masmenos | women vocal · on Prohibido Suicidarse en Primavera (Casona) Reggie: Prof. Jorge Varela. In 2016 she performed a selection of

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masmenos | women vocal

maría carranza | sopran I

natal ia vartanian | sopran I I

v ictor ia wi l l iams | alto I

v irg inia gorost iaga | alto I I

juan manuel brarda | direct ion

dario pagl iar icc i | electrónics | v isuals | art ist ic direct ion

María Carranza was born on May 22nd 1985. She is currently completing her studies of singing at the Gilardo Gilardi Conservatory of La Plata, Argentina. She studied Choral Conducting at the College of Fine Arts of the National University of La Plata, Argentina, during 2008 and 2009. In 2016 she began studying Ancient Music at the Higher Conservatory of Music Manuel de Falla of the city of Buenos Aires. Between 2002 and 2006, she attended regular lessons of cello with professor Pablo Romero. She has studied singing with Alberto Jauregui Lorda, María Rosa Farré, Patricia González and Alejandra Malvino, her current professor. In 2011, she attended the seminar of French Song “L ́Invitation au voyage”, given at the UNA by Víctor Torres. In the last years, she carried out summer courses given by Opitz devoted to Brahms, Wolf and Schumman. In 2014, she attended the Workshop on singing pedagogy given by Mónica Sardi and Gabriela Labanda (Germany) in La Plata. Last summer she attended a course of Baroque Music Interpretation given by Federico Ciancio in Bariloche. During 2011 she attended the initial level drama course conducted by Febe Chavez. As a Choir Singer she has

been a member of the Youth Choir of the National University of La Plata, conducted by Master Cánaves, the “Vocal de Cámara Platense” conducted by Master Fernando Tomé, the Vocal Chamber Group “Tous Ensemble”, which has won many awards and with which she has carried out two tours around Europe, conducted by Emiliano Linares, the ancient music group “In dulci jubilo” conducted by Siminovich, the “Coral del Nuevo Mundo” conducted by Oscar Esclada, the “Grupo Vocal de Difusión” conducted by Mariano Moruja, and during 2016 she was contracted as a temporary member by the Chamber Choir of the province of Córdoba and by the Polyphonic Choir “Delfino Quirici” of Río Cuarto of which she is still a member. As soloist she has sung in many performances carried out by the “Opera workpshow of the Gilardo Gilardi Conservatory” in the following roles: Rocío in Hansel and Gretel by Humperdinck, Monica of “The Medium” by Menotti, “Rita” of Rita by Donizetti, “Nella”in Gianni Schicchi by Puccini, “Pamina” in “The Magic Flute”by Mozart. She has also participated as soloist in “The Fairy Queen” by Purcell at the performance presented by the students of 3rd year of the career of choir conducting of the College of Fine Arts at the

maria carranza

“Pasaje Dardo Rocha” auditorium, in 2010. She has been a member of the quintet at the “Lamento de Ariadna by Monteverdi. During 2012 and 2013 she gave concerts of chamber music with the pianist Esteban de Bardeci and the guitarist Gonzalo Molina in the city of La Plata and in Corrientes. She also sung as a soloist accompanied by the cello octect conducted by Pablo Romer in 2012 and 2014. She has sung with the “0,618 Contemporary Music

Ensemble” and with “Cappella del Plata” conducted by Sergio Casanovas in different concert halls of the cities of La Plata and Buenos Aires. In March 2015 and 2016 she sung as a soloist at the Easter week concert with the “Coro Estable de Tandil”, conducted by Annele Moroder.

Natalia Vartanian was born in Cordoba Capital in. At the age of five, she stared studying music at “Escuela de Niños Cantores de Cordoba”, a humanistic and music school founded by Professor Herbert Diehl. She graduated from said institution and got a degree as a Choir Conductor and was awarded the Music Merit distinction that the institution grants to outstanding students each year. At present, she is living in La Plata, city where she is taking a Bachelor’s degree in “Choral Conducting” at the School of Fine Arts. She was a member of various choral groups, as “Coro del Seminario de Canto del Teatro del Libertador” (a prestigious choir from the San Martin Theater) and “Maguey” vocal group, both of which were conducted by Professor Hugo C. de la Vega; the chamber vocal group “Tous Ensemble” conducted by Bachelor Emiliano Linares, period in which said group was awarded numerous distinctions in different national choral contests; “Grupo Vocal de Difución” (GVD) conducted by Professor Mariano Moruja; and has participated as temporary member (reinforcement) in different musical performances of the “Coro Polifonico Nacional” (polyphonic choir that depends on the National State) under the conduction of famed foreign conductors, the “Coro Polifonico Delfino Quirici” form Rio Cuarto city, the “Coro Polifonico de la ciudad de Cordoba” (polyphonic choir that depends on the Provincial State) and the “Coro de Camara de Cordoba” (chamber

choir that depends on the Provincial State) conducted by Professor Gustavo Maldino. Besides, she is deputy conductor and vocal coach of various choral groups in La Plata, and teaching assistant of the subject “Tecnica Vocal 1” (vocal techniques I) from the degree in “Direccion Coral” (choral conducting) at the School of Fine Arts. Her studies as a lyric soprano started in 2006 with Claudia Cugnini. In May 2013, she took an intensive course of vocal techniques with Professor Raul Gimenez in the academy “Concertante Barcelona” of such city. In 2015, she took an advanced course of “chanson française” in Paris with Professor Emmanuel Olivier.She studied vocal techniques with famed Professors, such as Patricia Gonzalez, Maria Daneri, Graciela de Gyldenfeldt, Monica Phillibert, Raquel Winnica, Rosa Dominguez (Basilea), and repertoire with Jorge Ugartamendi, Juan Pablo Scafidi and Cecilia Prieto.She first performed as a lyric soprano in “The Magic Flute”, opera in which she interpreted the role of Pamina with the opera company “A-Cuerda” conducted by Patricia Gonzalez. In 2013, she took part in a project carried out by the School of Fine Arts of UNLP called “La opera desde adentro” (opera from within) in the opera “Dido and Aeneas” performing the role of Belinda, and in 2015, she interpreted the role of Iphigenia in the opera “Iphigénie en Tauride” (Iphigenia in Tauris) as part of the same project

natalia vartanian

Graduated from Domingo Zípoli School, I.P.E.M. n ° 36 - Bachelor as a Music Teacher and Choir Conductor( 2003) I’ve participated in several youth choral presentations, under well- known conductors like Milagros Bruner, Gabriela Zabala, Gustavo Pellicer, Hugo de la Vega, Matías Saccone and Gustavo Maldino.In 2005, I’ve began a degree in Musical Composition, attending to the all “End of the Year Concerts”, presenting own authorship works, and performing classmates compositions throughout the whole career.Since 2014, I’ve been taking lyrical singing classes with Professor Marcela Benedetti, and continue at the present.I’ve actively participated in different master classes dictated by renowned Masters, including Guillermo Opitz, Marina Silva, Rebeca Martin and Roland Hagemann.I’m a currently member of the Seminar Choir of the Teatro del Libertador San Martín (Conductor Mtro. Matías Saccone) with whom I’ve developed different performances in both solo and choir roles. In May , 2014, I won the contest organized by the Ministerio de Cultura de la Municipalidad de Córdoba (

Culture department - Cordoba City County ) to occupy a position as a contralto ( alto ) at the Coro Municipal de Córdoba ( County City Choir ) where I’m working at the present.At the beginning of 2016, I’ve auditioned for a merit order list in both state Choirs, the Chamber Choir and the Polyphonic Choir of the Province, obtaining the first place in both auditions, which allowed me to attend both choirs under contract throughout that year.In 2017 I’ve auditioned again to renew the order of merit list at the Chamber Choir, obtaining the first place once again. I’m currently working as a singer at that Choir.

maría victoria williams

(Mezzo-soprano) graduated from the Conservatorio Su-perior de Música Julián Aguirre of Río Cuarto obtaining the degree of “Trayecto Artístico Profesional T.A.P musi-cal instrument: violin” (Prof. Eduardo Lhez) in 2011. She started her singing lessons with Prof. Carolina Schneiter (2007-2009). Then, she continued her studies with the mezzo- soprano Prof. Marcela Benedetti (2010-2014) in Córdoba City. Since 2016 she has been studying with Patricia González (Córdoba). She has been part of several choirs and vocal ensembles in Río Cuarto (Córdoba). In 2005 she became a member of “Coro Polifónico Delfino Quirici”, an official choir of the Cordoba Province. In this institution she interpreted the Alto solos in pieces like “Te Deum”/ Haendel and “Te Deum”/Mendelsshon (Conductor: Graciela Flores) “Mass in D minor”/Dvorak ( Conductor: Hugo de la Vega) and “Lauda Sion”/Mendelsshon (Conductor: Luis Pérez).Since 2012 she is part of a group of young lyric singers “Compañía Vía Lírica”. With this aggrupation she inter-preted “Tiempo de Luz Oscura” a selection of German lieder (Reggie: Cecilia Ruiz-Posse). Between 2014 and

2015 they played “Prohibido para Cantantes” (based on Prohibido Suicidarse en Primavera (Casona) Reggie: Prof. Jorge Varela. In 2016 she performed a selection of arias and motets by J.S BACH called “Bach en el Mundo Real” under the baton of Juan Manuel Brarda in different auditoriums in Cordoba, Río Tercero and Río Cuarto.At present, she is studying foreign languages at the pro-gram Tecnicatura en Lenguas (English and French) at Universidad Nacional of Río Cuarto and she is attending theater lessons at the Mascaviento Theatre (Prof. Jorge Varela).

virginia gorostiaga

He began his musical studies at the Juan José Castro Con-servatory in the city of Río Tercero – Córdoba, Argentina. He continued improving his education in the Conserva-torio Garzón, the College of Arts (National University of Córdoba) and the Domingo Zípoli Institute, in the city of Córdoba. He got his Bachelor and Teaching degree in Music, specialized in Choral Conducting in the College of Fine Arts of the National University of La Plata - Buenos Aires (FBA - UNLP), where he was assistant to the De-partment of Introduction to Language, Audioperceptive I and II and professor appointed to the chair of Choral Conducting IV and V. He studied singing with Professor Patricia González.He passed the competitive examination and was award-ed the position of Coaching Maestro of the Coro Po-lifónico Delfino Quirici, professional body of the Córdo-ba Cultura Agency, based in the city of Río Cuarto. He is currently Artistic Director of the before-mentioned choir.He started his professional choral activity with Maestro Hugo de la Vega and joined numerous choral / vocal

groups which were conducted by important conduc-tors with whom he participated in tours and national and international competitions, performing in the most important venues in Argentina (Colón Theatre (Teatro Colón), Argentine Theater of La Plata (Teatro Argentino de La Plata), Kirchner Cultural Centre (Centro Cultural Kirchner), Usina del Arte, Libertador Theater, Ciudad Cul-tural KONEX, San Martín Theatre - Casacuberta, Juan Vic-toria Auditorium, among others). He is the conductor of Cuchicheros group. He has been the conductor of: Can-tuta - Grupo Vocal Femenino (Vocal Female Group), with whom he won the first prize in the category Equal Voices and the Audience Award in the VIII AAMCANT Choir Con-test; the vocal group Diagonal 8; the vocal group Piedra Sola; and the Lyric Choir of Pensiero in the city of La Pla-ta; the Vocal Chamber Ensemble, New Art Youth Choir of the city of Río III, Córdoba and the Youth Choir of the San Francisco de Asís Institute in Santa Rosa, Córdoba. He has participated in congresses and has obtained scholarships to improve and boost cultural work for

juan manuel brarda

young musicians. He completed an internship at the Opera House in Rome (Italy), together with Maestros Roberto Gabbiani and Gea Garatti in February 2017. At the same time, he has continuously attended training refresher courses in choral and orchestral conducting with important local and international maestros, such as Mariano Moruja, Eduardo Ferraudi, Néstor Zadoff, Pab-lo Banchi, Alberto Balzanelli, Maria del Carmen Aguilar, Josep Prats, Dante Andreo, Marco Berrini, Naomi Farán, among others.As a conductor, he has participated in concerts and lyr-ical galas in important halls of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Córdoba and San Juan; he premiered operas and works by Argentinian composers; he has been invited to con-duct different vocal and choral groups of many musical genres; he has conducted at the XI International Baroque Music Festival “El Camino de las Estancias”, organized by Manfredo Kraemer; he was Musical Director of the opera “The Barber of Seville” by G. Rossini in the Cycle of the KONEX Foundation “Vamos a la opera - 25º Aniversario” (Buenos Aires) and Musical Director of the opera “Dido and Aeneas “ by H. Purcell, during the Inside the Opera Workshop (FBA - UNLP).He has been Musical Assistant in the opera “Iphigenia

in Tauris” by CW Gluck at the above-mentioned Work-shop and conductor of the opera “Gianni Schicchi” by G. Puccini organized by the Fundación Lírica Mediterránea and the AllOpera collective group. He was curator of im-portant musical and cultural cycles, of which the cycle “In Scene” is worth-mentioning, with the participation of the National Symphonic Orchestra and the Ciclo Coral Luterano of La Plata.He was Assistant Secretary of Student Affairs in the Col-lege of Fine Arts of the National University of La Plata and member of the Board of Directors of La Plata ADI-CORA (Association of Choir Conductors of the Argentine Republic). He was elected General Secretary in two con-secutive administrations between 2013 and 2017. He is currently General Secretary of Adicora - Córdoba offices.

[Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina / 1977]: Argentine composer with residence in Río Cuarto (Córdoba). Composition degree by the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC, 2004). He focuses his work on new mediums, multimedia’s works, sonorous installations and Interactive Art through multiple interfaces and computer programming. Also he is devoted to the artistic diffusion and production in the Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (UNRC).He has participated of numerous workshops, composition courses, electroacoustic and multimedia art seminars in Argetntina and abroad: Impuls Festival/Academy (2017), Forum Internacional Nueva Música with Mathias Spahlinger and Michael Maierhof (2013-2015), Forum Ircam at the UNSAM (2015), Open Lab Workshop with Yamil Burguener (2010), Zirkonium Composition Workshop with Ludger Brümer (2009), Postgraduate Course of PD-GEM with Pablo Cetta (2006), MAX-MSP course with Hans Tutschku (2003), New Technologies Seminar with Gonzalo Biffarella (2001-2002).Some of his instrumental and electroacoustic works has been programmed in the Center for Production and Research in Arts (CePIA – UNC), Centro Cultural España-Córdoba, Centro Cultural San Martín (Bs. As.), Casa de la Cultura (Río Cuarto), CEMAPA (Río Cuarto), Teatro Municipal (Río Cuarto), XII y XX Jornadas Internacionales de Música Electroacústica, etc. Also, numerous presentations of multimedia works in many artistic-

cultural: La Noche de los Museos (2014), Jornadas Universitarias de Puertas Abiertas (JUPAS) – (2011), Foro Universitario Italiano Argentino (2011), UNIART ROMA (Feria Universitaria de Arte, Diseño, Turismo Cultural y Artesanías) – (2011), Universidad de la Sapienza y Universidad Roma Tre. (Roma, Italia – 2011), etc. Besides, original music for the documentary film Carreros: relatos del rebusque, winning the First Prize in the City of Río Cuarto (2009). Since 2012 is the Artisitic Director of “MASMENOS: instrumentos y nuevas tecnologías”, and actually of “masmenos –música contemporánea” and the “masmenos |vocal femenino” ensemble.

dario pagliaricci

masmenosUnivers idad Nac iona l de R ío Cuar toSecretar ía de Extens ión y Desarro l loRuta Nac . 36 . Km. 601 . X5804BYARío Cuar to , Córdoba , Argent ina .Te l . +54 9 358 420 9955

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