2013 Nadia OBEIDA Portfolio Marketing & Communication

Marketing & Communication · Social Networks Community Management E-reputation Collaborative Communication Competitive Intelligence E-business Digital Workshop Digital Artistic Technology

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Marketing & Communication

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Academic summary


Relevant coursework……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………......P3

Researches& Dissertations conducted

Master First Year……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. P4

Master Second Year…………........................................................................................................................................................................P5

Reflective writings……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….P6

Creative & visual communication………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...P7

Welcoming part


My name is Nadia OBEIDA, and this is my portfolio. This handbook is designed to tie together my collected works from my time at university.

To tell you a bit more about me, I am a young graduated with a master degree in Marketing and Communication. My interest for foreign cultures

has let me visiting different countries but also studying in both Spain and America. I also enjoy playing basketball and acting.


In the aim to apply for a job offer abroad, I have developed this portfolio to support my candidacy and demonstrate my qualities as a working


You will find a number of pieces related to my personal researches and some reflective writings exposing my work as a student.

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OBEIDA Nadia 55 rue Garibaldi 69006 LYON France - 25 years old. +33 6 18 85 15 28 [email protected]

Entreprise policy International communication Corporate identity and design

Strategic brand positioning

Marketing analysis

Web and culture

Image, art and Communication

Social sciences methodology

Business model


SOS Oxygène, Lyon, France - Medical market

Communication and sales assistant Oct 2012-Sept 2013

Community management of professional social networks

Event and medical congress planning

Communication tools development

Competitive intelligence development within the medical market

Cavissima, Lyon, France – E-business wine industry

Junior project manager Oct 2011-Sept 2013

Website back office management

Product datasheets updates

Events and annual meetings planning

Management of the company visibility via SEO/SEM campaigns

Suppliers portfolio management

McBride and Company, Los Angeles, CA, USA – Consulting management

Junior project manager Jan 2011-Jun 2012

Market researches

Identification and prospection of potential market opportunities

Competitive analysis

Panagiotis, Avignon, France – Catering industry

Restaurant manager Jan 2010 - Aug 2010

Staff members management

Teamwork spirit creation

Convey of the company values and believes


Sup de Com, Idrac Business School, Lyon, France 2011-2013

Master of Communication and Management

Specialization: Communication and marketing

Université d’Avignon, France 2007-2010

Universidad de Murcia, Spain (one semester)

Bachelor of Sciences and Communication

EF Language School 2006-2007

Multilingual year in Brighton, England and Barcelona, Spain


Fluent in French, English and Spanish

PAO Software: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator

Graphic Design Certificate, Emile Cohl Art School, Lyon 2012-2013

Social networks management



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Relevant coursework

Visual communication

Image, Art and Communication

Cultural Artistic Education

Organization Financing and


Management Control Systems


Organization management

Enterprise Policy

Business Model


Information system

Strategic marketing

Leadership and Communication Tools


International Communication

Business English


International Strategic


International Communication

China South America India

Social Networks

Communication Strategies and

Social Networks

Community Management


Collaborative Communication

Competitive Intelligence

Digital marketing


Digital Workshop

Conceptual and Interactive Writing

Web and Culture

Digital Artistic Technology

PR and Event management

Event Communication

Cultural Mediation

Project management

Communication: General approaches

Communication Anthropology

Social Sciences Methodology

Communication Law

Economy of Culture

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Researches & Dissertations conducted

Master: first year


The first year of the master degree requires the development of a practical final dissertation (80 pages). In 2012 I was interning at

Cavissima (e-business and wine industry) as a junior project manager. In charge of the online expansion of their marketing campaign, I

choose at this time to focus my researches on this topic:

“Which online marketing strategies to implement in order to raise and sustain customers of a new start up?”


This dissertation’s major objectives aim to determine, break down and analyse the different e-marketing strategies, which constantly

flourish on the Internet. Here, the goal is to understand in what ways marketers permit websites to exist but, not only, to sustain

themselves on the web. Consumer patterns keep changing and evolving, so it is essential for companies to be the cleverest and more

creative to steer and maintain user’s interest.

Therefore referencing techniques (optimization and advertising), e-mailing campaigns and marketing methods social media/ social

media marketing methods (SMO) would be explained and developed in this essay.

With the intention of visualising better the Internet marketing industry, theoretical contribution will be mixed with related case studies.

Applying research results to the analytical part, advising and recommending solutions to a young and dynamic e-trader company will be

the final purpose of this dissertation.

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Master: Second year


In order to complete my master I was asked to conduct a final thesis reflecting an investigative work (120 pages).

It presents a thorough and critical review of relevant literature and of current subject knowledge. It demonstrates high levels of

analytical and critical awareness, the ability to synthesise theories and the ability to relate theory to practice.

I was interning within the medical industry, therefore, I choose to investigate upon the following problematic:

“Healthcare providers: which communication within the digital era?”

Abstract Determining and analyzing new strategies of communication of health actors, made possible through the expansion of the web and social

networks, are major objectives of this research work. The analysis goes throughout not only a deep study of digital modes of

communication supervising the health system today but also the examination of new practices emerging on the Internet. Finally, it also

deals with defining major digital trends that will govern better insights of each stakeholder.

Implementing conclusions reached out from researches made, composing the literature review and analysis obtained through the field

survey, will be this professional thesis ‘main purpose.

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Project Introduction Requirements & problematic

Answers provided

Vente privée 2012 Appendix 1

Vente privée is an e-trading website selling products from more than 200 000 brands.

Leadership position in France

13 million website users 47 million delivered


Analyse the business model and the enterprise policy of the company.

Value chain analysis In depth investigation of the trading activities Operating system definition Deep examination of the logistic management Closer study of the costumer services Exploration of the online marketing approach

Red Bull 2013 Appendix 2

Red Bull is an actor of the energy drink market. The brand is one of the leading companies within this segmentation.

30% of the turnover is dedicated to marketing

15% to sponsoring

Establish a three year marketing action plan in order to expand the target market of the product in respect of a given budget of 6 million euros. The main target of this project is family men.

Brand analysis History, values and believes Positioning and competitive analysis

Recommendations Development of a billboard campaign to raise awareness of new product

flavours - Targeted in public spaces (railway/underground station) - Strategic exposure to reach the target Creation of the “Red Bull Truck Bar” - Aimed to park on strategic spots (business areas, gym…) Planning of an annual event - Organization of a sport meeting including father/son teams - Involve the new target into the Red Bull brand spirit

Citroen 2010 Appendix 3

PSA Citroen is an automotive provider. Its major activities are: sales, productions, R&D and automotive equipment.

Present in 160 countries Europe’s second largest


Study the audio-visual campaign of the brand. Elaborate an advertising material supporting the visual identity of Citroen.

Citroen TV spot analysis Decoding the creative concepts (atmosphere, tone and filming technics) Study of the conveyed message according to the defined target Realisation of the TV spots storyboard (cuts, travelling and lengths)

Creation of an advertising support

Elaboration of a visual ad respecting the brand values and history Definition of new creative concepts Development of a new message in accordance with the segmentation

Reflective writings During the length of my studies, I was able to drive several academic personal and collective projects. In order to demonstrate my qualities as a corporate

communication individual, I have picked a pertinent selection of my most representative works.

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Creative & Visual communication

This part is a selection of the most pertinent communication tools I have created during my studies. Each project has been conducted in

accordance with the company’s believes and values.


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Blog VIP card

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Billboard campaign

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Press advertising