Marine Microbiology Ekstrime Environments

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Extremophilesare microorganisms which have adapted so that they can survive and even thrive in conditions that are normally fatal to most life-forms.

For example, some species have been found in the following extreme environments:

Temperature: as high as130 C(266F),as low as17 C(1F)Acidity/alkalinity:less thanpH0,up to pH 11.5Salinity: up to saturationPressure: up to 1,000-2,000atm, down to 0 atm (e.g.vacuumofspace)Radiation: up to 5kGyExtremophiles are significant in different ways. They extend terrestrial life into much of the Earth'shydrosphere,crustand atmosphere, their specific evolutionary adaptation mechanisms to their extreme environment can be exploited inbio-technology, and their very existence under such extreme conditions increases the potential forextraterrestrial life.

Grow at o c.Optimum temperature 15 c orlower.Maximum 20 cHabitats :-Isolated Artic and Antartic habitats.(90% of the ocean is 5C or colder)

Examples :-Arthrobactersp.,Psychrobactersp.



Halophiles can be found anywhere with a concentration of salt five times greater than the salt concentration of the ocean, Great Salt Lake(Utah)Owens Lake(California) Dead Sea, Evaporation Ponds.

Halobacteriumsp. strain NRC-1, each cell about 5 m in length.

Adapted extreme hypertonic environment.Grow optimally,Presents of Nacl or other salts.Sea water contain 35% mixes with fresh water- nearly 0%. E.x:Halobacterium. Halococcus

Halobacterium- Halococcus.Phylum: Extreme

HalobacteriumHalobacteriumsp. strain NRC-1, each cell about 5 m in length.Scientific classificationDomain:ArchaeaKingdom:EuryarchaeotaPhylum:EuryarchaeotaClass:HalobacteriaOrder:HalobacterialesFamily:HalobacteriaceaeGenus:HalobacteriumBinomial nameHalobacteriumElazari-Volcani 1957SpeciesH. jilantaienseH. noricenseH. salinarumH. piscisalsiIntaxonomy,Halobacteriumis agenusof theHalobacteriaceae

HalococcusScientific classificationDomain:ArchaeaKingdom:EuryarchaeotaPhylum:EuryarchaeotaClass:HalobacteriaOrder:HalobacterialesFamily:HalobacteriaceaeGenus:HalococcusBinomial nameHalococcus Schoop 1935SpeciesH. dombrowskiiH. hameliniiH. morrhuaeH. qingdaogenseH. saccharolyticusH. salifodinaeH. thailandensisHalococcusis agenusof theHalobacteriaceae.

Adapted completely hypertonic saline conditionRequire high level Nacl


Itis remarkably constant throughout the deep sea.

Some minor differences in salinity, but none that are ecologically significant, except in the Mediterranean & Red seas.

Below the thermocline, the water mass of the deep ocean is cold and far more homogeneous.temperature of theepipelagic zone,is above 20C. based on the epipelagic, it drops over several hundred meters to 5 or 6C at 1,000 meters.Affects growth of microbsHigh temperature damages microbes by denaturing enzymes ,transport carriers and other proteinsMicroorganisms can placed in 5 clanes based on temperature ranges


Grow at 55 c or higher.

Minimum -45 c .

Optimum-55 c to 65 c.

Present in a planets surface from whichGeothermally Heated Water Issues.

Commonly found near volcanically active places, ocean basins & hotspots.

It forms some features in under the sea called Black Smokers.

A colony of thermophiles in theoutflow ofMickey Hot Springs,Oregon, the water temperature is approximately 60C.HYPERTHERMOPHILES:Grow at 90c.Maxima above 100c.Don t grow below 55 c.Microorganisms in deep-sea hydrothermal plumes:-Hydrothermal vents vary considerably, from relatively low-temperature (