Tropical Rainforest Masoala Madagascar Animals 2

Masoala Madagascar Tropical Rainforest Masoala Madagascar Animals 2

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Tropical RainforestMasoala Madagascar

Animals 2

Page 2: Masoala Madagascar Tropical Rainforest Masoala Madagascar Animals 2

Helmet vanga

Range- It is endemic (only found in) to northern Madagascar

Habitat- Occurs in humid evergreen rainforests at altitudes of below 800m

Diet- Its diet is composed of invertebrates, predominantly insects.

Interactions-  Rather secretive and difficult to find, as often sits immobile in subcanopy for long periods. Most conspicuous when flying at prey.

Native, Introduced, endangered, or keystone-Native

Human Impact-The helmet vanga occurs within a number of national parks and reserves, and so its habitat receives a level of protection at these sites

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Madagascar day gecko

Range- This species is widely distributed in eastern Madagascar at low elevations, and can occur up to 1,000 m asl in forest. It has been found over an area of nearly 79,750 km².

Habitat- They stay along the tree lines on the edge of forests. They also inhabit local huts and banana trees. The east coast of Madagascar because it has a humid and warm climate.

Diet-These day geckos feed on many arthropods (insects and arachnids) as well as some fruit matter(mashed). They also like to lick hard, tart fruit, pollen and nectar found on Coonatorious Palm trees.

Interactions- Males can be very aggressive and don’t allow other males in their neighborhood. In captivity ,where females cannot escape, sometimes the males may seriously injure the females. In this case they must be separated.

Native, Introduced, endangered, or keystone- Endangered

Human Impact- The geckos are mostly found by people and then held in captivity. They are easily breed, so the population is increasing again and could be getting off of the endangered species list.

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Red owl

Range- All found on the eastern side of the island of Madagascar

Habitat-They mostly stay in the humid forest areas but go to hunt in the open country

Diet- They feed mostly on small mammals of families Tenrecidae and Muridae that are native to the island. Prey species include insects, frogs, geckoes, tenrecs, afrosoricidians ,rodents ,and the eastern rufous mouse. All species are native to Madagascar except the roof rat.

Interactions-The call of the red owl is similar to that of the barn owl. They make a 1.5 – 2.0 second long screeching hiss that is an even frequency with a slight downward frequency towards the end. This slight decrease in frequency at the end of the call distinguishes the red owl from the barn owl.

Native, Introduced, endangered, or keystone- Native

Human Impact- We have found that the Red Owl, because of being naucturnal, is very hard to study. But the biggest threat to the species if from humans because of our deforestation.

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Tomato frog

Range- Tomato frogs are found in the northeast of the island around Antongil), and south to Andevoranto

Habitat-The tomato frog breeds in shallow pools, swamps and areas of slow-moving water. These frogs are found from sea level to elevations of around 200 meters

Diet-Ambushing potential prey, adult tomato frogs feed on small invertebrates, such as beetles, mosquitoes, and flies.

Interactions-When threatened, these frogs can inflate themselves, giving the appearance of greater size

Native, Introduced, endangered, or keystone- Native

Human Impact- Humans try to stay out of interation with this species because of their poisonous nature. The species is known to cause allergic reactions and could poison the blood stream.

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Madacascan Sunset Moth

Range- Madagascan sunset moths are found only in tropical forests on the island of Madagascar off Africa. 

Habitat- The moths do not have much of a habitat due to their migrating from plant to plant

Diet-The moths can feed off of mostly any plant they want, but when the moth becomes a larvae or caterpillar, this is when they get picky on what they eat and only feed off of plants from the family Omphalea, which are toxic to most animals.

Interactions- The bright colors of the caterpillars are not to attract other animals, but to warn them that they are a poisonous creature.

Native, Introduced, endangered, or keystone- Native

Human Impact- Humans have tried capturing them in certain areas due to deforestation. This is only a precaution so the species can not be in any danger

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Madagascan serpent eagle

Range- This bird inhabits dense, humid, and broad-leafed evergreen forests

Habitat- Northeastern and east-central Madagascar

Diet- It eats lemurs both large and small, snakes, lizards, and frogs

Interactions- It hunts from high perches, swooping down from its perch and grasping its prey in its talons when it spots it.[

Native, Introduced, endangered, or keystone-Endangered

Human Impact- The species is affected by humans in the case of the destruction and fragmentation that is happening in their habitat, causing them to loose their homes die.

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Leaf-Tail Geckos

Range- Leaf-tailed geckos are found in both the primary and secondary tropical forests of Madagascar where they are either found stuck vertically to the tree trunks or resting amongst the twigs, depending on the species.

Habitat- It is an arboreal species that relies on its natural camouflage in the northern and central tropical forests of Madagascar.

Diet- The leaf-tailed gecko is a carnivorous animal and the bulk of this lizard's diet is primarily comprised of insects. Leaf-tailed geckos also hunt a number of other invertebrates along with the odd small rodents or reptile should it get the chance

Interactions- They are nocturnal, insectivorous lizards found exclusively in primary and secondary forest.

Native, Introduced, endangered, or keystone- Native

Human Impact- Habitat destruction and deforestation in Madagascar is the primary threat to the future of leaf-tailed geckos as well as collection for the pet trade

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Blue Coua

Range- The birds can be found in the north-western and eastern areas of Madagascar

Habitat- Subtropical or tropical dry forests, subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, subtropical or tropical mangrove forests, and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests.

Diet- The diet consists of insects, varied fruits, and small reptiles.

Interactions- The bird lays only one egg in a nest hidden in trees and bushes

Native, Introduced, endangered, or keystone- Native

Human Impact- The speices is on the way to becoming extinct because of human hunting

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Nile Crocodile

Range- The Nile crocodile is quite widespread throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, occurring mostly in the central, eastern, and southern regions of the continent

Habitat- Lives in different types of aquatic environments such as lakes, rivers and marshlands

Diet- Their diet consists mostly of different species of fish, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Interactions- Very aggressive species of crocodile that is capable of taking almost any animal within its range

Native, Introduced, endangered, or keystone- Introduced

Human Impact- The Nile Crocodile was hunted in the 1940’s through 60’s, but due to national laws and trade restrictions, the species is no longer in danger

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Pill Millipede

Range- Although widespread and common in Britain, this millipede has not been recorded further north than Edinburgh

Habitat- Seems to prefer calcareous soils, and can be found amongst leaf litter in woodlands, fields and hedgerows.

Diet- Pill millipedes are herbivorous, feeding on decomposing organic matter on the forest floor or among leaf litter.

Interactions- When threatened, this species rolls into a tight ball, hence the common name. Along their body are pores that release a smell that can kill or scare off other small creatures. To humans, the smell is similar to almonds, but to small creatures it is extremely toxic as it contains the chemical cyanide

Native, Introduced, endangered, or keystone- Introduced

Human Impact- Humans don’t have much impact on the insect because of them mostly living in the soil. The only reason they would make a difference in their species existence would be because of the deforestation that is happening and the soil being ripped up.

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