Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance

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  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



      I hereby state that this project, Report titled ‘ MARKET SHAREOF BIRLA SUN LIFE

    INSURANCE COMPANY’ Bareilly. Submitted in  partial fulfillment of requirement for the

    M.B.A program of MAHAMA !"#IBA $H%&' R#HI&(HA)* %)I+'RSI",BAR'I&&"

    is an original research or- out by me under the -ind guidance and superision agency manager 

    of BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' 0o. &td. Bareilly. his thesis and its any part hae not been

     preiously submitted.


  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    Mar-eting and selection is a multifaceted concept. he releance of Mar-eting and

    selection is to determine the number of personnel required. he HR proceeds ith the

    identification of sources of Mar-eting and finding candidates for employment. Both internal and

    e1ternal sources of manpoer are used depending upon the types of personnel needed.

    In the present business enironment, organi2ations are faced ith the pressure to produce

    ma1imum ith less Mar-eting . An employee, on hom an organi2ation3s profitability depends,

    comprises the largest fi1ed cost that an organi2ation incurs. In the past, indiidual used to or- 

    ith one or to organi2ation during their entire or-ing life 4aerage beteen 56786 years9.

    #rgani2ation too used to beliee in lifetime employment concept. suitable Hoeer, such

    concepts are being eroded as a result of the unpredictable business enironment. Hence,organi2ations hae to eole methods not only to only improe productiity but to also -eep the

    cost don.

    #n the HR front, productiity can be improed by ensuring that the organi2ation attracts

    the best talent at the loest possible cost. his objectie translates in to the adoption of the best

    Mar-eting and selection methods and instituting measures to retain and deelop them. /urther, a

    quantitatie measurement or Mar-eting and selection effectieness has to be conducted to proe

    one3s point ith respect to qualitatie measure to improe HR effectieness, the field in still in

    its nascent stage.

    he objectie of this study is to measure the Mar-eting and Selection practices and

    strategies in BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' 0#M$A)". he primary objectie is to analy2e

    ho the oerall Mar-eting and selection is done in the company during the year.

    he primary objectie is ell supported by a secondary objectie hich aims at the in7depth

    study of those procedures hich affects the Mar-eting and Selection practices.

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    In the praise of ;od ho shoed me the path of righteousness and blessed me to get the strengthto embar- upon this tas- of peeping in to realm of facts, I ta-e the opportunity to than- all thoseho helped me in completing my project, in arious ays.

    I feel priileged in e1pressing profound sense of gratitude to my training in charge 4BranchManager of BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' company9 ho has generously proided thechance to or- at esteemed organi2ation. His able guidance, constant encouragement andinspiration ere instrumental in the completion of this report. He alays alloed me to encroachupon his preious and shoed his generosity ith ideas. I am than-ful to all the staff member of BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' company for their pleasant cooperation.

    I am ery much than-ful to. Mr. SANJAY MISHRA SIR  (HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT)and all other /aculty Members for their encouragement and constant support, ithout hich itould not hae been possible.

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    . Research Methodology

    ?. Mar-eting performance

    @. Mar-et share

    . Annual Report

    . Analysis of data

    C. /indings

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    Agency *ate is the first day of the calendar month immediately folloing the date the agentlicense as granted by BS&I. /or e.g.7If the date of license is

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    money at eery stage and under any circumstance. he company or-s toards ma-ing themar-eting future and enterprises of the customers better than hat they currently are. All theor-s underta-en at Birla is done ith integrity, full commitment, passion and ample speed.

    Sali!n& F!a&ur!" % BSLI C%'an

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' initiated the %nit &in-ed &ife Insurance Solutions in


    • In > years, BS&I has made its position ery strong as a leading player in the priate &ife

    Insurance Industry.

    • he companyGs focus has been on inestment lin-ed insurance products, supported ith

     protection products to uphold leadership in product moderni2ation

    • :eb7enabled I systems for superior customer serices

    • /irst to hae issued policies oer the Internet

    • 0orporate goernance and a high degree of transparency in all business practices and


    BSLI S%lu&i%n"

    BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' 0ompany proides indiidual and other solutions to customers based on their aried needs. So hether the customer ants long term protection or short term protection plans, the company has it all for their clients. he insurance solutions offered by thecompany areF

    • $rotection Solution

    • Retirement Solutions

    • 0hildrenGs /uture Solutions

    • Health = :ellness Solutions

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    • :ealth ith $rotection Solutions

    he protection solutions are ideal for someone ho ishes to separate their insurance andinestment needs. he terms of the insurance are made in a ay so that it deals ith the most basic need of life insurance, hich is the proision of life coer. he childrenGs future solutions

    aim to ta-e care of all the mar-eting needs of the child in the best ay possible. he health andellness solutions hae proisions to ta-e care of any mar-eting emergency that may come up inthe family.


    BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' erm $lan is ideal for those ho are see-ing to get insurance benefits at a loer price. he plan coers all liabilities and proides complete security to theclients. he minimum age of a customer see-ing this insurance must be

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    he company is the result of a joint enture beteen he Aditya Birla ;roup and Sun &ifeMar-eting, a leading international mar-eting serices organi2ation. he A*i&a Birla +r%u isthe second largest business house in India, ith a turnoer e1ceeding Rs 5@6 billion and an asset

     base in e1cess of Rs

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    o be a orld class proider of mar-eting serices to indiiduals oer their lifetime


    o be the first preference of their customers as a leading Integrated Insurance $roider of insurance solutions through superior alue creation and technology.

    C%r! /alu!"

    • #perating ith integrity to the ery highest standards of business conduct.

    • Alays or-ing ith the customerGs needs in mind.

    • Relentlessly pursuing e1cellence through the people they employ and the or- they do.

    • $roiding products and serices that add alue for customers, channel partners and build

    alue for the shareholders.


    o be a orld7class player in insurance business and amongst the top insurers in the country.


    o create alue for all customers, rural and urban, big and small.


    o lead ith innoatie product and customer serice offerings.


    o adhere to strict compliance and professional standards.


    o achiee national connectiity using the bac-bone of Aditya Birla information highay. oenable better customer serice standards through Superior echnology. o add eb and callcenters in a phased manner.

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    Birla Sun Li! In"uran#!

    BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)' 0#. &*. is a joint enture beteen Aditya Birla ;roup, anIndian multinational corporation, and Sun &ife Mar-eting Inc, a leading global insurance

    company. BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' is distinguished as the first company in the sector of mar-eting solutions to begin Business 0ontinuity $lan. his insurance company has pioneeredthe unique %nit &in-ed &ife Insurance Solutions in India. :ithin > years of its launch, BS&I became one of the leading players in the industry of $riate &ife Insurance Scheme.

    BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' beliees in passion, integrity, speed, commitment andseamlessness. he mission of the company is to help people ith ris- management. It also helpsin managing the mar-eting situation of firms as ell as indiiduals. Here is gien acomprehensie list of policies and products offered by BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' 0o.&td.

    Pr%&!#&i%n Plan"

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' 'RM $&A)

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' $R'MI%M BA0( 'RM $&A)

    Sa0in- Plan"

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' ;uaranteed Bachat $lan

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' Money Bac- $lus $lan

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' ;old7$lus II

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' Saral !eean $lan

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' Supreme7&ife

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' *ream $lan

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' 0lassic &ife $remier 

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' Simply &ife

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' $rime &ife $remier 

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' $rime &ife

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' /le1i 0ash /lo

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' /le1i Sae $lus

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' /le1i &ife &ine

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' Single $remium Bond

    H!al& S%lu&i%n Plan"

    • BS&I Health $lan

    • BS&I %niersal Health $lan

    R!&ir!'!n& Plan"

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' /reedom ?

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' /le1i Secure &ife Retirement $lan II

    Cil*r!n Plan"

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' 0hildrenGs *ream $lan

    Rural Plan"

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' Bima Sura-sha Super 

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' Bima *han Sanchay

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' Bima (aach "ojana

    +r%u Plan"

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' ;roup %nit &in-ed $lan

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' ;roup $rotection Solutions

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' ;roup Superannuation $lan

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' ;roup ;ratuity $lan

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' 0redit ;uard $lan

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' Single $remium ;roup erm $lan

    NRI Plan"

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' $rime &ife $remier 

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' $rime &ife

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' /le1i &ife &ine $lan

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' /le1i Sae $lus

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' /le1i 0ash /lo

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' 0lassic &ife $remier 

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' Single $remium Bond

    • BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' Simply &ife

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    0onsidering the importance and releance of the subject, selection of this topic is ery


    Basically Mar-eting is the discoering of potential candidates for actual or anticipated

    organi2ational acancies. It also can be said in another ay that it refers to bringing together 

    those ith jobs to fill and those see-ing jobs.

    It is important to study Mar-eting and Selection because through it e can identify our 

    human resource needs. :e can -no hat -ind of people must be selected to fill up the specified

    acancies. he ideal Mar-eting effort ill attract a large number of qualified applicants ho ill

    ta-e the job if it is offered. It should also proide information so that unqualified applicants can

    self select them out of job candidacy, that is, a good Mar-eting program should attract thequalified and not attract the unqualified.

     In this project, study is done on Mar-eting and selection process of BIR&A S%) &I/'

    I)S%RA)0'. o find out actual Mar-eting and selection process of the company is my main

    objectie of study. 'arlier, arious studies ere made in automobiles industries, pharmaceuticals

    industries and others. But this time, the insurance industry has been chosen by the researcher to

    understand the image of the organi2ation, attractieness of the job, internal policies, about theunion 4if any9, ;ot. requirement Mar-eting budgets etc.

    hrough this -ind of surey e are able to identify the real Mar-eting program of the

    company here for all -inds of operations technical leel qualification is needed. he arious

    selection costs of the company are also identified. It is ery interesting to study Mar-eting and

    selection process as it ill gie light hen the researcher ill or- in HR department in his

    future corporate life.

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     Scope and Limitation

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    he scope of this study is to obsere the degree of satisfaction leels of the employer as

    ell as the employees toards the Mar-eting and Selection echniques adopted by the

    company. he deiations if any, toards this effect hae also been studied. Apart from getting an

    idea of the techniques and methods in the Mar-eting procedures a close loo- ill be ta-en at the

    insight of corporate culture preailing out there in the organi2ation. his ould not only help to

     be familiar ith the corporate enironment but it ould also enable the researcher to get a close

    loo- at the arious leels authority responsibility relationship preailing in the organi2ation. his

    study also focuses on studying the arious techniques adopted by the organi2ation to retain the

    ne recruits.

    he stipulated time for the project is insufficient to undergo an e1haustie study about the

    topic assigned. Moreoer the scope of the topic 4Mar-eting and Selection9 is ide enough, so it

    is difficult to coer the entire topic ithin the stipulated time, but still hateer could be done

    toards this effect has been done.

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    Analy2ing the Mar-eting and selection procedure of an organi2ation ta-es a lot of time.

    he organi2ation hesitates in sharing the sensitie information about its employees. Hence the

    surey ould not gie the real image of Mar-eting and selection policy of the company.

    Although serious efforts ere made to collect the authentic and ma1imum information from

    respondents, een then this study is subject to arious limitationsF

    • /irst of all, the scope of sample si2e as confined to one department only, hich ould hae

    other ise made the study and obserations more effectie.

    •Secondly, all the results and conclusions are dran on the basis of hateer information has

     been proided by the manager and other employees or-ing in BIR&A S%) &I/'

    I)S%RA)0' 0o. so there are chances of indiidual biasness as ell.

    • hirdly, the stipulated time for the project is insufficient to undergo an e1haustie study

    about the topic assigned and moreoer the scope of the topic 4Mar-eting and Selection9 is

    ide enough, so it is difficult to coer all the topics ithin the stipulated time.

    • he researcher had to isit a number of times to all the managers and other or-ing staff for 

    collecting the information. he managers ere not able to gie all the data at one particular time.

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    Mar-eting is the discoering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated

    organi2ational acancies. In other ords, it is a Jlin-ing actiity3 bringing together those ith job

    and those see-ing jobs.

    As "odel and others point outF “Marketing is a process to discover the sources of 

    manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for 

    attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient 

    working force.”

    Mar-eting has been regarded as the most important function of personnel administration,

     because unless the right type of people are hired, een the best plans, organi2ation charts and

    control systems ould not do much goods.

    'din B. /lippo ies Mar-eting and selection as Jpositie3 and Jnegatie3 actiities

    respectiely. He saysF KMar-eting is a process of searching for prospective employees and 

     stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization.” 

    It is often termed positie in that it stimulates people to apply for jobs to increase the

    Jhiring ration3, i.e., the number of applicants for a job. Selection, on the other hand tends to be

    negatie because it rejects a good member of those ho apply, leaing only the best to be hiredL.

    hus3 Mar-eting is the deelopment and maintenance of adequate manpoer resources.

    It inoles creation of a pool of aailable labor upon hom the organi2ation can dra hen it

    needs additional employees.

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    Most of the organi2ations, hether large or small, do engage in Mar-eting actiity, though

    not to the same e1tent. his differs ithF. :or-ing conditions and salary and benefit pac-ages offered by the organi2ation hich may

    influence turnoer and necessitate future Mar-eting

    ?. he rate of groth of organi2ation

    @. he leel of seasonally of operations and future e1pansion and production programs

    . 0ultural, economic and legal factors, etc.

    /actors goerning Mar-eting may broadly be diided as internal and e1ternal factors.

    T! in&!rnal a#&%r" in#lu*!1

    4i9 Mar-eting policy of the organi2ation

    4ii9 Human resource planning strategy of the company

    4iii9 Si2e of the organi2ation and the number of employees employed

    4i9 0ost inoled in Mar-eting employees, and finally

    49 ;roth and e1pansion plans of the organi2ation.

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    T! !2&!rnal a#&%r" in#lu*!1

    4i9 Supply and demand of specific s-ills in the labor mar-et

    4ii9 $olitical and legal considerations such as reseration of jobs for S0s, Ss, etc.

    4iii9 0ompany3s image7perception of the job see-ers about the company.

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    A Mar-eting policy asserts the objecties of the Mar-eting and proides a frameor- of implementation of the Mar-eting program of an organi2ation in the form of procedures. As

    "oder and others obsereF

    KSuch a policy may inole a commitment to broad principles such as filling acancies

    ith the best qualified indiiduals. It may embrace seeral issues such as e1tent of promotion

    from ithin, attitudes of enterprise in Mar-eting its old employees, handicaps, minority groups,

    omen employees, part7time employees, friends and relaties of present employees. It may also

    inole the organi2ation system to be deeloped for implementing Mar-eting program and

     procedures to the employed.L

    herefore, a ell considered and pre7planned Mar-eting policy based on corporate goals,

    study of enironment and the corporate needs need to be deeloped hich may aoid hasty or ill7

    defined procedure and may go a long ay to cater the organi2ation ith the right type of 


    A good Mar-eting policy must contain these elementsF

    4a9 #rgani2ation3s objecties 7 both in the short7term and long7term 7must be ta-en intoconsideration as a basic parameter for Mar-eting decisions and needs of the personnel

    7area7ise, job7family7ise.

    4b9 Identification of the Mar-eting needs to ta-e decisions regarding the balance of the

    qualitatie dimensions of the ould be recruits, i.e., the recruiters should prepare profiles for 

    each category of or-ers and accordingly or- out the main specifications, decide the

    sections, departments or branches here they should be placed and identify the particular 

    responsibilities hich may be immediately assigned to them.

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    4c9 $referred sources of Mar-eting , hich ould be tapped by the organi2ation, e.g., for s-illed

    or semi7s-illed manual or-ers, internal sources and employment e1changes may be

     preferred for highly speciali2ed categories and managerial personnel, other sources besides

    the former, may be utili2ed.

    4d9 0riteria of selection and preferencesF hese should be based on conscious thought and

    serious deliberations. In some cases trade unions may be consulted in or-ing out the

    Mar-eting policy. In others, management may ta-e the unilateral decision.

    4e9 he cost of Mar-eting and mar-eting implications of the same.

    A Mar-eting policy, in its broadest sense, inoles a commitment by the employer to suchgeneral principles asF

    4i9 o find and employ the best qualified persons for each job

    4ii9 o retain the best and most promising of those hired

    4iii9 o offer promising opportunities for life7time or-ing careers and

    4i9 o proide programs and facilities for personal groth on the job.L

    According to "oder, Kthe Mar-eting policy is concerned ith quality and qualifications

    4i2., and D< and D59 of manpoer.L It establishes broad guidelines for the staffing process.

    ;enerally, the folloing factors are inoled in a Mar-eting policy.

    4i9 o carefully obsere the letter and spirit of the releant public policy on hiring, and, on

    the hole, employment relationship

    4ii9 o proide indiidual employees ith the ma1imum of employment security, aoiding,

    frequent lay7off or lost time

    4iii9 o proide each employee ith an open road and encouragement in the continuing

    deelopment of his talents and s-ills

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    4i9 o assure each employee of the organi2ation interest in his personal goals and

    employment objecties

    49 o assure employees of fairness in all employment relationships, including promotions

    and transfers

    4i9 o aoid cliques hich may deelop hen seeral members of the same household or 

    community are employed in the organi2ation

    4ii9 o encourage one or more strong, effectie, responsible trade unions among the


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    he Mar-eting policy of an organi2ation must satisfy the folloing conditionsF

    4i9 It should be in conformity ith its general personnel policies

    4ii9 It should be fle1ible enough to meet the changing needs of an organi2ation

    4iii9 It should be so designed as to ensure employment opportunities for its employees on a

    long7term basis so that the goals of the organi2ation should be achieable and it should

    deelop the potentialities of employees

    4i9 It should match the qualities of employees ith the requirements of the or- for hich

    they are employed and

    49 It should highlight the necessity of establishing job analysis.

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    *unn and Stephens summari2e the possible Mar-eting methods into three categoriesF

    • *irect,

    • Indirect and

    • hird party.


    hese include sending traeling recruiters to educational and professional institutions,employees3 contacts ith public and manned e1hibits. #ne of the idely used direct methods is

    campus selection hich inoles sending of recruiters to colleges and technical schools. Most

    college Mar-eting is done in co7operation ith the placement committee of a college. he

     placement committee usually proides help in attracting students, arranging interies,

    furnishing space, and proiding student resumes. /or managerial, professional and sales

     personnel, campus Mar-eting is an e1tensie operation. /or this purpose, carefully prepared

     brochures, describing the organi2ation and the jobs it offers, are distributed among students,

     before the interieer arries. Sometimes, firms directly solicit information from the concerned

     professors about students ith an outstanding record. Many companies hae found employeesG

    contact ith the public a ery effectie method. #ther direct methods include sending recruiters

    to conentions and seminars, setting up e1hibits at fairs, and using mobile offices to go to the

    desired centers.

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    Indirect methods inole mostly adertising in nespaper, on the radio, in trade, and

     professional journals, technical maga2ines and brochures. Adertising in nespapers andEor trade journals and maga2ines is the most frequently used method, hen qualified or e1perienced

     personnel are not aailable from other sources. Senior posts are largely filled by such methods

    hen they cannot be filled by promotion from ithin. Adertising is ery useful for Mar-eting

     blue7collar and hourly or-ers, as ell as scientific, professional, and technical employees.

    &ocal nespaper can be a good source of blue7collar or-ers, clerical employees, and loer7

    leel administratie employees. he main point is that the higher the position is in the

    organi2ation, or the more speciali2ed the s-ills sought, the more idely dispersed adertisement

    is li-ely to be. he search for top e1ecutie might include adertisements in a national

     periodical hile the adertisement of blue7collar jobs is usually confined to the daily nespaper 

    or regional trade journals.

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    he best management policy regarding Mar-eting is to loo- first ithin the organi2ation.

    If that source fails, e1ternal Mar-eting must be tac-led. hese include the use of commercial or  priate employment agencies, state agencies, Mar-eting firms, management consulting firms

    and recommendations or referrals by friends and relaties.

    $riate employment agencies are idely used. hey charge a small fee from an applicant.

    hey speciali2e in specific occupationsF general office help, salesmen, technical or-ers,

    accountants, computer staff, engineers and e1ecuties. hese priate agencies are bro-ers ho

     bring employers and employees together. State or public employment agencies also -non as

    'mployment or &abor '1changes are the main agencies of public employment. hey proide a

    clearing house for jobs and job information. 'mployers inform them of their personnel

    requirements, hile job7see-ers get information for them about the types of jobs that are referred

    to by employers. hese agencies proide a ide range of serices 7counseling, assistance in

    getting jobs, information about the labor mar-et, labor and age rates. /riends and relaties of 

     present employees are also a good source from hich employees may be dran. :hen the labor 

    mar-et is ery tight, large employers frequently offer their employees bonuses or pri2es for any

    referrals that are hired and stay ith the company for a specific length of time. Some companies

    maintain a register of former employees hose record as good to contact them hen there are

    ne job openings for hich they are qualified. his method of Mar-eting , hoeer, suffers from

    a serious defect that it encourages nepotism, i.e., persons of oneGs community are employed that

    may or may not be fit for the job.

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    Selection inoles a series of steps by hich the candidates are screened for choosing the

    most suitable person for acant posts. he process of selection leads to employment of persons

    ho possess the ability and qualifications to perform the jobs hich hae fallen acant in an

    organi2ation. he selection procedure is concerned ith securing releant information about an

    applicant. he objectie of selection process is to determine hether an applicant meets the

    qualifications for a specific job and to choose the applicant ho is most li-ely to perform ell in

    that job.

    Selection is a long process, commencing from the preliminary interie of those

    applicants and ending ith the contract of employment. he hiring procedure is not a single act

     but it is essentially a series of methods or steps or stages by hich additional information is

    secured about the applicant. At each stage, facts may come to light, hich may lead to the

    rejection to the applicant. A procedure may be compared to a series of successie hurdles or 

     barriers, hich an applicant must cross. hese are intended as screens, and they are designed to

    eliminate an unqualified applicant at any point in the process. his technique is -non as the

    successie hurdles technique. )ot all selection processes include all these hurdles. he

    comple1ity of a process usually increases ith the leel and responsibility of the position to be


    According to "oder, Kthe hiring process is of one or many Jgo, no7go3 gauges. 0andidates

    are screened by the application of these tools. Dualified applications go on to the ne1t hurdle,

    hile the unqualified are eliminated.L hus, an effectie selection program is a non7random

     process because those selected hae been chosen on the basis of the assumption that they are

    more li-ely to be KbetterL employees than those ho hae been rejected.

    Selection processes or actiities typically follo a standard pattern, beginning ith an

    initial screening interie and concluding ith the final employment decision. he traditional

    selection process includesF preliminary screening interie completion of application formemployment tests comprehensie interie bac-ground inestigations, physical e1amination

    and final employment decision to hire.

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    here is no shortcut to an accurate ealuation of a candidate. he hiring procedures are,

    therefore, generally long and complicated. Many employers ma-e use of such techniques and pseudo7sciences as phrenology, physiognomy, astrology, graphology etc., hile coming to hiring

    decisions. Hoeer, in modern times, these are considered to be unreliable measures.

    he folloing is a popular procedure though it may be modified to suit indiidual situationF

    Pr!li'inar in&!r0i!4F It is generally brief and does the job of eliminating the totally

    unsuitable candidates. It offers adantages not only to the organi2ation but also to the


    R!#!i0in- ali#a&i%n"1 Application form is useful for seeral reasons. It gies a preliminary

    idea about the candidate to the interieer and helps him in formulating questions to hae

    more information about the candidate.

    S#r!!nin- % ali#a&i%n"1 After receiing the applications they are screened by a screening

    committee and a list is proposed of the candidates to be interieed.

    E'l%'!n& &!"&"1 Before deciding upon the job or jobs suitable for a particular indiidual,

    one should -no the leel of his ability and -noledge. his ill require the use of 

    employment tests. he employment test areas are as follosF

    • Intelligence tests

    • Aptitude tests

    • $ersonality tests

    • Interest tests

    • $roficiency tests

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    E'l%'!n& in&!r0i!41 he seeral purposes of an employment interie areF

    • o find out suitability of the candidate

    • o see- more information about the candidate

    • o gie him an accurate picture of the job ith details of terms and conditions and some

    idea of the organi2ation as ell.

    P"i#al !2a'ina&i%n1 he pre employment physical e1amination or medical test of a

    candidate is an important step in selection procedure. It discloses the physical abilities of a


    C!#,in- r!!r!n#!"1 $rior to the final selection, the prospectie employer normally ma-es

    an inestigation on the reference proided by the applicant and underta-es more or less a

    research through searching into candidate3s past employment, education, personal,

    reputation, etc..

    Final "!l!#&i%n1 After a candidate has cleared all the hurdles in the selection procedure, he is

    formally appointed by issuing him an appointment letter by concluding ith him a serice


  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    E2i"&in- Pr%#!*ur!"

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' is a huge company around

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    Pr!!rr!* "%ur#!" % Mar,!&in-

    Although there are arious sources of employment, folloed by the company, i.e.

    e1ternal and internal sources but the company mostly prefers the e1ternal source for Mar-eting

    the candidate.

    C%"&" in0%l0!* in Mar,!&in-

    0osts play an important role in Mar-eting . he company incurs arious types of costs. hese


    . Re7 location cost 777777 0ost incurred for transferring employees in other departments and


    R!"!r0a&i%n % =%$" %r SC"> ST"> !.

    he company does not follo any reseration policy for S0s and Ss etc for Mar-eting

    the candidates. hey only loo- for the eligible candidates.

    Cri&!ria %r &! #an*i*a&!

    Mainly the criteria are role dependent. It depends on the job of the candidate. But the

    candidates require highly personal and technical s-ills. he company loo-s for both fresher and

    e1perienced candidates. But in case of e1perienced candidates, minimum to years of 

    e1perience is required.

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    E'l%!!" &urn%0!r ra&i%

    'mployees3 turnoer ratio in the company industry is

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    Faul& "!l!#&i%n

    According to the interie ith the H.R. manager, it can be inferred that the company

    has rarely suffered from any faulty selection procedure. he Mar-eting and selection procedurein BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' is dynamic in the past years. hat means it -eeps on

    changing eery year and it alays remains updated.

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    'ery year there are some changes ta-e place in Mar-eting and selection process for  better result and production. It is such an industry here in eery moment some innoation ta-es

     place. So the company needs some ne s-ills to achiee the required fulfillment.

    /or the last couple of years the company is focusing more on campus interie to gie

    more chances to the fresher. his reflects the company3s Mar-eting policy, the company3s needs

    for greater committed employee and also motie behind concentrating more on fresher, as it is

    the belief from company3s perspectie to be or-ing smartly ith full enthusiasm. hey are also

    updated ith the current concepts, hich are required in company industry. he company is

    dealing in ma-ing, deeloping and maintaining the pac-ages. he companies target audience is

    foreign mar-et. Most of the customers come from abroad. /or these ery reasons employees

    hae to conduct project in foreign countries. hat3s hy fresher are targeted to fill up the


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    As most of the candidates comprise the group of fresher, so it is quite obious that thedegree of commitment toards the organi2ation ill automatically be more from their side as

    compared to the e1perienced ones.

    It is also felt that unli-e the e1perienced candidate, the fresher find it difficult to get a job

    easily. As it is obious from the fact that the e1perienced candidates demand high alue in the

    mar-et for employment opportunity, the changes during the past fe years ill gie an idea of 

    ho they get themseles updated ith the needs of the industry. It also gies an idea of any third

     party interention in the Mar-eting and selection procedure of the organi2ation. It depends upon

    the mar-et demands of the particular industry as to ho the candidates ould be aailable for 

    serice in the prospectie sectors.

    /or e1ample, to years bac- due to September

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    he process of Mar-eting an adisor inoles fie basic stepsF

    . /ormalities

    ?. *epositing the form

    @. Appearing for the licensing e1am

    . ;etting the license

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    It includes identifying people ho ill be illing to and interested in becoming insurance

    adisors ith BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0'. Random sampling or mar-et isits, telecalling,

    e1isting databases or references do this. hese people can be anybody ranging from an

    unemployed see-ing an opportunity or anyone ho is already or-ing but desires to hae an

    e1tra source of income or someone ho has e1tra time and ants to pursue it as a part time and

    earning ith it. Anybody, a houseife, a student, a businessman, or a professional can ta-e up

    this opportunity.


    It consists of judging such people hether they ould be fit for being an insurance

    adisor ith respect to their qualifications, s-ills, confidence, etc. after doing so the ne1t step is

    fi1ing appointments ith them to gie all the information and completing the formalities.

    Sal!" i1

    his inoles the Business #pportunity $resentation4B#$9 that gies the prospectie

    adisor all the information about the company3s bac-ground and history, the job profile, the

     payments and benefits, the s-ills required, the training requirements and options, the formalities

    to be completed, and any other information they ish to -no.


    #nce the aboe is done, the ne1t step is to complete all the formalities by filling the

    KInsurance Adisor /ormL along ith all the necessary and important documents hich are

     passport si2e photographs, a demand draft of Rs.?6, age proof, education proof and address


  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    D!%"i&in- &! %r'1

    he completed form along ith all the required documents is to be deposited for 

     processing and recording the data after hich the employee can proceed for the mandatory C

    hours training.

    A!arin- %r &! li#!n"in- !2a'ina&i%n1

    he ne1t step is to appear for the IR*A licensing e1amination. It is a

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    B')'/IS $R#+I*'* # H' A*+IS#RS

    As a life insurance adisor ith BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' one ould enjoy the

    folloing benefitsF

    Enri#in- &rainin- r%-ra'"1

    An intensie training program is proided before you commence your ne career. his

    ould equip you ith all the information and -noledge about life insurance, its benefits and the

     products. his ay you ould perform your job better and meet your goals. "ou ould also

    enjoy the benefits of continuous training and mentoring programs that are designed to update

    you, apart from enhancing your selling s-ills.


    0ompany proides training and support to meet your goals. "ou also get an opportunity

    to learn from industry e1perts.


    "ou are free to decide your on or-ing hours and earning goals. It3s only your 

    imagination that can act as a limiting factor.


    "ou ill help people manage their assets and plan their mar-eting security, and

    e1perience deep satisfaction from ma-ing a positie difference in others lies. "ou act as a

    strategist in annuities, business insurance, estate planning and personal inestment, proiding

     both short term and long term solutions to mar-eting ris-.

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    "ou can continue ith present job occupation if you so desire and treat this as a parallel

    source of income. his allos you ith the time to decide if you ant to ta-e the job of an

    insurance adisor as a full time actiity or only as a part time.


    "ou entitled to a percentage of premiums as commission till the lifetime of the policies

    sold by you as ell as bonus commissions.


    Apart from earnings, you are also aarded for your high performance hich might

    include palmtops, planners, leather portfolio bags, offsite conferences, foreign trips and sales

     promotion schemes and much more.

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    #nce a person joins BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' as an Insurance Adisor, his career 

    doesn3t stagnate there. He ill hae unlimited opportunities. he folloing are some of the

     programs that ill enable adisor to secure a higher position in future.

      Ti-!r T!a'

    • '1clusie program for high potential achieers

    • Hand pic-ed adisors

    • A fast trac- career 

    • Recognition as KigerL

    • $erformance criteriaF

    7 Age 5? to >6yrs

    7 At least ? years

    7 At least @ months in system

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    7 0ase count 5 per month

    Fa"& Tra#, Pinna#l! Pr%-ra'

    • A full time career as a K%nit ManagerL

    • ;roth ithin BS&I

    • ;reater earning potential = $ersonal deelopment

    • $erformance 0riteriaF

    7 Age 5?7>? years

    7 At least

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    Research methodology is a ay to systematically sole the research problem. It may beunderstood as a science of studying ho research is dined scientifically. In it e study thearious steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem alongith the logic behind them. It is necessary for the researcher to -no not only the researchmethods techniques but also the methodology. Researchers not only need to -no and deelopcertain indices or tests, ho to calculate the mean the median or the standard deiation or chi

    square, ho to apply particular research technique.


    Research in common parlance refers to a search for -noledge. #ne can also define research as ascientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research isan art of scientific inestigation.According to 0lifford :oody research comprises defining and redefining problems. /ormulatinghypothesis or suggested solutions collecting, organi2ing and ealuation data ma-ing deductionand reaching conclusions and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine hether theyfit the formulating hypotheses.

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    carried out. Research can as ell be understood as clinic or diagnostic research. Suchresearches follos case7study methods or in depth usually go deep into the causes of thing or eents that interest us ,using ery small samples and ery deep probing datagathering deices. he research may be e1ploratory or it may be formali2ed. heobjectie of e1ploratory is deelopment of hypothesis rather than their testingF hereas

    formuli2ed research studies are those ith substantial structured and ith specifichypothesis to be tested. Historical research is that hich utili2ed historical sources li-edocuments, remain, etc. to study eents or ideas of the past, including the philosophy of  persons and groups at any remote point of time Research can also be classified asconclusion7oriented research, a researcher is free to pic- up a problem, redesign theenquiry as he proceed and is prepared to conceptuali2ed as he ished. *ecision ma-er and the researcher in this case is not fee to embar- on research according to his oninclination.

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    Si-nii#an#! ? O$=!#&i0!" % r!"!ar#

    All progress is born of enquiry. *oubt is often than oer confidence. /or it leads to enquiry, andenquiry leads to inention Kis a famous Hudson ma1imum in conte1t of ith the significance of research can be understood. Increased amounts of research ma-e progress possible. Researchincludes scientific and inductie thin-ing and promoted the deelopment of logical habits of thin-ing and organi2ation. he role of research in seeral fields of applied economies, hether related to business or to the economy as a hole, as greatly. Increased in modern times. heincreasly comple1 nature of business and got. has focused attention on the use of research andsoling operational problem. Research as and aid to economic policy, has gained assed

    importance, both for got. and business. Research has its special significance in soling ariousoperational and planning problems of the business and industry.Research is equally important for social scientists in studying social relationship and in see-ingansers to arious social problems.o professional in research methodology, research may mean a source of lielihood.o philosopher and thin-ers, research may mean the deelopment of ne ideas and insight.o literary men and omen, research may mean the deelopment of ne style and creatie or-.o analysts and intellectual research may mean the generali2ations.

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    R'S'AR0H $R#0'SS

    . Research instruments?. Sampling plan@. 0ontact method. #rgani2ing =carrying out field or- . *ata analysisC. Reporting the finding

    :HA IS A R'S'AR0H $R#B&'M

    A research problem in general refers to some difficulty hich a research e1perience in theconte1t of either a theoretical or practical situation and ant to obtain a solution for the same.

    S'&'0I); H' $R#B&'MFhe research problem underta-en for study must be carefully selected. he tas- is a difficult onealthough it may not appear to be so. )eertheless, eery ta-en from a researcher must find outhis on salation for research problem can not be borroed. A problem must spring from theresearcher mind li-e a plant springing from its on see. :e hae to see ourseles and enable himto prescribe for us the right number by co7operating ith him. hus a research guide can at themost only help a researcher choose a subject. Hoeer, the folloing points may obsere by aresearcher in selecting a research problem or a subject for research.

    A Subject that is oer done should not be normally chosen, for it ill be a difficult tas- tothro any ne light in such a case.B 0ontroersial subject should not become the choice of an aerage researcher.0 oo narro or too ague problem should be aoided.* he subject should be selected for research should be familiar and feasible so that the relatedresearch material or sources of research are ithin one3s reach. 'en then it is quite difficult tosupply definitie ideas concerning ho a researcher should obtain ideas for his research.' the importance of the subject the qualifications and the training of a researcher, the costinoled, at time factor are fe other criteria that must also be considered in selecting a problem./ he selection of a problem must be preceded by a preliminary study. his may not benecessary hen the problem require the conduct research closely similar to one that has already been done. But hen the field of inquiry is relatiely ne and does not hae aailable a set of ell7deeloped techniques, a brief feasibility must alays be underta-en.

    R'S'AR0H *'SI;)he formidable problem that follos the tas- of defining the research problem that follo thetas- of is the preparation of the design of the research project, popularly -non as the Kresearch

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    designL. KA research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data ina manner that aims to combine releance to the research purpose ith economy in procedure.L

    /'A%R'S #/ A ;##* *'SI;)A good design is often characteri2ed by adjecties li-e fle1ible, appropriate efficient and

    economical and so on. ;enerally the design hich minimi2es bias and ma1imi2es the reliabilityof the data collected and analy2ed is considered a good design. he design hich gies thesmallest e1perimental error is supposed to be the best design in much inestigation.A research design appropriate for a particular research problem, usually inoles theconsideration of the folloing factor.

    *'+'$I); R'S'AR0H $&A)Research plan must contain the folloing itemsF

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    . Result of pilot test, if any should be reported. ime and cost budgets for the research projectshould also be prepared and laid don in the plan itself.


  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    SAM$&' *'SI;)

    0ensus and sample sureyF  All items in any field of inquiry constitute a KunierseL or KpopulationsL. KA populationL. A population complete enumeration of all in the KpopulationL is -non as a census


    S&!" in "a'lin- *!"i-n.

    7 Si2e of samplehis refers to the number of items to be selected from the %nierse to constitute a sample. his isa major problem before a researcher. he si2e of sample should neither be e1cessiely large, nor too small. It should be optimum. 0ost too dictates the si2e of sample that e can dra. As such budgetary constraint must in ariably be ta-en into consideration hen e decide the samplessi2e. /or instance e may be interested in estimating. he proportion of person ith somecharacteristic in the population of in -noing some aerage or the other measure concerning the population. here may also be important sub groups in the population about hom e ouldli-e to ma-e estimates. All this has a strong impact upon the sample design e ould accept.

    ?7Budgetary constraint0ost considerations, form practical point of ie, hae a major impact upon decisions related tonot only the si2e of a non7probability sample.

    @7 Sampling procedure/inally, the researcher must decide the type of sample he ill use. here are seeral sampledesigns 4e1plained in the pages that follo9 out of hich the researcher must select that designhich, for a gien sample si2e and for a gien cost, has smaller sampling error.

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    M'H#* #/ *AA 0#&&'0#I)he tas- of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design plan chal-ed out. :hile deciding about the methods of data collection to be used for the study,the researcher should -eep in mind to types of data ia, primary and secondary. he primary

    data are those hich are collected a fresh and for the first time and thus happen to be original incharacter. he secondary data, on the other hand are those hich hae already been collected bysomeone else and hich hae already been passed through the statistical process. he researcher ould hae to decide hich sort of data he ould be using 4thus collection9 for his study andaccordingly he ill hae to selected one or the other method of data collection.he purpose of research is to discoer ansers to questions through the application of scientific procedures. he main aim of research is to find out the truth hich is hidden and hich has not been discoered as yet. hrough each research study has its on specific purpose, e may thin- of research objecties as falling into a number of folloing broad groupingF researchmethodology is ider than that of research methods. hus, hen e tal- of researchmethodology e not only tal- of the research methods but also consider the logic behind the

    methods folloing order concerning arious steps proides a useful procedural guidelineregarding the research process.

    O formulating the research problem

    O '1tensie literature surey

    O deeloping the hypothesis

    O preparing the research design

    O determining design

    O collecting the data

    O'1ecution of the project

    O Analysis of data

    O Hypothesis testing

    O;enerali2ations and interpretation

    O$reparation of the report of presentation of the result, i.e. formal rite7up of conclusionsreached.

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    0#&&'0I#) #/ $RIMAR" *AA$rimary data, particularly in sureys and descriptie researches. Important ones areFA #bseration method

    B Interie method

    0 through questionnaires

    * through schedules

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



    In the time insurance mar-et is ery competitie. A no. of insurance companies are coming ininsurance mar-et.

    Before 5666 there as only a &I0 company in the corporation. his as a goernmentcorporation and haing CCN of share of insurance mar-et.

    After 5666 a no. of insurance companies are coming in insurance mar-et.

    All these companies are priate companies. $riate companies become acompletion ith each other.

    he goernment has opened up the insurance sector to priate players, ho hae tied up ithlarge oerseas insurance companies. Some of the priate life insurance companies are as follos.

    Ma1 )e "or- life insurance company

    #m -ota- Mahindra

    ata AI; insurance company.

    BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' company.

    Reliance life insurance company.

    H*/0 standard.

    I0I0I prudential

    In non life insurance segments, major priate players are Royal Semidram0holamandalam, I//0# o-iyo, ata AI; etc.

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance



  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    D5. Hae you ta-en any policy of BIR&A S%) &I/' I)S%RA)0' company.










    yes no

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    "ou or- hard to proide your family the best of eerything, along ith saing for your retirement years. "ou ish for a plan that lets you lie your golden years ith the same comfortand lifestyle, ithout any compromises. $resenting the BS&I *ream &ife $lan 7 a plan that suitsyour needs and gies you the freedom to lie life confidently. 

    Ti" lan %!r" %u1 

    P ;uaranteed Saings Amount on the date of your choice

    P :hole life coer 

    P 0hoice of $ay erm

    P 'nhanced mar-eting security for your loed ones 

    D8. :hat are the major priorities hile ta-ing any policyQ

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance











    securities Future needs saving

    rebate in income-tax

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    D>. :hy ould one choose a particular insurance companyQ40








    better service maximum return

    ;. A-! Fa#&%r1

    :hile applying for a policy, your age is also an essential element that should be ta-en into


  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    D?. Ho many policies hae you ta-en right noQ







    Less than 2 2 to 4 4 to 6 6 above

    H%4 BSLI Dr!a' Li! Plan 4%r,"1


  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    D. :hy does one should adopt that particular policy of BS&I 0ompany.Q












     !or security For !uture needs For saving other

    Birla Sun &ife Insurance 7 BS&I *ream &Ife $lan 7 are only the names of the0ompany and $olicy respectiely and do not in any ay indicate their quality, future

     prospects or returns. he premium paid in unit lin-ed life insurance policies aresubject to inestment ris- associated ith capital mar-ets and the unit price of theunits may go up or don based on the performance of inestment fund and factorsinfluencing the capital mar-et and the policyholder is responsible for his E her 

    decisions. a1 benefits are subject to changes in the ta1 las. Insurance is the subjectmatter of solicitation. Inestment ris- in the inestment portfolio is borne by the


  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    D. Ho you deposit your premiumQ











     "ourse#! $y agent $y %ost &hrough internet

    #ur range of premium payment options ensure your conenience.

    • Net Banking 

    • ECS 

    • Direct debit 

    • National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    DC. *o you satisfy from yours agents sericesQ








    yes no

    Birla Sun &ife Insurance 0ompany &imited 4BS&I9 is a joint enture beteen the Aditya Birla;roup, a ell -non Indian conglomerate and Sun &ife Mar-eting Inc., one of the leadinginternational mar-eting serices organisations from 0anada. :ith an e1perience of oer adecade, BS&I has contributed to the groth and deelopment of the Indian life insurance

    industry, and currently is one of the leading life insurance companies in the country. BS&Ioffers a complete range of offerings, comprising of protection solutions.

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  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    • SMS BS&I to ?@

  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    A child is a source of joy for eery parent. "ou or- toards ensuring that you haethe means to meet the big future e1penses of your child, be it for higher education,marriage or any other dreams that you hae for your child.

    Birla Sun &ife Insurance 0hildren3s /uture Solutions are designed to help you build a

    corpus that allos you to meet the major e1penses of your child in future. Besides proiding you life coer to ensure that your child3s dream is secured, they also offeryou the choice of guaranteed returns or the fle1ibility to manage your fund options toma-e your money gro as per your needs.


  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    Birla Sun Life Insurance Health & Wellness Solutions ensure thatyou never lack the funds to go in for quality treatment in case ofmedical emergencies. Our plans help you insure yourself and yourfamily for an adequate sum against ma!or illnesses and in!uries.

    "ou even have a choice of plans that offer the cashless facility. #o kno$ more a%out our plans and to get recommendations on theplan %est suited to your needs call for a Birla Sun Life Insurancearketing 'dvisor.


  • 8/17/2019 Marketing Birla Sun Life Inurance


    children-s future etc. so $hy should you settle for lessthan the %est.

    ,eturns lan

    Life is full of uncertainties and seldom turns out the$ay one e*pects it to %e. We all look for security)

    $hether it is for our family-s future or for our savings./iven a choice $e $ould leave nothing to chance $henit comes to fulfilling goals and securing family-s $ell0%eing.

    D. :hy hae chosen that particular priate companyQ










    $etter ervice ood return othe r

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