Blazer 171-12 ca1 Jan 15 MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Reviewed: FROM: David Loser Ext. DEPARTMENT: Public Works/ER&R Monday Briefing: ____ Action Agenda: __x__ DATE: January 15, 2013 No. ITEM: Replacement Public Works Vehicle #171, Request to Purchase Background: Vehicle #171 (2002 Chevrolet Blazer) was damaged during the previous snow event and not economical to repair. Request authorization to replace the vehicle from the Washington State contracts. The ER&R fund would purchase the replacement vehicle. Cost, approximately $27,000 plus tax for the vehicle. Recommended Action: Move the Board authorize the Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund Manager to purchase one (1) new year 2013 utility 4x4 vehicle from the Washington State contract Attachments: None.

MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

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Page 1: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Blazer 171-12 ca1 Jan 15




FROM: David Loser Ext.

DEPARTMENT: Public Works/ER&R Monday Briefing: ____ Action Agenda: __x__

DATE: January 15, 2013 No.

ITEM: Replacement Public Works Vehicle #171, Request to Purchase

Background: Vehicle #171 (2002 Chevrolet Blazer) was damaged during the previous snow event and not economical to repair. Request authorization to replace the vehicle from the Washington State contracts. The ER&R fund would purchase the replacement vehicle. Cost, approximately $27,000 plus tax for the vehicle.

Recommended Action: Move the Board authorize the Equipment Rental

& Revolving Fund Manager to purchase one (1) new year 2013 utility 4x4 vehicle from the Washington State contract

Attachments: None.

Page 2: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia




FROM: Brian Matthews Ext. 450 DEPARTMENT: Public Works

Action Item

DATE: January 15, 2013

ITEM: Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus for approved Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Funding for Intersection Safety Project County Road Project 1954, 1955 and 1956

Background: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will be approving and funding the intersection safety projects for the following county road projects: 1. CRP 1954 Lynch Road/Arcadia Road

MP 6.94- MP 7.00 Federal Funds: $300,000

Description: Improvement of intersection sight distance and signage.

2. CRP 1955 Matlock Brady Road/Schafer Park Road MP 27.46-MP 27.65 Federal Funds: $540,000 Local Funds: $5,000 (ROW)

Description: Realignment of intersection to improve sight distance.

3. CRP 1956 Pickering Road/Harstine Bridge Road MP 3.33 Federal Funds: $54,000

Description: Improvement of intersection sight distance and placement of impervious surfacing on intersection island to prevent placement of signs, etc.

Washington State Department of Transportation will release the allocated federal dollars to the County as soon as the Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus forms have been approved and executed. Recommendation: I move the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Chair to execute the Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectuses approved Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funding for County Road Projects 1954, 1955 and 1956 and authorize the Chair to sign all other pertinent documents for these projects. Attachment: Project Prospectus forms for CRP 1954, 1955 and 1956

Page 3: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Washington State Department of Transportation

Prefix Federal Aid Proiect Number Local Agency

CRP 1954 Proiect Number

Agency Mason County Public Works

Project Title Intersection Safety - Lynch Road/Arcadia Road

Project Termini From -- To M.P. 6.94 M.P. 7.00 From: To: I Length of Project 6.94 7.00 575'

Route ( )

Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus

Date 1/07/2013 Central Contractor

Registration Exp.Date 2/13/2013

( WSDOT) Federal Employer Use Only Tax ID Number 91-6001354

Federal Program Title

~ 20.205 D Other

Start Latitude N47 11 38.39 Start Longitude Wl22 57 12.10

End Latitude N47 11 44.41 End Longitude Wl22 57 18.44

I Nearest City Name Shelton

I Project Zip Code 98584

I Award Type D Local ~ Local Forces D State D Railroad

Federal Agency I City Number County Number County Name I WSDOT Region ~ FHWA D Others NIA 23 Mason Olympic Region Congressional District I Legislative Districts I Urban Area Number



Total Local Agency Federal Funds

Phase Start Phase Estimated Cost Funding Date

(Nearest Hundred Dollar) (Nearest Hundred Dollar) (Nearest Hundred Dollar) Month Year

P.E. $50 000 $50,000 06 2011


Const. $250 000 $250.000 9 2013 Total $300 000 $300.000

Description of Existina Facility (Existina Design and Present Condition) Roadway Width I ~umber of Lanes 22

Existing roadways are 'typical' County Rural Major Collectors. The pavement shoulder widths vary. Vertical site distance standards are not currently met. Intersection was identified based on its crash rates.

Description of Proposed Work Description of Proposed Work (Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary)

Intersection sight distance will be improved at this intersection by shoulder grading, removal of a hump in the roadway that impacts sight distance and improved signage.

Local Agency Contact Person Melissa McFadden

Mailing Address

100 W. Public Works Drive

Project Prospectus Approval

DOT Form 140-101 EF Revised 11 /1 O



Title County Engineer



41·.Nfad County Engineer

Page 1of3

Phone (360) 427-9670

I State Zip Code WA 98584

Approving Authority

Date (. ll 2--01~ + Previous Editions Obsolete +

Page 4: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Agency Mason County Public Works

Tvpe of Proposed Work

Project Title Intersection Safety- Lynch Road/Arcadia Road

Date 1/07/2013

Project Type (Check all that Apply) Roadway Width Number of Lanes

0 New Construction 0 Path I Trail 03-R vanes 2 0 Reconstruction 0 Pedestrian I Facilities 02-R

0 Railroad 0 Parking ~Other

0 Bridge

Geometric Design Data Description Through Route Crossroad

D Principal Arterial D Principal Arterial

Federal D Urban D Minor Arterial D Urban D Minor Arterial

Functional D Collector D Collector

~ Major Collector ~ Major Collector Classification D Minor Collector D Minor Collector ~Rural

D Access StreeURoad ~Rural

D Access StreeURoad

Terrain D Flat ~Roll Posted Speed 15 Design Speed 15 ExistinQ ADT 549 Design Year ADT DesiQn Year Design Hourly Volume (DHV)

Performance of Work Preliminary Engineering Will Be Performed By

Mason County Public Works Engineering Construction Will Be Performed By

Mason County Public Works Road Maintenance

Environmental Classification

D Final ~ Preliminary

D Class I - Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) D Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404

lnteragency Agreement

D Class Ill - Environmental Assessment (EA) D Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404

lnteragency Agreement

Environmental Considerations

§ 771.117 Categorical exclusions - 23 CFR 771.1l7(C)(4)

D Mountain D Flat ~Roll 15 15 276


0% Contract


~ Class II - Categorically Excluded (CE) D Projects Requiring Documentation

(Documented CE)

DOT Form 140-101 EF Revised 11/10

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D Mountain


100 % Agency

100 %

Page 5: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Agency Mason County Public Works

Right of Way

l:8J No Right of Way Required *All construction required by the

contract can be accomplished within the existinQ riqht of wav.

Project Title Intersection Safety- Lynch Road/Arcadia Road

Date 1/07/2013

D Right of Way Required

D No Relocation D Relocation Required

Description of Utility Relocation or Adjustments and Existing Major Structures Involved in the Project

Power pole and phone pedestal may need to be relocated in current County right of way.

FAA Involvement

Is any airport located within 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) of the proposed project? D Yes L8J No


This project has been reviewed by the legislative body of the administration agency or agencies, or it's designee, and is not inconsistent with the agency's comprehensive plan for community development.


DOT Form 140-101 EF Revised 11/1 o

Agency Mason County


Page 3 of 3


+ Previous Editions Obsolete +

Page 6: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Washington State Department of Transportation

Local Agency Federal A id Project Prospectus

Date 1107/2013 Prefix Route ( )

Federal Aid Central Contractor

Proiect Number Registration Exp.Date 2/13/2013

Local Agency CRP 1955 ( WS DOT ) Federal Employer

Proiect Number Use Only Tax ID Number 91-6001354

Agency Federal Program Title

Mason County Public Works ~ 20.205 D Other Project Title Start Latitude N47 05'45" Start Longitude Wl23 29'19" Intersection Safety - Matlock Brady Rd I Schafer Park Rd

N47 05'34" End Longitude W l 23 29 '22" End Latitude Project Termini From -- To I Nearest City Name I Project Zip Code M.P. 27.46 M.P. 27.65 Shelton 98584 From: To: 27.46 27.65

I Length of Project 1027'

I Award Type ~ Local D Local Forces D State D Railroad

Federal Agency I City Number I County Number I County Name I WSDOT Region ~ FHWA D Others NIA 23 Mason Olvmoic Region Congressional District I Legislative Districts I Urban Area Number



Total Local Agency Federal Funds

Phase Start Phase Estimated Cost Funding Date

(Nearest Hundred Dollar) (Nearest Hundred Dollar) (Nearest Hundred Dollar) Month Year

P.E. $90 000 $90,000 06 2011

R/W $5.000 $5.000 01 2013

Const. $450.000 $450 000 9 2013

Total $545,000 $5,000 $540 000

Description of Existina Facility (Existing Design and Present Condition) Roadway Width I ~umber of Lanes vanes

Existing roadways are ' typical' County Rural Major Collectors and Minor Collectors. The pavement shoulder widths vary. Horizontal site distance does not meet design standards. Intersection was identified based on its crash rates.

Descri tion of Pro osed Work Description of Proposed Work (Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary)

Intersection sight distance will be improved at this intersection through realignment of the currently-skewed roadway to a 90-degree intersection.

Local Agency Contact Person Title Phone Melissa McFadden Coun 360 427-9670

Mailing Address State Zip Code 100 W. Public Works Drive WA 98584


Project Prospectus Approval f. 13.iAJ) 3 Title County E ngineer Date

DOT Form 140-101 EF Page 1 of 3 + Previous Editions Obsolete + Revised 11 /1 o

Page 7: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Agency Project Title Mason County Public Works Intersection Safety - Matlock Brady Rd I Schafer

Date 1/07/2013

Tvpe of Proposed Work Project Type (Check all that Apply) Roadway Width Number of Lanes

0 New Construction 0 Path I Trail 03-R 34 2 0 Reconstruction 0 Pedestrian I Facilities 02-R

0 Railroad 0 Parking 1:81 Other

0 Bridge

Geometric Design Data Description Through Route Crossroad

D Principal Arterial D Principal Arterial

Federal D Urban D Minor Arterial D Urban D Minor Arterial

Functional D Collector D Collector

181 Major Collector D Major Collector Classification l:8J Rural D Minor Collector l:8J Rural 181 Minor Collector

D Access Street/Road D Access Street/Road

Terrain D Flat 181 Roll D Mountain D Flat DRoll D Mountain Posted Speed 45 35 Design Speed 50 40 Existinq ADT 629 375 Design Year ADT Desiqn Year Design Hourly Volume (DHV)

Performance of Work Preliminary Engineering Will Be Performed By Others Agency

Mason County Public Works % 100 % Construction Will Be Performed By


Environmental Classification

D Final IZ! Preliminary

D Class I - Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) D Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404

lnteragency Agreement

D Class Ill - Environmental Assessment (EA) D Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404

lnteragency Agreement

Environmental Considerations


100 %

~ Class II - Categorically Excluded (CE) ~ Projects Requiring Documentation

(Documented CE)

§ 771.117 Categorical exclusions - 23 CFR 771.117 ( c )( 4)

DOT Form 140-101 EF Revised 11/10

Page 2 of 3



Page 8: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Agency Mason County Public Works

Right of Way

D No Right of Way Required *All construction required by the

contract can be accomplished within the existinq riqht of wav.

Project Title Intersection Safety - Matlock Brady Rd I Schafer

Date 1/07/2013

~ Right of Way Required

~ No Relocation D Relocation Required

Description of Utility Relocation or Adjustments and Existing Major Structures Involved in the Project

Power poles and phone junction boxes/pedestals will need to be relocated to new right of way limits.

FAA Involvement

Is any airport located within 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) of the proposed project? D Yes ~No


This project has been reviewed by the legislative body of the administration agency or agencies, or it's designee, and is not inconsistent with the agency's comprehensive plan for community development.


DOT Form 140-101 EF Revised 11 /1 O

Agency Mason County


Page 3 of 3


+ Previous Editions Obsolete +

Page 9: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Washington State Department of Transportation

Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus

Date 1/07/2013 Prefix Route ( )

Federal Aid Central Contractor

Proiect Number Registration Exp.Date 11/18/2011

Local Agency (WSDOT) Federal Employer Proiect Number CRP 1956 Use Only Tax ID Number 91-6001354

Agency Federal Program Title Mason County Public Works ~ 20.205 D Other

Project Title Start Latitude N47 14 53.78 Start Longitude W122 55 51.90 Intersection Safety - Pickering Rd I Harstine Bridge Rd

End Latitude - End Longitude -Project Termini From -- To I Nearest City Name I Project Zip Code M.P. 3.33 - Shelton 98584 From: To:

3.33 -I Len~th of Project I Award Type

D Local ~ Local Forces D State D Railroad Federal Agency I City Number County Number I County Name I WSDOT Region ~ FHWA D Others NIA 23 Mason Olympic Region Congressional District I Legislative Districts I Urban Area Number I TMA I MPO I RTPO 6 35 NIA RTPO

Total Local Agency Federal Funds

Phase Start Phase Estimated Cost Funding Date

(Nearest Hundred Dollar) (Nearest Hundred Dollar) (Nearest Hundred Dollar) Month Year

P.E. $15,000 $15 000 06 2011


Const. $39.000 $39 000 10 2013

Total $54.000 $54 000

Description of Existina Facility (Existina Design and Present Condition) Roadway Width I ~umber of Lanes varies

Existing roadways are 'typical' County Rural Major Collectors and Minor Collectors. The pavement shoulder widths vary.

Description of Proposed Work Description of Proposed Work (Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary)

Intersection sight distance will be improved at this intersection through vegetation removal and placement of impervious surfacing on intersection island to prevent placement of signs, etc.

Local Agency Contact Person Melissa McFadden

Mailing Address

100 W. Public Works Drive

Project Prospectus Approval

DOT Form 140-101 EF Revised 11 /1 o



I Title County Engineer



4.J·A4,vQ County Engineer

Page 1 of 3

Phone (360) 427-9670

I State Zip Code

WA 98584

Approving Authority

Date I· e. i-01~ + Previous Editions Obsolete +

Page 10: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Agency Mason County Public Works

Type of Proposed Work

Project Title Intersection Safety - Pickering Rd I Harstine Bridge

Date 1/07/2013

Project Type (Check all that Apply) Roadway Width Number of Lanes

0 New Construction 0 Path I Trail 03-R varies 2 0 Reconstruction 0 Pedestrian I Facilities 02-R

0 Railroad 0 Parking ~Other

0 Bridge

Geometric Design Data Description Through Route Crossroad

D Principal Arterial D Principal Arterial

Federal D Urban D Minor Arterial D Urban D Minor Arterial

Functional D Collector D Collector

181 Major Collector 181 Major Collector Classification D Minor Collector D Minor Collector ~Rural

D Access StreeURoad ~Rural

D Access StreeURoad

Terrain D Flat Posted Speed 40 Desian Soeed 40 Existina ADT 2634 Desian Year ADT Desian Year Design Hourly Volume (DHV)

Performance of Work Preliminary Engineering Will Be Performed By

Mason County Public Works Construction Will Be Performed By

Mason County Public Works

Environmental Classification

D Final ~ Preliminary

D Class I - Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) D Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404

lnteragency Agreement

D Class Ill - Environmental Assessment (EA) D Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404

lnteragency Agreement

Environmental Considerations

181 Roll D Mountain D Flat 181 Roll

35 35 2204





l:8J Class II - Categorically Excluded (CE) D Projects Requiring Documentation

(Documented CE)

§ 771.117 Categorical exclusions - 23 CFR 771.117 ( C)( 4)

DOT Form 140-101 EF Revised 11/10

Page 2 of 3

D Mountain


100 Agency




Page 11: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Agency Mason County Public Works

Right of Way

~ No Right of Way Required *All construction required by the

contract can be accomplished within the existinq riqht of way.

Project Title Intersection Safety - Pickering Rd I Harstine Bridge

Date 1/07/2013

D Right of Way Required

~ No Relocation D Relocation Required

Description of Utility Relocation or Adjustments and Existing Major Structures Involved in the Project

FM Involvement

Is any airport located within 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) of the proposed project? D Yes ~No


This project has been reviewed by the legislative body of the administration agency or agencies, or it's designee, and is not inconsistent with the agency's comprehensive plan for community development.


DOT Form 140-101 EF Revised 11/10

Agency Mason County


Page 3 of 3


+ Previous Editions Obsolete +

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FROM: Brian Matthews Ext. 450

DEPARTMENT: Public Works Action Item

DATE: January 15, 2013

ITEM: Request approval to use the County MRSC Consultant Roster to

select On-Call Consultants for Structural, Geotechnical, Hydraulic and Archaeological and Cultural Resource Archaeological and Cultural Resource services for the 2013-2014

Background: For calendar year 2012, the Board of County Commissioners authorized Public Works to use the Consultant Roster to select and enter into agreements for Geotechnical, Structural Archaeological and Cultural Resource services, as needed, during the 2012 calendar year. At this time, Public Works would like authorization to use the Consultant Roster to select and enter into agreements for these same services, along with Hydraulic services, as needed, during the 2013-2014 calendar years. We anticipate these services to be required at various locations across the county for County Road Projects and other Public Works activities; including emergencies.

Recommended Action: I move the Mason County Board of Commissioners authorize Public Works to select from the County MRSC Consultant Roster and enter into agreements for Structural, Geotechnical, Hydraulic, Archaeological and Cultural Resource consultant services, as needed for 2013-2014 calendar years. The maximum pay-out for each agreement not to exceed $50,000; Public Works will announce each consultant selection during a regular scheduled Commission meeting.

Attachments: None


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FROM: Brian Matthews Ext. 450

DEPARTMENT: Public Works

Action Item

DATE: January 15, 2013

ITEM: Intergovernmental request and agreement for reimbursable work by Mason

Conservation District Background: Many times during project development, Mason County Department of Public Works requires the services of environmental consultants on a short-term basis for minor tasks. If we enter into an agreement with Mason Conservation District to provide environmental services on a reimbursable basis, this will avoid spending considerable staff time and prevent project delays, which would be caused by the normal process of selecting a consultant. We will request services from Mason Conservation only when it can reasonably be expected to result in an overall savings. Recommended Action: I move the Board authorize the Chair to execute an Inter-Governmental Request and Agreement for Reimbursable Work by Mason Conservation District to provide environmental services, as needed, for calendar year 2013.

Attachments: Original Agreement w/the Clerk of the Board

Page 14: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia


The MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS hereby requests that the following described work be performed by the MASON CONSERVATION DISTRICT:

Description of work or services requested: Provide environmental services to Mason County, as needed, for calendar year 2013.

Cost shall be determined on an hourly basis, using the attached Rate Sheets from

Mason Conservation District (identified as Exhibits A). *********************************************************************************

Mason County Department of Public Works certifies that sufficient budgeted funds are available to cover the cost of the requested work or services. Submitted by: Approved by: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ___________________________________ BRIAN MATTHEWS, PE RANDY NEATHERLIN, Chair Director of Public Works DATE: DATE: __________________ ******************************************************************************** MASON CONSERVATION DISTRICT Submitted by: Approved by:

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MASON CONSERVATION DISTRICT Signature ___________________________________ (Name / Typed) Signature Title: ___________________________________

(Name / Typed)

Title: _______________________________ DATE: DATE: _____________________________ Comments: _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Page 15: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

C:\Users\blr.MASON\Desktop\Risk Pool Designation Cvr Sheet.doc



FROM: Dawn Twiddy Ext. 422

DEPARTMENT: Human Resources Monday Briefing____ Consent Agenda__X__

DATE: January 15, 2013 No.

Item: Approval of the resolution appointing the current Mason County representatives to the

Washington Counties Risk Pool. Commissioner Tim Sheldon as the County’s representative and Commissioners Neatherlin and Jeffreys as alternate representatives.

Background: Amends Resolution No. 71-11 adopted November 1, 2011. Recommended Action: Move to approve the resolution appointing the Mason County

representatives to the Washington Counties Risk Pool. Commissioner Tim Sheldon as the County’s representative and Commissioners Neatherlin and Jeffreys as alternate representatives.

Attachments: Original on file with Clerk of the Board

Comment [D1]: If there are legal notification requirements please discuss with Diane, ext. 419.

Page 16: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Utilites- Cover Sheet_CHP Group #3_Project Completion Accept




FROM: Tom Moore, Deputy Director Ext. 652

DEPARTMENT: Public Works, Utilities and Waste Management Division

Action Agenda

DATE: January 15, 2013 No. 8.___

ITEM: Adoption of Resolution No. ____ - 13 accepting construction of the

Belfair Sewer’s County Hookup Program, Group #3 Project as complete.

Background: At their March 20, 2012 regular meeting, the Board of

Commissioners authorized the Utilities & Waste Management Department to advertise and award the contract for construction of the County Hookup Program Group #3 sewer project. Bids for the project were opened and publically read aloud on Thursday, April 19, 2012. A total of 2

responsive/responsible bids were received. On April 24, 2012, the contract in the amount of $136,435.49 ($35,598.93, 20.7%, under the Engineer’s estimate for the project of $172,034.02) for construction of the Belfair Sewer County Hook-up Program (CHP) Group #3 project was awarded to Zephyr Inc., of Allyn, WA, the lowest responsible/responsive bidder on the project. Work began on the project in April 2012 and was completed in early November 2012.

This CHP Group #3 project constructed side sewer lateral connections to the new Belfair sewer system for 19 property owners in the Phase 1 area of the Belfair sewer system. The final cost for construction work for this project is $125,426.22 (8.1%) under the original contract award amount and $52,210.18 (27.1%) under the project’s engineer’s cost estimate. All work under this contract has been completed in accordance with the project plans and specifications and has been approved by the ESA, Inc., the Project Engineer of Record and the County’s Department of Utilities & Waste Management. The recommended action approves the final contract amount and constitutes the final acceptance of the work. There were no contractor claims filed against the City, and no liquidated damages were assessed against the contractor.

Page 17: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Utilites- Cover Sheet_CHP Group #3_Project Completion Accept

Recommended Action: Move to approve the final contract amount with Zephyr, Inc. for construction of the Belfair County Hook-up Program Group #3 project for the final cost of $125,426.22 and adopt Resolution No. ___ - 13 accepting construction of the Belfair County Hook-up Program Group #3 project as complete.


• Resolution No. ___ - 13 accepting the Belfair County Hook-up Program Group #3 project as complete.

Page 18: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

RESOLUTION NO. ____ - 13

A RESOLUTION of the Mason County Board of Commissioners accepting the Belfair Sewer Project’s County Hook-up Program Group #2 Project as complete.

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County (Board) approved the Belfair Wastewater Treatment and Water Reclamation Facility project for the Belfair Urban Growth Area (UGA); and

WHEREAS, the Board has previously declared that the primary means of sewage collection and disposal in the Belfair UGA area shall be through construction and connection to the County's permanent sewer collection system and treatment facilities; and

WHEREAS, a part of construction of the Belfair Wastewater Treatment and Water Reclamation Facility project included construction of sewage collection main lines within the Phase 1 area of the Belfair UGA; and

WHEREAS, the Board has adopted regulations requiring that existing developed parcels

of property located within the Belfair UGA and within 500 feet of the alignment of the Belfair wastewater and reclamation facilities pipeline connect to public sewer facilities as soon as sewer service is available; and

WHEREAS, the Board created and funded the County Hook-up low interest loan

Program to assist property owners with existing structures within Phase 1 of the Belfair sewer project area with the cost of their required connection to the Belfair sewer system; and WHEREAS, at their January 10, 2012 regular meeting, the Board authorized the Utilities and Waste Management Department to advertise and award the contract for construction of the Belfair Sewer County Hook-up Program Group #2 Project; and WHEREAS, on February 1, 2012, a total of 5 responsible and responsive bids for the Belfair Sewer County Hook-up Program Group #2 Project were publically opened and read aloud; and

WHEREAS, on February 29, 2012, the Utilities and Waste Management Department awarded the contract for construction of the Belfair Sewer County Hook-up Program Group #2 Project to Zephyr, Inc., the lowest responsible & responsive bidder on the project, in the amount of $172,006.36; and WHEREAS, the County Hook-up Program Group #2 Project has been completed for a total construction cost of $163,026.61; and WHEREAS, the County Hook-up Program Group #2 Project has been completed in accordance with the project plans and specifications; and

WHEREAS, the County Hook-up Program Group #2 Project has been approved by representatives of ESA, Inc., the project’s Project Engineer of Record, and the County’s Department of Public Works, Utilities & Waste Management Division; and

Page 19: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

WHEREAS, no contractor claims have been filed against Mason County relative to the County Hook-up Program Group #2 Project;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mason County Commissioners hereby accept the Belfair Sewer Project’s County Hook-up Program Group #2 Project as complete.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Deputy Director of the Utilities & Waste

Management Division of the Mason County Public Works Department is hereby authorized to complete the contract closure process upon receiving appropriate releases from the Department of Revenue, Department of Employment Security and Department of Labor and Industries. PASSED this ______ day of January, 2013.

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Randy Neatherlin, Chair Tim Sheldon, Commissioner Terri Jefferys, Commissioner

ATTEST: Shannon Goudy, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Tim Whitehead, WSBA #37621 cc: Elected Officials Dept. Heads

Page 20: MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY … · Proiect Number Local Agency Proiect Number CRP 1954 Agency Mason County Public Works Project Title Intersection Safety -Lynch Road/Arcadia

Utilities- Cover Sheet_CHP Group #2_Project Completion Accept




FROM: Tom Moore, Deputy Director Ext. 652

DEPARTMENT: Public Works, Utilities and Waste Management Division

Action Agenda

DATE: January 15, 2013 No. 8.___

ITEM: Adoption of Resolution No. ____ - 13 accepting construction of the

Belfair Sewer’s County Hookup Program, Group #2 Project as complete.

Background: At their January 10, 2012 regular meeting, the Board of

Commissioners authorized the Utilities & Waste Management Department to advertise and award the contract for construction of the County Hookup Program Group #2 sewer project. Bids for the project were opened and publically read aloud on Wednesday, February 1, 2012. A total of 5 responsive/responsible bids were received. On February 29, 2012, the contract in the amount of $172,006.36 for construction of the Belfair sewer County Hook-up Program (CHP) Group #2 project was awarded to Zephyr Inc., the lowest responsible/responsive bidder on the project. Work began on the project in March 2012 and was completed in early June 2012.

This CHP Group #2 project constructed side sewer lateral connections to the new Belfair sewer system for 14 property owners in the Phase 1 area of the Belfair sewer system. The final cost for construction work for this project is $163,026.61, 5.2% ($8,979.75) below the contract award amount. All work under this contract has been completed in accordance with the project plans and specifications and has been approved by the ESA, Inc., the Project Engineer of Record and the County’s Department of Utilities & Waste Management. The recommended action approves the final contract amount and constitutes the final acceptance of the work. There were no contractor claims filed against the City, and no liquidated damages were assessed against the contractor.

Recommended Action: Move to approve the final contract amount with Zephyr, Inc. for construction of the Belfair County Hook-up Program Group #2 project for the final cost of $163,026.61 and adopt Resolution No. ___ - 13 accepting construction of the Belfair County Hook-up Program Group #2 project as complete.


• Resolution No. ___ - 13 accepting the Belfair County Hook-up Program Group #2 project as complete.

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RESOLUTION NO. ____ - 13

A RESOLUTION of the Mason County Board of Commissioners accepting the Belfair Sewer Project’s County Hook-up Program Group #3 Project as complete.

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County (Board) approved the Belfair Wastewater Treatment and Water Reclamation Facility project for the Belfair Urban Growth Area (UGA); and

WHEREAS, the Board has previously declared that the primary means of sewage collection and disposal in the Belfair UGA area shall be through construction and connection to the County's permanent sewer collection system and treatment facilities; and

WHEREAS, a part of construction of the Belfair Wastewater Treatment and Water Reclamation Facility project included construction of sewage collection main lines within the Phase 1 area of the Belfair UGA; and

WHEREAS, the Board has adopted regulations requiring that existing developed parcels

of property located within the Belfair UGA and within 500 feet of the alignment of the Belfair wastewater and reclamation facilities pipeline connect to public sewer facilities as soon as sewer service is available; and

WHEREAS, the Board created and funded the County Hook-up Low Interest Loan

Program to assist property owners with existing structures within Phase 1 of the Belfair sewer project area with the cost of their required connection to the Belfair sewer system; and WHEREAS, at their March 20, 2012 regular meeting, the Board authorized the Utilities and Waste Management Department to advertise and award the contract for construction of the Belfair Sewer County Hook-up Program Group #3 Project; and WHEREAS, on April 19, 2012, a total of 2 responsible and responsive bids for the Belfair Sewer County Hook-up Program Group #3 Project were publically opened and read aloud; and

WHEREAS, on April 24, 2012, the Utilities and Waste Management Department awarded the contract for construction of the Belfair Sewer County Hook-up Program Group #3 Project to Zephyr, Inc., the lowest responsible & responsive bidder on the project, in the amount of $136,435.49; and WHEREAS, the County Hook-up Program Group #3 Project has been completed for a total construction cost of $125,426.22; and WHEREAS, the County Hook-up Program Group #3 Project has been completed in accordance with the project plans and specifications; and

WHEREAS, the County Hook-up Program Group #3 Project has been approved by representatives of ESA, Inc., the project’s Project Engineer of Record, and the County’s Department of Public Works, Utilities & Waste Management Division; and

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WHEREAS, no contractor claims have been filed against Mason County relative to the County Hook-up Program Group #3 Project;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mason County Commissioners hereby accept the Belfair Sewer Project’s County Hook-up Program Group #3 Project as complete.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Director of the Mason County Public Works

Department is hereby authorized to complete the contract closure process upon receiving appropriate releases from the Department of Revenue, Department of Employment Security and Department of Labor and Industries. PASSED this _______ day of January, 2013.

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Randy Neatherlin, Chair Tim Sheldon, Commissioner Terri Jefferys, Commissioner

ATTEST: Shannon Goudy, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Tim Whitehead, WSBA #37621 cc: Elected Officials Dept. Heads

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Adobe Lic 2013 ca1 Jan 15




FROM: David Loser Ext.

DEPARTMENT: Public Works/ER&R Monday Briefing: ____ Action Agenda: __x__

DATE: January 15, 2013 No.

ITEM: Washington State Dept of Enterprise Services; Adobe Products

Purchase Agreement

Background: The Washington State Department of Enterprise Services has renewed their licensing agreement with Adobe to license Adobe products to state and local agencies. We are required to sign a new purchase agreement with the Department of Enterprise Services to continue purchasing Adobe products. I recommend that Robert Deans, our IS Supervisor be appointed as the Adobe Agency Coordinator for Mason County under this agreement. Respectfully request the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Chairperson to sign the attached Agreement with the Department of Enterprise Services.

Recommended Action: Move the Board of County Commissioners

designate Robert Deans as the Mason County Adobe Agency Coordinator, Ben Ramsfield as Backup Coordinator and authorize the Chairperson to execute the Adobe Products Purchase Agreement with the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services.

Attachments: Original agreements in Clerk’s office