MARCH 2020 BELL RINGER - TIMNATH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dear Friends, It seems impossible that we have been with you now for a full year. As I think back on our time in Timnath many things come to mind. We have made many new friends, we have walked with some of you through very dark valleys, and we have celebrated great events in your lives. It has been a wonderful time of ministry and service to the Lord which we will not soon forget. We look forward to the next few months as we continue serving you and this congregation in the community of Timnath. Again, we find ourselves at the beginning of Lent. The time when Christians have traditionally focused on deepening their relationship with Jesus the Lord and Savior. We often use this time for practicing various spiritual disciplines. One of which has been fasting. Some take this very seriously and fast for a meal or a day each week during Lent. Some, in the same vein, fast from a pleasure, such as not eating chocolate or other decadent desserts. These are great ways to focus on our spiritual growth, especially if we add to our fasting extra time for spiritual reading and/or Bible reading. Lent is a great time to read through a gospel, and the Gospel of Mark is a great one, although during this year I will be preaching from the Gospel of Mahew. I saw a great poster on Facebook that pointed to a different type of fasting. It is supposed to come from Pope Francis, whether that is true or not, it is still a great idea to do during Lent. Finally, I want to leave you with a prayer of St Paul. It speaks of the way I have been and will continue to pray for you all. He writes: I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in Gods grace with me. God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:3-11 NIV In Gods Grip Pastor Charley

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Dear Friends,

It seems impossible that we have been with you now for a full year. As I think back on our time in Timnath many things come to mind. We have made many new friends, we have walked with some of you through very dark valleys, and we have celebrated great events in your lives. It has been a wonderful time of ministry and service to the Lord which we will not soon forget. We look forward to the next few months as we continue serving you and this congregation in the community of Timnath.

Again, we find ourselves at the beginning of Lent. The time when Christians have traditionally focused on deepening their relationship with Jesus the Lord and Savior. We often use this time for practicing various spiritual disciplines. One of which has been fasting. Some take this very seriously and fast for a meal or a day each week during Lent. Some, in the same vein, fast from a pleasure, such as not eating chocolate or other decadent desserts. These are great ways to focus on our spiritual growth, especially if we add to our fasting extra time for spiritual reading and/or Bible reading. Lent is a great time to read through a gospel, and the Gospel of Mark is a great one, although during this year I will be preaching from the Gospel of Matthew.

I saw a great poster on Facebook that pointed to a different type of fasting. It is supposed to come from Pope Francis, whether that is true or not, it is still a great idea to do during Lent.

Finally, I want to leave you with a prayer of St Paul. It speaks of the way I have been and will continue to pray for you all. He writes:

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me. God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:3-11 NIV

In God’s Grip

Pastor Charley

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The sun bore down on my neck as I walked

through neatly laid stones, each row like

another line in a massive book. My eyes

strained to take in all of the information—name,

age, rank, country—and perhaps also death

itself, the fragility of life, the harsh reality of

war. In that field of graves, a war memorial for

men lost as prisoners of war, slaves laboring to

construct the Burma-Siam railway, I felt as the

psalmist: “laid low in the dust.” Or like Job,

sitting among the dust

and ashes of a great

tragedy. Then one stone

stopped my wandering

and said what I could

not. On an epitaph in the

middle of the cemetery

was written: “There shall

be in that great earth, a

richer dust concealed.”(1)

It is helpful, I think, to be

reminded that we are

dust. We are

material. When we die,

we remain material. It is

a reminder to hold as we

move through life—through successes,

disappointments, questions, and answers. For

the Christian, it is also a truth to help us

approach the vast and terrible circumstances

leading up to the crucifixion of the human son

of God. Beginning with the ashes of Ash

Wednesday, the journey through Lent into the

light and darkness of Holy Week is for those

The Journey of Dust made in dust who will return to dust, those

willing to trace the breath that began all of life

to the place where Christ breathed his last. It is

a journey that expends everything within us.

There is a Latin word that was once used to

denote the provisions necessary for a person

going on a long journey—the clothes, food, and

money the traveler would need along the way.

“Viaticum” was a word often used by Roman

magistrates. It was the payment or goods given

to those who were sent

into the provinces to

exercise an office or

perform a service. The

viaticum was vital

provision for an uncertain

journey. Fittingly, the

early church employed

this image to speak of the

Eucharist when it was

administered to a dying

person. The viaticum, the

bread of Communion,

was seen as sustenance

for Christians on their

way from this world into

another. Sometime later, the word was used not

only to describe a last Communion, but as the

Sacrament of Communion for all people. It is as

if to say: our communion with Christ is

provision for the way home. The viaticum is

God’s answer to Jacob’s vow, “If God will be

with me and will watch over me on this journey

(Continued on Page 3)

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Afternoon Circle meets on the second Thursday

of each month and during March we will meet

on the 12th. Come and enjoy a potluck lunch as

we meet in the home of Bunny Goshorn. Bring

a thought to share that gives incite and teaches

us how to improve our lives. Mission lesson

and the least coin stories will also be shared.

It is always good time to join us.

I am taking and will give me food to eat and

clothes to wear so that I return safely to my

father’s house, then the LORD will be my

God.”(2) It is what Christ offered when he said,

“Take and eat. This is my body.” The journey

from dust to dust and back to the Father’s house

would be far too great without it—without him.

Today, our humanity is beckoned to face its

humble beginnings on this Ash Wednesday. We

are given 40 days to journey with this thought,

to follow in the vicarious humanity of the Son

where he leads us, until we are leveled by the

bright sadness of Holy Week. From the

invitation to consume his body and blood in the

Last Supper to the desolation of that body on

the Cross, we are undone by events that began

before us and will continue to be remembered

long after we are gone. The season of Lent is a

stark reminder that we are, in the words of

Isaiah or the sentiments of the psalmist, like

grass that withers, flowers that blow away like

dust. But so we are, in this great earth, a richer

dust concealed. Walking in cemeteries we

realize this; communing with Christ we

encounter it. Walking through Lent as dust and

ashes invites us to see our need for the Father’s

unchanging provision: We are offered the Cross,

communion and forgiveness, the body of one

broken, hope in one raised, and the life


A slice of Infinity Jill Carattini Feb 19 2020

Jill Carattini is managing editor of A Slice of Infinity at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries in

Atlanta, Georgia.

(1) This is a line from a poem of Rupert Brookes entitled “1914.”

(2) Genesis 28:20-22.

(Continued from Page 2: The Journey of Dust)


Starting March 25th, a new bible study will

begin on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to

7:30 p.m. This will be hosted at the Gillespie

home and led by Pastor Cary. This Nooma bible

study is a series of short videos featuring former

Mars Hill Bible Church pastor, Rob Bell, and

involves real life situations. Group discussion

and fellowship will follow each video. Each

week is independent from the other, with no

weekly homework, and the cost is free. Please

contact Pastor Cary at [email protected] if

you are interested. Space is limited so sign up


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Larimer County Food Bank Drive – 100 Cans

for the 100th Day of School – Partnership with

Timnath Elementary School. WE ACHIEVED

OUR GOAL – We collected 1,155 pounds (315,

TPC and 840, Timnath Elementary

School). Thank you to everyone for your food

and monetary donations to the quarterly food


Grocery Community Rewards Program – King

Soopers and Safeway/Albertsons shoppers are

needed! We have experienced a decline in the

quarterly funds we have been receiving. We feel

this is due to the changes in the King Soopers

Community Rewards Program allocation

process and the security issues 2 years ago with

the Safeway Community Giving Card

Program. The grocery funds support the

church missionaries, the Easter and

Thanksgiving Projects, Presbyterian Disaster

Assistance and other mission projects. If you

would like to sign up for the King Soopers

Program or obtain a Safeway/Albertsons

reloadable card, contact Linda Porter, Mission


Mission Committee Bulletin Board – Check it

out! – Opportunity to learn more about the

projects and activities of the Mission

Committee. The bulletin board is located in the

Narthex hallway near the kitchen area. Let us

know what you think!


Thursday, March 26, Fellowship Hall

The Mission Committee is hosting the LC

Health District Cholesterol & Blood Pressure

Testing on Thursday, March 26. Appointments

are limited. Call 970-224-5209 to schedule your

appointment. An 8-hour fast is required for

best results. Medications are permitted.

Drinking water is encouraged. The cholesterol

test uses state-of-the-art equipment and

requires only a simple finger-stick blood sample

for immediate, accurate results. Results for

total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides,

glucose and blood pressure are available within

25 minutes. A registered nurse will explain

your results and offer health information. You

may ask the registered nurses questions about

your heart-disease risk and discuss steps for

leading a heart-healthy life.

Meeting: Wednesday, March 4, 10 a.m.,

Fellowship Hall

We invite you to attend the meeting. Mr. Jim

Nussbaumer, Marion Medical Mission will be

making a presentation for a mission project to

drill water wells in Africa.

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(from February 11, 2020 Meeting)

• Communion was served to 88 people on February 2, 2020.

• Plans were finalized for our church to host the Presbytery meeting on February 27.

• The 2019 Church Statistical Report for Timnath Presbyterian Church was approved.

• The food drive, sponsored by the mission committee, was very successful.

• The first meeting of the safety task force was well attended. More information will be coming.

• Two of the church’s exterior doors have a new lock system; information will be given to church

members, and policies will be developed.

• The thermostat control system for the church is being evaluated.

A building use request was approved for a Trails at Vista Bonita HOA meeting on March 18

(Doug Porter, contact).

A thought from a pastoral friend of Pastor Charley.

His Hands; My Hope

Psalm 31

“My times are in Your hand..." (Psalm 31:15).

Two very small words in the Hebrew text. Two nouns with pronominal suffices. No verb. “My

times; your hands.”

"My times; your hands.” I think of days when I feel ignored, marginalized, overlooked, forgotten,

set aside. When “I have been forgotten like broken pottery”—a useless, discarded chard (31:12).

God’s hands restrain and regulate the actions and attitudes of others over whom I have no control.

My times; your hands. I think of all that is contingent and changing around me as I age. Change is

not chance. God’s hands control and contain every circumstance, even events that seem random

and arbitrary. “God is the stability of (my) times,” Isaiah wrote. “An abundance of salvation, wis-

dom, and knowledge…” (Isaiah 33:6).

My times; your hands. God times; bad times. Every circumstance of my life. “Into your hands I

entrust my spirit (31:5).”

David Roper

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Register now for 2020 Highlands Summer

Camps! Pick up a copy of the Highlands

Brochure with information on camp offerings

from the youth board in the fellowship hall and

register online at www.highlandscamp.org.

Please see Cary Mathis or Mark Sears if you

have any questions.

Are you a maestro of music, an authority on art,

or a diva of drama? Music Art and Drama

(MAD) Camp is where everything and

everyone artistic comes together to perform a

musical in a week! Whether you love to sing,

dance, act, create, or orchestrate, MAD Camp

has just the experience for you. Register online

at www.highlandscamp.org.

It is the goal at Highlands that a child shall

never be denied the opportunity to go to camp

due to financial constraints. It’s people like you

that help make this goal a reality! Offering

donations to be used as scholarship money for

campers in need is just one way you can

support Highlands Camp as they try to create

meaningful experiences for all of our campers.

If you are interested in making a contribution to

the 2019 Camp Scholarship Fund please contact

Maria Shupe at [email protected].

Within our church the Concerns Committee is a

source of care, sympathy, compassion, and comfort.

If you have a concern, we are here for you.

Funeral Dinners

#1 Marilyn Pitcher 460.0682

#2 Zan Royce 630.234.3162

TLC Meals

#1 Jayne Sears 226.1949

Prayer Chain

#1 Paula Matney 225.0440

#2 Church Office 493.8996


June Haynes 484.1799

Hospital Flowers

#1 Bunny Goshorn 482.7849

#2 Church Office 493.8996

Hospital Visits

#1 Nancy Greenwood 691.7999

#2 Bev McBride 482.9386

There will be a Presbyterian

Women's Spring Gathering for

the Presbytery of the Plains and

Peaks. It will be at the United

Presbyterian Church in Fort

Morgan on April 25, 2020. There

will be two special guests who

will speak about the 2019 US

Mission Experience. All women/men are

invited. Please let Paula Matney know if you are

interested in attending this gathering.

From our bible study, Love Carved in Stone: A

Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments, Lesson 7 -

To expand our understanding of stealing

beyond the concept of disrespect for personal

property. We will meet on Tuesday, March 10 at

7:15 pm at Mackenzie Place. Sally will lead the

discussion and Jayne will provide a light snack.

Youth March Events

8 - Movie Day! Bring your favorite DVD, we’ll

vote on the selections, watch and eat


15 - Youth out on The Town! Mini Golf at Fort

Fun. Cost $10 (All Ages Welcomed)

22 - Youth make lunch together and play group

building games

29 - Service Day (All Ages Welcomed)


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Fourteen years ago, I never would have

dreamed that this ministry would still be an

active and well-loved part of Timnath

Presbyterian Church. As we approach our

14th anniversary, we’d like to celebrate all the

knitters and crocheters who have given

countless hours to creating over 1200 shawls;

those who have prayed for us and for those

who receive the shawls; the people who have

received them; and our families and friends

who have loved and supported us and this

ministry through the years.

“We celebrate the Spirit of the ministry, who

has encouraged us when we were at a loss

for words, and who has blessed our time

together…. Finally, we celebrate our GOD

who knits us all into wholeness, who enables

us to care for others, who encircles the world

in an eternal shawl of love and compassion.”

Credit: Susan Jorgensen, one of the founders of the

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We love sharing our craft with each other,

and with you. Please join us on the 2nd and 4th

Saturdays each month from 9 to 11 a.m. in

the Fellowship Hall. Children, youth, and

men are welcome! Quilters and stitchers are

welcome! Bring your craft and join us.

We will meet this month on March 14 and 28.


We wish for all of you a Holy and Blessed

Lenten Season.

If you are interested in helping to prepare the

elements (gluten free bread and juice) for our

Holy Communion throughout the year, please

contact Pat Alger or any member of the Worship

Committee. You will be trained, if needed.




April 5 Palm Sunday

Out of the Shadows

A Cantata Presentation by the Choir

April 9 Maundy Thursday

Service with Communion

April 1 0 Good Friday

Stations of the Cross

April 1 2 Easter Sunday

Sunrise Service at the Timnath Reservoir

Followed by Breakfast for All

(Time to be Determined)

10:00 AM Church Service with Communion

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Upcoming Volunteer Schedule

Custodian Usher Liturgist Children’s

Sermon Refreshments Nursery Counters

3/1 Lyndel (C/C) & Joan Saxbury

Greg Starlin & Mary Lou Zacheis

Debra Roedger Bethany Benitz Clarence &

Phylis Sitzman Linda Porter & Bethany Benitz

Mike McBride & Mike Doyle

3/8 Greg (C/C) & Leann Starlin

Debra Roedger & June Haynes

Clarence Sitzman

Edie Brooks Russ & Debbie


Pat Alger &

Joan Saxbury

Joan Saxbury & Troy Salisbury

3/15 Russ (C/C) &

Debbie Skinner Jim & Deanna

Addleman Mary Lou Zacheis

Phylis Sitzman Greg & Leann

Starlin Phylis Sitzman & Steve Pacheco

Steve Pacheco & Gail Burger

3/22 Gil (C/C) & Pam Fisher

Leann Starlin & Don

Christensen Phylis Sitzman Jayne Sears

Laurene Aldrich & Patsy


Cary Mathis &

Jayne Sears

Mike McBride & Mike Doyle

3/29 Mark (C/C) & Jayne Sears

Holly Salisbury & June Haynes

Troy Salisbury Greg Starlin June & Bob


Debbie Skinner &

Bethany Benitz

Joan Saxbury & Bunny Goshorn

4/5 Lyndel (C/C) & Joan Saxbury

Clarence Sitzman &

Doug Porter June Haynes Gayle Burger

Jim & Deanna Addleman

Megan Fisher &

Phylis Sitzman

4/12 Greg (C/C) & Leann Starlin

Gail Burger & Jayne Sears

Russ Skinner Amy Wimmer Troy & Holly


Pat Alger &

Joan Saxbury

4/19 Russ (C/C) &

Debbie Skinner

Mike McBride & Rosemary

Black Gil Fisher

Clarence Sitzman

Sharon Waag &

Amy Wimmer

Bethany Benitz & Volunteer


4/26 Gil (C/C) & Pam Fisher

Troy & Jared Salisbury

Jayne Sears Cary Mathis Russ & Debbie

Skinner Kristin & Robin


Thank You Volunteers!

Adult Sunday School is a time where we open

our bibles and learn about God's love for each

of us. Clarence is leading the discussion of the

book of John, we are currently reading John 21 -

Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish and Je-

sus Reinstates Peter. When we complete this

last chapter in the book of John, we will watch

the movie Jesus Christ Superstar. We start at

9:00am at the south end of the Fellowship Hall.

All are welcome.

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All Members Of The Church

STAFF Interim Pastor

Pastor Charley Blom

Clerk of Session

Phylis Sitzman


Pam Fisher

Youth Director

Cary Mathis

Administrative Assistant

Arlyn Atadero

ADDRESS 4020 Main St.

P.O. Box 99 Timnath, CO


CONTACT US (970) 493—8996


[email protected]

OFFICE HOURS Tuesday - Thursday 9 am - 4




Joan Saxbury


Gail Burger


Bunny Goshorn



Troy Salisbury


Steve Pacheco


Phylis Sitzman



Laurene Aldrich


Mike Doyle

(858) 232.6759

Mike McBride


Buildings & Grounds


Mike McBride

Christian Education


Troy Salisbury

Concerns Committee

Phylis Sitzman

Paula Matney, Chair

Congregational Life


Laurene Aldrich

Finance Committee

Mike Doyle

Bev McBride, Chair


Jim Addleman, Chair

Mission Committee

Bunny Goshorn

Nominating Committee

Troy Salisbury

Bunny Goshorn

Personnel Committee

Gail Burger

Mike McBride

Worship Committee

Joan Saxbury

Pat Alger, Chair

Welcoming & Outreach


Steve Pacheco

Youth Group

Cary Mathis



Phylis Sitzman


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For a more accurate view of the TPC Calendar, please visit www.timnathpres.org/calendar

The above graphic is a static representation of the information included on the website calendar and should be used as a guide only.