8/13/2019 Marsham Village News (20th Edition) http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/marsham-village-news-20th-edition 1/8  Marsham Village News 20th Edition February 2014 This stunning photograph, taken last winter, was sent in by Evelyn Meeks. Hopefully we will not be seeing similar scenes this winter. Please send any locally themed or seasonal photographs to [email protected]  Deadline for the next edition is Monday 24 th  February 2014. Any articles, letters or adverts should be sent to [email protected] or, if anything needs typing, to Linda and Eric at 3 Cranes Lane. A belated happy new year to everyone.  Good news for the start of the new year - Norse has kindly offered to continue funding the printing of the Newsletter until October 2014. Many thanks to all those people who have sent in articles for this month’s edition. It is this level of community involvement that will ensure that Marsham News continues well beyond that date. Don’t forget that you can now see the village newsletter online through a Facebook account or by typing http://on.fb.me/1dDSpAy into the address line of your browser. You also have the possibility of leaving comments and feedback on our Facebook page.

Marsham Village News (20th Edition)

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Village News20th Edition February 2014

This stunning photograph, taken last winter, was sent in by Evelyn Meeks. Hopefully we will not be

seeing similar scenes this winter. Please send any locally themed or seasonal photographs [email protected] 

Deadline for the next edition is Monday 24th

 February 2014. Any articles, letters or adverts should be

sent to [email protected]  or, if anything needs typing, to Linda and Eric at 3 Cranes Lane.

A belated happy new year to everyone. 

Good news for the start of the new year - Norse has kindly offered to continue funding the printing of

the Newsletter until October 2014.

Many thanks to all those people who have sent in articles for this month’s edition. It is this level of

community involvement that will ensure that Marsham News continues well beyond that date.

Don’t forget that you can now see the village newsletter online through a Facebook account or by

typing http://on.fb.me/1dDSpAy into the address line of your browser. You also have the possibility of

leaving comments and feedback on our Facebook page.

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Don’t forget to let us have details of any up

and coming events which we will include on

this page. Send to [email protected] 

or deliver to 12 Old Norwich Road.

Why not send your wife or husband

a birthday or anniversary message

through the Marsham News.

Send details to

[email protected] 

Mobile library in Marsham

The Norfolk County Council mobile library

van will be in Marsham on Monday 17th


February, 17th

 March and 14th

 April. The

stop-off points are – 

Le Neve Road - 15.30 to 15.45

Wathen Way - 15.50 to 16.05

Norwich Road – Hill House - 16.10 to 16.20

Want to have a daily newspaper but can’t

face the journey into Aylsham to get one?

Daily newspapers, weeklies, magazines are

available in Marsham.

Contact Adrian on 734488 or

[email protected]

Marsham Belles

We have had a very good year entertaining around church groups, homes and village halls etc., andat our recent annual general meeting decided to invite requests from the area for anyone who

would like to book us to come to them for 2014. Obviously Christmas carols sound lovely on the

bells, but we play much other music all the year round. We make no charge as such, just ask for a

donation towards travelling costs. If you would like to book please contact me on 01263 734091 or

by email [email protected] 

Alternatively, if groups or individuals would like to come and "have a go" please use same contact

details and we will organise a workshop in our village hall.

Further details will appear later, but we are taking part in charity events during the summer. A

strawberry tea, with entertainment, to be held in Corpusty in aid of helping fund items for Nepaleseschool children, and a similar event in Marsham village hall, to help raise funds for a Defibrillator to

be installed at the village hall. This will also mark the 30 year anniversary of the Marsham Belles.

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Proposed Housing, Fengate Farm

The applicants for the proposed development (details shown in

December issue of Marsham News) had already been notified in

writing by the Parish Council, when they first raised the matter, that

they would not support any such proposal.

The Fengate site is clearly outside the Village Development Area and

would thus contravene the Broadland District Council’s Structure

Plan which determines the provision of housing sites throughout


Marsham residents had already made their opinions clear when they

voted overwhelmingly against any changes to the villagedevelopment boundary, and against any development outside the

existing village development boundary. This ‘vote’ was made as part

of the Public Consultation Procedure carried out by Broadland

District Council Planning Department for preferred options for future

housing location in Broadland (a process ongoing since Sept. 2011).

None the less the applicants, whilst knowing they were in

contravention of BDC planning policy still insisted on submitting a full

planning application.

Fengate Farm is, and always has been AGRICULTURAL LAND. It is

NOT what is sometimes referred to as a ‘BROWNFIELD’ site.

At a special Parish Council meeting on December 2nd

 2013 at the

village hall the council voted unanimously to reject the application

for housing. The Parish clerk had direct confirmation from BDC

planning department that the application contravened planning

policy. BDC planners intend to recommend refusal and will not

consider any development boundary changes.

Please note that BDC planners confirm that they have already met

the Government targets for providing future housing locations

throughout Broadland as a whole. Marsham has not been selectedfor any large scale development OUTSIDE the existing village

development area. Small scale development groups of from 1 to 5

houses INSIDE the Area will still be considered on individual merit.

There are of course sites for a total of 40 new houses in Marsham

which already have planning approval but as yet are unbuilt upon.

June and Greg Jarvis

Letters to the Editor

The letters printed in this section are published unedited and do not necessarily reflect the views

of the editing committee. We see the Village Newspaper as a channel for people in the village to air

their views – positive or negative.

Further to the above letter, we have been informed that thehousing development application has been refused by the

Broadland District Council planning department.

Marsham Community Public

Access Defibrillator Project

Would you be interested in

helping with a project to raise

money for a public access

defibrillator in Marsham?

Research shows that access to a

defibrillator within five minutes

of a cardiac arrest makes a huge

difference to chances of survival.

A defibrillator and cabinet cost

about £2000 then there would be

additional installation and

running costs so the aim is to

raise £2500 initially, through

donations or fundraising events.

We hope the defibrillator will be

located at the village hall as this is

an easy landmark to find in an

emergency. Once the equipment

has been installed we will hold

information sessions which will

be open to all villagers.

If you can help or would like more

information please contact Nicola

Hibberd on 01263 733557 or


[email protected]

Thank you

The Village Hall Management

Committee and the Marsham

News editorial team are

wholeheartedly backing Nicola

with this project. Given the

number of accidents that wecontinue to have on the A140, it

could be a life saver. 

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6th October 10.45am Harvest Festival

13th October 10.45am Holy Communion

20th October 10.45am Family Service

27th October 10.45am Family Service

G.C.BOND est. 1920

01263 732259

Butcher - Fishmonger - Fried Fish & Chips Best quality local meat

Fresh fish from Lowestoft

Free delivery to Marsham - Tuesdays and Fridays


2nd 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion at MARSHAM9th 10.45am Holy Communion

16th 10.45am Family Service

23rd 10.45am Family Service

FLOODLIGHTS 2nd November and 25th December sponsored by Mr and Mrs MURRELL in memory of KELLY

3rd December sponsored by Mrs WALLMAN in memory of JOHN


Burials 3rd December HAROLD (JOHN) CULLEY

8th January PEGGY TAYLOR

LADIES Do you still have your wedding dresses? We would like to do an

exhibition of wedding dresses down through the ages. If you would

 be willing to lend yours please contact Mrs GEORGE 735383


Would anyone be interested in flower arranging in the church? If you areand would like to know more please contact Mrs GEORGE 735383.

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Marsham WI

Our last meeting at the Village Hall was our AGM in November when we heard reports from our Secretary,

Treasurer and President and reflected on our activities during 2013. We also had an entertaining report about

the 2013 Darts League which had been an enjoyable competition despite problems with transport and shortage

of players. We hope that we will be able to participate this year again. The formal part of the evening was

followed by everyone making a Christmas decoration under the supervision of one of our members. I proudly

took mine home to hang on my Christmas tree. In December we had our Christmas Dinner meeting once

again at the Marsham Arms which was enjoyed by all who attended.

We already have a few diary dates for 2014: the National AGM will be held in Leeds in June this year and

our Norfolk Federation AGM will be held in St Andrews Hall in March. We hope to enter the Cator Cup

competition again, the theme this year is “Gardens”and we hope to come up with some suitable craft items

for it by the end of March. We also have to give some thought to an entry for the WI competitions at The

Royal Norfolk Show in June, the theme is “On The Home Front” in keeping with the commemorations for

the centenary of the start of The Great War in 1914. So, a busy year ahead as we also give thoughts to

 preparations for the national celebrations of WI’s centenary next year. 

Our February meeting is on Wednesday 26th when we will be having a demonstration of beading, so if you

are a woman interested in joining Marsham WI please come along, new members will be very welcome.

Meetings are usually held on the 4th

 Wednesday of the month in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. There is a WI board on the wall at the right of the Village Hall kitchen where you can see details of our programme for 2014.

Dorothy McCall 01263 732606


Please may I thank the nineteen people who

played bingo on the 7th December 2013, and

Hazel Kingswood for calling, also JJ and Moira

for doing the teas etc, and all those who

donated prizes for the bingo and raffle. In total

there were 50 prizes.

Despite the low attendance we made a total of

£141.50 for the hall funds.

Shirley Marshall.








01263 649309 / 07796810217


Easy Parking

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If you would like to advertise something for sale, or if there is

something you are looking for, send details to

[email protected] or 12 Old Norwich Road or, if the

advert needs typing, deliver to Linda and Eric at 3 Cranes Lane.


We have a friendly black cat

who visits us every day and

we wonder where it lives? It

is black with a small white

patch on chest. It was

wearing a blue collar when it

first visited, then a luminous

yellow one, now no collar at

all. It can be quite a vocal cat.

It's obviously well looked

after because it has a

beautiful coat. Maybe it likesto come and see our four


We would love to hear from

you, as if ever you feel it's

missing it could be here.

Linda 733928. 3 Cranes Lane.

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  A kit bag at Beulah 

Rev. Gregg-MacGregor’s WW1 kit bag (1916)  Rev. and Mrs. Gregg-MacGregor in Australia (1921)

We’re trying to build a fuller picture of former Marsham resident Reverend J. V. F. Gregg-MacGregor


Rev. Gregg-MacGregor led a remarkable life, comparable with the famous First World War Army

Chaplain Studdart-Kennedy (‘Woodbine Willie’). Rev. Gregg-MacGregor served as a stretcher bearer

and later as a Chaplain in The First World War. He became a priest in Australia and returned to

England in 1930. He and his wife came to Marsham from Kenninghall in 1950, where they lived atThe Old Plough (at the time known as Beulah.) Rev’d Gregg-MacGregor died in 1955 and is buried

in Marsham church yard.

Rev. Gregg-MacGregor's grave in Marsham churchyard  Although it is over fifty years ago, perhaps there is someone in the village who will

remember him.

Please contact Joseph Jarvis - at The Old Plough (not the pub),Old Norwich Road 01263 734032 

News from the School

A belated Happy New Year to everyone!

We are well into the new term now and the children are continuing to work hard. Class 1 have been

having road safety lessons. You may have seen them out and about.

 A number of children in years 4, 5 and 6 are very excited about a football tournament that they are about

to take part in. The excitement can’t possibly be to do with it being staged at Carrow Road, can it…?  

Our annual whole school Key Stage 2 residential weekend will be upon us soon. Children in years 3, 4, 5

and 6 get the opportunity to take part in activities such as abseiling, high ropes, zip wire, climbing wall

and the annual activity of not going to sleep and getting up at the crack of dawn, a personal favourite of

the teachers! It’s a good job that the weekend is immediately followed by half term! 

Finally, we would like to say a warm “Hello and welcome!” to two new members of staff. Mr Walker is

currently working with Class 2 in the afternoons and Ms Allen is a teaching assistant who is working with

years 5 and 6 in the mornings.

(PS. Thank you very much to all the Marsham residents who came and supported our Christmas

Fayre in the Village Hall and Christmas Carol Service in the church. Your support is always much


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Salad DaysFresh fruit & vegetables and plants

F ruit baskets a speciality Now taking card payments 

Dennis Carroll

The Fruit Stall

Outside the town hall


T: 07788 133741

E: [email protected] 

Free delivery to Marsham for orders

over £5. 

Shoe BoxT.Rayner 

Shoe & Leather Repairs

Bags, Backpacks, Polishes, Cleaners etc. Blofield Loke, AYLSHAM

Independent Funeral Homes Ltd.

We are a traditional family run funeral directors offering the

highest standards of personal service at competitive rates.

* Private Chapel of Rest * Pre-paid plans Available *

* Floral Tributes, Memorials and Catering Supplied *

* Home Visits at No Extra Charge *

We offer a wide and varied range of services and strive to ensure

that we fulfil and hopefully surpass your expectations whatever

they may be.

Tel: 01263 735161 (24 Hours) 

The Old Bank, 2-4 Norwich Road, Aylsham, NR11 6BN











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Water softeners supplied and fitted.

01263 734853

07770 741441


New builds Extensions Renovation

Roofing Drainage 

Damp Proofing works Timber Treatment

Dry Rot Tanking

Free Surveys and Reports

01263 732763 www.ericpooley.co.uk 

Unit 6 Home Farm Business Park, Norwich Road, Marsham,

NR10 5PQ

If you would like to advertise in the newspaper, space is available at the following rates per year –


page £25, ¼ page £40, ½ page £75

Contact Adrian at [email protected] if you are interested.