7/23/2019 Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga - Attack http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/mario-luigi-superstar-saga-attack 1/23 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ -++ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ -++ || || || Mario and Luigi : Superstar Saga Attack Guide || || mario_luigi_attackguide.txt - 35 ! || || || || !" Matt#e$ %ent &matt#e$_d_'()at*"a#oo)dot*co)dot*uk || || ,ersion . &Last updated: /:01 GM2 340 || || || + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ -++ + +------------------------------------------------------------------------ -++   6ontents   /.----7ntroduction------------------------------------------------- m_l_a_g_/ /./ 8as" na9igation /. ,ersion #istor" .----Solo attacks &7n attle and in game------------------------- m_l_a_g_ ./ Attacks . ;sage and est $a" to per<orm .3 =#ere t#e" are learnt

Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga - Attack

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Page 1: Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga - Attack

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|| Mario and Luigi : Superstar Saga Attack Guide||

|| mario_luigi_attackguide.txt - 35 !||


|| !" Matt#e$ %ent &matt#e$_d_'()at*"a#oo)dot*co)dot*uk||

|| ,ersion . &Last updated: /:01 GM2 340||







/./ 8as" na9igation

/. ,ersion #istor"

.----Solo attacks &7n attle and in game-------------------------m_l_a_g_

./ Attacks

. ;sage and est $a" to per<orm

.3 =#ere t#e" are learnt

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3.----!ros. Attacks &7n attle onl"-------------------------------m_l_a_g_3

3./ Attacks

3. Ad9ance attacks

3.3 %i<<icult" le9els and costs

3.0 =#ere t#e" are learnt

0.----2#anks to...-------------------------------------------------m_l_a_g_0

5.----7mportant cop"rig#t and usage in<ormation--------------------m_l_a_g_5

  / 7ntroduction m_l_a_g_/


=elcome to m" <irst e9er guide sumitted to Game>a?s @ 7 #ope "ou alleno"

t#is @ 2#is is asicall" a guide o< all t#e di<<erent attacks used inMario and

Luigi: Superstar Saga. !ecasue t#ere are so man" &!" m" standards atleastB 7

t#oug#t 7Cd make a guide to tell "ou all aout t#emB $#ere t#e" can elearntB

and t#e est $a"s to use t#em.


 @@ =ADE7EG @@


  @@ @@

  @@ 2#is guide MAF contain CspoilersC &t#ings $#ic# ruin @@

  @@ t#e game plot. 7 cannot accept an" responsiilit" @@

  @@ i< t#e game stor" is ruined <or "ou. Dead at "our o$n @@

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  @@ risk @ @@

  @@ @@


  /./ 8as" na9igation


2#is guide is ?uite igB so 7 #a9e implemented a sort o< na9igations"stem in

it. 7 #ope to use t#is in all m" guidesB i< 7 do an" more.

8ac# section is codedB so it is organied ?uite $ell. Fou can also easil"

na9igate to a section " using t#e searc# or <ind <eature in $#ate9erprogram

"ou are using. Eo$ t#ere is also a re<erence at t#e start o< eac# c#apter

$#ic# "ou can use i< t#e searc# <eature doesnCt go to t#e c#aptercorrectl".

7t looks somet#ing like Cx_x_/C

7< "ou are using 7nternet 8xplorer

Hress 62DL + > to ring up t#e <ind ox. 2#en enter t#e section numerand

click C>ind EextC &Fou ma" #a9e to click t#is t$ice. 2#is is an eas" $a"to

na9igate t#e $#ole document. DememerB enter section numer / <or t#e


7< "ou are using a text editor

Ipen t#e <ind or searc# dialog and enter t#e section numer to easil"na9igate

to it.

  /. ,ersion #istor"

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LA28S2 ,8DS7IE - /:01 GM2 340 - A <e$ minor corrections andc#anges


/1:53 GM2 /10 - ,ersion ./ - A correction aout t#e

asic #ammer made

/1:3( GM2 /00 - ,ersion . - 2#e entire la"out #as

een c#anged $#ic# #ope<ull" makes t#e guide a it clearer

/4:55 GM2 30 - ,ersion /.5/ - Some 9er" minor c#anges

#a9e een madeB and t#e la"out o< t#e last section #as een impro9ed

/':0 GM2 30 - ,ersion /.5 - A ne$ section on $#ere !ros.Attacks are

learnt #as een added and t#e <inal ad9ance attack &2#under !ros.

: GM2 (0 - ,ersion /.3 - =orld I< Gaming is no$

aut#orised to use t#is guide on t#eir site

//:31 GM2 '0 - ,ersion /. - 2#e ad9ance attack <or

>ire !ros. #as een addedB t#anks to CGrimDipperC <or in<ormation on t#at

/1:3 GM2 3/0 - ,ersion /./ - Eeoseeker is no$

permitted to #ost t#is guide on t#eir siteB please make sure "ou do notemail

me to tell me t#at t#e" are using t#e guideB ecause t#e" are no$ allo$edto @

7< "ou see an" ot#er site using t#is guide or an" ot#er $it#outpermissionB

donCt #esitate to tell me

/1:( GM2 4/0 - ,ersion /. - 7C9e ust <ound out t#e

secret 6"lone !ros. attack t#at 7 #ad missed @ 2#anks to C6or" t#e greatC<or

t#e in<o @

/4:5( GM2 5/0 - ,ersion /./ - 2#ere are ust a <e$

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little t#ings 7 <orgot to c#ange earlier t#at 7 #a9e no$ updated

/1:50 GM2 /0 - ,ersion /. - 2#is 9ersion is no$ /J

complete. Fou ma" #a9e noticed t#at 7 #a9e remo9ed t#e C7deal <or...Csections.

;n<ortunatel" t#ere are ust too man" enemies to co9erB so t#is section$onCt

e included. 7 #ope t#at t#is guide s#ould ust e <ine

/4:30 GM2 /0 - ,ersion .1' - 2#e guide is prett" muc#

<inis#ed no$B ut t#e rest o< t#e enemies need to e updated <or t#eC7deal <orC

sections. 7 #ope to get t#is up soon

/1:33 GM2 /0 - ,ersion .5 - Kal< $a" t#ere @ '

sections are complete. ;n<ormatunatel"B not all t#e enemies are co9ered"etB

7 #ope to get t#e rest o< t#ese up soon

/':5 GM2 /(/0 - ,ersion .03 - 03J completedB $it# 4

sections <inis#ed

/1:0' GM2 /(/0 - ,ersion .3/ - 2#e guide is 3/J

completeB 9ersion #istor" added

  Solo attacks m_l_a_g_


Solo attacks are ?uick and simple $a"s o< attacking#itting oects or

monsters to cause damage to t#em or operate t#em in some cases. Kere aret#e

asic attacks and t#e descriptions o< $#at t#e" do...

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  ./ Attacks



  Attack | =#at it does



  !asic ump | Kits oectsenemies <rom ao9e ?uite

lig#tl"B| causing t#em damage. Kit enemies in game to


  | a attle $it# t#em causing t#em a lot o<damage

| rig#t at t#e start &Gi9e "ou an ad9antage


  Kig# ump | ;se t#is to get to #ig# ledges easil"


  Spin ump | ;se t#is to ump <rom ledge to ledge


  Kammer &!asic | ;se t#is in attle to #it monsters causingt#em

  | to e stunned. ID ;se t#is in game to

| pound oects into t#e ground. 2#e" canreak

| smallB gre" rocks IELF. Kit enemies in gameto

| start a attle $it# t#em causing t#em a loto<

| damage rig#t at t#e start &Gi9e "ou anad9antage


  Super #ammer | 2#e exact same as t#e #ammerB ut it canreak

| LADG8 gre" rocks


  ;ltra #ammer | 2#is is t#e iggest most po$er<ul #ammer o<all.

  | 7t can reak AEF rock 7E6L;%7EG t#e iglack ones

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  | and causes #uge damage to enemies


  >irerand &Mario IELF | Marios uni?ue #and po$er $ill urn enemiesand

  | lig#t <ireplaces and <irepits


  2#under#and &Luigi IELF| 2#is is a great attack $#ic# $ill lig#t uplue

  | glass domes and electricute enemies inattle


  >irerand das# &Mario | 2#is cool tec#ni?ue lets Mario urn Luigi<rom

| e#ind making #im run reall" <ast &das#. Kecan

  | t#en knock o9er giant koopas &Kuge turtlelike

  | t#ings and clear man" pat#s


  2#under#and sidestep | 2#is lets "ou $alk ack$ards and side$a"skeeping

  &Luigi | <acing <ront. 2#is is use<ul <or all sortso<

| t#ingsB suc# as: Mo9ing C!ooC &G#oststatues to

  | open secret areasB $alking t#roug# de<ences"stems

  | and more


Mini-Mario | 2#is is $#ere Luigi s?uis#es Mario do$n to/ o<

  | #is original siesB letting #im s?ueeet#roug#

| tin" door$a"s and take part in interesting

  | c#allenges


  Mole Luigi | 2#is is $#en mario #its Luigi $it# #is#ammer

  | making #im like a mole. 2#is is use<ul <orgetting

  | under <ences and gatesB and digging upt#ings <rom

  | underground. 2#is doesnCt $ork #o$e9erB onsteel

  | <loors


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  . ;sage and est $a" to per<orm


2#e usage o< eac# attack and t#e est $a" to per<orm eac# o< t#em islisted in

t#e tale elo$...

7n game usage tip: 6#eck t#e action icons at t#e to rig#t #and corner o<t#e

screen to see $#o $ill do $#at. 2#e rig#t #and side &A is t#e <rontc#aracterB

and t#e le<t #and side &! is t#e ack c#aracter.

6#anging actions: ;se L <or t#e le<t #and &A c#aracterB and use D <ort#e

rig#t #and &! c#aracter

7< "ou canCt do an action: =#en an appears t#roug# "our iconB "oucannot do

t#at action. 2r" mo9ing around to sol9e t#is.

8F: ! ;sed in attle G ;sed in game


  Attack | =a" to per<orm |;sage


  | |

  !asic ump | Simpl" press A <or Mario and ! <or Luigi@ |!+G

  | |

  Kig# ump | Make sure MAD7I is in <ront and press L to |

  | select Kig# ump. Hress ! to make Luigi |

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  | ump on top o< Mario and t#en press ! $#en |G

  | Luigi is near t#e ground and Mario #as |

  | s?uis#ed to complete |

  | |

  Spin ump | Make sure L;7G7 is in <ront and press L to |

  | c#oose spin ump. Hress ! to make Mario go |

  | on top o< LuigiB and press ! $#ilst |G

  | #olding t#e direction on t#e %-HA% <or |

  | $#ere "ou $ant to go to complete |

  | |

  Kammer &!asic | ;se L or D to c#oose KAMM8DB and press and |

  | #old t#e corresponding utton &A or ! to |

  | uild up po$er. A<ter aout / second |

  | release t#e utton. |!+G

  | 7E !A22L8: ;se t#e same tec#ni?ue <or |

  | de<enseB <or attackB c#oose KAMM8D in SILI |

  | attack. =#en t#e #ammer starts to s#akeB |

  | press A or ! &aout /- seconds |

  | |

  Super #ammer | ;sed in t#e same $a" as t#e asic #ammer |!+G

  | |

  ;ltra #ammer | ;sed in t#e same $a" as t#e asic #ammer |!+G

  | |

  >irerand | Make sure MAD7I is in <ront. 2#enB c#oose |

  | <irerand using DB and #old A to c#arge up.|

  | A<ter /- secondsB $#en t#e <ireall is |

  | igB let go o< A. Fou can use t#is to start|

  | attles $it# pre-attle damageB or to lig#t|!+G

  | <ire pits. |

  | 7E !A22L8: >or attack &Eot used in de<ense|

  | c#oose KAE% <rom SILI attack <or Mario. |

  | =#en t#e <ireall is ig &/- seconds |

  | press A to release |

  | |

  2#under#and | ;sed in t#e same $a" as <irerandB ut |

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  | onl" $it# t#under and $it# Luigi using #im |!+G

  | in <ront |

  | |

  >irerand das# | Make sure L;7G7 is in <ront. ;se L to |

  | select MarioCs <irerandB and #old ! to |

  | c#arge up. 2#en release ! and "ou $ill ot#|G

  | das# <or$ard #itting t#ings like giant |

  | oopas |

  | |

  2#under#and sidestep | 2#e same tec#ni?ue as t#e <irerand das#B |

  | onl" use MAD7I in <ront. Fou can t#en |

  | slo$l" mo9e t#roug# t#ings and slide t#ings|

  | MI,7EG !II S2A2;8S: Make sure "ou are |

  | <acing a$a" <rom t#e statue like t#is: |

  | |

  | --- Metal panel ! Statue L Luigi |G

  | M Mario |

  | |

  | ---! L M |

  | |  | use t#e t#under#and sidestep and go |

  | ack$ards to slide t#e statue |

  | |

  Mini-Mario | Make sure MAD7I is in <ront. Hress L to |

  | c#oose LuigiCs #ammer and press ! to s?uis#|

  | Mario. Hress ! again to make #im go ack to|G

  | normal sie &LuigiCs #ammer must e |

  | selected |  | |

  Mole Luigi | Make sure L;7G7 is in <ront. Hress L to |

  | select MarioCs #ammer and press ! to pound |

  | #im in t#e ground. Hress A to make Luigi |

  | come ack up. |G

  | %7GG7EG: =#en "ou are near an mark or a |

  | circle on t#e groundB pound Luigi do$n and |

  | go under it. Hress ! to dig up $#atCs t#ere|

  | |

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  .3 =#ere t#e" are learnt


2#e tale elo$ s#o$s $#ere t#ese attacks are learnt...


 @@ HL8AS8 EI28 @@


  @@ @@

  @@ Fou ma" e ale to get to alot o< t#ese @@

  @@ places alread"B ut "ou ma" onl" learn t#e attacks @@

  @@ tec#ni?ues at certain parts o< t#e game. ;suall" "ou @@

  @@ not e ale to continue $it#out learning t#e certain @@  @@ attack @@

  @@ @@



  Attack | Learnt at...



  !asic ump | Fou alread" #a9e !asic Nump at t#e start o<t#e

  | game @


  Kig# ump | 2#is is learnt in Stardust >ields area 5/.=#en

  | "ou get to t#e sign t#at sa"s t#atB "ou $ill


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  | a start plat<orm. =alk on it and people$ill

| come out teac#ing "ou t#is


  Spin ump | Same as #ig# ump


  Kammer &!asic | Fou get t#e asic #ammer a<ter "ou #a9e<oug#t

  | %rago#o#o on Koo#oo Mountain. 2#e Kammer#ead!rosB

  | $#ic# "ou $ill #a9e met e<ore $ill t#ank"ou <or

  | t#e rock and make t#e #ammers <or "ou


  Super #ammer | =#en t#e Kammer#ead !ros. mo9e t#eirCuisinessC

  | into a ca9e in !eanean >ieldsB t#e" $illask "ou

| i< "ou $ant "our #ammers re<orged and maket#em

| into Super #ammers. &2#e part e<ore "ou goto

  | 2ee#ee ,alle"


;ltra #ammer | A<ter "ou #a9e <ound all 0 peices o< t#e!eanstar

  | and it #as een re<ormed at !eanean 6astleBt#e

| Kammer#ead !ros. $ill do t#e <inal #ammerupgrade


  >irerand | Mario learns t#is $#en "ou enter t#e >ireHalace

  | on I#o Iasis


  2#under#and | Luigi learns t#is $#en "ou enter t#e 2#under

  | Halace on I#o Iasis


  >irerand das# | Mario learns t#is <rom t#e Nell"<is#sisterCs

| relaxation room on G$ar#ar Lagoon


  2#under#and sidestep | Luigi learns t#is <rom t#e same place as

Mario  |

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  Mini-Mario | 2#is is learnt <rom t#e 6#ateau %e6#ucle#uck

  | e<ore going into t#e $oods


  Mole Luigi | Same as Mini-Mario



  3 !ros. attacks m_l_a_g_3


2#ere are onl" a <e$ !rot#ers Attacks in Mario and LuigiB and "ou canonl" use

t#em in attleB ut $#en "ou doB t#e" are 9er" po$er<ul

  3./ Attacks


2#ese are t#e asic ros. attacks


6 6#aracter t#at learns t#e attack

M Mario

L Luigi


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  Attack | =#at it does| 6



|  Splas# !ros. | >irst Mario umps o<< o< Luigi into t#e|

  | air. 2#en Luigi umps up to Mario and| M

  | smas# into t#e enem"|


  S$ing !ros. | Mario gras Luigi and spins #imBgetting |

  | <aster and <aster. 2#en Luigi goes<l"ing| M

  | into t#e enem" causing ug damage|


  6#opper !ros. | Mario s?uis#es Luigi into t#e ground|

  | and runs $it# Luigi. 2#en #e ounces up| M

  | <rom Luigi spinning $ildl" $it# #is|

  | #ammer constantl" $#acking t#e enem"|


  >ire !ros. | 2#e last o< MarioCs attacks sees #im|

  | c#arging up <irealls and t#ro$ing t#em| M

  | at Luigi $#o ounces t#em at t#e enem"|


  !ounce !ros. | 2#is attack is $#en Luigi umps reall"|

  | #ig# o<< MarioB and Mario goes up to#im | L

  | t#e" t#en slam reall" #ard into t#e|

  | enem"|

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  nockack !ros. | Luigi s?uis#es Mario to t#e Mini-Mario| L

  | sie and s#oots #im into t#e enem"



  6"clone !ros. | Luigi pounds Mario do$n and umps on#is |

  | #ead. 2#e" ot# spin $#acking t#e enem"| L

  | time and time again $it# t#e #ammer|


  2#under !ros. | Luigi c#arges #is t#under up and t#en|

  | umps o<< Mario. Ke t#en sendsLig#tning | L

  | olts at t#e enemies causing t#emdamage |



  3. Ad9ance attacks


Kere are t#e ad9ance attack met#ods t#at let "ou do muc# more damage toenemies

=#en "ou can get t#ese attacksB "ouCll kno$. Mario or

Luigi $ill t#ink it upB and discuss it $it# t#e ot#er rot#er. 2#enB $#en"ou

go to t#at !ros. Attack OOO A%, OOO $ill appear and "ou can use t#ead9ance


Fou do not learn ad9ance attacksB t#e" are extensions <rom "our !ros.Attacks

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$#ic# are unlocked a<ter "ou practise it using Le9el 3 or a lot o< times$it#

t#e ot#er le9els.

=#en "ou #a9e t#e ad9ance attack unlockedB tr" doing it in le9el / so "oucan

learn it ?uickl". 7< "ou tr" an ad9ance attack <or t#e <irst time inle9els or

3B it is 9er" #ard. =#en "ou #a9e learned t#emB tr" t#em in le9els or 3<or

more attack po$er.


 @@ 27H @@


  @@ @@

  @@ ;se Le9el 3 attacks o<ten to unlock t#ese @@

  @@ @@



O A%,AE68 - Splas# !ros. O


=#en Mario s#o$s t#e C@C uleB press A &t#e opposite o< $#at "ou $ould

normall" pressB like most Ad9ance attacks

2#en Mario $ill come ack do$n to LuigiB press !. =#en Mario gets neart#e

targetB press A <or extra damage


O A%,AE68 - S$ing !ros. O


Hress A $#en Luigi is #eading ack to Mario and t#e" $ill go do$n on t#eenem".

Kit A and ! repeatedl" to cause extra damage and sometimes steal items @


O A%,AE68 - 6#opper !ros. O

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=#en C@C is s#o$n press A. Luigi $ill t#en go under t#e enem" and "ou canpress

! to make #im s#oot out causing massi9e damage. 2#en press A to #ammerLuigi

ack do$n and press ! again. Fou can repeat t#is man" times


O A%,AE68 - !ounce !ros. O


Hress A at <irstB and Luigi $illl go to$ards t#e ground &Hress !. 2#enB$#en

t#e" somersault to$ards t#e enem"B press ! <or Luigi and A <or Mario tocause



O A%,AE68 - nockack !ros. O


=#en ! #as een pressedB press A immediatel". Hress ! at t#e rig#t timeB


Mario $ill go into t#e enem" and "ou can press A <or <urt#er damage.Hress ! as

#e comes ack and "ou can do it again


O A%,AE68 - 6"clone !ros. O


=#en "ou #a9e #it t#e enem" aout 0 timesB press ! and Luigi $ill standup on

Mario. 2#en press A to #it t#e enem" once moreB sometimes stunning it


O A%,AE68 - >ire !ros. O


As soon as Luigi #as #it t#e <ireall $it# #is #ammerB Mario must ump to


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it &Supposedl" using A. 7t $ill t#en e stored ao9e MarioCs #ead. A<terall

t#e <irealls #a9e een #itB Mario $ill ump on LuigiCs #ead and ump tot#e

stored <ireall. 2#en press A. Fou do not #a9e muc# time to press A

#o$e9erB so"ou #a9e to e ?uick @


O A%,AE68 - 2#under !ros. O


=#en Luigi #as c#arged t#e 2#underoltB press ! and #e $ill ump toMarioCs

#ead. 2#en press A at t#e exact same timeB and $#en t#e attack continuesBpress

A. Luigi $ill go underneat# t#e enem" and t#en press ! to s#ock t#e enem"<rom


  3.3 %i<<icult" le9els and costs  

2#e di<<icult" le9els #a9e 3 uses:

/. 2#e" cause more damage i< t#e" are #ig#er le9el

. 2#e" cost less at #ig#er le9el &!H

3. 2#e" increase "our c#ance o< unlocking A%,AE68 attacks

2#e" are all listed #ere...



// //

// %i<<icult" L8,8L / //

// //

// 2#is is t#e easiest le9el $#ere slo$ motion and utton //

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// prompts are used //

// //



%i<<icult" L8,8L

2#is is a little #arderB ut it sometimes costs less !H.

2#e utton prompts are still t#ereB ut it is not in

slo$ motion



33 33

33 %i<<icult" L8,8L 3 33

33 3333 2#is is t#e #ardest ut most lo$-cost and e<<ecti9e $a" 33

33 o< attacking. 2#e colour icons are t#ereB ut it is not 33

33 in slo$ motion 33

33 33



6osts: Kere are t#e !AS8 6IS2S <or !ros. Attacks. 2#ese $ill c#ange

dependingon "our le9el t#at "ou useB usuall" le9el 3 costs less


  Attack | !ase cost



  Splas# !ros. | 0 !H


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  S$ing !ros. | 1 !H + Secret scroll / <rom2#$omp

  | game to learn



  6#opper !ros. | 5 !H


  >ire !ros. | 1 !H


  !ounce !ros. | 0 !H


  nockack !ros. | 5 !H


  2#under !ros. | 1 !H


  6"clone !ros. | ' !H + Secret Scroll <rom t#esecond

  | 2#$omp game to learn



  3.0 =#ere t#e" are learnt


  N;MH A22A6S


Splas# !ros. and !ounce !ros. - Learnt <rom Startdust >ields <romGeneral

Stars#ade and #is <riend



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nockack !ros. and 6#opper !ros. - Learnt <rom 6#ataue %e 6#uckle#uck$#en

"ou get #ammer ailities

  KAE% A22A6S


>ire !ros. and 2#under !ros. - Learnt $#en "ou get "our #and po$ers<rom

I#o Iasis

  82DA A22A6S


EI28: 2#ese attacks are not learnt as part o< t#e gameB t#e"

re?uire "ou to do a little extra "oursel<

S$ing !ros. - =#en "ou pla" t#e <irst 2#$omp game <rom t#e KammerKead!ros.

ca9e in t#e !eanean kingdom

6"clone !ros. - >rom t#e seconds 2#$omp game in t#e same place asao9eB ut

a little #arder to get

  0 2#anks to... m_l_a_g_0


2#anks to all t#ese people <or #elping $it# t#is guide... 7< "ou elie9e"ou

#a9e een missed o<< or need a credit mentionB or $ould like "our namec#angedB

please <eel <ree to contact me

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2#anks <or Eintendo <or making suc# a great game @ LetCs #ope t#ere$ill e a

second 9ersion @

2#anks to Game>a?s <or suc# a great site and #osting t#is guide @

C6or" 2#e GreatC <or in<o aout t#e 6"clone !ros. attack

CGrimDipperC <or in<ormation aout t#e >ire !ros. attack

C>a#ad An$er !aloc#C <or in<ormation aout t#e 2#under !ros. ad9anceattack

  and a good tip to add a section <or $#ere !ros. Attacks are learnt

CPac !laisC <or a correction aout t#e asic #ammer attack

  5 7mportant cop"rig#t and usage in<ormation m_l_a_g_5


2#is guide is 6op"rig#t &6 3-0 Matt#e$ %ent

2#is guide ma" e not e reproduced under an" circumstances except <or

personalB pri9ate use. 7t ma" not e placed on an" $e site or ot#er$ise

distriuted pulicl" $it#out ad9ance $ritten permission. ;se o< t#isguide on

an" ot#er $e site or as a part o< an" pulic displa" is strictl"pro#iitedB

and a 9iolation o< cop"rig#t

2#e onl" site&s permitted to #ost t#is guide:



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7< "ou see an" ot#er site t#an #osting t#is guide please let me kno$.

7< "ou are interested in #osting t#is guide on "our o$n guide HL8AS8 ASand 7

$ill e #app" to #elp

Mario and Luigi: Superstar SagaB 2#e gameB 7tCs c#aractersB Grap#icsBSound and

an" ot#er item in t#e game are 6op"rig#t &6 3 Eintendo

2#e c#aracter CGenoC is &6 S?uare 8nix 6o.B Ltd. &Degardless o< t#eao9e-
