Marketing Survey and Channel Project

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 MSP Mandal`s











Submitted in the partial fulfillment in



Submitted By: Project Guide: 

Chavan Gopal Bhikusing Miss. Naziya Shaikh

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This is certifying that Mr. Chavan Gopal Bhikusing is a student of ourcollege & studying in B.B.A. As a part of university program he hasundergone a project work on “Marketing Survey And Channel

Development” of  ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd.,Aurangabad. Under the guidance of Miss. Naziya Shaikh.

He has duly acknowledged all the sources of reference used in thereport. This report, based on above topic is in partial fulfillment of therequirement of the,

 Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A)


Dr.Babasaheb Ambedakar Maratawada University


Miss.Naziya Shaikh Dr.P.V. Jabade(Internal Guide) (Principal)

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  I Mr.Chavan Gopal B., hereby declare that the project 

work entitled “Marketing Survey and Channel Development” 

is an authentical work carried out of "  ICICI Prudential Life 

Insurance Company Ltd. Aurangabad” under the guidance of 

Miss. Naziya Shaikh for the partial fulfillment of the award of the degree of Bachelor Of Business Administration and this work 

has not been submitted before.

Purpose anywhere else expected to Deogiri College Aurangabad.

Affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,



Gopal B.Chavan 

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Date: 5Th may 2009

  To Whom It May Concern :

This is to certify that Mr. Chavan Gopal Bhikusing has worked with

Bharti Airtel Company Ltd., Aurangabad On project assignment 15th

April to 30th April 2009.

The project undertaken during the period was –

Marketing Survey & Channel Development

in Aurangabad

The above mentioned project has been successfully completed.

We wish him all the best for all future endeavors.

Titto david(Unit Manager)

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1.1.3 Learning from project:

I learnt how the insurance company works, what are the channels of distribution and

elements in distribution network of the company, what are eligibility criteria to

become a financial advisor.

I studied overall working of Insurance companies. I came to know about channels

of distribution network used by Insurance companies. I studied the policies and

process of appointing financial advisor for ICICI FRUDENTIAL Life Insurance


1.2 Theoretical Background:

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1.2.1 SERVICES: 

Services from major part of day today life. Today services sector is the fastest growing

sector in almost every countries economy. Services are the intangible product which are

attached to either the provider that is producer or the service receiver i.e. the customer who

byes it to enjoy the benefits of the services.


◙ Kotler (1988) Define service as: “Any act or performance that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible

and does not result in ownership of any thing. Its production any or may not be tied top a

physical product.”

◙ The American Marketing Association Services as:

“Activities, Benefits, or Satisfaction, which are offered for sale and provided in

connection with the sales of goods.”


Following are the different attributes common to the services:

◙ Intangibility: Services do not have a physical form.

Inseparability: A service cannot be separated from sources that render it.

◙ Inconsistency: The quality of service can differ from one service provider to another 

service provider. Also may form one service encounter to another even for the same service


◙ PERSONAL ABILITY: Services are not the physical objects therefore can’t be stored.

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◙ OWENERSHIP: Buying service does not result into ownership of anything.

◙ SIMULTANEITY: The production and consumption of the service is always


◙ QUALITY MEASURMENT: There is no particular standard set for the services.

◙ NATURE OF DEMAND: The demand for the service in the market is always


1.2.4. The 7-S work for a service organization:

1. Strategy.

2. Structure.

3. System.

4. Styles.

5. Staff.

6. Skills.

7. Shared values.

1.2.5 Marketing Channels for services:

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  Marketing channels for refers to an organized network of inter connected organization

and agencies involve in the process of making the product or services available to

customers. They are the intermediaries and also known as the middleman. Producers of 

services also need to think about the channels of distribution, which can make their 

services available to the customers.

They distribution of services is a critical task due to their intangibility, perish,

inseparability, etc. Therefore mostly the direct channel i.e. zero level is used in this case

the provider directly sales his services to customers. However some service provider makes

take help of the agents who can provide information of the customers, book the order and

collect the payment on behalf of the service providers. In any casa channel length does not

exceed one level. Some big and reputed service provider train the individuals to perform

service and franchise their services e.g. Employment agencies, travel agencies etc.


1. Service provider-customer: Zero level.

For example, customers, lawyers architects, doctors etc.

Use zero level for giving their services to their customers.

2. Services provider-Agent-customers: One level

For example, Education institutes, entertainment, insurance, securities, banks and

financial institutions and appoint agent (direct selling agent).

3. Service provider (Franchiser)-Franchisees-Consumer: One level.



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Following are the key services industries in India and their growth potentials:

1. Insurance:-

India is not recognized as a first emerging market for a insurance. The Indian

insurance is accepted to be $25 billion in 2010 on an assumption of 9.7 % real growth in

the GDP. With the passing or IRDA act in 2000 the insurance market in India has been

open to privet sector. As a result as many as 34 insurance companies entered the market;

in collaboration with foreign companies by end of 2002-2003 the market has now become

highly competitive and challenging.

2. Transport:-  Heavy investments are made in means of transport like railways, waterways and

airways. There is need to develop infrastructures, modernize buses and train, aircrafts,

ships, introduces professional management improvement safety and security measure to

make this sector progressive.

3. Telecommunication:- In spite of significant growth in telecommunication sector in the recent past, the

teledensity in India was abysmally low compared to other countries the teledensity in

India was only 1.89 by the end of 2002. Telecommunication has tremendous growth

potential. The rapid growth in cellular, radio paging, value added services, internet and

global mobile communication by satellite services, besides basic telephone services, is an

indicator of the bright future of sector.

4. Software:-

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  Computer software is the thrust area in growth plan of India economy. The

focus is to develop the industry for export as well as for domestic needs. Thus

this industry is having bright future.

5. Electricity:-The government of India has taken up mission 2012 with an object of providing

power for all. A comprehensive plan has been developed to address all the problem’s

being confronted by sector. With these initiatives being taken for the growth of the sector,

we can be hopeful of better power generation.

6. Postal services:-The department of posts is adapting itself to the hanging markets dimension in

spite of the financial impediments. Competition from courier and other services

companies is becoming more intense day by day. However, the department has no parallel

challenge in terms its huge network con connecting every part of India.

7. Tourism:-

Tourism is dynamic field and is subject to constant changes cause by the consumers as

well as social treads. One of the reasons identified for the slow growth of sector in India is

the lack of professionalism in the marketing tourism services. Hence strategy approach in

marketing of truism services is necessary to achieve good results.

8. Banking

Indian banks have a gigantic task of striking of appropriate balance between banking

operations of international standard and commitment and social welfare there is a need to

reset social .economy objective in the larger interest of the nation by taking into

consideration factors such as several competitions customers sophistication business

diversification product innovation asset and liability mismatch increased business risk,

NPA menace, capital restructure, cyber/e, banking-commerce and universal bankin

9. Healthcare:- 

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The entry of the corporate sector has brought in dynamic shift in healthcare services.

Having an assured growth in demand due to the increasing population, rise in the

population levels, emergence of communicable diseases, epidemics and falling living

conditions, and the health care sector has prospects of high level growth.

 10. Education:-  The liberal financing by banks and other financial instructions, further facilities the

growth of this sector. In spite of several impediments such as school drops out’s,

infrastructure constraints quality variations lack of proper vision, financial problems for 

public institution and universities, the sector is set to reach new heights each year.


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In this age of uncertainties nothing can be called as safe, a small accident can end our life

business home vehicle therefore it is necessary to insure the things including our life so that

if incident occurs the loss can be reimbursed .insurance is a promised given by one to

another where by the promissory undertakes to pay a sum of money to the promise on the

happening of the event insured against.

Types of insurance:

•Term life insurance.

• Car insurance.

• Health insurance.

• Long term care insurance.

• Burial insurance.

• Business insurance.

• Home owners insurance.

• Group health insurance.

• Disability insurance.

• Whole life insurance.

• Home improvement insurance.

• Others: motorcycle, boat, flood insurance etc.

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Life insurance is promise to perform in future when the obligation is met i.e. the insured

event takes place ,the money ,whose presence can be felt replaces the promise his helps the

insured person or in case of his death his dependences will get the assured amount of 

money with which they can obtain the necessities of life.

Marketing approach to life insurance

Life insurance is a personalize service oriented industry, therefore providing the service

that should match the needs and wants of the customer should be a basic objective of life

insurance company. The marketing approach in relation to life insurance involves

following four steps.

1. Research to determine customer’s insecurity.

2. Designing new policies or innovate old ones.

3. Market services to the customer for whom they where researched and designed at


4. In doing so satisfy the customer’s needs.

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Identify the customer’s

future needs

Forecasting and research

on future market needs

for insurance

Develop appropriate

insurance plans

Determine the

premium for each plandeveloped

Personal selling

through agents;


Opening of 


appointing agents

and development


Policy servicing

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  1.6 AGENT

An agent is an intermediary who acts on behalf of the service principle and is

authorized to make agreement between the customer and the service provider or principal. Agent does not take title to services but instead deliver the right to

them. They have legal authority to market the services as well as to perform

other marketing functions on behalf of the producers.


 There are two types of agents:-

1. Selling Agents: - They have contractual authority to sell a services

principals output. E.g. Insurance, financial services.

2. Purchasing Agents: - These agents have a long relation with buyers

evaluating and making purchases for them they are knowledgeable and

provide helpful market information to clients as well as obtaining the best

services and prices available. E.g. agents hired by company to find art,

rare jewelers, antiques etc.

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  ABOUT ICICIICICI bank is India’s second largest bank with an asset base of Rs. 2513.89


As on march 31, 2006.ICICI bank provides a broad spectrum of financial

services to indices and companies. This includes mortgages, car and personal

loans, credit and debit cards, corporate and agricultural finance the bank 

services a growing customer base for more than 17 million customers through

multi-channel network which includes over 620 branches and extension

counters, 2200 ATMs, call centers and the retail customers through a Varity of 

delivery channels through it’s specialized subsidiaries and affiliates in areas of 

investment banking, life and non-life Insurance, venture capital, asset

management and information Technology, ICICI banks equity shares are listed

on stock exchange of Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Vadodara , The Stock 

Exchange and The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. and American

Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are listed on The New York Stock Exchange(NYSE).



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Prudential PLC was established in London in 1948, Prudential PLC, through

its businesses in the UK and Europe, the US and Asia, provides retail financial

services to more than 16 million customers, policyholders and unit holders

worldwide. As of Dec. 31, 2005, the company has over US $ 400 billion in fund

management. Prudential has brought to market an integrated range of finance

services products that now includes life assurance, pensions, mutual funds,

banking, investment management and general insurance. In Asia, Prudential is

leading European life Insurance Company with a vast network of 23 life and

mutual fund operations in twelve countries – 

1. China.

2. Hong Kong

3. India.

4. Japan.

5. Korea

6. Malaysia.

7. Philippines.

8. Singapore.

9. Taiwan.





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ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is a joint venture between ICICI Bank, a premier 

financial powerhouse, and Prudential PLC, a leading international financial services group

headquartered in the U.K. ICICI prudential was amongst the first private sector insurance

companies to begin operations in Dec. 2000 after receiving approval from Insurance

Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA).

ICICI Prudential’s capital base stands at Rs. 1335 Crores with ICICI Bank and Prudential

PLC holding 74% and 26% stake respectively. For the year ended March 31, 2006, the

company garnered Rs. 2,412crore of weighted new boniness premiums and wrote 837,963

policies. The sum assured in force at over Rs. 56,000 crore.

ICICI Prudential is also the only private Life Insurer in India to receive a national Insurer 

Financial Strength rating of AAA (Ind.) from Fitch rating. The AAA rating ids the highest

rating, and is a clear assurance of ICICI Prudential’s ability to meet its obligations to

customers at the time of maturity or claims.

For the past five year, ICICI Prudential has retained its position as the No. 1 private Life

Insurer in India, with a wide range of flexible products that meet the needs of the Indian

customer at every step in life.

ICICI Prudential has one of the largest distribution networks amongst private Life Insurers

in India with network of over 83,000 advisors, and having commenced operations in 207

cities and towns in India, stretching from Bhuj in west to Guwahati in The east, Jammu in

the North to Trivanprum in the south.

ICICI Prudential was registered on Nov. 24, 2000. with registration No. 105.

Board Of Directors

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The ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited Board comprises reputed people

from financial industry both from India and abroad.

Mr. K.V. Kamath, Chairman

Mr. Mark Norbom

Mrs. Lalita D. Gupte

Mrs. Kalana Morparia

Mrs. Chanda Kochhar 

Mr. H T Hong

Mr. M.P. Modi

Mr. R Narayanan

Mr. Keki Dadiseth

Ms.Shikha Sharma, M.D.

Mr.N.S. Kannan, Executive Director 

Management Team

Ms.Shikha Sharma, M.D. & CEO

Mr.N.S. Kannan, Executive Director 

Mr. N.S. Kannan, Executive Director 

Mr. V Rajagopalan, Chief- Actuary

Mr. Sandeep Batra, Chief Financial Officer & company Secretary

Ms. Anita Pai, Chief - Customer Service and Technology

Mr.Puneet Nanda, Chief - Investments


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ICICI Prudential is currently having a wide range of products which could meet the

existing demand of the customer this products are the various plans which are flexible in

nature which can be enhanced with up to 6 riders to provide a customized to each policy



• Cash plus is a transparent, feature-packed saving plan that offers 3 levels of 

protection as well as liquidity options.

• Save’n’Protect is a traditional endowment savings plan that offers life insurance

along with adequate returns.

• Cash Bak is an anticipated endowment policy ideal for meeting milestone expenses

like a child’s marriage, expenses for child’s higher education or purchase of an asset.

It is available for terms of 15 and 20 years.

• Lifetime Super & lifetime plus are unit –linked plans that offers customers the

flexibility control to customize the policy to meet the changing needs at different life

stages. Each offer 4 fund functions: Preserver, Protector, Balancer and Maxi miser.• Life link Super is a single premium unit linked insurance plan which combines life

insurance cover with opportunity to stay invested in the stock market.

• Premier Life Gold is a limited premium paying plan specially structured for long-

term wealth creation.

• Invest Shield Life new is a unit linked plan that provides premium guarantee on the

investment premiums and ensures that the customer receives only the benefits of 

fund appreciation without any of the risk of depreciation.

• Invest Shield Casbak is a unit linked plan that provides premium guarantee on the

investment premiums along with flexible liquidity operations.


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• Lifeguard is a protection plan, which offers life insurance covers at very low cost.

Itis available in 3 options: Level term assurance, Level term assurance with return of 

premium an single premium.

• Home Assure is a mortgage reducing term assurance plan designed specially to help

customers cover home loans in a single and cost effective manner.


• Educational insurance under the Smart Kid brand provides guaranteed educational

benefits to a child along with life insurance cover for parent who purchases the

policy. The designed to provide money at important millstones in the child’s life.

Smart Kid plans are also available in Unit-linked form, both single premium and

regular premium.


• Forever life is a traditional retirement product that offers guaranteed returns for the

first 4 years and then declares bonuses annually.

• Life Super Pension is a single premium unit linked pension plan. 


• Health Assure and Health Assure Plan : Health assure is regular premium plan

which provide long term cover against 6 critical illnesses by providing policyholder 

with financial assistance, Irrespective of the actual medical expenses. Health Assure

Plus offers the added advantages of equivalent Life Insurance Cover.

• Cancer Care: is a regular premium plan that pays cash benefits on diagnosis as well

as at different stages in the treatment of various cancer conditions.


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ICICI Prudential also offers Group Insurance Solution for the companies seeking to

enhance benefits to their employees.

• Group Gratuity Plan: ICICI Pru’s group gratuity plan helps employers fund their 

statutory gratuity obligation in scientific manner. The plan can also be customized to

structure schemes that can provide benefits beyond the statutory obligations.

•   Group Superannuation Plan : ICICI Pru offers both defined contribution (DC)

defined benefits (DB) Superannuation schemes to optimize returns for the members

of the trust and rationalize the cost .members have the potion of choosing from

various annuity options or opting for a partial commutation of the annuity at the

time of retirement.

• Group Immediate Annuities: in addition to the annuities offered to existing

superannuation customers, we offer immediate annuities to superannuation funds not

managed by us.

• Group Term plan: ICICI pru’s flexible group term solution helps provide

affordable cover members of a group .the cover could be uniform or based on

designation/rank or a multiple of salary. The benefit under policy is paid to the

beneficiary nominated by the member on his/her death.


ICICI pru life offers flexible riders, which can be added to the basic policy at a marginal

cost, depending on the specific needs of the customer.• Accident of disability benefit; if death occurs as the result of an accident during the

term of the policy, the beneficiary receives an additional amount equal to the rider 

sum assured under the policy .if the death occurs while traveling in an authorized

mass transport vehicle. The beneficiary will be entitled to twice the sum assured as

additional benefit.

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• Critical illness benefit: protects the insured against financial loss in the event of 

9specified critical illnesses, benefits are payable to the insured for medical expenses

prior to death.

• Income Benefit: This rider pays the 10 % of the sum assured to the nominee every

year, till maturity. In the event of the death the life assured. It is available on smart

kid and cash plus

• Waiver of premium: in case of total and permanent disability due to an accident, the

future premiums continue to be paid by the company till the time of maturity. This

rider is available with life time super, life time super pension and cash plus.

Market Shares of Insurance Companies in India


To make ICICI pru the dominant life and pension layer built on trust by world class

people and service.

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This we hope to achieve by;

1. Understanding the needs of the customer and offering them superior products and


2. Leveraging technology to service the customer quickly, efficiently and conveniently.

3. Developing and implementing superior risk management and investment strategies to

offer sustainable and stable returns to policyholders.

4. Providing and enabling environment to faster growth and learning for our employees.

5. Building transparency in all our dealings.


The success of the company is to be achieved in its unflinching commitment to 5 corevalues.

1. Integrity.

2. Customer first.

3. Boundary less.

4. Ownership.

5. Passion.

6. Each of the above values described what the company stands for, the qualities of our 

people and the way we work.

We aim at unlimited growth coupled with higher quality of customer satisfaction by

providing the quality products and services.


1. The Aurangabad branch office stood 8th, in terms of its business achievements,

amongst 103 branches of ICICI prudential.

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2. Record Created 05 06;

• Total income till date: 5000cr.

• Total Business; 2410cr.

• New Business; 1584cr.

• Commission paid; 284cr.

• Plans issued; 6lac.

• Total plans issued: 1.4million.

Only in march; 97000.• No of service transaction: 14lac.

• Communication sends out: 65lac.

Average plan of second sale compared to first sale; Higher by 50 %



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  Territory Manager

Assistant Sales


Senior Agency Manager 

Channel DevelopmentManager

  Agency Manager

  Unit Manager

Assistant UnitManager

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In today’s era everything is too uncertain. A small accident can put to end of our vehicles,

business, home or perhaps a life too. So apart from saving money and investing into

different ways insurance should from a major part of our financial planning. Insurance is

nothing but, a promise to perform in future. It is a guarantee giving by one to another where

by the former undertakes to pay a sum of money to the latter on the happening of the event

insured against.


Life insurance can be termed as a device or a plan of compensating a financial loss over a

large number of people, which is too heavy to conveniently born by an individual. It seeksto reduce the financial uncertainties which can arise from an old age or death of person.


Basically the insurance was started by the Greeks and Romans, were in case of a death of a

member the cost of burial was contributed by the other members of the community. This

was an early concept of Insurance.

In seventeenth century, Tontine Annuity system came into existence where as associations

of individuals were formed without any consideration of age. A fund was created in which

each member contributed equal sum of money this fund was invested and at the end of each

year the obtained interest was equally divided among the survived. The person who

survived to the last received the interest as well as the principle amount.

The first insurance company was formed in 1759 in Philidelphi, North America. Since then

over the past three centuries numbers of insurance companies are formed. And today

insurance is the fastest growing industry in the service sector because people have accepted

insurance as a protection coupled with investment.


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In India the insurance business started in the beginning of the 19th century.

Marine insurance was the earliest form of insurance that was transacted in India.

Marine insurance was followed fire insurance. Many foreign companies

established their branches in India, looking at the business prospects. In 1907,

the India mercantile insurance company was established as the first company of 

India origin. The nationalization of insurance business was a major milestone in

the development of insurance in India. Life insurance business was nationalized

in 1956 by taking over 245 private insurance businesses. The General Insurance

Corporation (GIC) was established in 1972 by taking over the business of 107



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Presently the life insurance industry is in the growth stage of its life cycle because of rise in

income of people better standards of living coupled with rise in uncertainties. Life is at risk 

therefore people are likely to go for life insurance.


1. Bajaj Allianz life insurance company Ltd.

2. Birla sunlife insurance Co. Ltd

3. HDFC standard life insurance Co, Ltd.

4. ING Vysya life insurance Co. pvt. Ltd

5. life insurance corporation of India

6. MAX New York life insurance co Ltd

7. MET life India insurance co pvt Ltd

8. OM Kotak Mahindra Life insurance Ltd.

9. SBI life insurance co Ltd,

10.TATA AIG life insurance co. Ltd

11.AMP sunmar life insurance Ltd

12.AVIVA life insurance co .India Pvt .Ltd

13.Sahara India life insurance co. Ltd

3.3.2 Market Share of the Competitors:

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On the basis of first year premium of life insurance for year ended March 2008.



3.4 IRDA 


Insurer Market share based on

Premium Policy

1 TATA AIG 1.18 0.87


3 BIRLA SUNLINE 2.45 0.76

4 MAX NEW YORK 0.89 0.83

5 ING VYSTA 1.11 0.42

6 HDFC STANDERD 1.92 0.79

7 MET LIFE 0.22 0.18

8 BAJAJ ALLIANZ 3.39 1.10


10 SBI 1.91 0.49

11 AVIVA 0.79 0.32

12 AMP SANMAR 0.36 0.13

13 AHARA LIFE 0.01 0.04

14 LIC 78.07 91.50

GRAND TOTAL 100.0 100.0

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IRDA refers to Insurance Regulatory Development Authority. It is formed to

regulate and develop the insurance sector. It keeps check on the activities of the

various Life Insurance companies. All these companies are bound to follow the

rules and regulation laid down by IRDA.

3.4.1. MISSION:

To protect the interests of the policy holders, to regulate to promote and ensure

orderly growth of the insurance industry and for matters connected there with or 

incidental there to.

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Section 14 of IRDA act, 1999 lays down the duties, powers and functions of 


1) Subject to the provisions to this act and any other law for the time being

in force, the authority shall have the duty to regulate,

Promote and ensure orderly growth of the insurance business and re- insurance


2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions contained in the sub-

section (i) The power and function of the authority shall include =

a. Issue to the applicant a certificate of registration, renew, modify,

withdraw, suspend or cancel such registration.

b. Protection of the interests of the policy holders in matters concerningassigning of policy, nomination by policy holders, insurable

interests, settlement of insurance claim, surrender value of policy

and other terms and conditions of contracts of insurance;

c. Specifying requisite qualifications ,code of conduct and practical

training for intermediary of insurance intermediaries and agents;

d. Specifying the code of conduct for surveyors and loss assessors;

e. Promoting efficiency the conduct of insurance business;

f. Promoting and regulating professional organization connected with

the insurance and re-insurance business;

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g. Levying fees and other charges for carrying out the purpose of this


h. Calling for information form, undertaking inspection of, conducting

enquiries and investigations including audit of the insurer,

intermediaries, insurance intermediaries and other organizations

connected with the insurance business;

i. Control and regulations of the rates ,advantages, terms and

conditions the may be offered by insurer in respect of general

insurance business not so control and regulated by the tariff advisory

committee under section 64U of the insurance act,1938 (4of1938);

j. Specifying the form and manner in which books of accounts shall be

maintained and statement of account shall be rendered by insurers

and other insurance intermediaries;

k. Regulating investment of funds by insurance companies;

l. Regulating maintenance of margin of solvency;

m.Adjudication of disputed between insures and intermediaries of 

insurance intermediaries;

n. Supervising the functioning of the tariff advisory committee;

o. Specifying the percentage of the premium income of the insurer to

finance schemes for promoting and regulating professional

organizations referred to in clause(f);

p. Specifying the percentage of life insurance business and general

insurance business to be undertaken by the insurer in the rural or 

social sector; and

q. Exercising such other powers as may be prescribed.

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IRDA has laid down qualification to be an agent for any of the insurance

company. This is applicable to all insurance companies. To become an agent

(financial advisor) a person should possess following qualifications; If the. In

other places the applicant should satisfy the minimum educational qualification

of 10th std. or equivalent.

1. He has to complete his 100hrs of practical training in Life Insurancebusiness, that to from approved institute, where the applicant is seeking

the license for the first to work as an agent.

2. He has to pass the pre – requisite test which is conducted by the insurance

institute of India or any other approved body.

3. He required knowledge of solicit and procure insurance business.

4. He should be capable of providing necessary services to the policy holder.

5. Applicant is living in a resident where the population is 5.000 or above as

per the last census in that case. He must have qualified his 10+2 or 


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According to Philip Kotler: “Marketing research is systematic problem analysis

model building and fact finding for the purposes of decision making of goods

and service”

According to Green and Tull:-“Marketing research is systematic and objective

search for analysis of information relevant to the Identification and solution of 

any problem in the field of marketing.”

According to American Marketing Association: - “Marketing research is

systematic gathering, recording and analysis of data about and service.”MEANING

a. Marketing research is systematic activity carried out in pursuit of truth

b. It is a purposive investigation.

c. It is the application of scientific method to add the present pool


d. It is a way of finding new ways of looking at familiar things in order to

explore ways of changing it.

e. It is activity that extends correct or verifies knowledge.

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1. To approach the people for becoming a financial advisor.

2. To study about the potential customer in the market.

3. To hire the new financial advisor for the company so that the business of the

company should grow faster.

4. To study about the marketing strategy of company.


 I choose Aurangabad city for my project work-

In Aurangabad city following areas were covered;

• Aurangpura.

• Cannought place.

• NiralaBazar.

• Jyoti Nagar.

• Osmanpura.

• Cidco.


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  The scope of project was all about recruiting the financial advisors for the company on

commission basis. I was suppose to generate the leads then meet those people, telling them

the concept of financial advisor and convincing them to join the company and finally get

the undertaking forms filled and thus closing the leads.


  In random sampling methods, the sample units are selected at random. Random

sampling follows a precisely specified system where there is no scope for biased selection

of sample unit’s take place by sheer chance of being selected.


This is called for three decisions:-

1. Sample unit:-who is to be surveyed?

The target population that is defined.

ICICI Prudential was surveyed in this project.

2. Sample size: - the refers to the number of items that is to be selected from the universe

to constitute a sample-

100 people

3. Sample Procedure: - How the respondent be chosen. 

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CENSUS SURVEY: - Data is collected from each and every unit in the population; it is

termed as census survey.

To overall census population of questionnaire survey hence proper sampling design is

done so that particular sample represents that census.

UNIVERSE:- Universe sampling accounts for no. of sample size upon which project data

has been collected here to gather that data my sample size was 100 which is universe

sample size.


1. Questionnaires

2. Personal Interviews.


  While designing the Questionnaires we need to keep certain things in mind.

• Simplicity: the Questionnaire should very simple to understand that is the language

used should be easy and understandable. So that the person who is about to fill it can

give appropriate answers to the concern questions.

• Briefness: The Questionnaires should very brief that is possibly low number of 

questions should be asked, so person will not fill bored.

• Clearness: Questions should be cleared and be possibly open ended to save time of 

the people filling them.

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Personal interview is mostly commonly used method of data collection. Two purposive

communications between interviewer (researcher) and the respondent (subject) aimed at

obtaining and recording information pertinent to the subject matter of study. The

interviewer resents oral, verbal and written stimuli and receives oral resonances.

Interview may be used as the main method of data collection, or may be used as a

supplement to observation experiments or other technique.

People are more willing to speak rather than write. It also provides an opportunity to note

the body language of the respondent this is called as Personal Interview.


  I visited various places like Cannought place, Nirala Bazar, Osmanpura, Jyoti Nagar, etc.

an meet the shop keepers, housewives, student etc. I gave them information about the

concept. I got the questionnaire forms filled the people. People who were interested in

becoming financial advisor were supposed to fill the form and pay Rs. 1,000/- as their 

training fees. My job was getting these people motivating them and gets them to my unit



1. People hesitated in giving personal information

2. People don’t listen and pay attention to the things they are not interested in

3. People don’t like to fill the questionnaire because of the mind set against the surveys.

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1. Since the duration of the project training was less it was difficult to study

following aspects in depth.


a. To understand the policy of company

b. To understand the work properly.

c. To learn about the requirement/qualifications of the financial


d. To generate the leads.

2. People’s mindset about becoming a financial advisor for the company is

very narrow, usually they hesitate in giving their personal

information & expressing their views etc.

3. People are not ready to undergo the practical training of 100Hrs.

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The Questionnaire was designed to obtain personal information of the person as well as

their interest in becoming a financial advisor.

1. Do you have insurance policy of any of the company?

a) LIC [ ] b) ICICI [ ] c) HDFC [ ] e) others f) No policy [ ]

This question was asked to person I order to know whether he have some knowledge about

the insurance product. Following was outcome observed after asking this question 200




LIC 80 80 %

ICICI 30 30 %

BAJAJ 20 20 %

HDFC 15 15 %

OHERS 5 5 %


TOTAL 100 100 %

Graphical Representation:

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Chart 5.1















Observation: It is being observed that 80 % of the sample populations are having their 

insurance policy in LIC as compared to private life insurance companies.


2.1) Are you an agent of any of the insurance company?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

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This question asked to make whether the targeted person can become our prospect or not.TABLE 5.2


Yes 20 20%

No 80 80%

TOTAL 100 100%

Graphical Representation:

Chart 5.2





Observation: this shows very low sample population is aware of this business of an

insurance agent and a very few of them are prepared to be an insurance agent.

ii) If ‘Yes’ which of following company you are working for?

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  a)LIC [ ] b) ICICI [ ] c) BAJAJ [ ] d) HDFC [ ] e) OTHERS

The above question helped in getting the information about the brand awareness

of the different insurance companies present in the market and also people’s

mindset about the companies.

Table 5.3


LIC 12 60 %

ICICI 4 20 %

BAJAJ 2 10 %

HDFC 2 10 %

OHERS 0 0%

TOTAL 20 100 %

Graphical Representation:

Chart 5.3



10% 0%






Observation: The graph indicates that large portion i.e. 60% is working for LIC

and at second number ICICI PRUDENTIAL with 20% is there as BAJAJ and

HDFC (with 10%) are having low number of people working for them.

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3) Do you have any sales related experience?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

This question is asked to know about the sales related experience of the person

so that his communication skills and knowledge about selling anything can be


Table 5.4


Yes 60 60 %

No 40 40 %

TOTAL 100 100 %

Graphical Representation:

Chart 5.4






Observation: It is observed that nearby 40 % of the people I met had sales

related experience as most of them are self employed and having their own

shops. While 60 % of the population don’t have any such experience.

4) Are you interested in being / getting more information about financial advisor?

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a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

This question is posed to the customer to get information whether he id

interested in knowing about the concept of Financial Advisor and doingbusiness for the company or not.

Table 5.5


Yes 30 30 %

No 70 70 %

TOTAL 100 100 %

Graphical Representation:

Chart 5.5





Observation: It is being observed that 30% of the total sample population said

that they would like to know about the company and it’s Advisor.

5. If ‘Yes’ how would you like to be contacted through?

a) Personal Visit [ ] b) Telephone [ ]This question helps in determining the future step to be undertaken to make the customer 

know about the concept and convincing him to join the company. The outcome for this

question was:-

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Table 5.6


Personal Visit 27 90 %

Telephone 3 10 %TOTAL 100 100 %


Graphical Representation:

Chart 5.6



Personal Visit


Observation: It is noticed that 90% of people do believe in face to face

interaction because they feel it id effective and it helps them in resolving their 

doubts on the spot.

OTHERS:-1. Educational Qualification:


a) 10th Passed [ ] b) 10+12 [ ] d) Post Graduation [ ]

This question helps in knowing the level of knowledge and understanding of the person.

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10th Passed 5 5 %

10+2 Passed 35 35 %

Graduation 50 50%

Post Graduation 10 10 %

TOTAL 100 100 %

Graphical Representation:Chart 5.7






10+2 Passed


Post Graduate


Observation: It was observed that hardly 5% of the selected population even

self-employed was 10th Passed, while others are well educated.

2. Current Occupation:

a) self employed [ ] b) Salaried [ ] c) Student [ ] d ) House wife [ ]

The objective behind this question is to determine the interest of the person in

doing the business for the company and if is joins company how much time he

will be able to give for the business. The come was:-

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Table 5.8


Self employed 50 50 %

Salaried 5 5 %

Student 20 20 %

House wife 25 25 %

TOTAL 100 100 %

Graphical Representation:

Chart 5.8






Self emloye



House Wife

Observation: Nearly 50 % people are self-employed as the areas covered mostly

market place. While only 5 % people I met are the salaried person, 20 % are

student and 25 % are House Wives.

3. Rejections:

Even after people are willing to join the company and do certain rejections come due to

different reasons but the main reason was time constraint as people are too busy that they

can not afford time for 100 hrs training and to certain extend money is a problem especially

for the students who wanted to join the company as a financial advisor.

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a) Rejection due to time constraint

89 % rejections were there due to time constraint. People who are self employed are

busy enough with their work. So they do not have sufficient time to spare for training

process. Even the housewives and the jobbers are busy with their work so they find it

difficult to manage to undergo the training.

b) Rejection due to money constraint:

To register for being a Financial advisor applicants need to pay a sum of Rs.1000/-

some people find it difficult to pay at single time. Also people have a mindset that if 

they fail in getting the customers these entire sums have to paid will be waste. Nearly

11 % of the rejections are due to money constraint.

Table 5.9:



24 88.88%

Rejection due to money


3 11.11%

Total 27 100%

Graphical Reprentiontation:

Chart 5.9

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Rejection due to time

Rejection due to money


Observation: It is observed that 89 % of people face time as a constraint in joining the

company and undergoing the practical training. While only 11% of the people find money

as a constraint in joining the company and training.

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At ICICI prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd. Aurangabad. I observed very

systematic and professional approach toward marketing. People are engaged in

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compulsory task, relates themselves to reach other systematic establishment &

accomplishment of the Marketing Process. After studying various theoretical

approach of company. I have come to a conclusion that ICICI Prudential is a

profit making company and gradually the demand of the product is also


The main areas of company are:- 

1. Well defined objective.

2. Well organized and co-ordinate group of people.

3. Clear & well defined policies & responsibility.

4. An effective system of the company.

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1. Service Marketing- Valeri A. Zeithaml & Mary Bitner 2nd edition – 

TATA McGraw Hill

2. Service Marketing- P.K. Sinha & S.C. Sahoo- 1st edition- Himalaya

Publication House.

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3. Service Marketing-K. Rama Mohan Rao- 1st edition-Indian Print-

Peatson Education

4. Channel Management & retail Marketing- Meenal Dhotre - 1st edition-

Himalaya Publication House.


Companies printed Material.


1. www.irdaindia.org 

2. www.iciciprulife.com 

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Contract No:


1. Do you have insurance policy of any of the company?

b) LIC [ ] b) ICICI [ ] c) HDFC [ ] e) others f) No policy [ ]

2.i)Are you an agent of any of the insurance company?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

ii) If ‘Yes’ which of following company you are working for?

  a)LIC [ ] b) ICICI [ ] c) BAJAJ [ ] d) HDFC [ ] e) OTHERS

3) Do you have any sales related experience?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

4) Are you interested in being / getting more information about financial advisor?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

5. If ‘Yes’ how would you like to be contacted through ?

a) Personal Visit [ ] b) Telephone [ ]

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1. Educational Qualification:


a) 10th Passed [ ] b) 10+12 [ ] d) Post Graduation [ ]

2.Current Occupation:

c) self employed [ ] b) Salaried [ ] c) Student [ ] d ) House wife [ ]