H2020 GV-8-2015 Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid Enabling seamless electromobility through smart vehicle-grid integration Project Nº 713864 D9.1 Marketing material, website and dissemination plan Responsible: UNIPASSAU Contributors: UNIMA, FM, HTB, UNIPASSAU, E-Wald, e-Šumava, Bayernwerk, THD, BCNecologia, GFI Document Reference: D9.1 - Marketing material, website and dissemination plan Dissemination Level: Public Version: 4.1 Date: 30/11/2016

Marketing material, website and dissemination

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H2020 GV-8-2015

Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport

system and the grid

Enabling seamless electromobility through smart vehicle-grid integration

Project Nº 713864

D9.1 – Marketing material, website and dissemination plan

Responsible: UNIPASSAU

Contributors: UNIMA, FM, HTB, UNIPASSAU, E-Wald, e-Šumava, Bayernwerk, THD, BCNecologia, GFI

Document Reference: D9.1 - Marketing material, website and dissemination plan

Dissemination Level: Public

Version: 4.1

Date: 30/11/2016

D9.1 - Marketing material, website and dissemination plan 30/11/2016, Version: 4.1


Executive Summary

This document has the goal of demonstrating the initial activities carried out for the purpose of

dissemination during the first three months of the project as well as to draw the roadmap in

terms of the dissemination planning.

For this purpose, this document is divided into four major parts: Dissemination planning,

Marketing material, website and the Style guidelines. The first part will describe the general

activity plan, key performance indicators as well as the template created for the purpose of

dissemination reporting. The second part will outline the created poster, brochure, website

design and press release for the objective of promoting the Electrific project. The third part will

depict the style guidelines in terms of fonts, color and logo that will be used throughout the

whole dissemination means of the project.

D9.1 - Marketing material, website and dissemination plan 30/11/2016, Version: 4.1


Contributors Table




Section I Robert Basmadjian, Ammar

Alyousef, Hermann De Meer


Jaroslav Červinka (e-Šumava),

Maria Perez Ortega (GFI Be),

Matej Matejicek (GFI Be)

Section II.1 Robert Basmadjian, Ammar

Alyousef, Hermann De Meer


Ariane Hartmann (THD),

Maria Perez Ortega (GFI Be),

Matej Matejicek (GFI Be)

Sections II.2 Wolfgang Duschl


Ariane Hartmann (THD),

Maria Perez Ortega (GFI Be),

Matej Matejicek (GFI Be)

Section II.3

and II.5

Irene Capdevila


Ariane Hartmann (THD),

Maria Perez Ortega (GFI Be),

Matej Matejicek (GFI Be)

Section II.4 Sonja Klingert (UNIMA),

Klaus Kohlmayr (HTB)

Matej Matejicek (GFI Be)

Wolfgang Duschl (Bayernwerk),

Maria Perez Ortega (GFI Be),

Matej Matejicek (GFI Be)

Section III Robert Basmadjian, Ammar

Alyousef, Hermann De Meer


Matej Matejicek (GFI Be)

Jean Luc Sonnet (FM),

Maria Perez Ortega (GFI Be)

Section IV Matej Matejicek (GFI Be) Michal Jakob (CVUT),

Maria Perez Ortega (GFI Be)

D9.1 - Marketing material, website and dissemination plan 30/11/2016, Version: 4.1


Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 8

I.1. Purpose and organisation of the document ....................................................................................... 8

I.2. Scope and audience .............................................................................................................................. 8

I.3. Document context ................................................................................................................................. 8

II. MARKETING MATERIAL AND WEBSITE ................................................................. 9

II.1. Poster .................................................................................................................................................... 9

II.2. Brochure .............................................................................................................................................. 11

II.3. Website ................................................................................................................................................ 12

II.4. Press release ...................................................................................................................................... 15

II.5. Social network profiles ...................................................................................................................... 16

II.6. Promotional video .............................................................................................................................. 18

III. DISSEMINATION PLANNING ................................................................................. 19

III.1. Dissemination strategy ..................................................................................................................... 19

III.2. Dissemination channels / activities ................................................................................................. 19

III.3. Target groups .................................................................................................................................... 21

III.4. General activity plan ......................................................................................................................... 23

III.5. Key performance indicators ............................................................................................................. 24

III.6. Template for dissemination reports ................................................................................................ 28

IV. VISUAL IDENTITY AND STYLE GUIDE ................................................................. 30

IV.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 30

IV.1.1. Elements of the style guide .......................................................................................................... 30

IV.1.2. What is/is not included in the style guide ..................................................................................... 30

IV.2. Logo.................................................................................................................................................... 30

IV.2.1. Standard logo ............................................................................................................................... 31

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IV.2.2. Logo size and clear space ........................................................................................................... 31

IV.2.3. Misuse of logo .............................................................................................................................. 33

IV.3. Colors ................................................................................................................................................. 33

IV.4. Typography ........................................................................................................................................ 34

V. APPENDICES ........................................................................................................... 36

V.1. Press release in Germany ................................................................................................................. 36

V.2. The press release template ............................................................................................................... 39

V.2.1. Common project information ......................................................................................................... 39

V.2.2. Electricity network ......................................................................................................................... 39

V.2.3. Big „Data” and psychological factors ............................................................................................ 39

V.2.4. Partners ......................................................................................................................................... 40

V.2.5. About Horizon 2020 ...................................................................................................................... 40

V.3. Word document example .................................................................................................................. 41

V.4. PowerPoint document example ........................................................................................................ 43

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Table of figures

Figure 1. Electrific poster. .......................................................................................................... 10

Figure 2. Electrific brochure front page. ..................................................................................... 11

Figure 3. Electrific brochure back page. .................................................................................... 12

Figure 4. Website homepage. .................................................................................................... 13

Figure 5. Website page. ............................................................................................................ 15

Figure 6. Facebook profile. ........................................................................................................ 16

Figure 7. Twitter profile. ............................................................................................................. 17

Figure 8. LinkedIn profile. .......................................................................................................... 17

Figure 9. Electrific dissemination target groups. ........................................................................ 23

Figure 10. Dissemination activity reporting. ............................................................................... 29

Figure 11. Electrific logo on black and white background. ......................................................... 31

Figure 12. Electrific logo spacing. .............................................................................................. 32

Figure 13. Illustrations of misuse of Electrific logo. .................................................................... 33

Figure 14. Press release on 02.09.2016, p.1. ............................................................................ 36

Figure 15. Press release on 02.09.2016, p.2. ............................................................................ 37

Figure 16. Press release on 02.09.2016, p.3. ............................................................................ 38

List of tables

Table 1. Electrific dissemination activities. ................................................................................. 24

Table 2. Dissemination activities and key performance indicators. ............................................ 25

Table 3. Electrific colours. ......................................................................................................... 34

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Table of Acronyms and Definitions

Abbreviation Explanation

ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance System

CVUT Czech Technical University In Prague

e-Šumava e-Šumava.cz s.r.o.

THD Deggendorf Institute of Technology

UNIMA University of Mannheim

UNI PASSAU University of Passau

BCNecologia Agencia D’ecologia Urbana De Barcelona


EC European Commission

EU European Union

EV Electric Vehicle

PMB Project Management Board

PM Project Manager

WP Work Package

WPL Work Package Leader

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I.1. Purpose and organisation of the document

This document is the first deliverable of Work Package 9 – Utilization of Project Results. Its main

objective is to describe the relevant information, such as planning, reporting and promoting

means, related to dissemination of Electrific.

The content of this document will demonstrate all the activities carried out in Task 9.1 during the

first three months of the project. More precisely, those activities can be divided into three parts:

(1) creating the poster, brochure, website and press release for the promotion of the Electrific

project, (2) providing the general concepts in planning the dissemination activities, and (3)

creating the styling guidelines.

I.2. Scope and audience

This deliverable is considered as a public document for the Electrific project. The relevant results

described in this deliverable have been achieved through inputs and in-depth review process of

all partners of the consortium. As a matter of fact, this document is relevant to all other WPs,

either directly or indirectly: WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7, WP8 and WP10.

This document is not meant to have any technical aspects. Hence the intended audience of

such a report are those who would like to have an overview concerning the dissemination

purposes of the project.

I.3. Document context

This document envisages giving information on the main aspects in the context of dissemination

carried out by the consortium. The rest of this document is organised in the following manner:

Section II gives the necessary material created for promotion purposes such as poster,

brochure, website design, press release and created social network profiles. Section III

describes the corresponding dissemination planning adopted in Electrific that needs to be

constantly performed and reported by the consortium partners. Section IV describes the

designed styling guidelines that need to be used in all official dissemination templates of the

project. Section IV gives an example of a press release in Germany as well as describes the

created template of press release to be used by the project partners.

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This section describes the materials that support activities related to promoting purposes of the

project. Described materials are: Poster, brochure, website and press release. It is worthwhile to

note that each of the aforementioned tasks was carried out in several rounds of review-and-

refinement process, where all the partners were involved according to Quality Assurance

process as described in D1.2.

II.1. Poster

In this section, we will present the poster created for the Electrific project. The task leader was

University of Passau.

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Figure 1. Electrific poster.

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As it can be seen from Figure 1, the poster demonstrates the highlights of the project in a simple

and schematic way. It is divided into 4 major parts: R&D areas and expected results, concept

and architecture, interactions and benefits as well as testbeds and experiments.

II.2. Brochure

In this section, we will present the brochure created for the Electrific project. The task leader was


Figure 2. Electrific brochure front page.

Figure 2 illustrates the front page of the Electrific brochure. Details about the project are

demonstrated on the back page of the brochure (see Figure 3).

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Figure 3. Electrific brochure back page.

II.3. Website

The Electrific project website is hosted at the following address: http://www.electrific.eu. Content

management system called WordPress is used to build, maintain and host the website. Custom

website design and template is developed by GFI, following Style guides described in Section IV

in order to provide intuitive and modern design, which has numerous images that make it more

attractive. The website is considered a living entity, so the current version will change according

to the needs (phases and results) of the project and its partners and will be aligned with

Dissemination planning explained in Section III.

On the home page (see Figure 4), a large slide shows some images of the pilots that will be

carried out in the course of the project. In the upper part, the menu of the web is detailed, which

is composed of different sections: HOME - CONCEPT - TRIALS - PLANS AND ACTIVITIES -

EVENTS AND NEWS – PARTNERS - PUBLICATIONS. The menu, and therefore sections, can

grow or be modified according to the convenience of the information to be disseminated. For

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instance, it is expected that the website will include a BLOG that will also appear on the menu as

soon as the first post is published.

Furthermore, the home page shows a small summary explaining what the project consists of.

Then, through a progression bars diagram the progress of the project is visualized, showing the

state of execution in which the different milestones are.

Below, the composition of the Consortium that is working on the project is specified. It is a

minimal introduction showing the logos of the different partners. From there the visitor is linked

to the respective websites with detailed information.

The footer contains links to the different social networking profiles of the project (Twitter,

Facebook and LinkedIn), as well as contact information (which corresponds physically to the

project's lead partner GFI) and the e-mail address of the project that will be managed by

BCNecologia as leader of the WP9 - Dissemination and Exploitation. There is also a small

section that refers to the latest news that will reflect summarized version of posts that will be

published in the BLOG section.

Figure 4. Website homepage.

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Next, we detail the corresponding sections of the website:

CONCEPT: This part of the Website contains an explanation of the overall objectives of

the project and then shows the tables of the different concrete objectives (4).

TRIALS: Contains brief introduction of the trials is given that are going to be carried out in

the framework of the project. This is completed with a more specific table. Then, 4

buttons link the visitor to a more detailed explanation of every trial (on different pages

that can be accessed also from the menu). On these pages there are pictures of every

trial, to make them more visually pleasing (see Figure 5).

PLANS AND ACTIVITIES: Currently, Project Work Plan and Work Package organization

are described, but the idea is to introduce all the information about the different activities

carried out in the framework of the project. Also, a copy of the progress of milestones

could be included in this section in the near future.

EVENTS AND NEWS: This section contains the topics referred to the dissemination of

the project: Press releases and their impact in the media. Much more information will be

added as it is generated during the project life time.

PARTNERS: Here more detailed information can be found about the partners of the

Consortium. In addition to a small explanation that can be accessed through a link in the

logo of each partner, there is contact information and a location map for every partner.

PUBLICATIONS: This section contains public related documents this Electrific project

produces in respect to deliverables and publications (all public documents produced in

the document are present here).

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Figure 5. Website page.

As previously stated, the website will be constantly subject to changes throughout the project.

This website is going to be very active, since its design and content will be outlined as different

needs are detected.

The website management will be handled by BCNecologia, as decided by the consortium

partners. This will be done on own initiative or by order of the different leaders of the WPs

according to their needs to communicate different relevant aspects. All website management

activities will respect Dissemination planning (Strategy approach, planning, KPIs) as described

in Section III. The decision making chain for publishing sensitive contents is as follows:

Responsible dissemination leader WPL PM PMB.

II.4. Press release

At the beginning of the project, in September 2016, UNIMA issued a press release aimed at

South-Germany and national print and online media (see Figure 14, Figure 15, and Figure 16).

This press information served as blueprint for the generic project press release which will be

adopted to regional requirements by Electrific partners.

The result of issuing this press information in Southern Germany was its publication in 12 online

media within September 2016. Shortly after, Sonja Klingert (UNIMA) was approached by two

organizations interested in accompanying the results of Electrific. With one of them, Hyundai

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MnSoft, a navigation expert, a first telephone conference was conducted on November 4th

exchanging ideas about future collaboration like e.g. a small internal workshop in spring 2017.

With the second, the Metropol-Regioin Rhein Neckar, an onsite meeting is planned for January,

12th, 2017 at UNIMA.

Taking into account the abovementioned success of UNIMA press release to reach

stakeholders, all partners are encouraged to publish their own press release. Section V.2.

describes the generic press release which serves as blueprint for all partners. From it partners

are asked to enrich the template in regard to where it is published (localization), by whom and

which target audience is focused on.

II.5. Social network profiles

Among all the available social networks, it has been decided that three of them will be used to

disseminate news of the project and other relevant information related to it: Twitter, Facebook

and LinkedIn.

Profiles for each of abovementioned social media are created for the project and will be updated

with new information on a regular basis by BCNecologia according to project dissemination

strategy and plan (described in Section III).

Examples of social media profiles can be found in following figures:

Figure 6. Facebook profile.

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Figure 7. Twitter profile.

Figure 8. LinkedIn profile.

D9.1 - Marketing material, website and dissemination plan 30/11/2016, Version: 4.1


Links to Electrific project social media pages are following:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/electrificproject/

Twitter: @Electrificpro

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/electrific-project

II.6. Promotional video

Regarding the promotional video, it is important to note that some of the partners of the

consortium were involved in the previous European projects such as EU FP7 FIT4Green,

All4Green and DC4Cities, as well as Ele.c.Tra project where five internal promotional videos

were released and are available on You Tube:

The video "Fit4Green Elevator Pitch" (3 min.) is available under the following link


The video "All4Green Airport Pitch" (3 min.) is available under the following link


The video “All4Green Conference Pitch” (9 min) is available under the following link


The “DC4Cities” (4 min) is available under the following link


The “Ele.C.Tra” is available under the following link


Building on the “know-hows” of the different partners, involved in these five promotional videos,

Electrific plans to release a video – in the next months - whose main objective is to give a

generic overview of the project with obtained results from trial cases. The length of this video is

envisioned not to exceed 5 minutes.

The production of a second video – in the second half of the project – is also considered, in

order to show how trials were performed in the different locations and how users test and adopt

Electrific solution.

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This section shows a general activity plan for the next three project years (33 months),

discusses some special activities that will be focused on in the future of the project, and

illustrates the template that will be used for dissemination planning and reporting.

III.1. Dissemination strategy

The dissemination strategy of Electrific comprises continuous support for all communication

activities like website updates and other partners’ communication channels. However, from a

temporal point of view, the focus will lie on three phases of the project: in the beginning – as

currently enacted – a lot of attention is given to setting up the website as core publication asset

and the creation of a “corporate identity” with logo, style-guide, etc. In addition, the first wave of

press releases is being created, locally announcing the research agenda and team

accompanied by the design of a brochure and a poster.

Around the middle of the project, when first major results are publishable, the website will

undergo a major rework to highlight these research findings. This activity will be linked to a

second surge of press releases published by the consortium partners in their respective

countries and the creation of a project video. At the same time, academic publication will be

increasing, focusing on the results and further challenges; likewise, industrial fairs will be visited.

Finally, near the end of the project, when the Electrific ADAS system is mature, a third

dissemination offensive will tackle the general public, the academic communities and potential

business partners for exploitation of the project results. This will again comprise press releases,

manifold publications in journals and conferences, and more concrete exploitation activities like

shaping theoretic business models for real-world markets.

III.2. Dissemination channels / activities

As described in DoA, Section 2.2.1, following dissemination channels (activities) with short

explanation are foreseen in the project. Detailed explanation of each activity is available in

abovementioned section in DoA.


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o This channel will enable public presentation of the project including: description of

the project, the partners and the objectives. The website will enable the public to

give feedback, and interact with staff members of the consortium.

Novel dissemination channels

o Project consortium believes that through embracing novel channels and trends it

could help to promote the project progress and results in the broader public,

especially the young generation students and professionals.

Press releases

o Channel used as a means to reach media coverage

Brochures and posters

o This channel will highlight the progress and achieved results of the project in

industrial, academic, and also internal event.

Project related video

o By producing video content, Project partners will enable channel that helps to

communicate key ideas of the project and raise awareness and interest of the

developed strategies for all kinds of stakeholders visual and dynamic way.

Publication activities

o Channel that enables to address research groups, spreading the topic of the

project in academic communities.

Community building activities

o The ELECTRIFIC consortium will actively participate to the strengthening of the

Electric Vehicles community;

o Besides taking active part in clustering and liaison events, Electrific will promote

community work via service platforms and ecosystems for the Electric Vehicles


o Electrific will establish synergies with project clusters in the sector and European

Associations and other European initiatives (such as: The European Association

for Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (AVERE), European Council for

D9.1 - Marketing material, website and dissemination plan 30/11/2016, Version: 4.1


Automotive R&D (EUCAR), European Automobile Manufacturers Association

(ACEA), Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA), etc.).

Industrial events and exhibitions

o This channel will enable means to spread the project progress among the

industrial stakeholder

Academic events

o This channel will lead to opportunities to publish and present scientific

publications and create awareness of the project. This awareness has also

potential to reach industrial target groups


o Through this channel Project will raise awareness in scientific communities and

foster exchange of ideas within the scientific community

University education

o This channel is immersed with research findings from the academic partners of

the ELECTRIFIC consortium

Open access

o Key goal of this channel is removing legal, commercial and technological barriers

to access scientific information, the research process becomes more efficient and

the research results more visible.

III.3. Target groups

In Electrific, the topics of e-mobility, energy management systems, battery storage, optimization

in terms of renewable energy usage and EV route planning, as well as grid friendliness are

addressed. Therefore, dissemination activities focus around these scientific fields and address

specific target groups and metric accordingly, for a continuously updated dissemination plan to

be implemented. Not all target groups can be addressed in the same manner. Different

dissemination channels will be set up. We identify following general target groups:

1. Scientific stakeholders composed of research groups, academic communities and PhD


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2. Industrial stakeholders consisting of several actors in the e-mobility market, different

stakeholders from the energy market, EV and battery manufacturers, and charging


3. Policy related stakeholders communal and possibly on national level.

4. The broader public.

The following target groups will be informed with the customized messages:

Target group name Target group description

E-Fleet companies (management and operation)

They obtain relevant information on approaches to better manage the EV fleet via following suggestions from the individual ADAS in order to maximize battery lifetime and minimize charging cost.

Car-sharing providers Will be given basically the same information as e-fleet operators, however additionally recommendations about new car sharing business models in order to reduce TCO.

EV manufactures Will be informed about ADAS development to improve TOC by reducing charging cost and increasing battery life time. This will spur the market uptake of all EVs. Also environmental benefit will be conveyed to further improve eco-reputation of electric mobility. This applies to all EVs: cars, trucks, buses, scooters….

Battery manufacturers Similarly to EV manufacturers they will be interested in the battery management parts of the ELECTRIFIC approach in

order to be able to plug onto the BMS system agnostic approach.

Navigation system developers

With Electrific delivering open-source results, navigation system developers need to be informed how to upgrade their technology with the project approach to voltage-aware charging logistics.

(Distribution) Grid operators Grid operators will be very sensitive to all information regarding the smooth integration of EV charging to the grid, in order maintain a certain frequency and voltage band. This includes information about financial incentives and new business models.

Cluster initiatives Initiatives such as in Germany the Cluster Automotive (Bayer Innovativ), dealing with mobility and energy subjects, or the Energie Forum, dealing with Grid technologies, are particular target groups for all information regarding the main objectives of the project.

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Policy on communal level/Smart Cities

On communal and public procurement level, the subject of sustainable mobility solutions is on the agenda. The project will help to feed this target group with all information about renewable aware charging and routing. This will not only apply to communities as fleet managers of public transportation, but also to spur private e-mobility in urban areas.

Policy on national level The EU 2020 goals are implemented differently in different member states. Some of them, e.g. Germany and Spain, have set themselves ambitious goals for EV dissemination. They will be sensitive to all information fostering an accelerated market uptake of e-mobility.

Science communities Through all dissemination channels the science community will profit from detailed research reports and papers in order to further develop (integrated) IT, technical, economic and psychological approaches for advancing the subject of e-mobility.

General public Specific dissemination actions, described below, towards general public will allow frequent users of EVs understanding the advances done in their usage through the research and testing performed in the project.

Figure 9. Electrific dissemination target groups.

III.4. General activity plan

The corresponding activity plan lists the main dissemination activities and shows the focus of the

project with respect to these activities. We classified them into three categories: little, medium

and high.

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Table 1. Electrific dissemination activities.

Dissemination Activities

Leader Year 1 Year 2 Year 3


Publications CVUT Little activity

Brochures Bayernwerk Medium activity

Posters UNI Passau High activity

Social network activities BCN

Industrial events and exhibitions


Web presence BCN

Workshops organisation CVUT - UNI MA

Cooperation with other projects


Promotional video UNI Passau

Press releases HTP - UNI MA

It can be observed in Table 1 that the project consortium plans to extend efforts on publication,

industrial events and exhibitions, social network activities, and web presence during the next two

years. Brochures, posters, cooperation with other relevant projects as well as press release will

be realized during the first year. It is important to note that for each of the activities, one or more

leader of the consortium is assigned. Such a leader has the “know-how” in executing and

leading the respective activity. Activities will respect and align to overall project dissemination

strategy (see Section III.1. ).

III.5. Key performance indicators

This section describes the key indicators measuring the performance of the consortium partners

from dissemination point of view. Each KPI is coded and numbered with specific code starting

with K.

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Table 2. Dissemination activities and key performance indicators.

Channel / activity

Committed Actions KPI Target /

Planned KPI


Target audience

Website Enable the public to give feedback and interact with consortium (e.g. communication via email and blog)

Number of returning website visitors per

year (K1.1);

Number of unique website visitors per

year (K1.2);

Number of received feedback per year


K1.1: 400

K1.2: 800

K2: 5

All target groups

Social network / novel dissemination channels

Be actively involved in social media such as Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn or Research gate

Total number of likes on Facebook (K3);

Total number of followers on Twitter (K4);

Total number of followers on LinkedIn


Total number of Wikipedia pages created


K3: 50

K4: 150

K5: 100

K6: 1

General public

Press release Publish press releases and online articles

Total number of press releases published

by the different countries of the

consortium (project phase dependent and

K7: 15 Printed media and online articles

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includes online articles) (K7)

Brochure and poster

One brochure and one poster will be created and distributed during events

Total number of events poster presented


Total number of events brochures

distributed (K9)

K8: 5

K9: 5

Research groups, academic communities, Industrial, academic, and also internal events

Project video Production of project video

Total number of videos presenting the

project (K10)

K10: 2 All target groups

Publication activities

Spreading the topic of the project in academic communities in form of published papers and scientific publications

Total number of accepted journal papers


Total number of accepted scientific

publications (K12)

K11: 3

K12: 10

Research groups, academic communities

Community building activities

Synergies establishment with other European projects, initiatives and liaisons

Total number of synergies build (K13) K13: 8 Electric Vehicles community (focus: EV manufactures)

Industrial events and exhibitions

Spread project results and findings

Total number of participation in European

events (K14)

K14: 10 Industrial stakeholders

Academic events

Publish and present scientific publications and create awareness of the project

Total number of active contributions in

conferences and workshops (paper and

not paper based) (K15)

K15: 14 Research groups, academic communities

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Workshops Three project related workshops are planned to be organised

Total number of organised workshops


Total number of accepted publications per

workshop (if the workshop is paper-based)


Number of attendees to the workshop


K16: 3

K17: 8

K18: 25

Scientific community

University education

Devised methodologies will be promoted to the students

Number of proposed master, bachelor

theses (K19);

Total number of newly created lecture

units (K20);

Number of proposed seminars and

practical courses (K21)

K19: 13

K20: 6

K21: 6

Scientific community (focus: students)

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Table 2 gives an overview of the dissemination activities together with their corresponding KPIs.

As it was noted in Section III.4. the corresponding task forces for each activity has been created

and one or more leaders have already been assigned. Also, as it is demonstrated in Section II, a

poster, brochure, website, social media accounts as well as press release content templates

have already been created. From publications’ point of view, the academic partners of the

consortium have set a target to submit at least one paper. Plan is to attend and submit paper at

the 8th International conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy) as well as to one of

the collocated workshops. This conference is chosen because this is one of the elite

international energy related conferences which is aligned with Electrific Project goals and it is the

next international conference of that kind where Consortium partners could contribute. Project

presence at this international conference could contribute to increased visibility of the project

and expected project results and goals. It is envisioned that our presence could also lead to

open new opportunities for exploitation partnerships, dissemination of marketing material (e.g.

poster) and publication of research papers.

III.6. Template for dissemination reports

A spreadsheet to be used as a template will help partners to share within the project both their

planned and performed communication activities. With this information, internally reported at

least once a month, the communication team will be able to plan and report supporting activities

such as website update, social networks campaigns, etc., to increase awareness of all planned

and realized activities related to Electrific.

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Figure 10. Dissemination activity reporting.

This internal communication template will also allow every partner to know which activities are

due to be realized by the other peer partners, and to reinforce communicating activities.

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IV.1. Introduction

This style guide is a set of guidelines which ensures that all visual elements are used in a

consistent way in both printed and digital media. Furthermore, it is a communication tool to be

used between colleagues and between Electrific and partners. Following these guidelines in a

strict and consistent way will help build Electrific’s brand recognition and visibility.

IV.1.1. Elements of the style guide

Electrific visual identity is achieved trough consistent use of multiple elements:




IV.1.2. What is/is not included in the style guide

Please note that style guide guidelines are primarily meant to define visual identity and design.

The guide does not describe how to write content.

IV.2. Logo

The logo is the most recognizable element representing Electrific. It should be used with great

care and in a consistent way.

The following rules apply to the use of the logo:

It should always be immediately visible. E.g. in print, place the logo on the first page of

the publication.

It should not be modified.

It should always be used in it’s entirety. Separate use of individual components is not


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IV.2.1. Standard logo

The standard logo can be used in both printed and digital media. To maintain the integrity of the

logo it should only be used as a single graphical element.

The standard version of the logo always takes preference over other versions of the logo, as

does the white background version over the black background version.

White background Black background

Figure 11. Electrific logo on black and white background.

IV.2.2. Logo size and clear space

IV.2.2.a. Size

To maintain readability and to keep the logo recognizable, a number of rules should be applied


Do not change the size of the elements in the logo separately.

If other logos are used in combination with the Electrific logo, make sure that the sizes

are all the same so one does not outweigh the other.

IV.2.2.b. Clear space

The clear space defines the minimum area that must be left clear around the logo, and ensures

that the logo is not overshadowed by other text or visual elements.

The clear space helps to ensure clarity and increase impact. No text or graphics should appear

within the clear space.

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Figure 12. Electrific logo spacing.

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IV.2.3. Misuse of logo

To keep the logo recognizable and to maintain consistency, adjustments to the logo are not

allowed. In the following examples a couple of misusages of the logo are illustrated.

Figure 13. Illustrations of misuse of Electrific logo.

IV.3. Colors

Colour is a very important aspect in any visual identity.

Dark grey conveys a sense of luxury, sophistication and elegance while green convey ecology,

balance and harmony. These colours have carefully been chosen to reflect our core values and

should be used in a strict manner.

The combination of these colours results in a dynamic contrast which is vibrant in a non-

aggressive way and attracts the eye.

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Table 3. Electrific colours.

The main colour is green. This should be used to emphasize words in the copy or should be used to create colour blocks.

CMYK: C100 M0 Y100 K0

RGB: R0 G166 B81

Web: #00A651

Dark grey is also used in the logo and as main colour for headings.

CMYK: C57 M46 Y47 K36

RGB: R89 G92 B92

Web: #595C5C

The soft grey is used as a mid-tone for typography to keep text readable in most situations.

CMYK: C51 M43 Y43 K7

RGB: R130 G130 B130

Web: #828282

IV.4. Typography

There are two corporate typefaces which can be used:






Source Sans Pro





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When using typefaces, there are no hard and straightforward rules, but following the guidelines

below will help to maintain a level of consistency:

Titillium is used for headings and should always be written in capitals.

Source Sans Pro is used for body text. Left alignment takes preference over right

alignment. When necessary, Source Sans Pro medium or bold can be used to create

emphasis. Justified text alignment can be used in deliverable documents where possible.

Avoid the use of CAPITALS in long strings of text. Only use capitals to emphasize key

words if colour or bold text is not enough.

Type should be sized appropriately to the individual situation.

When creating in-house and electronic documents, or where the Source Sans Pro font is not

available, please use Verdana. For example, use Verdana for emailing, Word processed

documents (e.g. business letters), and PowerPoint presentations. Examples for documents

produced according to style guides described in this section is presented in Section V.3. and


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V.1. Press release in Germany

Figure 14. Press release on 02.09.2016, p.1.

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Figure 15. Press release on 02.09.2016, p.2.

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Figure 16. Press release on 02.09.2016, p.3.

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V.2. The press release template

In this section, we describe the template created for press releasing purposes.

V.2.1. Common project information

An interdisciplinary team consists of [consortium partner who publishes the press release] and

[mention one or two other project partner] not only to prolong the life of vehicle batteries, but

also to prevent instability in the electricity grid and to promote the use of renewable energies.

The 3-year project is being implemented within the EU „Horizon 2020“program.

Electromobility has been introduced into politics, in [the country the publishing partner is settled,

describe what is on the government agenda regarding e-mobility]. Still, many motorists are afraid

of switching to electromobility, one reason being a comparably small battery range. Beside the

limited range of the batteries, the lack of charging infrastructure and the lack of fast charging

possibilities are also problems.

This is where Horizon 2020 comes in place. “ELECTRIFIC” is being developed as a highly

complex navigation system that optimizes user behaviour based on the electric environment, the

grid-stability and the individual user’s mobility needs.

V.2.2. Electricity network

The navigation system uses real-time information from the electricity network and proposes to

the user the best-fitting route that allows to consume as much electricity as possible from

renewable energy sources. The charging process has to be integrated into the grid in a way that

the so called power quality (several network parameters like: Voltage, Flicker, Frequency, etc.) is

not affected in a negative way. A stable grid is the bases for all charging processes. Negative

repercussions caused by relative high and unknown energy demand has to be avoided.

Keyword: grid-friendliness.

V.2.3. Big „Data” and psychological factors

One of the many challenges is the psychological factor, if suggestions for the user are not

worthwhile and comprehensible, he will not accept them. There is a clear necessity for an

incentive system to be introduced. In addition, extremely large and extremely sensitive data are

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being worked on, such as historical data on driving behaviour and topography, while at the same

time the self-determination of the user is taken into account via his data.

Data from the user is the one side, the other is measuring information from smart meters in the

grid and take these into account to the load management.

[implement a paragraph about the special part your company is delivering to ELECTRIFIC see

as example the statement of has.to.be]

has.to.be provides essential data from the infrastructure and the last-mile of the grid to the

ELECTRIFIC project. Based on the information of the infrastructure, has.to.be is generating the

base for decision-making on the grid behaviour and the predictions of the availability of public

and semi-public charging stations. With the cloud-based software application be.ENERGISED,

has.to.be provides an extensive application for the monitoring, maintenance and billing of

charging stations and e-mobility infrastructures. Within real-time interfaces, be.ENERGISED will

provide predictions and information on the behaviour of users at charging stations, the predicted

power consumption on specific charging stations and also the management of the invoicing and

rewarding systems in the background. be.ENERGISED will also provide interfaces to mobility

providers that will allow the access to charging stations for their individual end-customers.

"In the future navigation systems will intelligently combine data from charging stations, charging

stations and batteries resulting in the optimum time for the charging process," says Martin

Klässner CEO has.to.be gmbh. The software from has.to.be assumes a central role in the

compilation and distribution of the different data streams.

V.2.4. Partners

University of Mannheim, GFI Informatique, the University of Passau, the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, E-WALD GmbH, Bayernwerk AG, has.to.be gmbh, CESKE VYSOKE UCENI TECHNICKE V PRAZE, Freemind Consulting, Agencia d'Ecologia Urbana de Barcelona and e-Sumava.cz s.r.o.

V.2.5. About Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is the framework programme of the European Union for research and innovation.

Its goal is to establish a competitively viable economy EU-wide and to contribute to a sustainable

development. The project “ELECTRIFIC” is sponsored with a total of 6.2 million euros within the

challenge “Smart, Green and Integrated Transport”.

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V.3. Word document example

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V.4. PowerPoint document example

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