Margaret Frost Clip Art from ebible.teacher.com

Margaret FrostClip Art from ebible.teacher.comebible.teacher.com

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Page 1: Margaret FrostClip Art from ebible.teacher.comebible.teacher.com

Margaret Frost Clip Art from ebible.teacher.com

Page 2: Margaret FrostClip Art from ebible.teacher.comebible.teacher.com

Jesus told many parables that began, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like…” One day he told a parable and it said this…

Page 3: Margaret FrostClip Art from ebible.teacher.comebible.teacher.com

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed, which is the very smallest of seeds, but when it is planted in the ground it becomes the largest of plants. In fact, it becomes as big as a small tree—big enough for birds to come and nest in its branches.

Page 4: Margaret FrostClip Art from ebible.teacher.comebible.teacher.com

How is the Kingdom of Heaven like a mustard seed? Well, it started really small with just a few people in the city of Jerusalem. Before you know it, we read in the Bible that the church had spread all over the world. Today we see that God is being worshipped all over the world, too.

Page 5: Margaret FrostClip Art from ebible.teacher.comebible.teacher.com

The Kingdom of Heaven is also like a man who goes out shopping an finds a pearl that is so beautiful and is so valuable that he decides the he just has to have it.

Page 6: Margaret FrostClip Art from ebible.teacher.comebible.teacher.com

The man goes home and sells everything that he has so that he will have enough money to buy the pearl. The pearl was so beautiful and so precious it was worth giving up everything just to have it.

Page 7: Margaret FrostClip Art from ebible.teacher.comebible.teacher.com

The Kingdom of Heaven is that valuable, too. To be a Christian, to be a part of God’s church , to go to Heaven… are all so precious and so valuable that it’s worth giving up anything to have it. If you have to give up money, fame, even family, power or friends in order to be a Christian, it will be hard. But Heaven is so precious, so valuable that if you have to give up everything in order to obtain it, it will be worth it!

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Page 8: Margaret FrostClip Art from ebible.teacher.comebible.teacher.com

Parable – a story that teaches us something. Jesus told many parables.
