Address: 18105 Racho Road, Brownstown, MI, 48193 // Phone: 734-281-8050 Website: http://www.masjidumarbinkhattab.org // Email: [email protected]. M ASJID U MAR BIN K HATTAB - I SLAMIC A SSOCIATION OF MI N EWSLETTER Assalamu Alaikum, Alhamduliilah, we want to thank our community members who are directly or indirectly helping the activities of the Masjid. We as a Board of the Masjid want to convey the following message to our respected community members: 1. All activities/programs held in the Masjid will be according to Islamic Shariah. A religious committee with Mufti Patel at the helm has been formed to assure that all activities/programs are in conformance to Islamic Shariah. 2. We encourage and welcome any suggestions to unite our community. Forgiveness is the hardest thing to do and is often blocked by pride, which is why it is the most rewarding and most feared, due to its power of bringing unity. Suggestions can be placed in the suggestion box or e-mailed to [email protected]. If a response is desired, please indicate that in the suggestion letter, along with contact information and a board member will respond to the request. 3. Insha‟Allah, the Masjid expansion project is slated to start this year. This is a big project, intended to bring more youth to the Masjid and to unite our community. Please support this project by making Dua to Allah to help us to complete this project, financially and morally, as we face many challenges ahead. Our community has always united to support our brothers and sisters in need in different parts of the world during times of need, we request everyone to support our Masjid expansion project. 4. Please be an ambassador for our Masjid/community, spreading the message of Islam is the responsibility of each one of us. Please encourage our youth and community members to be regular in attending the Masjid. Our website and e-mail list are easy ways to find out about events at the Masjid. Website: http://www.masjidumarbinkhattab.org 5. Consider becoming a member of IAM. Members who are active in the Masjid and Masjid affairs can help the board and the community by making certain that all policies and procedures are followed by the Masjid board. IAM constitution is available on our website for easy access. 6. This Masjid belongs to everybody. Honesty and transparency is our motto. All of us should abide by these rules, which will Insha'Allah, bring our community together. A brother who was visiting from Baltimore, MD to our Masjid narrated an event that many of us can relate to. This brother, who is from India, mentioned how his father kept telling him to return to India and be with the rest of his family. Eventually his father stopped making this demand. On one visit to India, this brother was called to sit with his father who was in tears, saying that he (father) was confident that he had provided a good Islamic upbringing to his son and was also confident that his son will provide an equally good Islamic upbringing to his grand children. But what about the generations after that, he (father) asked, saying that he did not want any of his progeny to enter hellfire because they abandoned the tenets of Islam. We appeal to all our community members, please forgive and forget any previous shortcomings, for the sake of our youth and the generations to come, and let us all unite together, putting our differences behind us, and make dua to Allah to make us a strong Islamic community. (Aameen). Jazak Allah Khair. Board of Directors, Masjid Umar bin Khattab/Islamic Association of Michigan. Message from the Masjid board Ayat of the month: Those who reject Allah and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah-their deeds will Allah bring to naught 47:1 Hadith of the month: Shaddad bin Aus Radhiyallahu Anhu reported: Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “A wise man is the one who calls himself to account (and refrains from doing evil deeds) and does noble deeds to benefit him after death; and the foolish person is the one who allows his inner self to follow its temptations and desires and hopes for (the mercy of) Allah Ta’ala”. (At-Tirmidhi) INSIDE THIS ISSUE Board Message I Imam‟s Corner 2 Masjid Update 3 Youth‟s perspective 5 Community News 7 Kids Page 8 Kids Articles 9 Story of Hazrat Luqman AS 11 Anger Management 12 Masjid Contact Info 13 Masjid Membership form 15 Prayer Schedules 16-17 Rabi-Thani1 1432 -- March 2011 - Volume 1 Issue 4

MASJID UMAR BIN KHATTAB ISLAMIC ASSOCIATION OF MI … · 2. We encourage and welcome any suggestions to unite our community. Forgiveness is the hardest thing to do and is often blocked

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Address: 18105 Racho Road, Brownstown, MI, 48193 // Phone: 734-281-8050

Website: http://www.masjidumarbinkhattab.org // Email: [email protected].


Assalamu Alaikum, Alhamduliilah, we want to thank our community members who are directly or indirectly helping the activities of the Masjid. We as a Board of the Masjid want to convey the following message to our respected community members: 1. All activities/programs held in the Masjid will be according to Islamic Shariah. A religious committee with Mufti Patel at the helm has been formed to assure that all activities/programs are in conformance to Islamic Shariah. 2. We encourage and welcome any suggestions to unite our community. Forgiveness is the hardest thing to do and is often blocked by pride, which is why it is the most rewarding and most feared, due to its power of bringing unity. Suggestions can be placed in the suggestion box or e-mailed to [email protected]. If a response is desired, please indicate that in the suggestion letter, along with contact information and a board member will respond to the request. 3. Insha‟Allah, the Masjid expansion project is slated to start this year. This is a big project, intended to bring more youth to the Masjid and to unite our community. Please support this project by making Dua to Allah to help us to complete this project, financially and morally, as we face many challenges ahead. Our community has always united to support our brothers and sisters in need in different parts of the world during times of need, we request everyone to support our Masjid expansion project. 4. Please be an ambassador for our Masjid/community, spreading the message of Islam is the responsibility of each one of us. Please encourage our youth and community members to be regular in attending the Masjid. Our website and e-mail list are easy ways to find out about events at the Masjid. Website: http://www.masjidumarbinkhattab.org 5. Consider becoming a member of IAM. Members who are active in the Masjid and Masjid affairs can help the board and the community by making certain that all policies and procedures are followed by the Masjid board. IAM constitution is available on our website for easy access. 6. This Masjid belongs to everybody. Honesty and transparency is our motto. All of us should abide by these rules, which will Insha'Allah, bring our community together. A brother who was visiting from Baltimore, MD to our Masjid narrated an event that many of us can relate to. This brother, who is from India, mentioned how his father kept telling him to return to India and be with the rest of his family. Eventually his father stopped making this demand. On one visit to India, this brother was called to sit with his father who was in tears, saying that he (father) was confident that he had provided a good Islamic upbringing to his son and was also confident that his son will provide an equally good Islamic upbringing to his grand children. But what about the generations after that, he (father) asked, saying that he did not want any of his progeny to enter hellfire because they abandoned the tenets of Islam. We appeal to all our community members, please forgive and forget any previous shortcomings, for the sake of our youth and the generations to come, and let us all unite together, putting our differences behind us, and make dua to Allah to make us a strong Islamic community. (Aameen). Jazak Allah Khair. Board of Directors, Masjid Umar bin Khattab/Islamic Association of Michigan.

Message from the Masjid board

Ayat of the month: Those who reject Allah and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah-their deeds will Allah bring to naught 47:1

Hadith of the month:

Shaddad bin Aus Radhiyallahu Anhu reported: Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “A wise man is the one who calls himself to account (and refrains from doing evil deeds) and does noble deeds to benefit him after death; and the foolish person is the one who allows his inner self to follow its temptations and desires and hopes for (the mercy of) Allah Ta’ala”. (At-Tirmidhi)


Board Message I

Imam‟s Corner 2

Masjid Update 3

Youth‟s perspective 5

Community News 7

Kids Page 8

Kids Articles 9

Story of Hazrat Luqman AS 11

Anger Management 12

Masjid Contact Info 13

Masjid Membership form 15

Prayer Schedules 16-17

Rabi-Thani1 1432 -- March 2011 - Volume 1 Issue 4

Page 2

Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

I am convinced that too many of us living in industrialized nations have lost sight of what it truly means to have trust in our Sustainer. With our guaranteed salaries and medical insurance and pension plans, our lives are meticulously laid out to safeguard against every possible curve ball thrown our way. We have assured ourselves that our Rizq (sustenance), present and future will come primarily from our own efforts. The more we struggle and strive, the more we shall accomplish and achieve. Sure, our belief system dictates that everything comes from Allah (swt), but our attitudes expose our hypocrisy. Our provisions are not coming from Allah (swt), but from our paychecks. Our medical services are not provided by Allah (swt), but by our health care provider. Our homes and automobiles are not protected by Allah (swt), but by our insurance companies. We feel secure since protection is provided by the police force and fire department. We needn‟t worry about losing our credit cards as the companies have policies protecting against fraud and theft. And with everything guaranteed, insured, and protected, where has Allah (swt) gone in our daily lives? Don‟t get me wrong. None of what I mentioned is inherently wrong. They are merely ways we implement the Prophetic advice to „tie the camel‟. But the problem arises when we become so consumed with securing the camel that we build a fence around it, install a camera system, and hire a security force. Where did the second part of the famous Prophet guidance go („and trust in Allah‟)? We are so busy with establishing safety nets and emergency funds that we have forgotten the more essential principle of Trust in Allah. These devices are desperate measures created by a desperate civilization that has lost all ties with its Creator and Sustainer. Yet, we are falling in full step behind them, mimicking their every act, in creating a lifestyle safe and secure from the randomness of Divine „interference‟. So instead of expending our energies towards higher goals and objectives, we have become infatuated with tying down the proverbial camel. Modern society dictates that not only must we provide for today and tomorrow, but we must engage all our energies into securing next year and the year after. Not only must we strive to provide for our family‟s basic necessities, but we must save up for college, expensive weddings, and retirement costs. “And there is no living creature on earth but depends for its sustenance on God” (11:6) Let us focus our efforts towards that which matters and leave our sustenance to the One who has sustained everything in this world since its inception. Allow me to share a tale that nicely captures the essence of our sustenance and how, regardless of what we do, it runs after us: In a remote village, a young man was asked by his gentle elderly mother to eat his breakfast before leaving home. Bursting with energy and in a rush to begin his day, he declined and scurried off on his way. Being the caring mother she was, she quickly ordered her young daughter to follow after the boy with the plate of food to ensure he ate it. Said the loving mother, „Do not let him see you, lest he reject it again. Simply leave the food nearby, so when he becomes hungry, he will eat it at his leisure.‟ The sister surreptitiously followed her elder sibling through the forest all the way to the local river, where she watched as her brother jumped in for a morning swim. After he got out, he stretched out under a nearby tree and proceeded to take a nap. Figuring he would be hungry after his nap, she laid the plate of food some distance away from the tree and returned home, certain that her brother would eventually find his breakfast. Coincidentally, a group of no-good hooligans were convening nearby and discussing plans for their next act of thievery. While arguing back and forth, the gang leader smelled the scent of fresh food and followed it back to the same plate. Desperate for a home-cooked meal, the lot of them eagerly decided to share the food amongst themselves, until the leader paused and reflected. He shared his concern that the plate could potentially be a devious plot concocted by a rival gang. „The food may contain poison‟, he grumbled. „Scout around and see if you find one of them spying on us.‟ They ran about looking for anyone hiding away, until they came upon the young man sleeping under the tree. They immediately pounced upon him and carried him back to their leader, who ferociously demanded the boy confess to setting up the poisonous plate of food. The young man repeatedly denied it until the leader decided it best to „test‟ the food by force-feeding the hapless lad. They made him eat every last morsel and eagerly awaited for the poison to kick in. Soon thereafter, they realized that nothing of the sort would occur and so dejectedly beat the boy one last time and went on their way. The boy limped his way home and upon seeing his bruised face, his mother shrieked, „what happened my son?!‟ With half a smile, he admitted, „Dear mother, my Lord had decreed my sustenance in the form of your hearty breakfast. One way or another I was destined to eat it. I declined the choice to eat it by your blessed hands, so Allah willed for me to eat it by the punches and kicks of those less savory.'

Imam‟s availability for meetings or conferences:

Monday – Thursday: 9am-12pm + 1 hour before Zhur + 1 hour after Zhur (Not available during the hours of 4:30pm – 7:00pm due to children Quran class)

Friday: After Juma; Please setup appointment via phone: (480)-385-8240 or email: [email protected]

Saturday-Sunday: Please setup appointment via phone: (480)-385-8240 or email: [email protected]

Imam‟s corner

By Mufti Nayef Patel: Our rizq (sustenance/provisions) will find us

Page 3 Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

Masjid Expansion Update

Highlights from the Masjid Website

http://www.masjidumarbinkhattab.org/ Please visit the Masjid website regularly to stay informed on Masjid activities, plus:

Prayer Schedule

Kids/Youth Programs o Sunday School

Questions for Mufti Patel

Islamic Articles and links

Community Events

Masjid Services o Nikaah & Funeral o Visitations for sick o Hajj o Family Services

Donation Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

The Board of Directors and Board of Trustees

approved the contract for Architectural Service with

Chester Stempien who was the architect for the

Farmington Hill Masjid Extension Project. According to

his estimate, we should be able to get Brownstown's

approval by May/June of this year.

A fund raising dinner has been scheduled for June 12,

2010, at Crystal Garden. We request the community

to donate generously for the project.

Donate for the Masjid expansion: The Masjid needs a regular inflow of funds for daily operations, maintenance, and expansion. Please contact the Masjid board or Br.Safdar (Treasurer) at [email protected] or sign up for check-o-matic to make regular donations to the Masjid. If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to Islamic Association of Michigan and mail it to 18105 Racho Road, Brownstown, MI: 48193.

Jazak Allah.

Page 4

Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter


- Community News/Events - Mosques Information - Separate pages for Brownstown- Flat Rock, Canton, Ypsilanti- Ann Arbor and other Michigan cities - Articles and Things to remember - Knowledge Corner - Free Classified/Business listings - Post your news & events - Free banner ads for a limited time Please contact at [email protected]

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Page 5 Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

Youth‟s perspective By Laiba Husain: Islam: It Makes Perfect Sense

25, 10, 3. I spun my locker combination on reflex. Grabbing my statistics binder and book, I slammed my locker shut. I was thinking that I must make the janitor‟s job real easy; my abiyah did a great job of attracting every minuscule piece of lint on the floor. As I entered the classroom, a girl I‟d seen around a few times came up beside me. “Um, excuse me,” She tapped me on the shoulder. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?” I turned around, “Sure”. I knew exactly what she was about to ask. Proving me correct, she asked, “Why do you wear…that?” Now, I‟ve been asked this question since first grade, and yet I still did not know how to answer her. So I told her exactly what I‟ve told every other previous person that asked me that. “It‟s part of my religion. I wear it out of modesty.” Confused, she walked away muttering, “But it‟s just hair.” That same night, I started reading a book my friend lent me called „If I Should Speak‟ by Umm Zakiyyah. And ever since that night, I wish could go back to that moment when that girl asked me why I cover myself just so I could answer her correctly. „If I Should Speak‟ is a book about three college roommates, two Muslims and one Christian, and their journey through life‟s unexpected turns. This book really helped me understand some very important points of Islam. Not only was this an amazing and powerful story, it also explains why Islam is the right religion, and why we do the things we do in Islam. I know there are a million books out there that do the same thing, but I couldn‟t get into those. Maybe it was because it was passage after passage of boring text or maybe it was just hard for me to understand. Whatever it was, those books cannot compare to „If I Should Speak‟.

Why do women cover their bodies in Islam? Why is Islam the correct religion, and not Christianity or Judaism? What‟s the purpose of Islam? These are just a few points that I fully understand now. There was this part when Aminah (Muslim) answers Tamika‟s (Christian) questions for a project. She asks why women have to cover themselves from head to toe. And to summarize what Aminah answered; The Muslim woman views their body somewhat like a person may view their money. Say you had a lot of money. Would you pin it all over your clothes or walk around with it in a transparent bag? No. But why? Because it‟s valuable to you. And you don‟t tuck your money away because you think everyone is a criminal. It‟s so your money will be protected just in case someone is. Or it may be a possibility that the sight of money might tempt a person to take it, even if he isn‟t a criminal. Similarly, our body is valuable to us, and we don‟t flaunt our body just like we don‟t flaunt our wealth. And that‟s what distinguishes the Muslim women from others. But then you may wonder, why can‟t we just dress modestly? Let me ask you this. Who defines what‟s modest? Nowadays, it‟s just whatever society or culture you live in. But what if one lived in a nudist colony? Does that make wearing a bikini modest? In the book, Tamika answers no. So Aminah asks, “But says who?” Tamika then replies, “It‟s obvious.” But to whom is it really obvious? The point is that there has to be a line drawn somewhere. And who better to draw that line than the One who created us.

For some reason, it has also been labeled that Islam is a religion wherein the men oppress women. But in general, do men oppress women? Some do. Do Christian men oppress women? Some do. Just like some do in Judaism. Now, do Muslim men oppress women? Yes, some do. Just like other men. But does Islam tell them to do so? Absolutely not. Humans aren‟t perfect, and Muslims are human. People also have a problem with men being the head of the household. This is not only true in Islam, but also in Christianity and Judaism. This doesn‟t make women inferior to men, just like at school you are not inferior to your teacher even though he or she decides what you do everyday. And at work, is the employee inferior to the boss? Or are we inferior to the president? Precisely. So if a wife listens to her husband, does that make her inferior to him? And it‟s not like women have no say. Allah has instructed us through the Qur‟an that household affairs be conducted through mutual consent. And if a man takes advantage of his role, that doesn‟t speak against the religion, that speaks against him. And he will have to answer to Allah for that. Yet, we are still asked whether or not we feel subjugated in a religion where the man is the leader of everything. Doesn‟t that make you wonder, how can non-muslims ask us that? Here we are, Muslims who worship Allah and accept that He placed man as the leader, at least in human affairs like family and government. But then we‟re questioned about this role by many Christians, who view it as subjugation, inferiority, and whatever other demeaning term society wishes to label it. But for Christians, the man is not only the leader, but also God himself. How is it that Christians can criticize Muslims for their position on men being the leader, when they worshipped a man? Certainly, if any of the two cases pointed to the inferiority of women, it had to be the case in which a man was God. A man at the head of a household was understandable, but God?

Islam is a comprehensive religion. But all of its laws are for the protection of a civilized, moral society and individual, w ith the society‟s rights taking precedence at some point and the individual‟s at others, depending on whatever brings the greater good. Islam complements our nature completely. It did not come to oppose our nature, but to perfect it. And that sometimes means permitting things we don ‟t want and forbidding things we might want, because what a person desires is not always best or even complementary to his or her nature. In reality, in Islam there is nothing in which the benefit outweighs the harm except that which Islam permits or mandates. And likewise, in Islam there is nothing in which the harm outweighs the benefit except that which Islam cautions against or forbids. And if we carefully and honestly analyze each rule or allowance in Islam, we are forced to admit that, whatever potential harm it can cause, the benefit is so much greater.

The purpose of Islam is to cut off the path to evil, not to assume anything about the people who are being cut off. Prohibition of things in Islam simply closes the door because Allah didn‟t just tell us not to do a sin, He tells us to not even go near it. It makes perfect sense; it‟s just up to us whether or not we choose to do the right thing. And no one ever said it was easy to do the right thing, but I agree with what Aminah said. “I

don‟t look for a religion that suits my lifestyle; instead I make it so my lifestyle suits my religion”.

Page 6

Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

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Page 7 Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

Daily Schedule: After Fajr prayer: Imam reads one Hadith After Magrib prayer: Taleem (10-15 minutes) After Isha prayer: Imam reads one Hadith

Weekly Schedule: Monday-Thursday: 4pm-7pm: Kid Quran Classes Tuesday‟s after Asr: Muslim visitations (Joula/Gush) Tuesday‟s after Magrib: Weekly Islamic Speech (Bayyan) Sunday‟s 10am-1pm: Children Islamic School Sunday‟s 10:30am-1:00pm: Arabic class by Br.Mateen Sunday‟s after Zhur: Quran Tafsir by Imam Mufti Patel ** Over the next two weeks, in Mufti Patel's absence, Br.Mateen Peracha will be conducting Quran classes for children, Monday to Thursday, 4:30pm-5:45pm and 5:45pm-7:00pm during the week of March 14 and the week of March 21.

Upcoming Special Events: March 19-20 2011: Third Weekend Tablighi-Jammat leaving from our Masjid to a local area Masjid. April 03, 2011: Breakfast after Fajr salat (Brother‟s only). April 10, 2011: One dish community dinner after Maghrib salat. Sign up sheets are posted on the Masjid bulletin board and door (ladies entrance). ** Per Mufti Patel: Please purchase Crescent Halal chicken only. Red meat should be purchased from Asia grocer or any Halal grocery store that buys red meat exclusively from Wolverine supplier. Contact Mufti Patel if you have any questions. JUNE 12, 2011: Masjid Expansion Project Fund Raising Dinner at Crystal Gardens. JUNE 2011: TBD - Youth Retreat/Activity Day All community members are requested to participate in these events. Please pass this information to others.

Births/New Babies: 1. Adam Sherif Ibrahim was born on March 11, 2011 to the Sherif family.

Condolences: 1. Br.Hadi Jaffery, one of the founding members of IAM passed away in January 2011. 2. Dr. Iqbal Mehboob's aunt passed away in Lahore, Pakistan in the last week of February 2011. 3. Br. Allah Shamoon, a very respected member of our community passed away recently. 4. Br. Sherif's grandmother passed away in Alexandria, Egypt in February 2011. 5. Br. Mohammed Qasim, resident of West Bloomfield passed away on March 8th, 2011. Mr. Qasim was a very active and dynamic personality of the local Pakistani community and a past president of PAA. May Allah rest their souls in peace, grant them the highest Jannat and give strength/patience to their families. If you would like to inform the community of any special news or events, such as matrimonial (marriages), births, condolences, achievements, degrees, promotions, etc… Please send email to: [email protected]

Bulletin Board / Community News Bulletin Board / Community News Bulletin Board / Community News

Page 8

Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

Help Mariam get to the bread!

Newsletter – Youth Quiz & Prizes The first three individuals to get the correct answers will each receive a 10.00 dollar gift card. The winner will be announced on our website and in the next newsletter.


1. How many prophets are mentioned by name in the Quran? 2. Name the six famous Hadeeth compilations. 3. Name the Sahabi that was most obedient to his mother. 4. Name the four Imams. 5. Which Sahabi was known as the keeper of the tooth-stick/miswak and the keeper of shoes?

Rules for the quiz: 1. No one is allowed to ask the Imam for answers. 2. Age group: less than 20 3. Restrict to one winner per family/year. 4. Send answers to:

[email protected].


Page 9 Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

Kids Are Us by Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Mehboob

Our children follow and replicate everything we do since we are their role models. It is important for us to lead by taking the right actions so our children can learn proper behaviors from us. A significant example of this is telling the truth. As you know, we need to teach our children not to lie and to always tell the truth. We need to set an example of this in our life for our children. Our Prophet said that you never should lie, even if your life depends on it. Abdul Qadir Gialani, whose mother had sewn some coins into his vest, came across some robbers. When asked if he was carrying money, he told the truth even though the robbers were unlikely to find the money. The robbers were impressed by his honesty. In a hadeet, our Prophet said that a lie is a sin and is haram and that liars can not be valued witnesses (Al Bukhari). Our prophet Mohammad (SAW) was respected as a man who always told the truth and was called “Al-Amin.” Even his staunch enemies would admit that he always told the truth. Let us promise and pray that we need to make telling the truth a habit in our daily lives so that our children and others alike will follow by example.

By Anonymous: In Happy moments, praise God. In Difficult moments, seek God. In Quiet moments, worship God. In Painful moments, trust God.

Protecting children's imaan by Mufti Patel: The greatest investment that any community can make is to invest in their children. Our children are our future. If we invest in today‟s children and develop them into people who are firm in their Imaan, who cherish human values more than material wealth, who honor their parents and their elders and are generally an asset to society at large, then such an investment will earn tremendous returns and benefits for the entire Ummah. The Maktab/Madrasah has always played a pivotal role in developing the children of the Ummah. By and large it is at the Maktab that the child is equipped with all the basics of Deen, the fundamentals that enable him to live and practice as a true Muslim. In communities where Maktab education is not provided, children grow up without knowledge of even the fundamentals of Islam. They are unable fulfill any of the tenets of Deen and in many cases are not even able to recite the Kalimah properly. Maktab education is essential in the life of every child and it is our duty as parents and guardians of our children to ensure they receive its instruction.

Lessons to Learn… The Use of Bad Language By Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi Mahmud was a very pious man, but he was not very attractive looking. One day, he was walking along the road, minding his own business, when a lady came up to him, and started calling him names and abusing him. This lady kept saying all kinds of nasty things, and Mahmud just listened to her patiently. Finally, when she was finished calling him names and abusing him, Mahmud just greeted her, smiled, and said, "and a nice day to you," and continued on his way. Why did Mahmud, the pious man, behave this way? It is because he knew that everything she said was just a reflection of her own inner self. If you use bad language, you are just making obvious to everybody how far away you really are from Allah, since your words are in reality a reflection of your own inner self.

Page 10

Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

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Page 11 Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) used to be in the company of a rich man. The nobility of Luqman‟s (A.S.) character had a great effect on his master, so much so that the master considered him as a great friend and a beloved companion. It then became the practice of the master that whenever he had something special to eat, he would first feed Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) of it and after Luqman (A.S.) had filled himself, he would then eat the leftovers. Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) would consider the love of the master and his habit, so he would eat moderately and send what was left over to the master. One day, during the melon season, the master received a melon from somewhere. At that time Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) was not present. The master sent one of his slaves to go and call him. When Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) arrived, the master cut the melon into slices and slice by slice started giving them to Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) to eat. Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) ate the slices of melon with great pleasure and all the time expressed thanks for the favor shown to him by the master. After having eaten the slices, when just one slice remained, the master said: “Let me eat this slice and see how sweet this melon is”. Saying this, he put the slice into his mouth. Immediately such bitterness spread from the tip of his tongue down to his throat that, he fell down unconscious and remained unconscious for a whole hour. When he regained consciousness, he questioned Hazrat Luqman (A.S.), “How did you manage to eat those slices of melon so heartily? Just one slice of the melon had such an effect on me?” Hazrat Luqman (A.S.) replied, “From your hands I have received hundreds of gifts. I felt ashamed that the hand that had granted me so much favors, if one day some distastefulness or bitterness should come, how can I turn away from it?” LESSONS: At every given moment there are so many bounties and favors of Allah (SWT) upon us that we can‟t even count. However, when some difficulty and problem occurs in our life, we sometimes lose patience and fail to be grateful. We should think of all the bounties we have been enjoying day in and day out, before complaining about some of the problems and difficulties. These problems and tests are mostly meant to make us closer to Allah SWT. For example, if a high rank has been determined for a person however, if he has not acquired enough good deeds to reach such a high rank, Allah may cause him to become involved with some calamity, which if he accepts and bears patiently, will enable him to reach that lofty position. Here are few ahadith to ponder on this subject:

1. Abu Yahya Suhayb ibn Sinan (RA) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow on him peace and blessings) said, “Astonishing is the affair of the Believer! All of it is good for him, this is not for anyone except the believer, if he is given good he is grateful and that is good for him; if he is afflicted by harm he is patient and this is good for him!” (Muslim).

2. Ibn Abbas (RA) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) said, “Whoever is afflicted with a calam ity in his wealth or himself then hides it and does not complain to anyone; has a right that Allah forgives him.” (Tabarani in Al-Awsat)

3. Abi Hind Ad-Dari (RA) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) said, “Allah, the Exalted, stated, “Whoever is not content with My decree; not patient with My calamities then let him search for a Lord other than Me.” (Tabarani in Al-Kabir)

4. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow peace and blessing upon him) said, “There is no Muslim who consoles his brother upon a calamity except Allah will cloth him garments of honor on the day of judgment.” (Ibn Majah)

5. The Prophet (may Allah bestow upon him peace and blessings) said, “Allah, mighty and majestic, states, “If I send a tribulation to my servant through his beloved and he is patient; I replace it with Paradise for them.” (Bukhari)

Allah is “AI-Hakeem”, All-Wise and at the same time He is “Al-Haakim” – Ruler also. He is also the “AI-Raheem”, the Merciful One. Hence, whatever conditions are to befall us in accordance with Allah‟s pre determination, whether they bring comfort or discomfort, all these are for our benefit and in our interest. Hence, a Mumin (believer) should remain pleased in times of misfortunes. In other words, there should be no complaints or objections from our tongue. We should at all times seek Allah‟s pardon and forgiveness for our sins and pray for safety from all calamities. Having a sense of gratitude in all circumstances also help us in gaining positive mental attitude (PMA), which in itself is a highly desirable trait. Such a person will always be cheerful and will gain lot more happiness than the one who is always sulking and complaining. People in general tend to associate with those who are happy and cheerful. Moreover, true appreciation of Allah‟s bounties can only be achieved when a person has gone through some tough conditions. A delicious dish will be better enjoyed after going through pangs of hunger as opposed to having a full stomach. Blessing of health is better appreciated after recovering from a serious illness. Calamities and afflictions come to sinners as well as righteous ones. These could be a punishment for evil deeds or a means of gaining more closeness to Allah and an elevation of the rank of a person. How to determine if this affliction is a blessing or punishment? That the person is a righteous or sinful one? As per Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (RA), the person that follows the sunnat even during this time of test, feels love for Allah, finds pleasure in Allah‟s decisions, gains more closeness of Allah and more humility, is a righteous one. On the other hand the calamities which create in the heart of a person, feelings of darkness, solitude and a feeling of being far from Allah and through which a person does not feel inclined towards repentance and humility before Him, in fact finds rejection and complains of Allah; then this misfortune is a punishment for evil deeds committed. The conclusion to this discussion is that the life of this world is very short. Whether these days are full of ease and comfort or whether the days are full of calamities and misfortunes, they all shall shortly pass away. Hence, neither should one become overjoyed at the conditions of ease and comfort, nor should one complain and object in cases of difficulties and calamities. At times of ease and comfort gratitude should be expressed while in times of difficulties and calamities, there should be patience, acceptance and surrender to the will of Allah SWT. The main aim of this life is to attain the pleasure of Allah SWT. That pleasure is only attained by following His path and obeying His commands, while seeking forgiveness for our faults. Thus if we follow complete Deen, then whether conditions of ease or conditions of calamity prevail, both these sets of conditions will prov ide means and ways towards Allah‟s pleasure. However, on the other hand, if we are not observant of Deen in our lives, then even the conditions of ease and comfort will be of no avail. Let us all resolve to be thankful to Allah SWT in all conditions while adhering to the complete practices of Deen , which is following the commands of Allah SWT according to the Sunnat ways

shown by His Prophet Mohammad (may Allah bestow upon him peace and blessings).

Story of Hazrat Luqman AS By: Muqtada Husain: Let us be Thankful to Allah SWT in All Conditions!

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Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

Anger Management by Mateen Peracha

Many times we find ourselves in situations in which we get agitated and angry as a result of others: Our co-worker or fellow student makes some comment we do not like, a servant or somebody working for us makes some mistake, our brother or sister bothers us, or for those that are married their spouse or children do something that annoys them. Regardless of what happened how we deal with it is what matters. Do we go green and turn into the Hulk and start smashing anybody and anything in front of us and referring to ourselves in the third person? Hulk mad!!! Hulk want to smash!!! Or are we calm and keep the Hulk inside of us under control? The results of uncontrolled rage and anger can be very detrimental leading to lots of tragic events like divorce, injury, and sometimes even death. So now that we know the consequences of anger, what can we do about it to protect ourselves from them? Islam teaches us to control our anger before situations spiral out of control. Allah (swt) says in the Quraan while describing the Muttaqin (righteous):

“Those who spend [in the cause of Allah] during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people - and Allah loves the doers of good.” (Aal-Imran 3:134)

„Allamah Aaloosi (ra) quotes a very great story in his tafseer Rooh Al-Ma‟ani related to this ayah quoting it from Imam al-Baihaqi. It is reported that the slave-girl of Ali(Zainul‟abidin) ibn Husain ibn Ali (ra) was helping him perform his wudhu(ablution) by pouring the water for him when, all of a sudden, the water-pitcher slipped out of her hands spilling water all over his clothes. Since it was natural that he would be angry, the maid sensed the impending danger so she recited the following verse of the Quraan:

(...and those who suppress anger and forgive people). Hearing this, he lost any ounce of anger he may have felt and became totally silent. The maid then recited the second part of the verse:

(and Allah loves those who do good). Since this sentence implicitly instructs people to be good to others and thus be loved by Allah, he said: “All right go I give you your freedom.”

Once two people were arguing with each other in the presence of the Prophet (saws) until one of them became red in the face due to anger. The Prophet said,

"I know a word (sentence) the saying of which will cause him to relax if this man says it. Only if he said, 'I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the outcast.' (Bukhari)

He (saws) also said:

“Anger comes from the devil, the devil was created of fire, and fire is extinguished only with water; so when one of you becomes angry, he should perform ablution.” (Abu Dawud)

Yet again the Beloved Prophet (saws) also said at another occasion:

“When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down.” (Abu Dawud)

After implementing these techniques not only will we be able to avoid unnecessary circumstances and problems but we will also be able to obtain the love of Allah(swt), the Creator, the Owner of everything, the Provider of everything, which is the most valuable thing opening all kinds of doors of blessings. So the next time you find yourself starting to get angry and your blood starting to go green, avoid an ugly situation by acting upon these techniques taught to us by the Best of Creation (saws).

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Masjid Board Member’s Contact Info

President Br.Shakeel


Vice President Br. Mobeen


Secretary Br. Nazir


Treasurer Br. Safdar

734- 250-3677

Imam Mufti Patel


Masjid Director’s Contact info

Br. Asif 734-925-4140

Br. Khurshid 734-673-8817

Dr. Mehboob 734- 283-6408

Br. Nizam 734-250-1103

Br. Tariq 734-250-3427

Masjid Trustee’s

Br. Iftikhar Iqbal

Dr. Mussani

Br. Muzammil Malik

Dr. Peracha

Masjid Committees

Zakat Committee Dr. Mehboob, Br.Safdar, Mufti Patel

Youth Committee Br.Asif, Br.Mobeen, Mufti Patel

Religious Affairs Committee

Br.Mateen, Hafiz Osama, Mufti Patel, Br.Shakeel

Newsletter committee

Br. Nazir, Hafiz Osama, Mufti Patel, Br.Tahir, Br.Tariq

Maintenance Committee

Br.Khurshid, Br.Nizam, Br.Nazir, Br.Safdar

Newsletter & Advertisement Contacts: Br. Nazir: 734-306-5436 or [email protected] Subscription: Free Submit request for new subscription, cancellations and/or address changes to Br. Nazir: 734-306-5436 or [email protected] Advertisement Rates 1/4 Page: $ 50 / issue, 1/2 Page: $ 100 / issue, Full Page: $ 200 / issue Make check payable to: Islamic Association of Michigan Mail or drop-off at: 18105 Racho Road, Brownstown, MI: 48193.

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Masjid’s Contact Info

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Masjid Membership Form

Please fill out the following membership form to become a full voting member of the Masjid

Umar bin Khattab/Islamic Association of Michigan. Address: 18105 Racho Road, Brownstown, MI, 48193. Phone: (734) 281-8050 Website: www.masjidumarbinkhattab.org Name: (Last) ______________________ (First) _________________ (Middle) __________ Address: (City) _______________________________ (State) _______ (Zip) ____________ Telephone # (Home) _______/_____________ (Work) ________/____________________ E-mail:___________________________________ Profession :( Optional) ______________ Spouse Name: (Optional) ______________________________________

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Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

March Prayer Schedule

Page 17 Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

April 2011 Prayer Schedule

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Masjid Umar Bin Khattab-IAM March 2011 Newsletter

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