Institut International d’Ingénierie Rue de la Science - 01 BP 594 - Ouagadougou 01 - BURKINA FASO Tél. : (+226) 50. 49. 28. 00 - Fax : (+226) 50. 49. 28. 01 - Mail : [email protected] - www.2ie-edu.org MARKET AND FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A NATIONAL OR REGIONAL CERTIFICATION FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR PANELS MEMOIRE POUR L’OBTENTION DU DIPLOME D’INGENIEUR 2IE AVEC GRADE DE MASTER SPECIALITE GENIE ELECTRIQUE ET ENERGETIQUE ------------------------------------------------------------------ Présenté et soutenu publiquement le 29 juin 2017 Côme SIBONIYO (20110332) Directeur de mémoire : Prof. Yézouma COULIBALY, Maître de conférences CAMES Encadrant : Dr. Y. Moussa SORO, Maître assistant CAMES LABORATOIRE ENERGIE SOLAIRE ET ECONOMIE D’ENERGIE (LESEE), 2iE, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Promotion [2016/2017] Jury d’évaluation du stage : Président : Ing. Francis SEMPORE Membres et correcteurs : Dr. Yézouma COULIBALY Dr. Yrébégnan Moussa SORO Dr. Daniel YAMEGUEU


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Institut International d’Ingénierie Rue de la Science - 01 BP 594 - Ouagadougou 01 - BURKINA FASO Tél. : (+226) 50. 49. 28. 00 - Fax : (+226) 50. 49. 28. 01 - Mail : [email protected] - www.2ie-edu.org








Présenté et soutenu publiquement le 29 juin 2017

Côme SIBONIYO (20110332)

Directeur de mémoire : Prof. Yézouma COULIBALY, Maître de conférences CAMES

Encadrant : Dr. Y. Moussa SORO, Maître assistant CAMES


Promotion [2016/2017]

Jury d’évaluation du stage :

Président : Ing. Francis SEMPORE

Membres et correcteurs : Dr. Yézouma COULIBALY Dr. Yrébégnan Moussa SORO Dr. Daniel YAMEGUEU

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar


Institut International d’Ingénierie Rue de la Science - 01 BP 594 - Ouagadougou 01 - BURKINA FASO Tél. : (+226) 50. 49. 28. 00 - Fax : (+226) 50. 49. 28. 01 - Mail : [email protected] - www.2ie-edu.org

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar


i Institut International d’Ingénierie Rue de la Science - 01 BP 594 - Ouagadougou 01 - BURKINA FASO Tél. : (+226) 50. 49. 28. 00 - Fax : (+226) 50. 49. 28. 01 - Mail : [email protected] - www.2ie-edu.org


This master's thesis was completed at the Solar Energy and Energy Saving Laboratory (LESEE) of the International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE) on the Kamboinsé site located at15 km from Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. I would like to thank all those who have contributed to the development of this project. I am particularly grateful:

To Dr Daniel YAMEGUEU, head of the LESEE laboratory, who kindly accepted me into his laboratory for my master's research work,

To Dr Yézouma COULIBALY, for having agreed to supervise the work of this thesis without hesitation. May he find here my gratitude for this mark of attention,

To Dr. Y. Moussa SORO, for having supervised my day-to-day work in the laboratory. Dear supervisor, please find in these lines my gratitude for your availability throughout my internship work,

To engineer Bernard BRES, Director of the 2iE Technopole, for giving me considerable help concerning the project feasibility study; Mr BRES, thank you very much for your open cooperation and for all the efforts you have made to help me complete my internship work properly,

To all the administrative and academic staff of the International Institute for Water and Environment Engineering for the quality of training received,

To all my colleagues in the promotion as well as all those who have contributed in one way or another to the success of my training,

To my dearest parents Alexis MURENGERANTWALI and Monique MUKAMUSONI, and my brothers James and Eric, I express my deepest gratitude. Without you I would not have made it.

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar




The photovoltaic solar industry is growing at interesting rate in West Africa and in the world

in general. Although solar panels are well known, very little is being done about their quality

in the region.

This study explores the quality infrastructure literature, the state of the art in the different

parts of the world through experts’ recommendations and the available documentation and

standards. The implementation of a certification body is studied as a way to improve quality

and reliability of solar panels. The feasibility of the certification body has been studied.

Partners have been established, a scheme has been framed, mission for the new structure have

been proposed and the equipment have been proposed. The price of the lab equipment was

found to be $462 050 that is to say 270 160 635 FCFA.

This study is the first of a long series of other studies that should be done. The results are very

promising and the quality of solar panels and further solar products can be achieved through

regional efforts.

Key words:

1- Certification,

2- Quality

3- Infrastructure,

4- Solar panels,

5- Testing standards

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar




L'industrie solaire photovoltaïque augmente à un rythme intéressant en Afrique de l'Ouest et

dans le monde en général. Bien que les panneaux solaires soient bien connus, très peu de

choses sur leur qualité sont connues dans la sous-région.

Cette étude explore la littérature sur l'infrastructure de qualité, l'état de l'art dans les

différentes parties du monde à travers les recommandations des experts, à la documentation

et aux normes disponibles. La mise en place d'un organisme de certification est étudiée pour

améliorer la qualité et la fiabilité des panneaux solaires. La faisabilité de l'organisme de

certification a été étudiée. Des partenaires ont été suggérés, un schéma d’infrastructure de

qualité a été mis en place, la mission pour la nouvelle structure a été proposée et l'équipement

nécessaire a été proposé. Le prix du matériel de laboratoire s’élève à 462 050$ soit

270 160 635 FCFA.

Cette étude est la première d'une longue série d'autres études qui devraient être réalisées. Les

résultats sont très prometteurs et la qualité des panneaux solaires et d'autres produits solaires

peut être réalisée grâce à des efforts régionaux.

Mots clés:

1- Certification

2- Infrastructure de qualité,

3- Panneaux solaires,

4- Normes d'essai

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Acronyms 2iE: International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering

AFRAC: African Accreditation Cooperation

a-Si: Amorphous silicon

BIPM: Bureau International des Poids et Mesures

CRECQ : Comité régional de coordination de la qualité

c-Si: Crystalline Silicon

ECOWAS: Economic Community of West African States

ECOWREX: Observatory for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

ECREE: ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

GHG: Green House Gases

IAF: International Accreditation Forum

IEA: International Energy Agency

IEC: International Electrochemical Commission

ILAC: International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation

IRENA: International Renewable Energy Agency

Isc: Short circuit current

ISO: International Organization for Standardization

kWp: kilo watt peak

NOCT: Nominal Operating Cell Temperature

NORMACERQ : Secrétariat régional de la normalisation, de la certification et de la

promotion de la qualité

NREL: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA)

OIML: International Organization of Legal Metrology

Pmax: Maximum Power

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



PV: Photovoltaic

RE: Renewable Energy

SE4All: Sustainable Energy for All

SOAC : Système Ouest-Africain d’Accréditation

SOAMET : Secrétariat Ouest Africain de Métrologie

STC: Standard Test Conditions

UV: Ultraviolet

Voc: Open Circuit voltage

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Content Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................... i

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... ii

Résumé ...................................................................................................................................... iii

Acronyms .................................................................................................................................. iv

List of figures ............................................................................................................................ ix

List of tables .............................................................................................................................. ix

I. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Context .............................................................................................................................. 3

1. 2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 4

1.2.1 Global objective ......................................................................................................... 4

1.2.2 Specific objectives ..................................................................................................... 4

1.3 Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 4

II. Overview of PV panels ....................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Solar panels ....................................................................................................................... 5

2.1.1 Current-Voltage Curve: I-V Characteristics .............................................................. 6

2.1.2 Relative Module Efficiency ....................................................................................... 9

2.1.3 Other components of a solar module ......................................................................... 9

2.2 Solar market .................................................................................................................... 10

2.3 Failures of photovoltaic modules ................................................................................... 11

III. Developing quality infrastructure for PV-panels .......................................................... 13

3.1 Quality infrastructure in general ..................................................................................... 13

3.2 Relationship between quality and market ....................................................................... 13

3.3 Certification programs .................................................................................................... 15

3.4 Standards ........................................................................................................................ 17

3.4.1 Purpose and History ................................................................................................. 17

3.4.2 Crystalline silicon PV modules (IEC norm 61215): ................................................ 18

3.4.3 Thin film PV modules (IEC norm 61646): .............................................................. 18

3.4.4 Concentrator PV modules (IEC norm 62108): ........................................................ 18

3.4.5 Product safety test (IEC norm 61730-1 and 61730-2): ............................................ 18

3.4.6 IEC TS 62257-9-5 .................................................................................................... 19

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



3.4.7 IEC 60068 -2-68 ...................................................................................................... 19

3.4.9 IEC 62782 ................................................................................................................ 19

3.4.10 the laboratory ......................................................................................................... 19

3.5 Quality infrastructure for selected countries and regions ............................................... 19

3.5.1 Kenya ....................................................................................................................... 19

3.5.2 USA .......................................................................................................................... 20

3.5.3 Module Certification and Commercial Services ...................................................... 20

3.6 Benchmarking ................................................................................................................. 20

IV. Technical study of a test laboratory .............................................................................. 22

4.1 Pass criteria ..................................................................................................................... 24

4.2 Brief description of tests ................................................................................................. 24

4.3 Dust and Sand ................................................................................................................. 25

V. Feasibility of the project ................................................................................................... 29

5.1 Legal framework ............................................................................................................. 29

5.2 Market study ................................................................................................................... 29

5.2.1 The challenge ........................................................................................................... 29

5.2.2 Demand .................................................................................................................... 29

5.2.3 Supply ...................................................................................................................... 30

5.2.4 SWOT analysis ............................................................................................................ 30

VI. Results and Discussion .................................................................................................. 32

6.1 Partners ........................................................................................................................... 32

6. 2 West Africa quality assurance framework ..................................................................... 32

6.3 2iE Missions as a reference laboratory ........................................................................... 34

6.4 Equipment, cost and economic model ............................................................................ 35

VII. Conclusion and perspectives ......................................................................................... 40

VIII. Bibliography .................................................................................................................. 41

Annexes .................................................................................................................................... 44

Annex I: Key terms definition for quality infrastructure ...................................................... 45

Annexes II: Key partners ...................................................................................................... 47

International Institutions ................................................................................................... 47

Regional institutions ......................................................................................................... 47

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Governmental institutions ................................................................................................. 49

Academic and Business partners....................................................................................... 49

Annex III: Specifications for the equipment ........................................................................ 50

Flash Tester/SunSimulator ................................................................................................ 50

Visual Inspection Machine................................................................................................ 51

Electric safety Tester ......................................................................................................... 54

IV-curve tracer .................................................................................................................. 57

Pyrometer .......................................................................................................................... 58

Infrared camera ................................................................................................................. 59

UV preconditioning chamber ............................................................................................ 60

Thermal cycling testing chamber ...................................................................................... 61

Bypass diode thermal test system ..................................................................................... 63

Annex IV: Characteristics of module used as example in tests ......................................................... 64

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



List of figures Figure 1: Total primary energy supply in Africa (IRENA, 2015) ............................................. 1

Figure 3: x-Si cell at right and a-Si cell at left ........................................................................... 5

Figure 5: A typical I-V curve with most important points (Villalva, et al., 2009) ..................... 6

Figure 6: Relative module efficiency at 25°C, 1.5 AM ( (Hanwha Q CELLS, 2014) ............... 9

Figure 7: Solar module components (Dunmore, 2017) ............................................................ 10

Figure 9: Three typical failure scenarios for wafer-based crystalline photovoltaic modules are

shown. Definition of the used abbreviations: LID – light-induced degradation, PID – potential

induced degradation, EVA – ethylene vinyl acetate, j-box – junction box. (IEA, 2014) ........ 12

Figure 10: Failures reported by customers and failures found by measurements (IEA, 2014) 12

Figure 11: Failure rates of 2000 certification projects for IEC 61215 and IEC 61646 type

approval tests for the years 2002 to 2012. The given figures are the annual percentages of IEC

projects with at least 1 module test failure compared to the sum of all (IEA, 2014) ............... 12

Figure 12: Illustration of the relationship quality and market (Duke, et al., 2002) .................. 14

Figure 13: Module qualification sequence IEC 61215 ............................................................. 16

Figure 14: Tests sequence according to IEC 61215 ................................................................. 24

Figure 16: Example of results of NOCT (UL , 2011) .............................................................. 26

Figure 17: Example of results of bypass diode test (UL , 2011) .............................................. 27

Figure 18: Example of results for Outdoor exposure tests (UL , 2011) ................................... 28

Figure 19: Planned projects before 2020(ECREEE) ................................................................ 30

List of tables Table 1: Sensitivity of IV curve ( (Green Rhino Energy, 2013) ................................................ 7

Table 2: Specifications of solar modules usually given by manufactures (Green Rhino Energy,

2013) ........................................................................................................................................... 8

Table 3: A brief history of standards ........................................................................................ 17

Table 4: Description of tests ..................................................................................................... 24

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



I. Introduction

A significant number of people in developing countries are struggling to have access to clean

energy. One of the viable solutions that has the potential to sustainable energy is renewable

energy. However the lack of basic quality infrastructure, among which standards, testing,

certification and accreditation, represents a notable barrier. (Painuly, 2001)

The solar PV as renewable energy has been used extensively in African countries for 30 years

now though critics say it has failed to be marketable as it depends heavily on donors despite a

large number of units already deployed across the continent. (Nygaard, 2009)

Notable improvements on the technology of solar based generation of electricity, remarkable

fall of the prices of solar products, and the availability of solar resources have led to solar PV

to the most promising source of alternative energy. (ECREE, 2012)

In recent years, photovoltaic (PV) implementation has grown of an average of 58 % annually

from end 2006 through 2011 being by far the fastest of all renewable technologies during that

period (VILAR, 2012). This growth is accompanied by the employment in renewable energy

field where solar PV was the largest RE employer with 2.8 million jobs worldwide, an 11%

increase over 2014 (IRENA, 2016).

New areas for developing PV are located in the Sunbelt regions of Africa, Middle East, and

South America. These regions are creating new opportunities dedicated to supplying local

demand. In West Africa alone it is estimated that only 47% of the population has access to

electricity with rate ranging from less than 20 % in counties like Sierra Leone and Burkina

Faso to more than 80 % in Ghana (IEA, 2014). However the overall share of solar PV remains

relatively very small (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Total primary energy supply in Africa (IRENA, 2015)

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



The Africa’s total cumulative installed capacity of solar PV jumped from around 500 MW in

2013 to around 1 330 MW in 2014 and 2 100 MW at the end of 2015 with a relatively small

participation of West Africa (Figure 2) as this growth is heavily concentrated; with South

Africa and Algeria encompassing 78% of all the growth (IRENA, 2016).

The future looks very promising as the capacity of Africa solar PV is estimated to be 11.5

GW by the year 2030 (IRENA, 2015). The purchasing power and the GDP if African

population are increasing and the prices of solar PV energy1 fall by 62% between 2009 and

2015 and an expected fall of 57% in 10 years from USD 1.8/W in 2015 to USD 0.8/W in

2025 (IRENA, 2016).

Figure 2: ECOWASS planned and operational solar power plants (ECOWREX, 2017)

The solar PV industry in West Africa registers lack of skilled manpower, incentives and

maintenance of solar projects. It also face quality related problems as warranties, aftersales

services, and inspections to name a few. (PVTECH, 2014)

Certification program help:

Buyers, users and consumers through transparency of the market, trust and protection

1 The price here is the total price including but not limited to modules, inverters, racking and mounting and


Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Producer or service producer through trust and commercial argument and

The State through the contribution to transparency and market reorganization.

It has been observed in the ECOWASS region that there are poorly established standards and

quality control of locally manufactured and imported technologies. Creating quality assurance

is a precondition for building consumer confidence and in growing the market for renewable

energy. (ECREEE, 2015)

The following work highlights the market and feasibility study of the implementation of a

national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar panels. It explains the status and trends

of panels quality, explores different certification programs as to learn from experience of

others, different applied standards are explained and tests are fully explored. The

implementation of a testing laboratory is explored at the end with the economics

accompanying it.

1.1 Context In accordance with the program SE4All2, The ECOWAS region has set a clear target to

increase the share of renewable energy in the region’s overall electricity mix to 10% in 2020

and 19% in 2030. Including large hydro, the share would reach 35% in 2020 (10 % for solar

photovoltaic) and 48% in 2030. Around 25% of the rural ECOWAS population will be served

by mini-grids and stand-alone systems by 2030. (ECREEE, 2015)

Despite this ambitious target, the photovoltaic solar market worth to develop in West Africa.

Among the identified obstacles, lack of confidence in the products has been identified as a

major obstacle by domain experts. The establishment of a quality assurance infrastructure,

guaranteeing the performance of distributed products, would allow investors and end users to

consider more serenely long-term investment allowing access to energy reduction energy

costs and GHG emissions. This was a strong recommendation of the workshops that took

place during the AfricaSolar conference in June 2015 in Ouagadougou. Indeed, a Quality

Assurance Infrastructure is an essential instrument for the deployment of renewable energy

technologies. It guarantees a minimum requirements in terms of interoperability, security and

performance is satisfied. Quality Assurance is also a tool that policies and regulations can use

to assess compliance with the standards and associated regulations.

In this context, 2iE through technopole and its partners (IRENA, Penn State University) have

considered doing 2iE a reference center for testing photovoltaic products in West Africa that

2 The Sustainable Energy for All initiative is a multi-stakeholder partnership between governments, the private

sector, and civil society. Launched by the UN Secretary-General in 2011, it has three interlinked objectives to be

achieved by 2030:

Ensure universal access to modern energy services

Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.

Double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



would fit in a broader quality assurance system regarding products related to renewable

energy in West Africa.

1. 2 Objectives

1.2.1 Global objective

This project aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the rural and peri-

urban populations in West Africa by improving access to solar photovoltaic by contributing to

the establishment of a Quality assurance body in West Africa.

1.2.2 Specific objectives

Produce an analysis of the state of art world-wide (IEC, ISO, IRENA ...) /


Identify potential partners in West Africa and internationally

Propose a framework for quality assurance infrastructure in West Africa

Define the role of 2iE as a reference laboratory (tests, metrology ...)

Analyze equipment needs and search for quotations

1.3 Methodology The study will be performed based on the different elements seen in the literature of

certification and testing processes as explained in scientific articles, main standards

regulations entities, the established laboratories business models and the experience of the

contacted experts.

The implementation of a certification body requires tests to be detailed and the expected

results to be framed.

This approach is best suitable for this subject as it fits with the objectives of the study and also

touches the technical part of the testing laboratory where equipment and price estimation are


Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



II. Overview of PV panels

2.1 Solar panels A solar panel is an association of solar cells arranged in way so that they can have a certain

power output and a minimum voltage.

Solar cells (Figure 3) use the electronic properties of semi-conductor material to convert

sunlight directly into electricity. The first solar cell saw light in 1941 and had an efficiency of

less than 1 %. Since then, the efficiency has grown up to more than 25% in laboratories.

(Green, 2009)

A solar cell alone can’t provide the required voltage and intensity for practical purposes.

Therefore cells are arranged in series and in parallel to give needed characteristics. In addition

these cells must be protected from the harsh elements of the environment as:

Corrosion of materials, especially metals

Water-vapor intrusion

Delamination of encapsulant materials, especially polymers

Physical damage from wind, hail, and installation

Thermal excursions, including coefficient of thermal expansion mismatches

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation

Deterioration of or damage to external components such as junction boxes, wiring, and


The set of these solar cells and its protection envelope forms a solar module. It is imperative to

protect the cells. A typical solar packaging take roughly 50% of the total material cost.

(Osterwald & MacMahon, 2008)

A solar cell in Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable. can be seen as current source Isc, a

diode Id, a shunt resistor Rs and a load resistor Rp (Masters, 2004)

Figure 3: x-Si cell at right and a-Si cell at left

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Figure 4: Equivalence of a solar cell (Masters, 2004)

The relationship (Figure 5) between I and V of a single cell is then expressed by:


With the cell area, A, the intensity of incoming light, H, and the response

factor ξ in units of A / W;temperature, T (in Kelvin), Boltzmann constant

k = 1.38e-23 and the elementary charge e = 1.602e-19.

2.1.1 Current-Voltage Curve: I-V Characteristics

The I-V equation can only be solved iteratively. The figure 5 shows a typical curve.

Figure 5: A typical I-V curve with most important points (Villalva, et al., 2009)

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



The curve depends highly on:

Table 1: Sensitivity of IV curve ( (Green Rhino Energy, 2013)

Conversion Efficiency Shift to higher currents


Higher temperature results in lower open-circuit

voltage, and higher short-circuit current. Overall

result is a shift of the mpp to a lower power.

Reverse saturation

current Higher leakage results in flatter curve.

Serial resistance Higher losses result in lower voltage

Generally, the manufacturers provide the following data:

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar panels


Table 2: Specifications of solar modules usually given by manufactures (Green Rhino Energy, 2013)

Short circuit current Current that flows when U = 0

Open circuit voltage Voltage observed when no current is flowing

Maximum power voltage

and maximum power


There is one point on the curve that provides for the maximum power output, P = U x I

Temperature coefficient Provides for sensitivity to changes in temperature.

Nominal module


This is the conversion efficiency that is observed when the module is subjected to light with intensity

1kW/m2 under standard conditions called nominal efficiency. The peak power of the module is related to

the module area A and nominal efficiency ηnomby:

Ppeak= H0 η nom A with: H0= 1,000 W/m2

The nominal efficiency can be obtained from the manufacturer's data sheet.

Relative module


Should the conditions differ from the standard testing condition, the nominal module efficiency must be

multiplied by a relative module efficiency (Figure 6), ηrel. This factor is dependent on changes in

temperature, intensity of the incoming light and ratio of diffuse radiation to direct radiation. The

instantaneous power supplied by the module is:

Pmodule= H/H0 or: Ppeak=H0 A ηnom ηrel with intensity of incoming light H.

Values for the relative efficiency can be obtained from manufacturer's data sheet.

3 Other specifications that are often found in catalogues are temperature coefficients which are explained in the tests part. Other key factor is the fill factor FF which is a

function only of the open-circuit voltage and in cells of reasonable efficiency and has a value of 0.7 to 0.85. (Turner & Doty, 2007)

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



2.1.2 Relative Module Efficiency

The efficiency of a solar module varies throughout the day and regions as the light intensity

varies. Taking into account that parameter, many manufacturers gave the relative efficiency

curve to help determine the performance of the solar module accordingly. The curve remains

sensitive to temperatures with the tendency to shift upwards (if colder) or downwards (if

warmer). Silicon is more sensitive to temperature changes than many of the thin-film


Figure 6: Relative module efficiency at 25°C, 1.5 AM ( (Hanwha Q CELLS, 2014)

2.1.3 Other components of a solar module

It is imperative to talk about other components (Figure 7) of solar panels that are not solar

cells. They protect the solar cells and contribute heavily the life expectancy of the modules. A

number of tests in the standards below are based on these components as a whole. The

encapsulation is to protect the solar cell from oxidation in the outdoor. (Peter Parts

Electronics, 2007)

The usual encapsulation method is glass encapsulation, with a frame to support the whole

solar panel and protect it from damage. Also a junction box to connect the solar panel and the

load by a wire/cable.

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Figure 7: Solar module components (Dunmore, 2017)

2.2 Solar market

Photovoltaic solar panels are fully imported in West Africa. Between 2007 and 2011 in

Burkina Faso alone, the main suppliers were in order of importance, France, China, Spain,

Italy, India, Germany, Belgium and South Africa. During the same period, the country

imported marginal quantities from certain African countries such as Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana,

Mali and Togo. Imports have evolved saw tooth between 2007 and 2011, with peaks recorded

in 2008 and 2011. Between 2010 and 2011, import quantities have changed 277%. In value,

imports of solar panels amounted in 2011 to 4,058,000 USD 2 billion 29 million FCFA.

Those from China accounted for 49.11%. Before 2010, the largest share of imports came from

European countries including France, Spain and Germany. China is the largest producer of

solar panels. About 65% of all solar panels are manufactured there. According to a ranking by

the International Energy Agency (IEA), seven of the ten leading manufacturers of solar

modules in the world are now Chinese.(Chambre de Commerce et d'industrie du Burkina

Faso, 2013)

The West African region copes with serious energy security and climate change concerns,

primarily due to the huge dependence of expensive and polluting fossil fuels. Despite being in

its infancy, the West African renewable energy market is emerging with a very promising

potential (Figure 8). The ECREEE target 2 425 MW of renewable energy by in the 2020 of

which 686 MW of PV in the WAPP countries

The potential of PV power in energy mix in West African countries is actually high solar

resource is especially favorable in the northern desert areas of the ECOWAS region in Mali

and Niger and in the North-Eastern part of Nigeria with a potential of 1,700 kWh/installed

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



kWp/year. The coastal areas of Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria do not benefit to the

same extent from this resource with an average potential of 1,200 kWh/installed kWp/year.

For the remaining areas, the average potential is about 1,500 kWh/kWp/year. (ECREE, 2012)

Figure 8: indicative ranking of re resources by countries (ECREE, 2012)

2.3 Failures of photovoltaic modules A PV module failure is an effect that (1) degrades the module power which is not reversed by

normal operation or (2) creates a safety issue. A purely cosmetic issue which does not have

the consequences of (1) or (2) is not considered as a PV module failure. A PV module failure

is relevant for the warranty when it occurs under conditions the module normally experiences.

One key factor of reducing the costs of photovoltaic systems is to increase the reliability and

the service life time of the PV modules. Today’s statistics show degradation rates of the rated

power for crystalline silicon PV modules of 0.8%/year.

To increase the reliability and the service life of PV modules one has to understand the

challenges involved.

Typically failures of products are divided into the following three categories: Infant-failures,

midlife-failures, and wear-out-failures. (IEA, 2014)

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Figure 9: Three typical failure scenarios for wafer-based crystalline photovoltaic modules are shown.

Definition of the used abbreviations: LID – light-induced degradation, PID – potential induced

degradation, EVA – ethylene vinyl acetate, j-box – junction box. (IEA, 2014)

Figure 10: Failures reported by customers and failures found by measurements (IEA, 2014)

Figure 11: Failure rates of 2000 certification projects for IEC 61215 and IEC 61646 type approval

tests for the years 2002 to 2012. The given figures are the annual percentages of IEC projects with at

least 1 module test failure compared to the sum of all (IEA, 2014)

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



III. Developing quality infrastructure for PV-panels

What we observe in most African PV market is that quality is not really prioritized on small

scale but we observe a certain call for quality in big projects, on the tender notice they specify

standards to be met by the winner as in the tender notice document for Zagtouli solar power

station, Burkina Faso. (SONABEL, 2014)

3.1 Quality infrastructure in general In order to minimize the first technology related risks, modules have to be certified in

accordance with international standards. Unfortunately it is common knowledge that a

successful certification is not enough for predicting the expected lifetime of a module: a

failure in a certification process only suggests that a long life is unlikely. Certification is

therefore a necessity but not sufficient. (IRENA, 2014)

There are 4 principal elements of quality infrastructure:




Conformity assessment: certification

3.2 Relationship between quality and market It has been observed that not only does poor quality goods lie in amount in which the buyer is

cheated but also in the possibility to drive a legitimate business out of existence. Dishonesty

in business therefore is a serious problem in underdeveloped countries. There is considerable

evidence that quality variation is greater in underdeveloped than in developed areas.

Numerous institutions arise to counteract the effects of quality uncertainty. The obvious

institutions are guarantees, brand names, chains and certifications (Akerlof, 1970)

Duke et al. studied the effects of the presence of poor quality modules on the market. “Given

perfect information, in $/rated Wp terms, D (low) =0.5D (high). Given a 50% market share

for low quality modules, perfect information about both market shares and the performance of

high and low quality modules, but inability to distinguish which brand is high quality, then

D(pooled)=[D(low)+D(-high)]/2. Adding risk-aversion, D (pooled) falls closer to D (low)”.

The Figure 12 illustrates that information market failure can cause both sales and quality levels

to fall short of the social optimum. Assume that, on average, bad modules produce half of

rated power while good modules produce at their rated levels.

The market falls as many people suspect poor quality modules and high quality modules are

forced to decrease in price to compete with the poor quality modules. However, this changes

with fully informed customers. The incentive to overrate modules disappears and low quality

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



modules disappear from the market. This puts upward pressure on prices in terms of $/rated

Wp, though true prices in $/ delivered Wp will fall as overrated modules are eliminated.

(Duke, et al., 2002)

Furthermore bankers and investors in general hate uncertainty. The more quality proven,

reliable is a solar module, the less difficult is to obtain funds for projects.

Figure 12: Illustration of the relationship quality and market (Duke, et al., 2002)

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3.3 Certification programs The quality of services and products has become an essential vector of economic success and

a criterion for purchasing for consumers. In an economic context marked by productivity and

market forces, consumers want signs that the products and services they can buy offer all the

guarantees of safety, suitability for use and quality. As for professionals, the recognition by

official processes of the quality of the products and services they market is a powerful lever

for commercial promotion and competitiveness.

According to several experts, certification is an appropriate response to this ambivalent

demand insofar as it ensures both consumers and professionals that the products and services

marketed are valued compared to those that are not certified and can therefore be acquired

with confidence. (ONUDI, 2005)

The government laboratories were the first to introduce tests sequence initially to protect

modules from the environment in the late 1970s. The private sector took over and International

organizations adopted them. With the increase of knowledge and the advancement of

technology, those tests have grown up to be as we know them today. Today the International

Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) test standards are now the only tests (Figure 14) accepted

by both module manufacturers and buyers.

Hoffman and Ross defined the purpose of qualification testing as being a means of rapidly

detecting the presence of known failure or degradation modes in the intended environment(s).

It also provides ‘‘rapid feedback of the relative strengths and acceptability of design

alternatives’’ during product development. It is impossible to equate the stress of tests to the

really stress of the environment as even the longest test today( damp heat) last about a month

and half while the module’s life is usually thought to be between 25 and 30 years.

Nevertheless, some segments of the PV industry desire relatively short testing regimens that

can provide a numeric value for the lifetime of a module or system, or that implies or provides

confidence that a system will last at least a minimum number of years. Regardless of these

desires, the standard sequences are not intended to be life tests.

The samples cause another significant limitation. Tests are performed on less than 10 modules

while the companies produce large amount modules in the time it holds the certificate.

Passing a qualification sequence cannot be used to infer that all production modules will pass.

However, the converse is not true—a failure of even one module during a qualification test is

significant and the module design should be investigated and corrected. (Osterwald &

MacMahon, 2008)

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar panels


UV Preconditioning 15


Characterization tests Control module

Initial Preconditioning

5 kWh/m2

Initial performance and

electrical insolation tests

Final Performance and

Electrical Insolation Tests

10 Humidity Freeze cycles

+ 85°C/85% RH to -40°C

Robustness of


Outdoor exposure 60


Bypass Diode Thermal


Hot Spot Endurance

Mechanical Load 2400 Pa

Hail Impact Test 25 mm,


200 Thermal Cycles -40°C

to +85°C

1000 h Damp heat

+85°C/85% RH

50 Thermal Cycles -40°C

to +85 °C

1 module 1 module

1 module 1 module 2 modules 2 modules

8 modules

2 modules

Figure 13: Module qualification sequence IEC 61215

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3.4 Standards The guidelines and standards are those of the international standardization organizations such

as the International Standards Organization (ISO) or the International Electrotechnical

Commission (IEC).

3.4.1 Purpose and History

Research on module reliability has led to a number of tests and standards in use today.

Unfortunately there is no single test to indicate the duration and reliability of a module and it

is almost impossible to design one. The reason for this is that every possible failure

mechanism has to be known and quantified. This condition is impossible to meet because

some failures may not show themselves for many years and because manufacturers

continually introduce new module designs and revise old designs. Instead of a search for a

single test, module reliability testing aims to identify unknown failure mechanisms and

determine whether modules are susceptible to known failure mechanisms.

It is advisable to perform the accelerated tests in parallel with real conditions tests to ensure

that some malfunctions are not to occur in one conditions and not the other. The first tests

were established by The Jet Propulsion laboratory in what was called block V. The European

Union followed later with EC502 sequence which was different from block five. (Markvart &

Castner, 2003)

Table 3: A brief history of standards

Contributor Tests major description

Jet Propulsion Lab Bloc V Temperature cycling

Humidity-freeze cycling

Cyclic pressure loading

Ice ball impact

Electrical isolation (hi-pot)

Hot-spot endurance

Twisted-mounting surface test

European Union CEC 502 sequence UV irradiation

High-temperature storage

High-temperature and high-humidity


Mechanical loading



UL 1703 Temperature cycling

Humidity-freeze cycling

Hot-spot endurance

Other tests

Jet Propulsion Lab Interim Qualification


UL 1703

Surface cut susceptibility

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



ground continuity

IEC CEC 502 improvements

1000h damp heat test

USA IEEE 1262 hi pot test

insulation test improvements

IEC IEC 61215

3.4.2 Crystalline silicon PV modules (IEC norm 61215):

- Power output at Standard Test Conditions

- Continuous light simulation test including UV radiation tests

- Climate tests (heat damp, thermal cycling, humidity etc.)

- Mechanical resilience (hail, snow, twist)

3.4.3 Thin film PV modules (IEC norm 61646):

This standard applies to those technology that are very sensible to light exposure and thermal

effects. These are a-Si, CIGS, CdTe, etc. (Arndt & Puto, 2010)

- Power output at Standard Test Conditions

- Continuous light simulation test including UV radiation tests

- Climate tests (heat damp, thermal cycling, humidity etc.)

- Mechanical resilience (hail, snow, twist)

- Thin-film related aging qualities / output degradation

3.4.4 Concentrator PV modules (IEC norm 62108):

- Power output at Standard Test Conditions

- Climate tests (heat damp, thermal cycling, humidity etc.)

- Mechanical resilience (hail, snow, twist)

- Concentration related thermal qualities

3.4.5 Product safety test (IEC norm 61730-1 and 61730-2):

- Minimum requirements for materials, components and construction (part 1)

- Minimum requirements for testing, defining of application and safety class (part 2)

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3.4.6 IEC TS 62257-9-5

Which covers pico-solar4 products with solar modules up to 10 watts

3.4.7 IEC 60068 -2-68

For desert and arid (semi-arid) climates and the related problems and challenges.

3.4.8 IEC 60410

To ensure the randomness of samples.

3.4.9 IEC 62782

Dynamic mechanical load

3.4.10 the laboratory

The relevant applicable criteria to the lab are:

• General requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories: ISO / IEC /


• General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection: EN

45004 or ISO / IEC / 17020;

• General requirements for bodies operating product certification: EN 45011 or

ISO / IEC / guide 65;

• General requirements for bodies operating assessment and certification / registration of

quality systems: EN 45012 or ISO / IEC / guide 62;

• General criteria for certification bodies operating certification of persons ISO / IEC 17024.

3.5 Quality infrastructure for selected countries and regions

3.5.1 Kenya

The Solar home systems in 2000s led to a paper by Richard D. Duke et al, 2002 that explored

the photovoltaic module quality in the Kenyan solar home systems market. The authors

explore the relationship between quality and the life standards and education level of the

Kenyan people. At the end they suggest a series of five possible measures to be taken for a

growing PV-market.

1. Signaling through advertising and branding

2. Warranties

3. Performance testing disclosure

4 Pico-solar products are defined as off-grid solar energy systems that have solar photovoltaic (PV) modules that

are rated at 10 watts or less.

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



4. Certification and labeling

5. Minimum quality standards

This is important case as it details possible measure for a market that relies heavily on

importation. And the conclusion fit perfectly with the IRENA recommendations on The

Quality Infrastructure for renewable energy technologies.

3.5.2 USA

In the 1996, the national Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) published a document about

certification and laboratory accreditation (Photovoltaic Module Certification/Laboratory

accreditation Criteria and Development: Implementation hand book by C.R OSterwald et al).

The documents explains in details which steps should be taken, requirements for personnel,

how reports are done and a business model is given at the end.

Though standards are very high and there exist many more manufactures of PV modules this

can serve as an example especially on the clarity and easy communications of different actors.

It’s interesting to note the key role of testing laboratories in quality infrastructure. In fact the

most popular standards used for testing solar panels in North America is UL 1703 developed

by Underwriters laboratories.

3.5.3 Module Certification and Commercial Services

Solar module certification nowadays is performed by private laboratories and government

related agencies. The process is not fully global as a module can undergo tests in japan but

when it arrives in Australia it has to e to be certified by the local agency a move some experts

find as to milk to solar industry. However efforts are being made to address this issue. An

example of this is the Global Approval Program for Photovoltaic (PV GAP).

The global key players in the certification of solar PV industry are re are:

TUV Rheinland, Berlin/Brandenburg, Germany

ASU Photovoltaic Testing Laboratory, Mesa, AZ, USA

European Commission Joint Research Centre, Environment Institute,

Renewable Energies Unit, Ispra, Italy

Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Northbrook, IL, USA

VDE Testing and Certification Institute, Offenbach, Germany (Markvart & Castner,


3.6 Benchmarking It’s important to test the modules according to West African climate and needs though there

are no regional or national standards available in West African countries.

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



However as many countries and institution has done, we can take from existing standards add

some points according to our needs.

The process is a project itself and requires local experts, authority and industry actors to sit

and set those benchmarks.

Usually it’s a three step process that involves:

Preparatory phase

o Opportunity and feasibility study

o Work scheduling

Technical phase

o Establishment of a technical committee (TC)

o Gathering of basic materials (regulations, studies, standards)

o Drafting of a first draft (Small group of editors, expert)

o Consensus seeking (TB meetings)

Validation phase

o Consultation (public or probationary)

o Check the conformity of the draft standard with the general interest and verify

that it does not raise objections that would prevent its adoption.

o Finalization of final text

o Technical committee vote

o Approval

The benchmarks suggested in this document are the IEE standards ratified with an upgraded

lower temperature for damp heat, heat cycles tests and an addition sand tests combined with

IEC semi-arid standards based. And the test that could not be overlook is dust and sand test.

Further information about the process can be found in ISO/IEC 17007: 2009 Conformity

Assessment- - guidance for drafting normative documents suitable for use for conformity


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IV. Technical study of a test laboratory

The tests can be subdivided into diagnostics, electrical safety, performance, thermal,

irradiance, environmental and mechanical. Tests are performed in a pre-established sequence

with 8 samples of panels and some tests coming more than once as the sequence progresses

(figure 11). (Arndt & Puto, 2010)

The sequence adopted is from IEC 61 215 (Figure 14) with a slight variation on hail test5.

Additional information concerning thin modules had been added.

The general approach of both standards6 can be summarized in:

Define “major visual defects.”

Define “pass/fail” criteria.

Do initial tests on all samples.

Group samples to undergo test sequences.

Do posttests after single tests, and test sequences (IEC 61215).

Do posttests after single tests, and final light soaking after Test sequences (IEC


Look for “major visual defects” and check “pass/fail” criteria.

Different samples go through different test sequences in parallel

5 This test is due to due to be replaced by a dust and sand test through benchmarking. 6 IEC 61215 and IEC 61646 as they are the ones globally accepted as test standards by the PV industry actors

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



1 module 1 module 2 modules 2 modules 2 modules

10.12 Humidity

freeze test 10

cycles -40°C to

+85°C 85% RH

8 modules

Initial preconditioning 5KWh/m2

10.1 Visual Inspection

10.2 Maximum power


10.3 Insulation test

10.15 Wet leakage current test

Repeat test 10.15 Wet

leakage current test



of temperature


10.5 NOCT

10.6 Performance

at STC and NOCT

10.7 Performance

at low irradiance

10.8 Outdoor

exposure test

60 KWhm-2

10.18 Bypass

diode thermal


10.9 Hot-spot

endurance test

10.10 UV


test 15KWhm-2

10.11 Thermal

cycling test 50

cycles -40°C to



Robustness of



10.11 Thermal

cycling test 200

cycles -40°C to


10.13 Damp

heat test

1000h -40°C to

+85°C 85% RH

10.15 Wet


current test



cal load



Hail test

1 module 1 module

1 module

1 module


Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Figure 14: Tests sequence according to IEC 61215

4.1 Pass criteria A module design shall be judged to have passed the qualifications tests and therefore be IEC

type approved, if each sample meets the following criteria

The degradation of the maximum power output at stand test conditions does not

exceed 5% after each test nor 8 % after each test sequence

The requirements of Insulation test and leak current test are.

No major visible damage (breakage or cracks in cells or glass, detachment of the

embedding mass, etc.)

No sample has exhibited any open circuit or ground fault during tests

For IEC 61646 only; the measured maximum output power after final light soaking

shall not be less than 90% of the minimum value specified the manufacturer.

4.2 Brief description of tests Table 4: Description of tests

Code Qualification test Test description

10.1 Visual Inspection According to inspection list

10.2 Performance at STC Cell temperature = 25°C

Irradiance = 1000W/m2,

Spectral irradiance distribution according to IEC 60904-3

10.3 Insulation test 1000 VDC + twice the open circuit voltage of the system at

STC for 1 min leakage current ˂50 µA,

isolation resistance ˃40 MΩ at 500 VDC

10.4 Measurements of temperature coefficients

Determination of the temperature coefficients of short

circuit current and open voltage in 40°C interval

10.5 Measurements of NOCT (Figure 16)

Total irradiance=800 W/m2

spectral irradiance according to IEC 60904-3

wind speed = 1m/s

10.6 Performance at NOCT Total irradiance=800 W/m2,

spectral irradiance according to IEC 60904-3

wind speed = 1m/s

10.7 Performance at low irradiance cell temperature=25°C

irradiance = 200W/m2

spectral irradiance according to IEC 60904-3

10.8 Outdoor Exposure test(Figure

18) 60 kWh/m2

10.9 Hot-spot endurance test 5 one hour exposure to 1000W/m2 irradiance in worst-case

hot-spot condition

10.10 UV-Exposure 7.5 kWh/m UV-radiation(280-320 nm and superior or

equal to 15kWh/m2-radiation(280-400 nm) at 60°C module


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10.11 Thermal cycling 50 and 200 cycles -40°C to +85°C

10.12 humidity freeze test 10cycles -40°C to +85°C, 85%RH

10.13 Damp heat 1000h, -40°C to +85°C, 85%RH

10.14 Robustness of terminations as in IEC 60068-2-1

10.15 Wet leakage current Water spray of terminals and edge immersion with 500V

dc applied to determine leakage current

10.16 Mechanical load test Two cycles of 2400Pauniform load, applied for 1hour to

front and back surfaces in turn

10.17 Hail Test 25 mm diameter ball at 23m/s, directed at 11 impact


10.18 Bypass diode Apply Isc at STC at module temperature of 75°C ± 5°C for

an hour. Repeat the process at the same conditions for


10.19 Light soaking7 Light exposure of 800W/m2 to 1000w/m2 until Pmax is

stable within 2%

10.20 Annealing8 Heat Soak at 85°C until Pmax is stable within 2%

4.3 Dust and Sand The test has been added through benchmarking to adopt modules the realities of the West

African weather.

More and more test institutes recognize the importance of abrasion resistance testing of PV

modules. Sand Spray Chambers simulate the Abrasion Effect and will most likely be included

in the IEC standards in the near future.

New quality and safety standards that address the various climatic requirements of the many

different deserts with all their own specific characteristics are currently developed.

An existing standard is the IEC 60068 -2-68 (Environmental testing - Part 2-68: Tests -Test L:

Dust and sand).This standard has been designed to measure the impact of particles- and dust-

filled winds on electronics, including solar PV modules. In this test, the module samples are

placed within a dust chamber.

4.4 Examples of results

7 Thin modules through IEC 61646 8 It concerns only thin modules

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Figure 15: Example of results of insulation test (UL , 2011)

Figure 16: Example of results of NOCT (UL , 2011)

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Figure 17: Example of results of bypass diode test (UL , 2011)

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Figure 18: Example of results for Outdoor exposure tests (UL , 2011)

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V. Feasibility of the project

5.1 Legal framework This project will be a result and an accomplishment of existing rules and regulations and West

African quality policy that are already in place.

• Regulation N ° 03/2010 / CM / UEMOA on the harmonization of the activities of

accreditation, certification, standardization and metrology in UEMOA;

• Article 26.3 (L) of the ECOWAS Revised Treaty (1993), which states: "In order to create a

solid basis for industrialization and to promote collective self-government, Member States

undertake to adopt common standards and Adequate quality control systems ";

• the Common Industrial Policy of West Africa (PICAO) adopted by Act No. 07/02/10 of the

ECOWAS Heads of State and Government during the 38th Ordinary Session of their Summit

Held on 2 July 2010 in Sal (Cape Verde).

• Texts adopting the ECOWAS Quality Policy and ECOSHAM (Paul, 2013)

ECOWAS QUALITY POLICY (PQC) among the specific objectives to establish functional

conformity assessment infrastructures in the Member States; Provide periodic calibration of

measurement standards and measuring instruments; Establish repair and instrumentation

centers in Member States;

In addition, customs requires imported goods with a certain weight to be quality assessed

which in PV panel’s case is not done as there is no established body to perform those tests and

issue a conformity

5.2 Market study

5.2.1 The challenge

The challenge is to know whether there is enough projects or producers or distributors that

can be interested in our certification program once it is launched. The traditional low of

supply and demand.

5.2.2 Demand

The burden of proof of compliance with standards rest upon:

The manufacturer,

The importer,

Or distributor.

All products that are sold with a mark of conformity (national brand, regional brand or

recognized foreign brand) are presumed to comply with the applicable standards.

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Affixing Product regular regional brand. Regular affixing means affixing by an authorized

body in the strict respect of the trademark laws.

166 commercial partners has been identified and the figure below summarize the planned PV

projects in the region.

Figure 19: Planned projects before 2020(ECREEE)

5.2.3 Supply

There is no such program actually in the whole Africa. The UN launched pico solar products

certification in some countries in Africa but as far as goes certifying solar panels, we would

have the advantage especially in West Africa

5.2.4 SWOT analysis The following analysis has been made to help with the decision making and development of a

business model.

It contains strengths and weaknesses as internal factors, and opportunity and threats as

external factors.

The results are summarized in the figure below.

It is worth noting that the statutes of some organizations, particularly laboratories, pose

difficulties for the full development of their activities mainly because of their lack of

management autonomy (recruitment of personnel, purchase of equipment or reagents, etc.)

Most of the organizations that make up the quality infrastructure lack resources at all levels to

carry out their mandates. This is the case, for example, for conformity assessment bodies,

particularly laboratories which have difficulty accessing accreditation due to a lack of

technical, material and financial resources. (Paul, 2013)








Planned projects

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar panels



Helpful Harmful In


al o







The first of its kind on the national and

international level in West Africa

An already existing network of partners

around 2iE sensitized about this stake

A well-known expertise on solar energy


Management autonomy

Long process of accreditation of the test

lab and its management system.

Development of other certifications

programs as solar installers, other solar

products and solar systems

Trainings on quality infrastructure

The government entities not enforcing

the laws about quality

Other regional institutions willing to

develop such a program

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



VI. Results and Discussion

The results as presented in this part are according to the ground work given at the beginning

of the work.

6.1 Partners A significant number of partners has been identified. Their main activities, nature of

partnerships are summarized in this diagram with 84.26% or 166 being business partners.

The principal players are given in the annexes while a detailed excel sheet with much more

information accompanying this report.

6. 2 West Africa quality assurance framework The following model has been made to convey simply and effectively the key elements of our

quality infrastructure in West Africa.

The model was originally made by the German National Metrology Institute PTB

(Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) 2014. Since A number of international as IRENA

(IRENA, 2015) has adopted it.

2,03 4,06

7,61 2,03



International Institutions Regional Institutions Government intitution

Academic Institutions Business patners

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar panels


International Quality


ECOWASS Regional Quality Infrastructure Value






Solar panels




Calibration Laboratories


Testing Laboratory



Calibration of instruments

Verification of meters,

reference materials











proficiency tests

ISO/IEC guide 65

IEC 61 215

IEC 61 646

ISO/IEC 17025

ISO/IEC 17020

ISO/IEC 17065

ISO/IEC 17021 ISO/IEC 17024












Other solar products



al r






t su




Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



6.3 2iE Missions as a reference laboratory The 2ie new testing lab should be first to promote quality of solar panels in the region. The

main suggestion of the key points of the mission are summarized below

Laboratory with international visibility, significant means to allow to play equally

with their homologous counterparts, attracted the teachers of researchers of

international renown

Certification and testing

Benchmarks that resemble to most standards and let them be the standards in West


Help verify the quality of PV industry related goods in or out of West Africa as an

inspection body

The lab may serve to traceability of other labs in region as time goes on

Intensify research in the solar product quality

Have a database of quality verified companies and products available to the general

public to promote quality.

Support the companies and the players of solar photovoltaic in terms of qualities of

photovoltaic modules

Databases of quality infrastructure in solar photovoltaic

Bridge between buyers (users) and sellers / producers

Supplement in training qualities to accompany the high engineers in options renewable


This is very feasible as it has been made before. The Underwriters laboratory standards serve

as reference for the majority of North America.

Missions comparable to other high class labs and laboratory of excellence in the domain.

The key points incorporate the existing missions of the LESEE lab, thus facilitating and

promoting the relations between two bodies

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6.4 Equipment, cost and economic model The brief description above of standards, tests and benchmarks has lead us to choose a

number of equipment that is suitable to our needs.

The equipment choice followed this patterns:

Big enough to hold the panels

Fulfill the required standards for said equipment

A maximum of equipment put together through chamber and system

The total cost of the equipment is $462 050 that is to say 270 160 635 FCFA

The adaptation of chambers for most of the equipment reduce the humor errors that could

arise from operating many mall equipment and any serious design error due to very perfect

tests conditions needed. It make the process of traceability a lot easier as all the equipment

with the attached sensors fulfill the required standards.

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar panels


Equipment Name Test(s) Reference Price ($)

Flash tester/Sun





Maximum power


Measurement of




Performance at


Performance at low



25 000

Visual Inspection


Visual Inspection EL defect


33 000

Electric safety tester

Insulation test

Wet leakage

current test


28 000

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar panels


IV curve tracer

Outdoor exposure test 60




15 000


Outdoor exposure test 60




Infrared camera Hot-spot endurance test FLIR TG



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UV preconditioning


UV Preconditioning test



55 500

Thermal Cycling Testing


Thermal cycling

test 50 cycles -

40°C to +85°C

Humidity freeze

test 10 cycles -

40°C to +85°C

85% RH

Damp heat test

1000h -40°C to

+85°C 85% RH


2×150 0009

Robustness of

Terminations Tester

Robustness of

terminations test


5 000

9 The duration of the test sequence depends heavily on thermal cycling test as some tests as T1000 lasts 1000h. This is almost a month and a half. For the continuity and safety

of the tests it is urged to have two of these chambers. The calculations done on the cost includes a second thermal cycling chamber.

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar panels


Mechanical load tester

Mechanical load test


4 500

Dust chamber

Sand and Dust test H-DTS-640

30 000

Bypass diode thermal

test system

Bypass diode thermal test Bypass diode

thermal test


10 00010

462 050

10 Estimation as the company did not want to give details without a written order form

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



VII. Conclusion and perspectives

The major players of the quality infrastructure centered on the new 2ie certification and

testing laboratory is an efficient way to convey the regional quality infrastructure together.

They were found to be keen on working on a regional certification body. This shed some light

and give hope on the quality of solar panels and other solar products in the future. To have 2ie

as the center of un-preceded program emphasize the innovation and importance of the study.

The tests descriptions will serve as reference to the development of the laboratory. The damp

heat 1000 hours define the duration of the test period. Chambers are more practical as

equipment for they limit the design on the general test conditions of the room. The overall

equipment cost $462 050 that is to say 270 160 635 FCFA. This cost will serve as a future

reference for most developing countries that want to establish a similar institution. This is an

important piece of information as most labs and institution don’t put it on public display.

As perspectives the feasibility of a certification body done in this study opens more

opportunities in the future like certification of solar installers , certification of pico products

as they have a big market in rural areas and the manufacturing is mainly local, certification of

solar systems, the development of its own standards and its advertisement.

As regional body is more feasible as the price associated with quality may be high for one

country. It is very advisable (by IRENA) to check with experts before setting a test laboratory

or a certification body. As the industry grows, it is also advisable to tighten regulations

requiring adequate equipment certification from the country of origin and to start by solar

installers. This ensures quality at essentially no cost.

Regional or national standards are very welcome in the sub tropic climate as systems built and

certified for cold climates may be over engineered for non-freezing climates, with

unnecessary tests and a group of experts should conduct a study to adopt the existing

standards to the weather of West Africa.

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



VIII. Bibliography

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PVTECH, 2014. West African Solar Opportunities. Solar media, p. 4.

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Turner, W. C. & Doty, S., 2007. Energy management handbook. Sixth edition ed. s.l.:The

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photovoltaic arrays.

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Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Annex I: Key terms definition for quality infrastructure

Accreditation: An independent confirmation of the technical competence of an individual or

an organization delivering services (i.e. calibrations, tests, certifications, inspections).

Calibration: The set of operations which establish, under specified conditions, the

relationship between values indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or

values represented by a material measure, and the corresponding known values of a measured

quantity. The results of a calibration permit the estimation of errors of indication of the

measuring instrument, measuring system, or material measure, or the assignment of values to

marks on arbitrary scales. A calibration may determine other metrological properties. The

result of a calibration shall, for the purposes of this model, be recorded in a document, which

may be either an internal or external calibration certificate, or a calibration report. The results

of calibration operations recorded as values may be referred to as "calibration factors," or, if a

series of calibration values, as a "calibration curve."

Certificate of conformity: A tag, label, nameplate, or document of specified form and

content, affixed or otherwise directly associated with a product or service on delivery to the

buyer, attesting that the product or service is in conformity with the requirements of the

certification program (e.g., with the referenced standards and specifications)

Certification: The formal verification that a product, service and management system of an

organization, or the competence of a person, corresponds to the requirements of a standard.

The certification is realized by conformity assessment bodies, which demand recognition of

their technical competence by an internationally recognized accreditation body.

. A third-party certification is one that is rendered by a technically and otherwise competent

body other than one controlled by the producer or the buyer

Certification body: An impartial body or organization possessing the necessary competence

to develop promulgate, finance, and operate a certification program and to conduct

certifications of conformity. Note: A certification body may operate its own testing and

inspection activities or it may oversee these activities carried out on its behalf by other bodies,

e-g., and an independent testing laboratory.

Certification mark: A generic term intended to include the Listing Mark, Classification

Mark, Recognized Component Mark and Recognized Marking of [the Laboratory].

Authorized use of a Certification Mark by a manufacturer is the manufacturer's declaration

that the product was produced according to [the Laboratory's] requirements. "Label" is

synonymous with "Listing Mark," "Classification Marking," or "Certification Mark.

Inspections: Examinations of the design of products, services, procedures or installations and

evaluate their conformity or non-conformity with requirements, which exist in the form of

laws, technical regulations, standards and specification by private clients, organizations or

government authorities.

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Laboratory or testing laboratory: A body or organization that performs tests and provides a

formal, written report of the results. In cases in which the laboratory forms part of an

organization that carries out activities in addition to testing and calibration, the term

laboratory refers only to that part of the organization that actually performs the testing of

photovoltaic modules.

Metrology: The science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical

determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology.

Proficiency testing: Regular, periodic determination of the laboratory testing or calibration

performance of unknowns, usually by means of interlaboratory comparisons.

Reference standard: A physical standard, generally of the highest metrological quality

available to the test laboratory, from which measurements made at that location are derived.

Standards: A document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body,

which provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines, or characteristics for

activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given

context. Standards can address a wide range of topics, including safety issues, design issues,

performance, reliability, etc. They are defined in a formalized document that determines the

requirements for a product, process or service.

Test method: A documented technical procedure for performing a test. The test method may

be called out in either internal documentation, or, whenever possible, in a published

consensus standard.

Traceability: The property of a result of measurements whereby it can be related to

appropriate physical standards maintained by National Institutes of Standards, or the

appropriate international standards body, through an unbroken chain of comparisons.

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Annexes II: Key partners

International Institutions


The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organization

that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the

principal platform for international cooperation, a center of excellence, and a repository of

policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA promotes

the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including

bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy, in the pursuit of

sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth

and prosperity.


The international Electro technical commission (IEC) is an international body specialized in

establishing rules, regulations and standards for electrical equipment and components.

It does not issue any certificates as the certification involves a third party body. This is

contradictory to what is seen on some manufacturer marks ‘’ IEC certified’.

Actually its standards are globally admitted as the ones manufactures should follow in terms

of quality of PV-modules.


The International Organization for Standardization has standards that are related to quality in

management and the fabrication.

It has a number of standards that are related to solar/photovoltaic industry and certifications

program which ranges from solar energy vocabulary to fundamentals of product certification

guidelines for product certification schemes. Some of these standards are shared by IEC.

Regional institutions


The ECOWASS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. It was established by

the Ouagadougou Declaration, adopted at the ECOWAS Conference for Peace and Security

on 12 November 2007 in Burkina Faso, articulated the need to establish a regional center to

promote RE&EE. At the conference, the Austrian Minister for European and International

Affairs and UNIDO pledged support for the creation of such an agency. In 2008 the 61st

Session of ECOWAS Council of Ministers adopted the regulation C/REG.23/11/08 and gave

the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) a

legal basis.

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ECREEE’s mandate is also perfectly aligned with the broader strategic goals of ECOWAS

Vision 2020. It seeks to realize directly two of the components of this vision, namely: (1) ‘A

region that anchors its development on sustainable development, including agricultural and

mineral resource development strategy, and on planned agricultural and industrial strategies; a

region that develops its infrastructure and makes services accessible to its citizens and

enterprises.’ (2) ‘A region that conserves its environment and resources, promotes modes of

equitable and sustainable development in economic, social and environmental fields; a region

which brings its contribution to bear on resolution of the common problems and challenges

confronting the planet.


The “Secretariat Ouest Africain de Métrologie” is the body that governs accreditation in the

UEMEO region.

The SOAMET coordinates metrology activities and the establishment of national metrology

infrastructure in the Union. It can be authorized by Member States to represent them in

international organizations, in metrological work.

The SOAMET is a part of AFRIMETS which is the African Metrology System. AFRIMETS

are to harmonize metrology activities in Africa, an intra-Africa metrology system

(AFRIMETS) was established, based on the regional metrology organisation (RMO) of the

Americas, SIM (Sistema Interamericano de Metrologia). The initiative is supported by the

New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), the Physikalish Technische

Bundesanstalt (PTB), the National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) and Legal

metrology at the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) of SA.

Its members are divided in 6 sub regions among which SOAMET covered above and

NEWMET which is made of six countries: Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Libya, Nigeria, and

Soudan. Ghana and Nigeria are a part of our study zone.

The SOAMET and NEWMET will be key partners as this project aim the West Africa, and

we can’t talk certification and testing based on the international standards and forget the



The « Système Ouest-Africain d’Accréditation » issues accreditation certificates in UEMEO.

It also defends the interests of its members in front of international organizations.

The SOAC is responsible for managing the Community policy of accreditation, in strict

compliance with international standards and requirements but consultation with the services

of the Union, States and private operators.

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The « Secrétariat régional de la normalisation, de la certification et de la promotion de la

qualité » represents conformity assessment in West Africa. The certificate is issued to the

manufacturer after the analysis or compliance tests on a batch of donated products.

This is to affix the regional quality brand recognized on compliant products. The right of use

of the mark is granted by NORMCERQ, upon request, the manufacturer has put in place

provisions to ensure continuous product quality.

NORMCERQ grants a certificate of limited validity in time to such manufacturer and put

under surveillance its manufacturing unit and its certified products.

CRECQ (Comité régional de coordination de la qualité)

The CREQ's missions are to achieve the harmonization and mutual recognition of technical

standards, as well as the certification and certification procedures in force in the Member

States provided for in the UEMOA Treaty.

WAPP the various companies producing and distributing electricity

The West African Power Pool (WAPP) is a cooperation of the national electricity companies

in Western Africa under the auspices of the Economic Community of West African States

(ECOWAS). Founded in 2000, the members of WAPP are working for establishing a reliable

power grid for the region and a common market for electricity.

Governmental institutions

These are mainly the national electricity agencies and ministry of energies and other related


Academic and Business partners

We have identified 166 business partners which exclude personal companies or individuals

that import and distribute solar panels and other solar products. The document is the property

of the technopole 2iE and the content won’t be disclosed here. Through existing 2ie’s

academic partnerships, we have identified some that do PV research or testing based research

which can form the network of experts needed for the success of the program as

recommended by IRENA.

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Annex III: Specifications for the equipment

Flash Tester/SunSimulator


Light Intensity 100mW/cm²(70~120mW/cm² continuous adjustable)

Non-uniformity of

Irradiation ≤±2% [Class A] ≤±3%

Instability of

Irradiation ≤±2% [Class A] ≤±3%

Consistency of

Testing ≤±0.5%A ≤±1%

Lamp Spectrum IEC60904-9 and JISC8933 [Class A]

Pulse Width of

Single Flash 10ms

Effective Testing

Area/Watts 2000mm×1000mm 5W~300W


Voltage 0~100V(resolution 1mV) Customized


Current 0~20A(resolution 1mA)

Tested Electric

Performances Isc Voc Pmax Vm Im FF EFF Temp Rs Rsh

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Visual Inspection Machine

Place of Origin:

Hubei, China (Mainland)

Brand Name:

KEYLAND solar panel

manufacturing machines

Model Number:

EL defect detector




Auto Testing Machine


Compliance with IEC60904-9 and

JISC8933 standard

Product Name:


Effective Testing Area:




Camera mode:

Camera mode

Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Camera brand:


Monitoring points:

before laminating/after laminating

Image acquisition time:

1 to 60s

Power supply:

220v 10A/110v



Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



Electric safety Tester

The construction will be carried out to perform following checks on PV-modules:

Wet leakage current test according to IEC 61215/61646 section 10.15

Insulation (Dielectric Withstand Test) test according to MST 16 of IEC 61730-2:2007


Ground continuity test according to MST 13 of IEC 61730-2:2007

Reverse current overload test according to MST 26 of IEC 61730-2:2007

The tester is made of

Water basin

For the wet part a water basin is provided with drainage.

The water basin allows testing modules with a maximal dimension of 1300 x 2200 x 80mm.

The incorporation of the module is carried out manually. It will be ensured that the connecting

box from the module cannot be plunge in the water basin.

The water basin can be drained by drainage with a valve at the bottom of the water basin.

Temperature controls

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The water temperature in the water basin has to be kept constant at 22 +/-2°C. Therefor we

install a temperature control unit and a pump. The pump is circulating through the basin. The

air cooled thermostat is keeping the temperature at 22 +/-2°C. This temperature control can be

ordered as an option.

Measurements devices

For the measurement of the conductance from the water according to wet leakage current

test, the following measurement device GMH 3431 from the company Greisinger is being


Market and Feasibility study of the implementation of a national or regional certification for Photovoltaic solar



For the temperature measurement of the water basin, you will use the same measurement

device as for the conductance.

For the measurement a leakage resistance tester will be provided. The operation is occurring

on the device and you can readout the measurement data directly with the provided software.

The maximal proof voltage from the measurement device is 10000V.

All with a DC current source designed to operate with the tester

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IV-curve tracer

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Infrared camera

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UV preconditioning chamber

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Thermal cycling testing chamber

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Robustness of terminations tester

1. Cable test length is 450mm.

2. Pull the leading wire by 4.08kg in 170 o of angle.

3. X-axle: from 170o right swinging to 170o left.

4. Y-axle: from 170o up swinging to 170o down.

5. Z-axle: pull at 170 o and spin.


1. Tester: 2080W (can be extended to 3070) x 2020Hmm aluminum rack: table surface is

padded by slip-stop pad.

2. Air-electrical combination torque mechanism: pneumatic pump: 1hp; air pressure:

6kg/cm2; circuit & pneumatic control system.

3. Torque control system: left, right & front spinning motor; positioning and rotating arm.

4. Tension force corrector: pneumatic cylinder and torque meter.

5. Accept customized order.


Technical Index:

1. Voltage: 220VAC,50Hz

2. Current: 5A

3. Air pressure: 6kg/cm2

4. Tester: 2,080W (can be extended to 3070) x 2,020Hmm

5. Test module dimension: 2,600mm x 2,200mm, adjustable.

6. Wiring:

6.1 Test length: 450mm

6.2 Wire size: Ø 6mm

6.3 Pull in the direction of 17o respective to horizontal plane.

7. Pull force: 4.08kg ± 5%

8. Tension force corrector: pneumatic cylinder and torque meter.

Mechanical load tester

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Dust chamber

Bypass diode thermal test system

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Annex IV: Characteristics of module used as example in tests