The Offshore Chlorophyll Maximum in S. Lake Michigan: Chlorophyll Distribution in Relation to Sediment Concentrations and the Thermal Bar Katherine M Strojny 1 , Scott F. Diehl 2 , Haibo Wan 2 , and Judith W. Budd 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 Department of Geological Engineering and Sciences, MTU 2 ABSTRACT Time series SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor) imagery revealed significant productivity pulses (elevated Chl a) associated with resuspended sediments in Lake Michigan over an eight month period from September to the end of April. Analysis of simultaneously collected SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view sensor) sediment and chlorophyll maps and AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) lake surface tempera- ture imagery revealed distinct horizontal physical and biological gradients from nearshore to offshore in late March and April in Lake Michigan. The thermal bar (4 degree C water of highest density) constituted a transition zone from nearshore (warmer) to offshore (colder) waters. We identified two chlorophyll maxima in nearshore and offshore waters, which were separated by the thermal bar in SeaWiFS chlorophyll and PSS data of southern Lake Michigan in late spring. Whereas the nearshore chlorophyll maxima was strongly coupled to resuspended sediment, the offshore chlorophyll maxima was not. Such "out of season" responses were previously nearly impossible to document, given unpredictable and hazardous working conditions at that time of year. The combination of PSS data and SeaWiFS imagery demonstrate the similarity between vertical and horizontal spatial patterns during resuspension events. The vertical distribution of chlorophyll and location of the offshore thermal bar coincide with the horizontal distribution of chlorophyll (as C SAT ) and the location of the thermal bar (as seen in satellite-derived lake surface temperature (LST) images). The PSS data show a nearshore and offshore chloro- phyll maxima separated by a region of low chlorophyll concentration. At times when the thermal bar is present, the PSS chlorophyll minimum is located at or near the thermal bar. Combined SeaWiFS C SAT and AVHRR LST images show the exact same patter. This offshore productivity maxima could have sig- nificant implications for lower trophic food web interactions, by alleviating starvation and energizing the base of food webs at the very time when resources are most scarce (e.g., mid-winter, unstratified period). We calculated the total mass of sediment of the plume per day. The process involved calculation of the mass of sediment at each pixel, which was then summed for all of the pixels in each region for each of the validations. A total mass for each day was obtained by summing the nearshore and offshore masses. The results ranged from 0.2 kg x 10 9 to a high of 2.6 kg x 10 9 on March 26 and 0.25 to 1.0 kg x 10 9 for 1998 and 1999, respectively. A similar technique will be used to calculate the mass of nearshore versus offshore chlorophyll in future studies using Great Lakes SeaWiFS EEGLE STUDY SITE SeaWiFS and A VHRR Ima g e Pr ocessing o Satellite imagery, which are received from the NASA Goddard Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) and the NOAA Satellite Active Archive (SAA), are processed in near real-time for AVHRR and after a two week delay for SeaWiFS. o Routine processing of SeaWiFS imagery is accomplished using a near coastal atmospheric correction procedure with automated image processing methods based on the NASA IDL/SeaDAS code. The SeaWifS standard atmospheric correction rou- tine produces negative radiances and overestimates chlorophyll in the Great Lakes. The modified correction developed for coastal waters (see Stumpf et al. 1998) removes negative radiances and provides more stable and valid results for chlorophyll. o SeaWiFS is sensitive to the wavelengths at 410, 440, 490, 510, 555, 670, 760, and 860 nm. The first six visible channels provide remote sensing reflectance (RRS) and the two near infrared channels (760 and 860 nm) are used to remove atmospheric contamination. The ratio of the RSR at 490 and 555 can be used to estimate chloro- phyll, while RSR at 555 or 670 is used to estimate seston. Stumpf, R.P. and others. 1998. Ocean Color Algorithms for Remote Sensing Coastal Waters of the U.S. Southeast and Easter Gulf of Mexico. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 13:1559- 1569. Cloud Remo v al Using Time-Space Interpolation Clouds are a major impediment to the visualization of coastal processes from satellite instruments. In this investigation, we used a statistically-based objective interpolation technique to estimate cloud contaminated pixels. Chlorophyll interpolation is possible because there is a relationship between chlorophyll and its neigh- bors in both space and time. The objective interpolation technique, which has been used successfully in a variety of studies (e.g., Bretherton et al. 1976, Carter and Robinson 1987, Mariano and Brown 1992, Ransi- brahmanakul 1996) is based on the Gauss-Markoff theorem (Liebelt 1967). This method, which is recom- mended because of its simplicity and robustness, provides chlorophyll and turbidity optimal estimates for cloud-contaminated pixels (see third panel of poster for results). Ref erences Bretherton, F.P., R.E. Davis, and C.B. Fandry. 1976. A technique for objective analysis and design of oceanographic experiments applied to MODE- 73. Deep-Sea Research 23: 559-582. Gordon, H.R. and A.Y. Morel. 1983. Remote assessment of ocean color for interpretation of satellite visible imagery: review. Lecture Notes on Coastal and Estuarine Studies, 4, Springer-Verlag, 114 pp. Inoue, H. 1986. A least-squares smooth fitting for irregularly spaced data: Finite-element approach using the cubing B-spline basis. Geophysics 51: 2051-2066. Liebelt, P.B. 1967. An Introduction to Optimal Estimation. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts. Mariano, A.J., and O.B. Brown. 1992. Efficient objective analysis of dynamically heterogeneous and nonstationary fields via the parameter matrix. Deep-Sea Research 39: 1255-1271. Ransibrahmanakul, V. 1996. Variability of Eddy Heat Fluxes Over the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico. A Ph.D. dissertation, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. Fig 1. Example of SeaWiFS RSR (top) and Chlo- rophyll (bottom) maps showing missing pixels associated with cloud contamination on March 22, 1998 (A & C) and the interpolated product (B & D). A B D C Table 1: Sensor Characteristics of the AVHRR and SeaWiFS instruments. Satellite Sensor Limnologic Phenomena Channel Wavelength (ug) Spatial Resolution (km 2 ) Temporal Resolution Reflected solar energy; suspended sediment, coastlines, and clouds 1 0.58-0.68 (red) 1.1 km 2 4-6/day Reflected solar energy; coastlines, and clouds 2 0.72-1.00 (near-IR) 1.1 km 2 4-6/day AVHRR Reflected solar energy; thermal emission; clouds and sea surface temperature 3 3.55-3.93 (mid-IR) 1.1 km 2 6-10/day Thermal emission; clouds and sea surface temperature 4 10.3-11.3 (thermal IR) 1.1 km 2 6-10/day Thermal emission; clouds and sea surface temperature 5 11.5-12.5 (thermal IR) 1.1 km 2 6-10/day Reflected solar energy; gelbstoffe 1 0.412 (violet) 1.0 km 2 1/day Reflected solar energy; chlorophyll absorption 2 0.443 (blue) 1.0 km 2 1/day Reflected solar energy; pigment absorption 3 0.490 (blue-green) 1.0 km 2 1/day Reflected solar energy; chlorophyll absorption 4 0.510 (blue-green) 1.0 km 2 1/day SeaWiFS Reflected solar energy; pigments, optical properties, sedi- ments 5 0.555 (green) 1.0 km 2 1/day Reflected solar energy; atmospheric correction (CZCS heritage) 6 0.670 (red) 1.0 km 2 1/day Reflected solar energy; atmospheric correction, aerosol radiance 7 0.765 (near-IR) 1.0 km 2 1/day Reflected solar energy; atmospheric correction, aerosol radiance 8 0.865 (near IR) 1.0 km 2 1/day 1998 TIME SERIES: The 35-day time series from March 19 to April 22 pro- vides striking details of surface sediment and chlorophyll concentrations in southern Lake Michigan. The plume, which originated near Port Washing- ton, Wisconsin can be tracked along the southern shoreline over 500 km to Ludington, Michigan. Several offshore features are also evident in the imagery originating at Chicago, Illinois, St. Joseph and Muskegon, Michi- gan. The most pronounced example of cross margin transport was a coastal “squirt” near Muskegon, which extended offshore into the center of the lake, a distance of 75 km. This feature contorted over the next three weeks and finally dissipated in the southwestern basin around 4/11/99. Chlorophyll concentrations were clearly enhanced along the plume track consistent with field sampling results indicating high phosphorus concentra- tions in the plume. An intriguing “donut” shaped feature appeared just out- side the plume track in late March and persisted for three weeks, indicating a productive offshore zone; however, we found no evidence of enhanced sediment concentrations at the same locations. Both the RSR and chloro- phyll images indicate uniformly low concentrations of materials in the cen- tral southern basin for the entire period. 1999 TIME SERIES: This series encompassed a slightly longer period from March 6th through May 3rd, 1999. In this series, the areal extent of the plume is somewhat truncated as compared with 1998, particularly in the eastern basin north of Grand Haven. There were two small plumes that developed and moved in a counter-clockwise direction at Chicago and Grand Haven, Michigan. In late March/early April the plumes still exist, but their areal extent is greatly diminished. By late April/early May, the plume is constrained to the southern-most tip of Lake Michigan. We observed two distinct maxima and two distinct minima in chlorophyll pro- duction, identical to 1998. The maxima occurred along the coast coinci- dent with the sediment plume and then again offshore in the shape of a donut. The central minima is surrounded by the toroidal (donut) shaped off-shore maxima. A second crescent-shaped minima located in the southern basin separates the off-shore maxima from the near-shore max- ima. A thread of the crescent-shaped offshore minima continues up the western coast and to a lesser extent along the east coast. S. LAKE MICHIGAN PLUME TIME SERIES Plume No Plume # Months (Sept. - April) 1992 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1994 1993 YEARS B A Recent satellite tracking of southern Lake Michigan coastal plumes over an eight year period from 1992 to 1999, as well as water intake records from St. Joseph, Michigan and Chi- cago, Illinois (from Eadie, EEGLE webpages online resource), reveal surprising high frequency of resus- pension events, although the areal extent (seen in satellite imagery) and relative magnitude in terms of mass of resuspended sediment varies greatly from event to event. Fig. 2 (A) St. Joseph and Chicago water treatment records show great seasonality in the magnitude of events, with highest turbidity at intakes during November through May. (B) AVHRR images of the eight month period from October 1997 to May 1998 shows the areal extent and relative magnitude of coastal resuspension events in southern Lake Michigan for one year. (C) A count of cloud free satellite images provides a rough met- ric of how often resuspended sedi- ments can be detected in the satellite imagery Frequenc y of Events C 11/11/97 11/17/97 12/14/97 12/15/97 12/1697 12/17/97 01/01/98 01/10/98 01/13/98 01/31/98 02/02/98 02/12/98 03/12/98 03/21/98 03/23/98 03/24/98 03/28/98 03/29/98 04/04/98 04/05/98 04/12/98 04/18/98 04/23/98 04/07/98 o Lake Michigan is the sixth largest lake in the world. o Its hydraulic residence time is 62 years (Quinn 1992), however for particle-reactive constituents, internal removal through sedi- mentation is much more rapid. o The distribution of post-glacial sediment in southern Lake Michigan is asymmetric with the greatest accumulations found within 20 km from the eastern shore and decreasing towards the deepest sounding in the basin. Quinn, F.H. 1992. Hydraulic residence times for the Laurentian Great Lakes. J. Great Lakes Res. 18:22-28. LAKE MICHIGAN HYPOTHESES Episodic Nature: How dramatic are southern Lake Michigan resus- pension events and how much do they depart from ten year average conditions? Quantifying the historical magnitude of turbidity plumes provides valuable information for numerous historical comparisons. Dependency Hypothesis: Several contingencies influence turbidity plume development and cross margin transport. How important are ice pack surges and ice scour along the shoreline in mediating cross margin transport? What is the relationship of thermal bar formation to coastal plume development in the southern basin? How do other coastal phenomena (e.g., impact of river plumes) influence cross mar- gin transport on a seasonal and interannual basis? EEGLE REMOTE SENSING STUDIES 0.0010 0.0050 0.0100 0.05 0.50 1.00 5.00 10.0 3/20/98 3/29/98 3/26/98 3/23/98 4/7/98 4/4/98 4/1/98 4/13/98 4/19/98 4/16/98 4/10/98 4/7/99 4/1/99 3/29/99 3/23/99 3/26/99 3/20/99 4/4/99 4/10/99 4/16/99 4/19/99 4/13/99 SEAWIFS CHLOROPHYLL R rs (1/sr) C SAT (mg/L) SEAWIFS REMOTE SENSING REFLECTANCE 3/20/98 3/29/98 3/26/98 3/23/98 4/7/98 4/4/98 4/1/98 4/13/98 4/19/98 4/16/98 4/10/98 4/7/99 4/1/99 3/29/99 3/23/99 3/26/99 3/20/99 4/4/99 4/10/99 Offshore Chlorophyll Maximum PSS = 2/01/98 C SAT = 1/31/98 PSS = 3/09/98 C SAT = 3/12/98 PSS = 4/07/99 C SAT = 4/05/99 PSS = 4/26/99 C SAT = 4/24/99 Comparison of PSS and Satellite Data PSS data are used to demonstrate the simi- larity between vertical and horizontal spatial pat- terns during resuspension events. The vertical distribution of chlorophyll and location of the off- shore thermal bar coincide with the horizontal distribution of chlorophyll (as C SAT ) and the loca- tion of the thermal bar (as seen in satellite- derived lake surface temperature (LST) images). The PSS data show a nearshore and offshore chlorophyll maxima separated by a region of low chlorophyll concentration. At times when the thermal bar is present, the minima is located at or near the thermal bar. This intriguing offshore productivity maxima, which is described here for the first time, could have very significant implica- tions for lower trophic food web interactions, by alleviating starvation and energizing the base of food webs at the very time when resources are most scarce (e.g., mid-winter, unstratified period). The fundamental consequences are reduction of competition when resources are at their minimum, maintaining over-wintering taxa and promoting diversity. METHODS THERMAL FRONT DETECTION Fig. 5. Example of data fusion product from VW-SIED and SeaWiFS R rs and C SAT imagery. Thermal fronts shown in the April images indicate the location of the 4oC thermal bar. The late spring CSAT images for 1998 and 1999 show the pres- ence of two chlorophyll maxima-- a nearshore maximum that is coupled with the sediment plume and an offshore “donut”- shaped maximum-separated by the thermal bar. Simulta- neously acquired AVHRR LST front imagery and SeaWiFS R rs and C SAT maps indicate that the thermal fronts are generally lakeward of the nearshore sediment and chlorophyll fronts. Note that the offshore chlorophyll maxima, which is offshore of the thermal front, is not coupled with sediment. R rs C SAT R rs C SAT 3/12/98 4/17/98 DATA FUSION R rs C SAT 4/29/99 R rs C SAT 4/10/99 Distinct biological and chemical gradients often exist between highly productive nearshore and less productive offshore zones of lakes. Physi- cal processes, such as the seasonally recurring thermal bar (a vertical shore parallel density maxima at 4 o C) and wind-driven circulation, may inhibit the transport of materials from nearshore lake margins to offshore regions. Here we dem- onstrate the results of an edge detection algo- rithm, which through successive statistical iterations, maps thermal fronts, such as the 4 o C isotherm, within southern Lake Michigan. These images are the result of merging lake surface temperature fronts maps with turbidity and chlo- rophyll maps. Cloud Detection- Thresholding Cloud Detection- Histogram Cloud Detection- Correlation Window Level- Histogram Analysis Window Level- Cohesion Algorithm Local Level- Contour following SIED VW-SIED Window Size Determination Calculation of cohesion coefficients Repeat at next unvisited pixel Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4A: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 5A: Return to 4A: Fig 1. Flowchart of the SIED algorithm detailing the changes that are made for the VW-SIED algorithm. Fig 4. (A) We investigated the effects of using a geographic window size with an existing edge detection technique. A geo- graphic window is one whose size is not constant, but is deter- mined by the correlation of the data surrounding the window’s central point. Using this approach instead of a fixed window size, the investigation window is optimized for all of the image, providing more reliable detection of edges within the window. (B) The new algorithm was run on several SST images from S. Lake Michigan and compared to runs of the original algorithm and a modification of the original algorithm optimized for this region. The results show that the geographic window improves edge detection most in the near-shore regions, and to a lesser extent in the off-shore regions. 3/12/1998 3/21/1998 4/17/1998 4/18/1998 3/14/1999 3/29/1999 4/07/1999 4/29/1999 A B Using the nearshore and offshore mixing assumptions (constant concentration and constant concentration from 0 to 40 m depth, respectively), we calculated the total mass of sediment of the plume per day. The process involved calculation of the mass of sediment at each pixel, which was then summed for all of the pixels in each region for each of the valida- tions. A total mass for each day was obtained by summing the nearshore and offshore masses. The results using the Ji et al. (in review) validation equation are presented in Fig. 6 below for the 1998 and 1999 spring resuspension event. The mass of sediment in March1998 was estimated to be ~2.0 kg x 10 9 to a high of 2.6 kg x 10 9 on March 26. Esti- mated masses at the end of the event in mid-April ranged from 0.5 to 1.0 kg x 10 9 . The 1999 estimates of daily mass were considerably lower in the range of 0.25 to a high of 1.0 kg x 10 9 in early March. These observations are consistent with the observed spatial extent of the plumes in 1998 and 1999. Ji, R., C. Chen, D.J. Schwab, D. Beletsky, J.W. Budd, G.L. Fahnenstiel, T.H. Johengen, H. Vanderploeg, B.J. Eadie, M. Bundy, In prep. "Influence of Suspended sediments on the ecosystem in Lake Michigan: A 3-D coupled bio-physical modeling experiment. RESULTS V alidate and impr o ve: Perform validations including comparing with results of other mod- els. Potential improvements may include modifying the vertical concentration assumptions and tuning the interpolation process to reduce or remove temporal gaps. Repeat: Perform sediment mass calculation for spring 2000 and other resuspension events. Extend: Apply the concept of using interpolated C SAT time series to calculation of daily chlo- rophyll concentrations in southern Lake Michigan. Fig 6. SLM1998/1999 Total Daily Sediment Mass NEXT STEPS A CKNO WLEDGMENTS This research is supported under the auspices of the KITES (Keweenaw Interdisciplinary Transport Experiment in Superior) and EEGLE (Episodic Events-Great Lakes Experiment) projects, which are funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. MASS CALCULATION STEP 1. Using Arc/Info, raster bathyme- try of Lake Michigan was pro- jected and co-registered with the standard georeferenced SeaWiFS imagery for the Great Lakes. The image processing package, PCI EASI, was used to create a subset of the bathymetry corresponding to the EEGLE study area in S. Lake Michigan (SLM). DIGITAL BATHYMETRY MODEL SeaWiFS R rs OF GREAT LAKES METHODS STEP 2. An interpolated time series was cre- ated using OA on SeaWiFS R rs imag- ery obtained during the study period. The result was a series of daily images showing R rs , standardized at 1800 EST, with temporal gaps where cloud cover prevented a quality inter- polation product. S TEP 3. For each interpolated image in the time series, low-R rs areas were masked so that the calculation could be performed only on the nearshore and offshore plume fea- tures. The images were thresholded to eliminate most of the offshore (low sedi- ment) pixels, such that a nearly-contiguous nearshore plume was identified. STEP 4. Mass calculations were based on retrievals from the near and offshore sedi- ment plume. Plume pixels were divided into nearshore and offshore regions based on bathymetric depth. A nearshore depth of 40 m captured most of the March 1998 nearshore plume event. Sediment concentrations in the nearshore (depth < 40m) were assumed to be well-mixed and therefore constant through- out the water column; whereas offshore plume features were considered a sur- face feature with constant mixing to a fixed depth, 40 m, below which TSS concentrations were assumed to drop off. NEARSHORE PLUME OFFSHORE PLUME STEP 5. For each pixel, the SeaWiFS digital number (DN) for R rs was converted to R rs (steradians -1 or sr -1 ) and percent reflectance (R rs %) using: DN = [(log10 (R rs ) + A) B] + 0.5 where coefficients A = 4 and B = 85 for SeaWiFS channel 5 (R rs ). R rs (sr -1 ) was expressed as R rs % using the relation %R rs = 100 π R rs . STEP 6. Using the validation equations shown in Table 1, TSS concentra- tions were then calculated at each pixel using R rs from the interpo- lated time series. Table 1: R rs TSS Validations Source Description Equation Ji Rubao et al. (in review) 1998 SLM plume only TSS = 1.0888 e 84.739 Rrs (Rrs expressed as fraction of 1) Warrington (IAGLR 2000) 1998 SLM %R rs = 0.60 TSS + 1.30 Budd et al. (in prep.) Average 1998/1998 SLM %R rs = 1.05 TSS + 0.75 4/16/99 4/19/99 4/13/99

MASS CALCULATION - Michigan Technological University · on the NASA IDL/SeaDAS code. The SeaWifS standard atmospheric correction rou-tine produces negative radiances and overestimates

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The Offshore Chlorophyll Maximum in S. Lake Michigan:Chlorophyll Distribution in Relation to Sediment

Concentrations and the Thermal Bar

Katherine M Strojny1, Scott F. Diehl2, Haibo Wan2, and Judith W. Budd2

Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931

Department of Geological Engineering and Sciences, MTU 2

ABSTRACTTime series SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor) imagery revealed significant productivity pulses (elevated Chl a) associated with

resuspended sediments in Lake Michigan over an eight month period from September to the end of April. Analysis of simultaneously collected SeaWiFS(Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view sensor) sediment and chlorophyll maps and AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) lake surface tempera-ture imagery revealed distinct horizontal physical and biological gradients from nearshore to offshore in late March and April in Lake Michigan. The thermalbar (4 degree C water of highest density) constituted a transition zone from nearshore (warmer) to offshore (colder) waters. We identified two chlorophyllmaxima in nearshore and offshore waters, which were separated by the thermal bar in SeaWiFS chlorophyll and PSS data of southern Lake Michigan inlate spring. Whereas the nearshore chlorophyll maxima was strongly coupled to resuspended sediment, the offshore chlorophyll maxima was not. Such"out of season" responses were previously nearly impossible to document, given unpredictable and hazardous working conditions at that time of year.

The combination of PSS data and SeaWiFS imagery demonstrate the similarity between vertical and horizontal spatial patterns during resuspensionevents. The vertical distribution of chlorophyll and location of the offshore thermal bar coincide with the horizontal distribution of chlorophyll (as CSAT) andthe location of the thermal bar (as seen in satellite-derived lake surface temperature (LST) images). The PSS data show a nearshore and offshore chloro-phyll maxima separated by a region of low chlorophyll concentration. At times when the thermal bar is present, the PSS chlorophyll minimum is located ator near the thermal bar. Combined SeaWiFS CSAT and AVHRR LST images show the exact same patter. This offshore productivity maxima could have sig-nificant implications for lower trophic food web interactions, by alleviating starvation and energizing the base of food webs at the very time when resourcesare most scarce (e.g., mid-winter, unstratified period).

We calculated the total mass of sediment of the plume per day. The process involved calculation of the mass of sediment at each pixel,which was then summed for all of the pixels in each region for each of the validations. A total mass for each day was obtained by summing thenearshore and offshore masses. The results ranged from 0.2 kg x 109 to a high of 2.6 kg x 109 on March 26 and 0.25 to 1.0 kg x 109 for 1998 and 1999,respectively. A similar technique will be used to calculate the mass of nearshore versus offshore chlorophyll in future studies using Great Lakes SeaWiFS


SeaWiFS and AVHRR Image Processing

o Satellite imagery, which are received from the NASA Goddard Distributed ActiveArchive Center (DAAC) and the NOAA Satellite Active Archive (SAA), are processedin near real-time for AVHRR and after a two week delay for SeaWiFS.

o Routine processing of SeaWiFS imagery is accomplished using a near coastalatmospheric correction procedure with automated image processing methods basedon the NASA IDL/SeaDAS code. The SeaWifS standard atmospheric correction rou-tine produces negative radiances and overestimates chlorophyll in the Great Lakes.The modified correction developed for coastal waters (see Stumpf et al. 1998)removes negative radiances and provides more stable and valid results for chlorophyll.

o SeaWiFS is sensitive to the wavelengths at 410, 440, 490, 510, 555, 670, 760, and860 nm. The first six visible channels provide remote sensing reflectance (RRS) andthe two near infrared channels (760 and 860 nm) are used to remove atmosphericcontamination. The ratio of the RSR at 490 and 555 can be used to estimate chloro-phyll, while RSR at 555 or 670 is used to estimate seston.

Stumpf, R.P. and others. 1998. Ocean Color Algorithms for Remote Sensing Coastal Waters of the U.S.Southeast and Easter Gulf of Mexico. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 13:1559-1569.

Cloud Removal Using Time-Space InterpolationClouds are a major impediment to the visualization of coastal processes from satellite instruments. In this

investigation, we used a statistically-based objective interpolation technique to estimate cloud contaminatedpixels. Chlorophyll interpolation is possible because there is a relationship between chlorophyll and its neigh-bors in both space and time. The objective interpolation technique, which has been used successfully in avariety of studies (e.g., Bretherton et al. 1976, Carter and Robinson 1987, Mariano and Brown 1992, Ransi-brahmanakul 1996) is based on the Gauss-Markoff theorem (Liebelt 1967). This method, which is recom-mended because of its simplicity and robustness, provides chlorophyll and turbidity optimal estimates forcloud-contaminated pixels (see third panel of poster for results).ReferencesBretherton, F.P., R.E. Davis, and C.B. Fandry. 1976. A technique for objective analysis and design of oceanographic experiments applied to MODE-

73. Deep-Sea Research 23: 559-582.Gordon, H.R. and A.Y. Morel. 1983. Remote assessment of ocean color for interpretation of satellite visible imagery: review. Lecture Notes on

Coastal and Estuarine Studies, 4, Springer-Verlag, 114 pp.Inoue, H. 1986. A least-squares smooth fitting for irregularly spaced data: Finite-element approach using the cubing B-spline basis. Geophysics

51: 2051-2066.Liebelt, P.B. 1967. An Introduction to Optimal Estimation. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts.Mariano, A.J., and O.B. Brown. 1992. Efficient objective analysis of dynamically heterogeneous and nonstationary fields via the parameter matrix.

Deep-Sea Research 39: 1255-1271.Ransibrahmanakul, V. 1996. Variability of Eddy Heat Fluxes Over the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico. A Ph.D. dissertation, Louisiana State University,

Baton Rouge.

Fig 1. Example of SeaWiFS RSR (top) and Chlo-rophyll (bottom) maps showing missing pixelsassociated with cloud contamination on March 22,1998 (A & C) and the interpolated product (B & D).



Table 1: Sensor Characteristics of the AVHRR and SeaWiFS instruments.



Channel Wavelength (ug)Spatial



Reflected solar energy; suspended sediment, coastlines,and clouds

1 0.58-0.68 (red) 1.1 km2 4-6/day

Reflected solar energy; coastlines, and clouds 2 0.72-1.00 (near-IR) 1.1 km2 4-6/day

AVHRR Reflected solar energy; thermal emission; clouds and seasurface temperature

3 3.55-3.93 (mid-IR) 1.1 km2 6-10/day

Thermal emission; clouds and sea surface temperature 4 10.3-11.3 (thermal IR) 1.1 km2 6-10/day

Thermal emission; clouds and sea surface temperature 5 11.5-12.5 (thermal IR) 1.1 km2 6-10/day

Reflected solar energy; gelbstoffe 1 0.412 (violet) 1.0 km2 1/day

Reflected solar energy; chlorophyll absorption 2 0.443 (blue) 1.0 km2 1/day

Reflected solar energy; pigment absorption 3 0.490 (blue-green) 1.0 km2 1/day

Reflected solar energy; chlorophyll absorption 4 0.510 (blue-green) 1.0 km2 1/day

SeaWiFS Reflected solar energy; pigments, optical properties, sedi-ments

5 0.555 (green) 1.0 km2 1/day

Reflected solar energy; atmospheric correction (CZCSheritage)

6 0.670 (red) 1.0 km2 1/day

Reflected solar energy; atmospheric correction, aerosolradiance

7 0.765 (near-IR) 1.0 km2 1/day

Reflected solar energy; atmospheric correction, aerosolradiance

8 0.865 (near IR) 1.0 km2 1/day

1998 TIME SERIES: The 35-day time series from March 19 to April 22 pro-vides striking details of surface sediment and chlorophyll concentrations insouthern Lake Michigan. The plume, which originated near Port Washing-ton, Wisconsin can be tracked along the southern shoreline over 500 km toLudington, Michigan. Several offshore features are also evident in theimagery originating at Chicago, Illinois, St. Joseph and Muskegon, Michi-gan. The most pronounced example of cross margin transport was acoastal “squirt” near Muskegon, which extended offshore into the center ofthe lake, a distance of 75 km. This feature contorted over the next threeweeks and finally dissipated in the southwestern basin around 4/11/99.Chlorophyll concentrations were clearly enhanced along the plume trackconsistent with field sampling results indicating high phosphorus concentra-tions in the plume. An intriguing “donut” shaped feature appeared just out-side the plume track in late March and persisted for three weeks, indicatinga productive offshore zone; however, we found no evidence of enhancedsediment concentrations at the same locations. Both the RSR and chloro-phyll images indicate uniformly low concentrations of materials in the cen-tral southern basin for the entire period.

1999 TIME SERIES: This series encompassed a slightly longer periodfrom March 6th through May 3rd, 1999. In this series, the areal extent ofthe plume is somewhat truncated as compared with 1998, particularly inthe eastern basin north of Grand Haven. There were two small plumesthat developed and moved in a counter-clockwise direction at Chicagoand Grand Haven, Michigan. In late March/early April the plumes stillexist, but their areal extent is greatly diminished. By late April/early May,the plume is constrained to the southern-most tip of Lake Michigan. Weobserved two distinct maxima and two distinct minima in chlorophyll pro-duction, identical to 1998. The maxima occurred along the coast coinci-dent with the sediment plume and then again offshore in the shape of adonut. The central minima is surrounded by the toroidal (donut) shapedoff-shore maxima. A second crescent-shaped minima located in thesouthern basin separates the off-shore maxima from the near-shore max-ima. A thread of the crescent-shaped offshore minima continues up thewestern coast and to a lesser extent along the east coast.


PlumeNo Plume

# M


s (S


- A


1992 1995 1996 1997 1998 199919941993YEARS


Recent satellite tracking of southernLake Michigan coastal plumes overan eight year period from 1992 to1999, as well as water intake recordsfrom St. Joseph, Michigan and Chi-cago, Illinois (from Eadie, EEGLEwebpages online resource), revealsurprising high frequency of resus-pension events, although the arealextent (seen in satellite imagery) andrelative magnitude in terms of massof resuspended sediment variesgreatly from event to event.

Fig. 2 (A) St. Joseph and Chicagowater treatment records show greatseasonality in the magnitude ofevents, with highest turbidity at intakesduring November through May. (B)AVHRR images of the eight monthperiod from October 1997 to May 1998shows the areal extent and relativemagnitude of coastal resuspensionevents in southern Lake Michigan forone year. (C) A count of cloud freesatellite images provides a rough met-ric of how often resuspended sedi-ments can be detected in the satelliteimagery

Frequency of Events


11/11/97 11/17/97 12/14/97 12/15/97 12/1697 12/17/97

01/01/98 01/10/98 01/13/98 01/31/98 02/02/98 02/12/98

03/12/98 03/21/98 03/23/98 03/24/98 03/28/98 03/29/98

04/04/98 04/05/98 04/12/98 04/18/98 04/23/98 04/07/98

o Lake Michigan is the sixth largest lake inthe world.

o Its hydraulic residence time is 62 years(Quinn 1992), however for particle-reactiveconstituents, internal removal through sedi-mentation is much more rapid.

o The distribution of post-glacial sediment insouthern Lake Michigan is asymmetric withthe greatest accumulations found within 20km from the eastern shore and decreasingtowards the deepest sounding in the basin.

Quinn, F.H. 1992. Hydraulic residence timesfor the Laurentian Great Lakes. J. GreatLakes Res. 18:22-28.


Episodic Nature: How dramatic are southern Lake Michigan resus-pension events and how much do they depart from ten year averageconditions? Quantifying the historical magnitude of turbidity plumesprovides valuable information for numerous historical comparisons.

Dependency Hypothesis: Several contingencies influence turbidityplume development and cross margin transport. How important areice pack surges and ice scour along the shoreline in mediating crossmargin transport? What is the relationship of thermal bar formation tocoastal plume development in the southern basin? How do othercoastal phenomena (e.g., impact of river plumes) influence cross mar-gin transport on a seasonal and interannual basis?


0.0010 0.0050 0.0100 0.05 0.50 1.00 5.00 10.0

3/20/98 3/29/983/26/983/23/98 4/7/984/4/984/1/98 4/13/98 4/19/984/16/984/10/98

4/7/994/1/993/29/993/23/99 3/26/993/20/99 4/4/99 4/10/99 4/16/99 4/19/994/13/99


SEAWIFS REMOTE SENSING REFLECTANCE3/20/98 3/29/983/26/983/23/98 4/7/984/4/984/1/98 4/13/98 4/19/984/16/984/10/98

4/7/994/1/993/29/993/23/99 3/26/993/20/99 4/4/99 4/10/99

Offshore Chlorophyll MaximumPSS = 2/01/98CSAT = 1/31/98

PSS = 3/09/98CSAT = 3/12/98

PSS = 4/07/99CSAT = 4/05/99

PSS = 4/26/99CSAT = 4/24/99

Comparison of PSS andSatellite Data

PSS data are used to demonstrate the simi-larity between vertical and horizontal spatial pat-terns during resuspension events. The verticaldistribution of chlorophyll and location of the off-shore thermal bar coincide with the horizontaldistribution of chlorophyll (as CSAT) and the loca-tion of the thermal bar (as seen in satellite-derived lake surface temperature (LST) images).The PSS data show a nearshore and offshorechlorophyll maxima separated by a region of lowchlorophyll concentration. At times when thethermal bar is present, the minima is located ator near the thermal bar. This intriguing offshoreproductivity maxima, which is described here forthe first time, could have very significant implica-tions for lower trophic food web interactions, byalleviating starvation and energizing the base offood webs at the very time when resources aremost scarce (e.g., mid-winter, unstratifiedperiod). The fundamental consequences arereduction of competition when resources are attheir minimum, maintaining over-wintering taxaand promoting diversity.



Fig. 5. Example of data fusion product from VW-SIED andSeaWiFS Rrs and CSAT imagery. Thermal fronts shown in theApril images indicate the location of the 4oC thermal bar. Thelate spring CSAT images for 1998 and 1999 show the pres-ence of two chlorophyll maxima-- a nearshore maximum thatis coupled with the sediment plume and an offshore “donut”-shaped maximum-separated by the thermal bar. Simulta-neously acquired AVHRR LST front imagery and SeaWiFS Rrsand CSAT maps indicate that the thermal fronts are generallylakeward of the nearshore sediment and chlorophyll fronts.Note that the offshore chlorophyll maxima, which is offshore ofthe thermal front, is not coupled with sediment.


3/12/98 4/17/98






Distinct biological and chemical gradients oftenexist between highly productive nearshore andless productive offshore zones of lakes. Physi-cal processes, such as the seasonally recurringthermal bar (a vertical shore parallel density

maxima at 4 oC) and wind-driven circulation, mayinhibit the transport of materials from nearshorelake margins to offshore regions. Here we dem-onstrate the results of an edge detection algo-rithm, which through successive statistical

iterations, maps thermal fronts, such as the 4 oCisotherm, within southern Lake Michigan. Theseimages are the result of merging lake surfacetemperature fronts maps with turbidity and chlo-rophyll maps.

Cloud Detection- Thresholding

Cloud Detection- Histogram

Cloud Detection- Correlation

Window Level- Histogram Analysis

Window Level- Cohesion Algorithm

Local Level- Contour following



Window Size Determination

Calculation of cohesioncoefficients

Repeat at next unvisited pixel

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4A:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 5A:

Return to 4A:

Fig 1. Flowchart of the SIED algorithm detailing the changes that are made for theVW-SIED algorithm.

Fig 4. (A) We investigated the effects of using a geographicwindow size with an existing edge detection technique. A geo-graphic window is one whose size is not constant, but is deter-mined by the correlation of the data surrounding the window’scentral point. Using this approach instead of a fixed windowsize, the investigation window is optimized for all of the image,providing more reliable detection of edges within the window.(B) The new algorithm was run on several SST images from S.Lake Michigan and compared to runs of the original algorithmand a modification of the original algorithm optimized for thisregion. The results show that the geographic windowimproves edge detection most in the near-shore regions, andto a lesser extent in the off-shore regions.

3/12/1998 3/21/1998

4/17/1998 4/18/1998

3/14/1999 3/29/1999

4/07/1999 4/29/1999A


Using the nearshore and offshore mixing assumptions (constant concentration andconstant concentration from 0 to 40 m depth, respectively), we calculated the total mass ofsediment of the plume per day. The process involved calculation of the mass of sediment ateach pixel, which was then summed for all of the pixels in each region for each of the valida-tions. A total mass for each day was obtained by summing the nearshore and offshoremasses.

The results using the Ji et al. (in review) validation equation are presented in Fig. 6below for the 1998 and 1999 spring resuspension event. The mass of sediment in

March1998 was estimated to be ~2.0 kg x 109 to a high of 2.6 kg x 109 on March 26. Esti-

mated masses at the end of the event in mid-April ranged from 0.5 to 1.0 kg x 109. The1999 estimates of daily mass were considerably lower in the range of 0.25 to a high of 1.0 kg

x 109 in early March. These observations are consistent with the observed spatial extent ofthe plumes in 1998 and 1999.

Ji, R., C. Chen, D.J. Schwab, D. Beletsky, J.W. Budd, G.L. Fahnenstiel, T.H. Johengen, H.Vanderploeg, B.J. Eadie, M. Bundy, In prep. "Influence of Suspended sediments on theecosystem in Lake Michigan: A 3-D coupled bio-physical modeling experiment.


Validate and improve: Perform validations including comparing with results of other mod-els. Potential improvements may include modifying the vertical concentration assumptionsand tuning the interpolation process to reduce or remove temporal gaps.Repeat: Perform sediment mass calculation for spring 2000 and other resuspension events.Extend: Apply the concept of using interpolated CSAT time series to calculation of daily chlo-rophyll concentrations in southern Lake Michigan.

Fig 6. SLM1998/1999 Total Daily Sediment Mass



This research is supported under the auspices ofthe KITES (Keweenaw Interdisciplinary TransportExperiment in Superior) and EEGLE (EpisodicEvents-Great Lakes Experiment) projects, which arefunded by the National Science Foundation and theNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


Using Arc/Info, raster bathyme-try of Lake Michigan was pro-jected and co-registered withthe standard georeferencedSeaWiFS imagery for the GreatLakes. The image processingpackage, PCI EASI, was usedto create a subset of thebathymetry corresponding tothe EEGLE study area in S.Lake Michigan (SLM).



STEP 2.An interpolated time series was cre-ated using OA on SeaWiFS Rrs imag-ery obtained during the study period.The result was a series of dailyimages showing Rrs, standardized at1800 EST, with temporal gaps wherecloud cover prevented a quality inter-polation product.

STEP 3.For each interpolated image in the timeseries, low-Rrs areas were masked so thatthe calculation could be performed only onthe nearshore and offshore plume fea-tures. The images were thresholded toeliminate most of the offshore (low sedi-ment) pixels, such that a nearly-contiguousnearshore plume was identified.


Mass calculations were based on retrievals from the near and offshore sedi-ment plume. Plume pixels were divided into nearshore and offshore regionsbased on bathymetric depth. A nearshore depth of 40 m captured most of theMarch 1998 nearshore plume event. Sediment concentrations in the nearshore(depth < 40m) were assumed to be well-mixed and therefore constant through-out the water column; whereas offshore plume features were considered a sur-face feature with constant mixing to a fixed depth, 40 m, below which TSSconcentrations were assumed to drop off.



STEP 5.For each pixel, the SeaWiFS digital number (DN)

for Rrs was converted to Rrs (steradians-1 or sr-1)and percent reflectance (Rrs%) using:

DN = [(log10 (Rrs) + A) B] + 0.5where coefficients A = 4 and B = 85 for SeaWiFS

channel 5 (Rrs). Rrs (sr-1) was expressed asRrs% using the relation %Rrs = 100 π Rrs.


Using the validation equations shown in Table 1, TSS concentra-tions were then calculated at each pixel using Rrs from the interpo-lated time series.

Table 1: Rrs TSS Validations

Source Description Equation

Ji Rubao et al. (in review) 1998 SLM plume only TSS = 1.0888 e84.739 Rrs

(Rrs expressed as fraction of 1)

Warrington (IAGLR 2000) 1998 SLM %Rrs = 0.60 TSS + 1.30

Budd et al. (in prep.) Average 1998/1998 SLM %Rrs = 1.05 TSS + 0.75

4/16/99 4/19/994/13/99