Mary Jo Sagnella & Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE E-RATE: What’s Next?

Mary Jo Sagnella & Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

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E-RATE: What’s Next?. Mary Jo Sagnella & Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE. E-RATE: What’s Next. E-RATE TIMELINE. We are Here:. FY 2013 Applications. FY 2013 Filing window closed March 14 th , 2013 for services that begin on July 1 st , 2013 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Mary Jo Sagnella  &  Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

Mary Jo Sagnella & Amy Krom


E-RATE: What’s Next?

Page 2: Mary Jo Sagnella  &  Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

• Corrections, Changes, Deadlines, Reviews

FY 2013 Applications

• Priority Two fundingDemand Estimates

• Document Retention, PQA, AuditCompliance

• Forms, Bundled Services, Program funding

E-Rate Program Changes

• Student Enrollment data, BandwidthPlanning for 2014

E-RATE: What’s Next

Page 3: Mary Jo Sagnella  &  Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

FallApplicant develops

Technology Plan*Sep- Dec Post Form 470 on

SLD website

28 Days after 470 postingApplicant

chooses vendor, signs contract

Dec – Feb

File Form 471(including “Item

21” attachments)

As 471’s are

processed SLD issues “RAL”

letters to applicant &

service providers

Early SpringSLD reviews applications

April OnwardSLD issues Funding

Commitment Decision Letters

Within 120 Days of FCDL

File Form 486

July 1st

Funding Year begins

July through

JuneReimbursements via discounts or




are Here:

Page 4: Mary Jo Sagnella  &  Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

FY 2013 Filing window closed March 14th, 2013 for services that begin on July 1st, 2013

Item 21 & Form 471 (Services Ordered) certifications by May 15th, 2013

RAL Corrections (Receipt Acknowledgement Letter)

PIA Reviews (Program Integrity Assurance)

FY 2013 Applications

Page 5: Mary Jo Sagnella  &  Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

First Funding “Wave” typically late June/early July

Form 486’s (Receipt of Service Confirmation) must be filed within 120 days

Contact Service Providers to advise of preferred reimbursement method (BEAR/SPI)

FY 2013 Applications

Page 6: Mary Jo Sagnella  &  Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

Don’t forget to collect your 2012 reimbursements!

Service provider must certify Form 472 (BEAR’s)

Don’t wait until October 28th deadline to file!

FY 2012 Reimbursements

Page 7: Mary Jo Sagnella  &  Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

Document Retention◦ 5 years from last date of service, Bills, Contracts, Bidding

Documents, Correspondence

PQA◦ All of the above including cancelled checks, CIPA compliance,

technology plan (if applicable)


Program Compliance

Page 8: Mary Jo Sagnella  &  Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

Priority One (Telecommunications & Internet Access)◦ $2.709 Billion◦ 10% increase from 2012

Priority Two (Internal Connections & Basic Maintenance)◦ $1.760 Billion◦ 18.5% decrease from 2012

FY 2013 Demand Estimates

Page 9: Mary Jo Sagnella  &  Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

Total Demand $4.47 billion◦ Cap set at $2.34 billion

Priority Two Challenges◦ In order to fund 90% schools, would need $1.50-1.60 billion in

rollover funding


FY 2013 Demand Estimates

Page 10: Mary Jo Sagnella  &  Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

More Funding?◦ E-Rate 2.0

Form Changes◦ Form 472, Form 473 & Form 474

Bundled Services◦ FCC proposing cost allocation for all bundled services

Eligible Services List

Possible Program Changes

Page 11: Mary Jo Sagnella  &  Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

Bandwidth◦ Increased demands, E-Rate eligible

Using E-Rate Funding to Enhance Technology◦ Reimbursements can be used for new technology

Boosting Student Enrollment Data◦ Consider surveys/sibling matches

Sign contracts 28 days+ after Form 470 has been posted (Services Requested)

Planning for 2014

Page 12: Mary Jo Sagnella  &  Amy Krom E-RATE ONLINE

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