Marine energy and offshore wind South west company directory 2014 7th edition

Marine energy and offshore wind - Wave Hub · PDF fileRegen SW Marine Energy and Offshore Wind Energy Supply Chain Directory. ... The list contains over 350 companies, a testament

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Marine energy and offshore wind South west company directory 2014

7th edition

Welcome to the 7th edition of the

Regen SW Marine Energy and Offshore

Wind Energy Supply Chain Directory.

Our supply chain directory includes carefully

selected companies who are either active in the

offshore renewable energy supply chain or that

have a high degree of potential to expand their

business into the sector. The list contains over 350

companies, a testament to the growth of the supply

chain in the south west. Members of Regen SW

automatically receive an enhanced listing in this

directory and are highlighted in green throughout

the document. To find out more about Regen SW

membership contact [email protected]

The directory and the online database (visit: www.

regensw.co.uk/directory) are one part of the supply

chain development activity that Regen SW has

undertaken over the past 10 years.

To find out more about Regen SW’s supply chain

work, please contact one of the Marine Team.

Johnny Gowdy, Ian Godfrey and Kerry Hayes


Cover image: Fred Olsen Bolt device being deployed from Falmouth to the FaBTest site. Seacore Excalibur jackup barge in the background.

Introduction 4

Offshore energy resources 6

Technology developers 8Tidal technology developers 8

Wave energy technology developers 9

Research capabilities 10


Demonstration sites 14

Ports, port operations and land based support 16

Consultancy services 18Renewable energy consultancies 19

Oceanographic and geotechnical consultancies 19

Multidisciplinary consultancies 20

Environmental consultancies 20

Naval architects and design consultancies 20

Engineering 24Specialist engineers 24

Consulting engineers 24

Marine engineers 25

Electrical engineers 25

Civil and construction engineers 25

Mechanical engineers 25

Manufacturing and components 26Manufacturing and fabrication 26

Original equipment manufacturers and components 26

Hydraulics 28

Cables 28

Electrical and electronics 29

Measurement, communications and instrumentation 29

Seals 29

Fasteners 29

Bearings 29

Generators 29

Pumps 29

Composites 30

Marine operations, installation and subsea support 32

Marine warranty services and inspections 32

Docking and pontoons 32

Offshore operational support 32

Logistics, transfers and stevedoring 32

Vessels, workboats and work barges 33

Craneage 33

Subsea operations and diving 33

Marine operations, contract and management services 33

Education and skills 34

Financial, legal and support services 36

Supporting organisations 38

Peninsula City Deal 39

South West Marine Energy Park 40

Bristol Tidal Energy Forum 41

Regen SW 42


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The strength of the

supply chain, the

fantastic energy resources

around the coast and the

region’s excellent research

facilities, have put the

south west at the

forefront of the marine

energy sector.

Offshore renewable energy represents a massive

economic opportunity for the UK supply chain.

With core strengths in marine operations, engineering and marine sciences, companies based in the south west of England are already playing a key role in the growing offshore renewable energy industry.

Many of these companies are diversifying into this new market from the region’s existing marine engineering, aerospace, manufacturing, composites and defence industries bringing with them the skills and capabilities that the sector will require in order to commercialise and deliver cost effective, low carbon energy.

A key feature of the south west business community is the concentration of innovative companies that are actively engaged in partnerships with technology developers and who are willing to invest to provide innovative and cost effective solutions.


Through its designation as the first marine energy park, the south west has established a very strong partnership with industry to promote the marine energy sector, attract investment and create a business environment to accelerate the commercialisation of marine energy technology.

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The south west offers developers and project

investors a broad portfolio of tidal, wind and wave

energy resource areas. With good access to the

grid and centres of population this strong resource

is matched by strong local demand for energy.

Wave energyWith a peninsular facing into the prevailing westerly oceanic swell, waves in the south west contain a great deal of energy - typically 15-25 kw/m off the north Cornish coast, increasing to 35-40 kw/m in the area around the Isles of Scilly. While these waves are powerful, storm conditions that would challenge the survivability of wave energy devices are less extreme; an important element in early technology development.

Offshore windWith thousands of miles of Atlantic fetch and a south westerly prevailing wind, the region is well positioned for the exploitation of offshore wind energy through developments such as the Navitus Bay wind farm, Dorset. Whilst the demise of the Atlantic Array offshore wind farm project in 2013 was disappointing, prospects for offshore wind in the region are good. The development of innovative floating offshore wind foundations such as the Energy Technologies Institute’s (ETI) Pelastar, tension leg platform designed by Glosten Associates and due for installation at Wave Hub in 2015 marks a key milestone in the development of this exciting new technology.

Tidal energyAt 14 meters, the Bristol Channel has one of the highest tidal ranges in the world, with the potential to make a major contribution to the UK’s low carbon energy supply. The south west also has significant tidal stream resource with flow speeds in excess of 2.0-2.5 m/s along the north Devon and Somerset coast as well as off the coast of Portland and the Isle of Wight.

Offshore energy resources

DeltaStream Tidal Technology

An innovative design in marine

renewable technology



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Technology developers

Tidal energy technologyThe world’s first tidal stream turbine was designed and installed off Lynmouth in 2003 by Marine Current Turbines and IT Power. The region’s reputation as a centre for the research and development of tidal energy technology has grown ever since, spawning a highly capable technology development supply chain.

Today the south west is home to the greatest concentration of tidal stream technology development companies anywhere in the world, including many of the market leaders.

With a massive tidal range of up to 14m in the Bristol Channel, the region is also home to some of the latest advances in tidal lagoon technology, capable of exploiting this resource whilst being compatible with needs the region’s key stakeholders.

Wave energy technologyThe south west region’s strong wave climate, supply chain, test facilities and research capabilities provide all the elements that wave energy technology developers need.

The technology development offer in the south west includes concept testing and validation at Plymouth University’s world class wave tank facility – COAST; scale testing at FaB Test; early array testing at Wave Hub and the potential for full-scale commercial wave farms off the coast of the Isles of Scilly in a 35kW/m resource.

Tidal energy technology developers

Alstom Ocean Energy Bristol

Atlantis Resources Ltd Bristol

Kepler Energy Ltd Oxford and Bristol

Longbay Seapower Ltd Somerset

Pulse Tidal Yorkshire and Devon

SeaPower Gen Hampshire

Siemens Marine Current Turbines Bristol

Tidal Energy Ltd Pembrokeshire

Tidal Lagoon Power Ltd Swansea

TidalStream Ltd Warwickshire

Tidepod Cornwall

Torcardo Plymouth

VerdErg Surrey and Cornwall

Wave energy technology developers

Atmocean America and Plymouth

40South Energy Plymouth

Carnegie Wave Energy Australia

Fred Olsen Renewables Norway and Cornwall

Oceanlinx Plymouth

Ocean Energy Ltd Ireland and Cornwall

Ocean Power Technologies Ltd USA and Cornwall

Offshore Wave Energy Ltd Bristol

Seatricity Kent and Cornwall

Searaser Gloucestershire

Wello Finland

Waves4Power Sweden

NB. Technology developers either based in the south west or engaged with south west facilities

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The Partnership for Research in Marine Renewable Energy

(PRIMaRE) is a network of world-class research institutions

based in the west, south, and south west of England.

PRIMaRE undertake research to address challenges facing the marine renewable energy industry at the regional, national and international level. The programme was relaunched at the start of 2014 to include a wider collaboration than the original PRIMaRE programme.

The current PRIMaRE partners are:

X Plymouth University

X The University of Exeter

X The University of Bath

X The University of Bristol

X The University of Southampton

X Plymouth Marine Laboratories

X The Marine Biological Association

Working with:

X Wave Hub

X The South West Marine Energy Park

PRIMaRE is geographically aligned with the South West Marine Energy Park, providing a programme of research and a knowledge base to complement the industry focus of the Park.

The PRIMaRE partnership brings academic expertise and research as well as facilities and equipment to the supply chain in the south west.

Research capabilities PRIMaRE

Academic and research organisations

The Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science Plymouth

University of Bath Composites research unit,

Centre for power transmission and motion control

University of Bournemouth Design simulation research centre

University of Bristol Department of mechanical engineering

Department of aerospace engineering

University of Exeter Tremough campus

Environmental Sustainability Institute

The Marine Biological Association Plymouth

Plymouth Marine Laboratories Plymouth

Plymouth University Marine Institute, Plymouth campus

University of Southampton Sustainable Energy Research Group

University of the West of England Department of engineering design and mathematics

The UK Hydrographic office Somerset

The UK Meteorological office Devon

working with you

The University of Exeter’s Offshore Renewable Energy Group carries out world-leading research and has a range of capabilities and facilities that businesses can access.

The Group builds on a strong record

of collaborative research project

development with a wide range of

industrial partners.

Our researchers offer expertise in

offshore reliability, resource assessment,

marine renewable energy policy,

electrical systems, hydrodynamics

and marine operations.

www.exeter.ac.uk/business www.exeter.ac.uk/renewable-energywww.exeter.ac.uk/business www.exeter.ac.uk/renewable-energy







10 11

www.plymouth.ac.uk/marine | [email protected] | +44(0)1752 584955

Plymouth University Marine Institute Aims

• To represent externally all marine and maritime activity across Plymouth University, increasing the profile and reputation of the marine offer at regional, national and international levels.

• To support the co-ordination and delivery of the University’s commercialisation agenda for marine.

• To facilitate the University’s internationalisation agenda for marine.

• To create, advance and promote new opportunities for world class marine research being undertaken by staff in schools and faculties across the University.

Representing 3000 staff, researchers and students, Plymouth University’s Marine Institute is the first and largest such institute in the UK. We provide the external portal to our extensive pool of world-leading experts and state-of-the-art facilities, enabling us to understand the relationship between the way we live, the seas that surround us and the development of sustainable policy solutions. We are integrating our multidisciplinary expertise in marine and maritime research, education and innovation to train new scientists, engineers, policy-makers, artists, technicians and business managers of the future.

The Marine Innovation Centre (MARIC) aims to make the South West’s Marine and Maritime businesses globally competitive; accelerating growth by creating intelligent connections between organisations, world-class knowledge, technologies, people and infrastructure.

MARIC streamlines access to:• Leading Expertise• Cutting-Edge Facilities• World-Class Research• Student & Graduate Talent• Regional & International Networks• Collaborative Partnerships• Innovation Funding

Here to HelpOur dedicated Knowledge Exchange team organises workshops, networking events and face-to-face meetings to help businesses:• Unlock the value of R&D • Solve technical challenges• Improve products and processes• Attract and retain talented staff• Capitalise on new market opportunities

How much will it cost? The innovation advisory and support services available through MARIC are free. Subsequent use of equipment and facilities may be chargeable at competitive commercial rates.

EligibilityWe work with inventors, entrepreneurs, new and existing Small & Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) aspiring to work in any of the Marine Sectors, as well as supporting inward investors looking to establish operations in the South West UK.

About UsSupported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the MARIC team is based in the Marine Institute at Plymouth University, with an Outreach Office at the Bristol and Bath Science Park. With a mission to be ‘the Enterprise University’, Plymouth is internationally recognised for excellence in Marine and Maritime education, world-class research and innovation.

Find out more Call: 0800 052 5600 quoting Email: [email protected]

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North Devon demonstration area, LynmouthThe Lynmouth tidal energy demonstration site is off the North Devon coast at Foreland Point, with water depths of 18-20m and peak flow speeds of 2.5m/s, making it an ideal site for testing prototype devices, materials, components and technologies designed to exploit shallower and more moderate tidal flows.

South Dorset demonstration area, PortlandThe Portland demonstration site, located to the south east of Portland and less than 5 nautical miles from Portland Port represents a new area of opportunity for tidal stream technology testing and development. Flow speeds at the site exceed 2.0 m/s in water depths of approximately 30m. Project developments at the site will be supported by a growing offshore renewable energy supply chain in the region.

PTEC, Isle of WightCurrently under development, the PTEC tidal array test centre will offer device and project developers the opportunity to test arrays of tidal turbines in the strong resource to the south of St Catherine’s point.

Wave HubWave Hub is a grid-connected offshore site for the large-scale testing and development of wave energy device arrays. The 8 sq km facility is located 16 km off the coast of Cornwall in a zone of 25 kw/m wave resource.

The facility provides four berths for the demonstration of arrays of wave energy devices. The electrical infrastructure at Wave Hub has been recently upgraded to provide a total of 50 MW of capacity.

Wave Hub is linked to the UK’s electricity grid via a purpose built substation next to the new Hayle marine renewables business park. A fibre optic data connection carried by the shore-link cable gives technology developers the facility to monitor and control their devices remotely.

FaBTestThe Falmouth Bay Test site (FaBTest) is a pre-consented 2 sq km wave energy test site allowing testing of up to three devices concurrently. Developed in response to industry requests for an area to test part-scale models of wave energy devices in dynamic environments, the site offers water depths of 20-50m, a moderate wave climate and rock, gravel and sand seabed.

Whilst not grid connected, FaBTest provides a stepping stone from proof of concept to full-scale deployment.

The Fred Olsen Bolt 2 Wave energy converter was the first device to be deployed at FaBTest in early 2012 and successfully tested at the site for over 18 months.

Demonstration sites

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HayleThe £20m redevelopment of Hayle harbour on the north Cornish coast began in December 2013. The redevelopment includes the 0.8ha Marine Renewables Business Park to serve the Wave Hub approximately 20km offshore from the port. Due to its proximity to Wave Hub, the port will be particularly well suited to operation and maintenance activities.

North Devon PortsThe North Devon Ports (Bideford, Appledore, Yelland and Ilfracombe) are well positioned to provide construction and operation services to the energy projects developed in the Bristol Channel. These future offshore renewable energy projects include wave energy opportunities off north coast of Cornwall and tidal stream and range energy in the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel.

PlymouthPlymouth is a centre for naval engineering much of which is focused around the Devonport Royal Dockyard – the largest naval base and dockyard in western Europe. It directly employs over 5000 people with 14 dry dock’s and 25 tidal berths on a 263ha site. As part of the Plymouth and South West Peninsula City Deal, £110m of investment will be used to develop 32ha of the site into a Marine Industries Production Campus.

PortlandPortland is a large commercial port on the south coast with deep and sheltered water, existing waterside facilities and the necessary consents for a major expansion if needed. The port lies within easy reach of the planned Navitus Bay Wind Park and the tidal resources around Portland Bill and the English Channel.

There are more than 70 ports in the south west

including a number of major international ports.

Ports, port operations and land based support

BristolAs well as being a centre for engineering, composites and aerospace, Bristol is one of the most advanced ports in the world. It is a gateway container port for the UK and a major transhipment point for the Atlantic seaboard. With its excellent rail and road links, the port also plans to expand its facilities with a new deep-sea container terminal in the Bristol Channel.

Falmouth With the deepest natural harbour in Western Europe and a well established marine supply chain, Falmouth is well positioned to continue as an active and leading port for offshore renewables. The FaBTest in Falmouth bay is well serviced by Falmouth port including quayside facilities, marine operations companies, repair and maintenance and workshop facilities.

These ports have the combined capability and experience to support technology development, device manufacturing, installation, and operations and maintenance of offshore renewable energy projects.

Other ports with potential to support offshore

wind and marine energy development:

X Brixham, Devon

X Dartmouth, Devon

X Fowey, Cornwall

X Par, Cornwall

X Padstow, Cornwall

X Penzance, Cornwall

X Poole, Dorset

X Teignmouth, Devon

X Torquay, Devon

X Truro, Cornwall

X Weymouth, Dorset

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Consultancy services

Inspire Engage PerformBig Blue Stuff

Big Blue Stuff■ End to end project management■ Establishing project teams■ Stakeholder engagement■ Project and workshop facilitation

Recent projects include:■ Feasibility and market interest in UK Tidal Range projects■ Round 3 Off Shore Wind, programme management■ Pentland Firth & Orkney Waters, delivering the first phase of projects, report■ MaRS – Marine Spatial Planning system, project management

For more information about us and what we believe, please visit: www.bigbluestuff.com, email [email protected] or telephone Cliff: 07793 490522 or Pete: 07786 545543

BigBlueStuff specialises in the feasibility, scoping and delivery of projects in the renewable sector, including;

Big Blue Stuff advert 02.14.indd 1 30/01/2014 10:14

The south west’s consultancy companies have been

instrumental in the development of the offshore

renewable energy sector in the UK and abroad, providing

a growing base of expert knowledge from engineering

and design to environmental impact assessment.

Renewable energy consultancies

BVG Associates Wiltshire

BG Renewables Cornwall

DNV GL Bristol

GoBe Consultants Ltd Newton Abbot

IT Power Ltd Bristol

Keyvnor Morlift Cornwall

Marine Space Ltd Dorset

Marine Energy Matters Devon

Mojo Maritime Cornwall

Pegasus Bristol

Poyry Devon

Pure Energy Professionals Cornwall

RES Devon

Reygar Ltd Gloucestershire

Seawind UK Ltd Plymouth

Xodus Group Cornwall

Zero Carbon Marine Devon

Oceanographic and geotechnical


Aquatonics Ltd Devon

Blom Somerset

Coastal Science Ltd Devon

Coastline Surveys Ltd Falmouth

Fugro Seacore Cornwall

GEMS Somerset

Insight Marine Projects Ltd Cornwall

Partrac Ltd Exeter

Pacific Geosciences Ltd Somerset

Quantum Geotechnical Devon

Swathe Services Cornwall

South West Surveys Ltd Devon

Wind Support Ltd Somerset

18 19

GoBe Consultants Ltd is a marine planning and environmental consultancy, based in the South West. We provide high quality strategic and project specific planning & environmental advice to the offshore development industries.

Planning AdviceEIAMarine ConsentsRisk StrategyConsultationProject Management

For details of our work or to discuss your project contact us on +44 (o)1626 32389o or email [email protected] www.gobeconsultants.com

marine energy matters

www.marine-energy-matters.comTel: +44 (0)1626 362411

Strategy and Policy

Funding Acquisition

Project Development

Industry Entry

Supporting the Marine Energy Industry

Consultancy services

Environmental consultancies

APEM Aquatic Scientists Dorset

Chickerell Bioacoustics Dorset

Cornwall Environmental Consultants Cornwall


Five Oceans Environmental Services Bristol

Geoscience Ltd Cornwall

Hayes McKenzie Partnership Ltd Salisbury

Marine Ecological Surveys Ltd Somerset

Plymouth Marine Laboratory Plymouth

Seiche Measurements Devon

SLR Ecology and Environment Ltd Devon

Sustainable Direction Ltd Gloucestershire

Tamar Consultants Cornwall

Terence O’Rourke Dorset


Naval architects and design consultants

Babcock International Gloucestershire

Beckingham Technology Cornwall

BMT Group Somerset

Houlder Somerset

Longitude Consulting Engineers Devon

Integer Solutions Cornwall

M2ED Ltd Cornwall

Sealander Marine International Plymouth

Multidisciplinary consultancies

AECOM Bristol

Arup Bristol

Black and Veatch Devon

Bruton Knowles Gloucester

Buro Happold Somerset

BMT Group, Somerset

Coastal Research Devon

Frazer Nash Plymouth

Faithful and Gould (Atkins) Bristol

Halcrow Devon

Hoare Lea Bristol

Hydrock Plymouth

Hyder Consulting Bristol

Mott Macdonald Bristol

Parsons Brinckerhoff Bristol

Ramboll UK Bristol

Royal Haskoning Devon

Senergy Bath

URS Scott Wilson Bristol

Wardell Armstrong Bristol

Worley Parsons Bristol

WSP Environmental Bristol


Pegasus GroupPegasus Group are independent planning and environmental consultants with considerable experience in the renewable energy industry, onshore and offshore.

Core areas of expertise include:

> Planning application submissions

> Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) co-ordination and management

> Seascape, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (SLVIA)

> Planning feasibility appraisals

> Environmental Statement (ES) auditing

> Landscape/Planning Expert witness services for planning appeals

> Community & stakeholder consultation

> Visualisations and photomontages

Offshore Project Experience:

> Northern Irish Offshore Wind Farm

> Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm

> Blyth Harbour Wind Farm

> Phase 1 of Firth of Forth Offshore Wind Farm



For information contact: Andrew Cook (Environmental Director) | 07795 010 660 I [email protected] Burrell (Director) | 01285 886590 I [email protected]

Quality, robust, defensible environmental support for renewables projects

Over 30 years of consultancy experience, 90 offices worldwideContact Matt Davies 0131 225 9899 [email protected]

Our services:• Site appraisal

• Feasibility assessment

• SEA and EIA

• Planning and consenting

• Post consent support and monitoring

• Construction supervision

Our qualities:• Projects tailored for each client

• Strong teamwork ethic, offering continuity of service

• Excellent technical ability

• Adding value to projects

• Innovative thinking

• Attention to detail

RegenSW2_0214.indd 2 10/02/2014 10:14

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The south west has a strong heritage in engineering for

the marine environment from naval architecture, ship

building and repair, to defence and the oil and gas industry.


Marine Engineers

A&P Falmouth Cornwall

Babcock International Plymouth and Appledore

Avonmouth Ship Repairs Bristol

Hamworthy Plc Bristol

LICenergy UK Bristol

Manor Marine Dorset

Ocean Fabrication Cornwall

Penzance Dry Dock Cornwall

Princess Yachts International Plymouth

Rolls Royce Plc Bristol

Teignbridge Propellers Devon

Underhill Engineering Plymouth

Civil and construction engineers

Balfour Beatty Plc Bristol

BAM Construction Ltd Bristol

CA Blackwell Gloucestershire

Davis Langdon Bristol

Dawnus Construction Devon

Lorne Stewart Bristol

Ryearch Ltd Plymouth

Sir Robert McAlpine Bristol

Electrical engineers

ABB Bristol

Beran Instruments Devon

Bridges Electrical Engineers Bath

E-tech Group Plymouth

J+S Marine Devon

Marine Electronic Services Ltd Bristol

Power Protection and Control Cornwall

Powersystems UK Ltd Bristol

RFL Communications Wiltshire

Severn Subsea Technologies Cornwall

Stirling Dynamics Bristol

Switchgear Services Ltd Devon

Mechanical Engineers

Blackhill Engineering Exeter

DP Engineering Cornwall

Kawasaki Precision Machinery (UK) Ltd Plymouth

Redhall Engineering Bristol

Universal Engineering Dorset

Specialist engineers

Apex Fluid Engineering Ltd Bristol

Armada Hydraulics Cornwall

Duchy Hose and Hydraulics Ltd Falmouth

Fathoms Ltd Cornwall

P E G Precision engineering Devon

Thales Underwater Systems Ltd Bath

Triskel Marine Ltd Cornwall

Consulting engineers

Atkins Bristol

BMT Group Somerset

Houlder Ltd Bristol

Longitude Engineering Devon

National Oilwell Varco Dorset

SEA Group Ltd Bristol

Supacat Devon

24 25

Manufacturing and componentssupacat.com



Supacat is an innovative engineering and design house that has a pedigree of developing and supporting high-mobility, all-terrain vehicles. We thrive on addressing complex engineering challenges by rapidly designing and developing specialist equipment for hostile environments.




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Manufacturing and fabrication

A&P Falmouth Cornwall

Anchor Marine Cornwall

BOC Bristol

Bowmill Engineering Limited Dorset

Groveley Precision Engineering Dorset

Jordan Manufacturing Bristol

Lowley Engineering Cornwall

Manuflex Engineering Ltd Somerset

Manuplas Plymouth

Matrix Composite Materials Co. Ltd Devon

Matrix Marine International Limited Bristol

Metalcraft Cornwall Ltd Cornwall

Morris Engineering Ltd Plymouth

Pendennis Shipyard Cornwall

REIDsteel Dorset

Supacat Devon

Taunton Fabrications Somerset

Universal Engineering Dorset

Original equipment manufacturers

and components

BigHead (Bonding and Fasteners) Dorset

Centrax Ltd Devon

Finetubes Plymouth

Fluid Equipment International Ltd Dorset

GE Energy Power Conversion Hampshire

Grimsey Marine Technology Ltd Devon

H4 Marine Ltd Devon

IHC Merwede Dorset

Langham Industries Ltd Dorset

Phoenix Bearings Gloucestershire

Ram Gasket Solutions Cornwall

Safi Ltd Dorset

Seaware Cornwall

Superior Seals Ltd Dorset

Tides Marine International Dorset

Watson Marlow Pumps Group Cornwall


For information on companies go to:


Regional capability in manufacturing for the marine

environment includes large scale fabrication in steel

and concrete as well as manufacturing services in

plastics and composites.

Component production and supply includes hydraulics and pumps, electrical equipment, cables and communication systems; all of which continue to be essential in the offshore renewable energy industry.

In partnership with national initiatives such as Grow Wind, Regen SW and the South West Marine Energy Park are working to increase the level of UK content in the offshore wind supply chain, maximising the benefit of our rapidly growing capacity for UK companies.

Manufacturing and components

Electrical and electronics

Atlas Elektronik Dorset

Index Marine Poole

Merlin Power Systems Dorset

Paravalux Electric motors Dorset

Stirling Dynamics Bristol

TDK Lambda Devon

Ultra Electronics CEMS Dorset

Compact Power Bristol

J+S Marine Devon


Ram Gasket Solutions Cornwall

Superior Seals Ltd Dorset


BigHead (Bonding and Fasteners) Dorset

Seaware Cornwall


H4 Marine Ltd Devon

Phoenix Bearings Gloucestershire

Westwind Airbearings Poole


Borg Transmissions Dorset

Measurement, communications and


Active Research Dorset

AGI Aeronautics Dorset

BIRAL Bristol

Dantec Dynamics Bristol

Helitune Torrington

Hydrosphere UK Ltd Hampshire

KineticaRT Devon

Megacon Controls Gloucestershire

Selex Bristol

UK Precision engineering solutions Somerset

Valeport Ltd Totnes

Vecto Gray Controls Ltd Bristol

Westward Instruments Ltd Cornwall

Whiddon Valley Engineering Devon


Fluid Equipment International Ltd Dorset

Grosvenor Pumps Cornwall

Maricuda Hampshire

Northavon Pumps and Control Bristol

Watson Marlow Pumps Group Cornwall


Armada Marine Hydraulics Cornwall

Danser Hydraulics Cornwall

Duchy Hydraulics Cornwall

Hercules Hydraulics Devon

Hydraulic Projects Ltd Devon

Willis Ridley Falmouth


Golden Arrow Marine Southampton

Hellerman Tyton Plymouth

Pelagian submarine cable specialists Wiltshire

Pump Supplies Ltd Cornwall

Teledyne DG O’Brien Bristol

Vestas spare parts Ltd Bristol

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The National Composites Centre (NCC) is the

UK’s centre of excellence in composites and

advanced materials applied research.

The NCC’s mission is ‘To be an independent, open-access national centre that delivers world-class innovation in the design and rapid manufacture of composites and facilitates their widespread industrial exploitation.’

Opened in 2011 and located in the Bristol and Bath Science Park, the NCC is one of seven centres across the UK that make up the High Value Manufacturing Catapult. The 8,500m2 centre (currently expanding as part of their Phase 2 development) provides manufacturing facilities for composites at an industrial scale and aims to a hub for the UK’s manufacturing industry.

The NCC supports design innovation leading to rapid manufacturing and commercial exploitation of advanced composite materials for the aerospace, marine, automotive and renewable energy industries.

The NCC is supported by a range of industrial partners including Vestas, Airbus, Augusta Westland, Rolls Royce, and GKN as well as regional universities.

Born out of the aerospace and yacht building industry, south west companies, universities, consultancies and research facilities such as the National Composites Centre have developed significant expertise and capability in the design and manufacture of complex composite structures.

The high strength to weight ratio, corrosion resistance and ability to manufacture complex shapes means composite materials are highly suitable for wind and tidal turbine blades in addition to numerous other components subjected to the highly dynamic offshore environment.


Composite Research Facilities

University of Bath Composites Research

Unit Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Bristol Department of Aerospace Engineering

Plymouth University Advanced Composites Manufacturing Centre

University of West of England Aerospace Manufacturing, Bristol Institute of

Technology, Advanced Composites Centre for

Science and Innovation (ACCIS)

Aerospace companies

Agusta Westland Somerset

Airbus UK Bristol

Axsym Engineering Bristol

BAE Systems Bristol

GE Aviation Bristol

GKN Aerospace Bristol

Rolls Royce Bristol

Composite design and manufacture

Anglo Krempel Devon

Brecknall Willis Composites Somerset

Cytec Exeter

Designcraft Southampton

DIAB Group Ltd Gloucestershire

Gurit Isle of Wight

Independent Composites Ltd Bristol

Manuplas Devon

Marine Composites Materials Company Bristol

Norco GRP Ltd Dorset

Pipex PX Plymouth

South West Composites Gateway Bristol

Tods Composites Solutions Somerset

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The south west has become a hub for leading companies in

this sector such as Mojo Maritime, Fugro Seacore, Keynvor

Morlift, Insight Marine, ADPS and Falmouth Divers, who are

working around the world to deploy marine energy devices.

Marine operations, installation and subsea support

Marine warranty services and


Germanischer Lloyd Somerset

R Pearce and Co Falmouth

Severnside Consultants Bristol

Suretest Marine Ltd Dorset

Docking and pontoons

Docking Solutions Ltd Devon

Marine Design Ltd Cornwall

Pontoon Works Ltd Dorset

Versadock (UK) Ltd Cornwall

Offshore operational support

Global Marine Systems Ltd Dorset

Norfloat International Ltd Devon

Reflex Marine Cornwall

Subsea Asset Location Technologies Dorset

Logistics, transfers and stevedoring

Bond Air Services Gloucestershire

Bristol Port Company Bristol

DB Schenker Bristol

Denholm Barwil Cornwall

Osprey Shipping Ltd Bristol

Vessels, workboats and work barges

Autodynamic Positioning Services Plymouth

Bay Marine Cornwall

Ecocats Cornwall

Carlin Boat Charters Dorset

FD Marine Ltd Falmouth

Howard Marine Plymouth

JB Marine Cornwall

Jenkins Marine Dorset

Keyvnor Morlift Devon

Lymeboats/Southboats Isle of Wight

Manor Marine Dorset

Marine and Towage Services Ltd Cornwall

Offshore Marine Solutions Cornwall

Offshore Marine Support Gloucestershire

Osprey Shipping Bristol

Supacat Devon

Wind and Wave Workboats Cornwall


RHC Lifting Ltd Bristol

Seawinch Dorset

South West Crane Hire Devon

Sparrow crane hire Bristol

Subsea operations and diving

Alphamarine services Ltd Plymouth

Falmouth Divers Falmouth

Oceaneering International Gloucestershire

Quest Underwater Services Ltd Dorset

Seawide Services Ltd Falmouth

Specialised Technologies Dorset

Sub Marine Services Ltd Falmouth

Subsea vision Dorset

UMC International Plymouth

Marine operations, contract and

management services

Auto Dynamic Positioning Services Ltd Plymouth

Fugro Seacore Cornwall

Green Theme Dorset

Keynvor Morlift Devon

Insight Marine Cornwall

James Fisher Defence Dorset

Large Diameter Drilling Cornwall

Mojo Maritime Ltd Cornwall

Offshore Marine Management Bristol

Red7 Marine Devon

Svitzer Bristol

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For information on companies go to:


The region’s specialist colleges have developed

programmes to train the next generation of

engineers and technicians, preparing them for

work in the offshore renewable energy sector.

Education and skills

Further education colleges

Bicton EaRTH Centre Devon

City College Plymouth Plymouth

City of Bath Colllege Bath

City of Bristol College Bristol

Cornwall College Cornwall

Falmouth Marine School Cornwall

Maritime Training Plymouth Ltd Plymouth

Petroc College Devon

South Devon College Devon

Truro College Cornwall

University Technical College Plymouth

Weymouth College Dorset

Training centres and providers

Aquos Ltd Cornwall

Babcock International Plymouth and Appledore

Cornwall Marine Network Cornwall

Ocean Training Plymouth Plymouth

Offshore Marine Academy Bristol

Seaways Consultants Bristol

Warsash Maritime Academy Hampshire

Western Training Association Plymouth

Skills required by the industry available in the south west include:

X Design/consultant engineers

X Power systems and electrical engineers

X Mechanical engineers

X O&M technicians

X Environmental sciences

X Marine sciences

X Health and safety

X Project/construction managers

X Marine and subsea operations

X Offshore qualifications

X Manufacturing – fabrication, composites, hydraulics, electrical

X Finance, legal, planning

34 35

Offshore renewable energy has rapidly become part of the mainstream economy in

the UK. In response to the needs of the industry, financial, health and safety and

legal service organisations have established dedicated teams to work in the sector.

Financial, legal and support services Burges Salmon has real expertise in the industry and the other advantage is strength in depth.”Chambers UK


Burges Salmon is one of only a few legal teams in the UK with experience of advising on

offshore renewable energy projects ( including offshore wind, wave and tidal) throughout

their development cycle from site assembly and consenting through finance, construction

and operation.

We act for developers, investors, funders, offtakers and the supply chain. If you need

advice or want to know more about our experience contact;

Ross Fairley, Head of Renewables

+44 (0) 117 902 6351

In a rapidly changing sector, you need legal advice that is sharp and up to speed, delivered by lawyers with understanding and expertise.

• we’re specialists with over 20 years’ experience in renewable energy and clean technologies

• we act for key players of all sizes, from regional community projects to international consortia

To find out how we can help power your renewables business, call our team on +44 117 917 3000


Legal advice to power your renewable future

OC Legal advice to power your renewable future RegenSW 90x128mm Ad [PRINT].indd 1 09/11/2012 16:38

Business Consultants

Atlas Services Group Cornwall

Big Blue Stuff Devon

Climate Change Matters Devon

Cetus Innovate Ltd Somerset

Jonathan Packer Associates Somerset

Marine Energy Matters Devon

Roger Tym and Partners Devon

Health and safety

Assetco Technical Rescue Cornwall

Cosalt Safety and Protection Bristol

DDRC Hyperbaric Medical Centre Plymouth

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Devon

IC Brindle & Co Dorset

International Jack Up Barge Owners Association Plymouth

PR and communications

ADPR Ltd Devon

DCA Public Relations Cornwall

Inspirations Cornwall

Sinclair Consulting Devon


Hayes Parsons Marine Bristol

Lockton Global Bristol


Ashfords Devon

Bond Dickinson Bristol

Burges Salmon Bristol

Clarke Willmott Bristol

Foot Anstey Plymouth

Lester Aldridge LLP Dorset

Osborne Clarke Bristol

Stephens Scown Solicitors Devon

TLT Bristol

Tozers LLP Devon


Bishop Fleming Bristol

Ernst and Young Bristol

KPMG LLP Bristol

Princewaterhouse Coopers Bristol

Smith and Williamson Bristol

Triodos Bank Bristol


UKTI www.ukti.gov.uk

Western Power www.westernpower.co.uk

The Marine Management Organisation


Renewable UK www.bwea.com

RSPB www.rspb.org.uk

The Crown Estate www.thecrownestate.co.uk

Cornwall Marine Network www.cornwallmarine.net

Invest in Cornwall ww.investincornwall.com

GAIN www.gaininbusiness.com

MOR Group www.morenewables.co.uk

Invest in Bristol and Bath www.investinbristol.com

PRIMaRE www.primare.org

Through the City Deal, by 2030 we will: X Create 9,500 jobs

X Generate Gross Value Added (GVA) of over £800m

X Lever in £266m of private sector investment

X Look to release 32,500 m2 of new marine space, increasing to 86,000 m2 in the long term

X Support over 20,000 businesses to grow

X Work with 1,500 young people and support 540 back into sustainable employment by 2015

www.plymouth.gov.uk/citydeal – [email protected]

Supporting organisations

Marine Offshore Renewables


The Bristol Tidal Forum is a biannual forum that provides a meeting place for technology developers, industry and supply chain companies, project developers and research institutions.

The forum has over 100 members and welcomes international and UK based companies who wish to engage with technology developers, companies and consultancies based in the south west of England.

Become part of the forum: X Knowledge sharing

X Identifying opportunities in the sector

X Addressing barriers and challenges

X Building relationships and collaborations

X Developing the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary

X Supporting new tidal technologies for the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary

The forum is open to any business or organisation working in the development of the tidal energy sector.

A LinkedIn group accompanies the event to allow continued discussion and is open to both members and potential members.

The South West Marine Energy Park’s core objective is to accelerate the commercial deployment of marine energy technology, working to support the development of marine energy technology by removing barriers, promoting regional capability and attracting investment.

The South West MEP promotes the region at national and international conferences such as All Energy in Aberdeen and works closely with DECC, The Crown Estate and other regional bodies. The South West MEP marked its first anniversary in 2013 by signing an MoU to collaborate with Scotland’s first Marine Energy Park – the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters MEP. The South West MEP also signed an MoU with the Channel Islands Marine Renewable Energy Group (CIMREG) this year, providing an important link to this area of strong resource and expertise in marine renewable energy and financial services.

If you or your company want to learn more about the SWMEP or join the partnership please contact Johnny Gowdy [email protected]

More information about the SWMEP can be found in its prospectus, available online at www.regensw.co.uk/projects/offshore-renewables/marine-energy-/marine-energy-parks

Looking ahead to 2020 the South West MEP will aim to:

X Ensure that R&D and test facilities such Wave Hub and FaBTest are utilised

X Work with Local Enterprise Partnerships, City Deals and Local Authorities to secure additional investment in supply chain, skills, international markets and infrastructure

X Prioritise investment in grid and port infrastructure

X Support early project development which is likely to be at small scale

X Bring in additional finance and funding through regional and national grants, Green Investment Banks and the private sector

X Develop the Balanced Technology strategy to harness the energy potential of the Bristol Channel.

The south west was the first UK region

to be designated as a Marine Energy

Park (MEP). The South West MEP

covers a geographical area from Bristol

and the Severn Estuary around the

coast of Cornwall to the Isle of Wight.

An open, industry led forum dedicated to the development of the

tidal energy sector.

For more info: [email protected]

Find out more about previous forums here: www.regensw.co.uk/projects/offshore-renewables/tidal-energy


For information on companies go to:


Regen SW Advisory ServicesRegen SW advisory services provides bespoke advice and

expertise to organisations looking for in-depth market

insight and support in the sustainable energy sector.

Our bespoke services can be tailored to enable your organisation to capitalise on the growth

of the sustainable energy, respond to policy changes and unlock market opportunities.

Advisory services include:

X Renewable energy strategy

X Resource and opportunity assessment

X Technology and market assessment

X In-depth policy insight

X Market entry and business development

X Economic development and investment

X Planning policy and stakeholder engagement

Regen SW work with:

X Public Sector, Local Authorities and Local Economic Partnerships

X Technology developers

X Project developers

X High growth businesses

X Universities and third sector

Supporting the industryRegen SW is an independent not for profit business

working with industry and partners to overcome barriers

to the development of sustainable energy.

We promote an approach to development that builds local supply chains creating high value jobs and delivers tangible benefits to local communities.

Regen SW has over ten years experience working with industry, technology developers, universities and local authorities to support the deployment of sustainable energy technologies.

As well as supporting companies in the supply chain, Regen SW has been instrumental in the strategic development of the offshore renewable energy industry in the region including; developing the first concept for Wave Hub; working with offshore wind developers; development and programme management of the South West Marine Energy Park.

Membership servicesRegen SW’s members play a central role in achieving our vision

Membership is open to any organisation that supports our mission. We invite you to join us. We are encouraging businesses, local authorities and other key partners to sign up to our membership packages, sharing in the benefits of our services and recognising our work as an important investment in the future of low-carbon energy.

For more information please visit: www.regensw.co.uk/information/ login-join-us

Regen SW

For more information about Regen SW

Advisory Services and how we can work

with you on a specific project or on a

longer term partnership basis, please

contact Johnny Gowdy or Lee Richards

on +44 (0) 1392 494 399

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The marine energy and offshore wind south west

company directory is managed online by Regen SW.

The directory currently lists over 350 companies covering a broad range of

products and services related to the marine and offshore wind energy sectors.

Addition to the directory is free, subject to the company having a base or regional

operation in the south west.

For further details of the companies listed in the guide and for up to date

information, visit the Regen SW offshore renewables web pages at:


If you are a business that would like to join the directory, or require help in sourcing

products or services within the offshore renewables supply chain, please contact:

Johnny Gowdy, Programme Director, Regen SW Email: [email protected] – Tel: +44 (0) 1392 494399

Our thanks to the following companies for the use of images: Supacat, Keyvnor Morlift Ltd, Fred Olsen, A&P Falmouth, Bristol Port Company, Portland Port, Marine Energy Matters, ABPMer, Siemens Marine Current Turbines, Alstom, Atlantis Resources Ltd, Wave Hub, Plymouth University, Exeter University, National Composites Centre, Wello.