567819 BY KIRK BOXLEITNER [email protected] MARYSVILLE — Officials for the city of Marysville and the Tulalip Tribes showed their solidarity with Citizens for a Smell Free Snohomish County by calling for a determination of sig- nificance and an environmental impact statement from the city of Everett and the Puget Sound Clear Air Agency on Cedar Grove’s Smith Island composting facility in Everett. After submitting letters to those lead agencies on April 5 and 6, Marysville Mayor Jon Nehring and Tulalip Tribes Chair Mel Sheldon Jr. were joined by other city and tribal officials in the Marysville City Council Chambers on Tuesday, April 24, as they met with the press to voice their concerns about Cedar Grove’s shoreline substantial development permit application. “We’re not against composting and we’re not looking to shut Cedar Grove down,” Nehring said. “We’d love to deal with this business, as long as it’s doing its business responsibly.” Nehring asserted that Cedar Grove’s Smith Island composting facility has failed to bring its operations into compliance with permit conditions laid down nearly nine years ago, and pointed to Cedar Grove’s own research data as showing that it had exceed- ed its odor threshold, which was the issue that inspired Marysville’s Mike Davis to found Citizens for a Smell Free Snohomish County. Nehring addressed the economic impacts on Marysville from the foul odors that he reported smelling himself. Sheldon echoed these complaints by noting that, just as the city of Marysville is striving to revitalize its downtown businesses, so too do the Tulalip Tribes depend heavily on tourist revenues which would likewise be impacted by smells that make it less pleasant for people to shop and walk outside. “Tulalip has a biogas plant in Monroe, where we work with the local farmers in a positive way, so we understand the challenges of alternative energy,” said Sheldon, who also worries about the possible impacts of toxins on tribal har- vests of salmon, crab and shrimp. For Quil Ceda Village General Manager Steve Gobin, the smell that generated more than 700 recorded complaints from around the area last summer is not just a possible blow to Local officials show solidarity against odor Kirk Boxleitner/Staff Photo Mike Davis, founder of Citizens for a Smell Free Snohomish County, shares his concerns about Cedar Grove’s Smith Island com- posting facility in Everett during an April 24 meeting. SEE ODOR, PAGE 2 SPORTS: Cougars find success on the track. Page 8 SPORTS: M-P hosts Tomahawk Classic. Page 8 INDEX Vol. 120, No. 06 O F O U R C O M M U N I T Y T H E N E W S P A P E R A T T H E SINCE 1892 HEART SOUL & G LOBE T HE M ARYSVILLE WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 2012 WWW.MARYSVILLEGLOBE.COM 75¢ ON THE GO? GET OUR FREE MOBILE APP Scan this code and start receiving local news on your mobile device today! CLASSIFIED ADS 11-14 LEGAL NOTICES 7 OPINION 4 SPORTS 8 WORSHIP 11 BY LAUREN SALCEDO [email protected] MARYSVILLE — Those driving along State Avenue shortly after 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 28, might have been surprised to see men in Civil War uniforms at the Marysville Cemetery firing their muskets into the sky. But that’s exactly what they would have seen, as a local family gathered with friends and Civil War re-enactors and stood near the grave of their long-dead ancestor — Cyrus Marcus Armbrust — to perform a traditional Civil War memorial for the Union soldier who died more than 100 years ago. “I think it went great,” said Corey Stinson of Arlington, who led the memorial. “My whole point was just to do something that I needed to do.” Stinson is a distant relative of Armbrust’s — his mother is Karen Rodin of Stanwood, Armbrust’s fourth cousin. Rodin was the one who dis- covered through Ancestry. com that Armbrust was her distant relative and that he was buried in the Marysville Cemetery. Since her son, Stinson, and his children had previously performed in Civil War re-enactments, she was glad to find that Armbrust was a Civil War veteran. Stinson, a member of the Washington Civil War Association, has since begun re-enacting as Armbrust’s unit — the 11th Pa. Infantry SEE HONOR, PAGE 2 Lauren Salcedo/Staff Photo Local re-enactors of Civil War unit the 11th Pa. Infantry Co. 1 march behind Adam Carter toward the grave of Cyrus Marcus Armbrust, a Civil War veteran buried in the Marysville Cemetery, during a memorial event on April 28. Descendants honor Civil War veteran

Marysville Globe, May 02, 2012

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May 02, 2012 edition of the Marysville Globe

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BY KIRK [email protected]

MARYSVILLE — Officials for the city of Marysville and the Tulalip Tribes showed their solidarity with Citizens for a Smell Free Snohomish County by calling for a determination of sig-nificance and an environmental impact statement from the city of Everett and the Puget Sound Clear Air Agency on Cedar Grove’s Smith Island composting facility in Everett.

After submitting letters to those lead agencies on April 5 and 6, Marysville Mayor Jon Nehring and Tulalip Tribes Chair Mel Sheldon Jr. were joined by other city and tribal officials in the Marysville City Council Chambers on Tuesday, April 24, as they met with the press to voice their concerns about Cedar Grove’s shoreline substantial

development permit application.“We’re not against composting and

we’re not looking to shut Cedar Grove down,” Nehring said. “We’d love to deal with this business, as long as it’s doing its business responsibly.”

Nehring asserted that Cedar Grove’s Smith Island composting facility has failed to bring its operations into compliance with permit conditions laid down nearly nine years ago, and pointed to Cedar Grove’s own research data as showing that it had exceed-ed its odor threshold, which was the issue that inspired Marysville’s Mike Davis to found Citizens for a Smell Free Snohomish County.

Nehring addressed the economic impacts on Marysville from the foul odors that he reported smelling himself. Sheldon echoed these complaints by

noting that, just as the city of Marysville is striving to revitalize its downtown businesses, so too do the Tulalip Tribes depend heavily on tourist revenues which would likewise be impacted by smells that make it less pleasant for people to shop and walk outside.

“Tulalip has a biogas plant in Monroe, where we work with the local farmers in a positive way, so we understand the challenges of alternative energy,” said Sheldon, who also worries about the possible impacts of toxins on tribal har-vests of salmon, crab and shrimp.

For Quil Ceda Village General Manager Steve Gobin, the smell that generated more than 700 recorded complaints from around the area last summer is not just a possible blow to

Local officials show solidarity against odor

Kirk Boxleitner/Staff Photo

Mike Davis, founder of Citizens for a Smell Free Snohomish County, shares his concerns about Cedar Grove’s Smith Island com-posting facility in Everett during an April 24 meeting.SEE ODOR, PAGE 2

SPORTS: Cougars find success on the track. Page 8

SPORTS: M-P hosts Tomahawk Classic. Page 8


Vol. 120, No. 06




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BY LAUREN [email protected]

MARYSVILLE — Those driving along State Avenue shortly after 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 28, might have been surprised to see men in Civil War uniforms at the Marysville Cemetery firing their muskets into the sky.

But that’s exactly what they would have seen, as a local family gathered with friends and Civil War re-enactors and stood near the grave of their long-dead ancestor — Cyrus Marcus Armbrust — to perform a traditional Civil War memorial for the Union soldier who died more than 100 years ago.

“I think it went great,” said Corey Stinson of Arlington, who led the memorial. “My

whole point was just to do something that I needed to do.”

Stinson is a distant relative of Armbrust’s — his mother is Karen Rodin of Stanwood, Armbrust’s fourth cousin. Rodin was the one who dis-covered through Ancestry.com that Armbrust was her distant relative and that he was buried in the Marysville Cemetery. Since her son, Stinson, and his children had previously performed in Civil War re-enactments, she was glad to find that Armbrust was a Civil War veteran.

Stinson, a member of the Washington Civil War Association, has since begun re-enacting as Armbrust’s unit — the 11th Pa. Infantry


Lauren Salcedo/Staff Photo

Local re-enactors of Civil War unit the 11th Pa. Infantry Co. 1 march behind Adam Carter toward the grave of Cyrus Marcus Armbrust, a Civil War veteran buried in the Marysville Cemetery, during a memorial event on April 28.

Descendants honor Civil War veteran

2 May 2, 2012 The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

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In the article “Spring Tea fetes 80 years of Strawberry Festivals” which appeared in the April 25 issue, the garments used in the Vintage Fashion show are all pieces from

the private collection of Lynn Gough, who coordinated the show for the Spring Tea event, not purchased from the Goodwill as reported.


Co. 1. That particular unit also included sev-eral brothers and cousins of Armbrust and Stinson is proud that he and his four sons can represent several of his ancestors at once.

The family, along with other Civil War re-enactors, dressed in traditional uni-forms and carried .62 caliber Model 1842 Springfield muskets. They stood silently while Stinson and Rodin spoke a few words about Armbrust.

“I am proud to say that I am Cyrus’ fourth cousin,” said Rodin. Stinson placed a new Grand Army of the Republic marker on the grave and Rodin stood holding an American flag. A flag was also placed in the marker, which read “G.A.R. 1861-1865.”

The unit then performed a traditional salute, in which the group of 10 fired their muskets into the air. Bystanders took photos and video of the event.

“We could have just come and stuck the marker in the ground, but we wanted to do more,” said Adam Carter, who represented 1st. Sgt. H. Adam Delave. Carter said that honoring Armbrust in April is appropri-ate since it was the month in which he was born.

Last year marked the 150th anniversary of the Civil War and for some, the memorial was a way for people of this generation to honor those of the past.

“This was very fascinating, it’s good to not lose our appreciation for history and honor those veterans for what they did,” said Colleen Cooley of Snohomish, one of the audience members.

Others felt that honoring Armbrust was like honoring a family member who served the nation.

“You don’t know who your ancestors are, but then you find them and you feel like you know them. You get so involved that today was emotional for me,” said Rodin, who wore a medal on her lapel, showing that she was a descendent of someone who went through Camp Curtin, a military training camp in Pennsylvania. “You feel for someone you never knew,” she said. “But you really feel like you do know them.”


Lauren Salcedo/Staff Photo

Corey Stinson of Arlington faces the men portray-ing the Civil War company of his ancestor Cyrus Marcus Armbrust during a memorial ceremony at the Marysville Cemetery on April 28.

his merchants, but also a nui-sance in his backyard.

“I live just half a mile upstream from that facil-ity,” Gobin said. “We can’t go outside to barbecue or enjoy our yard. It’s already affecting the Quil Ceda Creek Casino. Cedar Grove hired its own study group, and when citi-zens complained, they sent their paid people around to tell you that you didn’t smell what you thought you did.”

City of Marysville Chief Administrative Officer Gloria Hirashima agreed with Nehring and Sheldon’s charac-

terization of Cedar Grove as an essentially unregulated utility, given the poor coordination and boundaries between the regulating agencies.

“We don’t think it’s mali-cious as much as it is a lack of clear oversight,” said Hirashima, who had learned a succession of citizens’ groups had been formed and even-tually dissolved well before Davis’ group started up three years ago. “They all ultimately gave up and we started asking ourselves whether we could continue on with this.”

Davis expressed his grati-tude to the Marysville and Tulalip governments for their support, and took issue with

the degree to which Cedar Grove’s composting remains uncovered.

“It’s easier for them to pay the fines and negotiate them down,” Davis said. “This is affecting our quality of life. I’d rather be making money than doing this.”

Laird Harris, spokesperson for Cedar Grove, contended that the reviews by the city of Everett and the Puget Sound Clear Air Agency were already very thorough.

“Studies have shown no environmental impact or increase in odors,” Harris said. “Our mitigations will actually improve the wetlands activity.”


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Tulalip Tribes Vice Chair Deborah Parker joined U.S. Senators Patty Murray, Barbara Boxer and Amy Klobuchar in advocating the passage of the reauthoriza-tion of the Violence Against Women Act on Wednesday, April 25, one day before the Senate passed the VAWA reauthorization bill by a vote of 68-31.

Parker and Murray, who represents Washington state in the U.S. Senate, spoke at a press conference in Washington, D.C., on April 25, about the provisions that will provide new protections for victims of domestic vio-lence that were not previ-ously covered by VAWA.

Among these improve-ments is the ability for local justice officials in tribal communities to bring non-Indians who live and com-mit crimes against women on tribal lands to justice. Currently, federal prosecu-tors decline to prosecute a majority of violent crimes that occur in Indian coun-try, including a large num-ber of sexual abuse related cases.

Parker delivered a first-hand account of her abuse and the importance of VAWA.

“I am a Native American

statistic,” Parker said. “I am a survivor of sexual and physical violence.”

Parker was first assaulted as a toddler in the 1970s by a man who was never convicted.

“I was the size of a couch cushion,” said Parker, who counted herself as “one of the many girls violated and attacked by a man who had no boundaries or regards for a little child’s life, my life.”

In the early 1980s, when she was still a youngster, Parker was babysitting her aunt’s children when she found herself hiding them, and herself, from the men who had followed her aunt home to rape her.

“I could not save my aun-tie,” Parker said on April 25. “I only heard her cries. Today is the first time that I have ever shared this story. She died at a young age. The perpetrators were never prosecuted.”

The shortfalls of law enforcement on the reser-vation as she grew up moti-vated Parker to attend col-lege in the early 1990s, dur-ing which time she studied criminal justice address the fact that she saw so many other Native American women’s lives shortened.

“However, I am only one,

and we still have no real pro-tection for women on our reservations,” said Parker, who started a program to help young female survi-vors of abuse and assault when she returned from college in the late 1990s. “We have saved many lives during the creation of this program. However, one of my girls, Sophia, was mur-dered on my reservation by her partner. I still remember this day very strongly. Yet another one of our young girls took her life.”

As Parker noted that “a majority of our girls” have struggled with repeated inci-dents of sexual and domes-tic violence, she posed a question to Congress.

“Why did you not protect me or my family?” Parker asked. “Why is my life, and the lives of so many other Native American women, less important?”

Murray cited statistics showing that, in one year alone, 34 percent of Native American women will be raped, 39 percent will be subjected to domestic vio-lence and 56 percent will marry a non-Indian “who most likely will not be lia-ble, or held liable,” for any violent crime committed if these protections are not included in this legislation.

On April 26, Murray expressed the hope that the U.S. House of Representatives could fol-low the Senate’s example in passing the VAWA reautho-

rization bill.“It’s a better bill because

it not only ensures that existing safeguards are kept in place, it also expands protections to cover those

who have needlessly been left to fend for themselves,” Murray said. “Expanding coverage for domestic vio-lence should never have been controversial. Where

a person lives, who they love, or what their citizen-ship status may be should not determine whether or not their perpetrators are brought to justice.”

3May 2, 2012The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

616831 123456

Parker speaks out on Violence Against Women ActTulalip Tribes Vice Chair joins Sens. Murray, Boxer and Klobuchar in advocating for the protection of victims of domestic violence

Courtesy Photo

U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, left, looks on as Tulalip Tribes Vice Chair Deborah Parker delivers a firsthand account of her domestic abuse in advocating the passage of the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act on April 25.

4 TheArlingtonTimes•TheMarysvilleGlobe May2,2012THE PUBLIC FORUM

Letter to the editorThank you for supporting Lakewood schools

On behalf of the Lakewood School District Staff and Board of Directors, I want to sincerely thank the voters, volunteers and elected officials for their active support of our students and schools. The quality of our com-munities is inextricably connect-ed to the quality of our schools. With the support received from this past levy election, that con-nection is strengthened.

Renewal of our Replacement Levy will provide support to our general fund programs and services for the next four years. The passage of this levy also means we now can avoid having to make staffing reductions and adversely impact class size. In addition, it provides the oppor-tunity to maintain student co-curricular and extra-curricular programs, move forward with needed textbook adoptions and also attend to general mainte-nance needs of our facilities.

The Capital Projects and Technology Levy funds will be utilized over the course of the next two years to address some of our major facility deficiencies and continue our quest to have all classrooms outfitted with cur-rent technology systems. With an interest to engage our commu-

nity and seek their feedback, the district will also use a portion of these levy dollars to embark upon preliminary planning for a potential bond measure to be sought in 2014 to modernize our high school.

The Board remains committed to providing the best possible educational experience that can be delivered to our students with available resources.

We will continue to look for ways to economize and reduce expenses without compromis-ing the quality of instruction or learning opportunities for students.

We are grateful to the many hardworking volunteers from the Lakewood Levy Committee whose dedicated efforts effec-tively communicated the impor-tance of passing these levies. In the end, it is our students who stand to gain from the efforts of these people and from the resolve demonstrated by our citi-zens to preserve the tradition of excellent education in Lakewood Schools.

Again, thank you very much for your ongoing support of our schools, our students and their future.

With deep appreciation,

Dennis Haddock, Ed. D.Superintendent, Lakewood

School District No. 306

I always look forward to read-ing Bob Graef ’s columns. But I’m scared to death that you

are going to run out of subjects to talk about. I would like to comment on your recent column dated April 11, 2012 titled, “Learning from Neighbors.”

This is in reference to the greenhouses in British Columbia. Evidently the one thing the Canadians didn’t tell you is the government’s great support of agriculture through farm subsidies. The other thing the Canadians have going for them is abundant, cheap, natural gas for heating the green-houses.

You asked the question, why don’t we grow more hothouse vegetables in the U.S.? It’s basically all about money. To many grow-ers, there is more money growing ornamentals (flowers, etc.). Plus, Americans don’t want to spend too much money on food. Those cheap Mexican tomatoes are good enough for salads anyway. Of course you know that in the state of Washington, we have the highest minimum wage in the nation. So all labor costs are high.

The other point about available knowledge to grow hothouse veg-etables. It is not a problem in this country. Yet, you don’t see many greenhouse vegetable growing oper-ations locally or in this state. By the way, WSU is not much help when it comes to information and help in growing hothouse and hydroponic crops. They generally refer you to Cornell University. There might be local gardeners that might want to grow hothouse crops.

If you check California, Arizona and Alaska, you will see a lot of hydroponics operations. Dr. Merle Jensen, born and raised

in Marysville, Wash., has worked with hothouse and hydroponics grown crops in Arizona for years. He helped develop the agricultural part of Disneyworld in Florida. He worked with NASA in ways to grow vegetables under weightlessness in outer space. Also, during WWII, the U.S. Army used hydroponics growing in the South Pacific to supply vegetables to the troops. I understand that today our military has portable hydroponics growing units that can be moved wherever needed in the world.

I learned to grow greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers in Alaska back in the ‘60s and ‘70s. My first crop of greenhouse tomatoes was in 1975 here in Marysville. I picked the first ripe tomato on May 20. I harvested over 2,000 pounds that season in a 16’ x 50’ greenhouse. Of course I used an oil fed, hot air furnace for heat and fuel was 42 cents a gallon. Today the price of fuel is over $4 a gallon. Gas is not practical to use here at my farm. After a few years of growing toma-toes in soil, I started to have disease problems. I tried hydroponics, but it was complicated and expensive. I discontinued hothouse growing because the cost to grow was more than the people wanted to pay.

The University of Alaska and the Department of Agriculture did a lot of research on growing vegetable crops with hydroponics and also in total environmentally controlled buildings.

You mentioned the Canadians use bees for pollinating tomatoes. Generally in greenhouses in this country you pollinate tomatoes

by vibrating blossoms using a backpack blower. It is more effi-cient than bees. If you’re growing true European, burpless, seedless cucumbers, you can’t use bees. You asked why we don’t see greenhouse operations locally. Did you check with Smith Gardens in Marysville, Sunnyside Nursery in Marysville, Flower World in Woodinville area, or Joe’s Gardens in Bellingham? Most of this is all about money; whether you get enough return on your investment. If you get the gov-ernment to help then it’s easier.

Bob, the issue of government help/subsidies is a big issue in this country. For a future article on your opinion page, I’d like you to look into the U.S. government subsi-dies to cotton farmers in Brazil, at $147,000,000 a year. Check that out and report back.

In the fourth column of your letter you mentioned that in hydro-ponics you don’t need pesticides or herbicides. Since many home gar-deners are reading these letters and what you write is informational and educational, I thought we should talk about the term, pesticide. As you know, an unwanted weed is a pest, so a weed killer is called a her-bicide. A non-beneficial bug/insect is a pest and the bug killer is called insecticide. A detrimental fungus is a pest also and so the fungus killer is called a fungicide and so forth and so on. All of these pest killers are called pesticides.

Bob, with all of your knowledge, you’re just the person to start a little greenhouse operation.

In this country, we do have the ability and knowledge and there are areas where there are hothouse operations and they can make money at it. We need to talk more about the subject.

Let’s talk about greenhouses

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BY KIRK [email protected]

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville chapter of Soroptimist International wants the community to know that sex trafficking doesn’t just happen over-seas or in larger cities, but it also happens right in their own neighbors.

Sarah Collins of Everett has experienced this hor-rifying phenomenon first-hand, as her daughter Kelsey, a sex trafficking victim, has been missing for three years.

Kelsey Collins turned 18 shortly before leaving home the day before Mother’s Day in 2009, ostensibly to catch a bus to visit her boy-friend, who said she never arrived.

Sarah Collins joined forensic nurse examiner Paula Newman-Skomski and advocate specialist Azra Grudic, both of the Providence Intervention Center for Assault & Abuse, in addressing the Marysville chapter of Soroptimist International and several other commu-nity members about sex trafficking on April 10.

“Kelsey’s life wasn’t always easy, but this can happen to any teen,” said Sarah Collins, who explained that Kelsey was first drawn into prostitu-tion at the age of 16.

Sarah recounted the dif-ficulties of her and Kelsey’s home lives, from Kelsey’s

alcoholic father, whom Sarah divorced when Kelsey was only 2 years old, to the man whom Sarah initially thought of as her “white knight,” before he abused Sarah’s oldest daughters and beat Sarah herself into unconsciousness.

“She was 7 years old when we got new identities and new Social Security Numbers,” Sarah Collins said. “It wasn’t easy on me, and I was 42.”

After both mother and daughter suffered a number of medical ailments, and Kelsey was subsequently molested by fellow minors, she began running away from home.

According to Newman-Skomski, sexual predators key in on young people who have compromised senses of self and normalcy.

“Within 30 seconds, they can identify someone who’s vulnerable,” Newman-Skomski said.

Sarah Collins not only agreed that Kelsey was vul-nerable, but also criticized a system that she sees as punishing underage prosti-tutes more than it does the men who buy them.

“The stigma of hav-ing been a prostitute is so great,” said Sarah Collins, who identified 2008 as the first year that anyone treated her daughter “like a victim, rather than a crimi-nal.”

Collins echoed the calls of Newman-Skomski and Grudic for a system that responds more proactive-ly to sex trafficking, with more safe houses, more social workers and more nurses who know how to work with such victims.

“These girls will pro-tect these guys,” Newman-Skomski said. “Some girls will even recruit other girls. It’s difficult to get full dis-closures from them. You have to learn their language, and ask them to tell you what they like about their boyfriends, so they won’t see you as the enemy.”

Grudic warned that possible indications that young girls may have fallen into prostitution and sex trafficking are older boy-friends, extra phones, dra-matic changes in appear-ance and evasiveness about their whereabouts.

“We’re looking into post-traumatic stress disorder counselors for this type of trauma, but it’s only rela-tively recently that these girls have been looked at like victims,” Newman-Skomski said.

“We went through family counseling, but the issue of her being trafficked was

never addressed,” Sarah Collins said. “Something must have reactivated her PTSD and she didn’t know how to deal with it.”

State Rep. Dan Kristiansen sent a let-ter to be read aloud at the Soroptimist event, in which he wrote that sex traffick-ing is “21st century slavery,” prevalent in 18 Washington counties, that he believes necessitates the passage of zero-tolerance laws.

SMOKEY POINT — The Everett Steelhead and Salmon Club is once again treating children to family fishing events in time for the start of the fishing season.

Saturday, May 5, will see the Everett Steelhead and Salmon Club teaming up with the Marysville Kiwanis Club, John’s Sporting Goods and the city of Marysville Parks and Recreation Department in sponsoring the 18th annual free fishing derby at Jennings Park from 8-11 a.m. for ages 5-12.

Children may bring their own equipment or use the equipment that is provided, and a limit of one fish per entrant will be enforced.

Door prizes and grand

prizes will be determined by a random drawing of all par-ticipants, while the Marysville Kiwanis Club will be serv-ing a pancake breakfast from 8-11 a.m. in the pavilion.

The cost for the breakfast is $3 a plate for kids and $5 for adults, and all participants are asked to bring a canned food item to be donated to the Marysville Community Food Bank. Please leave pets at home.

The Twin Lakes County Park in Smokey Point will serve as the site for the Everett Steelhead and Salmon Club’s next kids’ fishing event on Saturday, May 19, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. for ages 5-14.

For more information, log onto www.esscwa.com.

5May 2, 2012The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

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Office hours 9:00 - 5:00 Mon-Sat

Free fishing derbies for kids at Jennings, Twin Lake parks

Marysville Soroptimists warn that sex trafficking happens everywhere

Photo courtesy of Sarah Collins

Sex trafficking victim Kelsey Collins had just turned 18 when she disappeared three years ago.

“Kelsey’s life wasn’t always easy, but this

can happen to any teen.”

Sarah Collins, Mother of Kelsey Collins

6 May 2, 2012 The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

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Be sure to check out our GREEN EDITIONS online at:www.marysville.com/green_editions www.arlingtontimes.com/green_editions NEWS BRIEFS

Shotgun fired in no-shoot zoneMARYSVILLE — Half a dozen shoot-

ers caused a commotion on Wednesday, April 25, by target-shooting with a shot-gun in a no-shoot zone outside the city limits of Marysville.

Marysville Police Cmdr. Robb Lamoureux refuted earlier reports that shots were fired at officers, and acknowledged that police had previ-ously believed the shooters might have been hunters engaging in illegal poach-ing of deer that frequent the area.

According to Lamoureux, the shoot-ers have been identified as two men and four women, all adults, who shot approximately 20-25 shotgun shells in a wooded area in the 7000 block of 96th Street.

‘Relay is Magic’ set for May 6ARLINGTON — This year’s

Arlington Relay For Life to support the American Cancer Society is taking this year’s theme of “Relay is Magic” literally on Sunday, May 6.

Professional magician and comedi-an Bruce Meyers will be performing at the Linda M. Byrnes Performing Arts Center for one show only at 3 p.m. that day, with all proceeds from his show going to the American Cancer Society via the Arlington Relay For Life.

Bruce Meyers has helped raise mil-lions of dollars for various charities and many needy causes, and is proud to help out the Arlington Relay For Life.

For more information on Meyers, visit www.brucemeyers.com.

Tickets are $10 each and can be

purchased at Arlington Copy, Mail & More, as well as Eagle Family Dental or Flowers by George, or simply by calling 425-387-5180.

Tickets will also be available at the door on the day of the performance.

Simply Caketastic celebrates grand opening May 5

MARYSVILLE — Simply Caketastic will celebrate its grand opening on Saturday, May 5. Located at 1357 State Ave. in Marysville, Simply Caketastic offers custom cakes, cupcakes and des-serts at affordable prices.

Those who come in on Saturday, May 5, and order a flowerpot cupcake bouquet for Mother’s Day will receive 10 percent off. The flowerpot cupcake bouquet will consist of 12 flowered, decorated cupcakes arranged in a love-ly flowerpot to celebrate Mother’s Day. Orders will be available for pick up starting on Friday, May 11.

Customers can also celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the shop’s margarita cupcakes, while chocolate lovers can indulge in bite-size chocolate mousse cups.

Simply Caketastic offers custom cakes for weddings, birthdays, baby showers and a wide variety of other special occasions for that special some-one in your life.

The shop also provides goodies for school functions, office parties and holiday celebrations, and can accom-modate food allergies or other special dietary needs, allowing everyone to be included in special events.

Regular shop hours are Tuesdays through Fridays from noon to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Orders for pick-up can be made by calling 360-653-3113 after hours.

Strawberry Festival Talent Show auditions May 14-15

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville Strawberry Festival Talent Show will return to the Marysville-Pilchuck High School auditorium on Thursday, June 14, starting at 6:30 p.m., but in order for the doors to open at 5:30 p.m. to let the audience in, the Talent Show will need some talent to showcase.

That’s why Strawberry Festival orga-nizers will be holding auditions for the 2012 Talent Show on Monday, May 14, and Tuesday, May 15, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. both days, in the M-PHS auditorium.

Marcy Giesler, who’s once again directing the Talent Show, explained that organizers are looking for solo and group entrants of all ages, in per-formance categories such as vocal, dance, instrumental and comedy.

The deadline to enter the May 14-15 Talent Show auditions is Friday, May 11. Application forms are available online at www.maryfest.org.

The M-PHS auditorium is located at 5611 108th St. NE.

Admission for the June 14 Talent Show is $4 for pre-sale and $5 at the door, but free for children under 7 years of age.

Call Giesler at 360-653-6584 for more information.

7May 2, 2012The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

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From 04/25/12


Per RCW 79.100, City of Marysville intends to take custody of the derelict/abandoned vessel with an unknown name and registra- tion number on May 31 2012. The vessel is approximately 28 feet in length, double keel, sail boat with a concrete hull. It is located near Ebey Slough at 60 Columbia Ave in City of Marysville in Snohomish County. After taking custody, City of Marysville may use or dispose of it without further notice. To re- tain custody of the vessel, before the Custody Date, the owner

must: 1) obtain authorization to moor or anchor the vessel in its current location, or 2) move it to an anchorage area or moorage facility that has authorized the vessel, or 3) remove the vessel from the water. To redeem the vessel once City of Marysville has taken custody, per RCW 53.08.320 (5) (b), the owner must com- mence a lawsuit to contest City of Marysville decision to obtain cus- tody of the vessel, or the amount of reimbursement owed, in the superior court of the county in which the vessel was located. The written request can be submitted immediately but cannot be filed any later than June 11 2012. The right to a hearing is deemed waived if a request is submitted

late, and the owner is liable for any costs owed to City of Marys- ville. These costs may include all administrative costs incurred by City of Marysville, removal and disposal costs, and costs associat- ed with environmental damages directly or indirectly caused by the vessel. In the event of litiga- tion, the prevailing party is enti- tled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs. City of Marysville re- serves the right to pursue any other remedies available under law. For more information, con- tact Paul Kinney at City of Marys- ville / 425-754-0483 / pkin- [email protected]. Published: May 2, 2012.#616475


8 TheArlingtonTimes•TheMarysvilleGlobe May2,2012THE SPORTS PAGE

BY LAUREN [email protected]

LAKEWOOD — The Lakewood Cougars Track and Field team have been on top this season with two suc-cessful meets last week — the Cascade Conference meet on April 26 and the Tomahawk Classic on April 28.

Lakewood women’s placed second overall in the Cascade Conference meet and Lakewood men’s placed first.

“Many of our athletes will finish their season today, but we have some outstanding athletes who will continue their season

at the Tomahawk Invite and at the League and District Championships in May at Cedarcrest High School and, if all goes well, at the state meet at Mt. Tahoma High School,” said LHS Co-Head Coach Monica Rooney on April 26.

The Cascade Conference

meet yielded several first-place times for the Cougars girls including the 4x200 meter relay team of Chase Gormley, Ariel Jensen, DeAsia Callanan Seegars and Ashley Orr who came through with a time of 1:54.30.

Ilyssa Haunreiter took third place for the 100 meter hurdles with a final time of 18.70. Jensen also gave Lakewood a third-place time in the 100 meter dash with 14.08. Hailey Duitsman and Celine Espinoza took first and third places with times of 5:59.10 and 6:18.90, respectively. Callanan Seegers helped cinch another second place in the 4x100 meter relay with team members Dana Arenz, Taylor Studzinski and Kiley Brown. Brown also took second place in the 300 meter hurdles, with teammate Riley Miller fol-lowing close behind, with times of 55.41 and 58.42 respectively.

Brehanna Meigs took sec-ond place in the 400 meter dash with a time of 1:34.87.

The Cougars swept the girls 800 meter run, with Rachel Cundy in first, Darby Throndsen in second, Chloe McCann in third and Rachel Sowards in fourth. Jensen and Callanan Seegers took second and third places in the 200 meter dash with times of 28.69 and 29.03.

Megan Knibbe tied for first place in the high jump and Studzinski managed to take the first place in both the pole vault and triple jump. Shantel St. Jean took third place in the javelin and Austin Winter placed third in the shot put.

Similar success was found on the Cougar boys team, with several first place times. Lakewood swept the 110 meter hurdles, with Jordan DeGroot in first, Ryan Whitehead in sec-ond, Tyler Dalton in third, Sawyer Almasi in fourth and James Fernandes in fifth. Whitehead also man-aged to place third in the 100 meter dash with a time of 12.20 and first in the 300 meter hurdles with a time of 44.77. DeGroot placed third in the 300 meter hur-dles with a time of 46.80. Mitchell Darrah and Kris Mugrage placed first and second in the 1,600 meter run with times of 4:40.5 and 4:58, respectively.

The relays were another area of success for the team. They took first place in the boys 4x100 meter relay with Donovan Evans, Nolan Bingaman, Justin Peterson and Keana Jackson bring-ing a time of 46.83. Jackson also placed third in the 200 meter dash with a time of 25.31 and second in the tri-ple jump. The 800 meter was also a win for Lakewood,

with Tyler Duitsman plac-ing first with a time of 2:12.87 and Alex Cooper placing second with a time of 2:18.84. An 11:56 time for his 3,200 meter run put Lakewood’s Nick Cooper in third place. Cougars placed second in the 4x400 meter relay, a team with DeGroot, Dalton, Almasi and Bryce Shepard finishing in a time of 4:05.88. Justin Peterson placed first in the high jump and Matt He and Paulmer Gregory tied for second. Lakewood swept the pole vault competition, with Cody Cao in first and Aaron Nech and Christian Harris tied for second. Peterson and Blake Watts made second and third in the long jump. Tristan Nelson and David Otte topped the discus in first and second place. Otte was also first place in shot put, with Dylan Donohue placing second. Conor O’Kinsella placed first in the javelin and Evans placed second.

The men’s team placed third in the Tomahawk Classic on April 28 and the women’s team placed sev-enth. Memorable perfor-mances from the Cougars during that meet include Peterson in first place for the men’s high jump and triple jump, O’Kinsella in first for the men’s javelin and Cundy in first for the women’s 3200 meter run.

Cougars find success on the track

BY LAUREN [email protected]

MARYSVILLE — The Tommies varsity track and field teams came in fifth (women’s) and sixth (men’s) places in the Tomahawk Classic on Saturday, April 28.

The meet was held at Quil Ceda stadium over the weekend and Marysville-Pilchuck High School hosted nine other teams including those from Tahoma, Issaquah, Lakewood, Squalicum, Snohomish, King’s, University Prep, Graham-Kapowsin and Stanwood high schools.

Memorable performances from the Tomahawk boys include Cody House, who placed first in the 400 meter dash with a time of 50.30. M-P’s Jon Ell took

first place in the pole vault, fol-lowed closely by teammate Jacob Thomas in second. Austin Joyner placed second in the 100 meter dash with a time of 11.30. Deion Stell placed second in the 200 meter dash with a time of 23.84. The Tomahawks’ 4x100 meter relay team placed second in the meet, which included runners House, Joyner, Clifford Paulk and Stell with a time of 43.78. Paulk also placed fourth in the triple jump event.

The M-P varsity girls team, which placed fifth overall, also had impressive performanc-es including Amanda Klep, who placed second in the 100 meter dash with a time of 12.95. Summer Cull was fourth place in the 400 meter dash coming

through with a time of 27.04. Lacey McLean ran the 300 meter hurdles and placed second with a time of 48.38.

M-P’s relay teams made a strong impression on those at the meet, with the girls 4x400 meter relay team placing first with Jessica Boyle, Mackenzie Nolte, Charlee Pilon and Cull managing the speedy result of 4:04.30. They succeeded again in the 4x100 meter relay by placing second — Bri King, Nolte, Cull and Pilon pulled it off with a time of 50.88. Pilon also successfully ranked second in varsity long jump. Next up the Tomahawks head to the Wesco 4A prelims that are sched-uled for Wednesday, May 9. And after that, they head to the Wesco 4A championships on May 11.

M-P hosts Tomahawk ClassicLaurenSalcedo/StaffPhoto

Lakewood’s Hailey Duitsman, left, passes a Sultan runner to take first place in the 1,600 meter run with a time of 5:59.10 during the Cascade Conference meet hosted at LHS on April 26.


Marysville’s Lacey McLean, center, charges forward in the 100 meters.

BY KIRK [email protected]

MARYSVILLE — Michael Jefferson was no stranger to fame after he was selected to represent Washington state in Cosmopolitan’s list of the 50 most eligible bachelors in America two years ago, but even after finding a girlfriend, the 2000 graduate of Marysville-Pilchuck High School was able to put Marysville on the map again when he was selected for the 24th season of CBS’s “Survivor” TV series, which is currently airing.

After Jefferson became the eighth cast member of the season to get voted off the show, which took him out of the running for the $1 million prize but made him eli-gible to serve as one of the judges for the final contestants, the 30-year-old banker expressed the hope that he might receive a

key to the city of Marysville.Marysville City Council member and

Mayor Pro Tem Jeff Vaughan, a loyal viewer of “Survivor,” had seen Jefferson on the show and heard of his quote, so he con-tacted Marysville Mayor Jon Nehring about making Jefferson’s dream come true.

On Monday, April 23, Nehring presented Jefferson with a key to the city, after clearing up some confusion at home about it.

“My kids really like the show, so I told them about tonight’s ceremony,” Nehring said at the April 23 Marysville City Council meeting. “My son asked, ‘So does that mean that he can just walk around town and get into anyone’s house with that key?’”

City of Marysville Parks and Recreation Director Jim Ballew conducted an impromptu presentation of his own, fol-lowing Nehring by handing over Jefferson’s

ID card from when he’d worked in the city’s Parks and Recreation Department, as part of its after school activities programs for young people.

“If you’re willing, we’re ready to start up ‘Survivor Camp with Mike’ this June,” Ballew said, while also giving a tribal-pat-tern T-shirt to Jefferson in honor of his time on one of the two tribes on the show. Jefferson promised to try and wear the shirt during the finale, although he noted that the show’s wardrobe department might have other ideas.

Nehring noted that it’s not often that Marysville can boast of being the hometown of such a nationally well-known figure, and pointed out that Jefferson not only managed to be one of only 18 contestants on the show

this season, but also managed to last to the halfway mark of the season.

“It’s an amazing accomplishment just to get on a show like that,” Nehring said. “Even without worrying about the voting, after I saw how physically exhausting it was for them to be there, after just five or six days, I’m not sure many of us could even survive ‘Survivor,’” he laughed.

“We’re honored that you graduated from our high school and worked for our city, with all that you’ve accomplished since,” Nehring said.

“This is an amazing thing,” Jefferson said, once the key to the city was in his hands and he’d thanked those in attendance. “When you want something so bad and work so hard at it, it’s really cool to see it happen.”

Kirk Boxleitner/Staff Photo

Marysville Mayor Jon Nehring, left, presents a key to the city to ‘Survivor’ contestant Michael Jefferson, a 2000 graduate of Marysville-Pilchuck High School, on April 23.

9May 2, 2012The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe



M-PHS grad receives key to city for stint on ‘Survivor’

MARYSVILLE — With this year’s tax season over, Marysville has something to celebrate.

United Way volunteers working out of Totem Middle School helped 347 customers file their taxes for free, generating $516,974 in refunds that people can spend at area businesses, use

to pay off credit card debt or put into savings.

“The tax preparation sites have been a huge success,” said Dennis G. Smith, presi-dent and CEO of United Way of Snohomish County. “Free tax preparation, encouraging people to save and promot-ing other financial educa-tion programs are part of our

effort to encourage financial stability among Snohomish County families.”

Of the more than half a million dollars in refunds, $178,000 were received through the Earned Income Tax Credit, a federal program intended to help low-income working families keep more of what they earn.

The Marysville free tax

preparation site was one of six run by United Way with sponsorship and support from the Boeing Company, the Washington State Department of Commerce, Bank of America, Moss Adams, LLP, Goodwill, the Walmart Foundation and the Internal Revenue Service.

Throughout Snohomish

County, more than 2,500 people received almost $4 million in refunds this year.

Asset specialists at each site also helped customers pull credit reports, apply for public benefits and encour-aged people to buy $18,750 in US Savings Bonds.

Over the past six years, including 2012, United Way volunteers have prepared

more than 9,204 tax returns, worth almost $15 million in refunds for Snohomish County families.

To find out more about United Way of Snohomish County, including how you can find help, how to volunteer and how United Way serves our community, please visit its website at www.uwsc.org.

10 May 2, 2012 The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe



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11May 2, 2012The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe




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CIRCULATION MANAGERSound Publishing, Inc. is currently accepting applications for a Circulation Manager at the Marysville Globe/Arlington Times and north end Little Nickel publications.

The primary duty of a Circulation Manager (CM) is to manage a geographic district. The CM will be accountable for the assigned newspaper as follows: Recruiting, contracting and training independent contractors to meet delivery deadlines, insuring delivery standards are being met and quality customer service. Position requires the ability to operate a motor vehicle in a safe manner; to occasionally lift and/or transport bundles weighing up to 25 pounds from ground level to a height of 3 feet; to deliver newspaper routes, including ability to negotiate stairs and to deliver an average of 75 newspapers per hour for up to 8 consecutive hours; to communicate with carriers and the public by telephone and in person; to operate a personal computer. Must possess reliable, insured, motor vehicle and a valid Washington State driver’s license.

Based in Poulsbo and Bellevue, Wash., Sound Publishing, Inc., owns and operates 38 community newspapers and 14 Little Nickel publications in the greater Puget Sound area. Sound Publishing’s broad household distribution blankets the greater Puget Sound region, extending northward from Seattle to Canada, south to Salem, Ore., and westward to the Paci�c Ocean.

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Or mail to BIRREP/HR Dept., Sound Publishing, 19351 8th Ave. NE, Suite 106, Poulsbo,

WA 98370.



Sound Publishing, Inc. is currently accepting ap- plications for a Circula- tion Manager at the Ma- rysville Globe/Arlington Times and north end Lit- tle Nickel publications. The primary duty of a C i r cu la t i on Manage r (CM) is to manage a geographic district. The CM will be accountable for the assigned news- paper as fol lows: Re- cruiting, contracting and t ra in ing independent contractors to meet de- livery deadlines, insuring delivery standards are being met and quality customer service. Posi- tion requires the ability to operate a motor vehi- cle in a safe manner; to occasionally lift and/or transport bundles weigh- ing up to 25 pounds from ground level to a height o f 3 fee t ; t o de l i ve r newspaper routes, in- cluding ability to nego- tiate stairs and to deliver an average of 75 news- papers per hour for up to 8 consecutive hours; to communicate with car- riers and the public by telephone and in person; to operate a personal computer. Must possess reliable, insured, motor ve h i c l e a n d a va l i d W a s h i n g t o n S t a t e driver’s license. Based in Poulsbo and Bellevue, Wash., Sound Publish- ing, Inc., owns and oper- a t e s 3 8 c o m m u n i t y newspapers and 14 Lit- tle Nickel publications in the greater Puget Sound a r e a . S o u n d P u b l i s h i n g ’ s b r o a d household distr ibution blankets the greater Pu- get Sound region, ex- tending northward from Seattle to Canada, south t o Sa lem, Ore. , and westward to the Pacific Ocean. Sound Publish- ing is an Equal Opportu- nity Employer and offers a competitive benefits package including health insurance, 401K, paid vacation, holidays and a great work environment. We recognize that the key to our success lies in the abilities, diversity and vision of our em- ployees. Women and minorities are encour- aged to apply. If interest- ed in joining our team, p lease emai l resume and cover letter to: [email protected]

OR mail to: Sound Publishing, Inc. 19426 68th Avenue S,

Kent, WA 98032 ATTN: HRCM

WA Misc. RentalsRooms for Rent

Room for Rent in Large M a r y s v i l l e h o m e . $425/mo. $250 Sec. De- posit. All Utilities Includ- ed. Close to Lake Ste- vens. Plenty of Street parking. 425-471-3849

Commercial RentalsIndustrial/Warehouse


3,000 sq ft warehouse $1,000/MO

Also 1 BR Apt$650/MO

Call 360-474-1211Call 360-474-1211

Commercial RentalsOffice/Commercial

MarysvillePrime Retail/Office1640 - 2500 Sq/Ft

Safeway PlazaHigh Traffic Locationfrom $1.00/SF + NNN


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automobiles andemployment to real

estate and household goods, you’ll find

everything you need24 hours a day at


Money to Loan/Borrow

LOCAL PRIVATE IN- VESTOR loans money on real estate equity. I loan on houses, raw land, commercial proper- ty and property develop- m e n t . C a l l E r i c a t ( 8 0 0 ) 5 6 3 - 3 0 0 5 . www.fossmortgage.com


Public NoticeHighland

View Estates Homeowners Association

Annual MeetingMay 15th 7pm

Boys & Girls Club Community Room 61


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ANNOUNCE your festi- va l fo r on ly pennies. Four weeks to 2.7 million readers statewide for about $1,200. Call this n e w s p a p e r o r 1 (206) 634-3838 for more details.

Sell it for FREE in the Super Flea! Call866-825-9001 or email the Super Flea at [email protected].


PELVIC/TRANSVAGI- NAL MESH? Did you un- d e r g o t r a n s v a g i n a l placement of mesh for pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary inconti- nence between 2005 and present time? If the patch required removal due to complicat ions, you may be entitled to c o m p e n s a t i o n . C a l l Johnson Law and speak with female staff mem- bers. 1-800-535-5727


Earn extra income work- ing only one day per week delivering the Mar- syville Globe or Arlington Times. Call 1-888-838- 3000 or email circula- t i o n @ m a r y s v i l l e - globe.com if interested. P lease i nc l ude you r name, telephone num- ber, address and best time to call. These are independent contract de- livery routes for Sound Publishing, Inc.


DRIVERS - - You can c o u n t o n K n i g h t fo r flexible hometime, plenty of miles, great modern, modern trucks, single source dispatch, 31 Ser- vice Centers. 800-414- 9569 www.driveknight.com

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Business Opportunities

INTERNATIONAL CUL- TURAL Exchange Rep- resentative: Earn sup- p l e m e n t a l i n c o m e placing and supervising high school exchange students. Volunteer host fami l ies also needed. Promote world peace! www.afice.com/reps

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13May 2, 2012The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe


Bethlehem Christian School



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CHILD CARE & SCHOOL DIRECTORYTo be included in this directory call: 360-659-1300





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EVENTSTo be Included in this

Directory, Contact:360-659-1300


Glenwood Mobile Estates at 5900 64th St NE in Marysville on Saturday May 5 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Clothing, Household Items, Books, Puzzles, Bakery

Goodies, Lunch Counter. Come on down for a good time.

Annual Glenwood


When: Saturday, May 5th 2012 10:00 AM to 4:00 PMWhere: Marysville Getchell

High SchoolHosted by FBLA

Marysville Getchell High SchoolSpring Bazaar!


Circulation ManagerSound Publishing, Inc. is currently accepting applications for Circulation Manager positions in East, South and North King County. The primary duty of a Circulation Manager (CM) is to manage a geographic district. The CM will be accountable for the assigned newspaper as follows: Recruiting, contracting and training independent contractors to meet delivery deadlines, insuring delivery standards are being met and quality customer service. Position requires the ability to operate a motor vehicle in a safe manner; to occasionally lift and/or transport bundles weighing up to 25 pounds from ground level to a height of 3 feet; to deliver newspaper routes, including ability to negotiate stairs and to deliver an average of 75 newspapers per hour for up to 8 consecutive hours; to communicate with carriers and the public by telephone and in person; to operate a personal computer. Must possess reliable, insured, motor vehicle and a valid Washington State driver’s license.Sound Publishing is an Equal Opportunity Employer and offers a competitive bene�ts package including health insurance, 401K, paid vacation, holidays and a great work environment. If interested in joining our team, please email resume and cover letter to: [email protected] OR send resume and cover letter to: Sound Publishing, Inc. 19426 68th Avenue SKent, WA 98032ATTN: CM


REPORTERReporter sought for staff opening with the Penin- sula Daily News, a six- d a y n e w s p a p e r o n Washington’s beautiful North Olympic Peninsula that includes the cities of Por t Angeles, Sequim, Po r t To w n s e n d a n d Forks (yes, the “Twilight” Forks, but no vampires or werewolves). Br ing your experience from a weekly or small daily -- from the first day, you’ll be able to show off the writing and photography skills you’ve already ac- quired while sharpening your talent with the help o f veteran newsroom leaders. This is a gener- al assignment reporting position in our Port An- geles office in which be- ing a self-starter must be demonstrated through professional experience. Port Angeles-based Pe- ninsula Daily News, cir- culation 16,000 daily and 15,000 Sunday (plus a websi te gett ing up to o n e m i l l i o n h i t s a month), publishes separ- ate editions for Clallam and Jefferson counties. Check out the PDN at www.pen insu lada i l y - news.com and the beau- ty and recreational op- p o r t u n i t i e s a t http://www.peninsuladai- l y n e w s . c o m / s e c - tion/pdntabs#vizguide. In-person visit and tryout are required, so Wash- ington/Northwest appli- cants given preference. Send cover letter, re- sume and five best writ- ing and photography c l ips to Leah Leach, managing editor/news, P.O. Box 1330, 305 W. First St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 , o r ema i l leah.leach@peninsula- dailynews.com.

Schools & Training

ATTEND COLLEGE on- line from home. *Medical *Business *Criminal Jus- t ice. *Hospi ta l i ty. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Fi- nancial Aid if qualified. SCHEV cer t i f ied. Call 8 6 6 - 4 8 3 - 4 4 9 9 . www.CenturaOnline.com

Professional ServicesLegal Services

DIVORCE $135. $165 with children. No court appearances. Complete preparation. Includes, custody, support, prop- er ty division and bills. B B B m e m b e r . ( 5 0 3 ) 7 7 2 - 5 2 9 5 . www.paralegalalterna- [email protected]

Home ServicesLandscape Services

BackyardFruit Gardens

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Cemetery Plots

$1100-CEMETERY Plot. Quiet, peaceful spot un- der a stunning shade tree in section 3. Enum- c law Cemeter y over - looks gorgeous Mount R a i n i e r . B e a u t i f u l l y maintained grounds at 23717 SE 416th St. I f sold by the cemetery, this plot would sell for $1,250. Save yourself some money, call to dis- cuss the details. Jeff at 253-740-5450.

(2) CEMETERY Spaces, side by side, in Sunset Hills Memorial Park, Bel- levue. Spaces 11 and 12 in Lot 25 in the Garden of Assurance. Asking $22,000 each or best of- f e r . C a l l D a w n a t (360)757-1476

2 MONUMENT PLOTS in the gorgeous Gethse- mane Cemetery. Side by side, close in, near en- trance, not far from side- walk. Easy walk for visit- i n g . A l l p a i d a n d included is the Grounds Care; 2 Lawn Crypt box- es (to enclose your cas- kets), plus the opening & closing costs. Friendly he lp fu l s ta f f . Va lued $8,365. Se l l fo r on ly $7,500. Call 253-272- 5005.

3 GORGEOUS VIEW Plots at Washington Me- morial in The Garden of Communion. Well kept, l ove l y & yea r r ound maintenance included. Fr iendly, helpful staff. Section 15, block 232, plots B; (2, 3 & 4), near Veteran section. Asking below cemetery price, $8,000! Will separate. 206-246-0698. Plots lo- cated at 16445 Interna- tional Blvd.

Cemetery Plots

ACACIA BURIAL Plot, $2,190 (Lake City). Aca- cia Memorial Park, Birch Section, one grave site. Lovely o lder sect ion, beautifully maintained. A few steps off the road next to the fountain and Greenbelt at the top of the park. Perpetual fee included. Acacias price for this section is $3,991. We are asking $2,190 and are looking for a quick sale to close the estate. Call Chris 425- 405-0664 or [email protected]

ACACIA Memorial Park, “Birch Garden”, (2) adja- cent cemetery plots, #3 & #4. Se l l ing $4,000 each or $7,500 both. Lo- cated in Shoreline / N. Seatt le. Cal l or email Emmons Johnson, 206- 7 9 4 - 2 1 9 9 , [email protected]

C E M E T E R Y P L O T Greenwood Memor ia l Park in Renton. One plot avai lable in beaut i fu l Rhododendron section. P u r c h a s e d i n 1 9 6 6 among Renton families and veterans. This sec- tion is filled, lock in price now! $4000. For more details, call Alice: 425- 277-0855

Think Inside the BoxAdvertise in yourlocal communitynewspaper and onthe web with justone phone call.Call 800-388-2527for more information.

Free ItemsRecycler

FREE!Wood pallets for firewood

or ? (Does not include 48x40 size)

Call Today!

425-355-0717ext. 1560

Ask for Karen Avis

PNWHomeFinder.comis an online real estate community thatexposes your profile and listings to two million readers from our many publications in the Pacific Northwest.Log on to join our network today.

Home Furnishings

P R I C E R E D U C E D ! Leather L iv ing Room Fur n i tu re. H igh end , quality, contemporary, i v o r y s e t . I n c l u d e s matching sofa, 2 love seats and 2 ottomans. Beautiful, must see to apprec iate. Excel lent condi t ion. $950/ obo. 206-230-8900.

Medical Equipment

DUXIANA ADJ. Electric H o s p i t a l S t y l e B e d . Made in Sweden. Twin size, very clean, very comfor table. Excellent condition! Head & foot of the bed can be raised and lowered by a quiet e l e c t r i c m o t o r. Wa s $ 5 , 6 0 0 n ew. A s k i n g $1,600/ offer. Great for reading in bed or just lounging. Mercer Island 206-725-7500.

14 May 2, 2012 The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe















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Windermere/RMI: Call for appointment:

360-653-4865 or 360-653-8065

To be included in this directory, contact 360.659.1300 to speak to a sales rep.


Musical Instruments

A N T I Q U E S Q U A R E Grand Piano. Google Squared Grand for more info. Tuned, good condi- tion. $2,000 negotiable. 253-863-1502

Whether you’rebuying or selling,the Classifiedshas it all. From

automobiles andemployment to real

estate and household goods, you’ll find

everything you need24 hours a day at


Spas/Hot TubsSupplies

LOWEST PRICES on quality hot tubs! New hot tubs starting @ $2995, spa covers from $299. S a u n a s a s l o w a s $2195! Filters & parts, pool & spa chemicals. Service & repair. Financ- ing available, OAC. Hrs: 10-6 Mon.-Sat.. SpaCo 18109 Hwy 9 SE, Sno- h o m i s h , ( 5 m i n u t e s Nor th of Woodinvi l le) 425-485-1314spacoofsnohomish.com

PNWHomeFinder.comis an online real estate community thatexposes your profile and listings to two million readers from our many publications in the Pacific Northwest.Log on to join our network today.



A K C G R E AT D A N E Puppies. Now offer ing Full-Euro’s, Half-Euro’s & S t a n d a r d G r e a t D a n e s . M a l e s & fe - males. Every color but Fa w n s , $ 5 0 0 & u p . Heal th guarantee. Li- c e n s e d s i n c e 2 0 0 2 . Dreyersdanes is Oregon state’s largest breeder of Great Danes. Also; sell- ing Standard Poodles. www.dreyersdanes.comCall 503-556-4190.


YORKIE/ YORKSHIRE Terrier, AKC Registered. Bo r n 1 /21 /12 . Home raised. Will be small. Fa- ther only 3 lbs 2 oz. Very friendly and loving pup- pies, fu l l of mischief. Mother and father on- site. Wormed and first shots. Females: $900. Males: $700. Call any- time: 360-631-6256 or 425-330-9903


G O R G E O U S A K C Sealed Reverse Brindle B oxe r B a b i e s ! B o r n 2/21/12 they are ready for a forever home! 1 male and 1 female left. Parents on site. They have tails docked, dew- c l a w ’ s r e m o v e d , wormed, micro chipped, a l l shots current , vet checked and heal thy! Puppy packet includes starter food, AKC regis- tration papers, microchip papers for new owner to fill out, any and all vet/ shot records, Copies of parents certificates, cur- rent litter certificate, bed- ding (blanket) and collar/ leash. These wi l l be wonderful companions fo r an ac t i ve fami l y ! They are ready to give happiness, joy, and pro- tection if ever needed. $900. Contact Joan at [email protected] or [email protected]. Can deliver or meet half way. 360-460-5725.


2000 Town Car Cartier, 1 owner, 85K miles, su- per clean, great condi- tion, maroon, most op- t i ons i nc l . sun roo f . $7,450 (360)658-7600

Miscellaneous Autos

*1991 F150 Lariat, 4x4, 200 K mile, 40k new mo- tor, 20K new transmis- sion. Single cab, $2,500. *1980 HD FXWG build- er, all there, new lower end $3,000.* Jeep 304 engine, fresh bore/heads/crank, new cam bearings, all parts $400. * 1 9 7 1 R i e n e l l , 1 9 ’ , w/trailer, 6 cylinder in board, Volvo 170 motor, 270 out drive, fish finder $400/OBO.

(425)334-7192, after 6:00pm.

Sport Utility VehiclesDodge

1999 DODGE Durango SLT 4x4 $4,000 obo! Great shape inside and out! Gray Leather interi- or, roof rack, tow pack- a g e . 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 m i l e s . CD/FM/AM stereo, auto- m a t i c t r a n s m i s s i o n . Runs very well! Regular maintenance with recent oil change. Son went off to col lege, steal of a deal! Call Joe at 206- 234-4841. Federal Way.

Get the ball rolling...Call 800-388-2527 today.

Be the icing on their cake...Advertise in the

Service Directoryin The Classifieds.

Call: (800) 388-2527e-mail:

[email protected] go online: www.nw-ads.com

to get your business in the

15May 2, 2012The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe


16 May 2, 2012 The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe