Mary Queen Of Peace OFFICE: 120 S 34th, Billings, MT 59101 Office Hours: Closed Monday, Tues. Fri. 9am to 4pm 406-259-7611 www.maryqueenofpeacebillings.org Ministers 4:00pm 9:30am 5:00pm Altar Server Needed Needed Matthew Contreraz Zachary Contreraz Needed Crucifer Sheryl Stinchfield Adam Workman Greeters Dorothy Rangitsch Aggie Stenger Les Magers Needed Lector 1 Mary Alvarez Audrey Wagner Celest Kessler Lector 2 **** Amanda Workman Needed Spanish Gospel **** **** **** Eucharistic Ministers Pat Brown Shirley Brubaker Rose Ann Griebel Amy Aguirre Tony Gomez Mary Kay Lynaugh Carol Brown Needed Sacristan Mary Rose Simon Amy Aguirre Celest Kessler Homebound Ministers to our Extended Family Tony Gomez 1 Mary Pavlish 2 Donna Pavlish MASS SCHEDULE Mary Queen of Peace 3411 3 rd Ave South Daily Mass Tuesday through Friday@ 9 am Weekend Mass Sat. 4:00 pm Sun. 9:30 am Sun. 5:00 pm Oct. May Sun. 6:00 pm June Sept. Reconciliation 1 hour before Mass Or by appointment April 15, 2018 3 rd Sunday of Easter Ministers April 21 & 22 MARY QUEEN OF PEACE PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a welcoming, evangelizing, worshipping parish community, encouraging all to step into a deeper spiritual encounter and loving experience with our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for peace, love, truth, and social justice through active stewardship - notably through our advocate - Mother Mary. We proclaim the promise of the Kingdom of God and the grace - filled nourishment that comes when our humanness becomes one with God’s Divinity in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. And he said to them, “Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day.” - Lk 24:45-46 Readings for Next Sunday: 4th Sunday Of Easter 1 st Reading Act of the Apostles 4:8-12 Psalm 118 2 nd Reading 1 John 3:1-2 Gospel John 10:11-18 PARISH MINISTRY STAFF PASTOR Fr. Jose Marquez 259-7611 [email protected] PARISH BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Matthew Low, Ph.D. [email protected] SACRAMENTAL MINISTER Fr. Tom C. Harney 259-7611 ACCOUNTANT Celest Kessler [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Bill Kuzma 294-7607 [email protected] MAINTENANCE STAFF Steve Klang MUSIC DIRECTOR Peggy Contreraz [email protected] MUSIC MINISTRY Ann Hefenieder [email protected] Pat Oertli We are Gifted and We are Called “Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’ But they were startled and frightened…” – LUKE 24:36-37 Throughout the day we have many opportunities to “see the face of Jesus” in others and to “be the face of Jesus” to others. Do we take that opportunity to provide “peace” to those we encounter or are we afraid of what others will think of us and do nothing? Pray for the strength to live a “God-centered” life and not a “self-centered” life.

Mary Queen Of Peace · Rose Ann Griebel Amy Aguirre ... presence and power of the Holy Spirit, through Christ, our Lord. Amen. ... Auction donations are crucial to the success of

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Mary Queen Of Peace OFFICE: 120 S 34th, Billings, MT 59101

Office Hours: Closed Monday, Tues. – Fri. 9am to 4pm 406-259-7611


Ministers 4:00pm 9:30am 5:00pm

Altar Server Needed


Matthew Contreraz

Zachary Contreraz


Crucifer Sheryl Stinchfield Adam Workman

Greeters Dorothy Rangitsch

Aggie Stenger

Les Magers Needed

Lector 1 Mary Alvarez Audrey Wagner Celest Kessler

Lector 2 **** Amanda Workman Needed

Spanish Gospel **** **** ****

Eucharistic Ministers Pat Brown

Shirley Brubaker

Rose Ann Griebel

Amy Aguirre

Tony Gomez

Mary Kay Lynaugh

Carol Brown


Sacristan Mary Rose Simon Amy Aguirre Celest Kessler

Homebound Ministers

to our Extended Family

Tony Gomez

1 Mary Pavlish

2 Donna Pavlish


Mary Queen of Peace

3411 3rd

Ave South

Daily Mass

Tuesday through

Friday@ 9 am

Weekend Mass

Sat. 4:00 pm

Sun. 9:30 am Sun. 5:00 pm Oct. – May

Sun. 6:00 pm June – Sept.


1 hour before Mass

Or by appointment

April 15, 2018 3

rd Sunday of Easter

Veteran’s prayer

Veteran’s prayer

Ministers April 21 & 22



We are a welcoming, evangelizing, worshipping

parish community, encouraging all to

step into a deeper spiritual encounter and

loving experience with our Lord Jesus Christ.

We pray for peace, love, truth, and social justice

through active stewardship - notably through our

advocate - Mother Mary. We proclaim

the promise of the Kingdom of God and

the grace - filled nourishment that comes when

our humanness becomes one with God’s

Divinity in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.



Then he opened their

minds to understand

the Scriptures. And he

said to them, “Thus it

is written that the

Christ would suffer

and rise from the

dead on the third

day.” - Lk 24:45-46

Readings for Next Sunday:

4th Sunday Of Easter

1st Reading

Act of the Apostles 4:8-12

Psalm 118



1 John 3:1-2


John 10:11-18


PASTOR Fr. Jose Marquez 259-7611 [email protected]


ADMINISTRATOR Matthew Low, Ph.D. [email protected]


Fr. Tom C. Harney 259-7611

ACCOUNTANT Celest Kessler [email protected]

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Bill Kuzma 294-7607 [email protected]


MUSIC DIRECTOR Peggy Contreraz [email protected]

MUSIC MINISTRY Ann Hefenieder [email protected] Pat Oertli

We are Gifted and We are Called “Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’

But they were startled and frightened…” – LUKE 24:36-37 Throughout the day we have many opportunities to “see the face of Jesus”

in others and to “be the face of Jesus” to others. Do we take that opportunity to provide “peace” to those we encounter or are we afraid of what others

will think of us and do nothing? Pray for the strength to live a “God-centered” life and not a “self-centered” life.

April 15, 2018 3rd Sunday of Easter

Manny Alvarez II Memorial Scholarship 2018 The Manny Alvarez Scholarship for catholic school education

will have approximately $775.00 to distribute to students of

Mary Queen of Peace for 2018/19 tuition to the Billings Catholic

Schools. Scholarship applications can be found at the entrance

of church. Application deadline is May 15, 2018 Questions call

Celest at 294-7605.

Mary Queen of Peace Parish

Stewardship Report

Fiscal Year: July 1, 2017 thru June 30,2018

Weekend of April 1, 2018

Weekly Income: MQP

Envelope donations 2,942

Loose cash/checks 1,607

Other Income 298

Total Weekly Income 4,847

Weekly Expense Budget 8,951

Over (Short) (4,104)

Year-to-date Income Total: 281,952

Year-to-date Total Expenses Budget: 358,044

Over (Short) (76,092)

Congratulations to those receiving First

Communion & Confirmation this weekend: Araya

Bradley, Silviano Bradley, Amelio Najar, Roman

Castro, Jesse Welk, Natalia Castro, Adrian Williams, Miguel

Gutierrez, Charles Kraft and Reata Limpp.

FOLLOW HIM Whether it is a career in the

fishing industry or whether it

is modern responsibilities

and/or distractions, we are faced with the question:

Who are you following? Peter responded that he was

following Jesus. What is our response? Stewardship

is gratefully recognizing and receiving this invitation

to follow Jesus, then sharing our time, treasure and

talent with others. One way to achieve this happens through the

Care and Share Annual Catholic Appeal. Participating in the

Appeal enables us to Follow Him by helping to serve those

throughout our vast diocese.

Mary Queen of Peace Parish

2018 Care and Share Report

Care and Share March 2018 thru February 2019

Assessment 2018 39,480

Less Cash Contributions (3,896)

Less Electronic Pledges collected 0

2018 Care and Share Balance 35,584

MQP Annual Afternoon Tea Please join the ladies of Mary Queen of Peace Parish

for their Annual Afternoon Tea.

“Honoring Our Earthly and Heavenly Mothers”

When: May 5, 2018 Time: 1:00 pm

Where: MQP, 3411 3rd Ave S. Tickets will be

sold before and after at each Mass or call 294-

7605. Seating is limited. Reserved seating is available.

St. Vincent Healthcare St. Vincent Healthcare makes it a high priority to offer Holy

Communion to every Catholic patient every day, including

weekends. Several of our faithful and faith-full Volunteer

Eucharistic Ministers have had to leave us and we are seeking

others to help us meet the needs of our Catholic patients and

families. Volunteers are usually scheduled to provide this

service one morning a month though they may volunteer for

more mornings, if they wish. This rewarding opportunity is open

to currently commissioned Eucharistic Ministers who want to

make a real difference in people’s lives! Specialized training for

providing Holy Communion in a hospital setting is provided. If

you are interested or want more information, contact Chaplain

AnaLisa Bischoff by email at [email protected] or call


Prayer for Seminarians Heavenly Father in every generation you provide ministers for

the Church. We come now, asking that you call forth more men

to serve our Diocese in the priesthood. Give us priests who will

lead and guide your people gathered by Word and Sacrament.

Bless us with priestly vocations so that we can continue to be a

Eucharistic Church. Raise up, we pray men who are generous in

their service, willing to offer their lives and all their gifts for your

greater glory and for the good of your people. We pray in the

presence and power of the Holy Spirit, through Christ, our Lord.


Date Time

Intention Offered by

04/17/2018 9:00AM † Lawrence Castro MQP Parish

04/18/2018 9:00AM † Eddie Bargar Maggie Bargar

04/19/2018 9:00AM

Donald Trump-God’s

will be done Lynda Rockwell

04/20/2018 9:00AM † Patrick Joseph Riley Minnie & Mary Kate

04/21/2018 4:00PM † George Tarmann Lorraine Tarmann

04/22/2018 9:30AM Parishioners of MQP

04/22/2018 5:00PM † Roy Stephens Claudia Stephens


Pre-K to 6th grade

Mary Queen of Peace Youth Group

For youth group events, please see our Facebook page:


or look up Mary Queen of Peace Youth Group

Sundays after evening Mass Youth Group

Tuesdays 5-6:45pm Sacrament Prep Overflow

*Tuesdays 5-6:45pm Older Confirmation/RCIA Prep


Wednesdays 5:00-6:45pm for Pre-K to 6th

Enrich your spiritual life; get to know Jesus better

Marian Charismatic Prayer Group: The Marian Charismatic

Prayer Group meets every Monday at 4pm at Mary Queen of

Peace (3411 3rd Ave. South). We start with the Rosary, we sing,

we give prayers of thanks, we meditate Scripture, we pray for

intercessions. With joy in our hearts, we are renewed!

Rosary Wednesday: There will be parishioner-led

Rosary recital after every Wednesday morning Mass. Be

part of a prayer devotion that makes a difference in our

daily lives! Eucharistic Adoration: Pope John XXIII was quoted as saying

one ought to sit in Eucharistic Adoration in some church at least

once a day. MQP offers Eucharistic Adoration, every Thursday

following the 9:00AM Mass until 6:00PM.

Divine Mercy Prayer Group: The Divine Mercy Prayer Group

meets the third Thursday of the month at 5:30pm at Mary Queen

of Peace. Following the Diary of St Faustina three main themes

of prayer are to ask for and obtain the mercy of God, to trust in

Christ's abundant mercy, and finally to show mercy to others and

act as a conduit for God's mercy towards them.

Cornerstone Prayer Group: Our primary mission is to pray to

God for the specific needs of our parishioners along with prayer

petitions for the financial funds necessary in building our new

church on South 27th

Street. We meet the first Tuesday of the

month after 9am Mass in the lower parish hall. Therefore thus

says the Lord God, Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested

stone, a costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. He

who believes in it will not be disturbed (Isaiah 28:16).

Reflection It's no surprise that the Apostles were initially "startled and

terrified" to the extent that they "thought that they were seeing a

ghost." Jesus has compassion on his confused friends. Once he

affirms his non-ghostly identity--"look at my hands and my feet,

that it is I myself"--Jesus gets down to business. He has risen from

the dead, but life would not continue as normal. Throughout Jesus'

ministry, he spoke in parables and veiled prophetic language. His

followers likely thought much of his words were metaphors, some

symbolism for the person and their relation to God. Now Jesus

has something else in mind. He "opened their minds to understand

the scriptures," making known the connections between his own

words and deeds and "everything written about [him] in the law of

Moses and in the prophets and psalms." Why now? Why this

increased depth of understanding? The answer lies in the shifting

role of the Apostles. "You are witnesses of these things." The

treasury of truth is no longer Jesus' responsibility alone but our

own. Then and there, the Apostles are appointed to proclaim the

death and resurrection of Jesus, the forgiveness of sins and the

mercy of God. This message is no longer for only the Jewish

people but "all the nations." This is our invitation! We have the

rich heritage of the Church's teaching. By sacramental grace,

God's "peace" is "with [us]." We, too, are sent to proclaim the

Good News of Jesus Christ and the hope that belongs to his call.

Mayfair needs your help…… Plans are underway for the 43

rd Annual Mayfair Gala Auction!

Auction donations are crucial to the success of Mayfair. Please

contact Jan Haider or Nikki Burke at 406.252.0252 if you have an

idea for an auction item or if you need a committee member to

come and pick up an item. Thank you for everything, and

especially for your consideration of continued support.


Would you like prayers for a special person, a

need, an intention, or an illness? Your parish community is here

to help and to support you with prayer. Our parish community

has a network of prayer ministers who remember each day in their

prayers the intentions/needs of those who request. “Ask and you

shall receive.” To activate our prayer line, please call Marion

Walton: 259-5784.

Funerals: Initial funeral planning: Contact Fr. Jose Marquez, 294-7606

If you or a family member are homebound, in

the hospital or scheduled for surgery and would

like the Sacrament of the Sick, Please call

Father José at the office @259-7611 #06.

PRAYER PETITIONS: Pope’s April Universal Intention:

For Those who have Responsibility in Economic Matters.

That economists may have the courage to reject any economy of

exclusion and know how to open new paths.

LaVie Baby Bottle Campaign Next Sunday, LaVie’s Baby Bottle Campaign will

come to a close. We would like to thank everyone

who participated this year and ask that you return your

bottles to the church on April 22nd

or to LaVie at 2321

Broadwater or 44 Wicks Lane by the week of April 23rd

. LaVie

will place a listing in their Fall Newsletter, naming all of those in

whose memory and/or honor you have donated. Also, a Mother’s

Day card or notecard, as appropriate, will be sent to those

honored, acknowledging your gift in their honor (when addresses

are included).

Calendar of Weekly Events: 4-14-2018 4:00pm Mass with the Bishop

Confirmation & 1st Communion

Reception following in Lower Hall

4-14&15-2018 PANTRY PROJECT all Masses

4-15-2018 Youth Group—See Faith Formation Box

4-16-2018 Marian Charismatic Prayer Group

4-17&18-2018 Religious Ed CLASSES-See Faith Formation


4-18-2018 MQP Fellowship Dinner 5:30pm Perkin’s 765

S. 20th

St. West

4-19-2018 Divine Mercy Prayer Group 5:30pm Upper


4-22-2018 Youth Group—See Faith Formation Box

ATTENTION ENGAGED COUPLES The next Catholic Engaged Encounter weekend is April 27-29 in

Great Falls. Today is the last day to register. Sign up now!

Information and registration is available online at

greatfallscee.org. For more information call Brenda and Bill

Chafin 406-771-8658 or Terry and Dave Stukey at 406-788-3027.

A wedding is a day: A Marriage is a Lifetime!