Martin Doll »Similarity as a Mask. On the Identity Corrections of the ›The Yes Men‹« Literaturnachweis Martin Doll: »Similarity as a Mask. On the Identity Corrections of the ›The Yes Men‹«, in: Maska 21.3-4 (2006), S. 64-75 URL des Texts (Permalink) http://www.mdoll.eu/publikationen_cc/MDoll_Similarity.pdf E-Mail: [email protected] Diese(s) Werk bzw. Inhalt von Martin Doll steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-NichtKommerziell- KeineBearbeitung 3.0 Deutschland Lizenz. Um die Lizenz einzusehen, gehen Sie bitte zu http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/de/ oder schicken Sie einen Brief an Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

Martin Doll »Similarity as a Mask. On the Identity

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Martin Doll »Similarity as a Mask. On the Identity Corrections of the ›The Yes Men‹«


Literaturnachweis Martin Doll: »Similarity as a Mask. On the Identity Corrections of the ›The Yes Men‹«, in: Maska 21.3-4 (2006), S. 64-75

 URL des Texts (Permalink) http://www.mdoll.eu/publikationen_cc/MDoll_Similarity.pdf E-Mail: [email protected]


Diese(s) Werk bzw. Inhalt von Martin Doll steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-NichtKommerziell-KeineBearbeitung 3.0 Deutschland Lizenz. Um die Lizenz einzusehen, gehen Sie bitte zu http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/de/ oder schicken Sie einen Brief an Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

V ameriskem umetniskem dvojcu The YesMensodelujeta Igor Vamos, znan tudi kot MikeBonann, in ]acques Servin, znan tudi kot AndyBichlbaum, ki sta pred tem delovala ze podimenom ®TMark. Prvi je zaslovel z delovanjemv Organizaciji za osvoboditev barbik (BarbieLiberation Organization - BLO).ki je zamenjalazvocne CipegovoreCih barbik in akcijskih figurG. I. ]oe, drugi pa je znan po manipulacijiracunalniske igre Simcopter, kjer so se igralcisoocili z moskimi figurami, 0blecenimi vkopalke, ki so se brez zadrZkov poljubljale. Todav razmisleku, ki sledi, se born ukvarjal zlasti 5

tistimi ponaredki skupine The YesMen, kjer stase umetnika pojavljala predvsem pod imenomSvetovne trgovinske organizacije (WTO).

Vuvodu je treba hevristicno opredeliti pojme:ponaredek je poneverba tiste vrste, pri katerido raz-ocaranja (Ent-Täuschung) ne pride ponakljucju, marvec je njena temeljna lastnost. Topomeni, da zgradba ponaredka obsega tiste vrsterazkrinkanja, ki se mu mora poneverba za vsakoceno izogniti.

Prvi, opisni dei besedila bo predstavil stevilneakcije in jih na siroko komentiral. Drugi dei boposkusal k tem projektom pristopiti analiticno,sklicujoc se na Foucaulta, ter natancnejepredstaviti naCine, kako delujejo, cilje, ki jihzasledujejo, in okoliSöne, iz katerih izhajajo.


Small-Size Maska Menu

The American artist duo "The YesMen" is acollaboration between Igor Vamos, a.k.a MikeBonanno, and ]acques Servin, a.k.a. AndyBichlbaum, who have already worked togetherunder the label ®TMark. The former also becameknown through the Barbie Liberation Organization(BLO).which switched the sound chips oftalkingBarbie-dolls and GJ. ]oe action figures, whilethe latter is known for his manipulation of thecomputer garne Simcopter, whose players wereconfronted with male figures clothed in nothing butbathing trunks kissed one another unrestrainedly.The following considerations, however, will foeuson those fakes by the YesMen in which they largelyappeared in the name of the WTO.

This should be prefaced by a heuristic definitionof terms: the fake is a type of forgery, in whichdis-enchantment (Ent-Tauschung) should not beclassified as accidental, as in the former, but as aconstitutive feature. This means that the design ofthe fake includes the type of disclosure that forgeryis actually supposed to avoid at all costs.

The first, descriptive part of this text will presentseveral actions with commenting them at anygreater length. The second part will then attempt toapproach these projects analytically with recourseto Foucault, presenting a more detailed view of theways in which they work, the goals they pursue,and the conditions that they depart from.


I. P~eK ~lIegeed~'tOjekttW ölwpiHe TM YM lf{eKSkupina The YesMen razume svoja dela kotpopravke identitete. Naj to razlozi kar MikeBonanno: "Tejosnovni ideji pravimo popravekidentitete v smislu: 'V redu, te stvari se nepredstavljajo odkrito ali v svoji naravi skrivajonekaj resnicno grozljivega; to hoceva privleCinadan, pokazati, demonstrirati.' Meniva, da WTOpocne vse te grozne stvari in skoduje ljudem,hkrati pa govori povsem nasprotno. Takonajuzanima popraviti njegovo identiteto, enako kottat iden tite te ukrade identiteto nekega cloveka,da bi z njo opravljal kriminalna dejanja. Ciljavana ljudi, ki jih vidiva kot zloCince, in jim ukradevaidentiteto, da bi jih naredila postene, da bi jihbolj posteno predstavila."O

Vrata si odpirata 5 ponarejenimi spletnimistranmi, ki z varljivo podobnostjo oponasajoizvirnike. Ceprav njihova zgradba, videz in URL(spletni naslov, denimo gatt.org namesto wto.orgali dowethics.com namesto dow.com) ustrezajostranem, po katerih zgledu so izdelane, sta vanjevnesla kriticno snov. Povrsni spletni deskarji- ne-bralci - tega nemara sprva sploh ne opazijo,kar pripelje do teoreticnih poizvedovanj, nakatera skupina seveda odgovori po svoji vesti,a tudi do televizijskih pogovorov in povabil namednarodne konference.

I. A CWl40Jty OOO'Wiw o1J tlte YM lf{eK'4 P~The YesMen conceive oftheir own work asidentity correction. I would Iike to let MikeBonanno explain this point in his own words:"We're calling that sort ofbasic idea identitycorrection Iike saying: 'Ok these things that arenot really presenting themselves honestly orthat hide something about their nature that'sreally scary; we want to bring that out, we wantto show that, we want to demonstrate that.'[ ... 1 We think that the WTOis doing all theseterrible things that are hurting people and theyare saying the exact opposite. And so, we areinterested in correcting their identity in the sameway an identity thief steals somebody's identityin order to basically just engage in criminalpractices. We target people we see as criminalsand we steal their identity to try to make themhonest, to try to present a more honest face."OThe door opener for their practices can be foundin faked web sites that mimic their originals

o Prepis Bonannove izjave v: ehris Smith, Dan Ollman in Sarah Priee, The YesMen , ZDA 2004.Transcipt of a statement by Bonanno in: ehris Smith, Dan Ollman u. Sarah Priee, The YesMen (USA2004).

in: Maska 21.3-4 (2006)

m deceptive sm1ilarity. Though their layout,appearance, and URLs (i.e. gatt.arg instead ofwto.org, dowethics.com instead of dow.com)correspond to the sires they are modelled on,they have been spiked with crirical contenLCursory internet surfers - non-readers - mlghtnot notice this at first, which leads to theoreticalmquiries, which, of course, are answered in allconscience, as weil as television interviews andlI1vitations to international conferences.

1.1. CIt'BC (2001)Bichlbaumu, ki se je predstavljal kot GranwythHulatberi, se je uspelo pojaviti v oddaji postajeCNBC, European Marketwrap (glej sliko)9,in sicer v razpravi 0 globalizaciji, utemeljenina dobicku, kjer je nastopil skupaj z enim odnjenih zagovornikov (Vernon Ellis, predsednikza mednarodno delovanje podjetja Accenture)in enim od njenih kritikov (Barry Coates,direktor organizacije World DevelopmentMovement). Bichlbaum je v pogovoru vse doabsurdnosti izostril stalisce WTO: "Reö moram,da je to dolgorocen problem, ki ima temelje vizobrazevanju. Poiskati moramo naön, kako jih

Robespierru in Abbieju Hoffmanu. Mislim, dabo usmerjanje izobrazevanja proti privatizaciji- koncentraciji sredstev v zasebnem sektorju- samo od se be delovalo v tej smeri, tako dabodo otroci protestnikov odrascali s povsemdrugacnim naborom interesov. "0

1.1. CW'BC (2001)Posing as Granwyth Hulatberi, Bichlbaumwas able to appear on CNBC's "EuropeanMarketwrap" (see image)9 to discuss profit-basedglobalization with one ofirs proponents (VernonEllis, International Chairman of Accenture)and one of its crirics (Barry Coates, Directorof the Warld Development Movement). In thisdiscussion, Bichlbaum sharpened the positionof the WTO to the point of absurdity: "And Ithink I would have to say that this is a long-term problem that comes down to a problem ofeducation. We have to find a way to convinceperhaps not protesters, but the protesters'children, to follow thinkers like Milton Friedmanand Darwin and so on rather than what theprotesters have been reared on - Trotzky, andRobespierre and Abbie Hoffman.

prepricati - nemara ne samih protestnikov, mordapa njihove otroke - naj sledijo mislecem, kot soMilton Friedman, Darwin itn., in ne tistim, obkaterih so odrascali protestniki, torej Trockemu,

Pozar! Menjamo sistem!

..CNBC, European Marke!Wrap, 19. julij 2001July 19th, 2001

And I think that the direction of education beingput into private hands - a concentration ofresources in the private sector - will naturallylead to this result, and we'll see the protesters'

Attention! Change of the systeml

children being reared with an entirely differentset of concerns."O

1.2. TlUltJleIUl. FiH41m(2001)Po zgodnjih izkusnjah iz Salzburga leta 2000,ko je Andy Bichlbaum kot Andreas Bichlbauerzagovarjal prepoved regionalnih navad, kakrsnaje spanska siesta, ter kritiziral nekatere drzave,kot je Italija, ces da so lene in da zavirajoglobalno trgovino,O ne da bi pri tem pozel vsajkanec kritike, je nameraval nastop na Finskemnarediti se bolj provokativen. Priloznost jeprineslo povabilo na srecanje vodilnih osebnostifinske tekstilne industrije na terno Vlakna intekstilije za prihodnost. Navajamo odlomek izgovora "Hanka Hardyja Unruha", v kateremje razlagal, da je bila ameriSka civilna vojna zvidika samoregulacijske ekonomije prostegatrga zgolj potrata denarja. Ce bi Sever in]ugzadeve preprosto prepustila trgu, bi ta namestosuzenjstva kmalu vpeljal kaj uönkovitejsega.Ker je vztrajal pri svojem, je Sever [...] onemogocilsuzenjstvu njegov naravni razvoj v delo nadaljavoO."0 Proti koncu govora je predstavil"neformalno obleko", ki naj bi menedzerjemprihodnosti omogocala nadziranje indiscipliniranje svojih delavcev kjerkoli na svetu,ne glede na njihovo oddaljenost.

Po trditvah skupine The Yes Men govoru niugovarjal nihce, z izjemo neke menedzerke:"Menim, da je bila vasa predstavitev jasna. Bilaje celo sijajna. Mislim, da ste lepo pokazali, kakoblizu morajo biti lastniki tovarn svojim delaveern.Toda naön, kako ste to prikazali. ni bil pravicen[ ... 1 Moske ste predstavili kot lastnike in zenskekot delavke. Toda tudi zenske so lahko lastnicetovarn."O

1.2. TlUltJleIUl. F~ (2001)After early experiences in Salz burg 2000, whereAndy Bichlbaum, a.k.a Andreas Bichlbauerwas able argue in favor of outlawing regionalcustoms such as the siesta in Spain and goingon to defame individual nations such as Italyas lazy and as an impediment to global tradeOwithout drawing even a hint of criticism, theappearance in Finland was meant to be evenmore provocative. The occasion was an invitation

o "Remote labor", koncept, po katerem WTO 5 sistemom posojil in regulacij vzdrzuje ustrezne razmerezu ceneno delovno silo v driavah tretjega sveta, kamor nato izvaia najslabse placana delovna mesta(op. prev.).

o "Towards the Globalization ofTextile Trade", v: Andy Bichlbaum, Mike Bonanno in Bob Spunkmeyer,The Yes Men: The Irue Story ofthe End ofthe World Irade Organization, Disinformation, New York2004, str. 87.

o Prav tam, str. 112.

Opombe za slovenski C1anek

9 Ta in vse druge slike so 5 spletne strani skupine The Yes Men (wwwtheyesmen.org). Objavljene so zliceneo CC (http://creativeeommons.orgjlicensesjncj1.0j).

o "Prime Timei", v: Andy Bichlbaum, Mike Bonanno in Bob Spunkmeyer, The Yes Men: The Irue Story ofthe End ofthe World Irade Organization, Disinformation, New York 2004, str. 59.

o Zdaj je resnienost dohitela predlog "WTO" 0 odpravi sieste; Nacionalna komisija za racionalizacijospanskih delovnih urnikov in uskladitev z delovnimi uroiki drugih drzav Evropske unije, kijezdruienje 72 spanskih predstovnikov razlienih poslovnih skupin, zbrana okrog svetovalca IgnaciaBuquerasa y Bacha, je junija 2005 v javnosti nastopila z motom "Potrebujemo revolucijo v uroikih!".Objavili so celo knjigo z naslovom Toena Spanija (Esparia en hora). Buqueras 5 tem poskusa "osvestitidruzbo glede tega problema". Prim. "Wenn die Siesta für Unruhe sorgt", v: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2. 6.

2005. (Transkript: "On December 27th, 2005, Spain '5 socialist goveroment actually outlawed the siestafor civil servams, adjusting the work day to end earlier". Prim. "Spanish siesta, adios?", http://news.bbc.co.ukj2jhijeuropej4108777.stm, z dne 12. I. 2006.)

Footnotes for English article

This image and oll other illustrations used in this lext comefrom the "Yes Men's" hornepage (\I\f1Nw.

9 theyesmen.org). Unde,. the motto "Take what you want' We live in the Creat/ve Commons", they havebeen provided with the corresponding heenee (http://creativecommons.orgj'hcenses/nc/l.O/)."Prime Timei", in: Andy Blchlbaum, Mlke Bonanno, Bob Spunkmeyer, The Yes Men. The true story 0/

o the end oIthe World Trade Organ/latlOn, New York: DlSinformation 2004, S. 59.

to a meeting 01' the leading figures in the Finnishtextiles industry, held on the subject "Fibersand Textiles for the Future." Here is an excerptfrom the speech held by "Hank Hardy Unruh," inwhich he explained that the American Civil Warhad been a was te 01' money seen from within thelogic ofthe self-regulatary free market economy:"lfthe Narth and South had simply let the marketsort it, they would have quickly given up slaveryfar samething more efficient anyway. By farcingthe issue, the North [...] deprived slavery ofitsnatural development into remote labor."0 Towardthe end 01' his talk, he presented a "leisure suit"that was meant to allow the manager 01' thefuture to control and discipline his workers fromany point in space, no matter how far removedit was.

The Yes Men odloöla za resnejsi pristop.Patern ko so ju povabili, naj imata govorna sreeanju Avstralske zveze raeunovodij(Certified Practicing Accountants Association01' Australia), sta se odloöla, da bosta v njemrazglasila razpust WTO. Andy Bichlbaum,tokrat kot Kinnithrung Sprat, je dejal: "Sseptembrom 2002 bo Svetovna trgovinskaorganizacija, glede na rezultate smernic,katerih edini namen je bil prinesti svetublaginjo in mir, prenehala obstajati v zdajsnjiobliki. V naslednjih dveh letih bomo WTOposkusali vzpostaviti na nova, z novimismernicami, utemeljenimi na drugaenemrazumevanju namenov svetovne trgovine.Nova organizacija bo temeljila na Deklaraciji 0

Clovekovih pravicah Organizacije zdruzenih

Accarding to the Yes Men, no one actuallyobjected, except for a female manager: "Well,I think your performance was clear. It wasbrilliant, in fact. I think you showed very nicelyhow the factory owner needs to be close to thewarkers. But the way you presented it was notfair. [... ] You present it as, the males are theowners and the females are the workers. Butfemales can be factory owners too."0

1.3. Syditeq, Al!4~ (2002)Po teh satirienih posegih sta se elana skupine

Medium-Size Maska Menu

.."Hank Hardy Unruh"na srecanju Vlakna intekstilije za prihodnost16. avgus! 2001"Hank Hardy Unruh" at'Fibers and Textiles forthe Future'August 16th. 2001

narodov, ki bo pO nasem mnenju dobra asnovaza zagotavljanje prednosti eloveskihinteresov pred poslovnimi.0

Obvestilo 0 odloötvi za razpust WTO inpojasnilo zanjo sta hkrati poslala 25.000novinarjem, politikom in tiskovnim agencijam.o tem je ce 10 razpravljal kanadski parlament,razpravo pa je sprozil Clan parlamenta, JohnDuncan: "Po [...] natanenem pregledu trenutnihtrgovinskih praks se je Svetovna trgovinskaorganizacija odloeila, da bo v naslednjih

stirih mesecih prenehala z vsemi operacijami,da popolnega razpusta pa bo prislo da koncaseptembra."O

1.3. Sidiwj, AMbuIfut (2002)After these satirical interventions, the Yes Menopted far a more serious approach. Having beeninvited to hold a talk at the Certified PracticingAccountants Association 01' Australia. theydecided to declare the dissolution 01' the WTO.Speaking as Kinnithrung Sprat, Andy Bichlbaumsaid: "As 01 September 2002. having seen theeffects 01 policies whose only mtent was tobring greater prosperity and pe ace, the WorldTrade Organization in its present fürm will ceaseto exist. Over the next two years, we 01 theWTO will endeavar to launch our organizationanew along dilIerent lines, based on a newund erst an ding ofthe purposes olwarld trade.The new organization will have as its loundationand basis the United Nations Charter 01' HumanRights, which we feel will be a good basis fürinsuring that we will have human rather thanbusiness interests as our boltom lme."O

The announcement 01' the decision to dis salvethe WTO and its explanation was simultaneouslysent to 25,000 journalists, politicians, andnews agencies. In the Canadian parliament, iteven became the subject 01' a debate, in whichthe Canadian MP lohn Duncan Doared thedissolution: "After [...] detailed review 01' currenttrade policy the World Trade Organization hasdecided to effect a cessation 01 all operationsto be accomplished over the next four months,culminating by the end 01 September."O

1.4. 1313C (2004)Najbolj znan ponaredek se je pojavil v medijih3. decembra 2004, ko se je skupina The Yes MenoziromaJude Finisterra pojavil na televizijskemprogramu BBC in ob dvajseti obletnici katastrofev Bhopalu v imenu podjetja Dow Chemicalsrazglasil izplaölo radodarne odskodnine htvamkatastrofe: "Od nesreee je minilo dvajset let inzelo sem vesel, ker lahko razglasim, da se jeDow prvic odloöl prevzeti polno odgovornost zakatastrofo. Imamo program, vreden 12 milijarddolarjev, ki bo koneno in dokoneno poravnal


o "Shut it Down", v: Andy Bichlbaum, Mike Bonanno in Bob Spunkmeyer, The Yes Men: The True

Story ofthe End ofthe World Irade Organization, Disinformation, New York 2004, str. 161.o Prav tam., str. 176.IJi!Prepis BBC World Service, kije bil v iivo predvajan 3. decembra 2004 (ob 9. uri). Prim. http://

www.theyesmen.orgfhijinks/dow/video.html. 20. 12.2005.

11l Kot zanimivost: podobno prakso ponarejevanja uporablja tudi korporacija Dow Chemical:

spletni naslov wwwbhopal.netnaspopelje na stran Mednarodne kampanje za pravico

v Bhopalu. wwwbhopal.compa sponzorira Union Carbide, v lasti Dow Chemical, ki je

odgovorna za tragedijo. (op. prev.)


o fncidentully, reality has by 110W caught up wilh 111e'VVTO's' suggestion 10 oboli.')h ttn

sies/r/' thf:' "The National Commissionfor Rotionolization oISpanish Work Schedules andNormalizatlOn Will.' Thosc ofOther Countn'es oft hc Europt'on Uniall ", an QSSOciClfion of

72 Spurush reprcserHUIIVf) (!rVurwus !Jroj('SSIUIIO! grouJls UI'olil1d 111('Ci)IJ,~IiII(Ii:1 IgIIU([(l Ill!iji!('f()"

Rach wt'TH puhl/(, VI/I/li Iilc 11101/0 "vi/(' 11t'l'd (/ I"I'VO!1I11011 111 \1'(11'/< sr!ll'duk,l" In/ulIl' ,.:.'00'), '/i) dUIl, (1)1\

COl71/T1lssion hus evcll puhlished (I book mllt'd "F\{JUllli l'Il!lorrJ flH'(/I},' "S/I(l111 Oll fiU11

ttll\ WO}', Buqut'ru,'-, wunt<; /u lI1uke (J COfllrthUlwf! /(1 '\/'11\1[1/111,'< S()C!t'IV' rn/lu,'

Sirs/aJUr Unruhe sorgt", 111.'.'5/J(ldeulscht' /eullflt; (~).r),!()O()). (TI(II/~,P(1/(', On Ikcef/l!Ju

SpaHl's SOCIUIJS[ ,l!,OVITIIII1Cnt ocluullv owlrnvl'd 1111' .\Ies/u{ol CIVII.'IT1.'(jlll\,

ro end earltcr. er "Spurllsll Sirs/(/, acfios/" hlt{J:i nt'lvs,hhl((),iJ~'.' Ii/('l!u1l)("·1


{) "'[()vl'ards the Glohali/otion orTex/Jlt Trudl" 111:1111dv BIc/Ii/lCilJfl!, ,1v1!/i(' !-iOIlUIJf)ll, /loh \PiU;!,,,,··,,,,.

{/Ji.:' Yes f\,1e!l The (nu' <,)orv oj'the end oftll(' Vl'wld Fuuil' (lr<UJIIIUIIIIIl,

2004. p. 87

01hid p. 112

o "Shut 11 Down ", in: /\ndv BI( lilhLJlJrn. M/kl HOI!UIlIIO, H(l!J :)i!1I11~'rlll'vt'!, 1'/)1' Y( \

[/1(' end ortht' ~V()rld Tlwle Or);ofll1ul/(ul. fl/<;jll!O!'l!IiJil()!I /()(){ p, l(1!

o JbuJ., P /76

skodo zrtvam, skupaj s 120 tisoc ljudmi, ki bodovse Zivljenje potrebovali medieinsko oskrbo, terhitro in uCinkovito sanirallokaeijo tovarne vBhopalu. "tOOl

Dow je za odgovor potreboval dve uri, v tem casupa so intervju predvajali dvakrat. Frankfurtskaborza je zaznala kratkorocen padee vrednostidelnie druzbe Dow, ki je povzroöl skupno skodov viSini dveh milijonov dolarjev. Po intervjujuje The Yes Men novinarjem takoj poslaI se enponarejen odgovor Dow Chemieal. Ta je, meddrugim, vseboval naslednje izjave: "Dow NEbo izplacal NOBENIH odskodnin ali priskrbelmedicinske oskrbe 120 tisoc prebivalcemBhopala, ki jo potrebujejo. Zrtvam Bhopala soBllE ZE izplacane odskodnine; mnogi so pred letiprejeli priblizno 500 ameriskih dolarjev, kar vlndiji pokrije eeloletno zdravstveno oskrbo. [... ]Ponoviti moramo, da je druzba Dow odgovornazgolj in samo svojim delnicarjem."(!l

1.4. 'B'Be (2004)The most well-known fake hit the press onDeeember 3rd, 2004, when the Yes Men arJude Finisterra appeared on the BBC in thename of Dow Chemieals on oceasion of the 20year anniversary 01' the Bhopal eatastrophe toannounee that a generous eompensation wouldbe paid out to the vietims on loeation: "It's 20years sinee the disaster and today I am very veryhappy to announee that for the first time Dowis aeeepting full responsibility for the Bhopalcatastrophe. We have a 12-billion-dollar-planto finally and at long last fully compensate thevictims including the 120 000 who may needmedical care far thelr entire lives and to fully andswiftly remedlate the Bhopal plant site."O

It took two hours for Dow to respond, so that themterview was aired twice. The Frankfurt stockexchange reglstered short -term losses of the Dowstock 01 two million dollars in total. After theintervIew, the Yes Men immediately sent anothertorged rebullal from [)ow Chemical to the press.

Small-Size Maska Menu

Among other things, it contained the followingwording: "Dow will NOT commit ANY fundsto compensate and treat 120 thousand Bhopalresidents who require lifelong care. The Bhopalvictims have AlREADY been eompensated; manyreceived about 500 US-Dollars several years ago,which in India can cover a full year of medicalcare. [... 1 [Wie must reiterate that Dow's sole andunique responsibility is to its shareholders."W

.. "Jude Finisterra" naBBC World Service,predvajanem v zivo3.deeembra 2004 ob 9. uri"Jude Finisterra" on theBBC "World Service",broadcast live onDeeember 3, 2004 (9am)

..MP John Duncan naslovikanadski parlamentMP John Duneanaddresses the Canadianparliament

Po tem kratkem pregledu zdaj zelim pretehtatiprojekte skupine z analiticne perspektive.

Following this brief overview, I would now liketo attempt to consider these projects from ananalytieal perspective.


(!lPrim. http://www.dowethics.com/r/about/corp/bbc.htrn. 20.12.2005.


o Tral1scnpt oIBBes "World ServIce", broadcast live on Decernber 3rd, 2004 (9arn). Cf http://wwwtheyesl11en.org/hlJinks/dow/vldeo.htrnl, Qccessed 20.12.2005.

W Cf http://www.dowethlcs.col11/r/about/corplbbc.htrn. accessed 20.12.2005 .


2. 'PtlIUlIWlki Ut lIji/«w u&ek2. TIte Fnku tu«L fkeVt IllljIad

Moj pristop se bo vprasati, kaksen je odnosmed ponaredki in razmerji moö, ki obvladujejoposamezna podroeja ali diskurze. Kot nakazujeze terminologija, ki ja uporabljam, se bornskliceval na Foucaulta, ögar metoda omogoeadiferenciran. mikroanalitieen pogled na tepojave. Pri tem opozarjam na nekatere ideje iznjegovega dela Arheologija vednosti (Archeologiedu savoir), ceprav jih born pozneje povezal zanalizo razmerij moei, 0 katerih govorimo.

My approach will ask how the fakes relate tothe power relations and forees that dominatetheir respeetive fields ar diseourses. As theterminology I am using already implies, Iwould like to reeur to Foueault, whose thinkingpermits a differentiated, mieroanalytieal viewofthese phenomena. In doing so, I wouldlike to refer to a number of ideas from hisArcheologie du savoir, though I willlatereonneet these with an analysis of the power-re lations in question.

Foucault proti koncu Arheologije vednostirazmislja 0 "drugih arheologijah" poleg tistih,ki so usmerjene v diskurz humanistienih ved.Te, denimo, obsegajo arheologijo, ki poskusaopisati, kako je politieno obnasanje druzbe,skupine ali razreda prezeto z doloeeno stalnodiskurzivno prakso. Ta "druga arheologija"''[. .. ] bi opredelila tisto prvino politike, ki lahkopostane objekt izrekanja, oblike, ki jih lahkozavzame taksno izrekanje, koneepte, ki jihobsega, in strateske odloötve, ki jih sprejema."t!JFoueault je ta projekt razvijal v obdobju,ko je razmerja moö, ki so na delu v diskurzu,razumel predvsem kot naeeli izkljueevanja inzapiranja; ta pristop je pozneje zavrgel, ali sebalje, razsiril ga je, da je obsegal produktivnevidike moö. Toda 0 tem vee pozneje.

Toward the end of his Archeologie du savoir,Foueault eonsiders 'other areheologies' asidefrom those direeted toward discourses in thehumanities. For example, these also include anareheology that attempts to describe how thepolitieal behavior of a society, group, ar class

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IS permeated by a certalll, regular dlseursivepraxIs. This 'other areheology' ''[. .. 1 woulddefine the element in polities that ean becomean objeet of enunciation, the forms that thisenuneiatlOll may take, the eoneepts that areemployed in it, and the strategie choices thatare made in it."$ Foueault develops this projectat a time in whleh he pnmarily understanclsthe power-relations at wark ll1 diseourse aspnneiples of exclusion and closure, an approachthat he later diseards, ar better vet, expands toinclude the productive aspeets oi power, Butmore on this later.

V povezavi s Foucaultovo arheologijo zelimbralca opomniti na njegov pojem "modalnostizrekanja", ki ga, med drugim, pojasni sprimerom doktorja znanosti kot osebnosti.apredeljene s statusam, ki ima pravico nekajizreö, kar vodi da 10giene ga sklepa, da druginimajo te praviee.$ Dejanja skupine The Yes Menbi lahko s te ga zornega kota, torej z zornegakota izkljuötve nekaterih izrekanj, pojmovalitakole: pod krinko rabe konvencionalnihobjektov in oblik izrekanja naredi korak naprej,s ömer omogoö izrekanju, ki je sicer izkljucenoiz nekega diskurza, da se pojavi "tajno". "Nogomed vrati" za ponaredke WTO lahko najdemov ponarejenih spletnih straneh skupine TheYes Men, ki jih bodo povrSni raziskovalcinasli ob pomoö spletnih iskalnikov. Pri temni pomembno zgolj oblikovanje, ki je varljivopodobno uradnim stranem, kljueno vlogo odigratudi URL. Prav URL (Uniform Resource Locator)je edinstven in jasen oznaeevalec spletnegavira. Ce pustimo ob strani tehnicne podrobnosti- 0 teh sem vec pisal na drugem mestut!J - najzadostuje, da imajo vse datoteke in povezave,da katerih pristopamo prek tega vira, navidezedinstven in jasen naslov; stern postanejozanesljiv vir, vir, ki ga lahko navajamo. Se vec,metaforicni pojmi, kot so domaca stran, spletnomesto ali domena, nakazujejo, da so datotekevezane na dolocena mesta. Dovolj je samopomisliti na spremembo statusa dokumenta,ee da njega dostopamo neodvisno od strani, hkateri pripada: izjava za medije izgubi tezo, ce nivec vezana na avtoriteto izrekanja - lokaliziranana da 10ce no spletno mesto. Tako se nekatereregulirane modalnosti izrekanja - na primerstatus izrekanja, vezan na uradne ustanove

ali podjetja - prenesejo na njihovo "spletnoprisotnost", prisvojiti pa si jih je mozno nazgoraj omenjene naCine.

In connectiall wlth Foucault's imlwology, Iwoulcllikc to relll111CItJ1L'rl',lcl"r hIS terman 'eIlUJ1ClalIVe 1110c!;!llty', \,vl1lcll hc' l'XplillllS

amollg othcr lhmg, thl'lJl!gh tlw l'xamp!L- 01 iI

cloctor as a status-dl'fll1ecl perSO!li;[ltv that I1,lsthe nght to artlculate sOI11ethmg, wllllh !L-dclsto thC' logicid cOllcluSlCJl1 thdt otllL'rs cio not 11d\'('

lhls nghUb ()l1e cOl1id cOllSleler tlH' y"s Mell',sdctlons 11'0111thls perspectlvl'. 1l,111ll'lv111llglllur t11<.' exclUSlon 01 Cl'rtdlll l'I1UllCldtiOl1s: II I! (1ci

the gUlse of Llslng (()l1VC'lltlOlldl L'llllllCldtJ\/l'

objects imd l"r111s. Ihey tah' d Sl'CO!ln stlT.successfully allovvlng C'nunC!i.lt ions 01 hl'r\oV1Sl'

lell aSlde (U'. excludecl) hv il ,c.IVl'nclI5C()\11'SeI"dppear "under the countC'r TIH' 'door openers101'the WTO~fc\kes Cdn bc I"und 111tlw Yl'SMen~';iilked websitC's, wluch cursory rl'sC'lIrclwr5 WIllchance upon through Sl'ilrch C'ng1l1es, HC're, nOIonly the design, whlch IS decqJtlvC'ly s1l1111ar\(Jthat 01 the ofllcial s1Ies. hut tlw lJKL itseli playsa crucidl roll', In filet, tlw [IRI. (UIlI!omll<c\ou/(l'

I.ocotor) stilne!s 101'an lInamblguous ane! unlCjnl'localization 01 aresourCl' Oll thC' web. V\IJ! hULItdwellmg on the teclllllcdl e!etaJls t hdVC'alreaclvwritten on thls subwct C'lsC'whC're'1J- sl1fflce Itto say t hat files anel l111ksdCU'5Sl'c1t hrough thlssource seeIT11ngly havl' an l1ndmhlguous amIul1lCjue ade!ress. As such. t liey hl'cume CltablcSOURes. MorC'ovC'r, 111l'tdphorJcai terms such il5h0111epage, weh Sltl', or e!0111a1l11I11plythat lill'sare bound to parllcu]ar p)ilces. OnC' neC'e!sonlvto conslder the change m status d e!oCl1111entundergoes when It 15accl'ssl'cl 1I1e!epemJcnt Iyofthe sill' It helungs to: a press re!l'ilse loses 11wCIght when It IS no langer coup!l'cI tu a specldlenunCldtivC' authurJty to lts lucall!atlon onthe site m Cjuesllon. Tlms, cerla1l1 regulatl'e!enunclativ(' n10dalities t.'.g. thC' enUl111dtlve

status connl'cted tu offlnal1l1stitutlOns ur(On1pdllles also carry OVl'r onto t1"1elr ""vch

presencc' amJ can be apprupnatl'cl t hmugh t Iwmeans 111entionee! above

Toda taktika skupine The Yes Men je stern,ko ji je uspelo opustiti internet v zameno zadruge oblike komunieiranja, segla veliko dlje odtaksnega prisvajanja. Kajti tako prisvojena

Opambet!JMichel Faucault, The Arehaeology ofKnowledge, Routledge, London 1992,stl'. 194,

Prim. Foueault, The Archeology, str. 51.$Prim. Martin Doll, "Über das Wahre im Falschen", v: Thomas Barth et al. (Hg.), Mediale$Spielräume, str. 153~160,


m fl.1/cllt'l hlUCiiJiIi Jlu' /\!(I)(U(lltl)~V 1',1

'!1 cr FO!lcllu!r, TI]I' /11'l"iu'o!o\',v

'!J CI il]UrtlilJ)(I[J du\ ,'m h,!\(


avtoriteta namrec deluje tudi v resnicnemzivljenju, v govorih in pojavljanjih, opisanihzgoraj. To avtoriteto dodatno podkrepiupostevanje konvencionalnih pravil diskurza(govorjenje 0 dolocenih objektih z dolocenimipojmi). V ze omenjenih nastopih je to pripeljalodo toliksne stopnje prepoznavnosti, da so bilacelo skrajna pretiravanja sprejeta kot nekajdanega, tako da je lahko skupina The YesMen pred pretezno akademskim obCinstvomizrekala najodvratnejse neoliberalisticne vizijeprihodnosti, ne da bi naletela na kakrsenkoliodpor ali kritiko. Metaforicno receno, poslusalciso v njih videli potrditev lastnega diskurza,ceprav se je zdaj pokazal v zakrivljenem zrcalu,kot popacena podoba, ki postane vprasljiva, koje ponaredek razkrinkan in predstavljen javnosti.

111(' Yes Ml'll's LieUe ~oes lai hl'yoncl thlsdppruPlldtlOl1 WhCll thc'y sUCCl'ecllll le<!vlllgIwhlllci thc Illll'rnel III ldvor ofolh,'r(OmmUlllcatlve fOfUlllS. BL'CdllSL' thl' authn!'ltv

1hu\ appropndtl'd contlI1l1C'S to vvork in real

111t 111' Lilks dncl dppedldnces c1esenlwclab"vl' WIl,lt 'Inlplllll'S tlw; IS the ,1Ijirl1ldtlOll

CO!1Vt,\llllOlldl tIiSCUrSl\'l' l"ull's (spedkillg

;li)(lUl U.'rtdill nh)cct,<. ill Cl'rtllll1 tenns). In

tlw dfon'l1li'llll(J!1l'(! ;ljljh'dl,-lI1CeS, this kd to

Small-Size Maska Menu

,)lhh d high degr('(' of recogllltl()]) 1hat L'V('11

extrC'l11C cxaggeratlOl1S wert' dcccI1Lecl dS such.so thdt tlw Yes Ml'1l colllci enunlldtc 11](' mostd11cldClOllSl1l'o-hheral VISIons of tlw futurl'in frol1t of Cl largt'ly acadL'nllC puhllC \vlthoulIllttUlg llPOll dny resIstaJl(l' 01' entlClsmwhatsoeveL 01', to put it I1letdphoncal1v,Ibe bstellers saw that their clisCllUrSl' washeUlg conlirmed, even il it now appearecl111d cltstortecl mirror, a elistorteclImage thatbecomes questionahle whcn the fake isdlsclosed emcl made public.

Kot sem ze omenil, se v prvi vrsti zelim opretina pristop, ki ga je Foucault razvil po tem,ko je ze spisal Arheologijo. Odlicen povzetektega pristopa najdemo v nekaksni sklepnibesedi k delu Dreyfusa in Rabinowa MichelFoucault. Onkraj strukturalizma in hermenevtike(Michel Foucault. Beyond Structuralism andHermeneutics).

I!owever. as I have alreacly llnpliecl, I wouldpnmanly like to reeur to an approach takenbv FOllcault anel clevelopeel after wnting the"Archeo]ogy" An ex(ellent summary olthisdpproacli (dn be found in an alterworel 01 sortsIn Drevlüs ,md RablIlow's "MIchel Foucault.lJeyonci Structuraltsm ancl Hermeneuties."

Splosno znano je, da Foucault moCi ne razumekot substance: moc ni niti fundamentalnadanost niti lastnost v lasti enega ali drugegapola. Moc je zanj struktura razmerij, razmerjemed posamezniki ali skupinami. Potemtakemse kljucno vprasanje, ko gre za moc, ne glasi"'Kako se kaze?', marvec 'S katerimi sredstvi seuveljavlja?' in 'Kaj se dogaja, ko posameznikuveljavi (kot pravijo) svojo moc nad drugimi?"'QilTOelato uveljavljanje moCi ni zgolj razmerjemeel individualnimi ali kolektivnimi partnerji,niti ni moc kot taka. Obstaja le, ko se uveljavljaprek dejanja: "Dejansko razmerje moCi definirato, da je oblika delovanja, ki na druge ne delujeneposredno in takoj. Namesto te ga deluje nanjihova elejanja, kot dejanje nad dejanjem;uönkuje na obstojeca dejanja ali na tista, kise utegnejo v sedanjosti ali prihoelnosti selezgoditi.«IQ

As IS generally kllown, hlUedult does notconeeptualize power as a substance: It IS l1L'lthera fundamental given, or nor 15 It a properlyownccl bv one pole dnd not by thc olher. Insleaci,power 15 cl Iramework olreidtI0I1S, cl relatIOnbet,wen lI1chviduals 01' grollpS. Ihus. thc keyCjuestiol! 111relation to power IS nol '''how eloes

It maIllfest itselfi' but 'By what means is itexereisecl')' anel "What happens when inelividualsexert (as they say) power over others?"'$ TlllSexertlon 01' power, however, is not slmplya relation between 111e1Ivielualor eollectIvepartners, nm is it power as such. Instead, itonly exists when it is exerteel through action:"ln eHeet, what elefines a relatliJnship 01' poweris that lt is a moele of action whieh eloes not aetelireetly anel immeeliately on others. lnstead itacts upon their actions: an actIon upon an actIon,on existll1g actions 01' on those which may anseIII the present 01' the future.",!>

Foucault jasno razlikuje med to oblikodelovanja in nasiljem, saj nasilje izniö moznostza delovanje. V tem primeru je upor lahkozgolj pasivnost. Nasprotno pa razmerja moöpredpostavljajo, da je kolektivni ali individualnidrugi (nad katerim se uveljavi moc) prepoznanin ohranjen kot dejaven partner: "In da se vsoocenju Z razmerjem moCi lahko razpre celopolje odzivov, reakcij, rezultatov in moznihizmisljij."lD Seveda se razmerja moCi in rabanasilja ne izkljucujeta. In vendar Foucault mednjima analiticno razlikuje. Rabo nasilja moramorazumeti kot sredstvo ali uCinek razmerja moCi,ne pa tudi kot nacelo uveljavljanja moCi kot take.


QilMichel Foucault, "Ajterword. The Sub)ect and Power", v; Huben L. Dreyfus in Paul Rabmow, MichelFOllcault. Beyond Strueturalism and Hermeneutics, University ofChicago Press, Chicaga 1983, str. 217.

IQMlchrl Faucault, "Ajterward. The Subject and Power", v; Huberr L. Dreyfus in Paul Rabinow, MichelFaucauli. Beyonä SlruclUralism and Hermeneutics, Unlversity afChicago Press, Chicago 1983, str. 220.

tD Prav tarn.

1083. {J


1!J,i'{ fJ. ;!](J

"Lahko kopiö mrtve in se skriva za kakrsnimikoligroznjami. Toda izvajanje moö samo po sebi ninasilje [... ]. Ta je celovita struktura dejanj, ki seuveljavljajo nad moznimi dejanji."1])

Foucault clearly differentiates this mode ofaction from violence, since violence cuts offany possibility for action at all. In this case,resistance can only be passivity. Power relations,in contrast, presuppose that the collective orindividual other (over whom power is exerted)is recognized and retained as an acting partner:"[A]nd that, faced with a relationship ofpower, a whole field of responses, reactions,results, and possible inventions may openup."!I> üf course, power relations and the useof violence are not mutually exclusive. Yet still,Foucault differentiates them from one anotheranalytically. The latter should be understood asa means ar effect of the former, but not as theprinciple of exerting power as such. "[I]t can pileup the dead and shelter itself behind whateverthreats it can imagine. In itself the exercise ofpower is not violence [... ]. lt is a total structureof actions brought to bear upon possibleactions."$

Potemtakem razmerja moö vplivajo na naön,kako se nekdo ob nasa na bolj ali manj odprtempolju dejanj. Ta pomeni, da Foucault razumeprisotnost svobode kot enega od predpogojevmoö: "Mac se uveljavlja zgolj nad svobodnimisubjekti [... ]. Stern imamo v mislih individualneali kolektivne subjekte, soocene s poljemmoznosti, kjer se lahko uresniöjo razlicnadejanja in raznolika vedenja. Kjer dolocujoödejavniki prezemajo celoto, ne moremo govoritio razmerjih moö; suzenjstvo ni razmerje moö,ce je Clovek vklenjen. (V tem primeru govorimo 0

fizicnem razmerju omejevanja.)"~ Posledica tegaje oblika medsebojnega razmerja, ki je hkratizapletena in nevarna, agonizem, ce uporabimoFoucaultovo terminologijo, nenehen spopad medmocjo in neuklonljivo svobodo.~ Ta medsebojnorazmerje pa ni igra na vse ali nic'2l:'ilposedovanjemoö ene strani ni proporcionalno z izgubo moödruge. Namesto te ga je treba svobodo razumetikot predpogoj in stalni steber izvajanja moö;brez nje je mac zgolj in samo nasilje.

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Thus, power relations affect the manner inwhich one behaves on a more or less open fieldof action. This means that Foucault sees thepresence of ffeedom as one of the prerequisitesfor power: "Power is exercised only over freesubjects [.. 1. By this we mean individual orcollective subjects who are faced with a fieldof possibilities in which several reactions anddiverse comportments may be realized. Wherethe determining factors saturate the wh oIethere is no relationship of power; slavery IS notapower relationship when man is in chains.(In this case it is a question of a physicalrelationship of constraint.)"'!! This results ina form of interrelation that is both complexand dangerous, an agonism in Foucault'sterminology, a permanent provocation betweenpower and unrelenting freedom.1]) Thisinterrelation is no zero-sum-game']): one side'spossession of power is not proportionate toother side's lack thereof. Instead, freedom mastbe understood as both the prereqmsite andthe permanent pillar of the exertion of power;otherwise, power would be pure coercion orsimple violence.

Z drugimi besedami: brez moznosti za upor bibila mac enakovredna absolutni dolocenostiprek drugega. Potemtakem razmerij moö nemore biti brez dolocenih tock nepokornosti,ki so per definitionem sredstva pobega. Takose svoboda hkrati kaze kot nekaj, kar moranasprotovati uveljavljanju moö, uveljavljanju,katerega namen je, da jo v celoti doloca. Cekljub vsem kompleksnim tockam povezave sevedno zelimo govoriti 0 dveh polih, provokacijamed mocjo in svobodo obstaja v dejstvu,da ena stran deluje kot nenehna nevarnostdrugi, cetudi sta nelocljivo povezani.~ Tako sevsakemu uveljavljanju moö neogibno zoperstavipotencialno nasprotno delovanje; vsakemudelovanju upora pa reakcija, ki naj zagotovinadaljnje uveljavljanje moö. Tako lahko Foucaultizbere oblike upora kot izhodiSce za raziskavorazmerij moö: "Da bi razumeli razmerja moö,moramo morda najprej raziskati oblike upora inposkuse razdruZitve teh razmerij." Ta novi

pristop "uporabi upor kot kemicni katalizatar,da bi osvetlil razmerja moö, jih lociral ter odkrilnjihova torisca in naöne, kako se uveljavljajo".'1)

In other wards, without the possibllity forresistance, power would be tantdmoullt toabsolute determination through the other.Thm, there can be no power relation withoutcertain points of disobedience, which aremeans 01' escape per de[iniUoncm. Thus, lreedomsimultaneously appears as so met hing that has tooppose the exertion 01' power, an exertion thataims at determinmg it entirely. Ir one wants tospeak oftwo poles despite all ofthe complexpoints of connection, the provocation bet w('cnpower and fi-eedom consists in the fact that oneside constitutes a permanent danger far theother, even irthey are inseparably conneetedto one another.~ Thus, every exertlOn of poweris irreducibly opposed by potential counter-behavior; every resistant action is opposed byareactIOn that would ensllre the continuedexertion of power. In this way, Foucault is ableto choose forms of reslstance as a point ofdeparture m analyzing power relations: "[Ijnorder tOllnderstand what power relatIOns areabout, perhaps we should investigate the fonnsofresistance and attempts made to dissoClatethese relatIOns." Thls new approach "conslsts 01

lIsing this resistance as a chemlcal catalyst soas to bring to light power relations, locate theirposition, find out thelr pomt 01' appllCatJon andthe methods used."'2l

Za Foucaulta zivljenje v druzbi pomeni, dalahko ena skupina vedno vpliva na dejanjadruge skupine. kar pomeni, da se vedno znovavzpostavljajo razmerja moCi. Potemtakem sorazmerja moö globoko zakoreninjenav druzbeno celoto; razmisljanje 0 tem, da bijih odpravili, je tako rekoc utopicno. Toda tegane smemo razumeti kot poziv k resignaciji innedejavnosti. Nasprotno, dejstvo. da druzba brezrazmerij moCi ne more obstajati, pomeni tudi- v luCi diskurza, ki sem ga pravkar razkril - daje upor vedno mozen in da bi lahko obstajaladruzba z drugacnimi razmerji moCi, kot so

Opombe'DPrav tom.iV Prav tarn, str. 221.

~ Prim. prav tom, str. 222.'2lZera-sum-game: v teoriji iger vrsta igre, kjer to, kar pridobi en igra/ee, izgub/ drugi, tako da]e koncni

sestevek "tock" nie. Taksna igra]e, na primer, sah - ce igra/ee zmaga, naspratnik Izgubi (ap. prev.).'il Prim. prav tom, str. 217.~ Prim. prav tom, str. 221f'il Prav tom, str. 211.




lD Ibld. 1'. Ü I

I]) Cf Ibld. p. 222

~ cr Ibld, p. 217

'll Cf. Ibld, p. 2211

'li I/Jid 1'.211.


sedanja. Kot pravi Foueault: "Kajti reCi, dadruzba ne more obstajati brez razmerij moCi,ni enako kot reCi, da so obstojeca razmerjamoCi nujna [... ). Raje born rekel, da so analiza,izpopolnjevanje in preizprasevanje razmerijmoCi ter 'agonizem' med razmerji moCi inneprehodnostjo svobode politicna naloga,inherentna eelotnemu druzbenemu obstoju."~

10 Fuu(.ltilt, !Ivlng 111sou('ty llleal1S that It~tl\VdVSp()sSI!Jlc lor ()l1l' group lu al'lccl

tih: <.lLt uf llllothcr group, lTH'dning lhatrel,iI]()m wtll ansl' l()J1ttJ1u()usiv T!Jus,

P()V\/('j l"l'latliJliS <.Ire dl'l'ply rooled In thc social\vholf..': t!wir aholltlOl1 tlJus beC01l1l'S lnt!clllore: ]1;\11 d lItnpld. ThIS, howl'vel", should not be;~ll"\ll1ClcTstood dS d piCd III LJvor 01"rcsigndtion

llldCtiVlt~,i. ()uJtl' on the cOlltrary: the f~lct

Illere Cdll 1)(' 11()souct V Wlt hUllt po",vcrl"11l'dl1:' 111light 01' th{' discourse

lInt'nldcd t 11d1.f\'SlstdllCl' 1'; ahVllYCi

dild thell then.' CHdd be d socielv11 dlfkrl'llt DP\Vl'r relations lh<.J!l thc OI1CS

lt pn.'sl'nt /\s hlllCdult pul s Jt: 'Tor tu SdV

ilu'L lhl'I"l' Cdll!lot bc d s()(iety Wlt!lout povvl'r

rC'l;.lt i(llle., IS nnt 1Cl ';d\' ('ir hel" t hdt Ihose 'vv!lJch

l·'~Lii)ll,,;il('d <Ire' neuissary I I lnstcdd 1

t Ildt [1H' <llldlY;-;IS, l'lab()1'<I!it)Jl, dncl

lido CjlH''i!lll1; olpowef rl'latlullS dlld

: tlC dg\lI1iSlll IwtWt'VIl pUlver reldtlollS dnd tl1e

l!l!.ldij'-=lllvltV Il\'l,(j;)lll IS d peLTlldlll'li! POlltlC;ll

JIj ,11: <neId] l'XlSti..:'llU'."~IJ

Iz tega sledi, da Foueault ne poskusa doloöti"primamega in temeljnega nacela moCi", kivlada druzbi vse do najmanjse podrobnosti,marvec. kolikor je le mozno, razlikovati

Small-Slze Maska Menu

med razmerji moö: "Ce izhajamo iz moznostidelovanja nad dejanji drugih [... l. iz razlicnihoblik individualne neenakosti, ciljev, iz danegaizvajanja moCi nad nami ali drugimi, iz razlicnihstopenj deIne ali popolne institucionalizacije,iz bolj ali manj nameme organizacije, lahkodoloCimo razlicne oblike moCi, Te oblike inposamezne situacije medsebojnega obvladovanjaIjudi v dani druzbi so mnogotere; prekrivajo se,krizajo, uveljavljajo svoje meje, vcasih se medseboj izkljucujejo in vcasih spodbujajo,""ü Jasnoje, da v nekaterih oblikah in na nekaterih mestihobstaja vec moznosti, kake oblikovati polje moznihdejanj drugega. Toda vseeno, Foueaultu njegovpristop omogoö raziskati razmerja moCi tako navelikih vzorcih kot tudi v najmanjsih kapilarahdruzbenega, na primer v institucijah poroke alidruzine.

lt follows that Foucault IS not trying to fixate "apnmarv ami fundamental pnnClple 01' power"lilal clominates society down to the smilllestdl'taIl. hut tu dliferentiate power relations as laI'.1\ pusslhl,,: "iT]akmg as pOInt uf departure thepusstbllJlY 01' actIon upon the action of others

I, multIple forms of mdlvldual dispanty, 01'()IJJl'(tives, uftlll' glvcn applicatIOIl 01' power overuursl'lves ur others, or. m varying degrl'l's, partial01' universal Il1SlItuuonalIzatioJ1, 01' more or lessdl'illwrate organizalIon, olle can definl' difTl'relltfönm ofpower. The forms illld the speclflcSituations 01 the govl'rnment 01' men hy one:mol !Jer III Clglven SOCll'ty Me multiple: t hey aresupenmposed, they cross, lmpOSl' thclr own liI1llts,so;netlnH:'S caflce! one anothcr out, sorllctinlesH'lnCurlL-' Olle' drJOtlWr.""'Z, lt gOl'S wilhout SdYII1g

t lldt in SOll1C lorrns 01' placcs hdVl' J110re options


W Pmv lam, str. 223.

$ Prav tarn, sU: 224.

~ Pnm. prav tam, str. 284.

than elsewhere to strueture the others' field 01'possible action. Still, Foueault's approach allowshirn to examine power relations on both a largescale as weH as in the smallest soeietal capIllaries,in the institutions of matrimony or the family, forexample.

Tako je cilj, po eni strani, zagovarjati mocponaredkov v tej zapleteni druzbeni mrezirazmerij, po drugi pa jih omejiti na njihov bistvenipotencial: konee koneev skupina The Yes Men zgoljparazitsko napada dele te mreze razmerij moCi.Zato se zelim usmeriti na razmerja komunikacij ininstitucionalne mehanizme moCi, ce tega nisemze storiL Skupaj s Foueaultom velja opozoriti, darazmerij komunikacij ne smemo razumeti kotnecesa z lastnostmi razmerij moCi. Ta razloceknam omogoca raziskati, do kaks ne mere razmerjamoCi delujejo znotraj razmerij komunikacij, alibolje povedano, kake so med seboj povezanarazmerja moö in razmerja komunikacij.~

Thus, the goal is, on the one hand, to assert thepower of fakes in this eomplex soeial network01' rl'lations, but on the other, it is also to ilmltthem to thelr intrinsie potential: after all, the YesMen only parasiticaHy attaek partial areas 111thISnetwork 01' power relations. In this case, I wouldltke to limit my own foeus to thl' communicativerelatIOns and ll1stitutional meehal1lsms of power,if I have not alrl'ady done so. In regard to theformer, we should emphasize, with FOllcault, thattlll'Y cannot be seen as one with power relationsor as their aspect. Their separation makes ilpossible to examine in how far power relatIOns areat work wlthin commul1lcative relations, or, bettel'yct, how power relations and commulllcativerelations are ilnkecJ to one ilnother.'b

v luCi zgoraj razlozenega born zdaj poskusilpo korakih slediti praksi skupine The Yes Men,Skupina The Yes Men si s ponarejanjem spletnihmest prisvoji modalnosti izrekanja, povezanez dolocenim statusom. Ko Foueault razlagato specificno obliko obstoja diskurza oziromadiskurzivnih praks, nam predstavi odlicen primer:do konea osemnajstega stoletja ni bilD nobenevecje razlike med diskurzorn zdravnika sarlatanain diskurzorn pravega zdravnika, Toda na nekitocki se je zacel medicinski diskurz organiziratiokrog dolocenega stevila norm in praviL Ceprav


ta niso omogoöla nobenih novih odloötev gledekakovosti zdravnika, so omogoöla razlikovanjemed resnicnimi zdravniki in sarlatani. Toda to neizkljucuje moznosti, da bi se nekdo pretvarjal,da je zdravnik, stern ko bi posnemal medicinskidis kurz in govoril neresnicne stvari, ceprav nisposoben delovati kot resnicen zdravnik; sevedno torej deluje kot sarlatan. To pomeni zgoljto, da mora diskurz te osebe "[ ... ] sam po sebiupostevati druge norme, kot jih sarlatan".~ Cebesedo francoskega izvora sarlatan razumemo vsirs em pomenu, lahko Foucaultovo razmisljanjeprenesemo na ponarejevalce in ponaredke. 0cem mora nekdo govoriti - s kaksnimi pojmiin v skladu s katero teorijo - kate re normemora upostevati, da ga bodo prepoznali kotresno figuro in da bo lahko v ciljne dis kurzeumescal ponaredke? V tem kontekstu je trebapoudariti, da tako raba (strokovni govor) kotzloraba (ponaredek) sledi istim normam inpravilom. Prav to naredi analizo ponaredkovtako zanimivo, se posebno, ce ne analiziramozgolj ponarejenih artefaktov, temvec tudivpletene posameznike in posledice ponaredka.Potemtakem lahko ponaredki in poneverbe,ko so razkrinkani, na poseben naön razkrijejonekatere zakonitosti, ceprav ta razkritja nisonikoli absolutna ali neizpodbitna. Skupina TheYes Men se parazitsko pripne na eksplicitno alisporazumno regulirane komunikacije institucij,kot sta WTO ali Dow Chemical, z javnostjo.Kdorkoli govori v njihovem imenu, tj. uporabljanjihove oblike izrekanja, si prisvoji njihov statusinstitucije in stern pridobi doloceno moc naddejanji drugih. Pri razumevanju eksperimentalneanalize razmerij moö znotraj dolocenih institucijmoramo omeniti, da to omogoö zelo jasnoizpostaviti nekatere oblike izrekanja. Todaobenem taksni mehanizmi najprej delujejo vkorist ohranjanja institucije, tako da tovrstnaeksperimentalna analiza razkriva predvsemznotraj-institucionalne mehanizme.~ Na tejformalni ravni ponaredek ne izjavlja nicesaro tem, kako WTO doloca globalne ekonomskeakcije; toda razkrije pa veliko 0 razmerjihkomunikacij organizacij in institucij, ki vabijo(na primer, kako status avtoritet doloca dis kurzin kako se kdo sme obnasati, kadar se sooö zavtoriteto).

Medium-Size Maska Menu

I will now try to retrace the Yes Mcn's prclXISstep by step, in the light of the aspectsexplained abovc:

Toda skupina The Yes Men ne poskusa pretentatizgolj navadne skupinice udelezencev konference,zanima jo predvsem poznejse publiciranjedogodka. Z mocjo, ki jo prinese ze omenjeniinstitucionalni status, njeni govori navadnoustvarijo odmev v medijih, kar v nekaterihprimerih popravi identiteto napadene institucije- WTO (CNBC, Salzburg, Finska), ceprav vomejenem obsegu. Na primer, skupina poudarjaneoliberalisticne ideologeme organizacijeWTO in se iz njih norcuje, kar pogosto zasenötocke na njenem uradnem dnevnem redu,kot so ekonomska izravnava ali pomoc manjpremoznim drzavam. V tem smislu skupina TheYes Men dejansko pokaze, kako in s kaksnimiizgovori WTO doloca polja moznih ekonomskihakcij in trgovanja. V primeru napovedi razpustaWTO v Avstraliji, ki je bila bolj formalna in manjsatiricna, ne zasledimo le uönkov unicevanjapodobe organizacije, temvec tudi njihovakonstruktivna nasprotja. Racunovodje nakongresu so napovedane reforme WTO dobrosprejeli, medijski odziv, ki je sledil, pa je celosprozil razpravo v kanadskem parlamentu.

By faking web sites, the Yes Men are able toappropriate enunciative modalttles that areIinked to a certam status, In speakmg about timspecillc form fOf the eXIstence of discourse OfdlScufslve practices, Foucault supplles a stl'lkll1gexample: until the end ofthe 18th century. thc'll'was no great difference between the dIscourseof a quaek doctor (charlaran in french) anel thatof areal doctor. At some POll1t, howevef, medicalehscourse began to organize Itself accofdmg toa cCflam number of norIllS and rules. Even 11'these did not make posslble any new dCClsionas to the quality of a doctor, they elid actllallypefmit a diflerentlation between real doctorsand quacks, Nevertheless, thls daes not excludethe possibitrty af someane appearing as a doctorby lI1utating medlcal discourse and saymgthmgs that are untfue, white bemg incapable ofworking as a gooel dador, Ums actually actmgas a quaek, Instead. it means that thls person's

I disCOl.l!"S(', ldkL'I1111 dtld o{ itsL'lL llds tu

o cy cllllcfcllt nOfl1lS that that "I' a ql1al! '-D ,;one takes the Ffcnch In the hro;\(li'rthe word, FOUCdUII'sthmkmg Cdn 1",onto lorgers dl1Ci llJl"gerlL's: V'Jhdl du: :, Ulle' /l<lVf,

tn s]1t'dk tlhout In wh ich lt'rl~lS,

\Vhllh thl'ory ,\Vh1Ch I10rlllS ([Ol'S

obey, III order t t) bt., recogl11/cd dS d Sl'] i( ll!

to Sltlldtl' rakes in llll'ir rl'spectivl' dlSltHij-.'\'''~';

In this context, 1\ IS illlportdnt to l'mphd".;.l'that both use (expeft speech) emd t Iw rn"llSl'(the f;tl<e) löllow thc SdlllC'nUfllls ancl i ni,":Tills IS whdt mdkC's the analYSIS ul IOfgl'rll"takes so Intefestmg, especially 11'one do('s nutonly cXdllliJ1l' tlw fakcd arteLlets thems"lvl's,but also thc pcople involved ancl t Iw L'f1l'l 1sthey enldil. ThllS, fOfgl'l'lC'SamI fakes Cdn I'('vl'aicertalll reglIianlies in a Spl'C1dl WdYwl1l'n tIwyafe diselosec!, though Ihese rcveLlllons al'(' nC'Vl'[dbsolute Of ImmiJculdtl', In llus W,IY.lh,' Y,'s M",'(parasitJcdlly laich Oll to the expllutly "I'tacitly reguldtl'd UJmmUIlICdllollS OlllIstlllltl'1l1"such as thc WTO Of Ilow Chcmlld] Witil t hepuiJhc. Whoever speaks 111thelf llalI1l', Le. L1S"Sthelf enullödllvl' lorms. appmpnates 111,'11lI1stitutiOllJI sti1tus, thus gall11ng d cl~rtalJl POWL'l

to eletefmme thc form uf others' aetlollS IIIconslc!erlng tllIS expenmenta] illlalysls ot powefreLltlons wlthm certCllllmstltut\()IlS. "ne s!1ouldnotc that 1\ allows CIVdlwty 01'lorms tu (Ol1ll' 10the 10re[ülIll ve['y cll'arly Hul al liJe :"un,' tinw,these fllechdf1lsrns prtllldrlly Sl'fV(' 10 pCl'JJl'tlldl"thC' InstItutIon Itsell. Sll that such eXp"lll1ll'lltajanalySIS cilll'fly revl'als 1111ll'r-\IlSlltulllllldlmCcllal1lSll1s.~ On thls fOfmallevel. the lakemakl''i nll slalell1l'llt on llOw thl' WTO detl'fllllllc"eC0!10111ICan lon glubdlly; hOwL'vL>r, It eioes rl'Vt'di

a grc'dt dl';.li dholll thc' COllllllunlCdllVl' rl'idllOl1S

olth(' 1I1VltJIl,L~org<JnJ/dtlOIlS anel instltutlollS

(l'.g, how t he st<!illS lllalli hrmtil's detc'l111IIll'Sdisu)urse dnd ho\v Olll' Cdn dct 01' bchdve in thc'lall' III dut hllntv)

Toda zadnji ponaredek, namrec objava, da seje druiba Dow Chemicals zavezala k visokimkompenzacijskim plaCilom za zrtve katastrofe vBhopalu, ni bil delezen le pozitivnega sprejema.Skupino The Yes Men so doletele kritike, ces da jeprevarala zrtve in jim vlila laine upe.


~ "que le discours qu'il tiendra, pris en lui-ml{?me, aura a obeir a d'autres normes que celles du charlatan"("La scene de la philosophie", v: Dits el "mts 1976,1988, zvezek 2, Gallimard, Pariz 2001, str 584J(dt. 1II,5.735)).

~ Prim" Michel Foucault, "Ajlerword. The Subjeet and Power", v: Hubert L. DreyJus in Paul Rabinow. MichelFoucault. Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, University o!Chicago Press, Chicago 1983, str: 288

Kljub temu je ponaredek ob dvajseti obletnicikatastrofe v Bhopalu prinesel medijsko odzivnost,kakrsne prej ni zmogla doseCi. Lazni odgovordruzbe Dow Chemieal, v katerem je korporacijazaprisegla svojo predanost brezobzirnemuvecanju prihodka, je bil 3. decembra 2004 celonaslovna zgodba na news.google.com.'.D Hkratije imel ponaredek stranski uCinek, diskreditacijoBBC, ceprav je bila ta postaja ena od redkihanglesko govoreCih informativnih postaj, ki sodvajsetletnico dogodka sploh omenjale. Todaponaredek je kljub temu razkrinkal nekatera,ceprav ne vseh, pravila medijske prakse.

Ihen agalIl. the Yes Mell ar~ not only trymgto ckCl'lve what IS llsually a small group 01'con rl'J"l'11Cl' part Illpants. but are most lIlterested1Ilthe liJler puhhClzIllg olthe event. On thepmVl'r oithe ll1stltu1!onal sliltus c1escnllL'ei above,tbe talks usuallv prodllCl' media reSOllanee, wh Ichl()lTt'cts the 1fl1l1gC Cl! tl1(' iHtdcked 1llStitul101l

t lw WTO III SOll1l'cal"'s (CNBC, Salzburg.!mland). alhelt III ,I hmlleel sCtlpe. Fm example.

!llghhghts ,lIlei ncllcules the neoiitwralltlt'ologenws of t Iw WTO. wllllh IreCjuentlyI)Vl'l"Shdclc)\v tlll' P01l1ts on ItS otllCial agenda.\))(11 dS C(0l1n1111C equa!I/.atIOtl or provlding,,'·«stallu' to less alIlLlent coun1Jws. In thls'>.'l1se. tlw Yes MCIl elo dctuallv make a statement

Ir- Iww ami Lmder vvlmh prelenses the WTO!I1'lerI11IIIL',a rJeld 01 [)osslble eCOllomlC acllon«mi t;'deil'. 11ltlw case orthe c1eclardllon ortheWTO's chssoltltlOIl 1Il Australid. whlch had amore 10rl11al ,melless sallneal quahty, one eanIwl only detect 11l1age·destructive "Heets. butt IWlr eOllst rUC1!ve COUllterparts. The accounlants

ioullon largely welcomeelthe refürm 01'theWTO. wltJic tlw press rell';\ses that followed evcnprovo!;,,<! d co!Tesponelll1g clebate tlI t he Canaellallparlldllll'lll

Ce se spomnimo Foucaultove "akcije nad akcijo",vidimo, da je skupina The Yes Men uspesna prirabi ponaredkov za uveljavljanje dotlej neznanemoCi nad mediji. Delo skupine je jasno omejilopolje moznih dejanj medijev. Zdaj so medijiprisiljeni slediti svoji logiki, torej porocanju 0

tekoCih dogodkih, s ömer, vsaj v doloceni meri,pristajajo na zelje skupine The Yes Men. Dobroznani moto - "Ne govori z mediji, marvec prekmedijev" . se je po svoje udejanjil. Ce preuömoseznam vseh objav ponaredkov skupine The YesMen. med njimi najdemo veliko implicitnih

Small-Size Maska Menu

prispevkov 0 zoperstavljanju globalizaciji v njenizdajsnji obliki, kot se kaze v medijih, kot so The

Financial Times, The New York Times, Fortune,

Harper's, La Republic, France Inter, Le Monde, Le

nouvel observateur in Liberation. Po drugi stranise je organizacija WTO odzvala tako, da skupiniThe Yes Men ni dovolila sodelovati na ministrskikonferenci v Cancunu v Mehiki septembra 2003.

The latest fake. namely the cleclaration that DowChemieals was committing to wlde·ranglllgcompensation payments tor the victims of theBhopal catastrophe, was not only received ina positive win. 1nstead. the Yes Men were alsocntiuzed for deceiving the victims giving themralse hope. Nevertheless, the fake allowed thetwentJeth anmversary of the Bhopal·accidenttel reach a degree of media exposure that ithad not been able to reach in the past. Thefaked response ofDow Chemical, in which thecorporatJon avowed its alleglance to the ruthless11laxtlll1zation of profits, was even the top storyon news.google.com on December 3rcl. 2004!L Atthe same time, the take also had the slde eITect ofc1iserecliting the BBC, even if It was one of the fewEnglish·language news charmeIs that had Illitiallydeemed the anniversary of the catastrophenewsworthy. But again, the fake was alsosuccessfUl1ll making transparent certain, though,Jiso insuttlcient rules of Journalisllc praxIs.

11'one remembers Foucault's "action uponan action," one can see that the Yes Men aresuccesstUI in using takes to exert a hithertounknown power on the media. Due to the YesMeI1's statutes. the media's lield ofpossibleaction has been c1early been curtailed. They arenow forced to follow their own logic, namely toreport on the events that are transpiring, thusconformmg to the wishes 01'the Yes Men, at leastto a certain degree. The much·cited motto "Don'tspeak with the media but through the media"seems to have found an application of sorts. lfone examines the list of publications on all ofthe Yes Men's fakes, one can find many implicitcontributJOns on the refusal of globalization inits present torm in media such as the FinancialTImes, the New York Times, Fortune, Harper's.La Repllblic, France Inter, Le Monde, Le nouvelobservateur, 01' Liberation. Yet on the other hand,tlw WTO has now reacted by refusing to let theYcs Men partlupate in ItS mimst er conference rnCancun. Mexico in September 2003.

3. Sltfep3. C~iMNaj sklep uvedem s krajso kriticno zastranitvijoo "Nevidnem gledaliscu" Augusta Boala. Mojcilj ni poglobiti kontradikcij, ki so ze inherentneBoalovemu nevidnemu gledaliscu. Na tej tockinaj zgolj pokazem, da - ceprav Boal zavracadidakticne oblike kot avtoritarna sredstva- "nevidno gledalisce" temelji na ideji, daumetnik ve vec od gledalca, da ga torej poskusanekaj nauCiti, ceprav je vpleten kot sodelujoCi.Tako v tem primeru ne moremo govoriti 0

"enakovrednem dejanju". Naj zgolj navedem nekajpomenljivih Boalovih izjav 0 njegovem gledaliScu:"igralci [...] reZirajo pogovore"; "da bi ta predstavaimela politicno razseznost, bi jo moralo petdesetskupin igrati petstokrat!"; "gledalisce [...1 bi nammoralo biti v pomoc pri ucenju 0 nas samih innasem casu [...1, moralo bi biti in je lahko sredstvoza spreminjanje druzbe. Gledalisce nam lahkopomaga graditi prihodnost"; "namen je ustvaritigledalisce, ki osvobaja".'11 Kot tako je "nevidnogledalisce" reZirana sola obnasanja, kar samo odsebe vodi v skepticizem.

I would like to preface my conclusion witha short critical digression on Augusto Boal's"lnvisIble Theater." My goal is not to deepen thecontradictions that are already inherent to Boal's"invisible theater." At this point. it is enoughto point out that - even if Boal rejects didacticforms as allthoritarian measures - the "invisibletheater" is based on the idea that the artistknows more than the spectator, thus attemptingto te ach him something. even if he is nowinvolved as a participant. Thus, it is impossibleto speak of "action on equal tootlllg" in this case.1nstead, 1would simply to like to cite a numberof significant statements that Boal made on hIStheater: "the actors [...] direct the conversations";"for this piece to have a political dimension, fiftygroups would have to play it live hundred timesi"."theater [...] should help us learn about ourselvesand our times [...]. it should and can also be ameans of transforming society. Theater can helpus bUJld our future"; "the intention is to ereate atheater which liberates."'b As such, the "invisibletheater" is a directed behavioural school, whlchinevitably gives rise to skepticism.

Vseeno se moramo spomniti, da je bil Boal- kotdirektorja gledalisca Teatro de Arena de Sao Pauloso ga leta 1971 aretirali, ga za tri mesece zaprli,muCili in naposled izgnali iz Brazilije - zrtevrepresije in sankcij. Njegovi zgodnji eksperimentiz "nevidnim gledaliscem" kot delom njegovega"gledaliSca zatiranih" so se istega leta nastaliv izgnanstvu v Argentini, ki ji je takrat vladalahunta pod protiperonisticnim vojaskim vodstvom(Alejandro Lanusse), in ceprav je ta hunta navidezpripravljala vrnitev v civilno, demokraticno


'.D Prim. http://www. theyesmen.orgjhljinksjdowjbhopaI2004.shtml. 20.12.05'llPrim. http://www.dowethics.com/r/about/corp/bbc.htm. 20.12.2005.


~L h//{J'vvwH1,rheyesfT1t'T7.orgh1jmksiclow'bhopaI200<1.shlfT11. accesscd 20.IIOS

~I.ii\U,~;usro Boal, GCI/nes lor uetors und nOIHIclors, London: ROlJl/('d,2,'l' 1992, P. XXXI, p. 2, P 8j


vladavino, sta bila nasilje in teror norma. Vtem kontekstu je Boalova trditev - "Ijudje, kividijo sceno, tisti, ki so tarn po nakljucju. Medspektaklom se tem Ijudem ne bi smelo nitisanjati, da to je 'spektakel"'!li - razumljiva kotstrategija preZivetja.

Nevertheless, one should remember that Boal- who was arrested as the director 01"the Teatrode Arena de Sao Paulo in 1971, detained für threemonths, tortured, and then finally I"orced tofiel' Brazil - was sublect to massive represslOnsand sanctions. His earliest experiments withthe "Invisible Theater" as apart 01'hIs "Theaterof the Oppressed" date to the same year, whenhe was alreacly in Argentinian exile. At thispoint, Argentina was ruled by a junta underanti-Peronist military rule (Alejandro Lanusse),and even i1'this Junta was ostensibly preparingthe return to civilian, democratic governance,violence and terrorist activities were the norm.In this context, Boal's dictum that "the peoplewho witness the scene are those who are thereby chance. During the spectacle, these peoplemust not have the slightest idea that it is a'spectacle'''']) should be understood as a strategyI"orsurvival.

Zato mecl Boalovim "nevidnim gledaliscem" inakcijami skupine The Yes Men stezka najdempovezavo, ceprav jo skupina sama poudarja.!lITezava je v tem, da se nobeden od omenjenihvidikov ne navezuje na skupino The Yes Men.Najprej, skupina ne deluje v kontekstu morilskerepresije, vsaj ne, kar zadeva njena clana,zatorej dela skupine ne moremo razumeti kot"gledaliSca zatiranih". Nadalje, razkritje jeosrednji dei njunih akcij, kar pomeni, da tudiprevarani - v Boalovih besedah "gleda-igralci"'l;- izvejo za prevaro. Ali povedano drugace,nenamerni so-igralci v ponaredkih se na odruznajdejo v trenutku razkritja. To tudi pomeni,da moramo javno sfero medijev razumeti kotobCinstvo, ki so mu dokumente 0 gledaliscu kotgledaliScu pokazali za nazaj.

For this reason, I find it difficult to establish anyanalogy between Boal's "Invisible Theater" andthe Yes Men's actions, even ifthe Yes


Men emphasize this analogy themselves<DThe problem is that neither 01"the aspects Ihave mentioned can be appliecl to the Yes Men.First 01"a11,they do not work in the context ofmurderous repression, at least not in as 1'ar asthey themselves are concerned, so that thenwork cannot be considered as "theater 01'theoppressed." Furthermore, disclosure IS a centralpart oftheir actions, which also means that thedecelved -- to use Boal's term, their "speet-actor"'!>-- are also mformed 01"having been d IIped. Clr- to put it lfltO slightly more di1'1'erentiateclterms the unwltting eo-actors ol"the [,kesmadvertently find themselves on stage m tlwmoment of disclosure. This woulcl also meanthat the public sphere 01"the medIa woulcl havebe understood as an dudlence, which is showndocuments 01'theater os theater in retrospect.

V nasprotju z argentinsko politicno situacijo vsedemdesetih letih deluje skupina The Yes Menv veliko milejsih okolisCinah. Njeni projektiso mozni samo zato, ker obstaja dolocenastopnja svobode delovanja, ki jo zagotavljaprvi amandma ameriske ustave, in ki jima,na primer, omogoca vzdrzevanje ponarejenespletne strani ter pojavljanje v javnosti v imenuWTO. Pod diktaturo bi to neizogibno vodilo vdokoncno izginotje oponasalca. Tovrstna spletnamesta na Kitajskem, denimo, ali v 1ranu ne bimogla obstajati. To je nekaj, na kar moramobiti pozorni, kadar se v imenu mocnega pojma"subverzija" priklice na dan podoba zaprte,represivne druzbe (tj. popolnega zatiranja).Vseeno ne gre zanemariti dejstva, da se nadolocenih mestih koncentrirajo dolocene oblikerazmerij moCi. Toda te koncentracije moCigradijo tudi mesta, ki omogoCijo dejanja, skupajz dejanji, ki so usmerjena k preoblikovanjuobstojeCih praks uveljavljanja moCi. Zavedatipa se moramo, da taksna mesta ne obstajajo perdejinitionem, razvijejo se v praksi in se odpirajo,ko vstopamo vanje. Konec koncev clovek nikoli _-ne ve vnaprej, ali ga bodo njegova dejanja //'vodila k pravnim posledicam ali kriminal~

obsodbam; to je nekaj, kar se pokaze se~eksperimentalno. Poleg tega, da so odp lisvobodne prostore in razprli nekatere 5 rukture,so ponaredki skupine The Yes Men zgolj\minimalni popravki identitet, zamiki v ja\:nempogledu na organizirano trgovino. vseeno'~lahko trdimo, da pripravljajo teren za nadaljnje.mozne spremembe.

In cOlltrast to thc poiIlical sltuatiolllll i\rgeIltlllJdunng the 1970s. thc Ycs MCIl dr'c' workrng unde!1'drmore lwnevolent ((}J1(htlolls. Thcir pn'lc'ctsare only possible beCallSl' tlwre IS alrcddv dcertain ciegree or t"rl'C'do!l1 for det/Oll, gUdr,l11tt'Cciby lhe First Amcnclll1L'llt oltlw lI.S. CO\1stnutIPn,for cxample, w!Jlch allows t IWIll to llldlllt ,1111d1'akcclWTO-silc ami to dppl'ar- 1I1pcrsoll 111t!JendlllC olthe WTO. ullclcr a c!Jctalorshlp. tlllswould lI1vandbly lead to thc ill1pl'rsolldtor'sc1lsappcar'lI1ce förcvel' Web Sltl'S like thc'sc' wou!"be unthmkablc III Chilld or lrdll, for I'Xdllljll,' T!Il'is s0I11ething 011(' ShOlild rL'Illl'Jl1bl'r '.Nhl'll lhe

Illlage 01 ullc!crlllll1l11g d c!oscd, repressIve(I.e. total oppr'['ssloll) IS mvok"d 111the ndlllC oftlw powerllli term pi 'subverSion.' N,'Vl'rt hcll'''.OIWshould \1ot lllldl'l'l'stllllatc the Llct theltcertain fanns ofpovvl'r relations COI1Cl'lltrdtl'

in SOme placc's. Yet 0\1 tlw other h,ll1d, thl'sepower conCl'nlrdtlol1S ,In' .:llso (O!1StllLltcd byspaces that supplv Icc'wdv tOI dCt!OIl. Il\llllclln~,action dllllec! at tr<::lllsförllling ('xiqmg prdetlCl'\

01 cxcrt mg POWl'L Stlll. OI1l' should rellwmbL'lthat such spdces are IlI'Vl'r d ,l-:';IVt'l1 t lldl CXIsts lh':

dellnltlollCIl1: mstcacl. thl'V dre olliv clevelopec!in practict', ujJl'fling llj) i11 detu \,vlJ('J1 thcv areelltered, I\ttt'r all. Oll<'IWVl'l' re,lliv kllOWS IIIddvancc thaI one's det !OIb \.vill not k'dd Io

legal 11lCdSUrt'S 01' CT1I11Irldl Cilllvlctions: IbiS ie.;

somethll1,1..!; that !las 10 be d'iCvrLlinec11hroll,I_-,J:

expcrlIllentation. l\siele lrnll1 (1pl.'lllll,:': IIp fn'l'

SP;ICL'S anel rel1cllTlll~!,Cl'rtdll1 strUCl\lH'S

thc Yes P,J[el1's L.lkl,s Illav Oll]V ('[led illiIllill11]

transl1guratlulls ,-1l1d 111111,I!,C'-corn'(!:ollS, ';!llll

III the PllIJiJCVIl'W o!org<llll/l'd tl,H!e.but arguilhly, these prC'pdl\' funh('! pnl('111idl

tranSl'(lrrnat 10ns

Naj sklenem s Foucaultovim citatom, zapletenimv svoji preprostosti: "Ce naj razmerja moöpridejo na dan, jih moramo, vsaj v mojempomenu, vrniti v roke tistim, ki jih uveljavljajo."!l!l

rl1LlS, J '.'"\iould llkc' tn cOllcllitlt' \V:;l111

hn]Cdu]t ttli:lt 1S uHnplcx In lL; slll1pllutv '"]"0

(liJo\'v powpr reldt 10l1S : ,l cnmc' h: 11gh:,

llt ICiht in lllV \('11\('.

",,!l;1l1(!<; nl rh{'-.

Martin Doll Martin Dollje studiral na Institutu za uporabne gledaliske vede degrce ,n theater slUdies, video editor and On-Air-Promorion-Producer, studied 'Applied Theaterv Giessnu, bil clan skupine Drie Wolken med leti 1999 Stud,es (Drama, Theatre, Media)' In Gießen. 19992002 member ofthe performance art groupin 2002, reziser in performer. Od leta 2000 je gostujoci "Drei Wolken "; direuor und performer i.a. fore EXP02000 Hannover, Staatstheater Darmstadtprofesor za video na]ustus-Liebig Universitat v Giessnu, and Mousonturm Frank]lJrt. Since 2000 guestlecturerfor video editlng at theJustusLiebig-od leta 2003 pa tudi stipendist Goethejeve univerze lfniversitat in Gießen. Since 2003 scholarship holder at the Goethe lfniversity in Frankfurt/NI.,v Frankurtu, kjer pripravija doktorat na Gddelku za his PhD thesis In Media Studies i5 onJ(Jrgery andfakt'. Maln points oIinteres/: Polirics throughmedijske studije. ort. ortthrough media.

Medium-Size Maska Menu

Opombe~ Augusto Boot, Theater oJthe oppressed. New Edition. Pluto, London 2000. str. 144.!IIPrim. http://www.theyesmen.org/Jaqj. 20. 12.2005.~ Augusto Baal, Games Jar actars and non-actors. Routledge, London 1992, str xxx.~ "Faire apparaftre fes relations de pouvoir, ('est essayer, dans mon esprit, en tout cas, de les

remettre entre les ma ins de ceux qui les exercent" ("Radioscopie de Michel Foucault" (1975), v:Dits et fcrits 1954-1975. zvezek 1. GaUimord (Quarto), Pariz 2001, str. 1667).

F ootl1Otes

']:I llu,L:usto BO(J!. fIlmtel' of!hc oppres'it'd. New Edition, 1.ondoTJ: P!uto 2000. p. 144

cD !lIlp:' WH'V\/.llleyesrnen.org)cH/.. ucu'sscd 20.12,05

CD /\Il,l:US/O Roul, Guml'sfor (Je/O!"5 and non-uuors, ],ondon: ROlJ1/edgc 1992. p. xxx

cl) "hilfe UP]JCJru I't re 11"\ relatIOns eil' pouvoi/: c'esl essayer, duns mon cspnl, en tout ('(!s, elf /es rcmeUI't'

1'!1!1't' fes lrJCU/]S eil' ceux qu.i It's cxercenl." ("l?adioscopu: Je Michel Fouroult" (1475), in: Dlle; Cl C(Tlh

1'-1-,-),11975, Vol. 1, Paris: GaUlmure! (Quorto) 2001, p. 1667j
