Marketing Toolkits Quick Guide

Marketing Toolkits Quick Guide - xerox.com · 2 Welcome This guide is here to assist with the quick use of resources available in the toolkit. The Marketing Toolkit Zip bundles together

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Marketing ToolkitsQuick Guide


WelcomeThis guide is here to assist with the quick use of resources available in the toolkit. The Marketing Toolkit Zip bundles together key items such as online ads, emails, copy, photography all into one easily downloadable file.

Brand familiarisation

• It’s critical that users of these resources are fully familiar with the Channel Partner Branding Specifications to ensure appropriate use of the materials.

• Please contact your account manager for any clarification.


Quick Guide to Partner Marketing Toolkit elements:Versatiles


What are Versatiles?Versatiles are a self-contained image communicating a compelling Xerox offering. It’s designed to be inserted, without any need for modification in a Partner communication. This allows Partners’ customers to learn of the benefits of Xerox via their preferred partner.

Some key points:

• These are self contained and should not be modified, but easily inserted into partner communications

• It’s important that the latest partner branding guidelines are followed. This guide is intended to give specifics on utilising these units

• It’s also important not to confuse – clearly articulate who is originating the communication and the relationship with Xerox – eg Xerox Authorised Reseller


Some important conventions to remember:1. None of the Xerox brand system (font,

colours, graphics etc) are to be used or mimicked in the wider piece containing the Versatile

2. The partner logo should not be more prominent than the Xerox logo

3. The use of the appropriate Xerox authorisedbadge / wording should be used along side the communication

Overall conventions


Example: Included in an email


Example: Included in an mailer / postcard


Quick Guide to Partner Marketing Toolkit elements:Emails


EmailsReady to send emails directly to your customers' inbox.

Emails are typically provided in two file formats: HTML for loading into an email distribution tool - ideal for your mailing lists. Outlooktemplates (oft) ideal for quickly sending direct to a prospect from your Microsoft Outlook email software (Windows only).



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Access or download materials

• If sending via Microsoft Outlook you just need to click the Outlook version link.

• For the HTML version you need to browse the email folder and then copy files to your preferred email distribution tool.

Top tip: We highly recommending sending from an individual rather than a company, and having the contact information relate to the individual. This gives the customer / prospect an important feeling of personalised attention.


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Customise the email

• You should insert your reseller logo along with key contact information for prospects to get in touch regarding the email.

• The footer also requires tailoring to your specific guidance for unsubscribing etc.

• Our latest email layouts allow for you to include your logo, any incentive message and call to action all in a prominent location at the top of the email.

• This entire Xerox area should be hyperlinked to the relevant Xerox specific area of your site.


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Step 3: Checks before sending

1. Recipients have opted-in to receive email marketing communications

2. The email has been updated with your logo, contact details etc. And the Xerox area is hyperlinked to a relevant Xerox specific area of your site.

3. Your organisation's unsubscribe details are also included in the footer.

4. The subject line is completed. This is prepopulated in Outlook templates, and is the title of the HTML version.

5. Run a test email to make sure everything is completed and working correctly.

6. One final spell check and read through of customisedareas is always a good last step.


Quick Guide to Partner Marketing Toolkit elements:Online banners


Online bannersOnline ads have been designed for placement on your online presence to inform visitors about offerings and direct them to find out more.

Here are placement suggestions…

Leaderboards and banners. Typically 728x90 pixelsIdeal for placement at the very top of webpages or the top of sections of copy. Sometimes useful to break-up sections of content. Banners have the advantage of sitting within the margins of typical content.

Mid page units (MPUs). Typically 300x250 pixelsThese are best suited to sit within page content. So whilst a user is browsing the page, the ad is set within content to capture attention. MPUs are ideal for placement in articles of specific interest and work well when the page content matches the subject of the ad.

Skyscrapers. Typically 160x600 / 120x600 pixelsIdeal for placement when long listings or comparisons are made. They are useful as they can be well positioned both inside or outside the margins of the webpage


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Save the relevant files

• Save the materials to your web development platform.

• Simply copy the desired materials from the folder in the partner toolkit zip file.


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Insert the units

• Insert the file (jpeg / gif / png) into the desired location on the page using your ad placement conventions.


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Choose your destination page

• For product-related offers, this might be an existing Xerox page on your site.

• In this case it's important that any offer is highlighted on that page along with any claim process.

• It is likely that specific pages are required for programme related units. If you require any support here, check out the available resources in your kit -or contact your Xerox representative for further assistance.


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Code the destination address

• How you code the destination address of the ad to the destination page depends on the web platform you use.

• It's easy to code from simple web authoring tools such as Adobe Dreamweaver.

• Don’t forget to include any tracking codes etc to help with measurement.

Any queries?Please contact your Account Manager

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