Fairvale High School, Thorney Road, Fairfield West NSW 2165 Phone 02 9604 3118 Fax: 02 9725 5246 Email: [email protected] Website: www.fairvalehigh.com Term 1, Week 5 Wednesday, 25 February, 2015 Mariam Younan 6 th in the State for English Standard Studying Bachelor of Advance Science and Bachelor of Arts (Majoring in Psychology and Criminology) University of NSW Special Mention to Quyen Ly (High Distinction) Ananya Singh (Distinction) For their Personal Interest Project Society & Culture

Mariam Younan - Fairvale High · PDF fileMr Ben Peach - Social Science Ms Meryl Davies - from ESL to Careers Advisor Ms Tracy Burgos - School Administration Ms Anne Jolley - School

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Fairvale High School, Thorney Road, Fairfield West NSW 2165 Phone 02 9604 3118 Fax: 02 9725 5246

Email: [email protected] Website: www.fairvalehigh.com

Term 1, Week 5 Wednesday, 25 February, 2015

Mariam Younan


in the State for English Standard

Studying Bachelor of Advance Science and Bachelor of Arts

(Majoring in Psychology and Criminology)

University of NSW

Special Mention to Quyen Ly (High Distinction) Ananya Singh (Distinction)

For their Personal Interest Project

Society & Culture



Last year's Year 12 students Ananya Singh and Quyen Ly have been recognised for excellence in research in the 2014 HSC Awards in Society and Culture. Ananya received a Distinction for her major work on 'Selfies - the changing nature of self portraits'. Quyen received one of only eight High Distinctions given in the state, and will also receive the Dr Margaret White Award for Intercultural Communication at the State Library of NSW later this month. Her Personal Interest Project, on cultural language attrition, will now be accessioned by the State Library of NSW and

become part of NSW history, a huge compliment for Quyen and Fairvale High School. Mrs Zilic - Social Science


Q. What was it like composing and performing with the London Symphony Orchestra? A. Composing and performing with the London Symphony Orchestra was an amazing and unforgettable experience. I had the opportunity to not only meet a few of the members personally but to also compose alongside them where I was given a lot of advice and was taught new playing techniques on the violin. This experience provided me with ideas that I could possibly use in my own future compositions. Q. What had the largest impact on you as a musician and composer? A. The largest impact on me were the students that participated in this program. They were all so talented and creative with their instruments and had a lot of skills in composing and playing not only their own instrument but

a wide range of other instruments. Q. How did you find it being the only student from Fairvale? Did you make any new friends? A. At first I found that being the only student from Fairvale was really pressuring and nerve-wracking but honestly there was no reason to be scared. They were all really easily to get along with because we had the same interest and taste in music allowing us to have endless discussions during out breaks.

Mr Thwaites - Music & Tammy Huynh



Welcome and a Happy New Year to all our students and families. It has been a smooth start to the year with students now in their respective courses and participating in academic, sporting and cultural activities.

The teaching staff are particularly pleased with the 2014 HSC results. More than 12 students achieved an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 90 and over. Our dux was Mariam Younan, with an ATAR of 97.45 Approximately 125 students have received offers of university placements. Congratulations to all our Year 12 of 2014 for their individual successes. Years 10, 11, and 12 will have a session of study skills in Week 4. Hopefully the advice, strategies and tips they received will be helpful in their regular study periods. Also, Year 7 had their Orientation to high school with their two days of team building activities - which was well received by all.

There have been some changes for 2015. Staff that have secured permanent appointments are:

Ms Mona Wolsely - Visual Arts Mr Ben Peach - Social Science Ms Meryl Davies - from ESL to Careers Advisor Ms Tracy Burgos - School Administration Ms Anne Jolley - School Administration

Over the summer break the following refurbishments and maintenance took place:

Installation of Air Conditioners Year 7 area - concrete laid Back gate - pedestrian access improved New demountables for ESL and Year 10 Transition installed Painting of the Foyer and various classrooms

Could I please ask parents and guardians to be particularly careful when driving around the school perimeter. Please note that Zarlee Street is a private road and is for staff parking only. Do encourage your children to walk to school if you live in the local area. Walking is good exercise for their health and also eases the traffic congestion around the school area. Students who require transportation to school can be dropped off in the ‘Kiss and Drop’ zone in Thorney Road (near the Bus Stop). Furthermore, it is important for all students to attend school everyday and be on time. The school day begins at 8.40am, and it is a good practice to aim to arrive at school by 8.30am. Parents/Guardians can assist by ensuring that their high school children arrive at school first before dropping off their primary school children. Please organize family holidays in school holiday periods. Students who take time off in the school term are disadvantaged in terms of their learning and this can result in them not meeting the Board of Studies course requirements. The school will not be approving extended holidays for any students during the school term in line with DEC policy. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Mrs K Seto




Lastly, the Staff Annual School Conference will be held on the 13 and 14 March in lieu of the Term 4 professional learning days. Thus, the school year will finish on 16 December 2015 for staff but final year reports will be issued on Tuesday 15 December 2015 for students. Wishing all our families and students a productive learning year. Regards,

I am delighted that this term, our school, like many others in the state, will participate in a Department of Education and Communities initiative: the Tell Them From Me student feedback survey. The survey aims to help improve student learning outcomes and measures factors that are known to affect academic achievement and other student outcomes. The focus of the NSW-wide survey is on student wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching practices.

More information about the survey is available at: http://surveys.cese.nsw.gov.au/information-for-parents The survey is a great opportunity for our students to provide our school with valuable and quick feedback on what they think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. Schools in Australia and around the world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help improve how they do things at school.

I want to assure you that the survey is confidential and school staff will not be able to identify individual students from their responses. The survey is conducted online and will typically take less than 30 minutes to complete. It will be administered during school hours between 9 March and 2 April. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary. A consent form and FAQs for parents/carers about the survey is being sent home with students. If you do not want your child or children to participate, please return the form to school by Friday 6th March. Copies of the form and FAQs are available from the website above.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this survey, please

contact Victor Newby Deputy Principal at the school on 9604 3118.

Mr Newby - Deputy Principal


What Matters 2015

It's Time to Write ... is a writing competition

for students from years 7 to 12.

It's an opportunity to write about what matters to YOU!

What would

What would YOUYOU Change Change if you could?

if you could?

What actions

What actions

do do YOUYOU think think

should be should be

taken to build

taken to build

a better a better


Write a 400 - 600 word

opinion piece on what matters

to you and why. Entries must

be typed on A4 paper. Strictly one

entry per student and all entries must

have an entry form attached. Entry forms are available from

Ms Fountis - Head Teacher English or online at

whitlam.org/what matters.

Closing date: Wednesday 22 April 2015

Prizes include $350 for each category winner and $200 for runners up!

What are you

waiting for ?!

What d

o YO



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International Competitions and Assessments for Schools, conducted by the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Educational Assessment Australia. Students from Fairvale High School achieved outstanding results in ICAS this year. 37 Fairvale High School Science students from year 7 to year 12 participated in this competition. Out of the 37 students participated, 49% of students achieved high levels including distinction, credits and merit certificates. Harry Kha from year 10 achieved the Principal’s Award for the best performance in this competition. Following is the list of students who achieved commendable results. Distinction: Harry KHA Yr 10. Credits: Christian ELISHA Yr 7, Gloria ARANDA-SPIAAZZE Yr 9, Jonathan MOUSSA Yr 10, Tin NGUYEN Yr 10, Richard YALDA Yr 10, Wendy NGUYEN Yr 12, Mahdi ALMUSUARI Yr 12, Gina TANG Yr 12, Minh VO Yr 12. Merits: Sophie GAOU Yr 7, Ali ALMUSUARI Yr 10, Andrew LE_HUYNH Yr 10, Michelle PHOUNG Yr 12, Stephanie LIM Yr 12, Cong Anh TRINH Yr 12, Johny TRUONG Yr 12

Ms Spirou - Science

Year 11 Biology lessons are not just books and theory… There is also a lot of observing and analysing… There is a lot of: Discovering! During one of the lessons of this year, Year 11 looked at plants cells using microscopes and fresh red onion skin. The students were so enthusiastic about it that the teacher was very pleased to see the class

so keen in discovering the structure of plant cells using microscopes as part of their practical activity.




For this project the students were required to plan and prepare an area for concreting a slab or pathway around the school.

The chosen area was near the grand stand. In this process the students were to prepare a Safe Work Method Statement for the task.

Determine tools and equipment required

Order of task Safety and environment

requirements, e.g. signage and barricades.

Do a site plan for the site and obtain measurements: lengths, width, area, volume to calculate material requirements.

Carry out the site preparation by manual excavation.

Apply basic levelling procedure to site.

Erect formwork, steel reinforcements.

Mix and pour concrete (if applicable)

Dismantle formwork Clean up site

This practical task was undertaken on 13 February 2015. All the students involved with the project put in a lot of effort and skills to have it completed in the given time. The students involved in the project were: Mathias Alzawiti, Andrew Amosa, Nemanja Babic, William

Lim, Alan Nguyen, Henry Nguyen, Stefan Sekulic, Marel Shlimon, Fady Al-Sabry, Sarkis Ishac, Steven Naumovski.

Mr Narayan - Industrial Arts



Ms Nievas & Ms Brown - Year 7 Advisers

Our new Year 7 cohort enjoyed two days of fun and interactive activities despite the wet weather. They were split into 16 groups where they mingled with

kids from other primary schools. Most were nervous on the first day but after being introduced to their enthusiastic leaders and making new friends they thoroughly enjoyed the activities. Students completed a variety of activities such as the Giant Swing, Magic Hoop, Rope’s Course, Archery and Pipeline. It was an enjoyable day for all Year 7s, they were able to try new things, challenge themselves, make new friends and enjoy the school grounds before the rest of the school started. We are happy to welcome our new cohort of Year 7 students to Fairvale High school. May this be the start of

a wonderful school experience.



When it was my very first day at high school, it was very nerve wrecking. I had goosebumps on my arms and I was afraid about what it would be like in my classes. I was scared that I wouldn’t make new friends, but on that very first step when I walked into my very first class of high school, I didn’t have any doubts about anything. I made a variety of new friends,

the teachers were not as scary as I thought and the classes I have are THE BEST! High school is nothing

to be scared of, it’s a good opportunity. Liana Luong (7A)

High school is very exciting, I was worried about the workload and meeting new

people but I have made lots of new friends and the teachers are really cool. I like the subjects I have especially Sport. I’m looking forward to playing Rugby for the school. There are a lot of different subjects but it keeps me going every day. I got lost the first few days but the seniors were really helpful and showed me the right way. The teachers are really good and helpful. High school is exciting and a great experience. Jack Siaki Pauulu (7D)

Ms Nievas & Ms Brown - Year 7 Advisers



On Thursday 12 February our Year 10 Visual Arts class attended the official launch of the Artists In Residence project at the National Art School in Darlinghurst. We met with our fellow participants Cabramatta and Merrylands High schools. Together we partook in the official launch and then immersed our selves in three intense workshop sessions with each artist. The day was very productive and gave us a taste of the what professional practice each artist will share with our schools. The Air project is in it's second year and this year we are very privileged to be working with three exciting Australian Artists. Our term one artist is Angus Fisher -who specialises in printmaking and drawing, our term two artist is Abdul Abdullah-painter and term three artist is Di Turner ceramic artist. Thank you to our wonderful Year 10 Visual Arts students who always represent our school perfectly and to our relieving deputy principal Ms Efthymiades who attended and partook in the workshops with us.

Ms Haberecht - Visual Arts



A huge welcome to Angus Fisher, our Term one artist for the Artist In Residence project. Angus started with us in the 17 February and will be working as our resident artist every Wednesday for the next ten weeks. Angus is a contemporary Australian artist who specialises in drawing and printmaking. His beautiful works are highly detailed and meticulous in their presentation. He will be working with Year 10 visual arts students and capturing the Fairvale Ecosystem. Our students are really excited and have already started their observational studies. Angus will also be working with our Year 11 classes and running workshops for all staff and students to participate in. Please look out for posters and flyers around the school with workshop times and dates.

Ms Haberecht - Visual Arts





Venue: Parramatta Riverside Theatres Date: 18 March, 2015 Cost: $15 (ticket and bus) Cut off date for payment: 6 March, 2015

All students are expected to attend in full school uniform and need to bring their lunch, snacks and something to drink. Students must be at school by 8am and will be back at school by 3pm.


Supporting friendships, inclusion, happiness and a life without limits for ALL students and kids. Fairvale High School is once again proud to be a strong supporter of social inclusion for all students.

It’s simple – the world is a more interesting, more productive and happier place when people with disabilities are included. So…become part of Social Inc. Help support and include all students.

ALL STUDENTS ARE WELCOME!! See Mrs Boukas &/or Mrs Alalikin in the Support Faculty – upstairs Florey Block. (Meetings: Even weeks - Wednesdays - Lunch time - F4)

Ms Boukas - Special Ed

In term 4, 2014, 525 Fairvale Students were provided with a free Dental check and treatment by the Australian Mobile Dental Care Team. Students were provided with a range of care, dependent on their individual needs. Last year 2 students that received treatment were randomly selected as winners by the Australian Mobile Dental Care Team and received the following prizes: Juwana Gorgis - Electric toothbrush and Sasha Elisha - Samsung Tablet.


The program was highly successful and will continue to run in future years.



Daylight Schoolwear now has a website that will enable parents and students to purchase school uniforms anytime. Simply create an account profile, place your order and select ‘walk in’ to pick up your order from the School Uniform Shop on the next open day. (Tuesday 8:00am - 12:00pm and Thursday 8:00am - 12:00pm). For future details, please see website: www.daylightsportswear.com/fairvale

Compass would like to invite your school for a Family Fun Day for parents and children during the Term 1 school holidays on Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11am – 2pm. The University of Sydney, Camperdown campus. The Compass Family Fun Day will give parents, student and teachers from Compass primary and secondary partner schools an opportunity to experience different aspects of university: as a place of learning, and as part of a wider community. The day will be held during Term 1 school holidays to give a chance for parents and children to

experience the day together. The Family Fun Day is free of charge and refreshments will be provided. Teachers and their families are welcome to join in the fun as well.



Tuesday Teachers Wednesday Teachers Thursday Teachers

Ms. Barnier (Library) Mr. Mak (Maths) Ms. Wolsely (Visual Arts) Ms. Karim (TAS/ VET) Ms. Kaduthodil (Science) Ms. Enwiya (Learning Support) Ms. Soto (Learning Support)

Ms. Barnier (Library) Mr. Mak (Maths) Ms. Wolsely (Visual Arts) Mr. Micallef (TAS) Ms. Kaduthodil (Science) Ms. Olivieri (Languages) Ms. Campton-Smith (English) Ms. Soto (Learning Support)

Ms. Barnier (Library) Mr. Mak (Maths) Ms. Wolsely (Visual Arts) Ms. Karagounis (Learning Support) Ms. Kaduthodil (Science) Ms. Kahrobai (TAS/VET) Ms. Campton-Smith (English) Ms. Soto (Learning Support)

Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Afternoon From 3:30pm to 4:30pm in the school library

Get FREE HELP for your homework, class work and assessment tasks!

Begins: 10 February, 2015 (Week 3) - Ends 25 March, 2015 (Week 9) Need more details? See Ms Soto in Learning Support (Wright block)



Term 1 2 March 3 March 4 March 5 March 6 March

Week 6

Lansdowne Zone Swimming Carnival

Yr 7 Maths testing

Yr 7 Visual Arts Excursion

Yr 10 Maths testing

Vaccinations All Yr 7

Information Afternoon For Years 5, 6 and 7 at 4:00pm

Yr 11 IDT, SDD & IPT Excursion

AA & Seniors Swimming Lessons

Nursing Home Visits

Yr 10 Careers Excursion

SRC - Young Women’s Leadership Seminar

9 March 10 March 11 March 12 March 13 March

Week 7

School Cross Country Carnival

Tell them from Me student Survey

Yr 10 ‘Seek a Skill’ excursion

AA & Seniors Swimming Lessons

Nursing Home Visits

16 March 17 March 18 March 19 March 20 March

Week 8

SSW Area Swimming Carnival

SSW girls football (soccer)

Yr 9 English Excursion

Open High School

AA & Seniors Swimming Lessons

Nursing Home Visits

23 March 24 March 25 March 26 March 27 March

Week 9

Yr 7 Claymation Incursion

Yr 12 Mid Course Examinations

Yr 7 Claymation Incursion

Yr 12 Mid Course Examinations

Yr 7 Claymation Incursion

Yr 12 Mid Course Examinations

Yr 7 Claymation Incursion

Yr 12 Mid Course Examinations

AA & Seniors Swimming Lessons

Nursing Home Visits

Yr 12 Mid Course Examinations

Yr 9 & 10 Food Technology excursion

State Elections Saturday 28 March 2015

30 March 31 March 1 April 2 April 3 April

Week 10

Yr 7 Claymation Incursion

Yr 12 Mid Course Examinations

Yr 7 Claymation Incursion

Yr 12 Mid Course Examinations

Yr 7 Claymation Incursion

Yr 12 Mid Course Examinations

Yr 7 Claymation Incursion

Yr 12 Mid Course Examinations

AA & Seniors Swimming Lessons

Nursing Home Visits

Public Holiday

Good Friday

Term 1 School Holidays

5 Apr 2015 - Daylight Saving Time Please make a note to change your clocks.

Sunday, 5 April 2015, 3:00:00 AM clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, 5 April 2015, 2:00:00 AM local standard time instead.


This semester Year 8 Visual Arts students have been exploring Mythical Creatures and creating

their own surreal creature as a basis for their skateboard designs. This term they will be developing their Mythical creature’s character and are working on developing an illustrated book about them. Great Work year 8!


Throughout Term 1, Special Education 7-10 Visual Arts students have been exploring the Elements and Principals of Art. They have begun by exploring Line and the work of Austrian artist, Hundertwasser. They have created detailed artworks within templates of their name initials and achieved fantastic results with their works. Well Done Special Education!


Ms Oakley - Visual Arts

Ms Oakley - Visual Arts



On Saturday, 6th March 2014 year 12 student Erina Le along with her family and year advisers Ms Argyros and Ms Astudillo, attended the Smithfield RSL Christmas Lunch. Erina was one of six recipients from local schools who received a scholarship awarded by Smithfield RSL aimed at helping students with the cost of tertiary study.

Past recipients of the scholarship were also present and shared in their stories and gratitude to Smithfield RSL for supporting local schools and students. A great time was had by all. Congratulations to Erina Le on a well deserved award.


Students from Years 10-12 studying Dance and Drama attended two HSC performance showcases ‘Callback 2014’ and ‘Onstage 2014’. These showcases enable students to view exemplary works from the past HSC cohort in the state. ‘Callback’ and ‘Onstage’ are held annually at the Seymour Centre and prove to be an entertaining and valuable experience for all students that attend.

Ms Semenov - Performing Arts