Markov Reversible

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  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    Introduction to Reversible Ckts

    Igor Markov

    University of Michigan

    Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible




    Historical motivation Arbitrary computations via reversible Rev. ckts: basic definitions & eamples Recent implementations in CMO! Reversible synt"esis & ot"er #$A tasks %ovel motivations for reversible circuits

    In"erently reversible computations uantum circuits

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    Historical Motivation

    #very lost bit causes an energy loss C. 'ennett( )*+,( IBM J. of R & D - t"e kinetic energy of one molecule in air

    Idea: try to avoid t"ose energy costs Adiabatic circuits

    Asymptotically energy lossless Time →  ∞ /

    !. 0ounis and 1. 2nig"t( )**3(Workshop on Low Power Design

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    Implementing ArbitraryComputations via Reversible

    1offoli )*45( 1"eorem 3.):Any finite function can be 6rittenas a product of  trivial encoder µ bi7ection f  trivial decoder υ

    Constructiveprocedure Adds variables








  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible




    Reversible bit9based computatione.g.( 1offoli )*45/ N  bits at input N  bits at output #very input & output bit9string possible 'i7ection

    1"ese restrictions apply to gates & ckts Additional restriction: no fanout

    Acyclic comb. circuits interesting enoug"

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible




    k 9C%O1 gate( a.k.a. generalied 1offoli k+1/9inputs and k+1/9outputs

    ;alues on t"e first k  inputs are unc"anged

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    A Reversible Circuit and 1rut" 1able

    y y

    5 5 5 5 5 5

    5 5 ) 5 5 )

    5 ) 5 5 ) )

    5 ) ) 5 ) 5

    ) 5 5 ) 5 5

    ) 5 ) ) 5 )) ) 5 ) ) )

    ) ) ) ) ) 5

    #?uiv. to a C%O1 gate @roof by e"austive

    simulation @roof by symbolic


     z ⊕  x 


     ! " x" x  

     z ⊕  x ⊕   x"#z ⊕   


  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    Implementations in CMO!

    '. $esoete andA. $e ;os =A reversible

    carry-look-aheadadder usingcontrol gates>(In$egr%$ion $he

    'L(I Jo)rn%* (vol. ,, 55/(pp. 4*9)53

    Reversible 39bit adder ,43 transistors no power rails

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    Identities for Reversible Ckts

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    1emporary !torage B arbage 'its

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    Ho6 Muc" 1emporary !torage$o De %eed 8

    1offoli MI1 1R( )*45/ Odd permutations re?uire

    at least ) line of temporary storage

    !"ende et al.( ICCA$ E5 #ven permutations need no temp storage Odd permutations need ) line and no more Constructive synt"esis procedure

     not implemented/

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    Comb. !ynt"esis Formulations

    !traig"tfor6ard iven a full trut" table( find a circuit !"ende et al. s"o6 an optimal procedure

    all ,9line circuits synt"esied in mins/

    Dit" donGt cares 1"e function of one output bit is restricted I6ama et al. $AC E5/: "euristic(

    transformation9based synt"esis(may use many lines of temp. storage

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    Ot"er #$A 1asks

    Fault testing in reversible circuits 2. @atel et al. ;1! E5/: reversible

    circuits re?uire very fe6 test vectors

    #?uivalence c"ecking

    $ifficulties 6it" empirical validation Circuit B gate costs 8 Circuit benc"marks 8

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    %e6 Motivation:In"erently Reversible Applications

    Information is re9coded(but none is lost or added $igital signal processing Cryptograp"y Communications Computer grap"ics

    Micro9processor instructions for 'it9permutations 'utterfly operation from FF1

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    %e6 Motivation: uantum Ckts

    %ot related to lo6 po6er uantum circuits operate

    on linear combinations of bit9strings #.g.( |0>|1>/B√( |00>i |11>/B√

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    Classical ;ersus uantum Ckts Circuit identities for conventional

    reversible gates e.g.( C%O1 and 1offoli/do not c"ange in t"e ?uantum contet Conventional tec"ni?ues applicable

    6"en t"ere are no purely ?uantum gates  =Conventional subroutines> of ?. programs

    @urely ?uantum gates re?uired in apps Open problem: synt"esis 6it"

    purely ?uantum gates

  • 8/18/2019 Markov Reversible



    1"ank you