Marketing Automation Checklist for Inbound Marketing & Lead Generation © 2011 Ephor Group | 1 (800) 379-9330 | www.ephorgroup.com | 5353 W Alabama Suite 300 | Houston, TX 77056 Ephor Groups provides services (Revenue Management, GrowthSTEP, Management Science) needed to efficiently grow, outperform the titi tt t fl it l d t lth f ft d i id

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Marketing Automation Checklist

for Inbound Marketing & Lead Generation

© 2011 Ephor Group | 1 (800) 379-9330 | www.ephorgroup.com | 5353 W Alabama Suite 300 | Houston, TX 77056Ephor Groups provides services (Revenue Management, GrowthSTEP, Management Science) needed to efficiently grow, outperform the 

titi tt t f l it l d t lth f ft d i id

Marketing Automation ChecklistSetup Routine ManagementSetupI. Lead Capture (web landing pages per

keyword phrase)

II. Call-To-Action Offer Button

Routine Management Data Management

Promotion Frequency (publishing schedule)

Integration (website, landing pages, Paid Search Google AdWords, LinkedIn, etc.)

III. Lead Scoring and Qualification

Partner Management

Asset Management

IV. Integration (Wordpress, CRM, eCommerce, Financial, etc.)

V. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A/B Testing and Metrics Reporting


VI. Social Media: Blogging, Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn

VII. Links: Directories, Communities,

VIII.Lead Nurturing including database© 2011 Ephor Group | 1 (800) 379-9330 | www.ephorgroup.com

Marketing Automation Best Practice: Blogginggg gBlogging enables content distribution and feedback (mechanism for dialogue). Blog best practices: 1.) Publish routinely according to a blog schedule, 2.) Comment on relevant and compelling partners, experts, and others, and 3 ) include a CTA (call-to-and 3.) include a CTA (call toaction) in every blog post. Bonus blogging best practice: Make it easy for viewers to interact with polls, comments,

i l di i f “Lik ” social media icons for “Like” and “sharing, etc..

Marketing Automation Best Practice: Get Found Online.

Increase quality of leads as they are referred by partners within the community.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Or How to get found 102 on Google when your buyers are searching. SEO best practices: Add SEO optimized content (with keywords, keywords in links, alt image keyword links, etc.) regularly by category theme regularly by category theme like a corporate organization chart.

Marketing Automation Best Practice: Social Media Community Building

Social Media Community Building. Aka Get Found Online When Buyers Search 201. Build relationships and then lead generation and revenue will come naturally. Community & relationship building practices: 1. Act like a participant and not an NBA owner. 2. Make it easy to use, try, buy, engage, discuss. Invite them. Incent them. Ask them what they want. 3. Spend time listening and then take action. 4. Always say- thanks for coming, thanks for participating, thanks for your suggestion. --Thanks for the suggestion. It’s always great to have such good ideas. Come back again soon. 5. Communities = Tribes based on shared interests. 6. Dunbar hypotheisized 144 is the maximum relationships per person use technology to nurture beyond the 144person, use technology to nurture beyond the 144.

4 ways to generate attention: 1. Buy (advertising)2 Beg (PR) 2. Beg (PR), 3. Bug (direct)4. Earn (Inbound by publishing online)

“Th f k i B b i h i l ” D id “The purpose of marketing = Buy, beg, or earn attention that goes viral.” – David Meerman Scott Webinar.

G A i (Off )

Marketing Automation Best Practice: Convert Leads to Opportunities.

400%+ more webpages indexed for companies that blog.

Lead Nurturing Checklist:1. Have documented programs and

use them. 2. Database management best

practices in place. 100% more inbound links for companies that blog.55% more website visitors for companies that blog.

Inbound Marketing Call-to-Action (CTA) Checklist:

3. Phone Qualify the Leads (MEDDIC).

4. Clear handoff for each lead – be 100% certain on action, next steps, closed loop feedback.

5 Ask questions about the g ( )1. Create Urgency2. Use #’s3. Indicate a specific action4 Use images

5. Ask questions about the individual and the buying process, and append company info from 3rd party sources.

6. Leverage 3rd party content and reuse available content 4. Use images

5. Make clickable6. Position Position Position7. Use Contrasting Colors8 Test Test Test!

reuse available content 7. Think like a publisher.

PR = Daily FrequencyMarket the hit, not just the news,

8. Test, Test, Test!9. Use CTA links:

• Use buttons• “See..examples of why XYZ”• “Find out how”

don’t need to initiate, make it about the conflict, re-tweet others content. Make others feel important.

• “Listen to …”• “Take our quiz, poll, survey”

The Business Case for Marketing Automation

A major strategy for growth in 2012 (and 2011 for many) is to leverage Marketing Automation for Inbound Marketing versus Advertising as it is more effective (conversion rates) and more cost more effective (conversion rates) and more cost effective (i.e. Capital efficient).

Did you know that almost 80% of equity backed software and service qu y ba d so a a d sproviders either implemented Marketing Automation in 2011 or is evaluating for 2012?

Benefits of Marketing Automation:I. Generate more leads.

f l d d f lII. Lower cost of client acquisition and reduce cost of sales.I.

The Business Case for Marketing Automation

Enables lead capture and opportunity conversion through automated lead nurturing and

i scoring programs.

Creates brand awareness by promoting the brand using all available web marketing and available web, marketing, and social media tools.

Enables ongoing, both trigger event based (i.e. when a visitor event based (i.e. when a visitor returns generates and automatic email follow-up with a relevant and compelling offer based on which webpages they visited) and routine lead visited) and routine lead nurturing.

Ensures a robust, full scale email marketing, and direct email marketing, and direct marketing program without having to hire a full-time marketing coordinator run the program.

Marketing Automation Vendor Evaluation & Selection Criteria

Marketing Automation Vendor Evaluation Scorecard:

Selection Criteria

Key Questions to Ask Before Demo: References by Industry?

Integration for CRM, Financial, Wordpress, eCommerce etc.?

App marketplace?

Onboarding process? Training and ongoing support? User conference? ongoing support? User conference?

Strategies for Growth in 2012: Create a Community Ecosystem Are you searching for ways to convert prospects to

HR Tech LinkedIn Community

clients quicker and more efficiently?

Fish where the fishes are currently. For the first time in history, you can find, listen to and interact with prospects online. Bypass adminsand reach buyers directly.

Key Success Factor: Be a branded sector leader.

Alsbridge Outsourcing Leadership

Revenue Strategies for Growth in 2012Synch CRM & Financial Management

Automate Financial Reporting (i.e. efficiency through the application of reports and dashboards for all key employees)

Attract Useful Capital and expand through M&A corporate development, product extensions and/or add-on services

Utilize marketing automation technology for Utilize marketing automation technology for Inbound Lead Generation

Lower cost of sales via Channel Development and Alternative Distribution

In a slow growth economy, lowering the cost of client

acquisition while growing the # of Alternative Distribution

Create a Partner Community Ecosystem

acquisition while growing the # of revenues sources is key.

© 2012 Ephor Group | 1 (800) 379-9330 | www.ephorgroup.com

Strategies for Growth “In this slow growth economy, there will be bifurcation between leaders and laggards;

the best revenue strategies will outperform the competition, and win the war for profitability.”

Legacy Thinking Revenue Strategy for 2012 Outcome of New Revenue Management Practice

“Feet-on-the-Street” Direct Sales Multi-tiered Distribution Lower Cost of Client Acquisition

Outbound Marketing Inbound Marketing Lower Cost of Sales Pipeline Creation

Lead Generation Partner Generation Referral based opportunity introductions Lead Generation Partner Generation Referral based opportunity introductions.

Outbound Telemarketing Market Research Intelligence integrated into ongoing routines.

M k t t E t i SMB M k Ni h V i l S i li ti I d M i

Effective B2B growth strategies require capital efficient programs to reach qualified buyers

Market to Enterprises or SMBs Market to Niche Verticals Specialization = Improved Margins.


qualified buyers. “Feet on the street” models are legacy thinking. Multiple lead sources are required to be capital efficient. Multi-tiered distribution is key. Referrals from partners, alliances, and communities will generate the majority of

new clients.

Strategies for Growth in 2012 eBook Focuses on Revenue Management Best Practices for B2B technology and solution providers.

> Revenue Management is the application of proven methodologies & processes guided by > Revenue Management is the application of proven methodologies & processes guided by Management Science reporting to improve Profitability.

Revenue Management Best Practices for 2012 and Beyond include:I. Have a lower cost of sales than your competition.

II. Have a capital efficient pipeline generation and revenue model.

III. Utilize Technology: CRM, Social Media, & Marketing Automation

II. Multi-tiered Sales Distribution Compensation:PRM, Agent, Alliances, Partners, Account Managers, Sales Personnel

III A Portfolio of Sources and MixIII. A Portfolio of Sources and Mix.

IV. Management Science reporting to provide visibility and proactive actions: Pro-Activity of the 3 C’s: Cash, Clients, Contracts.

V. Asset Management ensures a lower cost of t i iti d hi h ROI f d customer acquisition and higher ROI for spend.


Questions Answered by Revenue Management Lenders, Bankers and Investors want

comfort and visibility with the fi i l d li d ti financials delivered on a routine


Executives require visibility and insights into daily performance

and profitability and profitability to effectively lead.

“Revenue Management is a recommended strategy for companies that want to grow through a portfolio of

distribution sources.”

“Revenue Management insures budgeted pro forma forecasts are made into business realizations.”

Revenue Management Best Practice: Portfolio Management “Feet-on-the-street models are legacy thinking.

Today’s wealth creating enterprises succeed with a few key sales personnel at the top of the pyramid

Cost of $1.00 of Revenues Varies by Channel:

supported by word-of-mouth recognition, referrals and inbound marketing lead generation. And the majority of a firm’s new clients should come from Alternative Distribution.”

Portfolio of Marketing Lead Sources Reduces Program Costs:

Revenue Waterfall Management = Greater Profits:

Benefits of a Portfolio Strategy include:i. Lower cost of client acquisition ii. Greater NLTV (net lifetime value)ii. Greater NLTV (net lifetime value)iii. Predictable sales forecasting and budgeting because of

the team CHOOSES and proactively manages.

> How does your cost of client acquisition compare to competitors? Email us at Ephor for a complimentary report for your industry sector.

Benefits of Management Science reporting: Management Science helps overcome operating gaps.

Managers often work in relative isolation from the market trends and leaders Managers also often lack gaccess to key information.

Too often, financials are not providing daily operating indicators to guide day-to-day employee priorities. Management Science provides the basis for predictable,

t i bl b i ti d th t

A case study:Management Science Drives Performance:

sustainable business execution and ensures that managing growth and expansion financially ties to operations.

Management Science Drives Performance:

Questions Answered by Management Science: Where to Focus to improve Cash, Revenues, & Profitability.

Whom needs help? i.e. which employees or p p ypartners are underperforming. Which clients need attention.

Where to focus resources.16

Outcomes also included:Improved Revenue Per Employee by almost $10k per month employee.Increased NLTV per client 2X.

Legacy Thinking versus Revenue Management:




from a Partner’ Client

Sales (CRM) LEAD Alignment UpsellMAPPINGOpportunity



Client Management



Client Client Management

The Business Case for Revenue Management:Sync CRM and Financials to sync marketing and sales, and thus financial performance.

Conversion Rate from Lead to Close• Crowded marketplace• Too much advertising

Marketing is Hard

Revenue Management


g• “Committee Buy”• Resource constraints• Buyers require Immediate ROI from a

Branded LeaderDirect


Partners Matter• Reputation = Lower cost of sales• Use of best practices from both organizations


Team Management is Key Origination• Provide expertise and service

• Must be committed to client outcomes


Alignment Upsell


from a Partner’ Client


Client Management


Strategies for Growth Objective = Lowest Cost of Client Acquisition

Go to Market Development & Implementation of Brand Assets E h G id i Development & Implementation of Brand Assets Development & Implementation of Marketing Assets Marketing Asset Performance & Management Science

Revenue Development P fili & T ti

Ephor Groups provides services (Revenue Management, GrowthSTEP, Management Science) needed to efficiently grow, outperform the competition,

Profiling & Targeting Lead Development Probability Based Selling Sales productivity = Management Science reporting

p p ,attract useful capital, and create wealth for software and service providers.

Alternative Distribution Identification & Development of Channel & Partnering Relationships Development & Implementation of Channel Partner Support Programs

Productization of Services Productization of Services Product Development definition and service delivery standards Distribution venues by product

Acquisition & Integration M&A C t D l t T ti S i M&A Corporate Development Transaction Services Integration & Operational Conversion

© 2011 Ephor Group | 1 (800) 379-9330 | www.ephorgroup.com