L .J, ... ,Ky J /J(I .: S•. \.

Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

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Page 1: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

L .J, ... ,Ky J /J(I .:

/j~J S•.


Page 2: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

]) T•lep h on•

C0LUM.U8 5•7000 C•bl• AcKI"•••


DAVI D OUBINSKY, ........... ,,.

l.!rs. Eleanor fl cosevol t Val-Kill Cottages Hyde Park, Dutchess County New York

Dear ~s . Roosevelt :


July 24, 1945


fA · --- . (

At t ho time when you wrote the t wo articles of your resentment t o Communist tactics lr. Anerica, I read a c riticism of your position in th~ DAILY '.'IORKER, indi cating t hat thoy sent you II'.a torial to enlighten you of the t rue poli cies o! the Communist Party.

I don •t know whether y ou had a chance to f ollow the Communi•t press in the l est few weeks. At IJJ'ty rata , tho edito rilll in t his morn-1ogb TIMES refers t o it " " a fake discussion. However, t he impcrtADt point is that a year a~d a hPl f ago, at a secret meeting of t he Nationa l Execut ovc Co~1d ttee of tho Party, Browder &u&&ested a new l ine which Poster and Darcy were opposed to . The NEll' YORK WORLD TF'L'EXlllAM reported t his develO!JIIflnt a t that time and Foster pr ocptly denied it. Two weeks aeo, the DATI.Y 'IIOR.'<ER printed a speech that FostGr delivered a t t bot t i me indicating t hat tho story 1n the press was true, and that he was lying merely because of orders from the Party llhi ch ol9a~ly br ings out your position.

I thought you might be interested in the translation of an article which ai'Peared in t he JEWISH DATI.Y FORJIARD which s\JILillarh&s t hi s entire situation and also a confe=sion by F.lizabeth Flynn, who i s a s t ar Co:nmunist member of the 'rat ional Committee, whi ch appears in POLITI CAL A~'FAIRS (Cow..unist theoretical magazi ne} on page 612 . In this s ame :nagszine on Page 642 i s the Foster speer.h of January 20t h which ap,:-eared in the DAILY WOP.KER, and, also on page 655 Fos­ter's apclogio3 ! or not making t hat ~peach public at t ha t time.

With kind personal r egards , I am,

CordiaUy y ours , H . DA~DUB~


Page 3: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

·-;liW.Ulil446i~a U lllrt.lr.tr p1'00I _,.. ...,... &Mt

t~N~~a~ww- ta U.. UaUM ltaW W u abtnaUoa dlvorned ttoat. AOtlllal A.&Otrlcu waya of Ute, It le k lllf pto­vlekd \IJ t.a. laWt anllca ol tba J.cn.trl· ca" Commuofelll. lor wHila oow U,. C<M~'rdu have t.e.a caldlctiJII' a ,._, *llllt. fa lhelr pn• ~ emve at a ,..."-......., t'tlllllt-.....17, ..,.... tU~tr ciWICe 1a tJrrrG" .-nr u.. 'l1lq ...,.a.at. U.. UM wW¢11. MI • ......., ~ ,. .u to u.. ...._,._ ,..,. wtwJe R~• ...,. at wu-U.. .,_ *' llf'OCI.t.lmtd a ..... tnloe .. Ut. ~ria.a capll.aJat~~ u:d "'boufTNIIi" •-.criCJ' u llwt tiu.J dtmu to lha Jon6o0011· Utllilt4 T'fOJ,all Hone WUte of p.•u rut Pttllitrauoa- all4 ttCW'II ln. Mftleel ,..,. b to llldr nnt tov.-rtvohllloury , •• Wiiam ad u.. c.aa.. l lt\IQk. Wit'- J\lillla Olil:t fill LIM w.v IJI4 • of ....... ,., U....t cla&aCe . .. tellle .... t .. ..... .. IC.I.IU.,. ................... .. O'een•ec ...._,. r. u.. ...... , Ia """*'*•"*'- •...._ ...... ... r . UMt .. ...._ .. - .. u ...... •ll·a--IDht u4 ..Jf.'tlaf•Uatioa. AU Ute a.mra4ee WN •tt ,..Ufd.t,)" botly INJ)poeoted Mr. Bf'O'Wtkt'• IJM to­day NA!I to U.. benth ot pu.bll• pttll• ttlit<t to abJu,r. ll. They Clr'OWcl on..,.. OUI4r to con.te• lb.tr e.rrore1 liMy pr .. ct.•• UMir l"kf ud .tl.atM at th4tr ..... 1111...._; U..7 C:fO'f•l Ill UMI "-rt &.o ........ aa..otaU.. .... _....I&QT ..... th-........-CIIMMW f&l17 ............ t.

J.IUI&I .. ~NI...._.tt lilt _,........ ..... ~ ., .. U.lr put......,.., .. ....... . ~ 0..-.c. ~ Kt • .,.. .. ,.. ltnot aM .,..,.. a rtpt.....acNH•c• t o. IIIli OO.•u.U.U ta ~ Ul\lle4 ll.lllt.N. Commlln.leca ~~~ay bay• ~ part ot ltlillllu patrtou- IJid u IlK'- a tKtor ta OW' t.a.t.maUOM.I ret.Uou. It ku M ,a- LiD U.. pollue.J ltte et

~ ---..------

Page 4: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

BY Zivian (Dr . B. Hot r..z,)

(Dr. Hofhl&n , well-known nen co~~~D~entator and. colu.lla t. ot the Jniob preu, devoted par" .. o! his co11.:m in the DAnJ FORWARD o.!' July 18 to a diecuasi on ot recent c-uniot political tootico in the United Stoteo. Below 1o • f'ree tr~elation or thi.o itea . )


The asoci! surely " ere good to r..e. ttere it not for tha tew cool &lJ'I!I l4st

week, I con!o~a, ! could not. ~va musterGd the eJlargy~ and tbe ~t1ence to wa.:!G

t!:J.r cueh tho torrent of abual ve ve rbiage whicb ia daily dee:cendi.na in the:

communist p!l}5tt upon t he unl uclcy haad o/ t h eir tallen leader - Earl BrCTrdor.

Pity the disearded Communist idol1 Only o short 1100th aeo this selteame

Browder was tbe a~ty (uebrer of tho Aaorlcan Coomnuniet tribe and hie book

tmERAN wae ~l.o :; .:~1~ cf t he domestJ.c Stellnieta . Today, ho aM hia book

Q.NI the objocte of vilest execrat.1on by his torn.er disciples. Today, Srowdor

i s no more the ::.....:;1-or ot tho Coc:cwdet nock - ho is • doepioad ai.al .. der.

His 'P~l hu become anathema in COGIIlunbt t"!l.Virons.

Forle r has now aeef!lld&d t he tbroM, - yua, the s~e agile Fost-er •h o

hn3 !allen onl)t to rise auttin ao =any times before in tho higher Cocn'J.niet.


But my h.a:J t he r1gllteoua ur. Foster r~ined ei lont so rn.a.ny aanths?

Has he jU!t .c!i3covarod t h&t Ib"owder • •s an o·pportutdst. and a t r aitor to the

doctrinee of )(.arx ~nd Lenin? H•e he only discovered Browdet-• s cri.mcs &.t'ter

J• an Duclos, French C·ommuniat Party aecrotary, had brcru.£ht dom a )!oscow-

branded big atick upon t.h& he~ of the Wl!ort~.mto Earl?

Of cow-sa not. Lone before Ducl os hod flAshed the cow Wnscow light.,

Fo.ste.r was opposed to the "New Ca.unist line• in&U&W"&ted by Browder a tear

and a h.ll!' ~o, Jt11ob INde "pt,&ce with c.apit.al", shelftd SocialU.. and saY"TJ

up the e laas .etru&&le • Foster exproeaed hie oppoaition to the BrOWder j)Oli c.y

in a letter to tho C.,..unlot Party llational -outive at ~hat ~1M ot•tini


Page 5: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l



~onots and boliote. So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init?

Foster relates that his lettsr was rejected at a plenary muting o! the

COI'l:llunl:lt !'011Ucal Bureau by a vota of 40 to 2, 1t tb htuelt and Saa Darc;y

C'~ Phil<:..!el phia only voting for it . But what has this intrepid leader done

after that? ilot a thing, except to obey 'Khat Browder told him to do ar.d tr>

<!of c .'ld publicly on many occasions this cwasculat ed and danntu.rea Comuniet

line which Browda' and the Political Bureau had ordained . Ue did even moro than

thl~ . When a daily newspaper rovealed at that tiln9 the fact that ltr. Footer

b, 1 voted against the surrender o: tha old revolutionar;y line 1 he llat~·

~~~led !t as o viciocs invent! cn by Communist "detractors."

Tooay, Foster is once again a Co=unist hero. He reviles Mr. Brcct!er

and teors the poor fellow apart. Today, hor.evar, the business of kicking

the fallen Earl is Good Communiet policy. Today, every Communist lllllle ill

entitled to kick the prostrate body of the ex-leader. It is part of the

~cc~ytod ritua~, to ~e sure.

The unprinciples coward - for that' s what he is - .l£r . Foste r ie

again the acknowledg4 d lender bf th!: .'.:J;~ricar. Coanunist:~ . He is, in DIY

judgl!lent, the right man in tbe ri&hr. place, A party without 1 rinciplos

~hould have a l eader without principles.

Page 6: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

••• llr. DublaU,a

ao •• ••bae14•ftl• .. 11e4 - 1••• ., ... , ana I aa apt alae Solcl J•u '"-' J d •• tak._... tlae paU,..elalp ot .., ... aalaa-tloa •' t-• pre~eat 'lae.

I ttllU' ~ao, .... • $1aa' I ...... '- tell JOU Ula J te.t. ,.._ Ll'-ral ••• 1a bao~~ lu4 ..... 1 .. ,•la ~ la IOYeraor h••J' • ,aa414ate, J••• l»e~tauat reu a•~•• real~r .._, to ~· wl~ -.,, ... J.allor rarw. ··~ .... -·~ tb~ w~ola •111 ,.._. ,.,,_a t 70U at pJ'OIIIlt ~Oft,.l~··, · t1111 t~p' 1ft lew 1'01'l Gl ,, aq 11&-..e • ett••' on "'• •'•'- '"" Uta Da,loa aa4 I aa 110' •' all ···• ·-· t1ae -14lll•al Jar$7 lau ~_.._ -. Joq Ylaw!

Do DOt neJt laealtaM to aa • to clo UJtlatac JOU .ra.tl~ waat •• ·• tit. I aa -~ wonle4 a-.at lteb&' liiY•lYel too deeplJ on el'b~ al4e '' ~~~ al~t 41tf1~1'J Wblob ext••• -.._ • ._. JOU. warring taotlope, ·

Ye17 alnoen~ rOUPa,


Page 7: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

ir-~:;f:, :· .. . " ...

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l -~ ...... Q ,_ .....U!W •• ., .......... 1\a\ .. 111' ill lt41. 1' le~ Of OOUJ'IIt 111\l .. lJ • 1

h·ua \ba' .. roraUJ 1111\ one ..... hel4 la 111 t J'Ml'a eo .,.., •h• lnhl"'••• ot •~~e ol'J . ooul4 · ~ aapan"4 fNII 'be ltft"NII'' ot \be 1\ah alld naUoa, blat 1111 one oa" pre .. e &o ,., :\ha, \be olretaaCaue~ dloJ\ •1 hli1._ • taoe4·•• \he , ... M .... \bat aCa\etlnf, ... 411pllaatl4 &o4aJ. You kMv •• ••11 u I 4o \ha' 'Pe1 .... not;

' ' . . llqor Lahlr41.a vaa aot 'Mholtlen &o anJ aapu'IIUI&Il Gonraor wllo· va1 ~~ iU•lar' Mit•

• of. Jtle 'partJ. 1111\p hllla~la hu .a.a,....a ble p.U'J poll,l•• la eNel' M •• ~~ _, 1 aaUon and be .w111 'M 'lllholclea M a lap. · · Ubllo&a RciYII'IIOI', vholl '1011 I~IIGWleqa JOII . 4o aot oone14er a l1'Mra1 ~n4 whoa JOG Jo DOS 4111ra •o ltNIIC~IJlo ' . ' '•

' A .. ,or et lfaw tortE OUJ 0111 blalltl _, ..,... lltliNbla atre,..\ll lft4 ,.Q lm01! \hjlt 1ft I p'lllr .. &or1al eleauoa .. a Repu'bllOIJ! ••• be beahn 1a lfew Yol"k VUJ. ,

' . l t~nlt lta111Nl 'O'DwJepf I nonJ'tl lhowa tll!IC ha hal ·~·• lit \U pa1' tor lltla' ••• rlpt · • ••en when ha ba4 aoaa pret\J \ . UKh p~p~a C4 tluo11:1 . l VllnY. Jaa vlll 4o \be\ aplll• · · · ·

I • ~

1 .. , lla vrn~~e aatl J*' ~ 1la ..._. alalia . · ~ 1, · JOII bel~··•• tha\ l • •• llo14"a1n vth 'be ·, ., 11ebol4111 co 1011 1114 $Ural ora a potl IIIIJOI', ·' 111 will ha'" · •o •U tor tlaa -w prove . •. '

' Whlob OBI Of , .. ll ..... 1~ l'l!Jh'' • !., , 1 . \

,. . Yai'J at.,e6W.lJ to.,., J - •

' . ,. . . .. . I

' ' . I I ' ., ~-· ••

,; . .. • • . . . ' I

\1' " I •


" 1 i . ~.J., l. ....._ I .u. t • . ,;· •

• 'I . • • • . .. •



Page 8: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

·-­-·--• lLOWU BUlLOINO • •

t 710 BJlOAI)WAY, NBW""YYOUt 1 .. N.Y.



••· n..rtor RooHwlt.,

IC7de '""'· 11.-. York.

Dear 11tr1. Roo.eftlt.s

I """ Jaot •- .. ....,.. 1 ft.e-t

1>7 Pr-ool.d .. t aoo .... lt 111 au, beiJ'iiiC ... tho -oipo.l

elecUCIII ot that 7M>'• Ill it bo ude it cliiJ' tbat

11\Zicipo.l electi,.,. .,_ DO .......,... CID eitbor 11\ate w

natlon•l •l.ct1CID8.

11on7 or 1111 ~~a .. ro...,t.te - it,

'!bet 11 11117 I t houebt it .....wt be or 1Ater01t to ..... n it.

h .. •

Page 9: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

' '

' Np York Ti!!B! l'lott?btr I S , 1941- Pr!!idant l'loOM!!lt 1a aHW.nt

"AlthoU&h II,T New York v.>ting reaidenca hu elWII,ya !~.en

upetate, I have lived 11nd worked in tl ew York City ott and on

since 1904. I have known llld obaerwed ll ew York llayora ai.nce

that time .

I a.• not taking pert in t he New York City election, but

becau e the City of ll aw York containe about on.,h.d! the popu-

lation of Hew York State, I do not heaitate to axpr .. e the opinion

t hat l'&Jor LaGuardia and his ndmi niatration !>..ave c1 ven the cit;r

t he a.oet honest, snd I believe, the moat ef'!icient municipel govern.-

ment o f any T.1. th in my recollection,

'rho fact that the c ity 's election h:la no relatiorurhip to

nlltiona~ politics but is confined to civic policies , 1B attested

by t he J.' ~oct that tne constitution of the State provides for t he

munici~l e l 8Ction in off years tmen neither a Oovemor, nor a

Presi dent , nor a member of the House otaata of the llcitacs Statea

are t o be chosen , "

Page 10: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l


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Page 11: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

l •. I· r-1




.. .... . ·.

: I lulov 7011 llH t1f!M111ft \he u=·,1eh1 tii.S : I t lllnll ~o~ wo\114 t18ht \Ilea tar """' MU .. . . . · taco~:rU1 1t 1 0 11 an<\ ""• Rllllljlal were •oc•.~• ·· · 1a , l ila ..... orsanh aS1oA an4 110\ wealllll1111

.. aaoll o\h~r bJ bt1ft8 oiiJ)arata~, . . ' .

. lllu t old • • \ha\ """' 11111 ~4 In _..1, .... .-1p ~' ' · 41<1 11ot 1n 11 111 WllJ <~Mn t h"' ~~ J.sbion\. P•r\J

or 10~ ~nrt1vl~uall7 wn~ld follow alons \he · ·-..,, l 1neo 1n l94~l.·•nd 1~9 , bu t I dlttar

' . .. . .

wHh you ln llft11n "'I the,\ wha\ happen• 1n , , , new 'l'QPk 01t:, U ftnll\f! to alu e\reftl!th Dftt • .•; • ' 'llaJ or tha . o\her t o om., 11111 heppeft· Sa 148 ., ..

. •

aa4 ' 4.8, Pt nouru1 I thlnll ;ynu ohould . tlcb t DDrl'IIT>tlon And O<lll,l'Ol. loJ tha -IIIUlllh but 11 70~ 414 1t t n«e\her sae,&ad of •• tvo otpara te srn11po1 l t h1nk 70u vaQld ~"' auah · biUor r .. Ylu, .


. .



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:... ....... . '


. .



• I


Page 12: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

OAVIO OU8 1NSkY, h-.elool • ""

11rw. namor lloolle-..1 t., 29 ... ohiJ>ctoD ~. -. low Tori< U, I.Y.



tor yov l•t.er ot itapat h!l. I tat=trl

t"'"''_, ···- tr<a tbo aitJ dllrillc -• trm~ dcd.Dc eo.

u 7"" -, I aa • .. .,. -1.1 l.aterNW ill - Iori< CitJ politico. II> dow ot tho -. o~ tla1o 1Ml''• IIOJD"lf.J oloet1011 OODtoillod ill )'OlD' lottar, 'Oibich oolllaido 'td.tb tbo d--­ill 70111' ool- ot t.bo •- cloT Sn tbo loo Iori< 'lol'ld-~, I • -~ tho Ul>ort7 ot .-tiDe 11p011 annal ool1oDt pollltA wbl.ob, ill 11!1' J-... Mnt, ehould be .-de clear.

1. n 1o • tact. tbat r... J...,.rr ~atu 11q, t.bo Libonl 1'U't7 wod<od tor 011 -nt.aadiDC 'td.tb tbo -rsta em a .­,.,__Dt. oacdidata. We poilltod out to - tbot tho -rstio PW\1 aort.oobliabacl tor it..alt .., .. .a~>la ,_ord ill state IDol •ticm&l politioa .nd that. it waa tt. tbat tbe 0.00Nt.e NbiMUt,at.:J tbeJ.r ._..WI'J' ..... putaUOD ill -.loipal politioa. It ._. wo ac.- 'td.tb - .. n,- -lall,r tbot • .,. Jolllt o&DdidatA -.. - to acoapt. tbo daaipatioa ot tbo -rio., Lobol' PVtJ. fhU plAD tail.cl 1>-- O'D~Crer- -~ 111 tho lllka Q>dll, lliu'oallt.cmio a_.,t., pl• tbo "-' ot •- ot Uoa wcrot alaacta ill tbo looal political •oiWiaa lllcllldiDc tbo -w=ld­tbraataoad Jbo, lall,r with a priarr fi&bt.• I oac --ur taat.11)' to tho toot that lfr. Tl,riUl _. d1-.,.d at t.booa -l._,at.a - _. -rr """" racrsttod tho tau.-. ot tbo plaa, Ill". Tl,riUl baa ...,_ "' -•- ...... w itb t.bo -rioao ~ Pa..V u Ida - -'i:f•

I • .rod&• Ool4nada IDd JoMplo -ldri~ ars -, ia t.bo tim Snat...oa, bpolbli- l'art7 oiDIIidatoa. !boJ ......., tba ~ oaloot.iona o! t.bo Libonl I'WV· au. ... IIIOolbl* ... - tim ohoioa tor tbo DOOdllaticm, it we bo 'Oibo vpol • \41 mw - ,-. OoldateU. .la a aat.k!" ot teat., em *7 10, \t. - toft ts- ' "teef

- - that .radp OoldRaia - - -- ot tbo Llbonl JIWtr tw .. llqOI'alt.J -...u- kwnl- Jatar, 1oa we -w 111 t1oa..,. lioa rvv.

Page 13: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

-·-I. fte Cit.i._' UU., \M Jloa1• ""'V, \M 01u-•

J..,..Pu'U.o., C-\teo - \M - pM p_.t r- *!.all-Hftl'll ~ qo , ... ll'iP or '1'- .UI"'Ill - pl-r l.a - Tolt< c u,:r -... all ooU<l :1.11 t.be1r -r\ ot \IWI uun, - ..,_, l.a .. Tolt< CU:r de~ - t.ho .,1\7 ot - r-•· ln'Mpoo\1 .. ot fta\o or aatiODol pol1Uoo, \be ..- - - l.a a-:r fu1ca • \ lien t.ho Ropobll- I'U1;J 11....,.. -- 1ood ... -. loa, DO .._, - -wit.bollt llopabllou ~. t.oQurd1o ooald .... r ..... - .aot.od - ot 1 .. Iorl< Oit,Jo

4o Do :rovr a~ :rou MJI ..,._ .. - will acm....\o a olllll&• OOlde\a1D -- t.bo:r •• uo 111ao• !Ida 1a - ctair \a l'odp Golda\o1a, aad, oo far aa 1 aow, tlloro 1a DO\IdJll -ial oa -• \Ilia catriaadlT ,.._t..,. ... booed, .todp Oolda\o1a, 1t ·-· will ... ,... -r Ropobll-~ - Lallurd1a baa -. t.oOurd1o wu a ~~ oaa moroao .tcodp 00lda\o1D llaa lln:ra - ., l.ao!IIJ ·- -N\o -ot u 'llbo baw cODt:1...t4atll' tcn~~~tzt tor the eau.ee ot loed aoewa.n. a.. .. coo.tidoDoo 1o l'odp OoldAoia'a ll.boNl. - J1opul1 .. cnoUoallo 'l'bo ... York Foot editorial or'-" 10 11- a,,.... pi-..o at t.ho O'IIIIJU MDdi­daCT ood tbo rorooa - or 1\ - it atotoao "''''lo olooUca at O'IIIIJor wo11ld IN•t:IJ' at-lt.hoD t.ba ClaroMo Joo-....--o rorooo lod ll:r 10111otor ll"OIIk Cootollo ODd t.bo c-iota -trolUAi \be AMri- r..bor Pari7. 0 • JJo:ror 11011ld be rol'OOd to ccaooal\ \llooo rrl.l JI'OIIpo 1D ook:I.DI Ilia ~or •111>"1D'-''" aad :1.11 roNial Ilia beoic polloioa.•

&, Do :rou Nall:r - Dot.bial ""1'0 :1.11 oar otrori to denlop an bcaeet. UMral •• to ill ... lork aat. 'Uwll a -.ar ..aea taotiooo•t In :rour oriiolo aad --· JOil ..... otti- \bot. d­crotio llboralo - - - oouao 'llit.b t.booo wbo p....Uoo t.ho •pbl.looOjlll:r or deoopUOD aad \be lio, 0 .... \boD oro JOil oriUool at M .moe w OHk to o"IODioo a pol1tiool port:r ..tlicl> ro!Moo to ... o .. uod t1'ollt wit.b t.ba C-io\ot 'l'llo ot""borD raota of o_.tocoo ..... 1M \M LAbor PartiN ot BritoiD, ~ - Zool-.4, oocl AoatNlio to \be - pooitioo, IUid tbo C-Ntift C Mllt.b fodno\ioa ot COMde llaa oloo ateocltaa\lJ' rotuod to •-• wit.b \llo C '"'"• 'l'll1o 1o DO lliDor ioo,..J 1\ ........, to tbo rooto ot tllo wbolo -..auo oauo. It aloo -a ~tal ioo,.o 1o tbo tiold ot pobllo ottoiro ocd _.olo, Ao w ati"'IQle to doftlop \h1o kiDd ot "" boooot prG~roooift poliUool -- :1.11 \Ilia cri\:r 01111 state, w bod • ....,. NNOD to llopo tor :roar --io -ro\oM:I.Dc, -tllot JOil ..... c.._... :rour dooioioo •- poriioipoUq 1o \Ilia :r-r•• -Dieipoal .._t~~~o

e. Let • ...... ,..., ~~re. ~DoerrNlt• tut '-la• tJ.beNl.-1\ooi-a.pobu .... ooaliUCOI io \llo lMii - oipoal c 5 lp oorrioo DO l.ap1l.o oaUaao wbo\-wr •bo• t lHI or 11118, j- oo oar jo:I.D\ otror\a witll \be Ropobli-.o 1o 1157 -· lHl :1.11 ~ ot t.Ou1'41.a bod - -.. - -a"i\lldo 1o \bo oloo\i•o ot 11600 liU or liMo 1\ io llo1'4l:r 11-oorJ \0 point out tllo tao\ \bot. tllo Do'OIIJ ~ ot ~ l.a - :r-e 414 Do\ DOOoooorilJ' \- J.oO.uod1& iD\o \be Do'OIIJ -· Ill \Ilia J'OU''O -polp, w al'l - f1111\iDI t.bo bet\loa ot liM, 11118 or lMIJ Ml' ..W W be oll&r~od witb \be -.114 -· of at\SQ i"C to OfNl \M pooplo,• .,. .... f1111Uq "' pl'lftat ~ PMoiblo -k ol - ao ..... '-"'IF •olliM ..tlioiL 1o boiDI au.- abetted b:r tllo C •no _. t.bo1r m.

Page 14: Marist College~onots and boliote . So, why did ho, by his v eey aubaequent silence, acquieae init? Foster relates that his lettsr wa s rejected at a plenary muting o! the COI'l:llunl:l

. .

-·-!hia .- 1p- podUcm 1a ~ ...toipal o,. 'P•

ADd, lll'tlo IDGMWlt, M7 I NT tvt.IMI' tba\ 7~ ~ ~ •oa W. •ll&ht d1tt1CNlt7 'lllieb al.U '-'- JOIII' 'RI'I"11II tao\lcma• ilmJl ...

not a •N wiWI Uld 1a t.beNtore IIIDt. •liP' b• 1a a •lter ot prlDo:lplell. ADd c.t.ber w w1A or l.Gee ia »•• iaportaat. thaD tile priDoiplaa w an ticht.inl tat'.

I al.ao wlab to t.alte lba oppol'\wd.t7 to nata beN tbat 7011r deoiaicm not to ..._. lba ~~~ Nfernd to 1a 70111' latter will, in fl(f opiniao, pro'N a aemoe tot be .. ue ot liberal'• ill the MilNe