Maria is Taller Than Juan

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  • 7/28/2019 Maria is Taller Than Juan


    Maria is taller than Juan

    Miami is more modern than Lima.

    The Honda iswider than the chevrolete

    A big car issafer than a small one.

    My house is bigger than yours

    Joe is thinner than Mary.

    Ana isprettier than Nina g)

    Marisu ismore beautiful than Elena

    A motorcycle is noisier than a car

    The shirt ismore expensive than the trousers

    ADJECTIVE Comparative ADJECTIVE Comparative ADJECTIVE Comparative Happy Cheap HonestDifficult Strong BusyClean Interesting YoungEarly Hot Near Beautiful Warm FunnySoft Expensive EasyIntelligent fresh Bad

    Dirty Kind LateGood Boring DangeerousCareful Cold weak


    1) Shes much __________ her husband. (young)

    2) Its a __________ day _____ yesterday. ( warm)

    3) The vegetables in the shop are __________ _____ the one ones in the supermarket.(fresh)

    4) The train is __________ _____ the bus (expensive)

    5) The new TV programme is __________ _____ the old one. (funny)

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    6) Mrs. Jones is a __________ teacher ____ Mr. Andrews. (good)

    7) My office is __________ _____ Helens. (near)

    8) The traffic is _______________ it was last year. (noisy)

    9) You have a __________ life _____ I have. (busy)

    10) Drivers in this country are _______________________ _____ drivers in my country.(dangerous)

    11) The exam today was _______________ _____ last years exam. (difficult)

    12) Shes __________ _____ her sister. (smart)

    13) Micheal is __________ _____ than Mathew. (Rich)

    14) The students ask _______________ questions _____ they did before. (intelligent)

    15) Her second book is _______________ _____ her first one. (interesting)

    Lista de adjectivos mas comunes en INGLES Vocabulario LECCION 6

    by InglesTotal

    Filed under Curso Basico / Ingls Elemental, Vocabulary / Vocabulario 22 Comments


    Hoy hablaremos de adjetivos importantes para que pueden describir diferentes sustantivos.He recibido muchas consultas con respecto a las demas lecciones. Hay varios links para ver el menu de lecciones. Estn en la parte superior y tambien el la parte derecha.TAMBIENPUEDES HACER CLICK AQUI.

  • 7/28/2019 Maria is Taller Than Juan


    Remember that adjectives MODIFY or DESCRIBES the NOUN. Here you can practice agreat list of common and necessary.

    Using the COPULATIVE VERBS with adjectives

    In English we can use the COPULATIVE VERBS before the adjectives. Somecopulative verbs are : TO BE, LOOK, SEEM, FEEL, BECOME etc

    ** Estos verbos son faciles de usar con adjetives. Nunca se han preguntado por que Tengofrio Tengo hambre no es I have cold o I have hungry Es simple, es porque no sonverbos copulativos. El verbo copulativo mas famoso es el VERBO TO BE.


    Como vemos podemos utilizar directamente el adjetivo despues de esta clase de verbos.Para empesar recomiendo aprenderce los mas importantes. Look verse (no confundir con

    look at que es ver) feel sentirse, verbo to be ser o estar.Subject Copulative Verb Adjective

    She Is (to be) Thirsty

    He Feels (to feel) Sick

    They Look (to look tired

    Nota: Los verbos copulativos tambin pueden ser seguidos por sustantivos pero no esrelevante en esta leccin

    LIST OF COMMON ADJECTIVES ( Si quieren saber como se pronuncia las palabrasver este post CLICK AQUI)

    Size / Tamao:

    1.average promedio 2.big grande 3.colossal colosal 4.fat gordo 5.giant gigante6.gigantic gigantesco 7.great gran 8.huge enorme 9.immense inmenso 10.large grande 11.little chico / pequeo 12.long largo 13.massive massivo 14.miniature muy pequeo 15.petite chico 16.short corto 17.small pequeo 18.tall alto 19.tiny diminuto

    Shape / Forma:

    20.broad amplio 21.chubby rechoncho / gordito 22.crooked chueco / torcido23.curved curvo 24.deep profundo 25.flat plano 26.high alto 27.hollow hueco28.low bajo 29.narrow estrecho 30.round redondo 31.skinny flaco 32.square cuadrado 33.steep inclinado 34.straight derecho 35.wide ancho
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    Taste Touch / Sabor Tacto

    46.bitter amargo 47.delicious delicioso 48.fresh fresco 49.juicy jugoso 50.ripe maduro 51.rotten podrido / putrefacto 52. salty salado 53. sour acido 54.spicy picante 55.stale rancio / pasado 56.sticky pegajoso 57. strong fuerte 58.sweet dulce

    59.tasteless sin sabor 60. tasty sabroso 61.thirsty sediento 62.greasy grasoso63.filthy sucio 64. hard duro caliente 66.icy helado 67.loose flojo / suelto68.melted derretido 69.plastic plstico 70.rainy lluvioso 71.rough spero72.scattered disperso filoso 74.silky sedoso 75.slippery resbaloso76.smooth suave 77.soft suave 78. solid solido 79.steady firme 80.sticky pegajoso81.tender tierno / suave 82.tight ajustado 83.uneven desnivelado 84.weak debil85.wet mojado 86.wooden de madera

    Feelings (Bad) / Sentimientos (malos)

    87.afraid asustado 88.angry enojado 89.annoyed molesto / estar harto 90.anxious ansioso 91.arrogant arrogante 92.ashamed avergonzado 93.awful terrible 94.bad malo 95.bored aburrido 96.confused confundido / confuso 97.cruel cruel98.dangerous peligroso 99.defeated derrotado 100.defiant desafiante 101.depressed deprimido 102.disturbed perturbado 103.embarrassed tener vergenza 104.envious envidioso 105.evil malo / malvado 106.fierce feroz 107.foolish tonto / absurdo108.frantic frentico 109.frightened asustado 110.grieving afligido 111.helpless desamparado 112.homeless sin hogar 113.hungry hambriento 114.hurt herido 115. ill

    enfermo 116.jealous celoso 117. lonely solo 118.mysterious misterioso 119.naughty travieso / malcriado 120.nervous nervioso 121.repulsive repulsivo 122.selfish egoista 123.sore inflamado / adolorido 124.tense tenso 125.terrible terible 126.tired cansado 127.troubled preocupado 128.upset molesto 129.weary cansado 130.worried


    Feelings (good) / Sentimientos (buenos)

    131.brave valiente 132.calm calmado 133.charming encantador 134.cheerful alegre135.comfortable cmodo 136.cooperative cooperativo 137. courageous valeroso138.determined resuelto 139. eager impaciente 140. elated exaltado 141.energetic energtico 142.enthusiastic entusiasta 143.excited emocionado 144.exuberant exuberante 145.fair justo 146.loyal fiel 147.fantastic fantstico 148.fine bien149.friendly amigable 150.funny gracioso 151.gentle gentil 152.glorious glorioso153.happy feliz 154.healthy saludable 155.helpful util 156.hilarious hilarante157.jolly muy feliz 158.kind bueno / gentil 159.lovely amoroso 160.lucky afortunado 161.obedient obediente 162.perfect perfecto 163.pleasant agradable164.proud orgulloso 165.silly tonto 166.splendid esplndido 167.successful exitoso168. victorious victorioso 169.vivacious vivaz 170.witty ingenioso 171.wonderful maravilloso 172.zealous entusiasta

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    ADJECTIVES: COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES7 marzo, 2010 ceiplapiedad Dejar un comentario Go to comments

    Los adjetivos son aqullas palabras que se unen a un nombre paraampliar, complementar y cuantificar su significado.

    Calificativos:good , bueno;thin , delgado;dry , seco;bad , malo;short , corto.


    - Los adjetivos en ingls son invariables en gnero y nmero.

    yellow = amarillo, amarilla, amarillos, amarillas

    - Normalmente se colocan delante del sustantivo:

    I have a big book / Tengo un libro grande

    - Verbo To be + (am/is/are/was, etc.) + adjetivo

    These pictures are very beautiful / Esas imgenes son muy bonitas

    - To be + adjetivo tiene en ocasiones la equivalencia a Tener

    Im hungry / Tengo hambre


    Al igual que en espaol, en ingls cuando queremos comparar dos cosas utilizamos losadjetivos y sus distintos grados: positivo, comparativo y superlativo.

    - El grado positivo refiere la forma ms simple:

    A sunny day / Un da soleado

    - El grado comparativo refiere una cualidad mayor de una cosa respecto de otra.

    A better day / Un da mejor
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    - El grado superlativo refiere la cualidad en su mayor expresin:

    Today is the best day of the year / Hoy es el mejor da del ao



    Se forma con el adjetivo intercalado entre la construccin asas (tancomo) parafrases afirmativas e interrogativasy not asas o not soas para las frases negativas.

    Im as young as you / soy tan joven como t am I as young as you? / soy tan joven como t? Im not so young as you / no soy tan joven como t

    Podemos emplear tras el segundo as el pronombre en caso nominativo o acusativo (He,his; She, her)

    He is as young as she; He is as young as her / l es tan joven como ella

    Si se trata de una comparacin entre dos verbos, podemos usar la expresin as much as(tanto como) tambin en forma negativa

    She does not work as much as she should / Ella no trabaja tanto como debera

    Cuando la comparacin se hace entre dos sustantivos se utiliza as much as para elsingular y as many as para el plural.

    I have as much work as my boss / Tengo tanto trabajo como mi jefe I have as many pencils as you / Tengo tantos lpices como t

    Si estamos comparando dos sustantivos contables (libros, coches, casas) utilizaremos asmany as , pero si estamos comparando dos sustantivos incontables (madera, tiempo,

    msica) usaremos la construccin as muchas .

    We have as many books as them / Tenemos tantos libros como ellos We have as much space as them / Tenemos tanto espacio como ellos

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    Se forma con el adjetivo intercalado entre la construccin lessthan (menosque),aunque es ms usual encontrar la comparacin de igualdad en forma negativa (que tiene elmismo significado).

    Hes less young than you / l es menos joven que t Hes not as young as you / l no es tan joven como t(ms usual)

    Normalmente se emplea less para incontables y fewer para contables


    Se forma de dos modos:

    Aadiendo al adjetivo el sufijo-er para el comparativo de superioridad y-est para elsuperlativo.

    = + er + est

    big (grande ) bigger (ms grande ) biggest (el ms grande )

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    Anteponiendo la palabramore (ms) para el comparativo de superioridad y the most para el superlativo

    intelligent / inteligentemore intelligent / ms inteligente

    the most intelligent / el ms inteligente Los adjetivos de una sola slaba forman el comparativo y el superlativo con-er y -est

    old, older, the oldest / viejo new, newer, the newest / nuevo dark, darker, the darkest / oscuro

    Los de dos slabas que terminan ener , y, le y ow y los que tienen el acento (prosdico) enla ltima slaba forman tambin el comparativo y el superlativo con-er y -est

    clever, cleverer, the cleverest / listo idle, idler, the idlest / perezoso happy, happier, the happiest / feliz narrow, narrower, the narrowest / estrecho

    El resto de adjetivos de dos slabas y todos los de tres o ms forman el comparativo conmore y el superlativo conmost .

    interesting, more interesting, the most interesting / interesante


    Algunos adjetivos forman el comparativo de manera irregular

    good, better, the best / bueno, mejor, el mejor bad, worse, the worst / malo, peor, el peor far, further, the furthest / lejano, ms lejano, el ms lejano


    - Cuando un adjetivo termina en e solamente aade-r y -st para el comparativo ysuperlativo.

    large, larger, the largest / grande, ms grande, el ms grande

    - Cuando terminan en consonante + y cambian la y por i

    easy, easier, the easiest / fcil

    - Si termina en una sola consonante prededida de una sola vocal, duplica la consonante

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    big, bigger, the biggest / grande

    - El segundo trmino de la comparacin utiliza la formathan que corresponde alque espaol.

    He is taller than his brother / l es ms alto que su hermano - Cuando la comparacin se realiza entre dos adjetivos se usa more.

    She is more funny than happy / Ella es ms alegre que feliz

    - La expresin espaola cada vez ms equivale en ingls a los dos comparativos deladjetivo.

    The film is becoming more and more interesting / La pelcula se vuelve cada vez msinteresante

    This could be a bit dif fi cul t for you. Th ese exercises wil l h elp you!

    domingo, 20 de abril de 2008


    Superlative adjectivesComo formar adjetivos superlativos en ingls:1. Para adjetivos con dos consonantes aade estTall -the tallest2. Para adjetivos que acaban con la letra e aade st Large - the largest3. Para adjetivos
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    que acaban con una vocal + un consonante aade consonante +estBig - the biggest4. Para adjetivos que acaban con y aade iestTidy - the tidiest5. Para adjetivos con dos slabas mas usa most + adjectivoImportant -the mostimportantModern -the most modernCommon - the most common6. Con algunos adjetivos con dosslabas se puede aadir est most Clever - the cleverest the most cleverPleasant - the

    pleasantest the most pleasant7. Adjetivos irregularesGood - the bestBad - the worstOld - theoldestFar - the farthest the furthest4. Para adjetivos que acaban con y aade iest (tidy, empty,dry, busy, dirty, funny, early)Happy the happiest5. Si el ajetivo tiene dos slabas mas usa themost + el adjetivo (excepciones son los adjetivos que acaban en y)Modern the most modern6. Hayalgunos adjetivos que se puede aadir est the mostClever the cleverest the most cleverNarrow the narrowest the most narrow Simple the Simplest the most simple 7. Algunosadjetivos son irregulares Good the bestBad the worst Far the Farthest/Furthest

    Forming Comparative and Superlative AdjectivesOne-syllable adjectives.Form the comparative and superlative forms of a one-syllable adjective by adding er for the comparativeform and est for the superlative.One-Syllable AdjectiveComparative FormSuperlative Formtalltallertallestoldolderoldestlong

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    longerlongest Mary is taller than Max. Mary is the tallest of all the students. Max is older than John. Of the three students, Max is the oldest. My hair is longer than your hair. Max's story is the longest story I've ever heard.If the one-syllable adjective ends with an e, just add r for the comparative form and st for the superlativeform.One-Syllable Adjective with Final -eComparative FormSuperlative Formlargelargerlargest

    wisewiserwisest Mary's car is larger than Max's car. Mary's house is the tallest of all the houses on the block. Max is wiser than his brother. Max is the wisest person I know.If the one-syllable adjective ends with a single consonant with a vowel before it, double the consonant andadd er for the comparative form; and double the consonant and add est for the superlative form.One-Syllable Adjective Ending with a Single Consonant with a Single Vowel before ItComparative Form

    Superlative Formbigbiggerbiggestthinthinnerthinnestfatfatterfattest My dog is bigger than your dog.

    My dog is the biggest of all the dogs in the neighborhood. Max is thinner than John. Of all the students in the class, Max is the thinnest. My mother is fatter than your mother. Mary is the fattest person I've ever seen.Two-syllable adjectives.With most two-syllable adjectives, you form the comparative with more and the superlative with most.Two-Syllable Adjective

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    Comparative FormSuperlative Formpeacefulmore peacefulmost peacefulpleasantmore pleasantmost pleasantcarefulmore carefulmost carefulthoughtfulmore thoughtfulmost thoughtful This morning is more peaceful than yesterday morning. Max's house in the mountains is the most peaceful in the world.

    Max is more careful than Mike. Of all the taxi drivers, Jack is the most careful. Jill is more thoughtful than your sister. Mary is the most thoughtful person I've ever met.If the two-syllable adjectives ends with y, change the y to i and add er for the comparative form. For thesuperlative form change the y to i and add est.Two-Syllable Adjective Ending with -yComparative FormSuperlative Formhappyhappier

    happiestangryangrierangriestbusybusierbusiest John is happier today than he was yesterday. John is the happiest boy in the world. Max is angrier than Mary. Of all of John's victims, Max is the angriest.

    Mary is busier than Max. Mary is the busiest person I've ever met.Two-syllable adjectives ending in er, -le, or ow take er and est to form the comparative and superlativeforms.Two-Syllable Adjective Ending with -er, -le, or -owComparative FormSuperlative Formnarrow

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    narrowernarrowestgentlegentlergentlest The roads in this town are narrower than the roads in the city. This road is the narrowest of all the roads in California. Big dogs are gentler than small dogs. Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are the gentlest.Adjectives with three or more syllables.For adjectives with three syllables or more, you form the comparative with more and the superlative withmost.Adjective with Three or More SyllablesComparative FormSuperlative Formgenerous

    more generousmost generousimportantmore importantmost importantintelligentmore intelligentmost intelligent John is more generous than Jack. John is the most generous of all the people I know. Health is more important than money.

    Of all the people I know, Max is the most important. Women are more intelligent than men. Mary is the most intelligent person I've ever met.Exceptions.Irregular adjectives.Irregular AdjectiveComparative FormSuperlative Formgoodbetterbest


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    leastmanymoremost Italian food is better than American food. My dog is the best dog in the world. My mother's cooking is worse than your mother's cooking. Of all the students in the class, Max is the worst.Two-syllable adjectives that follow two rules. These adjectives can be used with -er and -est and with moreand most.Two-Syllable AdjectiveComparative FormSuperlative Formclevercleverercleverest

    clevermore clevermost clevergentlegentlergentlestgentlemore gentlemost gentlefriendlyfriendlier

    friendliestfriendlymore friendlymost friendlyquietquieterquietestquietmore quietmost quietsimple

    simplersimplestsimplemore simplemost simple Big dogs are gentler than small dogs. Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are the gentlest. Big dogs are more gentle than small dogs.

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    Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are the most gentle.

    El futuro en ingls con 'will'Se usan varios tiempos verbales para expresar el futuro en ingls - ver el futuro con 'going to' Aqui vamos aver el futuro con el verbo auxilliar 'will'. Despues hay un ejercicio con respuestas parapracticarlo.Forma:AfirmativoI will = I'llYou will = You'llHe/She/it will = He'll/She'll/It'llWe will = We'llThey will= They'llNegativoI will not = I won'tYou will not = You won'tHe/She/It will not = He wont/She won't/Itwon'tWe will not = We wontThey will not = They won't(se usa la forma contraida cuando se habla escribeen situaciones informales)Se usa will wont para:Hacer prediccionesejemplo - Tomorrow it will be sunny(maana hara sol).Cuando es una decisin espontaneaejemplo - I think Ill go out this evening (saldr estanoche).Para prometer algoejemplo Ill visit you next week (Te visitare la semana que viene).Para ofrecer

    ayudaejemplo Ill help you (Te llevare los libros)Para pedir que alguien haga algoejemplo Will you collect mysuit from the drycleaners please? (Recogeras mi traje de la tintorera?)Tambien se usa con lasexpresiones:Im sure + sujeto + will ejemplo Im sure you'll pass the test (estoy segura de que aprobaras) Iexpect + sujeto + will ejemplo I expect he'll arrive late(creo que llegara tarde)Sujeto + will + probablyejemplo I'll probably drive there(Yo probablemente ir en coche)I think + sujeto + will ejemplo I think I'll stayin and watch tv this evening (creo que me quedar en casa y ver la tele esta noche)Completar estas frases ydespues consultar las respuestas. 1. I think ..................................................(I/read/a book) this evening.2. Iexpect .................................................(it/rain) at the weekend.3. (I/help/you)................................................with your homework.4. (I/phone/you).......................................... tomorrow.5. (I /probably/go) the cinema tonight.
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    El futuro continuo en inglsHay varios tiempos verbales para hablar del futuro en ingls. Ver el futuro con will, going to, el futuro con elpresente continuo y el futuro perfecto para mas informacin. En esta pagina vamos a ver el futuro continuo.Despues hay un ejercicio con respuestas para practicarlo.Se usa: Para hablar de una actividad en progresoen un punto del futuro.Ejemplo: Tomorrow I will be working at 11.00am. (Maana estar trabajando a las11)Se forma:Afirmativo - sujeto + will + be + participio (verbo con ing)ejemplo: I will be cooking dinner at 70'clock this evening.Negativo - sujeto + will not/won't + be + participioejemplo: He wont be working thistime tomorrowPregunta - will + sujeto + be + participioejemplo: Will you be working at 8 o'clock

    tomorrow?Tips (consejos)1.Para formar el participio tienes que aadir ing al in finitivoFinish --> finishing2.Si el verbo infinitivo acaba en una vocal y un consonante tienes que poner dos consonantes y despues aadiringStop --> stopping3. Si el verbo acaba en e tienes que quitarla antes de aadir ingTake -->takingCompletar estas frases y despues haga click aquipara las respuestas.Diary for tomorrow (agenda paramaana)10.00am meeting with Peter (reunion con Peter)12.30pm lunch at pizza restaurant (comer en unapizzeria)2.00am at work (en el trabajo)3.30pm appointment at the dentist for a check up (cita con eldentista)6.00pm going to see a film at the cinema (ir a ver una pelicula al cine)8.00pm catching a train home(coger el tren a casa)Ahoracompletar las frasas sobre maana:ejemplo - At 10.30am I will be having ameeting with Peter.1. At 1.00pm I .............................................................(will/have lunch) at a pizzarestaurant.2. From 2.00pm to 3.00pm I ........................................................................(will/work).3. At 3.30 I.............................................................................(will/have/check-up) at the dentist.4. At 6.30 I

    .............................................................(will/watch) at the cinema.5. At 8.15pm I

    ........................................................(will/travel) home by train.
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    They will have written the novel by next month / Ellos habrn escrito la novela el prximo mes.Su estructura es la siguiente:sujeto + futuro de 'to have' + participioFORMA AFIRMATIVAFORMA NEGATIVAFORMA INTERROGATIVAI shall have playedYo habr jugadoI shall not have playedYo no habr jugadoShall I have played?Habr jugado?INTERROGATIVO-NEGATIVA: Shall I not have played? / No habr jugado?EL FUTURO PERFECTO PROGRESIVOSirve para expresar acciones que se desarrollan hasta un momento determinado del futuro en el quepueden finalizar o no.Next year I shall have been studying ten years / El ao prximo llevar diez aos estudiando.Su estructura es la siguiente:sujeto + futuro de 'to have' + participio de 'to be' + gerundio

    FORMA AFIRMATIVAFORMA NEGATIVAI shall have been playing Yo habr estado jugandoI shall not have been playing Yo no habr estado jugado

    FORMA INTERROGATIVAINTERROG-NEGATIVAShall I have been playing? Habr estado jugando?Shall I not have been playing? No habr estado jugando?OTRAS FORMAS DE EXPRESAR EL FUTURO- El Presente como futuro.

    En ingls, al igual que en espaol, podemos emplear tiempos del presente para hablar del futuro.El Presente Simple puede ser usado para hablar de acciones conocidas de antemano o planificadas (que nodependen de nuestra voluntad).Our holidays begin in August / Nuestras vacaciones comienzan en agostoYour flight leaves at 17:15 onMonday / Su vuelo sale a las 17:15 el lunesEl Presente progresivo o Presente continuo como futuro. Cuando hablamos de planes, proyectos, citas, etc.utilizamos el Presente continuo.We're playing football this afternoon / Vamos a jugar al ftbol esta tarde- El futuro con 'going to'Es una forma muy habitual para referirse a una accin relativa a una intencin o una decisin que se habatomado con anterioridad. Al igual que el Presente Progresivo se puede utilizar para expresar planes, citas,

    etc.Are you going to take the car tonight? / Vas a coger el coche esta noche?- Con 'to be' + infinitivo, para indicar lo que est programado para el futuroThe president is to meet the congressmen tomorrow / El presidente se reunir con los congresistas maana- Con 'to have to' (tener que)I have to go to the dentist / Tengo que ir al dentista

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    hursday, June 15

    Superlative adjectives

    Como formar adjetivos superlativos en ingls:

    1. Para adjetivos con dos consonantes aade est

    Tall - the tallest

    2. Para adjetivos que acaban con la letra e aade st

    Large - the largest

    3. Para adjetivos que acaban con una vocal + un consonante aade consonante +est

    Big - the biggest

    4. Para adjetivos que acaban cony aadeiest

    Tidy - the tidiest

    5. Para adjetivos con dos slabas mas usa most + adjectivo

    Important -the most importantModern -the most modernCommon - the most common

    6. Con algunos adjetivos con dos slabas se puede aadir est most

    Clever - the cleverest the most cleverPleasant - the pleasantest the most pleasant

    7. Adjetivos irregulares

    Good - the bestBad - the worstOld - the oldestFar - the farthest the furthest

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    4. Para adjetivos que acaban con y aade iest (tidy, empty, dry, busy, dirty, funny, early)

    Happy the happiest

    5. Si el ajetivo tiene dos slabas mas usa the most + el adjetivo (excepciones son los adjetivos

    que acaban en y)

    Modern the most modern

    6. Hay algunos adjetivos que se puede aadir est the most

    Clever the cleverest the most cleverNarrow the narrowest the most narrowSimple the Simplest the most simple

    7. Algunos adjetivos son irregulares

    Good the bestBad the worstFar the Farthest/Furthest

    Exercise on Comparison of Adjectives

    Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

    1. My house is (big) bigger than yours.

    2. This flower is (beautiful) than that one.

    3. This is the (interesting) book I have ever read.

    4. Non-smokers usually live (long) than smokers.

    5. Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world?

    6. A holiday by the sea is (good) than a holiday in the mountains.7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) than a beer.

    8. Who is the (rich) woman on earth?

    9. The weather this summer is even (bad) than last summer.

    10. He was the (clever) thief of all.

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    mparatives and Superlatives


    ComparativesandSuperlativesare special forms of adjectives. They are used to comparetwo or more things. Generally, comparatives are formed using-er and superlatives areformed using-est . This page will explain the rules for forming regular comparatives andsuperlatives, and also show some basic ways of using them.

    1. Forming comparatives and superlatives

    How these forms are created depends on how manysyllables there are in the adjective.Syllables are like sound beats . For instance, sing contains one syllable, but singingcontains two sing anding . Here are the rules:

    Adjective form Comparative Superlative

    Only one syllable, ending inE.Examples: wide, fine, cute

    Add -r: wider, finer, cuter Add -st : widest, finest, cutest

    Only one syllable, with one voweland one consonant at the end.Examples: hot, big, fat

    Double the consonant, andadd -er : hotter, bigger, fatter

    Double the consonant, andadd -est : hottest, biggest,fattest

    Only one syllable, with more thanone vowel or more than oneconsonant at the end. Examples:light, neat, fast

    Add -er : lighter, neater, fasterAdd -est : lightest, neatest,fastest

    Two syllables, ending inY. Examples: Changey to i, then add -er : Change y to i, then add -est :

  • 7/28/2019 Maria is Taller Than Juan


    Adjective form Comparative Superlative

    happy, silly, lonely happier, sillier, lonelier happiest, silliest, loneliest

    Two syllables or more, not ending inY. Examples: modern, interesting,beautiful

    Use more before theadjective: more modern, moreinteresting, more beautiful

    Use most before the

    adjective: most modern,most interesting, mostbeautiful

    2. How to use comparatives and superlatives


    Comparatives are used to compare two things. You can use sentences with than ,or you can use a conjunction like but .

    Jiro is taller than Yukio. Yukio is tall,but Jiro is taller.


    Superlatives are used to compare more than two things. Superlative sentencesusually use the , because there is only one superlative.

    Masami is the tallest in the class. Yukio is tall, and Jiro is taller, but Masami isthe tallest.

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