL




EM *


OtherTFH *


B-cell(1) PAX5



(2) PAX5+



(3) PAX5+



Reactive lymph nodes/tonsils


B-cell (1)

B-cell (2)

B-cell (3)B-cell other NK

MacrophageCD8+ NaïveCD8+ CMCD8+ EMCD8+ Temra









Other CD8+

(1)Other CD8

+ (2)

* Tc2 CM* Tc1 Temra (2)

Tc1 Temra (1)Tc1 EM (4)Tc1 EM (3)

* Tc1 EM (2)* Tc1 EM (1)* Naïve

NKT (2)NKT (1)Other non T-cell (2)Other non T-cell (1)




Treg* Th2 CM

* Th2 Treg (2)

* Th17 CM (1)* Th17 CM (2)

Th17 Treg


CMNon-classical Th1 EM

Th1 TemraTh1 EM (2)*

Th1 EM (1)Th1 CM*

Th1 Treg (1)*

Th0 CM *

TFH (2) *TFH (3) *

Th2 Treg (1)

Tumor - cHL





Th1 Treg (2)*

TFH (1)

TFH(1) CD57


(2) CD57+CD30


(3) CD57+CD30


Th1 Treg(1) Ki-67


(2) Ki-67-

Th1 EM(1)T-bet

lo Eomes

hi PD-1





Th17 CM(1) CXCR5


(2) CXCR5+

Th2 Treg(1) Ki-67


(2) Ki-67-

Other CD8+

(1) CCR7+IRF4


(2) CD8+ only

NKT(1) CD57


(2) CD57-

Other non T-cell(1) CD73


(2) CD73+

Tc1 Temra(1) Ki-67


(2) Ki-67+

Tc1 EM(1) CD57

- GrzB

+ PD-1

+ Ki-67


(2) CD57- GrzB

+ PD-1

- Ki-67


(3) CD57- GrzB

- PD-1

+ Ki-67


(4) CD57+

GrzB- PD-1

+ Ki-67


Other CD8+


Tc1 Temra (2)Tc1 Temra (1)Tc1 EM (4)Tc1 EM (3)Tc1 EM (2)Tc1 EM (1)

NKT (2)NKT (1)

Other non T-cell (2)Other non T-cell (1)

Other CD8+

(2)Tc2 CM





Th2 Treg (2)Th2 Treg (1)

Th17 CM(1)

Th17 CM(2)


Th17 TregCD161

+ CM

Non-classicalTh1 EM

Th1 TemraTh1 EM (2)Th1 EM (1)Th1 CMTh1 Treg (2)Th1 Treg (1)

TFH (2)TFH (3)

Reactive lymph nodes/tonsils





Naïve Th0 CM

TFH (1)


Reactive lymph nodes/tonsils

Th1 EM


Th2 CM

Th17 CM

Th1 Treg

Th17Treg Th2 Treg


Th1 EM


Th2 CM Th17 CM

Th1 Treg

Th2 Treg Th17Treg

Tumor - cHL


Figure 7. Comparative analyses of the immune cell infiltrates in RLNTs and primary cHLs. To quantify differences between RLNTs and cHL specimens, the number of cellsthat each contributed to a given cluster was determined. Clusters were defined by lineage, differentiation, and polarization status. For each cluster and shared category, theRLNT and cHL median cell count was calculated and presented as comparison pie charts. (A) All viable cell clusters,.5% of sampled events per cases. (B) CD31 T cell clusters,.5% of sampled events per case. Clusters that are statistically significantly different in cHLs and RLNTs are marked with an asterisk (*; see supplemental Figure 4). (C) Relativedifferences in CD41 Teff (lower panels) and Treg (upper panels) subsets between RLNTs and cHLs. The relative proportions of each subset are represented by the sizes of thecircles, and the color scheme is the same as in (B). PD-1 expression levels for each CD41 T-cell subset are indicated below the respective circle and are based on the color barshown at the bottom of the panel. cHLs have increased numbers of Th1-polarized PD-12 Tregs and more differentiated PD-11 Th1 effector cells.


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CD81 CM cells (P 5 .005) and more terminally differenti-ated CD81 TEMRA cells (P 5 .004) (Figure 7A; supplementalFigure 4A). These tumors also had more abundant CD41 EM cells(P 5 .014) and CD41 TEMRA cells (P 5 .07) (Figure 7A; supple-mental Figure 4A). In contrast, CD41 TFH cells were significantlydecreased in cHLs (P5 .007) (Figure 7A; supplemental Figure 4A).As CD41 TFH cells support the growth and differentiation ofmemory B cells,30 this B-cell subset may be less abundantin primary cHLs because of their relative paucity of TFH cells(Figure 7A; supplemental Figure 4A).

Increased terminal differentiation and Tc1 polarization in cHLWe next assessed potential differences in polarized T-cell sub-sets in cHL and RLNT samples, using CD31 FDLs (Figure 6B),associated pie charts (Figure 7B), and statistical comparisons(supplemental Figure 4B). In cHLs, the more terminally differ-entiated CD81 cells were also more Tc1 polarized (Figure 7B;supplemental Figure 4B). Specifically, CD81 naive cells were lessabundant (P 5 .014) and granzyme B1 Tc1 EM cells and Ki-671

Tc1 TEMRA cells were more abundant in cHLs [Tc1 EM (1),P5 .017; Tc1 EM (2), P5 .012; Tc1 TEMRA cells (2), P5 .019](Figure 7B; supplemental Figure 4B).

Although EBV1 and EBV2 cHLs had increased numbers ofgranzyme B1 Tc1 EM cells, only EBV1 cHLs had more abundantTc1 TEMRA cells (supplemental Figures 5 and 6). The increasedterminal differentiation of Tc1 cells in EBV1 cHLs may reflect theintact MHC class I–mediated antigen presentation in these tu-mors (Figure 3). In EBV1 and EBV2 cHLs, CD81 Tc2 cells werecomparatively less differentiated (ie, only Tc2 CM cells with noEM cells or TEMRA cells) and less frequent (P5 .005) (Figure 7B;supplemental Figures 5 and 6).

Increased terminal differentiation and Th1 polarization incHL In EBV1 and EBV2 cHLs, the CD41 T-cell infiltrate was alsomore terminally differentiated and Th1 polarized than that inRLNTs (supplemental Figures 5 and 6). In all cHLs, CD41 Th0 CMcells were less abundant (P 5 .001), whereas CD41 Th1 CM,EM (2), and TEMRA cells were relatively more frequent (P # .001,P 5 .015, and P 5 .097, respectively) (Figure 7B; supplementalFigure 4B).

Increased active Th1 Tregs and exhausted terminally dif-ferentiated Th1 Teffs in cHL In addition to having expandednumbers of differentiated CD41 Th1-polarized Teffs, the pri-mary cHLs contained significantly more abundant Th1-polarizedTregs (Ki-672, P 5 .007; Ki-671, P 5 .002) (Figure 7B; sup-plemental Figure 4B). Of note, the expanded CD41 Th1 Tregpopulation was PD-12, whereas the CD41 Th1 EM cells andTEMRA cells were PD-11 (Figure 5D). These findings highlight2 complementary bases of CD41 Th1-dependent immuneevasion in cHLs: likely active Th1 Tregs and exhausted Th1 EMcells (Figure 5D). In addition, the expanded CD41 Th1 EM (2)cells in cHL have the phenotype T-bethigh EOMESlow PD-1medium,which is associated with enhanced susceptibility to PD-1blockade (Figure 7B).41

In contrast to the more abundant CD41 Th1 Teffs and Tregs,CD41 Th2 CM cells and Tregs were less abundant in theseprimary cHLs (Th2 CM, P5 .003; Th2 Tregs [all], P5 .01) (Figure7B; supplemental Figure 4B). Furthermore, the major CXCR51

and minor CXCR52 Th17 CM cell subsets were less abundant inthe primary cHLs than in RLNTs (P5 .019 andP5 .01, respectively)(Figure 7B; supplemental Figure 4B).

Taken together, these data define a more terminally differen-tiated CD41 T-cell predominant and Th1-polarized immuno-suppressive microenvironment in cHL (Figure 7C).

DiscussionIn this study, a comprehensive CyTOF analysis of the cHL TMErevealed decreased b2M and MHC class I expression on indi-vidual HRS cells in the majority of cHLs (Figure 3), a concomitantincrease in CD41 Th1-polarized Tregs and differentiated Teffs inprimary cHL suspensions (Figure 7C), and complementary basesof immunosuppression in primary cHLs: exhausted PD-11 Th1Teffs and likely active PD-12 Th1 Tregs (Figure 7C).

The observed loss of b2M and MHC class I expression onHRS cells in the majority of cases is consistent with previousreports.3,12,13 In the current small series, cHLs with intact MHCclass I–mediated antigen presentation had increased numbersof Tc1-polarized terminally differentiated cytotoxic CD81 T cells.However, all of the primary cHLs had expanded numbers ofCD41 Th1-polarized Tregs and Teffs, irrespective of HRS cellMHC class I status.

Our detailed analyses build upon prior descriptions of a CD41

T-cell predominant Treg-rich TME in cHL.19,42-45 With the addi-tional markers that capture polarization and functional status anddelineate effector and regulatory subsets, we identified selectiveexpansion of more differentiated CD41 Th1-polarized Teffs (EMand TEMRA cells) and associated Th1-polarized Tregs in cHL cellsuspensions (Figure 7C). These findings likely reflect the knownproinflammatory TME in cHL and the polarization of Tc1/Th1Teffs and Th1 Tregs by the same predominant Th1 transcriptionfactors.38,46,47 Of interest, recent studies indicate that intra-tumoral Tregs are more likely to express recurrent ab T-cellreceptors, suggestive of specific antigen exposure.48,49 Consis-tent with these observations, the expanded Th1 Treg populationin the cHLs has features (CCR7low Ki-67low) associated with amemory phenotype50 (Figures 5C and 7B).

By simultaneously assessing PD-1 levels on polarized CD4 Teffsand Tregs in cHL, we found that the expanded differentiated Th1EM cells and TEMRA cells expressed intermediate and high levelsof PD-1, whereas the Th1 Tregs were PD-1low/negative (Figure 5D). Inour cHL tumor cell suspensions, the most significantly expandedCD41 Th1 EM population was T-bethigh EOMESlow PD-1medium

(Figure 7B). Although the comprehensive signatures of exhaustedCD41 subsets are less well characterized than those of CD81

effector cells, these cells share major core transcriptional mod-ules.51 T-bethigh EOMESlow PD-1medium effector cells are reported tobe most amenable to PD-1 blockade,41,52,53 of note given theefficacy of this approach in cHL.

The relative levels of PD-1 expression and consequences ofPD-1 signaling in Tregs are less well defined. However, in othertumors, the relative absence of PD-1 has been associ-ated with functionally active Tregs.54,55 As a consequence, ourCyTOF analyses reveal potentially complementary and targetablemechanisms of CD4 T-cell–dependent immunosuppression in

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cHL: Th1-polarized functionally active PD-12 Tregs and differ-entiated and likely exhausted PD-11 effector cells (Figure 7C).

Our detailed characterization of the TME of primary cHL cellsuspensions sets the stage for subsequent comparative analysesof newly diagnosed and relapsed cHLs and detailed charac-terization of the immune response to PD-1 blockade, includingthe potential role of additional non–MHC class I–restricted ef-fector cells.56,57 It will also be possible to build upon the currentapproach, using an analogous CyTOF panel andmultiplexed ionbeam imaging,58 to evaluate the intact cHL TME in further detail.

In conclusion, the current analysis provides new insights into thecomplex cHL TME in which CD41 Th1-polarized Tregs and Teffswith different levels of PD-1 expression promote immune evasion.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Ana Lako and Sarah Abdelrahman for technicalassistance.

This work was supported in part by Bloodwise 14042 (F.Z.C.) and byNational Institutes ofHealth, National Cancer Institute grant R01CA161026(M.A.S.), the International Immune Oncology Network of Bristol-MyersSquibb (M.A.S. and S.J.R.), the Miller Family Fund (M.A.S.), and NationalInstitutes of Health, National Cancer Institute grant U24CA224316 (X.S.L.and X.H.). F.Z.C. was the recipient of a Helen Gurley Brown Fellowship.

AuthorshipContribution: F.Z.C. designed and performed research, analyzed data,and wrote the manuscript; R.C.J.S., X.H., X.S.L., R.R., and D.N. analyzeddata; K.W., S.J.R., D.W., and J.R.F. performed research and analyzeddata; B.C., J.O., and P.A. provided critical feedback and helped to shape

the research and analysis; N.P. acquired CyTOF data; E.G. and M.L.performed experiments; and M.A.S. designed and supervised the re-search and data analyses and wrote the manuscript. All authors discussedthe results and contributed to the final version of the manuscript.

Conflict-of-interest disclosure: M.A.S. has received research funding fromBMS and served on advisory boards for BMS and Merck. P.A. consultsfor BMS, Merck, Pfizer, and Infinity and receives institutional researchfunding from BMS, Merck, Affimed, Sequenta, Roche, Tensha, Otsuk,and Sigma-Tau. The remaining authors declare no competing financialinterests.

ORCID profiles: F.Z.C., 0000-0001-5107-0146; X.H., 0000-0002-3517-6351; K.W., 0000-0001-9548-4420; D.W., 0000-0001-7729-5730; D.N.,0000-0003-2566-3145; S.J.R., 0000-0003-1761-9769; M.A.S., 0000-0002-3949-6897.

Correspondence: Margaret A. Shipp, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, HarvardMedical School, 450 Brookline Ave, Mayer 513, Boston, MA 02215; e-mail:[email protected].

FootnotesSubmitted 9 April 2018; accepted 2 June 2018. Prepublished online asBlood First Edition paper, 7 June 2018; DOI 10.1182/blood-2018-04-843714.

*X.H., K.W., and R.R. contributed equally to this work.

The online version of this article contains a data supplement.

There is a Blood Commentary on this article in this issue.

The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page chargepayment. Therefore, and solely to indicate this fact, this article is herebymarked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 USC section 1734.

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online June 7, 2018 originally publisheddoi:10.1182/blood-2018-04-843714

2018 132: 825-836  

Jonathan R. Fromm, Donna Neuberg, X. Shirley Liu, Scott J. Rodig and Margaret A. ShippChapuy, Jing Ouyang, Nicole Paul, Evisa Gjini, Mikel Lipschitz, Philippe Armand, David Wu, Fathima Zumla Cader, Ron C. J. Schackmann, Xihao Hu, Kirsty Wienand, Robert Redd, Bjoern rich and exhausted T-effector microenvironment−

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