THE HOME PAPER FOR HOME PEOPLE The Third Reply To Editorial In Times-Crescent The Editor of the Indian Head News received another letter from Mr. F. E. Mattingly a leading citizen of this com- munnity in reply to the editorial which appeared in “Times-Crescent” of last weeks issue, and the Editor wishes to state he takes great pleasure in publish- ing this article for Mr. Mattingly —EDITOR INDIAN HEAD NEWS MR. Editor: Just as I expected, and indeed as if in fulfillment of a prediction 1 formerly made, the Senior Editor of the Times Crescent when caught hiding under cover of his CWA Committee has sub- mitted to the inevitable, and stands re vealed in his true relatioi:ship to the CWA operations in Charles County. And for the Lord’s sake, why shouldn’t he? He is the recognized boss of all he surveys in both political parties, and as things have been valued in recent years of rule or ruin standards, why shouldn’t Charles County have a Hitler dictator- ship, if Doctor Chappelear, Rev. Father Baldus, Messrs. J. P. Ryon, P. D. Brown, J. W. Wilis, T. P. McDonagh, John F. Mudd and Peter Schroeder, elect to wish the misfortune on its peo- ple? Of course, I mean no disrespect by the omission of the names of the two lady members ofthe Committee. 1 fully appreciate the embarrassment they have already been subjected to by rea- j son of the honor they expected to find in their appointment, and I would help them, if I could, to forget the whole sorry mess in which they find them- selves enmeshed. But, reaizling the im- portance of having a back-stage Romeo to help the fair and tinted damsels of the Committee’s secretarial contingent to while away some lonesome hours, I have substituted the name of Mr. Mudd who, to my way of viewing the situation will also blend better with the general make up of the picture, which in all probability will pass down to posterity as the last one depicting the Great Edi- tor communing with his disciples. Now, the Editor is making a grave mistake, andthe one of his life, perhaps and seemingly cannot be brought to realize the fact. He says his connec tion withhis committee's administration work has not been established. Well, if he will come to Indian Head and give assurance amounting to a guarantee that certain persons now at work under the CWA plan will notsuffereithe mow or in the future, because of information that can be obtained from them, even he will be convinced that his duplicity has been established. But, he does not intend to desist in his contention, it is evident, unless evidence under Court rules can be focused upon him. Now as to this, I have only to remind him that Al. Capone for a long time was wedded to such fallacious theory. But, where is Al. now? However, I do not mean to imply that the Editor’s position is analogous to Capone’s, except that at the bar of public opinion, the rules of evidence have a wider range of applica- tion and are just as effective inrounding up the evader, and that the probability of escaping the truth when truth is seeking the light of facts, is as hopeless in the one case as in the other. And Ido unequivocally assert that the Editor’s guess as to immunityfor account ability to the people of Charles County and the State for injustices suffer at his hands, is as wide a mark as Capone’s Grand Union Tea Go. Indian Head, Md. TEAS, COFFEES, and BAKING POWDER CARLIN CRONK Local Representative Dance FEB. 2, 1934 Given By Ladies Aux. of V. F. W. John A. Millard Post 1800. MELODY ACES 9 to 1. ADM. 50c School Auditorium proven to be in his hide and seek game with the Federal Goverment. Why, th e Editor’s cheap effrontery and claptrap about the possibility of mv having de- ceived him with regard to my political joyalty to him is a sure sign that little of his rope of reckless abandon is left on he spool; and he cannot make any such fabrication of untruth go down the throats of the people who really know him and myself. And he whimpers about my holding a Justice of the Peace Com- mission, and at the same time daring to offer criticism of State functions or functionaries. He very well knows, of course, that I have little respect for men who, as incumbents, fail to dis- charge the duties of offices of honor and dignity with conscientious regard for the obligations attaching to the same. And the fact that I happen to be in a very real sense a hold-over subordinate from a former highly honorable State Admin- istration in no sense militates against my right as a citizen to complain, and even protest, when my State Govern, ment stands silently by and permits other subordinates to drag its banner in the gutter of disrepute, whether it be with acquiescence of or at the behest of a Stute State Senator, which the Senior Editor of the Times-Crescent at this moment happens to be. Before I shall hold myself subservient to dishonorable dictation hinted in the Editor’s reference* to my hoiding a Justice of the Peace Commission, I shall hold myself as be- ing dishonored as the recipsent of such favor and hurl it back into the face of the dispenser there of. But let it not be forgotten that I shall hold myself pri- vileged also at the proper time, and without“murderous” mtent.todo what I can to educate the Senior Editor’s con- stituency upon the matter of his betray al of their confidence and their pocket books to the tune of $105,000.00, that corporate, ana maybe other interests might profit unjustly at public expense. It was Bob Cooksey and I who voted alike on this “important State—legisla tive question”. The Senior Editor, as usual, stuck with the other crowd, which constituted all that was of importance in the State Administration. In this connection, Mr. Editor,am I glad to say that I was following the leadership of Stephen W. Gambrill, in the frustration of this well laid plan, and did so with the whole hearted approval and advice of the late and lamented Robert Crain. No Sir, the Editor is in error when he says that he and I “voted aliked on every important State and Local legis- lative question.” Yes, after the Gambrill amendment was forced into the Susque' hauna Bridge Bid, over the strenuous opposition of the State Administration, there was no alternative open to the Editor, and in its final passage he voted as I did. Very truly, 1 22-34 F. E. Mattingly P. S. Mr. Editor, I’ll not ask more “THESE THIRTY YEARS” A picture filled with ex- citement, delightful ro- mance, thrills and fun. Presented by the Ford Motor Company Recreation Hall Indian Head, Md. January 25th & 26th CARPENTER MOTOR CO. Indian Head, Md. Society Notes Mrs, Mildred Shaw of Pomfret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bry- ant of Indian Head, has returned to her home in Pomfret after spending a few days in Columbia hospital where she underwent treatment. Before return- ing to her home, she spent several days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Wright of Washington, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wright of Indian Head last Thursday evening. They visited Mrs, O. W. Crismonrt in Marbury that morn- ing. Among those to attend State Roads Commission meeting in Hyattsvijle last Friday were: Messrs. Howard Severe, Leon Robey, Frank Simmons, Harris Matthews, Dick Uhler and Mr. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doane of Marbury; Miss Hester Wright and Mr- DeWitt Alexander spent Sunday after- noon in Washington at the Washington ! Auditorium looking at the Ripley j oddities. Mr. and Mrs. James Keating an<t Jr., | of Philadelphia, Pa., visited Mr. and i Mrs. Amos at their home Indian Head, j Md. Miss Grace Grigsley of Marshal! Hall j Md. was the charming hostess st a party j at her home on January 18th. Those j present were; Mr. Estridge Grigsley, j Miss Orvilla Williams, Mr. Hubert Car | ter, Miss Nellie Hood, Mr. Claude Hen- i derson. Miss Francis Bryan, Mr. Buster Henderson, Mr. Bernie Kenlon, Miss j Dorothy Bryan, Miss Ruth Hood, Mr. Albert Bushey, Miss Virginia Drinkard, j Mr. Alton Grigsley, Mr. R. E. Grigsley, Mr. Ralph Downs, Miss Hazel Rison, Mr. Hally Downs and Miss Rita Rison. All enjoyed a most delightful time. Miss Dorothy Lucas of Indian Head, had as a week end guest Miss Dorothy ; Rhodes of Pisgah, Md. of your space at this time, but hope to be allowed the privilege in another is- sue to contiue my reply to the Senior Editor’s last week’s trip around Robin Hood’s Barn published in the Times Crescent. F. E. M. Cfourcb of Zhc Naiarenc Mclcomes Bill Providing Pensions For Capital Workers Passed The passage of a bill introduced in the house last week by Representative Le Marr Jefferies (D.) of Alabama, will entitle employees of the Capital not now enjoying civil service status to re- tire with pensions. Jefferes explained that the employees will be required to contribute of their salaries toward the retirement fund. This bill applies to employees in the legislative branch of the government. Methodist Young People To Organize The your, i people of the La Plata cir- cuit of the Southern Methodist Church will meet at the La Plata Church on Friday evening. January 26, at 7 P. M. The pu pose of this meeting will be for organization and all of the young peo- ple interested in this work are urged to attend. Illustrated Sermons Prepared By Pastor The Pastor of the Church of the Va- zarene of Indain Mead, Rev. Johnson, has announced that during the month of February he will conduct illustrated sermons every Sunday evening. Tbe Pastor reports he has prepared a series of very interesting and helpful sermons °nd believes all those who at- tend will be greatly benefited. Mr. Wilmer Gilroy of Pomonkey, Md. is recover ng from an operation at Sib- ley. Hosital Washington D. C. We are glad to learn that he shall return home soon. 0000000000000 Thomas Jenkins Bowling Alleys and Billiards Cigars, Cigaretttes and Candy Sandwiches and Soft Drinks Beer on Draught or in Bottles Oysters Any Style—Hot Soups 0000000000000 FREE YOURSELF FOREVER FROM “WORK SHOE FOOT”! You can't take it out on your V -*y -i if' 4 feet they're too much a \ 3 part of you 10 be good ~ ' •" to them. End the agony of fine king, rubbing, gouging in \ : rjjL stiff-as-a-board shoes. Wolverine Shell , A Horsehide Driet Soft s§| A* Buckskin... Horsehide Shoes wear like boiler plate yet keep aa the first day’s work in V/olver- flexible aa the best buckskin. ines. Friends from the first day They won’t go wrong. to t fcat long, long away last No amount of water, mud, grease, wearing. And they’re marvelous hard use, will change their soft values at present left-over prices! nature. So come in and get started being You’ll feel like a new man after a new mant WOLVERINE WORK SHOES Q&Q WORK CLOVES Special This Week at $2*49 per pair ELY’S DEPT. STORE Indian Head, Md. Retired Indian Head Hotel Owner Die* Mr. Frank T. Mattes,® prominent citizen of Indian Head, who had suffer- ed sometime with heart trouble, died here Saturday afternoon, January 20 1934. Mr. Mattes was a retired hotel man. and formerly owner and operated the old Indian Head Hotel. The funeral services were held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, with Father Dillon officiating. Requiem Mass was held for the deceased at 10 A. M., Tuesday, January 23rd. Interment was in the Holy Redeemer Cemetery, in Baltimore, Md. Mr. Mattes is survived by his widow, Mrs. Rose Mattes, son, Raymond J. ; Mattes, and two daughters. Mrs. Clara Burroughs, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Catherine Welch, of Indian Head, Md. $24,000 Bought The Star Spangled Banner Francis Scott Key’s original auto- graphed Manuscript of the Star Spangled Banner, brought $24,000 at an auction in the American Anderson Galleries last week. Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach, noted collector of rare books was the success- ful bidder and received the first printed 0000000000 xx> Fannie May Gandies FRESH EVERY WEEK REXALL MEDICINE MAGAZINES SCHOOL SUPPLIES F. M. SLAVIN 0000000000000 msmsmmmsmmm PIANO LESSONS BY MISS EDITH SLEMMER Experienced teacher in both Minor and Higher Grades of Music. 15 Straus* Ave. (Phone 55) Indian Head, Md. By The American Federation of Gov’t. Employees Local No. 79 At The LACKEY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, JANUARY 26th MUSIC BY MELODY ACES ORCHERTRA Admission 50c MARYLAND INDEPENDENT. LA FLaTA, MB. INDIAN HEAD News copy of the song In addition to the manuscript. Other Indian Head News Will Be Continued On Page 3 SPECIALS For This Week PHILLIPS MILK ()!'' MAGNESIA, Lg. 50c Size 39c FLETCHERS CASTORIA 29c DRYCO "large” Can...., $2.19 "small” Can. -59 c PURE COD LIVER OIL, Pts 49c PURE MINERAL OIL, Pts 49c VAPEX, 75c Size 59c EPSOM SALTS, 1 Lb 09c POND’S COLD CREAM, 35c 25c 666 For Colds 19 Wc Now Have Lady Esther Face Powder and Four Purpose Face Cream In The Trial Size 10c—Also Lg. Size Exclusive Dealer for CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Mattingly’s Dept. Store Indian Head, Md. Indian Head Electric Go. Indian Head, Md. General Electric, Philco and Majestic R-A-D-I-O-S General Electric Refrigerators Superfex Oil Burners MORE ABOUT ZORIC Zoric cleaning now obtainable at the Same Prices of Ordinary Cleaning No longer need you in an effort to balance your budget, put up with an inferior DRY CLEANING service with all its attendant gasoline odors fading colors and indifferent finish. Let us ZORIC CLEAN all your garments at our new low prices and learn the meaning of “DRY CLEANING.” ZORIC leaves your garments sweet smelling, fresh, unfolded and spotlessly clean. See our representative concerning prices. CalL ffiLantic O immm 1101 RAUM STREET N. E. WASHINGTON, D. C. "'.aasaassii ■■ja 1 :,, 11 ■r—r. ssssssssssssssssasss .i-..". ..'.'.'Mg - "• ~t '' BUY FROM e LOCAL MERCHANTS Mrs. V. Milstead GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corduroy Tire* Page 4

Maryland independent (La Plata, Md.) 1934-01-26 [p Page 4]

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The Third ReplyTo Editorial In

Times-CrescentThe Editor of the Indian Head News

received another letter from Mr. F. E.Mattingly a leading citizen of this com-munnity in reply to the editorial whichappeared in “Times-Crescent” of lastweeks issue, and the Editor wishes tostate he takes great pleasure in publish-ing this article for Mr. Mattingly


Just as I expected, and indeed as ifin fulfillment of a prediction 1 formerly

made, the Senior Editor of the TimesCrescent when caught hiding undercover ofhis CWA Committee has sub-mitted to the inevitable, and stands revealed in his true relatioi:ship to the

CWA operations in Charles County.

And for the Lord’s sake, why shouldn’the? He is the recognized boss of all hesurveys in both political parties, and asthings have been valued in recent years

of rule or ruin standards, why shouldn’tCharles County have a Hitler dictator-ship, if Doctor Chappelear, Rev. FatherBaldus, Messrs. J. P. Ryon, P. D.Brown, J. W. Wilis, T. P. McDonagh,

John F. Mudd and Peter Schroeder,elect to wish the misfortune on its peo-ple? Of course, I mean no disrespectby the omission of the names of the twolady members ofthe Committee. 1 fullyappreciate the embarrassment they

have already been subjected to by rea- json of the honor they expected to findin their appointment, and I would helpthem, if I could, to forget the wholesorry mess in which they find them-selves enmeshed. But, reaizling the im-portance of having a back-stage Romeoto help the fair and tinted damsels ofthe Committee’s secretarial contingent

to while away some lonesome hours, Ihave substituted the name of Mr. Muddwho, to my way of viewing the situation

will also blend better with the general

make up of the picture, which in allprobability will pass down to posterityas the last one depicting the Great Edi-tor communing with his disciples.

Now, the Editor is making a gravemistake, andthe one ofhis life, perhapsand seemingly cannot be brought torealize the fact. He says his connection withhis committee's administrationwork has not been established. Well,if he will come to Indian Head and giveassurance amounting to a guaranteethat certain persons now at work underthe CWA plan will notsuffereithemowor in the future, because of informationthatcan be obtained from them, evenhe will be convinced that his duplicityhas been established. But, he does notintend to desist in his contention, it isevident, unless evidence under Courtrules can be focused upon him. Nowas to this, I have only to remind himthat Al. Capone for a long time waswedded tosuch fallacious theory. But,where is Al. now? However, I do notmean to imply that the Editor’s positionis analogous to Capone’s, except that atthe bar of public opinion, the rules ofevidence have a wider range of applica-tion and are just as effective inroundingup the evader, and that the probabilityof escaping the truth when truth isseeking the lightof facts, is as hopelessin the one case as in the other.And Ido unequivocally assert that theEditor’s guess as to immunityfor accountability to the people of Charles Countyand the State for injustices suffer at hishands, is as wide a mark as Capone’s

Grand Union Tea Go.Indian Head, Md.


CARLIN CRONKLocal Representative

DanceFEB. 2, 1934

Given By Ladies Aux. ofV. F. W. John A. Millard


9 to 1. ADM. 50c

School Auditorium

proven to be in his hide and seek gamewith the Federal Goverment. Why, th eEditor’s cheap effrontery and claptrapabout the possibility of mv having de-ceived him with regard to my politicaljoyalty to him is a sure sign that littleof his rope of reckless abandon is left onhe spool; and he cannot make any suchfabrication of untruth go down thethroats of the people who really knowhim and myself. And he whimpers aboutmy holding a Justice of the Peace Com-mission, and at the same time daring tooffer criticism of State functions orfunctionaries. He very well knows, ofcourse, that I have little respect formen who, as incumbents, fail to dis-charge the duties ofoffices of honor anddignity with conscientious regard for theobligations attaching to the same. Andthe fact that I happen to be in a veryreal sense a hold-over subordinate froma former highly honorable State Admin-istration in no sense militates againstmy right as a citizen to complain, andeven protest, when my State Govern,ment stands silently by and permitsother subordinates to drag its banner inthe gutter of disrepute, whether it bewith acquiescence of orat the behest ofa Stute State Senator, which the SeniorEditor of the Times-Crescent at thismoment happens to be. Before I shallhold myself subservient to dishonorabledictation hinted in the Editor’s reference*to my hoiding a Justice of the PeaceCommission, I shall hold myself as be-ing dishonored as the recipsent of suchfavor and hurl it back into the face ofthe dispenser there of. But let it not beforgotten that I shall hold myself pri-vileged also at the proper time, andwithout“murderous”mtent.todo what Ican to educate the Senior Editor’s con-stituency upon the matter of his betrayal of their confidence and their pocketbooks to the tune of $105,000.00, thatcorporate, ana maybe other interestsmight profit unjustly at public expense.It was Bob Cooksey and I who votedalike on this “important State—legislative question”. The Senior Editor, asusual, stuck with the other crowd, whichconstituted all that was of importancein the State Administration. In thisconnection, Mr. Editor,am I glad to saythat I was following the leadership ofStephen W. Gambrill, in the frustrationof this well laid plan, and did so withthe whole hearted approval and adviceof the late and lamented Robert Crain.No Sir, the Editor is in error when hesays that he and I “voted aliked onevery important State and Local legis-lative question.” Yes, after the Gambrillamendment was forced into the Susque'hauna Bridge Bid, over the strenuousopposition of the State Administration,there was no alternative open to theEditor, and in its final passage he votedas I did.

Very truly,1 22-34 F. E. Mattingly

P. S. Mr. Editor, I’ll not ask more


A picture filled with ex-citement, delightful ro-

mance, thrills and fun.

Presented by the FordMotor Company

Recreation HallIndian Head, Md.

January 25th & 26th


CO.Indian Head, Md.

Society NotesMrs, Mildred Shaw of Pomfret,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bry-ant of Indian Head, has returned toherhome in Pomfret after spending a fewdays in Columbia hospital where sheunderwent treatment. Before return-ing to her home, she spent several dayswith her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Wright ofWashington, were the guests of Mr. andMrs. T. B. Wright of Indian Head lastThursday evening. They visited Mrs,O. W. Crismonrt in Marbury that morn-ing.

Among those to attend State RoadsCommission meeting in Hyattsvijle lastFriday were: Messrs. Howard Severe,Leon Robey, Frank Simmons, HarrisMatthews, Dick Uhler and Mr. Griffin.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doane ofMarbury; Miss Hester Wright and Mr-DeWitt Alexander spent Sunday after-noon in Washington at the Washington !Auditorium looking at the Ripley joddities.

Mr. and Mrs. James Keating an<t Jr., |of Philadelphia, Pa., visited Mr. and iMrs. Amos at their home Indian Head, jMd.

Miss Grace Grigsley of Marshal! Hall jMd. was the charming hostess st a party jat her home on January 18th. Those jpresent were; Mr. Estridge Grigsley, jMiss Orvilla Williams, Mr. Hubert Car |ter, Miss Nellie Hood, Mr. Claude Hen- iderson. Miss Francis Bryan, Mr. BusterHenderson, Mr. Bernie Kenlon, Miss jDorothy Bryan, Miss Ruth Hood, Mr.Albert Bushey, Miss Virginia Drinkard, jMr. Alton Grigsley, Mr. R. E. Grigsley,Mr. Ralph Downs, Miss Hazel Rison,Mr. Hally Downs and Miss Rita Rison.All enjoyed a most delightful time.

Miss Dorothy Lucas of Indian Head,had as a week end guest Miss Dorothy

; Rhodes of Pisgah, Md.

of your space at this time, but hope tobe allowed the privilege in another is-sue to contiue my reply to the SeniorEditor’s last week’s trip around RobinHood’s Barn published in the TimesCrescent. F. E. M.




Bill Providing PensionsFor Capital Workers

PassedThe passage of a bill introduced in

the house last week by RepresentativeLe Marr Jefferies (D.) of Alabama,will entitle employees of the Capital notnow enjoying civil service status to re-tire with pensions. Jefferes explainedthat the employees will be required tocontribute of their salaries towardthe retirement fund. This bill appliesto employees in the legislative branchof the government.

Methodist YoungPeople To Organize

The your, i people of the La Plata cir-cuit of the Southern Methodist Churchwill meet at the La Plata Church onFriday evening. January 26, at 7 P. M.The pu pose of this meeting will be fororganization and all of the young peo-ple interested in this work are urged toattend.

Illustrated SermonsPrepared By Pastor

The Pastor of the Church of the Va-zarene of Indain Mead, Rev. Johnson,has announced that during the monthof February he will conduct illustratedsermons every Sunday evening.

Tbe Pastor reports he has preparedaseries of very interesting and helpfulsermons °nd believes all those who at-tend will be greatly benefited.

Mr. Wilmer Gilroy of Pomonkey, Md.is recover ng from an operation at Sib-ley. Hosital Washington D. C. We areglad to learn thathe shall return homesoon.

0000000000000Thomas Jenkins

Bowling Alleysand Billiards


and Candy

Sandwiches andSoft Drinks

Beer on Draught orin Bottles

Oysters Any Style—Hot Soups



You can't take it out on your V -*y -i if'4feet they're too much a \ 3part of you ... 10 be good ~


to them. End the agony offineking, rubbing, gouging in \ : rjjLstiff-as-a-board shoes.

Wolverine Shell , A

Horsehide Driet Soft s§|A* Buckskin...

Horsehide Shoeswear like boiler plate yet keep aa the first day’s work in V/olver-flexible aa the best buckskin. ines. Friends from the first dayThey won’t go wrong. to tfcat long, long away lastNo amount of water, mud, grease, wearing. And they’re marveloushard use, will change their soft values at present left-over prices!nature. So come in and get started beingYou’ll feel like a new man after a new mant


Special This Weekat $2*49 per pair

ELY’S DEPT. STOREIndian Head, Md.

Retired Indian HeadHotel Owner Die*

■ Mr. Frank T. Mattes,® prominentcitizen of Indian Head, who had suffer-ed sometime with heart trouble, diedhere Saturday afternoon, January 201934.

Mr. Matteswas a retired hotel man.and formerly owner and operated theold Indian Head Hotel.

The funeral services were held at St.Mary’s Catholic Church, with FatherDillon officiating. Requiem Mass washeld for the deceased at 10 A. M.,Tuesday, January 23rd. Interment wasin the Holy Redeemer Cemetery, inBaltimore, Md.

Mr. Mattes is survived by his widow,Mrs. Rose Mattes, son, Raymond J.

; Mattes, and two daughters. Mrs. ClaraBurroughs, of Baltimore, and Mrs.Catherine Welch, of Indian Head, Md.

$24,000 Bought TheStar Spangled Banner

Francis Scott Key’s original auto-graphed Manuscript of the Star SpangledBanner, brought $24,000 at an auctionin the American Anderson Galleries lastweek. Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach, notedcollector of rare books was the success-ful bidder and received the first printed

0000000000 xx>Fannie May GandiesFRESH EVERY WEEK



F. M. SLAVIN0000000000000



MISS EDITH SLEMMERExperienced teacher in bothMinor and Higher Gradesof Music.15 Straus* Ave. (Phone 55)

Indian Head, Md.

ByThe American Federation of Gov’t. Employees

Local No. 79

At The



Admission 50c


INDIAN HEAD Newscopy of the song In addition to themanuscript.

Other Indian Head News Will

Be Continued On Page 3


PHILLIPS MILK ()!'' MAGNESIA, Lg. 50c Size 39cFLETCHERS CASTORIA 29cDRYCO "large” Can...., $2.19

” "small” Can. -59cPURE COD LIVER OIL, Pts 49c

PURE MINERAL OIL, Pts 49cVAPEX, 75c Size 59cEPSOM SALTS, 1 Lb 09c


666 For Colds 19

Wc Now Have Lady Esther Face Powder and Four Purpose

Face Cream In The Trial Size 10c—Also Lg. Size

Exclusive Dealer forCRAZY WATER CRYSTALS

Mail Orders Promptly Filled.

Mattingly’s Dept. StoreIndian Head, Md.

Indian Head Electric Go.Indian Head, Md.

General Electric, Philco and Majestic


General Electric RefrigeratorsSuperfex Oil Burners


Zoric cleaning now obtainable at theSame Prices of Ordinary Cleaning

No longer need you in an effort to balance your budget, put up with

an inferior DRY CLEANING service with all its attendant gasoline odors

fading colors and indifferent finish.

Let us ZORIC CLEAN all your garments at our new low prices and learn

the meaning of “DRY CLEANING.”

ZORIC leaves your garments sweet smelling, fresh, unfolded and spotlessly


See our representative concerning prices.

CalL ffiLantic O


"'.aasaassii ■■ja1:,, 11■r—r. ssssssssssssssssasss .i-.."...'.'.'Mg



~t ''





Corduroy Tire*

Page 4